
Chapter 1

" If you two don't get your butts down here, I will bring my switch!" Oh, please. My sister and I gathered our tiny amount of clothes and trudged down the stairs to the woman who should have been an actual witch herself.

" Calm down, Ms. Saunders." I said without granting her the opportunity to look into my vibrant hazel eyes.

" Don't you tell me to calm down! Get in the van. Now!" she sounded like a rapist telling us to 'get in the van'. Lori and I laughed at our little comment. We can both hear each other's thoughts. We don't know if it's just because we're twins or the actuality that we are witches. 

We went outside and put our grocery bags that held our clothes in the trunk, then got in the rape van- not really a rape van - and put our seat belts on. Well, tried to. As soon as we got in, this bitch decided to speed off. My sister and I held on for dear life until we got to a stop light. Someone's excited for our adoption.

" Are you crazy?! You could have killed us!" Lori yelled at her.

" You're alive aren't you?" she snickered. I told Lori to calm down before we both regretted it. She wasn't playing around about that switch. 

The scenery around us changed tremendously. It went from dried up grass and wilted trees to flowery meadows and a bright blue sky. The grass was freshly cut and the roads were freshly paved instead of the dirt roads we were used to. There were cute little shops everywhere. They ranged from thrift shops to convenient stores to little eat-in restaurants. It seemed like a whole different world to us. The only places we'd seen like this were in movies. Also, the smells were amazing! It smelled like we were in a bakery the whole drive. It certainly drowned out the smell of cat pee in the rape van.

After the hour long drive, we jumped out of the rape van. Now this is my kind of living! The house was elegant. It was a light brown brick house with a bay window in the front, just like every home on the the street. It had these cute little trees randomly placed in the front yard along with little bunches of flowers near the sidewalk. 

" Hi! Welcome! Lori and Zuri Laschester, right?!" a lady as elegant as the house came running out of her home. She had long dark brown hair with natural caramel streaks flowing through it. Her red dress was tight, showing all her curves, but still making her look very sophisticated. She ambushed us with a massive hug. Who knew someone so small could squeeze the life out of you? 

" Um, could you like, get off?" I grumbled against the huge boob that crashed into my face.

" Oh, I'm so sorry. I was just really excited!"

" Yeah. That's the obvious." my sister and I mumbled together.

" Well, um, my name is Mrs. Nicky Anderson. But you can just call me Nicky. Follow me inside." she gestured for us all to follow her, including the grunting foster care manager. She's just mad because we have an overly nice adoptive mother. Take that bee-yatch!

We walked inside with amazement in our eyes. We were welcomed by a grand staircase in front of us. The floor was a beautiful and shiny mahogany wooden floor. There was a massive chandelier above our heads that sparkled its crystals around the entrance. This place looked more like a museum instead of a regular mansion. 

" You have a lovely home." I told her breathlessly, taking it all in.

" Everyone, the girls are here! Come on down! Thanks, hun! I actually designed this house myself. It's my best work. You see, I'm an architect." she beamed, taking it all in herself.

" That's absolutely amazing!" Lori clapped her hands. She's such a girl.

" If you two mess this up, I will make the rest of your life with me a living hell." Bee-yatch whispered in our ears. Yep. I'm going to call her bee-yatch from now on.

" Honey, you're the one and only messing it up." We whispered back. Nicky looked back at us with a confused face but turned back around when her family came skipping down the steps. 

" What type of family is this? Why the hell are they skipping? This isn't the yellow brick road." ohhh, did I say that out loud? Yeah, you kinda did, dumbass, my sister told me through our minds.

Oh, sorry!

Tell that to THEM!

" I-I, I uh, hmph. I'm really sorry for my outburst." I lowered my head in shame. Well, this is awkward. Especially, in front of that hot guy who was laughing at me. He had hair just like his mother's, except cut in the way guys cut it. It made me want to run up to him and run my hands through its thickness. His muscles popped out from under his tight white shirt. His skin was tanned and when he laughed, the cutest little cresent-shaped dimple was in the middle of his left cheek. The boys eyes were an electrifying light gray with a black ring around them. Those pools made me want to stare at them for hours. But, nah, I think I'll just keep my head down.

Somebody's got a crush.

Shut your mouth or I'll shut it for you!

Mad much?


Nicky gave him a look which I'm pretty sure meant that he should stop laughing. After what I said, it seemed like everyone had a little smile on their face. There was the most adorable little girl who was hiding behind her masculine father's leg. She had short blonde hair, in common with her father's, and the squishy-est cheeks! Her eyes were a dark brown with a touch of hazel surrounding the pupil. The father had blonde hair and emerald green eyes that hid behind hipster glasses. His face was very distinguished, just like the business man he probably was.

" Anyways, this is my family. The very rude teen boy over there is Zane." 

So. His name is Zane. Sexy, huh.

Lori, please shut the fuck up! she laughed at me. Of course.

" My husband is Jorge and this is my beautiful daughter Riley." she had the biggest smile on her face as she picked up her daughter. " Zane is sixteen, the same as you girls, and my baby girl is three." 

" It's nice to meet all of you." Lori took charge while I just smiled away. I felt very much like I didn't belong. These people were obviously very successful but me? I'm just me. I'm dressed in tattered clothes, my hair is a long black mop, and I even have a hole in the bottom of my shoe. Pretty much, I look like a hot mess. I'd never get a chance with a guy like Zane.

" Yes, it is very nice to meet all of you." Bee-yatch spoke with her fake ass voice. " If you don't mind, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, could we go into another room so that you can sign this paperwork? It will only take a moment. Then, I'll be on my merry way!" 

" That won't be a problem, Ms?" Mr. Anderson asked.

" Ms. Saunders." she smiled her fake ass smile. They walked down the hall, past the staircase, the first door on the right, to a room I'm guessing was the office. 

We stood for ten minutes in silence until Zane jumped in. " Well, it really is nice to meet you both. Especially you." Wait, what? Me? I pointed at myself. This Zane boy has to be joking. He chuckled a hot, throaty laugh. " Yes, you. What's your name? My mom never really said much about the both of you. I'd like to know your names...especially you. You're hilarious." Great. He thinks I'm hilarious. I'm supposed to be pretty to a guy, not...hilarious. There goes my luck. Straight out the freaking window.

" I'm Zuri and this is my sister Lori. And thanks." 

" You two are very pretty for foster kids, no offense. And are you two really wi-"

" Oh, you're leaving now? We'd love to have you stay for dinner." the grown folks came out of the room after about ten minutes. I couldn't hear what Zane had just said over their footsteps. 

" Yes, I need to get back to the facility. But thank you. I hope you have a great life with these kids. Goodbye!" Yay! Bee-yatch is gone!

" Wait! Ms.Saunders!" Lori and I screamed after the car. We left our clothes in the trunk.

" Ugh! That bitch!" I heard Zane laugh at me again making me realize that I said another thing I shouldn't have said out loud. " I'm sorry again." I rolled my eyes at Zane which made him laugh even harder. He even slapped his knee which definitely was not necessary. I knew he only did it to annoy me. My habit of rolling my eyes forced me into doing it again. At least he stopped laughing but he still had the most cheesy grin on his face. This time, all of them were laughing, even my sister, but I only noticed Zane because he started it. I know what you're thinking though so I had to say it was because he started it.

" O-okay s-so why were you screaming?!" Mrs. Anderson stuttered. She could barely speak past her ferocious laughing. 

" She drove off with our clothes. We barely even had any." I whined. 

" Oh my gosh! Well, she is a bitch! I could sense it on her. Her aura is very thick. Anyways, we'll buy you two a whole new wardrobe." We all laughed at her too. " Come on inside. You know, it's not safe to be in the street like that!" she joked as she put her arms around our shoulders.

" We know." We said as we laughed with her. I like this woman. Her aura is very pure. The color around her is aqua, which means emotional healing and protection. She's a motherly figure. 

" Speaking of aura's, what exactly did you mean? Only certain people can see them." those certain people are witches and warlocks. How would they know? They all paused in their footsteps and looked at us. I'm guessing a long discussion awaits us...

Chapter 2

" Come follow us in the living room." Jorge (pronounced as whore-hey if that makes sense) gestured us to come in his direction. We followed them all into the next room which was right beside the entrance. There wasn't a door but we should have noticed it. 

The room was very modern. There was a glass coffee table in the center of the room which had two white leather futons on either sides. A flat screen tv was at the head of the room and it probably weighed more than all of us put together. The bay window was right beside the tv and had a window seat that I was very tempted to sit in. My mouth was gaped as I looked at the extravagant living room. 

Zane used his index finger and thumb to delicately close my mouth. " Like what you see?" I nodded at him, ignoring his little grin. He was not going to ruin my moment. 

Us kids sat on one couch while the grownies sat on the one opposite to us. Little Riley crawled on top of Lori's lap while Zane sat next to me. Stalker much... 

" Have you ever heard of personal space? Bro, scootch your bootch. We are practically brother and sister now." 

" Weeell, we could be more if you want. It's up to you, love." He chuckled that hot chuckle again. " Listen to what my parents brought us in here for." What is up with the smirk? At least he's doing a great job at flirting with me. 

" Okay, first thing's first, please excuse my pervert of a son." Nicky said.

" Not a pervert. Just overly friendly." 

" You got that right." I scoffed. He stuck out his tongue at me as the Andersons laughed at us.

" Secondly, we are going to buy you new clothes tomorrow. But today, we just want you to get settled in first. So, we'll go after we eat breakfast tomorrow!" Nicky told us both. She seemed even more excited than us, if that's possible. We all cheered together until Zane jumped in acting like a girl, causing me, and only me, to stop. My face was saying " Really? Shut up!". He turned away and started whistling. 

" Anywho, the thing about the auras." I immediately snapped my attention to his father. " We all know what you are. That's why we adopted you." my sister and I went directly on defense mode. We stood up and brought out our powers. A fiery red ball came blasting out of my hands as Lori made silver chains appear around each of their bodies, including Riley. My eyes became the same color as the ball in my hands. Lori's eyes went a deep purple including her whole body. My hair flared a violent red at the ends while Lori's hair flared a radiant purple on her tips. We weren't backing down this time.

" Who the hell are you and how did you find us?" I stated as calmly as I possibly could. 

" Damn, she's hot." I glared at you know who but that didn't change the lust in his eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to his parents. Riley was crying with all her might but I had to ignore it. I couldn't risk us being in danger again. 

" Please, calm down. We only want to help. We-"

" How do we know that?! You could just be another family trying to take advantage of us!" Lori yelled. The fire in my hands and hair blazed as if there was a wind that picked it up which sent our long black locks flying backwards. I saw Zane bite his plump dark pink lip in the corner of my eye. I am not that sexy.

" Just hear us out, okay?" Nicky said, while squirming in the tight chains " We know about your parents and how they were murdered. They requested us to keep you safe. You see, before they were killed they knew the attack was coming. For your protection, they had a letter sent to us to take you in." 

" And why did it take so long? That was thirteen years ago!" I screamed. Tears were pouring from my eyelids, the eyeliner and mascara went running down my cheeks. My sister kept her stance, not letting a tear shed.

" The letter wasn't even sent then. Your aunt that I'm sure you never got the chance to meet found it and sent the letter three months ago. It was in the house you had been currently living in when your parents were still with you. Please understand. We aren't here to hurt you. We only want the best for you both. Your parents were great friends of ours and we are so sorry for your loss. Please, let us out. These chains are very strong." Mr. Anderson concluded.

Do you think they're telling the truth? 

Yes. Let them go, Lori. I see that what they say is true. One of my many powers is I can tell if someone's telling the truth or not. If they're talking up the truth I can see if what they are saying actually happened. Kind of like seeing the past. If they're lying, I won't see a thing. Lori doesn't have that power. Though, she can see if something will actually happen, like seeing the future, which is something I can not.

Lori took away the chains and we both died down our powers. We were both standing at the edge of the window so we decided to sit there. It would be weird to sit with them all after our little, uh, tantrum.

" Come sit over here. We're a family now." We hesitated from Nicky's words. " Come. Now." she popped us back into our seats.

" You're witches too?!" Lori and I exclaimed. 

" Well, I prefer the term warlock, but what ever." We giggled with Mr. Anderson. " You two are very powerful. Even better than your parents...If that's possible!" 

Zane turned to smirk at me but shook it off and frowned. He licked his thumb and wiped the makeup off my cheeks. My darkly tanned cheeks turned a bright red I'm sure. I knew I couldn't stop smiling. But Zane's frown remained on his beautiful face. " Don't cry. It's okay now." He whispered so that no one else could hear. His minty breath blew over my face. I smiled and nodded.

Lori whistled at us, the chemistry obviously showing. It felt real. I knew he honestly didn't want me to be sad. He wasn't trying to just win me over with his charm, he actually cared. Was it love? I couldn't decipher my exact feelings but I certainly was liking this boy. 

Zane looked over at Lori and jokingly told her to shut up. She pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. I was so jealous of her natural beauty. The way her light brown skin shined and her pink lips were so plump. Our lips were EXACTLY the same but I always thought hers looked better. 

Lori always had a boyfriend. At least one every other month. I've only had about four over the years but Lori, no. She would always tell me that boys were watching me but I awould always ignore her comments, but now, I believe her. I know, it may not make sense but the way he looks at me, I actually believe that I'm beautiful. 

" I knew this would happen!" Nicky cheered.

" Wait, hold on. This was set up?" I asked. 

" Oh sweety, no. Not by us. By your parents. They predicted this." I nodded. It still hurt to have them brought up. " Well, Zane, show them to their rooms and be back down in an hour for dinner."

" Alright, mom." He led us upstairs. 

Lori and I ran side by side up the steps with Zane in front trying to not get run over. When he got to the top step, he turned left instead of right-there were two ways to go- and led us into a dark and eerie hallway. The lighting in the hallway was dim and flickered crazily. The carpet was bright red, the same as the carpet on the stairs and seemed reflect onto the white wall. Every step of the way I felt as if something was crawling up and down back and breathing on my neck.

" Stop it, Lori." she giggled and then jumped on my back and screamed in my ears.

" What the hell?!" 

 " I stepped on a creak in the floor." her hair was flaring purple fire but then died down when she started breathing easier.

" Someone needs to calm down."

Lori glared at him and jumped off me and got in his face." Don't play with me boy." He laughed.

" Sure. Sorry about the lighting. Riley just got her powers and she blew a fuse. But anyway, here's your room." 

We both rolled our eyes at him and walked to the door on our right. He opened it for us and waved us in. As soon as we entered the room, our mouths dropped to the floor. We stepped onto a fluffy white carpet that brightened the room. The left wall was all black with an all white cherry blossom tree that had thousands of branches. One of those branches wrapped around the entire room. The rest of the walls were a creamy white and the branch on those was a black. In the top right corner of the room was the best part. There was a ladder that led up to a bed. There was a white gate that kept you from falling off the ledge up there. Both beds, on top and bottom, were jenny modern beds with a black leather backboard and an espresso frame. The bedspreads were just like the left wall and the same for the two six drawer dressers. 

Right beside the ladder led down a hall to the room's very own bathroom. In that hall, there was window and that window inhabited a window seat. My very own cushiony window seat. I ran over to it and laid down while Lori went up the ladder. My whole body fit perfectly on it like it was made for my exact height. 

Zane popped on top of me out of thin air with his hands beside my head. " I see you like the room." I shoved him off and drove him into the wall across from my window seat. 

" Do you honestly believe that you can just do that? You asshole! If you ever do that again, I swear-"

" Are you threatening me? That is an extremely foolish thing to do, love."

" Stop acting like you have an English accent! You're American, not British, dumbass!"

" But you think it's sexy. I can read your mind you know. You're thinking right now that you like how close we are. I'd say that I agree." He left me speechless. Why would he go into my mind like that? He truly is a complete asshole.

I stormed off and went up the ladder to my sister. I wanted to kill him. Lori was giggling up to the point where I wanted to kill her too. These two are going to end up driving me up a wall.

Chapter 3

Nicky placed a plate in front of me and I instantly dug into the masterpiece. She put together shrimp scampi along with Alfredo and broccoli on the side in two separate little bowls. I moaned in delight when the flavors danced excitedly on my tongue. The shrimp genuinely melted in my mouth and the Alfredo had the perfect amount of butter and parmesan. I had a feeling someone was watching me and opened my eyes to see everyone at the unending dinner table to be drilling a hole in my head. 

" It's really good."

" I'm glad you enjoy my cooking but if I say so myself, you might be enjoying it far too much, dear." 

" It's not my fault you're such a lovely cook, dear." she laughed at me for mocking her.

" That's true." we all went back to silence, enjoying what was on our plates too much to speak. 

After I finished eating, I stood up to take my plate into the kitchen which was down the hall and behind the stairs. 

" Zuri, I got it." 

" Oh no. It's fine." 

" Thankyou." I nodded with a smile on my face. I certainly was full and satisfied. I heard Nicky say something but didn't exactly hear her. I was already in the kitchen by then. The kitchen was an olive green. It had an island in the very middle with a light brown granite surface and bright red bar stools. The closets, drawers, and cabinets were all a dark gray including the fridge and dishwasher. At the bottom right corner and wall there was a black leather booth that went with a steel table. I supposed that was where they ate breakfast. 

I walked over to the end of the kitchen and rinsed off my plate. Then I stowed away my plate in the dishwasher beside it.

" Since you're so good at dishes, how about putting all of these away." I turned around and Zane was standing behind me with dishes in his hands and on his arms.

" Look, I'm not gonna be your maid. Obviously your mother told you to do it so I won't stand in your way." 

" Please?" I pushed him aside and started to walk out the kitchen. I heard a clash behind me and an " Oh shit!" from an angry Zane. 

" Crap." I muttered, mentally face palming myself. 

" Look what you did! I ask you for help and you make me drop everything!"

" You're the one who stupidly decided to carry every plate from the freaking table! Don't even begin to blame me for your own stupidity!"

" I outta-" He stepped on the shattered plates and was in my face.

" Outta what? You aren't going to hit me are you? I'd like to see your ass try, sweetheart." 

" You ruthless little bitch!"

" Am I supposed to be offended? Stop using words and use your fists if you're the bad boy you act like!" he grabbed my wrist and spun me around having my back pressed against his chest. My wrists were both held behind with his one hand with his other arm wrapped around my waist.

" Is that better?" He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver against him. He laughed at me and let me go. I turned around and swung my shin into his neck. I pinned him on the ground with my fists and kneeled down beside him. He groaned in pain though I didn't know why. Did I really hurt this punk? I was gentle with him like he very much was with me. Well, maybe I did go a tad bit overboard. But, just a tad.

" Get. Off." 

" Oh, you don't like this position? You sure seemed to like it earlier when you were on top of me on the window seat."

" Zuri, " he gasped. " I'm Please. Get off." 

" Huh?" I got off of him and lifted him up from the ground. He groaned again when I gently turned him around to see large and tiny shards of glass piercing his back and arms. Every single spot where there was glass, there was blood trickling down from its wound. Tears formed in my eyes from all the blood I saw. The worst thing about the situation was that I was the one to cause it. 

" What the hell is going on in here?" Mr. Anderson and the rest of the family walked in and I turned to him with the tears already slowly falling down my cheeks.

" He dropped the plates and he started... he started yelling at me because it was partially my fault since...since I shoved him. So then I threatened him into hitting me because he called me a bitch." I couldn't stop my stuttering. The smell of blood was too much for me. Lori came beside and used her magic to easily flip him over so that she could see his backside. She popped him over to the booth so he could lay down and we both walked over to him.

" He hit you?!" Nicky shrieked. 

" And called you a bitch?" Jorge ended.

" No no no. It wasn't that serious. See, he turned me around and put my hands behind my back. Then he let go and I, uh, I kicked him in the neck. After that, I pinned him on the floor not realizing there was glass there." I lowered my head and waved them to come over and look. Nicky had Riley on her hip when they all came to take a look.

" I'll have to call the alchemist." Jorge whipped out his iPhone 5 from his pocket. I touched his hand implying for him not to do so. Zane groaned a third time. It was killing me. Why was I so stupid? I could have at least not put him in the glass. So stupid!

" That won't be necessary. Lori and I can heal him." 

" You girls are healers?" Nicky asked. We nodded.

" We should get him to his room though. This booth isn't exactly big enough for him." Lori said. We looked at the way half his body hung off the booth. The blood was spreading all over his white shirt and seeping onto the couch. We had to act fast or he'd die of blood loss.

Jorge carried his son up the steps and escorted us to his room. His room was a royal blue color and he had white shelves covering his walls stacked with CDs. Jorge set him on his sofa bed. Zane already had his eyes closed showing us we could lose him at any second. 

Lori grabbed my hand and we kneeled down on the floor. I used my other hand to levitate his shirt off of him and put it in the trash near his door. He smirked slightly when I did so. At least his personality was still there. Lori and I began chanting with our hands hovered over his body. We kept on with that for about five minutes until the thousands of shards of glass disappeared from his bloody flesh. He screamed from the feeling of glass being pulled from his skin.

Next, Lori and I turned towards each other and sat Indian style. To finish healing Zane, she had to transfer some of her energy to me. If we both cured him at the same time we could both die. This is because using all that energy would cause us to pass out and we wouldn't be able to ever wake up again. It's kind of like a curse of ours. Every witch has there own weaknesses and if we heal someone alone or together without the transfer of someone's energy, it could kill us.

A yellow ball with white light surrounding it grew bigger and bigger between us. Once it was as big as maybe the size of a human heart, we placed it on where Zane's heart would be. His back began to glow and it rapidly spread throughout his whole body. We put our hands on him and started chanting loudly as possible until the light went down. When it did, the blood was gone and his pulse started beating at a normal rate. He groaned once again and turned to face me. He smiled the sweetest smile that said thank you all over. 

I smiled back at him and waited for him to regain his energy. But, I couldn't wait any longer so I sat him up so that I could hug him. He wrapped his arms around my curvy waist affectionately. I breathed in his cinnamon scent.

" If you scare me like that again I'll kill you myself." I whispered in his cute little ear.

" You almost did." I pulled away from him and slapped him on the chest.

" Bastard! I'll do it again!"

" So, um, why were you crying then? Would you care to explain because you know, I'd certainly like to understand." He grinned with his victory. 

" You're annoying." I pouted, crossed my arms, and stuck out my bottom lip.

He unfolded my arms and placed them around his neck. " Thank you, Zuri. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you." I melted into him feeling perfectly happy until I got into my right mind. I swiftly came from his grasp finally being aware of his half naked body. I stood up and turned around to an empty room. 

" Where did everyone go?"

Chapter 4

"Zane, where is everyone?"

"I think they left to give us some privacy." He came and embraced my waist with his arms from behind. I stayed there for a second and jumped away.

"Don't play those games with me! You told them to leave behind my back! What so you can take advantage of me?"

He rubbed him temples in frustration and closed his eyes. " No, I did not, Zuri. My mom wanted me to tell you something about you and what's going to happen." I nodded and walked over to sit on his bed. " So, you're actually gonna listen?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. 

"Yeah, asshole, spill." He laughed at me. Oh, didn't see that coming(you got it right, sarcasm).

"Okay well first of all, you and Lori are going to be coming to my school. But I'm sure that you'd have a problem with that." 

"So what? You're saying I can't handle going to school with you because you think you're beautiful and I won't be able to deal with that?" I was swinging my finger in his face. "Let me tell you something mister-" He grabbed my finger and moved it from his face. He put a warm finger to my lips which sent tingles throughout my body.

"If you'd let me finish, maybe you'll get the whole story." I nodded and huffed. "You would have a problem with it because this school is a school for mystical creatures. People like us including zombies, banshee, elves, fairies, and alot more. Even demons but they're under the school away from us. We aren't allowed to go down there. Lastly, the thing about me and you." he paused as if waiting for my reaction. He was trying to determine if I would freak or not. I stood my ground, ready for anything that may come flying out of his mouth. " and I... are to be married." literally, I did not see that coming. My mouth hung open. He was not serious. There is no way I am not marrying this incompetent, arrogant bastard! 

"This is a dream." I held my head in my hands. 

"Nah, I'm serious, Z. The-"

"No. Just don't say anything." I stood from the bed and clutched my chest. How could this happen?

"Zuri, please. Don't go. We can talk about this." 

"I don't think so." He put his hands on my hips and turned my around to face him. He didn't say anything at first and the more I looked at him, the more I silently cried. It makes me sick because I don't ever cry this much. It's like he is my weakness.

I turned away and crossed my arms. His hands slid up my body to turn my face to look at his. His eyes stared deeply into my hazel ones. It felt like he was trying to feel what I felt, to read my mind, to comfort me. I felt his ecstasy flow through me. The flow of electricity he gave off sent pleasurable chills down my spine. He wanted to read my mind with his magic. I could see he was concerned. It wasn't his idea to be in an arranged marriage with me, it was someone else's. But who was the question. 

He dropped his gaze from mine and his hands went back down to my hips. Those hands pulled me closer and went up to my face. He cupped my face in his hands and did that staring thing again. He leaned closer, causing me to wonder what in the hell was he freaking doing? His lips brushed against mine and I knew. It felt good that they brushed on mine and I wanted more. He brought my crossed arms around his neck and gently put his lips to mine. I didn't respond at first but I eventually got into it and kissed him back. Our great kissing skills matched perfectly and we moved with so much passion. It was like we were already married. I loved how he didn't try to take it too far for me but at the time I wanted him to. 

I broke away for air and looked back at him. He had a cute, satisfied smile that showed his dimple. He kissed my forehead and looked back at me. I couldn't think straight. I loved that I kissed him but hated myself for doing it. It just felt so right which made me even angrier. 

I slid my hands slowly down his chest, yes to feel his abs, and he slightly shivered. I smiled at that and unwrapped his arms from my waist.

"I can't do this right now. I'm sorry." I walked away as quickly as I could. 

"Zuri! Zuri wait!" I stepped into my room and slammed the door in his face, but not on purpose. "Come on, open the door. I can come in easily." 

I ran over to the bed and threw my face into the firm pillow. It was just the way I liked it and the bed was just as plush. I heard the door open behind me. Zane is too persistent for my liking. 

" I think you should go, Zane. My sister doesn't want to be bothered so leave." I took a peek at them and Lori had her arms crossed while Zane had an annoyed expression.

" Lori, move. I've got to talk to her." 

" All you want to do is persuade her into going through with all this. Go, now." 

" You really think I want to be in a forced marriage? I know exactly how she feels, Lori. I am not that insensitive. It offends me that you'd think that. Now move, okay?" I turned away when their talking ceased. I didn't feel like laying there so I stopped and got up to go to the bathroom. When I walked past Lori and Zane, Lori winked at me but Zane opened his mouth, yet he couldn't find his words. 

I was wrong about this guy, Zuri. He's not bad.

I couldn't respond to her comment. No matter if she could see the future or not, I didn't care. All I wanted to do was wipe the makeup off my face, take a shower, and go to sleep. A deep sleep I might add.

The cold marble floor to the bathroom caused me to jump. I turned to the closet with a glass door beside me and got out a towel and washcloth. I turned on the shower and stripped from my clothes. As the bathroom filled with steam, I stepped into the hot water and praised the way it ran over my body, the way it relaxed my tense muscles. Various soaps and shampoos were already on the shelves in the shower. They were all from Victoria Secret and I picked the shampoo and soap that would make my hair and skin smell like vanilla and coconut. 

I finished washing myself and came out much more relaxed. I'd just try to deal with the fact that I'm not going to be able to choose my own husband later, maybe tomorrow. The school would freak me out but this marriage is much more of a problem. I dried my hair with the blow dryer that sat on the vanity's counter and wrapped myself in a towel. Then I used the same scented lotion as the shampoo and soap to moisturize my honey brown skin. I only had my towel to cover myself when I exited the washroom. I didn't have clothes because of the bitch, remember? 

Lori was coming down the ladder as soon as I opened the door and she sped past me into the bathroom. I guess she's getting that bed. Way to discuss who gets what, but that's my charming sister for you. Zane was sitting calmly on the left side of my bed which made me quite angry. It was not only the fact that he was no longer shirtless...but also because I didn't want to see him. But I kept my cool as I approached him, not even caring about how my boobs popped out of my mid-thigh length towel.

" So, like what are you doing in here?"

" Please don't be mad at me. It's not my fault we're being forced into marriage." He kept glancing from my eyes to my chest, though his nervous eyes always stayed on my bust longer with each glance.

" Damn." I barely heard him but I certainly caught it. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes at him and lifted up his chin the same way he did to me earlier.

" My eyes are on my face not my chest, moron. Now, either leave or bring me something to wear for bed." He smirked at me uncontrollably and left the room. I laid down on my bed on my back with my legs dangling off. After around five minutes, Zane came skipping back into the room with clothes in hand. I giggled a little then quickly shook it off. I was supposed to be mad at him which was very difficult.  

Chapter 5

§ Zane's P.O.V. § (I know you're like oh my gosh, it's Zane, his sexiness is drowning meeee! K, back to the show!)

Lori went up her ladder and turned on the little radio that sat on the nightstand. Could these girls get any hotter? Like how am I supposed to survive, especially when one of them is mine. Although, it pains me to see Zuri so upset with our arranged marriage. I would brag about the fact that she shouldn't complain of how beautiful I am but I haven't really given her such a good first impression. I only showed her my player side, at least that's what I thought I did. The kiss we had made me think otherwise because she looked at me differently afterwards. It was beautiful, the best kiss I've ever had and that isn't an exaggeration.

She kissed with so much skill and grace that my whole body tingled the entire moment. I saw that we both wanted more but she went away before that could happen. I could tell she had a hard time with getting close to anyone. It was because of all the many moves from place to place. And I can't blame her. It makes sense that she wouldn't want to try getting closer to me. Zuri doesn't deserve a guy like me who humps every hot girl he can get. It's not fair to her. 

I walked out of their room to mine so I could grab a shirt. I picked out a black tank and shoved it on then walked back to the twins room to wait for Zuri. 

It felt like forever until I heard the shower finally cut off. She came out with nothing on from what I could see. Just a towel and in my eyes, she's just about naked. I may get a boner every time I look at her.

" So, like what are you doing in here?" she said highly annoyed, snapping me out of my daydream. 

" Please don't be mad at me. It's not my fault we're being forced into marriage." I couldn't stop looking at her chest which was the best I might have seen. Yes, I am a horny bastard. Sorry! She mocked me when she used her index finger and her thumb to lift up my chin. 

" My eyes are on my face not my chest, moron. Now, either leave or bring me something to wear for bed." I smirked and left right away. Maybe she'd let me watch her get dressed. I highly doubt it. 

I went down the stairs to find my mom. I looked in the kitchen. I looked in the dining room. I looked in the living room. My parents were nowhere to be found. Then, a thought came to mind. I went behind the tv stand and cast a spell on the wall to reveal a secret door. It led down a hall and it brought up so many memories. There were so many girls I made out with in here. I got to the end of the hall and cast yet another spell. This spell caused a door to appear in front of me. Sometimes I'd have parties in there because you could make that room anything you could think of. The door creaked open and I stepped in, hearing drastic moans of pleasure. 

" Mom? Dad?" I looked around and saw the room was made into a love suite. There was a king sized bed at the far end and on that bed were my parents making…love. A sight I hoped to never see. 

I cleared my throat in disgust at the sight. They jumped and covered themselves. " Uhhh, Zuri and Lori need clothes for bed…" I trailed off. 

" J-just go in my bottom drawers, sweetie. You'll find everything in there. I had already picked some things out."

" Yeah okay. You two kids have fun now." I scurried away.

" Ha. Ha. Ha."

I entered their room and tried my hardest to erase what I just witnessed. It was inevitably hard. I shook my head and went to her bottom drawer and pulled out two white tank tops and two pairs of purple and black short shorts. I'm going to die! Why would my mother pick out something so revealing when she knows it will clearly glue my eyes to their bodies uncontrollably? She's doing this on purpose, I swear.

I slowly walked down the hall to the twins room and regretted agreeing to get the clothes for them. They looked at me as I came in and tossed the clothes at them. They looked over the skimpiness and their eyes went wide in anger.

" What the hell is this?!" They screamed in unison. 

(A/N: hey guys, sorry this part was so short. And like um, feel free to comment and heart it! Byee suckas! Hahaha I'm joking… or not. You'll nevva know. Why? Because I am a ninja. Hiiiiii ya! Boom pow! Slice!)

Chapter 6

§ Zuri's P.O.V §

" Do you want me to seriously kick your ass or is this a joke? What's up with this underwear? Like for real!" I pulled out some pink Victoria Secret underwear, which is recently voted sexiest underwear, that was bundled up in the shorts. Zane shook his head and rubbed his temples.

" You guys, my mom picked those clothes out. I guess she doesn't have any normal underwear. Look, I'm going to sleep. It's too late for all this yelling." I gasped but decided to let him go. I could tell the little nimrod was laughing on the way out with the way his body was shaking lightly. It made me sick. Purely sick, if sickness can be pure... I-I don't know. 

Instead of running after him and scratching his eyes out, I chose to go to sleep in my window seat for the night. It certainly was big enough to the point where I wouldn't fall off. I went into the bathroom to get a hair tie to put my hair in a messy bun. Guys at school always used to tell me it was pretty hot but... yeah I agree on that one. My eyes scanned the window seat like it was a piece of meat and I curled up on it and went into a deep and peaceful slumber. 


" Mmm, five more minutes, okay?" someone kept nudging me softly on my shoulder, trying to wake me up by whispering in my ear, 'wakey wakey' in a seductive tone. 

I whimpered. " Please stop." 

" Wakey wakey, sunshine." I pouted and heard a throaty chuckle. Who is that? Oh yeah, the ass wipe. I chose to ignore him and that's when I heard shuffling. My eyes slowly opened to see Zane laying beside me with his chest bare and his arm snugly wrapped around my waist. He also had my leg snugly wrapped around his waist too. All of this was to the point where his junk was near my... area. I rolled my eyes and didn't even try to move because I knew I'd just be pulled right back. 

" What?" 

" I would ask if you wanna fool around but we both know the sad answer to that. So, I thought I could cook for you." 

" Where are your parents?" I shrugged off what he just said to me so that I wouldn't kick him in the neck again. 

" They went to the bank for your shopping spree thing." I groaned into his chest and laid my hand there. " You like the way I feel?"

" Where is my sister when I need her?" 

" With my parents." gah!

I got up, surprisingly he let me, and went into the en suite. Brushing my teeth would be good and washing my face too. When I came out, he was gone. That made me so happy you wouldn't imagine. I looked down at the outfit I was sporting and grumbled under my breath. I looked like a whore. That's probably why he tried to spoon with all this. 

I took a walk over to my bed and and grabbed a blanket off my bed. Then, I decided to face him but with the blanket wrapped around my body looking like an innocent little girl.

Before I entered the kitchen, a sweet and savory aroma graced my nose with its presence. Zane was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. I walked next to him by the stove and he was preparing two omelets in separate skillets at the same time. Boy got skills. Both of the omelets had cheese and lots of it with seasoned spinach. On the island behind me was a feast for a king. There was french toast, grits, oatmeal, hash browns, cooked cinnamon apples, and Pillsbury Dough Boy cinnamon buns with the cream cheese icing. He had also prepared a fruit platter that included fresh apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries. In that order, he arranged them all in a circle, the apples on the outside with the strawberries in the very middle.

I was pleased to the top. I only hoped it was as good as it appeared. " So, where'd you learn to cook?" I asked, enthusiastically. 

 " Cooking school last summer. My mom put me in it. Go sit in the booth while I make your plate." He had a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, aiming for his eye when he turned around to the island with the omelets. I quickly went to him and gently wiped it off with my thumb. Sweat in your eye is the devil. He smirked in a sensual way and turned to me. 

" You're so sweet. Thank you." his face was so close to mine that our lips were this close to being in contact. Oh, I had a serious urge to kiss them again. I backed away slowly and turned to the booth. I was sure he'd find some snide comment to tease me about that. 

 After we ate, I leaned back in complete and outright pleasure. Everything had the perfect amount of seasoning. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have him as a husband. Or not. I looked up to see him smirking, which I returned. I was so happy I didn't even care about the way he looked at me because the meal was far too good to complain. 

He nodded as if to say yes she's satisfied, then stood from the booth and took our plates to the sink. It seemed like he did all this on his own will without his mommy telling him. Which surprised me because, why would he cook me such a fancy meal? Zane had to want something in return... something I didn't want to give him. Otherwise, maybe he was just trying to show me another side of him other than the hormonal twit. It would be hard to imagine the gentleman side of this guy mostly because I would have never thought it was in him.

"What was this for? Are you trying to win me over or somethin'?" I crept my way over to him by the island.

He turned around from the sink to meet my skeptic gaze. There's that smirk again. Does he ever not smirk? "And why would you think that? I can't cook you a meal without wanting something in return?"

I thought about it for a moment. This dick is trying to play me. "Nope." I simply stated, popping the 'P'.

"Why would you think that?" He pouted, but it was evident he was joking. I crossed my arms against my medium-large chest. Trying to play me.

"Okay, just one teeny tiny itsy bitsy kiss. You won't even feel it."

"Ofcourse." I stormed off, pissed off at myself for even thinking he could be an okay guy.

I felt his stride behind me but kept on walking. I didn't even know where I was going but I turned to a door. It was a bedroom and I was trapped. Smart. 

"Bad place to stop, but okay. Um, Z, I cooked that meal...because...I um I...just want you to like me. I didn't think I'd get anything in return I just wanted to make you happy. The smile you gave me was beautiful." I sat on the bed, unsure of how to answer. His face showed sincerity but how would I know for sure? Zane could be lying to my face. He's probably done this type of thing millions of times just to get some.

"No. That's not true at all. I am not trying to get some. Not from you." Well...that was harsh.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that okay?" He let out a frustration filled breath and pinched the top of his nose. His cute nose. Dammit. He smiled, obviously hearing another one of my thoughts. 

"Yes. Dammit is right. I have something else to joke you about." If he does not piss off.

He came to sit beside me but I immediately stood and walked to the door. "Stop it!" he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall with his hands lightly on my shoulders. I crossed my arms again and looked dead in his eyes. 

"Yes?" 'Why are you so difficult?' I listened in on his thoughts this time. What now homie?! "I'm difficult because you are an annoying, hormonal asshat. I'm not gonna give into your charm like all your other sluts. Oh, and I can read your mind because-" I leaned to whisper in his ear. "I'm a better witch than you, baby." that came out way more sexual than I wanted it to. Dammit again.

I breathed in his luscious scent which now actually smelled like laundry detergent and dryer sheets. He seemed to breath in mine as well because his nose was now on my neck, his body pressed against mine. My frame froze. Gah, what do I do?! He pecked my neck with his plump lips. I stopped breathing, showing him that he got to me. 

He kept smooching on my neck. He went down to my collarbone and sucked. I tried my hardest to keep my moan from escaping from my throat. His lips moved from there and his hands went from my shoulders. He looked at me with hungry eyes and snaked his soft hands down to my arms and uncrossed them and put them around his neck. Then he trailed my body with his fingers and squeezed my hips. God help me. What is he doing? His seduction skills come so easily for him. The way he bites his bottom lip, oh man. It's too much for me.  

His lips went to my neck again and I let him. He dragged his tongue lightly up my neck and began to nibble on my ear. I let out a soft moan. He chuckled and went back to sucking on my neck. I put my hands up his shirt and felt his hard abs. Calming myself down wasn't easy so I just gave in. I pulled away from his lips on my neck and looked in his eyes. He could get that kiss now. He smiled, obviously hearing me and slowly leaned in. I went through his soft, thick hair as we kissed and totally melted. His lips tasted like strawberries and they moved perfectly with my lips which were as plump as his. 

I lightly pulled his hair and his moan was much louder than mine. I smiled against his lips and ran my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Yeah, I got skills too boy. He let me in and I explored his mouth. Our tongues danced the salsa which felt like forever. His strong hands pulled me closer and I jumped up to wrap my legs around his waist. I giggled and he smiled at me. My blanket was seriously forgotten about and all my goods, of which I have a lot of, were out to the world. 

He backed up and fell on the bed with a thump. When was it so close? I might have used my magic when I got in the mood to have it closer. Maybe I should try and control that. 

"No." Zane mumbled against my lips. I guess I won't then. "Good." 

"Shhhh." I placed my finger against his lips. He was talking too much. He laughed and began leaning towards me but I aimed for his neck. I was gonna make him moan again. I didn't say it was sexy did I? Well, it is, very much. 

I spread kisses on his neck and started to lightly suck behind his ear. He moaned softly that was followed by a raspy breath, his soft spot obviously. He's easy. That raspy breath was sexy too. My hands went up his shirt again uncontrollably and ripped it off. Oops! I pulled back from his neck because his shirt was now on the floor in shreds.

"I am so sorry!" I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. 

He sat up. "Don't worry about it." He pressed his lips to mine softly and affectionately. He then pressed his lips roughly, deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped in my mouth and tangled with mine. This time, his hands began to take off my shirt and before I knew it, my tank top was shredded too. His eyes slid to my boobs which stuck out my bra. He started to kiss the top of them and I moaned loudly. My soft spot. 

"Zane... we should stop." He kept on kissing my bust and began to unclip the pink lace bra I was wearing. "Zane...stop." my 'stop' came out as a whisper. He unclipped my bra and let's just say, I ran like hell.

Chapter 7

I feel like a naughty girl. Sitting in the car between Lori and Zane on the way to mall. I have been glancing at him in the corner of my eye, but not by my choice. I only wanted to avoid him. He was obviously staring at me the whole ride, not just sneaking glances but literally staring at me. His body was slightly facing me and his eyes were cemented to my face. 

What is your problem this time? 

Why are you avoiding me? Is it because of what happened this morning? I'm sorry I practically forced myself on you at first, but I didn't think you'd go for it. 

Are you really apologizing or do you just want me to fall for your apology and then almost give it up again? I ain't stupid, bruh. He laughed at my slang that always come out when I'm angered.

Stop thinking I'm such a douche. Yeah, I may be hormonal but I'm not half bad okay? I didn't respond. Fine. I'll prove it to you.

As soon as we arrived at the mall, I climbed over him and walked to the doors of the huge mall. I linked arms with Lori and we strutted into the mall like runway models. This is how we do it! 

 "Nice ass, wifey." Zane murmured in my ear and lightly took my hand in his. I tried to snatched it away but his grip was too strong.

"So this is you provin yo' self! You're doin' such a grand job!"

"Ugh. Sorry. Let me start over."

"Nah. No thanks." I took my chance to yank away my hand and walked into Wet Seal, credit card in hand. 

By the time our shopping was over, well, the card was limitless. Everyone had at least five or more of our bags of clothes, accessories, fragrances, shoes, electronics, and little knick-knacks. We wanted to add some color to our room instead or the black and white theme. 

People eyed us down when we came out. The amount of clothes we had was pretty insane but there's no need to stare. Gosh. My sis and I had changed clothes while we were inside to look more, rich? I guess to fit in with our new family. Though, we looked more like hipsters. I was wearing:

My hair has been died red and curled! I look awesome, baby! My sister:

She had gotten some honey highlights to her already dark brown hair. We found out it was dark brown instead of black in the salon. Who knew? 

Zane of course was drooling beside me and Nicky was as jumpy as a grasshopper. That was corny. As jumpy as a grasshopper. I could have said something different. Oh well now. She had helped us pick our outfits and I must say, she is incredible. 

The car was packed and loaded and we were now on the way to our home. Jorge seemed a little uneasy when we arrived at the house so I asked what was upsetting him.

"I don't want to sound like a prune but... I very much dislike those outfits you girls are wearing. I'm sorry but did you see all the guys drooling over you? Including my son?" Zane checked his mouth for saliva and there was a tiny drop. Awkward. "See? I just think you should wear some shorts that are slightly longer."

"Oh Jorge. They're teenagers. Let them have a little fun." 

"But I'm just saying-" Nicky motioned behind him for us to go upstairs whilst he ran his mouth. We used our magic to flash us and our bags to our room. 

I put my new yellow iPOD in the speaker thingy and blasted We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus. 

"You're helping us fold and hang our clothes and decorate our room." Lori told the Zane who tried to get away. 

"We can't do that tomorrow? It's late." He complained. I opened the curtain to show him the setting sun. Yeah, around six at night is late. 

"Stop with the complaints and get your ass over here and help." Lori said firmly. His shoulders slumped as he went to pick up a random bag sprawled on the floor. I grinned and started putting up pictures and little objects on the walls while him and Lori hung up clothes. 

It took three hours to put away everything and in result of that we fell on my bed and laughed. 

"That took forever." Zane gasped. 

"Do you always complain this much?" I joked.

"Very funny." 

"I don't think he can stop, girl." we all laughed at her and then we were automatically sitting in the dining room with food on our plates. I screamed a little bit, but just a little bit.

"Sorry. I didn't feel like calling you down." Nicky smiled. "We have some things to discuss. Zane told you about your arranged marriage and about the school, correct? " I rolled my eyes and nodded. 

"Okay. Well, just so you know, Jorge and myself did not have anything to do with that. It was all your parents idea. I guess they just wanted to make sure you didn't marry a mortal to keep the power in the family. They told us you were the wild one." she giggled and I raised an eyebrow. Is she serious? Ain't nothin' funny. "Anyway, I'm sorry we have to go through with this but it is already settled. I really am-"

"You sure don't seem sorry. Our parents are dead! Why do we have to go through with this? It isn't fair!"

"Sweetie, please don't react this way. Like I said before, it is settled and that's final. So the school. I would allow you to go to normal school but from your past records, I'm afraid that's not possible. You both need more training so that you will be able to control yourself in the mortal world. Mythic Academy not only is a school for learning but also for training certain species. You'll learn the usual math, science, history, and English along with magic training. Is that alright?" 

"Yes, that will be fine." Lori sat me down. When had I stood up? My hair was flaring a slight orange at the ends and I then dimmed it down. She's got a point about the control thing.

"No. That won't be fine." I grumbled with my arms crossed stubbornly. No one heard me.

"Great. You can eat now." I looked down at the very appealing plate before me. It was a steak platter with mashed potatoes and string beans. I only sat there, pissed off out of my mind. 

"Dear, either eat or go upstairs. I know the predicament you're in is difficult but I do not allow disrespect in my house." I took in her words thoughtfully and stood from my seat and flashed myself upstairs with a fake smile. 

Did she really expect me to act like everything was lollipops and gumdrops? I am being forced into marriage. I am being forced into marriage. I am being forced into marriage. Nope, couldn't say it without almost crying. Why would my parents do this to me? How could they force me to love someone? To be stuck with someone forever? What would compell them to do such a thing? 

I threw the clothes I was wearing on the floor until I was completely nude, took my robe off my coat hanger, and went into the bathroom to take a hot bubble bath. When nothing or no one else could calm me down, that was my only option.

Chapter 8

I sat with my head against the tiles and my back against my new bath pillow. The water felt tranquil on my silken skin and I could feel it slowly easing my rapid nerves. My mind was clear, no thoughts were clustering my brain. There was nothing to think about but the cozy blanket of water and the sound of tiny bubbles going a quiet pop

There was a soft knock on the door. My eyes stayed closed, just waiting for that person to leave. The soft knock came again and opened my door. I groaned and turned my head. Oh shit, Zane! I thought it would be Nicky! My hands quickly reached out to gather bubbles to cover my floating...breasts. Zane struggled to keep in a laugh and sat on the edge of the tub.

"Are you okay? You've been up here for hours and your food is cold. I could put it in the microwave if you want?"

"I was until you barged in." I closed my eyes. 

"Do you want me to warm up your food or not? I'm trying to be nice." 

"You came in here while I'm naked. That's not very polite, now is it? Yes, you can warm my food and pass me a towel." 

"You're so cute when you're mad." He smiled with his forehead on mine. 

"I know that. Can I get that towel, babe?" He smirked and leaned to get it. "Um, can you um... get the hell out, please?" He shook his head no with that sexy smirk.

"And I'm difficult." I rolled my eyes and stood from the tub, quickly wrapping the towel around myself. He was sort of flashed but I'm pretty sure he'll live. "Okay. You got your little peak of my sexiness. You can leave now." I stepped up to him and opened the door he closed and locked. Boys.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close until we could literally feel each other's heart beat. His was calm while mine was just going all over the place. Why did he make me so nervous? His hand went up my back to my neck. He tilted it back and leaned forward. I didn't know how much I was craving those lips until that very moment. 

I ran my hands up his stomach and wrapped my arms around his neck. My lips aimed for his and he kissed back right away. Teenage hormones are a bitch. We walked around the bathroom, running each other into everything and knocking things on the floor. Our lips never separated. He slid his tongue over my bottom lip and I let him in. His tongue sloshed around my mouth causing me to moan. I bit his bottom lip softly and like last time, his moan was louder.

We were standing in the middle of the bathroom and I tripped on the rug and went tumbling down. He landed on top of me and we laughed our asses off. He leaned back down and his lips crashed to mine. His hands moved all over my body and he made me shiver. The towel fell off and his eyes hungrily looked me over. 

"Like what you see, huh?" his head bobbed up and down like a bobble head and I pulled him down until there was no space between us. 

He kissed my neck and sucked. My hands explored his bare back, yes his shirt came off, and I felt all the muscles that were moving. 

"I should make your plate before... they get suspicious." He mumbled against my neck. Then he looked at my face.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I winked at him, referring to what just happened. 

"I know because I have mad skills." 

"Oh really? I'm better." 

"Prove it." 

"You moaned way more than I did. I think you should be in Guiness Book of Records for most moans in five minutes." I stood up and put on my robe.

"You are a mean little girl." He frowned playfully and pulled on his shirt.

"But-" I walked over to him and got on my tippy toes. "It turns you on." I walked out the bathroom and decided to put on some proper clothes instead of my robe. He already saw me naked so no biggy. 

When I was done, he took my hand in his ever so gently,the and led me down the hall to the stairs. I was thinking. This whole making out thing has already happened twice. Twice is one too many for me and this can't continue. I don't want to like him!


Texte: Steal my book and I'll kick your ass! Thanks, darling!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.08.2013

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