

You are worth it






Copyright © Frederick Abila 2019


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.






I would like to thank everyone who has made this book a success. This includes all readers everywhere. If you had not read my book, it would have never become successful. What is a book without a reader? I really thank everyone so much and I hope you truly find what you want in this book. I would like to say a really big thank you to you all and I wish you all good luck.




You are worth it. You are worth it in many ways. In your ideas you are worth it. Don’t ever look down on yourself. You are priceless. No amount of money in this world can ever buy you. This book teaches you about why you are worth it. It will show you reasons why you are worth living for. Why should you commit a suicide when you know you are worth it? Why should you give into emotional stress when you are worth being happy? From this book, you shall be able to know your purpose of life on this earth. You were brought onto this earth for a reason and until you find out the reason you are here, you are never leaving this earth. Are you in a world of frustration? Don’t let that frustration destroy your life because you are worth it. Why do you feel disturbed when no one ever approaches you to say you are beautiful or handsome? There is time for everything. I really mean it. You are worth it. You are beautiful does not change your world. Being worth it is the greatest of them all. Follow your destiny as you read this book and show everyone that you are worth it. You are worth a million dollars so don’t sell yourself for it. Your life is the most precious thing on this earth. Let me tell you now. You are worth living, helping and making someone feel happy and many more. Read this book and it will help you know what your worth means. My worth may not be the same as yours but let me tell you once again “YOU ARE WORTH IT”.


I dedicate this book to my mother Mary Abila who saw me through life and helped me understand the concept of life







What my worth means to me.

What does your worth mean to you? How do you feel when people say to you “you are not worthy to live a happy life”, “you are not worthy to receive this promotion”, “you are not worthy to be respected” and so many more? The first thing that comes into your head after someone says this is, “is it true”. These three words mean a lot to the mind. In real sense, the God who created everyone in his own image has


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Frederick Abila
Lektorat: Frederick Abila
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.08.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-1364-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedicated to Mary Abila.

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