
What a life...

I came from a wealthy family , I grew up on an estate of five hundred acres of land. The house was large, made from cream coloured stone, slowly eroded by ever pouring rain, from frosty winters. The inside was grand, walls the colour of cream and fragrance of roses, my home was fit for royalty. There was over three hundred rooms, my favourite room was my room because the four poster bed was draped in new silk from china. The walls were a pale pink and the bed cloths were pale green and the wooden floors were a slight shade of cream . When I was at a young age my room was filled with the finest things you could ever imagine, rocking horses imported from france, china dolls from america which were so realistic. I loved my home, the gardens were filled with flowers, a large maze with a large play house in the middle. The maze was my favorite place, expect the woods where my tree house hid, I kept dolls and many toys all over the place. The maze, was magical as it was the only place I could truely hide.
Things changed as I got older though but still I was happy in my own way, the saddest day was when mother passed away and unfortunatly father remarried giving my two older sisters which was hard because I was use to having one older sister but she was eldest and engaged.
Soon after no more than a year I had to put up with my two stepsisters, who were awful in their own way, not like the cinderella story though. They got all the attention from father, who never gave me attention, only mother before she passed gave me attention. Father was always absorbed in his work, but now he was under my two sisters spell and their mothers. I was sent to my room often, always missing out on meeting guest and future suiters.
Apperently I wasn't fit to be a princess or to take the crown since father had no sons. My sisters, rudith and lilith were going to take over. Rudith was a tall thin girl only 17 now, she had golden brown hair and dark blue eyes. Lilith was the same too, but she looked a bit more gingery to me but she has "golden brown" hair. Then there is me, I'm small only just 4'9, with the most unusual hair which is yellow like the sun but nobody in this country has that hair colour or for anywhere else but to make things worse nobody in the family has that colour. I am also only sixteen meaning I am the youngest. I also have freaky eyes, most call animal like, they are amber. Thats why people call me vicious, violent and bad tempered. My life wasn't going well at all at least things can't get worse...

Not true things can get worse

Ok so that wasn't true, things could get much much worse. Our country has just been taken over by a legion called the " Breakers" which doesn't sound good at all, even the name can terrify people. Nobody knows where they came from, it all started with little rumours from far away villages and little towns. So nobody really reacted, as this is a capitalist country; we only care for ourselves and those closest to us, as this is a world of winner and losers. We are the winners. Corection, we were. The strange thing about the Breaker Legion is they are small in numbers but yet they still manage to conquor us all. One distinctive thing everyone remembers is the uniform, their battle uniform is blood red, probably soaked from the blood of our brave soldiers who have unfortuantly lost their lives. I do not understand how such a "legion" can take over a country like us, we may be isolated and filled with many woods, rivers, mountains and towns. But we are strong, their soldiers had mere swords but our soldiers have muskets. Yet no man survied to tell the tale, they have been roaming through town to town coming closer to our home in the capital. Many sending messages to the palace have stopped, we fear something has happened to them. I sit waiting in my room, it had a great view of the gardens, yet again I had been sent to my room. 


I looked at my dress in the mirror swirling around in it, it was simple compared to my sisters but yet made from rich fabric. Tight fitted by the waist, I didn't mind the corset but thank god I don't have one from france like my sisters. French corsets are suffocating but made for special occasions, I think. My dress was a beautiful ocean blue with pale pink trimmings. It didn't have to be overflowing with decorations to be beautiful. Thats what I think but I'm always wrong, everything has to be overflowing with decorative items to be beautiful. Like what rudith says, whats the point of having money if you can't show it off. I don't belive in that and because I don't believe what I'm meant to, therefore I am classed as unimportant and unworthy.
I returned to looking out the window then I saw, red dots, more red dots surounding my home. A man on a horse got closer and closer, followed by a large group of men in red. By the time I had knew it, they were right at the door, the man not dressed in red looked up and saw me. I quickly slid down and hid. I could hear screams of maids, shouts of concern for my so called family, only me and a few maids were upstairs. I continued to sit on the floor hiding, I got up and saw nobody outside and all sound was quiet...

The deal

The king was sat uncomfortable, looking at the man and his soldiers who had defeated and slaughtered his whole army. He was dressed finely, in black which made him stand out but they all wore the same creast but his was embroided in gold. It looked like a moon, a wolf and a lamb mixed and disfigured. With writing in an unfamiliar language. It was the first time the man spoke." Who else is in the house, is there anyone upstairs?" The king nodded." there are some maids upstairs but I can't think who else may be upstairs," The man looked like he questioned his honest words. The man then looked at his daughters and then back to him. " my name is Brent minette but you will call me sir or your highness," The king looked shocked and held his wife's hand tighter fearing for his wife and two beautiful daughters lives. " yes, your lives are in risk. How about I make a deal, instead of you all being sent to the gallows we will have an arranged marriage but I will remain as king,"
The king was shocked and feared for his daughters, he didn't know what to do, the king looked in the direction of the stairs remembering his daughter arabelle. He had forgotten she was upstairs but Brent would be severly disapointed with her and they would all be sent to the gallows. As if the kings mind had been read, brent ordered for upstairs to be searched but only a hand full of frightened maids were found. Where was his daughter?

The king cleared his throat and questioned" when are you planning the marriage?"
Brent replied" two days,"

The king couldn't decided if it was lilith or rudith that shoud be wed.

New change

I crept downstairs wondering what had happened, there was nobody upstairs and it was so silent. I tip toed carefully, lifting my skirt up to my ankles so I wouldn't trip. I came to the room where I could hear the chatter, I peaked my head round the door frame but then the man in black saw me so I paniced. I walked backwards into a soldier, he tightly held my wrist, pulling me into the room. My father, stepmother and stepsisters looked at me kind of shocked.
The man in black smiled and then looked at me" I see you have been a hiding her, why didn't you tell me she was upstairs?" I could hear the anger in his voice but nobody else seemed to notice that. I was glad I was wearing my cloak, I know that is unusual but it hides my hair and face but also what I'm wearing.
" so who are you, little hider," I couldn't speak because I was so terrified.
" I'm nobody important really," he seemed surprised at my voice, so it wasn't strong and husky like every girl I had met and I didn't have this country's accent either which was freaky. It was quiet and musical like. My real older sister faye use to say it sounded like cool running water or like wind chimes which it obviously doesn't.
" take off you cloak little girl," great, so now he thinks I'm a little girl, talk about offensive much. So I was tiny, a mere 4'9 when my sisters were 5'3. I took off my black cloak and then they all stared at me with shock. I had yellow hair, amber eyes and a simple face. I was just so simple.


I looked at the little girl who had just taken off her cloak, her hair was in beautiful curls, hair colour like sunlight, and the most magnificant eyes I had ever seen. They were a beautiful amber, swirling and like melting gold. Her skin was a creamy pale colour, she was lightly rosey cheeked coloured like light pink roses. She had a strange aura of inocence and then need for protecting. The dress may be simple compaired to the two other sister but it complimented her. I now knew she was perfect for my son. I may have heard things about the secret daughter of the king and this must be her. I had heard many things, that she had never been seen much at any occasions, that she was different and stood up for what she believed in.

Yet the 'king' had lied to me, saying there were only maids upstairs and the girl couldn't be a maid since the fabrics she was dressed in were rich. She might be a tutor to the other princesses, I released a sigh, if she wasn't noble then she couldn't be wed to my son.


I looked at the man dressed in black, his hair was black as well but he had golden brown eyes similar to mine but not amber but still similar. In those deep eyes, there were slight flecks of blood red, even his eyes are stained with the blood of the innocent and only one word came to my mind. Monster. It was hard to break eye contact but I  didn't want those monterous eyes staring at me a moment longer. I looked at my sister lilith, her hair looked a firey red in the sunlight and I laughed. She returned a glare that could kill and sweetly said" oh dear sister, what may be funny?" she battered her eyelashes and pulled an innocent face. I narrowed my eyes at her and smirked. I copied her expression and said in a sweet sugery voice" oh sister dearest, I find you flaming bright red hair amusing because it reveals you fiery temper," She didn't stay sat down for long, she struggled to get up but her white dress adorned with pearls and diamands moved, she got right in my face. I cowarded away then pulled my hands to my face, fake sobbing and frightenedly said," oh sister don't hit me again, why do you hate me so?" She looked shocked then looked at her hand which was slightly raised in the air giving the wrong impression. 
The young girl whose name I did not yet know looked at me, her eyes widening a bit with what I guessed as curiosity. She looked towards the princess dressed in white, she laughed. Her laugh sounded like ringing bells, it was high vocally and was childlike. The princess returned a glare which was sharp and bitter. The sweetly and fakely said "oh dear sister, what may be funny?" then pulled a inocent face. The girl copied her expression and mimicing said"oh sister dearest, I find you flaming bright red hair amusing because it reveals you fiery temper," The princess struggled to get out of her chair since her dress had got stuck which was slightly amusing, she got right into the girls face but then the girl cowarded away frightened. Sobbing she said"oh sister don't hit me again, why do you hate me so?" The princess looked shocked but it seemed fake, her hand was raised in the air as if she was going to hit her. My son could never marry this girl after all she had red hair and wasn't as beautiful as the other girl.

I stood still, my sister sat down again but smoothed out her dress, she looked away from my direction. As if I wasn't worthy to be looked upon, my father gestured to sit, so I did. The seat wasn't plump or adorned with lace and silk but I knew I wasn't even meant to be downstairs so I sat on one of the chairs which wasn't for guests. I noticed the man was staring at me.
He held his gloved hand out and gestured for me to shake it, well thats what I thought but I didn't know much about greeting guest since I've never been introduced to the so called habbit.

My stepmother, step sisters and father rose out of their seats and slightly confused I copied them, the man gestured for me to come forward so I did and shook his hand. A high shrilly laugh was heard coming from my sisters and a quiet laugh from my step mother but my father just look ashamed of me. The man smirked, then shook my hand. " my name is Brent Minette, and your name is?"
I looked down at my shoes, then looked up," my name is Arabelle Farosa OrWell," I backed away as my sisters pushed me out the way, lilith held his hand then curtsied and bowed her head.

Her fake red curls bounced around and she said " my name is Lilith Rosabecatrine Desteoni Emaiile OrWell and It's a great pleasure to meet you," After that she walked away backwards and did not turn around. I almost laughed at her mouthful of a name, it reflects her dress sense; over the top.
Then followed her sister who copied the same actions then spoke," my name is Rudith Malindvonne Desteoni Emaiile OrWell and it is the greatest pleasure to meet you," she mimiced her sisters actions and speech.

Their mother copied the actions and said her name," My name is Elisabell Desteoni Emaiile OrWell," Her dark brown curls danced around and I looked simple and plain compared to my step mother and sisters in every way from my name, what I said, how I said it and the way I acted.

Father shook Brent's hand then said in a very low voice," thank you for giving us a chance," then in a louder voice" my name is George Walter OrWell and it is a pleasure to meet you,"

I felt rather ashamed of my self for the way I presented myself but I didn't know what to do and now I've ruined my chances and made myself look like a fool. I could hear the guards laughter, was what I did the reason for their laughs. I was bored now, I had no idea who Brent was well I know that he is something to do with the Breakers but I simply turned away and began to walk towards the door when father blurted out, " Arabelle you get here this instant," Then I felt a strong rough hand grab my wrist and yank me back to were Brent was sat. Father's face was disfigured with anger and a mix of disgust. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!" Father shouted in my face, I showed no emotion and looked him straight in the eye and honestly said.

"I was bored and thirsty so I went for a drink and to go to my room because I know you never let me downstairs when guests are here because you are ashamed of me and I do not want to embarrass you any further," I looked away until he let go of my wrist and once he had turned to face Brent I looked at the red marks on my wrist, I gave it a rub and continued to walk towards the door.
My father motioned for me to come and to kneel at Brent's feet but I had no idea why, the words they had spoken whilst I was lost in thought were a blur.

I sighed then twirled around, but I stood my ground, I was not going to kneel at this man's feet and grovel for mercy. I may not have been taught how I am supposed to act but I was taught to stand my ground. I looked him straight in the eyes and just stood there like a fool, but I didn't feel like a fool, I wasn't the one that groveled at his feet and begged for mercy. I may do what I am told but I wasn't going to obey orders this time. Brent's eyes widdened slightly but a slightly shocked expression was replaced by some type of acceptance.
I was bored with this so I left the room, as I walked I noticed soldiers were staring but then I noticed the colour of their eyes, deep browns to redish ambers. I had never seen colours like that, they all had a secret and I had a deep need to find out what it was. Step after step, I walked but I was tired after all my room was at the 8TH floor which was all mine because I spent my whole time up here and above me was the servants quarters but I never saw them unless they were doing jobs on my floor, my mother and father own the second and third floor, my sisters own the fourth and fifth. Their rooms are as far away from me as possible mainly because they don't really like me but they have to put up with me until I'm a suitable age and they will marry me off to some stranger in a far foregin land never to be seen again unless it's called for.
But I just have to accept this, sometimes I wish I could be normal, get married to someone I love and just live a normal happy life. But no, I had to be born a princess and to have the most unusual looks. I opened my door then flopped onto my bed, from downstairs I heard a few screams and my fathers crys for help. No one is going to help us, our soldiers are dead and all we have are staff and screeching maids. I gently climbed off my bed, only a faint swish of my dress was heard, I opened my brown oak wardrobe, carefully I sat down and closed the door. The smell was of srong perfume, dresses that I never had chance to wear, my mother had bought them. Which were once a happy hope for the future but now an unhappy reminder, they were too fancy to wear and my step- mother disaproved of them, she thought they were too tacky for her daughters, if in her opinion they were nice she would have taken them along with a mass of mine and my mothers jewellery. I still have a cluster of jewellery, she took some fakes but some where real, my mother never trusted people so she only told me where she hid most of her real jewellery. I still keep the most precious items and I wear the most valuable at all times even though it isn't a "lady-like" piece of jewellery. I huddled close to the wardrobe and my eyes gently closed and I was asleep...

Deep shivers rocked through my body, my teeth slowly chattered, my body was frozen but I burried myself deeper and deeper to hide. I had wedged myself between the wall and the freezer, so they couldn't get me, I knew with deep sadness I would have to come out sooner or later. The vibrations rattled my bones, I was weak from starvation and exhastion, I couldn't keep this up much longer and I knew the only way I would leave was in a body bag. I heard loud footsteps coming down the basement, I peeked through the long gap and saw long shadows on the wall and then a face looked down the gap. He was smiling, showing his large fangs which glinted in the darkness, in his silky smooth voice he cooed," Come out little girl, we promise we won't hurt you," I didn't believe his sweet false words, as I could see a faint red mark of blood in the lower corner of his chin. I sqeezed further back away from him, keeping my teddy bear close to my chest. A horrible snapping sound was heard then the freezer was yanked from the wall, I was left unprotected and in the open. He was going to kill me like he killed my mother. I screamed clutching my teddy closer, then man came towards me with his sharp fangs and then...

My skin was lightly wet with sweat, I opened my eyes slowly but it was like trying to lift heavy weights, I tried to sit up but with the sense of the world falling on me, I collapsed.

The big day

The young girls body was lightly damp, she was ill with fever, her yellow hair was in a large tangle spreaded across the bed. Her soft plump lips were parted, I felt a strong desire to kiss her but I knew what master minette had planned, he would proberly rip my lips off if I ever dared to kiss her. I stared at her inhuman beauty, maybe she was like us after all, she lightly shook and tremors racked her body and she whimpered in her fevered state. I could faintly see her dreams, they were long forgotten and what she believed to be real but told wasn't, blood thirsty fiends were attempting to kill her. I could get an odd vibe from her which was unlike the humans who were in the cells now, she was powerful but it all had to be unlocked.

I opened my eyes slowly, bright light blinded me and I covered my eyes, I was not use to the light. A light croak emerged from my mouth,"he-llo wha-aa-t dayy i-ss it," To my surprise a soldier came running to my aid. He had blonde curly hair, which shinned in the light and he had pale skin and reddy brown eyes. He held me gently around the waist, supporting me, he took me down the stairs then into the formal room. Sat at the gleaming table surround around soldiers was Brent, he was sipping tea and looking at a map. His dark mass of black hair shot right up as soon as I entered the room and in a sweet voice he said,"Come and sit down dear, are you feeling better?" The soldier supported me as I attempted to walk closer and I sat down on the chair. The soldier jumped straight away from me as if I was a repulsive bug, maybe that was all I was, a replusive ugly worthless piece of trash. My dry whispery voice replied," I still feel kind of ill but much better thank you, where is the king and the queen and princesses?"

I was slightly suprised at the fact she didn't call them her family but I guess she wasn't treated like family, I could see vauge memories which shinned off her like ripples in a pool, some were just terrifying to watch and it make me feel for this poor girl. Her "family" were locked downstairs in their own dungeon which was slightly ironic being a prisoner in their own home but it was time they had a taste of their own medicine. I just couldn't wait for my son to be wed, I wish it could be the beauty before me but I gave the father the choice and guessing from him he would pick one of his more obidient daughters. I sipped my bloody mary, which could have been mistaken for tea but it wasn't, arabelle sat their shivering madly and she was so pale and destroyed. I motioned for a soldier to take her back to bed, as she left she slumped into a heap on the floor and was carried upstairs. I pulled a photo of Faye from under the maps and wondered if this could be her long lost daughter but it could not be as well.

I woke feeling refreshed and as bright as sun shine, I had no idea what they had given me but it had made me feel much better, I climbed out of bed and as soon as I did that a bunch of women came running my way. In a cluster of words all I managed to pick out was," It's your big day,","Get the dress,","Put her in the bath,","We don't even need to curl her hair," and much more but it was just a blur, what had they meant by "my big day" ?

I found my self stripped then rushed into the bath, the warm soaps popped on my skin and it was like laying in a tub of warm bubbles, the bath was pink and smelt delicious, I saw several women working on me, some washing my hair and scrubbing my skin but then some sorting out my eyebrows and nails. I was dragged out of the bath then smothered by a fluffy warm bathrobe, sat on a chair I sat for hours whilst I had my makeup, nails and hair done, I was curious about they had meant and accidently blurted it out. They all happily cried," Its your wedding of course," They all seemed more excited then I was, but they weren't the clueless one. I closed my eyes, then felt the tightening of lace and the soft slippery feel of the material run over my body. I opened my eyes then looked in the mirror...

My wild mass of curls had been tamed into glittery golden curls, they bounced along, they had been half gripped up and that meant it showed my face, my eyelashes looked elegant and long and not like the child like stubs I remembered. My eyes looked brighter than ever, gold eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner made me look exotic which reminded me of egyptions, the dress was amazing. How I had always imagined it, it was so like my mother, It was armless and shapped like a heart at the top and then went down but tightly fitted at the waist and then slimmed out into a long train but what made it special was the shape of flowers which had amber and diamands sewn on. I wanted to cry from the beauty of it. The servants could see I was getting emotional and left me alone. Once there was no sight of anybody, I ran and ran till I lost my way.  I found my self in mothers cherry blossum yard and set up was hundreds of chairs. Yes, I do believe it's a beautiful sight but who wouldn't? The cherry blossum scent drafted in the slight breeze, the breeze gave relief from the warm sunshine and the light hit everything giving it a magical glow. This couldn't be real, an arch of flowers sat at the end of the long wedding aisle, every white chair was set out in perfect rows and this was all going to happen today.I breathed in deeply, this dress felt suffocating and the very thought of marrying this stanger worried me behond belief.


                                                                                                                                                             I tightly gribbed my sharp raggard black rock then tied the necklace around my neck, I always wore it because I had it from birth and it was special. I hung on a gold chain but the chain links were eyes and crecents.


                                                                                                                                                                 There by the aisle was him.

                                                                                                                                                              I looked at the man I was about to marry and from one look I knew it was Brents son. He had the midnight black hair but his was slightly curly, then the heart stopping golden brown eyes but they looked like melting gold. He was tall, very tall and dressed smartly in an expensive black suit which was the exact colour of his beautiful raven coloured hair. Thoughts ran through my head, question after question which left me with a dull headache. Why was he marring me? My sisters look better, they would be perfect arm candy and me, well I was useless.


                                                                                                                                                               I saw him starting to come closer, I began to panic so I ran. 


I sat under the blossum tree just glad to be away from the man, the scent of blossums drifting left me feeling calmer and relaxed. In the corner of my eye I could see him, my pulse began to race faster with each step he took towards me. Within moments he was sat beside me, I could hear him softly breathing and then I felt soft lips kiss my face.
I looked up at Brent's son then cried," Go away, I don't even know who you are!" I twisted away from him, my cheek felt warm from where he had kissed me, my first kiss was from a stranger who I did not know the name of and who I was soon to marry.   

He appeared suprised at my outburst and seemed upset for some reason, he came closer and stroked my hair whilst admiring it then murmered," Come on love, it's Aohdam Minnette," He gripped my maincured hand then lead me up towards the aisle; nervously I shook.

I don't even want to think of that horrible event, the words were long and torturous, I didn't even have to answer because I never had any choice in it, he kissed me, hungrily and wanting more. I could almost see lust wavering off him, I worridly thought of our honeymoon, his father wanted grandchildren and very soon but that meant...

I hurt from last night, each time I slightly moved it felt like I was being ripped and burnt, I whimpered then slowly attempted to get out of bed, I didn't want Aohdam to wake as he might try it again, I shuddered at the memory. I felt strange at the same time, I walked past the mirror then slowly backed up to get a look, my eyes were red. Red like blood, not my usual amber, a scream built up in my throat then I fell to the ground, my bones popped out of their sockets. Yet I did not scream again, the cracking and pops sounded so loud to my ears but everything did, everything seemed more focused and brighter. My bones shattered and broke, the scream built and built till I collapsed completely then I screamed. Instantly Aohdam jumped out of bed but he didn't look at me with fear, anger or pity but then again it was more of a look like a love sick puppy. I was a monster, why would he look at me like this? I slowly returned to my human form and aohdam just hugged me then put a dressing gown on me, he kissed my head. I shoved him to the floor then hurled into the bathroom toliet.

A few months later...

I knew what I was, a  horrible monster and the name of this horrible curse is Riouse. Turns out I was found in the garden and kept, these people were never my family and I sometimes wonder why I never suspected it. My mothers baby died during childbirth, to help with her sorrow she starting taking long midnight walks and on one night, the hole in her heart was filled. She found me, wrapped in a blanket and hidden under the bushes. All left with me was the necklace I treasure dearly. She took me and hoped no one would tell the difference, after all not many people knew her child was stillborn. I still felt sick, It has been the third time I have thrown up, but this time it was on Aohdam's shoes so that wiped the smirk off his face. I nibbled at the plain crackers and sipped the weak tea and I heard aohdam talking to his dad...

"I'm really worried about her" I heard Aohdam whisper.
"why whats the matter?" Brent replied.

"For the past few months all she has done is thrown up, eat, and well... get on the large size, she constantly has ankle pain, back pain, she is moody and vicous. Today she threw up on my shoes then started crying then started shouting at me and her eyes went red." I scowled at the comment about the LITTLE bit of weight I have put on.

Brent chuckled, I peeked into his thoughts hoping he didn't notice.... He thought I was pregnant?

Bad events

I sighed, all my days had been boring since they found out I was pregnant, I was confined to my bed most of the time because the fact I was huge like a whale. Some days I wanted to weep because I was so so fat!  Being put on bedrest didn't help at all but I know it's only because  they don't want anything to happen to the baby and they believed I was in a "delicate" state; but I wasn't.
Aohdam walked into the room smiling but I just frowned at him and he gave a questioning look. He sat on the plump bed then said," Whats wrong baby, is the bed too uncomfortable? I will get the servants to replump it if you want, or do you need help getting a bath, do you want me to get you something to eat? Should I-"

I cut him off," Enough, I am only three months in, I am sick of all this, I can do things myself, I want to get out!" I saw a flash of hurt flitter across his face he really looked shocked and kind of upset. I know he was just caring for me and was just worried for me but he didn't understand that I was fine.

He muttered," Okay, I'll get the servants to sort the carriage out and you can go shopping, I'll go get you some money," And with that he left, I climbed out of bed, my back clicked and I laughed. It had been a while since I had got out of bed. I picked a blue dress and slipped it on and I was glad I didn't have to wear a corset anymore.  I went slowly waddled down the stairs when Brent saw me he smiled kindly and his eyes rested on my rounded stomach. He was nice once I had gotten to know him but he was like my husband and in his eyes I could see the concern and how worried he was. He then guided me out the door, Aohdam gave me some money then he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and I went into the black carriage. It was nice to be out,I starred out the window staring at the passing fields and  then the carriage turned into the woods.  It was dark, gloomy and the howling make me slightly frightened; the twisted black trees scratched at the carriage and I heard a loud dripping sound. The carriage had stopped, fear and dread overwhelmed me so I locked the doors and wondered why we had we stopped? There was an awful wet tearing sound then the carriage was knocked the side, I unlocked the door and struggled to climb out the top. I ran, my feet getting trapped in the sticky thick black mud and I tried running some more but I tripped. My head bashed against the log on the floor, I felt my head gently whilst moaning from the pain, there was blood running down my face it was bittery and coppery. It ached but my stomach hurt  even more, I craddled my stomach some how hoping to stop the pain. The front of my dress was filthy, the woods started to spin round, all I remember was a throaty chuckle and then somebody picking me up...


My eyes felt heavy, like lead weights, the world was swirling and it felt like my body was a flame alight. The humidity was choking me; I felt like I was going to throw up and my throat was sore and burning almost like it had been rubbed raw. The room was dark all I could see was  the blood red satin sheets covering me and a dancing flickering candle which slightly lit up the room. I breathed a sigh, the room was unnusally chilly as frost touched what seemed to be windows and a delicate pattern had ettched its self into the glass. My curled hair was spread across the satin sheets, I had been changed into a flimsy nightgown which illuminated my already growing bump which  was out of proportion to my body as it was much larger than my small size and it dully ached because of its growing size. How big was my baby going to be? Would it be a monster like me? I prayed deeply that it wouldn't.

The door slowly creaked, I heard the light breath of a person, the floorboard groaned as their weight shifted and the door swung open.

HIs hair was curled and short, a deep chocolate brown that was glossy and bright and he had a wicked grin on but his eyes were an icy cold blue, so cold I thought I would freeze in his gaze.

I started to tremble but not from the coldness of the room, who was this strange man? His smirk vanished and a cold grimance replaced it and he flashed his fangs.


I screamed as that horrible nightmare from my childhood filled my mind.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2011

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