
Dark paradise

My salty tears stung the cuts on my once beautiful face, which was now covered in deep cuts which would end up scarring. I pushed further, my uncovered legs felt frozen as the harsh icy wind blew at them, I was stuck in this thick cememnt like mud that held the wall together, I pushed harder, I was half way through the wall, almost free. I twisted my head slightly, my hair was caught on something, I yanked and the stabbing pain in my head worsened, I wriggled some more then saw the rotten white bone hand. I screamed, I kept silent as the shuffling came my way, in a frenzy I pushed futher, my hand touched the fresh green grass and sunlight pierced my eyes. I was home.

A high piercing scream was heard near the wall then it faded, but it was followed my more torturous screams, I made my way to the wall then all I saw was a tiny hole and deep claw marks in the mud. Must have been a wild animal.

Just like people, seasons change.

I sighed combing my silky black hair out of my face, it was a strange thing but it was because I was from the Winter Kingdom, strangely enough, all the working class and middle have blue hair but the first class have dark blackish blue hair. Our appearences had to do with our family genes, born poor, always poor so therefore blue haired and eyed, born into riches, always rich so therefore dark haired and light eyed.
I felt the dress tighten then I gasped, I slapped the servants hand and she murmmered an apolgy, the dress was suffocating but it would do, it was a blood red, low cut and tight waisted. We used all the advantages we had.
It was our misson to win the Forbidden games, nobody knew what happened quite but suitable entries were accepted into the game and as time passed the number decreased and the one left could win the hand in marriage of the secret forbidden prince and his riches. Never in a thousand years has an ice princess won, ever since Imeliea. She was a true beauty, sleek shiny blonde hair, icy blue eyes, tall and slim, who was well-mannered and graceful but she had a heart of ice just like the top of the piere mountains and ever since then we have always been ruled out before the finals. Nobody knows what happens to the losers, they just disapear...

I felt the wind as it blew into my face, I ran barefoot across the green grass, chasing after my sister lilly, she stopped then we both collapsed on the ground smiling, the weather wasn't that warm but everything was in bloom, just like our kingdom always was. I heard mother call me, gnirps, that was my name but it was pronunced,"nirs" It was a silent G and P. I hated my name and I had no idea why it was so special, I would rather be called Lilly or something else.

" come inside please and bring your sister too darling," I picked Lilly up then we raced back, I got back first. My golden blondey brown hair was dropping in its heavy curls, I pushed them out of my face then I sat at the table with lilly. My mothers worried green eyes gazed into mine then in a choked whisper she said in a sob," I'm so sorry, nirs, we had to, we have to," She planted her face in her hands then cried and father rubbed her back and whispered reasurring words. I frowned in confusion." What do you mean mother? What has happened?" She faced me then said," The forbidden games, we had to enter you, the kingdom in struggling and the money..." I looked at her shocked, everyone knew that the losers who entered never returned and I would never win in a hundred years, but every lady that entered, her kingdom or family were paid for how far they got. I picked up the nearest thing then smashed it, screaming," HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" I fell to the ground sobbing, thinking that this would be the last day I ever saw my family, my friends, my kingdom and spring.

My bubbley laugh erupted, the room was brightly lit and decorated in deep colours, bright reds, yellows, pinks, all the colours imaginable. I lounged in the rays of the hot sun, my skin was beautifully tanned to perfection, my wavy hair was soon to be straightened as it was a bit wild but it was beautiful, a deep dark red colour. No one in the kingdom had my hair colour as it was rare, I knew I was going to win the Forbidden games as it's always us that wins, after all we are the most rich and most desirable season, summer. Just hearing the name will make you feel the warmth or in other cases, miss it.

Our seasons revolve around the forbidden kingdom, but the gates are opened once every eighteen years usually, all families aim to have two daughters so they can enter one then have another to carry on the line and to marry to other families, the average family has two daughters and one or two sons, but not many people know they had a gone sister, they usually have another child when theirs doesn't return but in rare cases the other chidren know about the gone sister but they usually try to hide the fact because it will scare them. But when they are older, they will understand as they will end up entering their own child.

Since all the kingdoms are separated we don't really see or hear from the others. I don't even know what a spring child looks like, nor a autumn child or a winter child but all fools know about them.

Winter last won a thousand years ago, it was their icy heart that betrayed them, they don't even have emotions, well from what I've heard but I know the last lady was a cruel queen and their second son later grew up to be a monster.

Autumn won about one hundred years ago because everything eventually dies and falls, after all their season is nicknames the Falls, the time when everything dies and withers away but you get to see the beauty for the last time and that is what takes your breath away.

Spring won three thousand years ago, honestly I don't even know why they don't enter anymore as it would be a fair match, but they are known for fertility as their seasons is always in bloom and children are always born. But they are very simple people, which is their one fault.

The beautiful russet leaf fell on my head and I grinned, my baggy trousers swished as I chased after my brother, it was forbidden to wear trousers in other seasons but not here, around here was mainly thieves or travellers, we also had the fairy folk round here, their other favourite season kingdom was spring as they loved the natural land. They left summer when they started to believe fairies werent't real and they cut down their forests, polluted their rivers and lakes, destroyed their mother nature and became a more advanced kingdom. The amount of skin they revealed was shameful, only going around in undergarments adorned with makeup and jewellery. I would have to say that spring was the most simple kingdom but their natural beauty was astonishing but they closed the kingdom off when the prized princess Spring was ruled out in the finals and they never saw their beloved princess again, they raged war against the Forbidden Kingdom and that was when the greatest wall was built, it surrounded the main wall. Spring no longer accepted strangers, they never forgive no matter what. Even if the problem was solved, they would still be a vengeful spirit. People claim that spring people are witches, and that they are, witches of medicince and nature. The kingdom had actually been named after spring, it was once much like winter, but then she was born, a commoner but with beautiful blonde hair, everything she touched gave life and eventually spring was born.

I looked out the window at the passing kingdom, it was beautiful, delicate snowflakes falling, the land white and sparkilly. I really hoped I would return to my home, I took my last view all in then closed my eyes. I dreamt of winning and making the Forbidden kingdom snowy and more like home. I will win.

I sat in the carriage, we were almost there, I was dressed finely but it wasn't natural for me, these fabrics weren't made for me, I wasn't cut out for the Forbidden games but I had to try for my kingdom, for my family, for Lilly.

I waved goodbye to my servents, friends, followers and everyone at the leaving party, I was determined to come back a winner, well I know I won't come back but I will win.

I yawned, this is going to be boring and to be honest I don't care about this silly game, I would rather be at home fighting with my brothers or stealing something, but at least I will get to see the Forbidden kingdom.

The princesses were here, they were to be kept in the noble area whilst the first class girls were to be narrowed down and then the top three were to join the three princess seasons. Johnathan called my name then yelled," Chrsitian, come and have a look a these girls, right fine bunch down here, can't wait to get my teeth into em," I shook my head disgusted, he ate like a beast and never saved any of the good ones for me. I jogged over there then saw Johnathan grinning and poining at the large crowd of ladies, pushing their way through were the princesses. I counted them, 1, 2, 3, 4. Wait there are four princesses, spring has entered, maybe they are willing to forgive? I looked at them all taking in their beauty, they couldn't see us of course.

Spring was beautiful but she looked very shy and uncomfortable, she was dressed in a long extravagant dress which was white, she was adorned with gifts of mother nature. Any forbidden kingdom person would recognise what she was wearing, the same thing spring wore about three thousand years ago, a white low cut dress which shimmered in the sunlight and just like spring, the plants leaned towards her and so did the animals. Her golden blonde hair was in curls, her violet gaze staring directly at me. It felt like she was gazing through my soul, she was a witch. I looked at the new sheet and saw that it wasn't spring, maybe my eyes were playing tricks, maybe she wasn't even here. I looked at the sheet and it had her registered down, gnirps, it was spring backwards. She looked just like her.

I looked at summer, she was luscious, dark red hair with skin tanned to perfection and chocolate brown eyes, she was in her own little perfect world and didn't even notice me. She was wearing a thin skin tight dress which showed her belly button which had a piercing. Her dress looked more like a two piece, she was flirting with all the men around her and soaking up all the compliments. Her name was sammile.

I looked at the ginger girl, she was autumn, her hair was coppery and mixed with russet browns, she had bright yellowy green eyes which reminded me of a fox, I really hoped she didn't win because she was the least attractive but it was her clothes that knocked her down, she was wearing forbidden trousers. She was eyeing up the other princesses jewellery but was staring at gnirps a lot but I guess quite a few people were though as she was beautiful. Her name was arinbelle.

Entering in a grand entrance was the ice princess, she was wearing a blood red dress which was low cut beyond belief and she constantly leaned over to reveal herself, she had frosty grey eyes and dark long midnight black hair, her name was silia.

I walked over to johnathan, we were very similar but all the fakes had to be the same height, hair colour and eyes, well close enough. We always had to wear masks as well, ivory white and silvers. The game was complex, the girls had to guess who was the real prince but it was very difficult the truth actually is that nearly all the fakes are related to thr prince hence the reason why we all look very similar. Ash, the prince was actually my cousin and I was the closest related to him apart from his unmarried brother, kyle. Kyle wasn't entering because they didn't really look alike which was weird but he had dark black hair and cold grey eyes whilst ash had golden brown hair with golden amber eyes, much like a hawks.

I looked around carefully, people were staring and the suffocating large crowd swarmed around us, many were loudly chattering obviously about me but hardily tried to disguise the fact. Up on the balcony I noticed a boy with golden brown hair and hawk eyes, he was looking at the girls with a hunger in his eyes which stole all inocennce from his young hard grimm face. His eyes locked with mine and I gazed at him for a long time till he continusly blinked and rubbed his eyes, almost believing I wasn't there. His gazed redirected to the summer girl then to the autumn girl then finally to the icy winter girl. The summer girl was self obsessed and only cared about herself, the autumn girl was more like a boy and was a thief, and the winter girl only cared about winning and would hurt people to win. I knew the summer girl would ignore me or befriend me, the autumn girl would keep to herself and then try to steal from us but the winter girl was going to try to hurt us to win and her icy disturbing mind scared me and it chilled me to the bones.

I smiled and took in all the compliments from the flirting boys and the jealous hostile girls, I know I'm beautiful, I followed the other princesses whilst we were taken to the hall. We were sat down and before us were six men all in identical masks, ivory white and black which covered the top half of their face, the were all the same build and height with similar eyes and simiar hair colour, all brown eyed and blonde. Two other girs, I'm guessing the over all winning nobels came and sat, the tall one was wearing a skintight dress which revealed everything, not leaving anything to the imagination, she was a brunnete and blue eyed, the other girl was ginger with grey eyes. She was wearing a big puffy dress which was blue.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.03.2012

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