
wolf? me? what?

We were on our families yearly camping trip, when I found out I could change into a wolf. I was scared and ran straight to my mother. I wanted to ask her why this was happening to me but I can't speak I only growled. When my mom saw me coming she letout the most high pitch scream I've ever heard. "S.stay away f-from me" she said with a knife in her hand. She looked so scared and frighten that I wanted to comfort her and tell her it was me but before I could I heard a loud bang, their was pain in my left shoulder. It felt like someone had pressed a flaming hot brand on it. I yelped in pain as I turned around, to see my dad holding up a shotgun and pointing it at me. I yelled stop but all that came out was a growl.My dad shot me again but this time he hit me just below the ribs. I cried out in pain again, I felt my self go back into human form. I looked up at my dad and cried "ow! It hurts daddy it hurts!" he just looked at me eyes filled with horror as he screamed, "y-y-you monster! " and with that he shot me again, "monsters like you don't deserve to live!" I was hurt and not just physically, how can he call his own daughter a monster!? How could he shot his own daughter? All these questionraced through my mind as I watched my mom and dad leave me behind as they left.

I was in too much pain and shock to go after them. I only had enough strength to drag myself to the nearest tree and lean my back on it. The pain I was in was unbelievable, I didn't know that their was so much blood in one body. I pressed on my wounds to try to stop the bleeding like I saw on tv once before but I couldn't deal with the pain. So I just sat their waiting for death to take me. As I was about to close my eyes I saw a black figure appear, it seemed to be a wolf but I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer as I drifted into the darkness I heard howls of many wolfs.

When I awoke I was in a unfamiliar room, I shot up and braced my self against the wall. I started to recall all the things that happened till that point in my head, when someone walked into the room. A black haired boy walked in and looked me over, I hadn't noticed that my clothing was torn in varies places. I covered up with the blanket that was on the bed I was sleeping on and glared at the boy as I ask, "where am I? What happened to my gun wounds?" the boy titled his head to the side as if he was thinking about how to answer that. "I'm James, you were in my trespassing in my territory." he answered. Territory?? What are wolf saves? I thought then I realized, "y-you are a wolf too?" he looked at me, confused by my question. "stop playing games and tell me your name and pack!" he commanded in a deep voice that sent chills up my spine. "my name is Leah Lopez, I don't know what pack you speak of" I answered. He eyed me for a second then he asked, "are you a rouge?" that confused me. "what's a rouge?" I answered his question with a question. James didn't seem to like that because he grabbed my neck and asked me again, "Are you a rouge!!??" I didn't know what to do, I didn't feel afraid for the first time since I awake. Hes hands seemed like a calming presences. to me. "I don't know what that is!" I said, "I just found out I was a wolf!" 

He let go. he seemed puzzled with what i had said. "how is that possible?" he asked. "how the hell am i suppose to know?" i shot back. i was beyond angry, first i was shot by my father and now i was being yelled at a interigated by some unknown man! “why am I here?” I asked annoyed and a little scared. He ignored my question and glared at me. I met his glare with one of my own. That set him off, he shifted and charged at with a threatening growl. I immediately reacted by shifting, my mind didn’t know what to do but my body did. i grabbed one of his hind legs and threw him across the room. He hit the wall with a loud thud, it only took him a second to get back up and attack. I managed to dodge most of the hits, I was winning until I heard a voice in my head. “stop!” the voice ordered.

I stopped for a moment overwhelmed by the voices power. He took advantage of my handicap and landed a couple of hits. I was in pain but my dad shoting me, hurt way more. Thinking of that made me more mad and I broke free from the voices control and went mad. “how?!” I heard the voice say, when I graded him by the shoulder and tore it open, he yelped in agony. i was about to go for the neck but two other wolves attacked from the behind, that made me even madder. “you cowards! Only cowards attack from behind!” I yelled at them in my head. They seemed to hesitate for a second before t they attacked again. I fought them, I took one out before several other wolves joined. I knew, I couldn’t win against this many wolves so I shot out of the room. They followed me, they were fast but I was faster. I wasn’t about to be caught, I had a feeling they’d would hurt me.  I heard howls of at least ten wolves. I didn’t know where I was headed but I knew I needed to get out of there and fast.

i rather die!

By the time I stopped running I was almost at a little town on the outside of the forest, I knew I couldn’t got into town as a wolf, so I focused all my energy on being me, being human. When I finally managed to turn human, I noticed that I was almost completely naked and covered in blood. I didn’t feel the wounds that much as a wolf but now that I was human I was in agony. I collapsed onto the ground and cured when I it the ground. “I cant go into town like this” I thought. I tried to get up but it was useless I was in to much pain. “I, at least need to find some place to hide,” this time I actually got up but I need a trees support. I could hear a water fall near by, I follow the sounded and not long after I reached the water fall.

I tore the remaining clothes I have off and carefully stepped into the water, I wasn't in to much pain anymore, I guess I could heal fast. I was washing the blood out of my hair when I noticed my hair color changed and then I noticed my reflection. The first thing I noticed was that my naturally red hair was now pure white. The second thing I notice was my eyes, they were the brightest blue I’ve ever seen, they almost seemed like contacts. the third thing I notice was my skin was no longer tan it was fair white.

“this has to be a dream,” I cried, “please let this be a dream.” I knew it wasn't a dream, I knew my father shooting me and my mothers scared face was real. I really had became a werewolf. I shook my head to clear the thoughts, I didn’t have time for this, I need to hurry up and leave before someone came. I quickly washed the blood off my body. when I finished I noticed something moving on the other side of the water fall, but I noticed to late. A boy, appeared on the other side of the water fall. His mouth falling open as he laid his eyes on me, luckily for me my hair also grew so it covered most of my body. I wanted to run, but something about the boy made me want to be near him. He had pitch black hair, that was just above his eyes, which were a dark blue, he was gorgeous.

We stared at each other for what seemed like hours, I don't know how long we would’ve been there if a wolf hadn’t appeared. I cursed at it in my head as I dashed away. “how did they find me so fast!” I thought as I ran. I could hear more wolves following me, I had to shift to go faster. I shifted in mid run, I could hear the wolves telling the other that I shifted. I let out a loud growl as I stopped, it was a dead end. I was caught between a pack of wolves and a cliff that leaded to the very water I was at. I could feel the wolves closing in, I could see how rough the current had became. I couldn’t help but snort, either way I die, I could get killed but this pack or jump and drown. A growl broke me from my thoughts a growl I now knew well. They black wolf was there in front of me, snarling and growling, that’s when I knew. I wasn't going to die I was going to join his pack, it was worst then death, when I realized that I jumped. I could hear the growls and snarls as I fell to my death. I shifted back to human and yelled, “I rather die by own hands then join a pack like yours!” I smiled, I rather die myself then someone else. Then it all went black……

I didn't ask for this!!!!!!

I could feel my body being lifted from the water and the arms around me sent sparks threw me freezing body, Shouldn't I be dead I shouldn't be alive! I thought to myself. I tried opening my eyes and yell at the person holding me but I didn't have the strength to do it, so i let the stranger carry to where ever he was taking me. I left my self fall into a dreamless sleep in the comfortable arms. 


I awoke again in yet another unfamilar room but this one didn't seem like the one from before it wasn't a hospital room, it just look like a regular room with the most adictive sent filling it. I tried to get up and run out the door but someting grabbed my hand and forced me to lay back down, like before the hand sent sparks threw my body making me feel safe and a strange feeling of comfort. I growled loudly at the hand though and tried to bite it but the hand quickly dogded it and started rubbing my head. 


I looked up and say the owner of the hand and I notice that it was the dude from earlier. "Who are you and Why did you save me?!" I asked in a demanding voice that made him flinch. "My name is Night, i am the alpha of blood moon pack." I growled at him after hearing he was an alpha, Me and alphas don't get along apparently. He hand his hand up in defense but contiuned, "I heard howls in my territory and went to invesigste by myself. Then i saw you.." He paused remember and he had the strangest look on his face it reminded me how my dad used to look at my mom, i felt pain as i thought of them. Night seemed to finally snapped out of his daze and cinished what he was trying to say, "I was going ask you why you were on my land but noticed you had a pool of red surrounding you and knew it was blood. I wanted to help you but the whole world seemed to stop when i looked into your bright blue eyes. I felt like we could've been there for hours and even days. Until those wolvees showed up and the next thing I knew you were gone with several wolves on your heels. I wanted to chase after you but it all happened so fast that i couldn't move. Then i heard you yell something like I'd rather die, and you were falling into the rough waters I jumped in and saved you." 


I growled at the end of it, "why did you save me? You fool, they won't leave me alone until he has me." I growled at him, making him shrink a little. I felt a little bad but i was to anger to care, i didnt know how i knew it but i had a strong feeling James won't let me go that easy. Something must've snapped inside Night because the next thing I knew, he went all big bad wolf on me. He seemed pissed off to the max and I shifted to brace for the hit as he lunged at me. 


"Summit rouge" He growled in my mind. 

Oh hellz no, that mutt isn't trying to make us summit to him. A voice said in my mind, 

Sorry i'm late princess, i'm rose your wolf, Alpha of all alphas. The vo....rose said. I thought i was going crazy but that wouldn't be surpise with the day i've been having, I wanted so bad to deny everything but I knew somewhere inside of me knew and accepted the fact that i wasn't normal and that i could trust the vo......rose that she's my wolf and that i could trust her with our life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2013

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