
Spring Poem 12/6/08
I'm somewhere where I shouldn’t be
were children shouldn’t go
I've been stuck in hear for fifty years
I'm very very old I look out the window to see the flowers bloom
then I know that spring is hear
I want to get out of my room

Me 8/11/09
My doodles are a work of art
My music is like a rheum I can up tan
this is what makes me a unquiet talented kid
In side is a volcano ready to explode
searching for something new
My talents are what make me different
from every one else in the world
I feel like a fire burning brighter each
moment this is me a unquiet kid

The Look 8/11/09
I have brown hair like mud on a rainy day
I have light brown eyes like the tree bark in the woods
I like wearing dark tops as dark a midnight
I wear jeans as light as the sky on a hot sunny day

Autumn 8/11/09
Its autumn the leaves are changing
bright reds, organs, yellows
The leaves come falling off the trees like
silent little rain drops
It gives me Goosebumps when a breeze of cold
air comes trickling down my back
all the leaves have fallen
the trees look like stiff silent status

Art 8/11/09
Art is a way of life
it lets us express
who we are inside
with love passion and creativity
we become who ever you want
from realty to cartoons
Art is a way of express our feeling

Wolf 8/11/09
There is a wolf in me
with eyes like fire
And claws like knifes
It runs thought out my body
It lives in my soul
It's one with me
I wish I was a wolf

School Rules 8/11/09
I guess I'm kind of stupid
for not obeying the rules
I guess I'm in diction know
I'd rater be in school
A lesson learned obey the rules
or you might end up sitting hear
when you don't obey the rules

Sport 8/11/09
I'm kind of nerves for the team
might we win or might we lose
no one has a clue
the odds are 5050
the chance of victor
we might have a chance
if I clone myself n twos

Bear 8/11/09
Beware of the sleeping bear
if he awakes you should be scared
run as fast as you can from their
When the sleeping bear is their
beware of the sleeping bear

Snippy 9/25/09
My pal Snippy
Never could life with out him
With white eyes that look like chocolate pudding
With his smiley white mouth a dot of red lipstick
With his colorful stitches I sewed to ease the pain
When we fell off skateboards together and went to school
On the day you became my pal
I loved you my dear pal Snippy

Lyres NEVR Win 9/25/09
People talk an some people lie
The one true thing is you lie to your self
A lie can go a long way traveling for miles
Until you see a bridge that guides that lie to the truth

Poems 9/25/09
Poems are emotions
In every word you write
You create a story
Which express who you are in words
With every word you write or type
Theirs a thousand more

Skies Never Look Alike 9/29/09
As I look out my bed room window
Watching rain fall to the ground
Making puddles as it slowly hit’s the ground
I watch the rain trickle down the window
I see clashes of thunder rolling beyond the mountain
Dark clouds slowly fill the sky
As the trees start to whistle in the wind
Leaves twirl to the ground in the wind
As I sit alone in my empty room wondering
If I’ll ever leave my room
Never again to see another sunny day
I say goodbye to this rain day

A Windy Night 10/2/09
Trees rustle and hustle in the wind
Leaves dance in the air
Falling to the floor of fresh raked yard
Colors of green fade into oranges, reds, and yellows
Cold nights come and warm nights go

Words Are Not Art 10/3/09
Dancing pictures move through in
Twirling and expressing themselves
This is the heart and soul of the artist
Moving with in every stroke and color
Make words fad into nothing
Leaving behind a true creative talent

Butterfly To The Sky 10/7/09
Oh butterfly
Can you fly
Through out the valley the sun will shine
Me and my beautiful butterfly

Flying in the sky like a butterfly
Bright neon colors fill the sky
Me and my beautiful butterfly

When I finally reach the sky
I lift my wings high to fly
Me and my beautiful butterfly

As shades of black fade to gray
On the days your wings have pain
And you can’t fly high
My beautiful butterfly

On the days your down
Bright neon colors fill the sky
On the day you fly high
Oh me and my beautiful butterfly

School on Halloween Night 10/10/09
Text books fly in the night sky
While scissor crawl in the moon lit night
While erasers hang in a spooky oak tree
When pencils walk around on the ground
While reading book come of their selves

Whispering trees 10/15/09
Whispering trees unfold what lies ahead
Light awakes through out the horizon
All the trees whistle in the wind
Spreading their secrets to the world
Whispering trees hold deep dark secrets
Only reveled with the sun rise in the east
On dark scary night no a soul in sight
Hollow old oaks trees whisper their secrets

Blue to Orange 10/15/09
Rived blue skies
Dance across the clouds
Swirling and blowing a sweet fragrant smell
Shades of orange draft the blue skies away
Only to know the sun is setting away
Beyond the mountains skies lye waiting to be discovered
When blue skies return

Faces Are People 10/15/09
Faces are places people have went before
A place that no man has gone before
Walking in the dark alone and scared
You see the face where there is a place you have gone before
You see that face
You jump with joy
Only to know you were a seeing a picture on the wall
Of a person you already now and been before
Sleeping in your dark cold bedroom alone on a stormy night
You dream the face that holds the place you’ve been before
Faces are places people have went to before

Sailed Blue Waters 10/15/09
We sail upon these empty waters
Whales sing their beloved songs
Dolphins slash and flip through out the water
Big rocks of a million shades of gray lye ahead
Opening are mind to a bright light
Only to discover we sailed into a tunnel
We ventured far in these vast undiscovered waters
We sailed and sailed for hours

Pumpkin Pie Tree 10/17/09
I sit alone a empty field
Nothing but me and my big oak tree
Hills of farm land roll far beyond the eye can see
Clouds dance across the sky
The sun sets while sheep sleep
In the sweet lushes grass
As my time comes for me to say good bye to my big oak tree
I take on last sniff of the fresh clean air
Oh the sweet smell of pumpkin pie
My days of sitting under this tree has come
As I say good bye it’s supper time

Sea and Me 10/17/09
Ocean blue filled with sea life
Nothing but water

Turtles swim with grace a beauty
Sharks hunt graceful and hungry

I swim deep into the blue sea
Fish swim in schools in coral reefs

I love the sea life
Just me and the wide open sea

Maze Poem 10/19/09
Summer days
Look like glazed donuts
Hot, warm, gushy
Nothing but sweet smells
Chocolate and vanilla
Dark clouds cross paths with lighting
Doors creak
Creepy cats lye on rugs
When the clock strikes one
Rivers flow for miles on and on for ever
Never ending dreams
Dreams chase the bad away

CowZ 10/19/09
Art is like a dart
That farts
In the sky
That flies very high
At night only when
The cow runs over the moon
Lit night

Day By The Beach 10/20/09
Sand between both my toes
Warm and hot
Colder by the shore
Ocean breeze fresh and clean
Dreams flow in your mind
Clear skies open doors
Sailing on open water
Deep legions lurk from under
Stories untold long and old
Shells by the shore
Wet and sandy
Pretty as glass
Cling and Clang
Against pretty sea shells
by the ocean sea shore
Miles and miles of open water
Vast un discovered land
Creative flow like the water
Slashing open land
Dreams untold that I never forgotten
Only to know they’ll soon be forgotten

Wood Light Night 10/21/09
Foggy nights
With bright lights
That look like fireflies
Woods deep and dark
Cold and damp
Moon lit nights shine in streams and lakes
Sparkling like red rubies
Trees stand straight as statues
Wolves howl at the moon
With every step your closer to the woods
Trees fall out of your path
Opening your mind to imagination

Hollows Eve 10/21/09
Ghost roam around the halls
Groaning and moaning
To a beat
Hunted houses come alive
On spooky nights of Halloween
Trees come alive roaming a groaning
Pumpkins dance and sing on Halloween
On Hollow’s eve all shall sing

River Of Dreams 10/22/09
Sweet dreams
Of a flowing river
Rushing in a sweet melody
Suing the soul
With a gentle drop of water
If I could relive this day over and over
Never ending
In a heart beat
Your beautiful flowing river could be gone
And lost forever

Who am I 10/23/09
Once I was a seed
Once I was acorn
Once I was tree
Now I am a mighty big oak tree
Once I was a ocean
Once I was a river
Once I was a lake
Now I am a mighty great flowing stream
Once I was the sun
Once I was the moon
Once I was a star
Now I am a ugly planet
Once I was a hollow old oak tree
Once I was a blooming flower
Once I was a wilting leaf
Now I am a strong proud sunflower

I am a fox 10/23/09
I am a fox
dark red as a apple on a bright brown apple tree
I sneak around hiding wear no one can find me
I eat meat like a hungry wolf
I can claw at things flying in the sky
I can run faster than a speeding car
I am a fox

Look at Me 10/24/09
Yes, that’s me
Look and you’ll see
My hair is short as can be
My eyes are brown as the dirt
My arms sore high in the sky
My hands clap with joy
My heart is filled with happy thoughts
I’m a person with feelings
I never lie to anyone
My friends are the people who inspire me
I live to dream a bigger dream
I hope to dance as well as the bees
I dream to be the greatest person to every live
It’s all clear as can be.
That’s positively, absolutely me

Shadows 10/24/09
Shadows crossing knocking on locked doors
In the streets of old man Bar
On scary moon lit nights when the moon is bright
All the shadows say good night

Musical Life 10/24/09
Music is my passion
My heart and soul
It is one with me
My brain holds the beat that goes to my feet
My heart holds the keys and harmony that run through me
My soul holds the songs of the old and new
Never to be unveiled the song is new

Sunflower 10/25/09
Tall green fuzzy steam
Yellow petals like the sun
Brown dark circles like a tree
Can it be
A sunflower seed

Pink Pretty Flower 10/25/09
My sweet dear flower
How good you make me feel
Your soft sweet smells
Each petal you lose
You grow stronger then ever
As winter grows near
I say far well
My pretty pink flower

Good Old Days 1025/09
Soft sweet summer day
Lying in the grass
Dreaming of the old days
Where kits fly in the summer sky
When bike fly by faster than a car
While kids laugh and play
Just like the good old days

Angel 10/25/09
My angel is my guardian
That hold the key to my door
That lye’s on the floor
My angel guides me
To the path of victory
She makes my wishes
Dream come true
On one condition
She turns me blue

Tree, Bird, Bee 10/26/09
Leaves are trees
Where the birds and the bees sing
Where blue jays fly
When ovens fly
In a dream
Trees are flies
With bees buzzing by
When rivers dance
And frogs say facts
When doors creak
And wind whistles
The trees and the bees
And the birds all flee

Tango 10/27/09
Walking in a yellow meadow
Sitting in a mango tango
Smiley bright with smile
With out a ghost in sight
Climbing in a tree with bees
You hit your knees to victory

If and Or But 10/27/09
Skies are blue
Deep and filled with dew

Rocket fly in the sky
Like a monkey swing in a tree

Pens write and eat pies
Erasers fly when elephants die

Cars crash when
Lighting collides

Wind blows
Kites and kids away on rainy days

Piano key move
When mice run through

An’t 10/27/09
Rain is a pain that an’t got no game
The sun is a bun that an’t got no butter on
Nights bite that an’t got no fright
Winter is a ball with out snowballs
Summer is a day that has may paper plains
Cows are stick and stone with any bones

Christmas 10/27/09
Summer days will never be the same
When dreams come true in Christmas cartoons
When barn light on fire
Like barns in south Carolina
When Christmas trees falls
Like fumbling fat cat in February


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.01.2010

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