
I walked into my homeroom class Thursday morning heading to my usual seat in the back of the class, but I was surprised to see it was already taken. I looked confused at the unfamiliar boy in my seat. He was decent looking, alittle more or less. His hair was black as night and eyes the color of sunrise. This surprised me alittle but not too much. He looked care free like he didn’t even notice me standing in front of him looking annoyed. The boy had a smile on his face not too big but noticeably. It would have made me blush if I wasn’t so annoyed. I heard Mrs. Gibbs call my name. I looked back at my seat one last time before going to the front of the room.
“I was going to tell you when you walked in the room but I was helping a student.” She said. “Chase, our new student,” She waved a hand at him. “Decided he wanted to sit in your seat. You don’t mind right?” She looked like she was pleading; I wouldn’t want to make it any harder for her. I sighed.
“Of course not, um where should I sit?” I knew where, but I would rather ask incase she could make a new seat possible for me.
“Well, there’s a perfectly good seat right next to Chase.” She said with a smile. I faked a smile and went to take a sit.

When I sat down I was surprised to see that Elana was next to me.
“What are you doing-“She cut me off by shushing me.
“New hot boy,” She whispered. “I have to get a good seat.” She smiled widely. Most people loved her for that smile. Elana was a tall curvy, widely popular black girl. By tall I mean taller than me. This is tall since I am 5, 4. She flirted with anyone that had a decent looking face and a good attitude. She always made me laugh.
“What about Bob?” Bob is this guy she has had a crush on since the beginning of the year. She flirts with him the most out of everyone.
“If he’s gonna ask me out he needs to hurry the hell up!” She laughed I joined in. When she abruptly stopped I looked at her confused.
“What?” I whispered. Her eyes were on the seat behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked. Chase was starring at us, not in a harsh way or anything but like he was trying to figure something out. I narrowed my eyes and just went back to my conversation with Elana.
“Dude, really! Just get over it! He’s just some guy.” I said but inside I wanted so badly to look at him. Study his features talk to him everything. I fidgeted but kept my head in the direction of the front of the class. A note arrived on my desk it read:
Switch desks?

I looked at her with UN amused amazement on my face. I shook my head and she pouted. I noticed too late that the note was gone from my desk. I looked around and saw that Chase had it. After reading the three words on the scrap of paper he raised his eyebrows. I wasn’t really annoyed that he had the nerve to take the paper but more embarrassed. I shrugged and felt my face get hot. He laughed and didn’t give the note back. I grew even more confused as the minutes passed but I didn’t think about it too much. I paid as much attention to the lesson as I could.

When Mrs. Everett finally said you are dismissed I was eager to leave. I hoped with all my heart everything I had me all that jazz that Chase wasn’t in my next class. I didn’t know what but something was . . . off about Chase. I was incredibly attracted to him but that wasn’t the point. I know a whole bunch of other girls will be all over him. And there are way better girls out there than me. I’m a simple dirty blonde with curly hair that can never stay behind my ears. My brown eyes were normal; I bet any other brown eyed girl had the same exact shade. But none of that mattered Chase wasn’t an option.

I sat down in my back of the room seat and looked around. No un-known faces were in sight. But then just before Mrs. Binkley started her lesson Chase walked in. I looked next to myself and of course; the seat next to me was the last seat left. Why was avoiding him so hard! Another note arrived on my desk.

Hey Jamie! Who is that!
I looked two seats in front of me and saw Taylor looking back at me. I scribbled IDK! On the note. Which was true, I didn’t know this guy that was impossible to avoid. I got the note back in two seconds.

Well he is super cute! Do you know his name?

I rolled my eyes and wrote Chase down. Below it I wrote he is just a guy get over it! When she read the note she looked at me and scowled. I smiled back and started to pay attention to the lesson. Another note came to my desk I was about to scream at Taylor but then I looked at the writing. It wasn’t her handwriting.

What’s up with your friends?

I was cautious with my answer. And cautious with even replying at all. What was up? Didn’t most new kids shy in the blackness? Not speak and just mind to themselves? Like I said Chase was off. Like you don’t know, I wrote back.

Your right I do know. But I wanted to see you admit it.


How self centered, I thought. But really I thought it was kind of cute. I looked at him thinking about what I should write back. He smiled back at me and it made me catch my breath. He raised his eyebrows and I shook my head and wrote something back. Not every girl likes you! I said though I put a heart next to my name. Alittle flirting never hurt right? But his response hurt.

Everyone but you right? Cute heart.
-Chase <3

I glared at him. But he just smiled and made a heart with his hands. I inhaled and exhaled slowly and made a response. Whatever don’t let the attention go to your head though. Everyone will get over you soon enough. I wrote back. He whispered a laugh at that. He didn’t write back though and I was glad for that. I have no Idea what I would say or do if he did.

Class droned on and when we left I was sure Chase was going to be in my next class. But he wasn’t just when I kind of wanted him to be. It was math easiest and most fun class. Easy because Mrs. Hubbard was an easy going teacher. And fun because I sat right next to my friend Brielle and we talked non stop. Brielle was a fun person to hang with she’s an alittle pounds over curvy girl. With pretty brown blonde hair she was a giggly girl. Most guys didn’t like her because she didn’t like them.

Lunch finally came and I went in line. The line was a few feet behind the actual door to the lunch ladies station. I got in the back of the line. I leaned against the wall looking up at the many pieces of gum that people had stuck there. I called it the wall of gum, mine wasn’t up there but I wanted it to. I was too afraid of getting caught to do it. Two of my friends put their gum up there they said they would pay me if I did it. I was still too afraid. Even though two months ago my new year’s resolution was to be less afraid. As you can tell I haven’t been too good at it.

Someone got in line behind me just as the line moved up a centimeter. I stiffened when I saw the black hair. Of course!
“Hey, do I know you from some where?” Chase said with so much sarcasm I thought he would explode with it. I slowly turned around.
“I don’t think so, do I?” I said with the same amount of sarcasm. He laughed and smiled such a grin I smiled back.
“So, why you here?” I said trying to sound nonchalant. Even though I really wanted to know. I wanted to know his past and everything about him. What his favorite color is even what he wants in a girlfriend. That was going way too far but I couldn’t stop.
“Oh you know, living in one place for too long.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, last month I moved here from Canada; too many familiar faces.” I joked and he made a fake laugh.
“Your friends are funny.” His smile growing wider.
“But like I said, soon enough you won’t be the spot light of every girl that looks at you.” I tried my best to smile but I knew my cheeks were getting hot; he was giving me an amazing smile.

I moved up the line and was able to see what was on the menu. Hot dog, with tatter tots and cherry crunch. I loved their cherry crunch nice and crispy; now I was eager to get to the front of the line. But not so much when I looked behind me and saw Chase looking as casual as ever. My heart took off; I was close enough to see that he had the lightest darkness under his eyes. Even though he didn’t look that tired he looked relaxed, happy, and cool. He glanced at me and smiled. I inhaled and turned around.

I felt the heat of the kitchen and practically floated towards it. When I got my lunch I went to sit at my table. Brittany and Gabby were sitting at the table. I noticed that there was no room left.
“Uh, Britt don’t you usually sit at a different table?”
“Yeah but today I am sitting here.” She said smiling.
“Okay, I guess I’ll go sit with Taylor.” I said annoyed at her. For the past three months she has been sitting three tables away not once did she even say hey or talk to us. Now she thinks she can all of a sudden take back her seat? When we already had to squeeze; I was left sitting on the edge everyday. I started to the benches by the window but Britt stopped me.
“Hey um,” She said catching up to me standing next to me. “You know that new kid in our math class?” I hopped this wasn’t going where I thought it was.
“Yeah?” I said slowly.
“Well I saw you two passing notes and um,” She paused looking alittle embarrassed. “I was wondering could you get his number for me.” She smiled at me pleading. I bit my lip and thought for a minute. I really, really, really did not want to! I sighed.
“Sure, I guess. I’ll ask him.” I plastered a fake smile on my face.
“Eeeeeep!” She shrieked. “Thank you a billion times!” She ran back to Gabby. Of course I was the friend of the hot guy that secretly wanted to date him but he had better girls on the menu. Read about it a thousand times.

I made my way to the benches and spotted Taylor talking to Janet. It looked like a fight was about to start and that wouldn’t surprise me. Taylor was the type of girl who wanted attention no matter what type it was. She’s a tiny blonde who always complains that she has no boobs.
“Hey, what’s going on?” I said as nonchalantly as I could.
“Oh Janet said that I was talking trash about behind her back but I wasn’t!” Taylor said
“Yes you were! Alexis said that you called me white trash and more!”
“Well she is a liar!” People started to gather around them. Wanting to see the fight, I thought about it and figured that stopping it would be better for everyone.
I got in between both the girls.
“Guys just shut up and walk away! Seriously, I know both of you probably been suspended one too many times.” I said not raising my voice. Barking back only makes it worse.
“Shut up and stay out of it!” Janet yelled though I say wonder in her eyes. Wonder like she was considering that I was right; they would end up being suspended. She backed up alittle.
“Stupid here’s right; my mom will kick me out if I get suspended again.” I watched as the crowd started to realize there wasn’t going to be a fight.
“Whatever, I really did not want to fight you anyways.” Taylor said sitting back on the bench. Janet walked away and so did the rest of the crowd. I blew out a sigh of relief.

I sat next to Taylor and started to eat my lunch. It was good especially the Cherry Crunch. I watched as the one remaining person from the crowd came walking over. I felt Taylor pinch my arm; it was Chase.
“Hot guy,” she checked her phone. “11:14 a clock.” She whispered laughing. I couldn’t talk, from this seat he looked like a model. His sunrise eyes were focused on me, which made me alittle jumpy but I loved it. Ridiculously enough, no guys ever looked at me like that. Only just a friendly face not a . . . well I didn’t really know what the expression on Chase’s face was but I liked it. But so did every other girl in the school.
“Hey,” Taylor said to him overly batting her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her.
“Hey, Jamie that was . . . interesting what you did.” He said smiling. I narrowed my eyes some how it felt like bait.
“Yeah well, anyone would have done it.” I said shrugging.
“Shut up! I am so grateful for what you did! Seriously I have been suspended like 19 times this semester!” She said not even looking at me.
Chase laughed.
“What?” I said smiling, though I knew exactly what. Taylor is trying to get his attention and he finds it funny. I would find it funny when he can’t find an answer and says the truth. Then Taylor would get hurt feelings from the hottest guy in school.
“Oh nothing, I just find it funny that someone as tiny and cute as Taylor gets in so much trouble.” He shot my smile right back at me. I glared at him but noticed when Taylor giggled and elbowed me in the ribs.

The bell rang and I got up to dump my tray, I was followed. I watched as the tray splattered into the trash can, not wanting to look at what was in front of me. I inhaled and spoke before he could.
“You are such a funny person!” I said with the biggest smile I could manage. He laughed.
“Oh but I was serious.” My heart stopped and even though I knew this was going to happen I couldn’t help feeling sorry for myself. So Taylor was going to get what she wanted and I was going to be watching from the back round. But then he continued and I became confused.
“You really are an interesting person.” He said the smile become less laughs and more concern. I couldn’t stop my heart from racing at UN human speeds. My mind was trying to think of anything to say that wouldn’t come out stupid or unreal. I bit my lip. Thanks? You are too? Nothing was coming to mind. So I just nodded.
“Do I get anything nice back?” He smiled.
“Of course,” I thought and thought and only one thing came to mind. “You’re cute.” I didn’t mean for it to be bait. Or I did but part of it was true. He was amazingly cute, handsome, and hot. All of that! He laughed then turned to walk away.
“Wait!” I called after him.
“What?” He walked back over.
“I want to walk away first.” I said walking away laughing. I heard him chuckle behind me and then I was gone.

School ended with my last three classes not involving Chase. This disappointed me alittle; I mean all morning I wanted to avoid him and just when I wanted to see him fate went against me! Just as it always has. I walked home as I always did; loving mom and dad were too cheap to buy me a car. They had offered to buy me a used old car that could barely run but I turned them down. When I get a car I want it to be nice and cool, not the junk car they could buy without spending their “important” money. My parents were loaded, but they didn’t like to spend money. This made sense but really! They spent more on me when I was little than now when I can really use the stuff.

I walked through the many streets of my little old town and finally arrived at my house. It’s one of those really big old houses that you see when you go through old towns. Like Dover Delaware where I actually live. I looked at the old flower patch that my mom had tried growing; our dog had dug it up numerous times, there was just no point. I remembered she dreamed of having lilies and tulips. Then roses in the far corner, and some sunflowers. I asked her for the sunflowers because cheesy enough, they were my favorite. And I loved to eat sun flower seeds in the summer time. But it never worked so instead each weekend we would buy flowers and put them in a vase in the kitchen. It was kind of like our way of a garden, a dog proof garden.

I walked into the house already knowing that our dog Ollie would come running to sniff me. I had asked for him four years ago. Mom’s friend had a black lab puppy she didn’t want so we took him in. Mom always joked that his full name was Ollie Ollie Oxen Free thinking of her childhood hide and seek game.
“Mom, Dad?” I shouted. I looked into the living room and the kitchen but only to find out they were taking naps. I hadn’t woken them up but Dad’s arm fell off the bed. Dad’s a brown haired blue eyed pretty boy. Or that’s what I call him. He and my mom are the same height, and kind of like me my mom had blonde hair but blue eyes. She always made everyone laugh and all my friends thought she was cool, which was so strange it was laughable.
I took myself and my book bag back downstairs and into the kitchen. To eat a snack and do home work. Funny fact I am a procrastinator. So instead of doing homework I started to text my friends. A minute later Britt texted back

Did you get that guys number?

I completely forgot to ask him! God, what am I going to do? I didn’t know so I just wrote back his name is Chase! Two seconds later,

Really? That’s sooooo hot!

I knew I wasn’t going to be the only girl thinking he was good looking but I didn’t think it was going to be this hard. But I didn’t want to tell that I unbelievably liked him. That would give him too much satisfaction and I would be very embarrassed. So I wrote back why do you like him so much you don’t even know him. What if he’s like a robber or something. Her response made me laugh.

What do you know him? And anyways he’s not a robber! But if he was he would be a hot robber! If he was I wouldn’t mind if he robbed me!

-I <3 Chase!

I didn’t reply if I did I don’t know what I would have said.

I finished home work earlier than I thought I would and wasn’t really hungry so I went to take a shower as I usually did when I had nothing else to do. When I got out and was in pajamas I heard mom and dad downstairs. I walked down and saw they were making dinner together. They hadn’t done that in forever; dad always thought that mom was too slow for him.
“Hey guys, having fun?” I asked.
“Yup, oh Gabby’s mom called; we invited them over for dinner.” Mom said this surprised me but I was fine with it.
“What are we having?” I hoped it wasn’t meat loaf or something gross like that. But the smell was better almost like . . .
“Tacos, your favorite.” Dad said in his gruff voice. I jumped up and down shouting whoo! I always acted goofy around my family to show them I was just fine. They always used to think I was depressed or something because I am always reading and not talking too much. I was and am perfectly happy.

When our guest arrived dinner was ready so we went to eat. When we were all seated I asked the first question.
“Why come over?” I asked, but then regretted it when I saw Gabby’s face go sad.
“What?” I asked.
“Brielle, you didn’t tell her yet?” I had almost forgotten Gabby’s full name. Her mom had named her Gabriella but she didn’t like the nick name Gabby so she called her Brielle. When we first hung out I called her Gabby but her mom like I said didn’t like it.
“Didn’t tell me what?”
“Jamie, honey me and Brielle and her brother and her dad are moving.” My jaw dropped.
“No! You can’t move! I mean what . . . I can’t . . . I mean you can’t . . .” I didn’t know what to say. My best friend in the world could not move! Before Elana and all my other friends Gabby was the only one. She couldn’t move!
“I am so sorry Jamie; I wanted to tell you but . . . But we’re going to England! I mean I am so excited! But I am going to miss you so much!” She smiled at me sad; I didn’t want to make it any harder than it had to be. I mean I wanted to scream I wanted to shout and fight. Tell them they had to stay that they couldn’t go! But that would make it harder on Gabby and I didn’t want that. So I put my brave face on.
“That’s great Gabby really! I mean England! Take pictures and send them to me! Why are you going though?”
“My dad’s job . . .” She trailed off.
I just nodded. “When are you-“
“Tonight, well tomorrow morning; 2; 00 a clock.” She grimaced. I had to blink a few times before the tears went away.

Before leaving I had Gabby come up to my room and take some stuff of mine that she had always wanted. We laughed about all the old stories then cried at the sad parts. We hugged and when she left I felt hollow inside. I woke up the next morning with red puffy eyes. I put on foundation and concealer and headed outside. I didn’t wait to say bye to my parents; I wasn’t in the mood. They would understand though, Gabby was a really good friend. When I was done in my locker I got an unexpected hug from Elana.
“Oh Jamie! Aren’t you gonna miss her?” I nodded and swallowed back tears. I walked into home room and saw Chase smiling his amazing smile but this time I wasn’t taken away by it. It just made me more miserable. I sat down and he turned to me, I put my hand in his face.
“I am not in the mood today for any banter or laughing or smiling.” I said laying my head on my desk; I remembered when any guy talked to Gabby she would snap on him. Everyone said she would die alone because she couldn’t be nice to a single guy. The thought made the smallest smile come to my face.
“Whoa what’s your problem?” He said still smiling but I thought I heard the tiniest amount of concern.
“Why do you care?” I didn’t care when my voice came out croaked or rude.
“Why wouldn’t I?” His smile faded and it was all concern. I sighed.
“My best friend moved to England, and I will miss her very, very much.” It felt alittle better to say it out loud.
“Oh, I am sorry about that.”
“You’re serious?” He raised his eyebrows. “I mean like, I don’t know.” I buried my face in my hands. I froze when I felt his hand rubbing my back. But then I figured it was just a caring gesture. Just him rubbing my back soothed me.
“Thanks but I need to quit being a baby.” I said shaking my hair with my hands.
“No you don’t, friends are important. I don’t have any so I don’t understand but hey I read.” I looked at him confused.
“You’re joking,” fake laugh. “You have friends.” He shrugged, “Eh, kind of. More or less.” Mrs. Everett started to talk and his hand slipped from my back and I felt sad again.

We sent notes through out first period and I felt happy all over again. He listened to what I said and none of his notes were rude in any way. We just talked like we were having an actual conversation. And I learned his favorite color! Neon Orange! My third favorite color! When class ended we walked to our next class together. But then my heart sank to my toes when I saw Taylor sitting right in between where me and Chase sat. I numbly walked to our seats and sat down. Chase looked confused at where Taylor was sitting as she was again batting her eye lashes. He sighed and sat down, as soon as he did that Taylor’s first note was at his desk. I could only imagine what it said; hey I am Taylor the one you called cute! Do you wanna go out? Then he would say yes and eight months later they would brake up and he would realize he belongs with me. My first chuckle since Brielle left.

Chase raised his eye brows at me and a note arrived.

Feeling better?

I inhaled so deeply I coughed; when I was little inhaling and exhaling would always calm me down. If I was about to cry or scream or anything. Even at Fright Land, when one of those people in costumes tried to grab at me. My friends were shocked that I didn’t scream once. Just thinking of something funny . . . like you and Taylor I had added a smiley face next to my name. He whispered a laugh and Taylor looked between the two of us to see what was going on.

Laugh all you want, she’s kinda getting on my nerves.

I wanted so badly to shove that note in Taylor’s face. I could feel my heart swelling against my ribs. He didn’t like her the least bit! I folded the note and put it in my pocket just incase I needed to use it on Taylor. I got out a new sheet of paper and wrote you’re the one that called her cute and tiny. His response was

Whatever, you’re the one that made me
I made you! No I didn’t! You said that all your own trying to get me mad! I wrote back, I guess the no rudeness was out.

Ha-ha! You wish! But good excuse!

I glared at him and didn’t respond. What was with him! One minute he could be the sweetest guy in the world but the next the worst! I tried not to notice when their notes started to come and go as quickly as ours did. The lesson was UN equivalent to the smiles that were given to Taylor and all the notes. And the way she giggled silently to some of them. I knew he was doing this to get me mad exactly as I was.

Inhale and exhale I don’t know how many times I did that but soon enough class ended. I thanked my lucky stars that he wasn’t in my next class. Mackenzi came to sit next to me in Math now that Gabby was gone. My pain from Chase had completely masked the pain of Gabby. I hadn’t even noticed when someone took her spot.
“Hey Jamie, how you feeling? You look down.” Mackenzi was a nice person, but she could get smart with people when she had to. She’s about my height but paler. And her hair was a darker than mine and eyes the color of the sea.
“Well as you know Gabby left today . . .”
“Oh I know I am so sorry! Do you want me to leave?” I shook my head.
“Of course not,”
“But anyways I meant you look “dumped by a guy” sad.” She said alittle shyly.
“Oh . . .” I didn’t know what to say.
“What happened? Is it someone I know?”
“No, and I wasn’t dumped. Just, insulted kind of.” I said.
“Oh, well did you get last night’s homework?” She asked and besides helping her I tuned out.

Maybe he was being rude to me on purpose so I would forget about Gabby. To anyone else this would sound incredible stupid, but from what I have observed this is something Chase would do. It was smart in a way. And it reminded me of what my uncle used to tell me when I complained about something hurting. He would say “do you want me to punch you in the arm so that doesn’t hurt anymore?” I would always say no but each time he would ask that. After a few years he had stopped asking and I kind of missed it.

Before I knew it everyone was leaving the class room. I got up slowly, and walked to my locker slowly. I did everything slowly and when I finally made it to the lunch line I was glad that the line was so long. I leaned against the wall looking at Gabby’s gum, a little pink piece that, if you weren’t looking for it, you would have never seen it. I smiled at the fact that she was braver than me.

I leaned back against the wall and let my eyes shut, but then I felt someone stroke my cheek. My eyes opened and I saw Chase. He was smiling and it was true. He did it all – the rudeness, the smiling, everything – was to help me forget about Gabby. I smiled.
“Thank you, I think.” Still smiling, with his touch lingering on my cheek.
“Your welcome, but now I have Taylor on my back.”
“I’m sorry; I wonder why Elana hasn’t attacked you yet. She’s more boy obsessed than Taylor.” My smile didn’t fade.
“Oh she has, after school.” My smile faded, I almost choked.
“Really?” I said after I got my breath.
He nodded, but he didn’t look happy about which brought me back. It felt weird in a way but I felt like I knew him. I knew he was doing all of this for me, and I only got kind of mad. I was more upset about Gabby less than him. I looked at what was on the menu. Chicken Patty, with beans and leftover Cherry Crunch. I already knew what I was getting.
“Do you have anywhere to sit today?” I heard Chase ask behind me. I turned around.
“Huh, oh I don’t know. You do?”
“Well I . . . bribed some kids to let me have half their table as long as I got them dates to dances . . .” He didn’t look guilty just happy. He was always happy I noticed, the only time he wasn’t was when he was talking to Taylor or something.
“I guess, I don’t think I wanna sit at my old table now that Gabby’s gone. I don’t like her friends.” I smiled and laughed. He laughed with me and then I started to feel the heat of the food. And smell it.
I got my lunch and followed Chase to his half table. At one end it was empty on the other were a few kids I knew. Most were nerds. I sat down and Chase sat across from me.
“What class did you have before this?” I asked curiously.
“Why you want to switch classes and be in it with me?” He smiled. I shot him a warning glare and he slapped the palm of his hand to his forehead.
“Sorry, I have Social Studies.”
“Oh I have that next, I hate it.”
“It’s not that bad. I like learning about the past. How we have evolved.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.
“You were wrong. I am not the interesting one. I think you are.” I said taking a bite of the Cherry Crunch.
“Now that’s where you are so wrong.” I looked at him confused.
“Why am I-“I was cut off by Taylor. Who came over and sat right next to Chase. She scooted close to him, so much that there was nothing in between them.
“Hey Chase! Hey Jamie, what’s up guys?” She took a bite of her food and leaned on the table with her elbow. I put on my best fake smile. “Nothing, just eating lunch.” I held up my chicken patty.
“What about you Chase.” She nudged him with her hip. I silently inhaled and exhaled slowly. Hoping no one heard me. He glanced at me, quickly though I bet Taylor didn’t even notice.
“Nothing, eating as you would in the cafeteria.” He said with a hint of annoyance. I let a small smile slip on my lips.
“Oh well I was wondering-“I cut Taylor off because I knew where this was going; there was a dance going on next weekend. Everyone was asking everyone to go. I could not and would not let Taylor ask her out.
“Chase I need your number,” He raised his eyebrows. “For my friend Brittany.” I nodded my head in the direction of her table. I knew this was helping nothing; after a few texts and a few smiley faces the text do you wanna go to the dance with me? Will pop up. But I would rather have it happen later when I can’t stop than now when I can.
“Sure,” He took out a piece of paper and wrote it down. I took it and looked at the numbers. I had to be sure to put it down in my phone before I gave it to Britt.

Taylor looked at me glaring. I knew what she was thinking but did she really think she was the only one that had a major crush on him?
“What was that about?” She mouthed. I smiled apologetically at her. Though as you might have guessed I didn’t mean it. I was incredibly mad at her. Why did she think she could have him? Did she not realize Chase pretty much hated her? Of course she didn’t, she thought he was the best guy in the world. It’s not fair; she’s living the love life of a lie! I hate jealousy.
“Uh, I got to run; have to be early for class.” Chase said giving me –not Taylor – a little wave. When he was gone Taylor screamed at me.
“What is with you? He is so hot and I was about to ask him to the dance!” I narrowed my eyes at her.
“Well do you really think he was going to say yes?” I yelled right back. This struck her.
“Why wouldn’t he? I mean we were flirting in first class. . .” She looked sad and I felt all of a sudden guilty. I sighed.
“I am sorry, I . . .” I didn’t know what to say. “Just forget I said anything.”
“Okay, but-“
“Fine.” I got up and dumped my tray. I walked slowly to my class. When I got there I didn’t really pay attention. I made a mistake with saying anything to Taylor. But jealousy was eating me alive! If I didn’t say anything I was going to combust. I silently sat through the rest of my classes.

I left the school with my back pack being unreasonably heavy; I had to bring my books home to study. I walked sluggishly slow and sweated under the heat. School was going to end in a month or two and summer was coming. I looked at my surroundings; about seven more blocks to go. I really did not want to. I prayed for a miracle to come and pick me up. And one came.
“Hey you!” I heard Chase call. I turned around and saw him cruising in a black Mustang convertible with the roof down.
“Oh my god, your car! It’s-“I was going to say hot, but he cut me off.
“Willing to give you a ride. You know if you want one.” Of course I wanted a ride! I would be crazy not to accept.
“Sure,” I hoped in and looked at him. Chase looked so relaxed in his cool Mustang. The sun shone down on his black hair and eyes, the both shone. I wanted to run my fingers through his hair so badly right there.
“So where do you live?” He asked starting to drive; I loved the feel of the wind through my hair.
“You know those big houses you have to pass to go through all of Dover?”
“You live there?” He sounded surprised.
“Yeah, the big blue one.” I say fiddling with the seat belt.
“Okay, you know you should really put that on.” He pointed to my seatbelt. “We could get in a car accident.”
“Nah, I trust you.” I say alittle jokingly and alittle truthful. At that his arm went around my shoulders. I, like I did before, tensed, but more than that felt warm. His touch sent an electric shock through me right down to my toes.

We sat there for the next seven blocks till he pulled into my drive way. His arm slipped and I didn’t feel warm anymore. I felt hollow and sad.
“Well I’ll see you tomorrow, and thanks for the ride.” I opened the door and made my way out. Before I walked in I heard him beep the horn five times. I laughed and walked inside the rest of the way.
I found a note on the walk way table saying that my parents were out at a work party so they wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I called and asked if I could have alittle friend party and they said sure so I called up everyone on my phone book. Well not everyone mostly Elana, Britt, Taylor, Brielle and Bob. Only Bob because I was determined to get him and Elana dating by tonight. Not only so that they would be happy with each other but also so that she wouldn’t be after Chase anymore. She’d be better that way I know.

Everyone said yes right away except Bob. I told him he would be getting something out of it. He says he doesn’t like Elana but I know if she asks him out herself he will say yes. Britt got there first, and just to make her happy I gave her the piece of paper with Chase’s number on it. After I stored it in my phone of course. After her the rest came as a group. I set some food and drinks on the coffee table in the living room and sat down.
“Guys!” I called. They were all at the front door.
“Coming! Shut your yap and get us some food!” It was Bob.
“I have food! Now if you would walk over here and sit down you could eat it!” He ran over and took some of the chips and stuffed them in his mouth. He sat on the floor and turned on the TV.
“Now I have some stuff to discuss with every body except Elana and Bob.” Everyone besides them smiled and I just knew this night was going to be perfect.

The night ended alittle less than perfectly. Bob and Elana are going out which is good. But then Brittany was going to send a text to Chase asking him to the dance after a few flirty texts. I was glad that I had invited her because then I would be able to stop her. I told her you didn’t really want to go with Chase. Then I made up a lot of bad things about him. She believed some of it. But she still sent the flirty ones. It ended with Chase asking if I was there and everyone guessing that I had a crush on him and that’s why I didn’t want her to ask him to the dance. All of which was true but still I didn’t want everyone know. So I just said don’t answer and I didn’t like him. Even though the entire time I could feel my face getter hotter and hotter.

I woke up Saturday morning and still felt the embarrassment of last night.
“Ollie!” I yelled wishing to have some love before I faced the day ahead. He came into my room and jumped on my bed. Ollie never gives kisses unless you force him or if he’s feeling real lovey.
“Gimme a kiss,” I say in a funny voice. He whines but licks my nose. Then he stretches out over top of me. I don’t care what people say, I will never get tired of a dog’s love. I looked over at my clock. Nine thirty, I loved sleeping in on Saturday. But then stay up all night Sunday night. I have been doing that since third grade. It always seems to work out. Just then my phone rang. I answered it seeing Emma’s name pop up. She was a girl in my Chorus class.
“Hey Emma, why you calling?”
“Dude! We have a chorus concert at school in like an hour!”
“Crap! I completely forgot! What do we have to wear again?”
“Black shirt white jeans!”
“Okay! Meet you there?”
“Yeah!” She hung up. I jumped out of bed and ran to the shower.

After ten minutes in the shower I put on white skinny jeans and a black tank top. I put on my black boots and did some make up. I chose dark colors but no eyeliner. I was heading out the door after saying good bye to my parents when Chase called.
“Hey? How did you get my number?”
“Well good morning to you too. Anyway do you want to hang out today?”
“I can’t I’m sorry, I have a chorus concert.” I said taking off on a run towards the school.
“Really? You sing?”
“Can I come?” He sounded like he really wanted to come, I guess he could.
“Um, sure it’s at the school in the auditorium.” I said speeding down the sidewalk.
“Cool, see you there?”
“I guess . . .”

I didn’t really mind that he wanted to come. But I was really surprised, like for the two days I have known him he was either a jerk or my dream guy. I guess this was a dream guy day. I arrived at the school fifteen minutes before I had to be there so I could warm up. Mrs. Fielder the plump chorus teacher greeted me at the door. I then ran to the chorus room to meet up with Emma.
“Hey Emma.” I said breathless.
“Hey you ready to sing?” She asked. I nodded, not bothering to ask her. Everyone would call Emma a conceited tomboy. She has long blonde hair and stretched out blue eyes. With pupils that are always very big. She got on my nerves a lot! But she’s a friend.

We were warmed up and ready by ten. I peeked out the curtains and saw every seat filled with people. But one person sat on the floor directly in front of the stage. Chase. Now I was afraid of my solo part, I was glad it was the third song though. I have no idea how I am going to sing with his eyes on me, I don’t care about the other people. Only him. Inhale exhale. I did that several times before we were called out to the stage. I stood next to Emma with Elana on the other side of the stage. Chase gave me alittle wave and I caught my breath right as the song started. I shook my head and sang.

I couldn’t hear myself over the others which for right now comforted me. When I had to sing by myself I would be alittle afraid. But I would do it. For each word I remembered the note that belonged with it and sang it. Making sure it was at the right level. When my solo song came I was shaking as I walked to the center of the stage. I inhaled and exhaled, then waited for the music to cue me. I heard my voice go in through the microphone and was shocked by how good I sounded. Chase looked at me impressed. I finished off with the long note and every clapped their hands. I smiled and went back to my stand joining the others that were singing the rest of the song.

When the show ended us all went back stage and giggled over how good we were. Or how bad we were. And like after every show my little midget friend, Michael, gave me a hug. I said good bye to everyone and walked out of back stage and jumped off the stage.
“Hey there, you were really good. Glad I came.” I smiled when he wrapped his arm around my waist and led me out to the parking lot.
“Uh, I am glad you came too. So does this mean you aren’t going to be jerk face today?” We maneuvered our way through the crowd of people in the school.
“Maybe a hint, but not too much.” He says kindly which makes me laugh. I look around and saw that we passed my house.
“Wait, you passed my house!” I turn around in my seat and looked at my house disappearing as we drove farther away.
“I know,”
“Well where are you going?” I yelled though it only sounded like a whisper since the wind was so loud.
“I guess you weren’t paying attention,” I looked at him confused so he continued. “But I heard Emma say there was a carnival or whatever going on after the concert.”
“I knew about that, I just wasn’t going to go.” I say remembering the flyer everyone got a few weeks ago. It was a fundraising carnival, which meant you had better come with lots of money. I didn’t want to go because I didn’t like going to those fundraiser things; most the time they were boring. But Emma and a few others had put this one together so everyone was always talking about how fun it was going to be, I didn’t buy it.
“Besides,” I say. “I didn’t bring my wallet.” I thought if I said this he would be like oh yeah! Guess we can’t go. But he didn’t he just smiled.
“I got that covered.” I was very angry now.
“You know you can’t force me, I can easily run back home.” I say a matter- of -factly.
“Well that would be a really stupid thing to do.” I just glare at him and say nothing.

When we got to the Carnival I was surprised to see it actually looked fun. I was even more surprised to see a Farris Wheel. I didn’t think the school had that much money in the budget. Then circling around the Farris Wheel were many different booths for games, and some for food. I was absolutely not staying longer than ten minutes. Chase parked and happily got out and started towards it all. Then he stopped mid-step.
“You coming?” He yelled over to me. I considered what would happen if I went and pretended to have fun, and then maybe he would let me go home. If I just sat here like a grumpy baby he would make me stay longer, I was sure of it. With a sigh I got out of the car and walked over to him.
“That’s the spirit.” He said. I glared at him but didn’t say anything, afraid I would scream with anger. All of this was so not my thing.
“Just lighten up, and have some fun!” He said, still smiling.
“I would have had more fun if I wasn’t forced to come here!” I stomped angrily over to Elana that I saw at one of the food stands. I could still here Chase chuckling behind me.
“Hey Jamie, what’s wrong you looked totally upset angry. Or as Mrs. Everett would say furious!” She says laughing alittle.
“I was forced to come here; you know I hate these things.” I say through clenched teeth.
“By who?” She said with a mouthful of pretzel.
“New kid, the one you think is hot.” In different circumstances I would have smiled at the fact that I was hanging out with him when she wasn’t. But I didn’t I just stayed mad while taking a bit of her pretzel.
“What!” I nodded. I looked around but didn’t see him, which for right now was good. Maybe I could escape without him noticing; now I wished Taylor was here to distract him.
“Then why are you complaining! My god you wouldn’t be happy even if you won the lottery.”
“Yes I would! If it was large enough of money.” I say quietly. She smiled at me and couldn’t contain her laughter.
“Oh whatever!” I shout.
“Shhh. You wanna go on the Farris Wheel?” She points to the thing. I bite my lip.
“What are you afraid of heights?”
“No! I . . .”
“Okay then you HAVE to go on it now!” She grabbed my wrists and pulled me to the Farris Wheel.
“Please! Elana! I really, really don’t want to!” I yelled trying to pull back.
“Do I look like I care?”
“No! But you should!”

By now we were right in line waiting. I looked and saw about five people in front of us.
“Elana!” She didn’t loosen her grip and I was about to give up, but then the line moved up and saw just how closer we were to it.
“Chase, come help me!” I heard Elana scream.
“No!” I yelled and started to fight again. But then there were a second pair of hands on me.
“Calm down, what is she, afraid?” I heard Chase ask.
“Yes! I’m afraid and you two forcing me is not helping!”
“Come on don’t you wanna face your fear?”
“No.” I said plainly.
“Quit making this so difficult!” Elana said. We were at the stairs that lead up to the seats. I smiled.
“How do think your going to get me up the stairs?” I knew Elana wouldn’t be able to drag me up there.
“Easy,” I heard Chase say then he lifted me up the stairs. I gasped and fought to get out of his grasp.
“Let go! I don’t wanna go on!” He handed me to Elana who dragged me onto a seat then paid the guy working the Farris Wheel. When we sat down I noticed the cart had enough room for Chase too.
“If your making me get on you are too.” I said grabbing his hand. He sat down and just smiled.
“I hate both of you. Your going to traumatize me!” I said just as the Wheel started to move.
“Whatever, it’s a learning experience.” Elana said shrugging.
“Of course it is,” I mumbled. I looked at my feet and saw just how high we were. I let a little shriek escape my mouth.
“Oh shut up!” Elana said admiring the view.
“You! If it weren’t for you then I wouldn’t be here afraid!” I slapped her arm.
“Ow!” She slapped me back.
“I am so surprised that neither of you have a thousand bruises.” I heard Chase say.
“No bruises just a few scratches.” I say for the first time noticing how close he is. I feel very self conscious so I put my attention back to my fear. When of course the Wheel stopped and of course we were the ones on the very top.
“Let me repeat I hate both of you.”
“Let me repeat I don’t care.” Elana said.
“Hey, you’ll thank us some day.” Chase said.
“I don’t think so, when are they gonna move this thing!” I could feel sweat building up on the back of my neck.
“Calm down.” Chase said.
“I cant! You guys made me get on this stupid thing and now we are on the friggin top! Out of all the other friggin carts we have to be the one at the top! Just my luck!” I was rambling, and I knew I was but I couldn’t help it. When I am scared I talk, a lot.

And the worse part is I was so caught up in fear that I could barely notice when Chase rubbed my back. I didn’t even notice when the cart started moving either. And when I was too frozen to get up off the cart that Chase had to carry me yet again. Fear really sucks and today it ate me alive. I went to go get a lemon aid and something to eat and they both followed me.
“How you feeling?” Elana said. I wanted to punch her so bad right there. I gritted my teeth and said,
“Fine, I would have felt better if you hadn’t made me go on that thing. But whatever. If I do thank you for making go on that thing it won’t be any time soon.” I said and went back in line.
“Lemon aid and hot dog please.” I stood waiting while Elana kept her distance. I didn’t like being angry at her. Really the whole situation was laughable. But still I told her no but she didn’t listen. When I got my food and was done paying (with Chase’s money I might add) I went over to her.
“I’m sorry okay? I know I am a baby but you need to listen to me!” I playfully punched her in the arm.
“Well you are a baby. I mean really? The Farris Wheel? Are you kidding me?”
“Shut up!” I said but still I was laughing.
“So you’re not mad anymore?” I heard Chase say from behind me. I slowly turned around. No, I wasn’t mad, but he helping the situation didn’t really help.
“I’m a little mad, but no not really. You know you didn’t have to help her!” I said feeling the anger bubble under my skin. But I wasn’t going to get as mad as I would have.
“Learning experience!” He yelled smiling. I rolled my eyes.
“Can I please go home now?”
“Have you had fun yet?”
“If I say yes will you let me go?”
“Fine! No I have not had fun because there is nothing fun here! Can I go now?” I already knew the answer but asking helped sometimes.
“What will I get?” Inhale, exhale.
“You won’t get a punch in the face if you drive me home.” I knew I could walk right now, but I would rather have a ride.
“Fine, come on.”

When we finally got to my house all I wanted to do was take a hot shower and go to bed. But when I looked at my watch it was only four thirty.
“Thanks for the ride, hate you for making me go.” I said getting out.
“Of course you do!” He yelled back giving another five beeps before I was completely inside. I smiled and shut the door. I wonder what was up with the five beep thing. Was it our thing? I hoped so, or at least was going to pretend it was.
“Honey?” I heard my mom yell.
“Coming. Sorry I was out so late, after the concert I went to the carnival.” I made my way to the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom.
“The carnival? You hate carnivals and Farris Wheels.” She added. I could feel the color in my face draining. She took one look at me and gasped.
“You didn’t! Did someone make you?” I nodded but smiled.
“It was all in good reason, but I am still alittle . . . spooked.” I said.
“Okay, how was it?” I looked at her like how do you think? “Okay, I can take a hint.”
“I’m going to go take a shower and go lay down, okay?”
“Sure sweetie.” She said turning on the TV and lying down. When I got out of the shower I headed straight for the bed. I let the coolness of the pillows take my fears away, and I sunk into a deep sleep.

The whole dream was him. Not even a little back round or sky. Just him, his eyes, his mouth, his hair. Everything. At some points Chase would say things. Or smile. The smile was what caught me. But other than that I would just stare at him. With out having to look away of embarrassment. His sunrise eyes would blink like the would if he were real. And I still felt the urge to kiss him like it was real. In my dream everything was real. The only thing that ruined it was when I woke up.

I could feel the wet liquid before I knew what it was. But I could hear a nose sniffing my face so I was pretty sure it was Ollie. I screamed at him but he just sniffed me more and whined.
“Shut up!” I was so mad! I was having probably the best dream of my life (dramatic maybe?) and now it was gone! And I was probably going to forget it by two thirty, tops.
Ollie has lying down, but he was still whining. So I gave him alittle pet on the head. What was I going to do all day? I wasn’t the type of person to sit around and do nothing. I found that stupid and lazy. To think alittle I went downstairs to eat alittle breakfast. I looked around and saw only frozen waffles and a cup of syrup left. I also saw a note on the kitchen table saying that my parents went out for alitte and that they would be home later. Great now I was going to sit home all day with nothing to do with no one but me and a dog. I sighed and put the waffles in the toaster then went to sit at the kitchen table. Weather said hot all day, well maybe I could use our pool. Yeah that’s what I will do I’ll invite Elana and Taylor. I had to apologize to Taylor and Elana was just a friend.

I invited them and they agreed, though Taylor was alittle uncertain about it. But she said yes eventually. I got changed into a yellow bikini and flip flops. When I had both my hair and teeth brushed I grabbed a towel and headed outside. The pool water was crystal clear a pretty blue. I stuck my big toe in the water and a shiver went up my spine. I laid my towel on the ground and sat in one of the patio chairs. As I waited for my guests to arrive I heard the familiar five beeps. What the flippers was he doing here! I got up and walked around to the front yard where I waved at him. His eye brows went up as he got out of his car.
“Hey, what’s with the swim suit?” He walked over to me.
“For swimming what would you think? I do have a pool in my back yard.” I said wanting to cover myself with a towel, or do something so that he wasn’t looking at me.
“What are you doing here anyways?” I said.
“Well you had a concert yesterday, but I wanted to hang out with you.”
“You did, remember you forced me on the wheel of death.” He smirked at my words.
“Yea well I would have liked to hang out with you when your not scared to death.” He still had a smirk on his face but his expression softened just a bit.
“Well your welcome to come swimming with me Elana and Taylor,” I smiled. “Oh right, both girls want to go out with you. What to do, what to do . . .” I was still smiling at my little joke. He shrugged.
“So is this an invite?”
“Yes, it is. Your welcome to accept, or not.” I headed to my back yard but I could still hear him say,
“I’ll be back.” In the fake voice that everyone tries to imitate but never can.

Taylor and Elana got there before Chase came back. I was starting to think he wasn’t coming. But maybe it was better that he didn’t come. We were sitting at the edge of the ten foot deep end trying to decide how to go in when I heard the five beeps.
“Who’s that?” Taylor said in her pink bikini it looked pretty on her. But as she says it would be better if she had boobs.
“Uh, I forgot to tell you I invited Chase.” Both their jaws dropped.
“What!” Elana shrieked in her one piece white bathing suit.
“Guys it doesn’t really matter! He’s just a guy.” I got up and walked to the front yard to see Chase walking over to. Or at least I knew he was walking over when I bumped into him.
“Oh, sorry I was just coming to get you.” I now noticed now that he didn’t have a shirt on. And I ran into his bare skin. I shivered, and I felt my face get hot. I couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest, which had defined muscle. I shook my head, this was a horrible idea! Why on earth did I do this! I was probably going to screw up something in front of him I just knew it. Inhale and Exhale, I did that a few times before he actually said anything.
“It’s okay,” he smiled. “I could hear Elana and Taylor shouting. They are funny people aren’t they?” I didn’t know why he felt the need to bring that up. It didn’t seem right but I just shrugged and walked back to the yard.

He followed laughing to himself at something I was oblivious to. When I reached the yard both girls were already in the pool swimming smiling widely. I rolled my eyes at them.
“Hey Chase!” Elana said her smile widening a fraction. Just then I remembered what Chase had said about Elana visiting him after school. I glared at her, but she didn’t notice. She was only looking at Chase.
“You know you should just throw a party.” Chase suggested.
“I don’t think my parents would go for that.” I say quietly.
“Well the fun of having parties is not telling your parents. What are they doing tonight?”
“Probably going to a work party like they always do.” I shrugged. He laughed at that but then said,
“So when they leave invite everyone over.”
“What about getting caught?”
“You really worried about that?”
“Uh, yeah of course I’m worried about that!” How arrogant of him to think I wouldn’t be caught. Everyone always gets caught. For one it’ll get out of hand I know that for a fact, and two I can never get away with anything. Even when I was little and would sneak cookies at night, when it was time for breakfast and I wasn’t hungry mom would ask why. And each time I would – without thinking – say why. Exactly why, either I had cookies last night. Or whatever else I did.

Chase just smiled like getting caught wasn’t a problem.
“Don’t worry about it! So are we going to throw a party or what?” I thought for a minute. I never did anything bad in most of my life. I was always on my best behavior, afraid of what would happen when I got caught. I was seventeen now, I would be moving out soon enough so one little fault wouldn’t be that bad. Would it? No, I decided. It wouldn’t. But I didn’t care, peer pressure alert!
“So are we or what?” Taylor shrieked.
“No! I don’t feel like it.” I screamed back at her.
“Boo! Fine! Party at my house. Now are you going to jump in or what?” I put my toe in again.
“Nah, I think I am going to walk in.”
“Oh no you don’t.” Chase said and he threw me into the water, I didn’t have enough time to scream. I could only feel the cold water when I finally hit the water. I felt goose bumps go along my arms and legs as I plunged deeper. I out my head back up above the water shivering.
“I hate you!” I screamed.
“Hate is a really harsh word, Jamie.”
“Fine! I dislike you . . . a lot!” I splashed water at him and just shrugged and cannon balled into the pool.
I couldn’t help but laugh.

I went to Taylor’s in the only outfit I could find that was cute but also stylish; a creamy blue tank top with a black miniskirt. I didn’t know weather or not to wear leggings with it. But I decided not to; Taylor would probably yell at me. Elana came to pick me up and I was ready to go. My parents were at some work thing so there was no explanation needed. When we got to her house I noticed a lot of people were there. How many people didn’t have things to do on Sunday night? A lot apparently, I searched out Taylor.
“Hey Tay!” I yelled over the other talking people.
“Hey James!” I rolled my eyes at that. “I am glad we didn’t do this at your house. Mine is so better.”
“Sure Taylor, anyways what do you think of my outfit? I picked it out thinking of what you would approve of.” I knew this wasn’t up to her standards but for me this was enough.
“It’s okay, but I wouldn’t have worn it.”
“No of course not.” I made a face of disgust.
“Well I have better things to do than talk to you.” She said walking off. I laughed at her but she couldn’t possibly hear me. Hmmm what now, my friends always got mad at me for not enjoying parties. But really I wasn’t interesting in getting drunk and having a hang over the next morning. I guess I was only looking at the bad parts of it all, but still it was bound to happen. So now I was left looking around at a party that I didn’t even know why I came to. So I just walked around, seeing if there was anyone to talk to.

Na-da. Nothing at all, to do I mean. After an hour of searching every part of the house I saw no fun thing to do. God I sounded like such a nerd, maybe I was one. But really as I said parties don’t interest me! Everything considered cool does, I guess.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” I hear someone scream. I look behind and see that Mark Drove and Shell Patrick were fighting. And I don’t think either one of them was drunk, it was probably the adrenaline that kept them going. I don’t even know what they were fighting about and I couldn’t think about it either. Because right at that moment Mark flew against me, on accident I suppose. We fell on the floor and my breath was knocked out of me. He weighed so much! He didn’t even bother to get up either! Shell just dove right in and both fought on top of me! I wanted to scream or do something, but I couldn’t even breathe. Finally, thank God they rolled off me. I suck in deep breathes till I was breathing normally again. I was still lying on the floor because my legs had fell asleep from all the weight.
“Jamie?” I hear Chase call. “Are you okay?”
“I guess better than I was.”
“Can you get up?” I wiggle my toes then shake my legs . . . nothing.
“I don’t think so.” He bends down. “Don’t you dare pick me up!” He smiles at me and helps me up. I lean against him for some support till my blood gets running.
“What happened?”
“Lets just say I was kind of like the floor mat for Mark and Shell’s fight.” I lean against a wall.
I hear him laugh. I glare at him. “Sorry, it’s just funny that they didn’t even notice that they were on top of someone.” I squirm where I am standing.
“God, no wonder they are on the wrestling team they are really heavy.”
“You need something to drink?”
“Please- wait no. There isn’t anything here non alcoholic.” He laughs yet again and I gesture for him to come closer. He does as I ask and I lean for his mouth. He tenses but leans himself. Oh God! He thinks I am going to kiss him. I don’t though I smell his breath then I quickly pull away.
“It’s not like you have been drinking any so you shouldn’t be talking.” I am alittle embarrassed about the past event but I act normally and try not to think about how red my face must be.

He seems alittle confused but shakes it off.
“So I’m different from you,”
“Whatever-“ Elana came storming up out of no where.
“Hey Laney, what’s up?”
“I dare you to kiss Chase.”
“You heard me!”
“Elana really we aren’t in second grade any more there’s no more spin the bottle or anything like that.” I fake out a laugh as I say this. But on the inside I am thinking is she serious! And if she was would Chase agree to it? Probably not, but what if he did? That would be so cool then this party would be worth something.
“Whatever but someday I’m gonna get you!”
“Oh I get it now you’re drunk!” I jump up but I wasn’t completely ready for that I stumble alittle and Chase steadies me. I send him a thank you look and turn back to Elana. “Now get back to your party and don’t bother me!” I shoo her off and she goes. I laugh out loud then and am comforted when Chase laughs with me.
“Anyways what were we talking about?” I say trying to get rid of all kissing related thoughts in my mind. I mean God! First I smell his breath and he thinks I want to kiss him and then Elana comes daring us to kiss. Was it fate? Man would that be funny.
“I don’t know . . . hmmm.”
“Well I want to leave are you like able to drive me home?”
“Sure,” He says and acting like a body guard he leads me to the front door.

While driving I think about what a waste this weekend was. And how long it felt. I mean really I think like this whole weekend, including Friday was like a month. Man was I exhausted. We got to my house and he walked me to the door.
“See ya, thanks for the ride.” And then right before I leave and I mean the door is like open, Chase leans in a gives me a kiss. It’s quick but to me it feels like five minutes worth of wonder. He pulls away smiles and leaves. I walk inside not really realizing what I am doing and go to bed. I sleep and dream and am happy.

I think you can guess the ending to this story!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.06.2011

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