
August Baptism, Souvenirs and Sadness, The Rebirth, A Day Becomes a Year, Time's Deafening Silence

August Baptism


I could smell it in the air

That sweltering August day

The dark clouds progressing

Into a stormy armada of wetness

But as others hid I awaited it.


And when it finally arrived

I stood still as a statue

Enduring the total downpour

Its moisture saturated me

Soothing blissful rain struck down.


The gutter became a mad raging river

Feeding sticks and paper trash

Into the man-made chasm below

Cleaning it of old garbage

Refuse from both nature and man.


And as the deluge passed on by

I barely felt my wet soaked clothing

Or my stringy dripping hair

Wet in body but clear in mind

A baptism worthy of Heaven itself.


I hoped my soul would be pure

Washed clean of its sinful guilt

Of vices fanciful and factual

Supine fantasies of vice and desire

Unspoken thoughts damn hearts.


But having washed utterly of it

Only made it more powerful

Sweet relief quickly dissipated

Into the moving clouds once again

As if were so much candle smoke.


That muggy August day I learned

A mind is not a dirty gutter

To be swept clean in a rainfall

Lust only becomes more bewitching

And its inferno more vivid.


Souvenirs and Sadness


Souvenirs along with sadness

In life I have collected them all

For indeed without them both

Life would be hollow and dull.


The Rebirth


It wouldn't be surprising

That if on some dark day

The earth split and burst

And as the phoenix


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.07.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-6427-9

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Dedicated to the neighbor who lives with and puts up with Bernice.

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