
He wasn’t in school again. Second time this week that he was absent. I was confused . . . well I was alittle angry. Only because Chase refused to answer my phone calls. And it’s not like I called that much. Just a few here and there. But never did I get an answer. By now, Friday, I had given up. I blew out a sigh and walked into home room.
“Jamie, what’s wrong?” I here Elana say from her seat next to me.
“Chase is what’s wrong.” I don’t look at her, she would probably smirk or something. But she just sighed and said,
“No wonder fate kept us apart. Neither of us need that guy.” I laugh.
“You’re already blaming him?”
“Why not?” She shrugs and class begins.

I try to listen and take notes as told, but its alittle hard to concentrate when your phone keeps going off. I got several texts from I didn’t know I wouldn’t look. One, Mrs. Gibbs was keeping her eyes on the entire class unlike usual. And two, if it was Chase I did not want to talk to him. So I let the vibrations from my back pocket go off and off and off, up until class ended. When I was headed to next class I got a call. Chase.
“Hello?” I didn’t mind the venom in my voice.
“Didn’t you get any of my texts?”
“Yes, but Mrs. Gibbs was on good behavior today.”
“Oh . . . well I had said that I have been sick for the past few days. I hadn’t realized you called.” He let a lot of plead into his words and voice. He knew I was mad, which was funny in a way. We just knew each other so well.
“It’s okay,” I sigh. “I have to go. Can I see you this weekend?” I let my hopes get up.
“I’m not sure. But we’ll see okay?” My spirits get shattered.
“Oh uh, okay . . . . Bye see you.” I say and hung up before he can say anything else.

The rest of the day passed slowly and I didn’t really enjoy it. We did nothing during the day, or as close to nothing as you can get in school and that made it even worse. It let my mind dwell on the fact that I was basically rejected. By my own boy friend. This was sad. As I was leaving I wished Chase was still acting normal. So that he could give me a ride, it was freezing outside. It looked like it was about to snow and I had to walk seven blocks of this. By the time I got to the 5th block my teeth were chattering.
Mom and dad were gone as usual so I didn’t bother doing my home work right away. So I thought the facts through,
1. Chase was acting weird
2. It seemed he was avoiding me
3. I had no life without him
The first two I didn’t know how to solve yet. But the third I knew who could fix that right up. I called Taylor and asked her.
“Well I am about to go out, you want to come?”
“Okay wear something pretty, like me pretty.”
“Taylor you pretty is slutty.” I say then she hangs up. I laugh and look through my closet. I saw the short black dress that Taylor had bought me. I had grown since last year, so instead of going to right above my knees, it’ll probably go to mid thigh. Taylor would a prove. I added a pair of stilettos, which I never in my life would have owned but Taylor took me on a shopping spree so I took the chance to wear them. After getting dolled up in make up and accessories I went to Taylor’s.

I knocked on her door. After a few minutes of shouting at the dog to shut it she opened the door for me.
“OMG! I love it! Aw, I am improving on you!” She gave me a hug as I doubled over in laughter. She glared at me but with a smile.
“Okay,” I say once I am full of breath. “Where are we going tonight?”
“You’ll see.” She runs upstairs to get dressed and I follow her. A while later we walk back downstairs, her in her tight and short hot pink dress. And me in my short black dress. I had to admit, we looked awesome. As we were driving in the car to I didn’t know I asked her,
“Where are we going?”
“Clubbing,” My stomach twisted uneasily in my stomach. I hated parties, maybe I was a nerd. I didn’t care, all I knew was that when I was at parties any type even clubbing I would hate it. And half the time something bad would happen.
“Come on! Once more! For . . . . Me?” She pleaded with me. I sigh but nod. She squeals and drives faster to our destination.
When we got there we got the right away. So no waiting in line for us. And by the looks of it, there was a long line. The place was coated in a fine layer of sweat and music. The bodies all over the place were moving to the music, and the ones on the side were ordering drinks or hanging out on in the seats. A few were way back in near the end of the building.
“Whoo, where to first? I say the bar, but that’s just me.” She slowly walks over, waiting for me to follow. I do, we sit down and the worn out seats prickle at my thigh. Before I say anything to Taylor I see Chase. He’s alittle way down the bar. Not only him, but the girl next to him. She was pretty enough, her blonde hair fell to her waist, and she had clouded green eyes. But unlike my curves, this girl was pencil thin.

Right now I didn’t know what to assume but so far it looked like he was on a date, while he was dating me. I move my eyes from the girl back to Chase. At that he sees me. His face says nothing, but his eyes are betraying. He looks shocked to see me here, but even more shocked that I see him with the girl. I narrow my eyes and walk out. I manage to grab Taylor’s keys, I planned to drive away. And that’s exactly what I did. What just happened! Was he cheating on me? Who was that girl? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I missed the car coming right at me.
Sitting in the hospital was different. I never was in one too much and the smell was weird. I wasn’t the one in need of medical assistance. A few bruises a couple of soon to be scars and a ache in my leg that was going to take a while to heal. Besides that I was fine. It was the other car that needed help. They got the most of the impact and both passengers broke at least one bone. It was a smash in, but my air bags went off, theirs didn’t. And I wasn’t even for blame; they were driving drunk and were in the wrong lane. Either way though Taylor’s car needed a make over. I called her and she said not to worry, then did I realize that she thought I was the one who was drunk. And that she sounded proud. I can never understand that person. As I was sitting on one of the hospital beds that they insisted upon I got a call from Chase. I sighed and answered.
“Hi, uh Jamie she was nobody I swear.”
“I thought you were sick! I guess not that sick if you can go out with another girl!”
“Jamie! I just said she was nobody and I was lying to you about being sick.”
“I knew that already.”
“Where are you anyways?”
“The hospital.”
“Wait, what!?”
“I . . . got into a little accident.”
“Oh my god, Jamie are you okay?” It warmed me that he cared so much; I guess our relationship was still in tact.
“I’m fine and they should really let me out.” I say loudly but the nurse just smirks.
He sighs in relief.
“Hey! Are you coming back out or what?” I here a girl with a thick German accent. I tense up, that must be the girl he was with.
“Jamie plea-“I hang up. Tears of anger threaten to fall but I keep them back.

When they finally let me leave I had to get a ride from Taylor. She used her parent’s car while hers was getting repaired. I told her everything about Chase.
“Well, brake up with him! You do it before he does.” She says speeding down the road.
“What if he’s telling the truth?” I point out, there had to be an opposite to this. It couldn’t all be bad.
“What if he’s not?” She wouldn’t give up and neither will I. So the rest of the drive we rode in silence. Was he really cheating on me? He didn’t seem like the type to do that. No, I decided there was a reason for all this and that was not the reason. I mean even if it was I would figure it out before he dumped me. But really? After all we had been through he would just get up and cheat on me? I had never thought of Chase as the stereotype, but right now he was fitting the perfect description for stuck up jerk walking around braking people’s hearts. Not that mine was broken yet, just alittle cracked around the edges. When we got to my house I said good bye and walked in side. I changed showered and ate alittle snack before going to bed.

5 missed calls. Or 5 avoided calls. All from Chase, maybe it was about today since I did ask if we could hang out. At about 11:00 I called him back.
“Hello,” Someone said in German accent.
“Uh, hi is Chase there?”
“Yes, but uh he’s busy.”
“He had already called me, I’ calling him back.” Busy, yeah busy cheating on me. Probably, no one was guilty until proven cheaty.
“Um, okay I guess.” I heard the air swooshing as the phone was handed to Chase.
“Now she’s answering your phone?” I say angry.
“She’s making sure I don’t get distracted.”
“From what!?”
He sighs. “I can’t tell you Jamie, but you have to trust me.”
“Okay, okay what did you call for?”
“I was going to call you over but . . . Lara came and . . .” I narrowed my eyes. Funny fact about me I don’t like to reason. Which lead me to do my next move, hanging up. So this Lara chick was who was taking him away. Hmmm. My phone rings and I about scream but its Mackenzi.
“Hey, do you want to go ice skating?” She sounded eager.
“I don’t really know how.”
“Yay! That’ll make it more fun. So you wanna come?”
“I guess. Come pick me up?”
“Sure see you.” I dress and wait for Mackenzi to come. I was so angry more than that though I was hurt. He said it was nothing, he was lying. I was sure of it. So right now it seemed our relationship was about to plummet. I threw my phone on the floor and heard a crack. Well now my parents had to buy me a new phone. Oh well.

When we got to the ice rink I stared in horror. So many people skating on the thick ice, so crowed I was going to fall in an instant. We got into skates and took off. Or well I clung to Mackenzi while she tried to help me. We went around a few times and by the 5th round I was good by just holding her hand. I felt like a little kid but I had to admit I was having fun. It was even funnier when I fell, it hurt but it was laughable. So then I and Ken would be laughing for ten minutes before skating again. I pushed her once, but she had good balance and just made me fall front ways. All in all this day was fun. By the time I got home I ached and was sore so I ate and went straight to bed. 5:30 I was sleeping.

My dream was insane. Me and Lara fighting head to head for Chase. I know it sounds ridiculous, but in the dream I felt so real. I could feel each punch and hit Lara through my way. I could feel the impact my hands made with her. I felt for sure I was going to wake up with bruises. I didn’t even know I was fighting for him, but I remember thinking I have to win. If I don’t I’ll lose him forever. It made me sad to think that was the truth.
When I woke up I was prepared for another no-Chase-day. But I was surprised to see that he came to give me a ride. I wondered if I should or not, I didn’t want to fight. I wished none of this had happened but I couldn’t avoid it. I hoped in and buckled the seat belt.
“You never wear your seat belt.” He points out as he drives.
“Well today I did.”
“Chase if you don’t want me to be mad at you quit lying. Tell me everything.” I can probably take it. I think.
“Jamie, I don’t know how your take it.” I give him a look and he sighs.
“I’m moving to Germany.” What! “And my parents hired Lara to come and teach me some German.”
“No, you can’t leave. I’m not- I can’t- let you.”
He sighs. At least things were cleared up. I mean I would rather he was not leaving but at least- for now- he was still mine.
“Next month.” He says quietly.
“My parents . . . . Felt like it.” He sounded sad, and I felt like I could cry. His parents felt like it.
“Is that what you meant when I first met you? When you said you moved a lot?”
“Yeah, they have some dream of go around the world. And I can’t just not go.”
“I don’t like your parents.” I say. When I had met them they were fine. And they had seemed to like me. But now they were getting on y nerves. How rude to just move without talking to your son? They should have asked if he wanted to go.

When we arrive at school I don’t bother to talk to Elana. But of course she wants to know what’s going on. But I don’t leave Chase’s side. He was leaving. I couldn’t believe it. Lara had joined in lunch and while I held Chase’s hand he practice some German nonsense. When we had to part to our one separate class it was hard and I was about to just skip class with him. But then I thought, you have a month left. I had a month this isn’t the only day. But it sure felt like it.

From the beginning to the end I and Chase were inseparable. And today he was leaving. He was about to board the plane and the tears over flowed. I ran into his arms and said a quiet good bye. He set me down waved good bye and left. And now I was alone standing in the middle of an air port. I felt sad and hollow. As I made my way back home I couldn’t understand how I would be able to get up in the morning and go about a normal day. I didn’t know but for now, all I wanted to do was sleep. And dream out of this nightmare.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.07.2011

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