
Chapter 1 "Poppa Rou"

My name is Poppa Rou, but every body calls me Makaveli. I USED to make the ladies go crazy, but unfortunately If you’re reading this right now I am DEAD. Yes that’s right I am 6 ft under! But in my world all G’s deserve to have their story told! 

They say the definition of a Gangster is: a member of a gang of violent criminals. That shit ain’t all the way true. I was gangster but I would never join a gang for shit. That’s whack and who ever tells you different tell them Makaveli said quit letting the government define you!

Straight up I’m the roughest dude you’ll ever meet. What ever I want I get. If I need to step I’m gone step. I shake shit up when need to be. If I got to rob a nigga out their shoe laces I will. I get money, I get girls and I get gangsta! Living in this world has been a roller coaster for me and that’s why I ain’t alive right now. You want to know what happened? I thought this girl was the love of my life. We was like Bonnie & Clyde in the beginning. But


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Briana pass
Bildmaterialien: Briana Pass
Cover: Briana Pass
Lektorat: Briana Pass
Korrektorat: Briana Pass
Übersetzung: Briana Pass
Satz: Briana Pass
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-8935-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my brother Andrew Scott My Family, Friends & Fans Thanks Xavier W. for naming this book. May God bless you all

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