
Adam Sparrow : Looking Back

Adam Sparrow stood nervously in front of the camera. He had gone years without posting, tweeting, snap chatting, or any of the multitude of ways to use or misuse the internet. His Facebook account never had more than fifty people on it at once. That included family and friends. What he was about to do was hardly groundbreaking. It wasn't planned. Adam had been going through a lot of old boxes. Everything from pictures of unknown family members to forty-year-old Christmas cards came spilling out. The papers were musty to the point of no return. Adam was about to toss the whole box onto the burn pile and call it a night. Then he noticed the handwritten stack of letters with the faded red bow. Adam knew what they were. Every fiber of his being wanted to burn them and be done with it. He knew that would never happen. Before he dumped lighter fluid on the pile he carefully removed them. Then he sat beside the pyre of his past and slowly read them one by one. Adam had reached his midlife without too much craziness. But when the tears fell from his eyes Adam knew this was something he had to confront. Not stopping to count all the "I love you" and "We will be together soon" lines Adam Sparrow had an awakening. He had only experienced true love once. It hadn't lasted. Maybe it wasn't meant to. The papers were brown and faded. Adam felt that way. Old and beyond the point of finding happiness. It was time for him to make a move.

As Adam checked and rechecked the camera angle he tried not to look to mournful. Adam hadn't given up on love. It just wasn't in the cards right now. Hell just keeping himself and the cat alive was hard enough. Dating and true love were two different things. The last time he had been out with someone his card had been declined. Adam had worked it out but the look on her face was clear enough. Without a little money in his pocket, he might as well stay home. As he strummed the beat-up guitar he remembered back to true happiness. It was the Summer when his high school sweetheart came back home.  The circumstances hadn't been great but he remembered every moment like it was chiseled on his heart. After her brother died, in a work accident,  she had to take care of his things. After school, she had run off


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.05.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-5783-7

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Thank you Tove Lo for inspiring this!

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