

"Give it back, Asher!"

"Oh the baby want her phone back! Don't cry little darling!" his voice and face was utterly annoying. Then it turned into pure evil. "Just give me what I want and I'll give you your phone." Did he just growl at me on that last part? Oh heeell no! We were standing around the island thinga-ma-jig yes, I did just say thinga-ma-jig, in the kitchen. He had my phone and I had his precious little present for his girlfriend's birthday. 

"Look, stop being a jackass and we can handle this in an, oh I don't know, a not childish way!" 

"I'm childish? You're the one who took the present in the first place! Yep, I'm childish one." He said sarcastically. Stop right there brother! That is my job and my job only! I am the sarcastic one in this house.

"All I wanted was to see what was inside. But no. You had to get all sappy about it and then you attacked me! Please, just give me my phone." I pouted. My phone buzzed, notifying I got a text. Asher felt the need to run away into the next room to read it. I ran after that amateurish bastard and hopped on his back. But did that stop him? Man, what are you thinking? Of course not. Like... duh. 

"Hey booky poo! Ready to go to Laina's party tonight? I heard it's gonna be really awesome, sweety kins! I'll pick you up at eight, kay? Love you, you sexy beast!" He laughed his butt off from changing the words. Elliott did not just say 'booky poo', 'sweety kins', and 'sexy beast'. Ugh, dumbass. It was 'babe', 'sweety', and 'beautiful'. I melted from seeing those words but this boy right here just had to go and ruin it. Why did my brother have to let him move in? Just because they're best friends does not mean they have to see each other every single freaking day. It's bad enough our parents left us for the raving ecstasy of getting high on drugs and sex. The universe is out to get me, you know. It really is.

"Gabe?! Your sister is trying to molest me! Get her off! Help meh!" I jumped off him and ran to the couch and pulled the bowl of popcorn on my lap and glued my eyes to the television before he came down. Thank you Lord for long legs!

Gabe came down the stairs, looked at us, me looking innocent and Asher still with my phone. I shrugged and so did he, rolling his eyes and then he went back up the spiral staircase.


"I love you too, Ash. So like, your present is right on the dining room table beside you. My phone?" I said without turning around and threw my hand back for him to give me my phone. He grunted and and I heard his footsteps coming towards me. Yes. I am smooth. Like a snake! You betta recognize! Whoot Whoot! He handed me my Samsung Galaxy SII and I texted my boyfriend back.

"Okay. I'll be ready. Love you too, babes. <3"

"I'm gonna go get ready for the party. Feel free to not stand there still looking stupid. Love you!" I smiled my Hollywood smile and skipped up the stairs.

"Bitch." I heard him mumble which made me laugh.

I got to my very non-girly, sky blue room and went into my walk-in closet to get out my dress for Laina's party. She's my best friend but, she forced me against my will into wearing it. It's bad enough she's dating Asher and now she's making me wear a dress. No. No. No. Not cool. I don't do dresses. Ever. 

Well, I should do you the highest honor of telling you about me, myself, and I. My name is Gabrielle Olivia Tanner. My hair is silky and dark brown. I have teal eyes that have flecks of yellow that actually turn green when in the sun. One good thing I get from my mother are my curves because my body is absolutely flawless. I would say that I am very cocky but I tend to not show off in front of people too much. I'd say I'm quite spontaneous also, doing things last minute is what I do most.

My brother and I live alone along with the dipshit, Asher, because our parents literally left us on the streets. When I was around two years old and my brother was five, Nicole and Richie Tanner left us like you leave clothes at a thrift shop. I feel sorry for my brother at times because he had to take care of me all his life instead of enjoying his life as a child. My grandfather stepped in money wise but Gabe helped me to become the independent young lady I am today.

The dress Laina picked out for me is a very short black party dress. The straps are silver and the left strap goes all the way around in the back and stops at my right hip. The problem is that she acquired the serious need to pick out the tightest friggin dress in the whole damn store. It cuts off all the circulation in my body. It also makes my butt look like a hot air balloon and my boobs like water balloons. She has no consideration for me at all. Tear tear. 

I went into the bathroom and stripped and got in the shower. Then I got out, dried off and tried my very hardest to put on the dress. Man that dress was tight! Who does this?! Oh yeah, that's right. Crazy people! When I looked in the mirror, after pulling the dress on for ten minutes, I don't mean to brag or anything but I looked hot! I now see why people do this. My boyfriend's eyes are going to literally fall out his head. Not joking. Believe me! I put on some black eyeliner which made my teal eyes pop, went in my room to grab my purse and stilettos, put them on, and then went downstairs.

Gabe and Asher were chatting in the kitchen with their party clothes on. Gabe was wearing a blue collar shirt with a black bow tie while Asher was wearing a purple collar shirt, also with a black bow tie, to match Laina's purple dress that was exactly like mine. His good looks disgust me. I slyly rolled my eyes as I walked in and went to the fridge to grab a water. I screwed open the cap, took a swig, and then I felt eyes on me and turned around.

"What?!" I said. Asher was staring me down with lust in his eyes. He quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"Nothing." He mumbled. I grinned.

"You were checking me out! It's okay. I know I look sexy." Gabe laughed at me and Asher snorted. His defiance astonishes me.

I heard the bell ring and scrambled to the door tripping on the way. "You didn't see that!"

"Kinda did." Gabe and Asher replied. 

"Shut the fuck up." I said. They cracked up but I turned around towards them with a death glare and they immediately became quiet.

I opened the door to see my boyfriend, Elliott. His black hair was perfectly 'fluffed' and his tan skin and muscular build seemed to shine in the sunset. I may be over exaggerating but... damn. I always wonder how I got set up with him. His dark brown eyes scanned over my body and like I said they fell out. Told you. No lie. No lie. No lieieiei.

"Uh you uh, um well. Um you look g-g-great." I giggled at his response.

"Ya don't look too bad yaself, partna!" I grinned wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head to mine. He kissed me slowly and affectionately. I didn't want that. I kissed him roughly with so much passion I thought I might burst. He squeezed my waist and lightly ran his tongue over my bottom lip, asking to put his in my mouth. Access granted, sir.

I heard someone clear their throat and turned around and there was a glaring Gabe. "I'd like it if you don't eat my sister. Thanks. Please get out and don't let me lose my respect for you." 

"I'm really sorry." Elliott defended and my brother nodded with disgust and walked past us to his car. Elliot smiled down at me with so much love in his eyes. He leaned down and was slapped on the back. 

"I'm riding with you guys right? My car's getting worked on."

"Asher! Go wait in the fucking car!" I fumed. He smirked that smirk he knows I hate. Oooh I hate his guts! I watched him walk away and get in the car. Elliot stroked my hair which caused me to calm down some. 

"Babes, it is ooookay. Don't let him get to you. It only makes him enjoy it more." He chuckled that sexy chuckle. 

"He annoys me." I lay my head on his shoulder.

"It's sexy when you get mad like that though." He pulled back and smirked.

"Shut up." I smacked him with my purse and walked to the car. "We're gonna be late." I put my hand back and he took it. We walked to my side and he opened the door for me. Such a gentleman. He he. He went to his side and started the car and drove off.

When we got to the massive house, every kind of car you could think of was there. It was like she invited the whole friggin school. My Laina. She so cray cray! I can't blame her though. She turned eighteen today and so do I soon. 

We walked in and people were all over the place. Dancing, smooching, humping, bumping, grinding. All kinds of things they shouldn't have been doing. People these days. Sex is the only option now. Makes me sick these darn folks! To infinity and beyond yo!

Drunk Guys. Ugh...

Laina came running over to us and jumped into my arms. She looked amazing in her dress. She had jet black hair that was unbelievably curly with a frizzy look and mint green eyes. There was a cute little mole, or beauty mark, beside her mouth and she had a nose ring on her left nostril. Her frame was much skinnier than mine but there were some curves.

"Happy birthday girl!" I screamed over the loud music.

"Thanks, boo! And see, I told you that dress would suit you. You look so hot, girl." I rolled my eyes at her playfully.

"Hey, don't flirt with my girl." Elliott grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Boy, please. I already got a man. Hey baby." she wrapped her arms around Asher. He looked like a little puppy in her arms. He's whipped I tell you. Whipped! He handed her the present and they walked away into the crowd to dance.

"Elliott! You have got to check this out! Hey Bree! You don't mind do you?" a group of shady looking guys came and grabbed Elliott. I shook my head as they pulled him down the hall. He frowned at me apologetically and I nodded for him to go to have fun. He blew me a kiss and disappeared into the dark hall.

Oh, I'm all alone. Might as well sing the lonely song. Here goes:

I am so lonely

I have nobody 

For my own!

Yes I know that was beautiful as ever. Right on! My only companion was the wall. Hey wall, I thought. I grabbed a drink off the table beside me not really caring what it was. From the taste of it, I think it was beer. Very strong beer. Oops, oh well. I drunk it anyway. I went into the crowd of dancing folks after drinking about three cups. I was on my fourth.

I was minding my own business until I felt someone behind me, uninvited. " Excuse me, sir. I don't know who you are so would you do me the honor of leaving?" I told him, then sipped some of my beer, highly drunk. Drunk as a skunk.

"I like it when a girl is drunk and fiesty. You wanna take this party upstairs, baby?" He groped my butt, again, uninvited. Who does he think is?

"Look dude! Get away from me!"

"Oh, honey. You don't need to get mad. It'll only take five minutes or less. Depends on you..." He grinned.

"Just stop! Leave me alone! Find someone else." I tried walking away but he grabbed my arms tightly. 

"I said come upstairs, bitch." He shook me. His grip brought tears to my eyes. I was petrified and felt completely violated. Is he going to rape me? 

"Please, just leave me alone, okay?" I cried. 

"No. You made me mad now. Too bad for you, baby." He threw his vodka tasting lips at mine, trying to stick his tongue down my throat. I tried clawing at his face but he wouldn't budge. His hands explored every inch of my body, cupping certain areas he shouldn't have. The alcohol consumption I'd had clogged my mind, controlling my movements which were helpless. Every strike I threw was easily dodged and he went right back to sucking my face.

What I didn't realize was the fact that we were moving towards the stairs. When I opened my eyes, searching for help, I saw Elliott standing far away, watching in shock. Why was he just standing there?

"Hey, get off her!" Asher? Really! Asher! He hauled the guy off me and clobbered him on the ground. He kept punching and punching and punching. The boy on the floor didn't even put up a fight while Asher beat every drop of blood out of his poor face. I don't think anyone could've stopped him. I put my hand over my mouth in complete surprise. Laina saw what was happening and pulled him away. 

"Asher, what in the world is going on?" she said. A crowd was forming around us.

"That bitch was practically raping Gabs with his mouth!" Gabs? Is that his secret nickname for me? It's actually pretty cute. Laina looked surprised too. The dude on the floor was unconscious... I think. I poked him on the arm. Yep, he's out like a bulb.

 "Are you okay?" He grabbed my shoulders softly and looked deeply into my eyes. I nodded. It wasn't supposed to be him comforting me. It wasn't supposed to be him beating some one up for me. That was supposed to be Elliott's job. Sadness took over my body causing me to slump.

Laina hugged me tight. "Come on. I'll take you two home." she looked around confused. "Where's Elliott?"

"I-I don't know. That j-jackass. I saw him watching that guy eat me alive, but he just stood there. I don't see him n-now." I swayed. It sucks to not be sober in times like this.

"Oh my gracious. I'm so sorry. He doesn't deserve you then. Let him be a jackass. You'll tell him off anyway, knowing you." We laughed and she hugged me again. She stood on a chair and used the DJ's microphone. "Okay, everyone. Shows over. Keep partying!" Show off. They cheered and the DJ turned on the music. "Let's get going."

She led me out, with Asher following behind.

We got to her blue convertible and I sat in the back. She turned the radio on and of course. Our song came on. I know it's corny but Elliott and I have a song. It was For the First Time by The Script.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll change it." Laina said.

"No. It's alright." I felt the need to hear it. It was like I had to. It brought tears to the rims of my eyes. As the song kept playing, I found my face completely soaked. Why'd he have to do that? Wasn't I worth it?

She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart,

While I'm drinking jack all alone in my local bar,

And we don't know how,

How we got into this mad situation,

Only doing things out of frustration

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard,

She needs me now but I can't seem to find the time,

I've got a new job now on the unemployment line,

And we don't know how,

How we got into this mess Is it god's test?

Someone help us 'cause we're doing our best,

Trying to make it work but man these times are hard

But we're gonna start by

Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,

 Shit talking up all night,

Saying things we haven't for a while A while, yeah,

We're smiling but we're close to tears,

Even after all these years,

We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time

[x3] Oooooo

She's in line at the dole With her head held high

While I just lost my job

but Didn't lose my pride

But we both know how,

How we're gonna make it work when it hurts,

When you pick yourself up,

You get kicked to the dirt,

Trying to make it work but,

Man, these times are hard,

But we're gonna start by

Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,

Shit talking up all night,

Doing things we haven't for a while, A while yeah,

We're smiling but we're close to tears,

Even after all these years,

We just now got the feeling that we're meeting

For the first time.

Ooooo [x3]

Yeah... Drinking old cheap bottles of wine,

 Shit talking up all night,

Saying things we haven't for a while,

We're smiling but we're close to tears,

Even after all these years, We just now got the feeling that we're meeting

for the first time


yeah, for the first time


oh, for the first time,

Yeah... for the first time,

(just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time)

Oh these times are hard, Yeah, they're making us crazy, Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard, Yeah, they're making us crazy Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard, Yeah, they're making us crazy Don't give up on me baby

Oh these times are hard, Yeah, they're making us crazy Don't give up on me baby

I think I fell asleep in the middle of the song. I woke up to a jerk as we parked in my driveway. I had a really bad headache too. That's a first, having a hangover at night. Oh well. 

"Can you pick her up while I open the door?" Laina told Asher and I heard him sigh and open my door. He picked me up bridal style and we started walking to the door. I had my arms around his neck to help him to support my weight and I closed my eyes. 

"Oh my God." I heard Laina mumble. I opened my eyes to see Elliott at the door blocking us.

"Can we talk?" I jumped from Asher's arms and stood in front of him in his face.

"What is there to talk about? You left me. You didn't even care! Why would you do that? Do I mean anything to you?!"

"Ofcourse you do but-"

"I obviously don't! Just get out of my way!" I sighed. "I don't even want to look at you." 

"Please. Let me explain." I slapped him in the face with so much force in my drunken state it made me stagger. Asher held me up and pushed Elliott out of the way. He picked me up bridal style and we went in the house and up the stairs.

"Baby, please!" I heard him run after us. 

"Just leave!" I jumped from Asher's arms again but this time I fell. And it hurt. I stood up and jumped at Elliott, attempting to beat the crap out of him. Laina and Asher tried holding me back and Elliott kept trying to explain. 

Laina suddenly got a hold me and held me on my bed, soothingly rocking me back and forth.

"Look, I really think you should leave now, man." Asher told him politely. 

"Hold on. You're defending her? Of all people, you? And second, this isn't even technically your house. I'd like it if you'd step aside and get out of this. You don't even care about Bree anyways." Asher hung his head.

"Or do you? Oh, I see. This boy right here has a crush on you, baby. This little piece of shit, you know the one you call a bitch all the time, has a crush on you." He burst out laughing. What was wrong with him? He never acts like this. He's always polite.

"Are you drunk?" I asked. 

"Maybe." He staggered a little. "So, buddy boy," he grabbed Asher by the shoulder rather roughly. "Since you won't take the nice words I tried to use. How about you just get the fuck up out of here?" He looked at him and then punched him in the stomach. But, Asher blocked the punch and grabbed him by the neck. He loudly whispered in his ear, " How about we take this outside, shall we? I don't believe Gabs would like it too much if she saw you getting your ass kicked." 

Asher pushed him towards the stairs and Elliot walked out. I still worried if he got home safely. He'd probably think to get a cab anyway. 

"Okay. I got it from here. Thanks baby." I heard some smacks which I'm sure were kisses.

"You okay?" Laina sat down on the bed with me after Asher left my room.

"Yeah, I guess so. I don't know."

"I'm gonna spend the night, sweetie." she went to my closet to grab some clothes from our last sleepover.

"No. It's okay. Go have fun. Don't worry about me." 

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, get out before I change my mind." I laughed but it made my headache worse.

"Fine. If you insist." she said but I knew she was giddy inside. 

" Love you. Enjoy yourself."

" You know I will. Asher's gonna stay home. I told him to. You know how you get in the morning the night before you were drunk. I'll be over tomorrow afternoon. Mom's taking me somewhere in the morning so I won't be able to help with your headache and stuff. Love you, too." she smiled and gave me soft hug, then closed the door behind her.

I reached over for my iPOD and turned on For the First Time. I cried my eyes out, not realizing how loud I was.

This Never Will Happen. Ever.

~ Asher's point of view

   Ugh! I didn't know she'd be crying. Even though I should have expected that. Duh! Stop being slow, Asher! Now I have to comfort her. She can not ever know that I like her, more so love her. I guess the hate turned to love. Yes, I said it. I am in love with Gabs. But, I can't do that to Laina or their relationship as best friends. I may seem mean sometimes, but I have a heart and soul. I'm only mean to Gabs.

I dragged myself, literally, up the stairs. If I didn't help out Laina would kill me, literally. She's done it before. It was probably about 5 am. I'd only been sleeping for two hours. Great.

When I got to her room, she was curled up into a little ball. It was so cute... Snap out of it! I stepped on a creak in the floor which made her turn around and the silk covers fell off. She was only dressed in a blue lace bra and matching lace underwear. She screamed and I stared for a few seconds . Then I turned around for her to cover up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she yelled.

"I came to check on you because you were crying really loud." I turned back around to her unfortunately covered up body.

Her face flushed. "Oh, I'm sorry." I nodded.

"Come on. Talk. Let it out. I'm here."

"I know. And that's the thing. It shouldn't be you. Elliott should have been there! Why would he do that to me?! It's just not fair." Well, that hurt. she started crying again and I pulled her to me. I felt pure love for her. But she probably only felt disgust.

"I know it hurts. I'm sorry I can't do anything about that. It'll get better, trust me." she stiffened and looked at me with those precious teal eyes.

"Why are you being nice to me?" she asked with every bit of confusion on her face.

"At first, Laina put me up to it. Then, I thought since your brother let's me stay here I guess I should be a little nicer." I lied. I couldn't tell her the truth. "I also know what you're going through. That feeling of betrayal from someone you love. It feels like hell." she looked deeply into my eyes, I'm guessing to see if I was lying. Not completely I wasn't. Just the part about living here. She shook her head and started tearing up again.

"Don't cry. You know now that he isn't worth it. If a guy isn't enough of a man to stick up for you, he definitely is not worth crying over. Okay?" I turned her face to mine to make sure she understood. To see if she stopped tearing up. We looked at each other for I don't know how long. The urge was eating me alive. I leaned hesitantly towards her and she stayed rock still.

I had to see what it felt like, just once. If there was any feeling at all, or none. I had to know if there were sparks. My lips touched hers. There was nothing I kept going and still there was nothing. But then, she kissed back. Didn't see that coming. We moved our lips in synchronization. Finally, there were sparks. They ran all through my body as we intensed the kiss. I went down her jaw line and kissed her slowly down to her neck. I licked and sucked probably giving her a hickey. Then I laid us down with me on top.

" No. No. Stop. We c-can't d-do this." I shamedly looked at her, realizing what I'd done. I kissed her softly once more for three seconds on the lips and walked out. Now, I can never kiss her like that again. Ever. But, I'll find a way. That girl can kiss!


~ Gabrielle's POV

That did not just happen. Did it? That alcohol must have been really strong. Yep, that's it. Strong alcohol-hullicination. There is the answer to my problems right now... okay, now I sound like an alcoholic. 

The next morning, I touched my lips trying to put everything together. Why would I kiss him back? Oh that's right, I'm a freaking retard! How could I have betrayed my friend like that? Best friends don't kiss each other's boyfriends. But it felt so good and so wrong at the same time. Matter of fact, it felt great. Like we should have done that a long time ago. His lips against mine felt like the right thing to do. Me in his arms felt like the right place to be. I wanted more, I needed more. I know I may sound like some slutty slut slut, but it's really not like that. I just feel that I want more of him. More of spending time in his presence. Mostly just kissing, but hey you get the idea. At least I'm telling the truth.

 I tried to get up and then fell out of my freakishly tall bed. I banged my knee on the floor making a loud thud.

"Ouch." Well, that was such a lovely painful experience, now wasn't it? Stupid floor. Why'd that have to be there? Gosh. I already have hangover issues. Just... lovely. 

Well, I decided to put some clothes on. I grabbed a big T-shirt that went about two inches above my knee. Then I went into the bathroom, did the normal thing you have to do in the morning (pee), and then I brushed my teeth. I went downstairs to get some asprin, hoping and praying Asher went to his room instead of the couch. He has his own room here, yes indeed. My grandfather had owned a very successful company and since my dad was too high to take after Gabe and I, we got the house(semi-mansion) and all his money. His company is still up and running even after his death. So cha-ching! 

Hallelujah! That boy was upstairs. I got into the kitchen and, oh wow. My brother and some blonde chick were...maybe you don't want to know. They were on top of each other on the counter...asleep and... half naked. I decided to trust you and tell you anyway. Don't tell no one, ya' hear? 

"Ay, wake up!" They both fell off, leaving me to laugh my ass off. 

"What the hell?" the blondie mumbled with her mouth full of sleep.

"Bitch, just get out. Don't use language in my house. That's my job and my job only, dammit." I slammed my fist on the counter. Ouch. Head. Hurts. Bad. 

"What's going on down," yawn, "here?" Why does he have to look so sexy when he's sleepy?! His sleepy voice is some sexy shit! When he's scratching his head, and he's shirtless with his perfectly trimmed chest. He's also in his gray boxers that have the words peace in cursive all over them. Awkward much? Which makes it even more hot! Snap out of it dammit! 

In result of being mad at him kissing me and his beautiful body, I dragged poor little blondie towards the door and tossed her out like the piece of trash she was. "Have a nice day, hun. Don't come back now, ya' hear?" I strutted back to the kitchen, my head held high in a cocky manner.

"That was completely unnecessary!" my brother yelled when stood from the floor.

"Why because she gave it up to you? What, now feel like you owe her something? Nope! That slut can get hit by a car for all I care." Asher burst from holding in laughter. Don't say it! I know what you think I'm thinkin'... you're exactly right... that sexy laugh. It made me happy he was laughing at me. Very much indeed. Snap. Out. Of. It! 

"That there was a-" Gabe stared at him with pure hatred. "Mighty good sleep!" he lied, strecting his arms and fake yawning. I giggled at him and then he looked at me and winked. That made my insides melt but I kept it together and rolled my eyes at him. Which only made it worse for me. 

After taking my asprin, I went over to him and grabbed his hand and pulled him into a sitting room we never use. 

"One of us has to tell Laina about what you did last night." I blurted out. He stared at me in shock.

"What? Why?" he questioned.

"Um, because? I can't keep that from her." I stared at him as if to say, duh?!

"Why can't we just keep it to ourselves? She'll be way too mad." 

"So?! That's not my problem! You're the one who kissed me and-"

"But you kissed back." He grinned, a slow smirk creeping into the corners of his luscious mouth. Well, he had a point there. I stood there with my head hung low, dumbfounded. He lifted up my chin with his index finger and stared at me with his hazel eyes mockingly. 

"Don't be ashamed. We both liked it. You're a very good kisser by the way. Very good." I slapped away his finger and sat down on the couch. 

"If you don't tell her, I will. As soon as she gets here." I crossed my arms over my chest looking like a stubborn child. He rolled his eyes and came to sit beside me. 

"Fine. But if I tell Laina, you have to tell Elliott." Really? He just had to slit my throat and twist the knife. I looked away from him and tried to hold back the tears. All these thoughts swarmed my head like angry bees. Two years of being in a faithful relationship and it ends with the snap of your fingers?

Elliot and I were two peas in a pod. We fought like a married couple. We laughed and talked like best friends and protected each other like we were body guards. Nothing could ever keep us apart. It was as if we were cemented to one another, only able to be broken apart with a jack hammer. It's amazing how in a matter of nauseating minutes from a drunken fool could destroy the cement that bonded us together into crumbles of gray rock.

I couldn't help but think it was his fault for all this. Yes, I may be blaming everyone for my own current events but this was not at all my peccancy. I was supposed to be rescued by my one and only, but instead, another man did the job of knocking my attacker out cold.  

I looked over at Asher with shameful eyes, asking for an answer as to why he would bring up the misery that is my current love life status. "Oh. I shouldn't have said that." He replied.

"Ya' think?" I said through the tears. He pulled me into a bear hug and I curled up into a ball in arms. Finally. The warmth of his arms felt like a warm fireplace. My cheeks went completely red and I stopped crying, a laugh was on its way. I burst out laughing. 

"Hey, what's so funny?" he looked down at me.

"I don't know. It's just that... I never thought you'd be comforting me. Just weird, that's all." I giggled and he stared at me with an adorable smirk. This time, I felt the need to kiss him first. I leaned towards him and he shot at my lips like a bullet! Well that caught me off guard. We didn't take our time at all. I stroked his back and chest like it was the most amazing thing I've ever felt. I pushed him down, leaving me on top. There wasn't any space between us. He rubbed his hand up my thigh, past my butt and up my shirt, stopping below my bra strap. 

Aw, hell yeah. I kissed his neck and made my way down to his chest. I lightly ran my tongue over his nipple, causing him to let out a loud moan. I giggled as he pulled my lips up to his and he kissed me slowly, marinating in the kiss. 

"Alright, that's enough. This will be the last time we do that." I got off of him and walked out the room, leaving him shocked with my mad skills.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

This is bad. This is very bad. Am I that stupid? I just made out with my best friend's boyfriend. This, this is very bad. Okay. I'll tell her as soon as she gets here. Yep. Wait, that might be a bad idea. No. It's the best solution. Or, ugh! What do I do?! 

I sat on the couch in front of the door for the past hour waiting for that single knock. Luckily, Asher didn't come to say anything. I would surely slap him if he did. Even though this here is my fault. But he tempted me! So, I blame my actions on him and him only. 

A little while later, Asher came and sat down beside me. He had that little smirk on his face. Ugh! He's making it worse. Damn you! 

" So, uh-" He started.

" Don't say anything."

" What did I do?" He slightly raised his voice.

" Just don't." I muttered. 

" It was your fault this time."

" Didn't I tell you to shut up!"

" No, you said don't say anything. But what you did not realize is that shut does not go up, sugar." I sighed. You just can't get by with him.

" You're enjoying this aren't you?"

" I always do." shaking my head (SMH) as the young people say these days. Just shaking my head.

" What are we going to say?" his face became serious. He looked kind of sad too.

" I don't know. She's gonna break up with me." He frowned and put his head in his hands. 

" Well, duh. I mean, I don't mean to be rude or anything but you kinda did this to yourself."

" Stop blaming it all on me! Do you know what you just did? That definitely was not all my fault." 

" But you started it."

" Yeah, I did and at least I'm the one taking responsibility for that. You aren't."

I rolled my eyes at him, turning my head away. " Whatever." 

" Exactly. That's all you have to say." I rolled my eyes again. " I'm gonna tell her. You're being too much of a wuss to handle things on your own."

" Stop it, okay. If you haven't heard yourselef, you sound very much like an ass." 

" Oh, I hear myself. This is all very intentional." 

" I hate you." I told him with every bit of madness within my body.

" If you really hated me, you wouldn't have done what you did this morning. If-" He paused to smirk at me. " If you know what I mean." He chuckled.

" You are a total piece of dipshit!"

" I love you too, Bree." He did not just steal my line. I fumed. Alot.

There was a knock on the door and we both stood up. We gulped and slowly inched our way over. I opened the door to see a smiling Laina. 

" Hey you guys! I brought food! So like my mom took me to this really expensive Mexican restaurant. It was the best food I've ever had! I got you some enchiladas Bree, and Asher I got you the fried icecream. Well, you're going to have to share that and-"

Asher cut her off. " Laina, we need to tell you something." the smile on her face slowly dripped away. The mole twitched a tad.

" What is it?" she kept looking back and forth at our worried faces. We bowed our heads, unable to get out the words. " What. Is. It. Come on, you can do it." 

" We've kissed. Twice." Asher took charge. She looked at us back and forth again, a smile climbing upon her lips. She bust out laughing as if it was the funniest thing she'd heard all day.

" Laina, he's telling the truth." 

" So, this isn't a joke?" We shook our heads. " Why'd you do it? Huh?!" 

" Well, I felt sorry for her after your party and I guess when I was holding her crying... it just happened..." 

" Things don't just happen, Asher, okay! You kissed her for a fucking reason! Why did you do it, dammit?!"

" I-I- I'm in love with her."

" What?!" Laina and I screamed at the same exact moment. 

" Yes. I meant to tell you, Laina. I really did. But with your birthday coming up and everything going on... I never got the chance to." 

" You could've just blurted it out instead of kissing my best friend first! Why in hell would you do that? Because you're a guy?! I love you, Asher. But I don't think I can anymore! I thought you loved me too but, I guess I was unbelievably wrong." she lowered her head and Asher reached out to touch her but she flinched back.

" Don't touch me! Just- just go to hell!"

" But, she kissed me back! And alot more than I thought she would if you know what I mean." Laina looked at me with more pain inherited eyes than I've ever seen.

" Did you?" she used her most calm voice. " Did you, Bree?" all I could manage was a shaky nod. She backed away, hand on her mouth, and ran into the door. " Why? Y-you're my best friend. I-I don't, w-what's your problem? You knew I loved him! Yeah, like you said, it might not be love but I believe it is! At least it used to be. You know what, screw you! Screw you both! You said I could trust you... but, also something you said, you can't trust anyone." she had tears running down my eyes with her fierce words. " I guess maybe hidden in those words was that I can't even trust my best friend. Take the food. I'm going now..." with that, she left. It felt like I'd never see her again. 

I ran up the stairs. Asher kept calling after me, but how could I answer back? It's his fault that I possibly no longer have a best friend. I know I've made the situation worse in some ways but he made the first move. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. 


I've been in my room for three days now. I can't get out of my funk. You know how when you lose someone or something that's so dear to you that you can't seem to function anymore? It's like you've lost a part of you. It's as if you've lost everything that makes you smile during the day. By the time you've dealt with it long enough, you begin to lose yourself and who you are.

Without Laina, I feel as if I have lost my other half. I feel broken. Laina and I have been like sisters ever since we were born. Our mothers were best friends until my mom became a lunatic and a crackhead and a total ass and just... crazy. Anyways, I've been calling and texting and emailing and inboxing and voicemailing-voicemailing isn't a word by the way if you didn't recognize he he ha ha- but she won't answer. Total emptiness I tell you! Totally empty! I cannot even eat. I think I lost some weight. That's a bad thing because my figure is sexy. Not to brag or anything, he he ha ha.

Someone knocked on my door but I couldn't bring myself to answer. They knocked again but nope, not answering. They knocked again, not realizing that I wasn't going to get up. People these days just stay confused. The person at the door barges into my room with a delicious looking tray of food. 

" Eat. Now." Asher told me. It wasn't exactly mean the way he said it but I didn't necessarily like it. I've been avoiding him too. Matter of fact, this is the first time I've seen him since our fight with Laina. Also, he looked about as bad as I felt.

He placed the tray in my lap and sat down on the edge of the bed. The plate had pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and grits. My mouth watered at the sight and I dug in. This is heaven! An angel should just come and take me away. 

" Well, I'm guessing you like the food. You eat like a pig." I looked up and growled.

" Just don't say anything, okay?"

" Um, why?"

" I just don't wanna hear your voice. So shush."

" How many times do you have to hear it. It. Was. Your. Fault. Too." I ran my hand down my face.

" I. Know." I said mocking him. " I just don't feel like talking."

" Sure. Whatever. Too bad that doesn't matter because Gabe said you have to come downstairs."

" What if I don't want to?" I was finished with my food and Asher came over and swung me over his shoulder. "Dude, what's your problem?!"

" Not my fault. Your brother wants you downstairs." his voice was emotionless.

" Get the hell off me!"

" On what part did you not realize that you're on me? Are ya slow, darling?"

" Don't be a smartass! Just let go! On what part did YOU not realize that I have legs and feet?" He set me on the floor at the top of the staircase. 

" Oh, see I realized that when you wouldn't get out the bed for three days... darling." He smirked, and not nicely. 

" I hate you." I barked.

" Feeling's mutual." 

I trudged in circles around the spiral staircase and sat down next to Gabe at the bar in the kitchen. My brother was eating or something like that. He looked in a way like I probably looked this morning. Hopefully not. I'm not even going to begin about how utterly disgusting I looked.

" We need to talk." 

" Why?" I said submissive to his comment. 

" You need to stop moping and get out. Try to talk to her, go to her house or something. She's your-"

" You don't think I've tried to talk to her? I've left her so many messages you couldn't even count them all!"

" Have you tried going to her?" I stared at him in unitary disgust.

" I'm going upstairs."

" Asher." I got up and headed for the inviting stairs that were going to save me from my misery, but the jackass was back to ruin the day. 

I strived to get away from the beast but of course, he dodged my every move. He aimed his hands towards my waist and flipped me, holding me bridal style and back into the bar chair. I gawked at him only to see, yet again, no emotion. I could tell he was more than disappointed that I didn't return his love for me. But how could I love him when he treated me so cruel? They were all jokes that he threw at me but they did hurt at times. I huffed at my thoughts and turned to my brother telling him- not happily- to go on.

" Both of are going to drive to Laina's house today." 

" Say what?!" Asher and I screamed. " You can't make us do that." I told him.

" Exactly! I am not going. That's final. She'll yell at me and we all know that's not a pretty sight." 

" Asher, look who's being a wuss now. Take it like a man. You'll have plenty of women yell at you, trust me." Gabe laughed as if he really knew what I was talking about. 

" Like you really had that much experience. You haven't even been with many women. Your past relationships were only sex. Think before you join in conversations about stuff like that, big brother." He put his hand over his chest like he was deeply hurt.

" I am very insulted." he causes his voice to make the sound of a teen girl.

" No one gives a darn tootin'." 

" What she said!" I smirked at Asher and then instantly wiped it off.

" I'll go. I have some things to do anyway. You are right, Gabe. She's my best friend and I should talk to her." I mumbled. 

" Good girl." I got up from my chair  and started to walk to my room, but I stopped in my tracks.

" Not a dog, remember?" I laughed at my brother and then turned to Asher. " Are you coming too?" he wouldn't look me in the eye when he nodded and went past me up the stairs. When he was out of sight, my brother said,

" He'll come around. You know he will just get over it." 

" I don't know. This is different. Being in love isn't just something you can get over. You wouldn't know that though." 

" I'm sick of your insults, young lady." 

" You're not a teacher and I'm not your student. So don't call me young lady. I don't want to hear that from you, young man." He kissed me on the forehead and put his dishes in the sink. I chuckled and went for my room. This is gonna be a long day.

Maybe Means Yes, Right?

I put on my black fishnet stockings with white shorts on top. For my shirt, I had a teal collar shirt with black suspenders. I'm going stylish nerd today. I put on my glasses-nonprescription- and grabbed my big ol' purse and stilettos, these stilettos have a lace design, and skedaddled down the stairs. So many stairs! 

As I put on my shoes, I kept disputing with the devil and the angel on my shoulders about whether or not to see Laina and work things out. I know that it makes a lot more sense than to sit back and wait for her to come back to me. She's the most cherished person to me in my life and I can't my let my fear get the best of me. There's too much to comprehend. I can't lose my best friend! The guilt is like a horrid beast pulling out my insides. I put my head in my hands, attempting to shake off the feelings I had.

So many thoughts were clustering my mind from wall-to-wall. They were a barrage of critical words telling me how much of an idiotic person I am. These comments were tearing me apart limb by limb, making me literally go crazy. How in the world could I be so dumb? 

Asher came down the stairs with that same upset and depressed face. " Are you ready to go now?"

I nodded unable to look him in the eye. He walked out the door leaving it to slam in my face, and slap my forehead. I already had a headache. Life. He was already in his sonic blue mustang gt convertible with the keys in the ignition. I slid in and pressed the button to put the top down because believe me, the heat was just ungodly. Summer days like this aren't to be lived in. I should be dead right now. Trust and believe.

We drove in utter silence. I wished one of us would have the dang courage to put out a few words into the treacherous-ly hotness. Instead, he kept his eyes on the road and kept my head looking nowhere in particular. 

" Gabs-", " Ash-" We both said at the same time. 

" You go first." Oh so now he's trying to be a fellow young man so to speak.

" Okay, um, what are we going to say? We can't let it flow like last time. That worked out in such a swell way I don't think anything else could." He let out a breath, annoyed by my sarcasm. 

" It's not like we don't know what she'll do. First, the door will slam in our face. Then, she will open it again just to stare at us and slam it, again. Then, we'll bang on the door or whatever, maybe until our hands bleed, which by the way might give us some sympathy from her. Then,-"

" Okay, dude, shut up. Your rambles are urking my nerves. Anyway, I'm her best friend so I know she'll forgive me. I guess you're on your own, boy. Sorry!"

" I should have known you'd do this. You are the worst person I have ever met. You don't even know how terrible of a thing you are. I really can't stand your ass." I would have gave him a snarky comment but I thought why bother? It would only make matters worse.

We sat in silence again. Not only was the heat making my head hurt, but there was also like this massive amount of pressure that felt as if it was crushing my head. I looked at Asher to see if he was experiencing the same, but he only had this cheeky grin taking up his whole face. 

I winced in pain and looked at him again. Was he doing this? Evil people can do things like this if they really put there mind to it. Really, I've read about it.

I groaned, the pressure made me think I was in a black hole that was consuming me from top to bottom. I wrapped my arms around my body and the pain went away in a few seconds. I looked beside me at the once before grinning boy who now looked like a puppy who lost his bone.

" You did that didn’t you?"

" W-What are you talking about?"

" I know it's possible."

" You're crazy Gabs." 

" Would you stop calling me that?!"

" Whatever. Gabs." 

" I outta slap the living daylights out of you." 

" Go ahead, babe. I don't give a shit." I mumbled so many words of hatred towards him I should be in jail as a suspect for murder. We pulled in the drive way and I jumped out the car and stubbornly stomped towards the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Asher came to stand beside me on the small square tile which caused me to scoot over. I said I was stubborn right? I'm sure I didn't have to.

When I heard someone unlock the door, my heart began to race. They opened the door showing a smiling Laina. You could she had been crying because her eyes were a little red and her eyeliner was smudged. She slammed the door in our face. Check. After a couple seconds, she opened it, stared, and then slammed it again. Checkpoint set. He lifted up his fist to follow the next step but I grabbed it softly and put it back down.

" I forgot I have a key." 

" She took mine." 

" Oh really?" He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his bulging chest. I searched for my key and finally found it at the bottom. Asher took it from me. " What's your problem, boy?"

" We can't just barge in like that. She'll be angrier than she is now." 

" Don't be such a goody two-shoes. Give me the key."

" No."

" Give me the damn key, Asher." I pinched his arm and he dropped it.

I opened the door and ran over to Laina. 

" Get out, Gabrielle." 

" No. We have to make up!" 

" What ever you choose to say isn't going to change the fact that you got all freaky with Asher. Just get out of my house."

" Laina, I'm sorry. Please. Forgive me. It won't happen again. He started it and now I'm trying to finish it." 

" Laina, you've got to understand. We both had some to drink that night and-"

" You didn't see me making out with someone else's boyfriend!" I didn't know what to say then. Apologizing isn't my best subject. Asher took Laina's hands in his and looked into her eyes. It was like watching a movie. The handsome man looks into the pretty girls eyes and pleads for forgiveness. Laina tried her very hardest to not look but of course she looked anyway. His hazel-green eyes were too persuading. I couldn't take my eyes off them either. Snap out of it! 

He pulled her arms around him and she reluctantly hugged him back. What about me? I can't charm a girl like that! Dammit. I need to get what he's got.

She looked over to me and ambushed me like she was a lioness and I was a baby gazelle.

" I'm sorry, Laina!" I cried into her auburn hair.

" It's okay, hun. I'll just whoop your ass later, okay babe?"

" Okay!" we pulled away from each other and wiped away our tears. " Wait a minute. This was to easy."

" Asher told me something which made me have to forgive you." 

" What is it?" she just smirked and walked out to the car. I decided to leave it alone. I got my Laina back. I told Asher thank you and he shrugged. I don't think he was in so much with the luck pool. Laina and him I'm sure are never ever getting back together again.   

Never the Same


Laina and I were sitting on my bed playing crazy eights with my poker chips. That feeling of having my best friend back was overwhelming. I couldn't keep my cheesy grin from spreading across my face. 

"Let's go eat dinner. I'll make spaghetti." I said putting my cards down. 

"Good, I'm starved." 

"Don't over exaggerate, hun. It's not cute." she rolled her eyes. But she loves me anyway, even with the insults. 

We got downstairs and Gabe and Asher were playing some racing game on Xbox. Guys. I prefer Call of Duty. 

"I'm taking over when we finish eating, boys." 

"Think again, Bree." Gabe said while staring down the tv as though it would unplug itself and run the hell away.

"Oh, I've thought about it and now I'm done thinking. I'm. Taking. Over. Baby." I grinned as he sucked his teeth when Asher beat him.

"Thanks, Gabrielle. You're lots of help."

"Yeah, I know."

Asher watched after me with pleading eyes. It seemed like he didn't even care about how Laina might have felt. You could still feel the tension between us. Even though he may be in love with me, it doesn't give him the opportunity to stare at me like that. If he really loved Laina like he said he did, he wouldn't be doing this to her. I would say something but it might only make matters worse. My big mouth gets me in too much trouble.

Laina followed me in the kitchen probably trying to snoop on my secret ingredient to my made-from-scratch tomato sauce. I got out the tomatoes to make the sauce, the ground beef, the spaghetti noodles, and all the seasonings I'd need. Then I boiled the water and began making my special tomato sauce. It's the bomb. To die for. Impeccably delicious. No lie.

My bestie sat at the bar watching me blend the ingredients. I kept glancing at her because I knew she had something on her mind. Her whole face looked like she was having an extremely good day dream. I couldn't really analyze it.

"Spill." she wouldn't say anything. I looked up at her and stared. " Earth to Lay Lay!"

"What?" she said casually. 

"You've got your serious thinking face on." I used my fingers to quote the “serious thinking” part and then turned off the blender when the sauce was how I wanted it. Thick and smooth.


"Well?" she paused again. "Laina, come on. Tell-"

"I don't mind if you go out with Asher." this time I had nothing to say.

"The way he looks at you. I know you think I'm crazy right now but I honestly don't mind. You'd know if I did and I'm okay with it. He's just so sad." I turned around and put the noodles in the enraged water but was unable to turn back to face her. I have thought about it but never had the courage to ask her what she thought. It surprises me that she doesn't mind. She has a certain face when she minds about something and I couldn't find any part of that in her pretty features. What she said was true and I just could not believe it.

"I know you want to. And...I don't want to be the one to hold you back." 

"But Laina-" I turned back around but she cut me off.

"No, 'but Laina'. You want to be with him. It is okay." 

"It's not. I won't hurt you like that." She gave me a look that I know very well. It's the "Stop talking shit and go for it" look. I couldn't say anything else so I just finished cooking and she left that subject for another time.

Her and Asher were cool now but it was still very complicated between him and I. They could joke around with each other like old times but there was only awkward silence for us. It made me feel, quite frankly, sad I'd say. I missed how he used to joke on me and tackle me and just completely annoy the hell out of me. I just missed whatever we had together.

"The food is ready, people."

"Took long enough." Gabe said coming into the kitchen with Asher following behind. 

"Looks like someone isn't eating tonight." I announced, while shaking my head.

Gabe chuckled sarcastically. "Hey, don't be like that. Nobody likes ugly."

"That's why your only friend is Asher. He's the only one who feels sorry for you. You poor thing.". Asher laughed and I winked at him. Laina nudged me with her elbow. She must really want to set us up. She is such a weirdo. No lie. 

"You are just... just unbelievable." I smirked at my brother who was faking melancholy. 

"That's why I have friends. People like all this." I gestured to my body which is just... just unbelievable in the words of Mister Gabriel Tanner. I was only wearing tight short shorts and a tank top. Have I mentioned the heat is ungodly? I forgot to turn on the air conditioning upstairs. Silly me. Asher licked his plumper boys- his lips- and went to get his food when my brother was done filling up his plate. I didn't know if it was because of the gesture towards myself or the food. The food.

No, I'm sure it was me. 

We all ate in the living room and watched Money From Strangers on MTV. (A/N: you have got to watch that show! Omfg! Mind blown. Kay, back to the show. *applause*) Our outrageous laughter was off the top. Asher ended up spewing the soda from his mouth. It was so funny and cute because his face was hysterical with embarrassment.  

"Don't cry, young scrap." I gasped.

"But I want to!" I screamed with laughter. It thrilled me that we finally said actual words to each other.

There was a knock on the door and I got up to answer it. " No one wants to see you cry so suck it up." I threw back at him.

"Just...just unbelievable." 

"Totally!" they all laughed at me and turned back to the show.

I opened the door and backed away slowly with my body trembling. There was a gun invading my face from a hand I thought I would never see again. A hand that used to beat my brother and I. Two mouthes that used to abuse us with their words. Four legs that used to kick my brother and I until we fell into a deep sleep. Two faces that were my only fear. My mother and father.

"Get on the couch with the others." his breath reeked of beer and tobacco. I froze at the force of his voice. 

"Do what he said, bitch!" she yelled which made me run away.

"You gone give us our money."

"What money? We can do this without a gun, father. Please, you don't have to do this." Gabe said as he attempted to calm them down. But I had a strong feeling this wouldn't end well. 

"Shut up, dad! Give us the fuckin money you took!"

"I am not your dad. I'm your son." 

"Don't you play games with me! You on my birthday certificate. I know who you are." I stepped in front of him.

" Daddy, please! We don't have anything! Just go!" 

" You're telling me you don't got nothing?" He waved at all the extravagant vases, pictures, and other decorations on the walls and tables. 

" B-b-but that stuff is cheap. It c-came from a thrift store." 

He chuckled an evil laugh and smiled devilishly at me with his yellowing teeth. " Baby, don't lie to me. Or, I'll have fun with you like old times." He glanced over my shoulder and grinned. " Maybe your little friend over there too." 

" Father, stop it! I won't take shit from you ANY MORE! Get the hell out of my house!" a strange anger fled through my body like a raging fire. I would NOT let him do those disgusting things to me! That was in the past and it would stay there. 

He pulled back the trigger and everything that happened next felt as if we were moving in slow motion. I turned my head slowly to my left to see my brother jumping across my frame. A loud bang rang through my ear drums causing them to quiver. I heard screams in the background when my brother's limp body fell on top of me as we crashed to the floor. I looked up to see a woman I couldn't recognize but someone I knew very well. She was my mother and she looked at me with terrified eyes. I certainly remembered those, but that wasn't how I wanted to.

My father gasped when he realized what he'd done. He grabbed my mother's arm and they ran out, which reminded me of the time when they left me with the feeling of never seeing them again. This time, that feeling was true. I knew my eyes wouldn't lay on them again and I didn't know if I was happy about that or not.

Laina and Asher ran over to me and a bleeding Gabe. His blood was spreading all over my clothes. I tried to let out words but could not get them out as Gabriel's eyes began to close.

I shook him and he blinked rapidly. " Stay with me! You gotta stay awake!" my two friends froze, neither of them doing anything but watching. I looked at them furiously. " Call a fucking ambulance!" Asher sped off to retrieve his phone and I cradled my brother.

" Please, Gabe. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Don't leave me." We all sat around him while we waited for those sirens to come down our street. 

They took only five minutes to arrive and Laina ran to open the door as they came in with the gerny.

" Are any of you related to him?"

" I-I am." 

" Well, you can ride in the ambulance to support him." He gave a supporting smile that I couldn't return.

" But I'm his brother." Asher protested. They were just like brothers. 

" Um, okay. Go ahead." the man understood to not go against his wishes. It made me feel better that he would ride with me.

" I'll drive there, Bree." I nodded at Laina's shaky frame and followed the man and Asher into the ambulance. They shut the doors and I immediately began to cry. My sobs were loud and they soaked up my shirt.

Asher scooted closer and held my hand. He couldn't do more than that?! I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his other arm around me and stroked my hair. He put his lips to my hair too, inhaling my strawberry scent. Now that's better. I nestled into him, longing for the feeling of his warmth. 

I looked at my brother who's blood was spreading onto the bandage that was squished tightly onto his wound. I whimpered at the sight that gave me a pain in my stomach. Why did this happen to him and not me? I should have been shot! I cried even harder motivating Asher to hold me tighter. 

" Shhhh. It will be okay." his soothing words and minty breath didn't help the fact my brother was bleeding out and that he could die at any second.

We arrived at the hospital and the doors flew open. Two male nurses came into the truck and one of them scanned my body and winked at me. Did he not realize there was blood on me? It didn't faze him one bit because he just stood there as the other guy, who looked a lot hotter by the way, lifted the gerny from the ambulance all by himself. Completely unprofessional. 

" Don't you have a job to do, sir?" Asher said.

" I certainly do." So… I'm his job? Hell no! 

" How about you get out before I kick your ass? One reason would be for hitting on my girl and the other for not taking care of my best friend! Or you could leave. Which one of those options would you prefer, bro?" I'm his girl?! Yay! The dumbass scurried away after the hot, very professional, Asian nurse. 

" Thankyou." I slightly smiled at him.

" Yeah." He took my hand and jumped out. I hesitated from the long jump and he held out his arms catch me. I smiled and jumped down and wrapped my legs around his waist when he almost dropped me. He held me tight and I did the same which we laughed at. 

" Sorry." 

" It's okay." He put me down lightly then took my hand and we ran into the emergency room. 

Till Death Do Us Part

We've been sitting in the waiting room for hours now. Silence consumed us in a tight, unloved embrace. Lay Lay's parents had come to support us and her mother sat across from me, trying her hardest not to keep glancing at my shaking body. But I didn't need her concern. I didn't need anyone's comforting words telling me, oh darling it will be okay. I didn't want that. All I wanted was for my brother to wake up. All I wanted was for my brother to tell me another stupid joke again. All I wanted was for my brother to hug me tight. I needed that. That's all I needed and these people waiting with me could not give that to me! No one could. Absolutely no one. Except for the almighty and powerful man upstairs behind those golden gates. Only Him.


It's been three weeks of torture. Gabe, my beloved brother, has been in the hospital for three tortuous weeks, cloaked inside a coma. I haven't really been talking to anyone. All my friends have practically given up on me, always giving me weak smiles as I passed by through the halls, or if I walked into the classroom. Laina of course has still stayed by my side like glue which I appreciate. Asher, well, he's been there off and on, holding me while I cried or crying on his own. He walks around the house like a zombie, always moping like me. We're quite pitiful really. But, in order to get out of our funk, we need our brother back.

I walked into the classroom trying to manage a smile but everyone noticed the tear streaks and puffy eyes I attempted to cover up with my non-handy-dandy makeup. Great, huh(write down that note of sarcasm)? Here come the phony ass smiles yet again. I sat in my seat in front of a cute guy I'm proud to call my friend and beside me was my good friend Isabel. These are the only other two who try to keep a conversation going every day. However, today would be different. My promise to myself and my brother would be kept. I'd try to socialize, if I even remembered how to do the shit. 

"Hey, sweetie. How ya doin'?" Isabel's southern accent calmed my tense nerves.

"I've been better but I'll try to act like a normal person." I sighed.

"You don't have ta do that fer us, darls. We know what you're feeling." she placed a soft and gentle hand on my knee. Her accent suited her. It brought a homey feel to Brooklyn. Her auburn hair and a bright smile that would brighten any room. She had swampy green eyes with flecks of gray in them and little freckles under her eyes.

"Yeah, no need to talk. But it would be kind of cool." Jesse joked. I wanted to slap him sometimes. More like bitch slap him. With a metal bar. That was in a fire. In a volcano. Yep, it's that serious. But I wouldn't want to ruin that hot face of his. He had a sexy/adorable bad boy look AND an English accent. Yeah baby, beyond sexy. His accent wasn't too much of an English accent where it's annoying, but just enough for you to fall for him. You know ladies, the type of look that includes the sexy leather jacket with the sunglasses that make you want to rape him. Doesn't matter if you got caught. It would be worth the ride.

He had icy blue eyes that bared flecks of black in them and the reddest and plumpest- I know that's not a word but just go with it- lips I'd ever seen. His hair was dark brown and silky, just like mine. I'd definitely pay big bucks to kiss those plumper boys. He stopped my lovely daydream of ripping off his clothes by snapping his fingers.

"Earth to Bree Bree!" I blushed and shook my head. Then I burst out laughing. I got some stares and slapped my chest, which hurt by the way, as if to say 'wanna piece of this?'. The few guys and girls giggled or chuckled but turned away. Did I mention I'm quite popular? You probably knew that already though because it is rather obvious. I'm awesome.

"You were thinking about sex weren't ya?" Isabel whispered in my ear, leaving Jesse with a big curious look. Did I mention he's hot with that face? 

"I'm appalled you would even begin to think that." I calmly stated and looked down and began fiddling with the ends of my hoodie. She giggled at my dead give-away.

"Think about what? Huh huh huh?" Jesse said with way too much excitement. 

"Shut your balls." 

"Um, okay then Miss. Tanner. But you know what can open and shut?"

"Don't start that shit, J." said Isabel while examining her nails like they were rocket science. What I mean by that is there appeared to be lots of dirt.

"What happened?"

"Well-" she was cut off when the bell rang and the teacher walked in. He was absolutely the ugliest... but sweetest guy you'd meet. Mr. C we called him. It stood for Chesterfield but the guys made it secretly into Mr. Cunt. Immature poop heads. 

He handed out our pop quiz and we all groaned. This would be just fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Did I say fantastic, or fucky?

Balls, Balls, and More Balls

"I think I failed that Algebra 2 quiz. I am so done." 

"Same here. What the hell is his problem?" Jesse exclaimed, with an enraged voice.

"Calm down, partna. It ain't that serious." Isabel giggled. 

"Says the honor roll student." J looked at me and pointed to her with his thumb. He was in the middle, while I was on his left with Bel on his right. 

"You guys are too funny." they laughed and we walked to our lockers which were all beside each other. Laina's was on the other side of the school. It pissed me off, I tell you!

I put up my books and got out my uniform for gym. "Glad we can make you laugh." I had turned around to see Jesse and he had his arms beside my head, pinning me between him and the lockers. His voice was seductive but I put on my bravest face. 

"Thanks." I stuck up my chin, making sure I didn't give in.

 "You don't like how close we are?" He whispered in my ear, making my whole body shiver. Chill out! Chill out! Chill out! 

"Move please." I tried my hardest to sound authoritative but it came out as a squeak. Dammit. 

"I know I make you weak." He kissed my cheek and walked away to class with his signature smirk. Why do guys always feel the absolute need to flirt with me? 

"You guys are so cute!" 

"No we're aren't, Bel!"

"Don't deny it, babe. You know you want it." 


We entered the locker room and changed as quickly as possible. We were late because of me and Jesse's little, moment. Things would be pretty interesting if he were to be my boyfriend. If only Isabel didn't get that in my head.

Mr. Fitch marked us tardy as we came out the locker but oh well. I just secretly gave him the magic finger and felt a lot better. It's not like it was my fault in the first place. Abercrombie, he's the only hot teacher in the school, had us do our warm ups. Afterwards, we split up into teams for dodge ball. I hate this dear game with a passion. 

Isabel and I were of course on the same team and you know who was on the opposite? My adored ex, Elliott. People kept glancing from me to him because of the expressions that were being exchanged between us. Mine was of hate and his was of regret. Whispers dawned the air all around me. A girl I recognized came up to Bel and I in a rush. 

"Hi. I don't mean to bother you but, have you heard about Elliott?" I shook my head not really caring but I decided to be a nice young lady. "Well, he's a good friend of mine and I never really knew you but I thought you should know why he was always so hesitant in your relationship." I took a glance at Elliott. Why in hell would this girl know that? 

"Go on."

"Okay, he's uh...he's gay." she is lying. She is lying hard. "I pushed him to tell you but being the guy he is, however, he could never build up the courage." 

I stomped over to him, nosy eyes following my movement every step of the way. "So none of it was real? Everything we had was fake because you didn't want to hurt my feelings?! What the shit is wrong with you? Not telling me hurts my feelings even more! You could have told me a very long time ago instead of putting up a damn front of being the perfect boyfriend!" I pushed him back and he stumbled slightly.

"You know I never wanted to hurt you! I did love you...and I still do! But deep inside something was wrong. I didn't know what it was until four months ago last summer. I met a guy, Gabby. He showed me another life and I took the option to live in it instead of pretending to be something I am not. I'm gay, Gabby. Nothing can change that. I'm sorry." I slapped him in the face with all the strength I had. I didn't mind that he was gay. Not at all. I just hated the fact that he kept it from me for so long. 

I pushed through the crowd that formed and was about to walk out. "Get back in there, Tanner!" did this guy not just see what happened? "Did I stutter? Goooo." Mr. Fitch said go as if I was slow. However, I obeyed to avoid a referral. 

When I stopped beside Isabel, he blew the whistle and the game began. Balls flying everywhere. All my anger was poured into the game like a disastrous flood. I threw a ball at Elliott and it knocked him in the cheek and he slid across the floor. His hands went up. 

"What was that for?!" I smirked evily and picked up another ball to continue the game. No one lies to me and gets away with it. 

Then it hit me. A big ass red ball hit me in the back of my head with so much force, it threw me hard to the ground. When I fell, my head slapped the floor which made my ears ring and shake with an immense amount of pain. My body refused to get up and I could feel the warm, red blood slowly trickle its way down my neck. My vision blurred and an uncomfortable ringing filled the sweaty air around me. My head began to feel a kind of fuzziness like the world around me was spinning.

Bel came to me with an old friend of mine, one of the friends who gave up on me. He lightly slipped his arms around me and lifted me from the dusty gym floor. Whispers were coming from all the kids in class with us. They were saying things like, that's what she gets and bitch got what she deserves. Of course that was the slutty girls who only cared for the pretty boy who was my ex. Some were defending me saying, well the guy shouldn't have cheated, and she has every right to be pissed. Yeah, as you guessed, those were the hot and/or not so hot guys who always tried to hook up with me at parties when I was single. No more parties for moi! Until I get a boyfriend of course.

We entered the nurse's office and Jacky set me on the plastic covered cot. The nurse wiped the blood off my neck, which wasn't much and asked what happened.

"I um-"

"She was hit with a dodge ball." Isabel answered for me, noticing the pain I was in. "I think she may have a concussion." 

"Yes, I'm going to test her for that. Okay sweetie, tell me your full name."

"Um, it's um, um..." I let out an exhaustive breath as my head swirled again.

"Do you remember me?"

"Yeah, J-Jacky. I remember." He smiled sweetly. His small, crater-like dimple appeared on his right cheek. 

"Can you stand up for me?" I tried to lift myself up but fell right back down with a thump. She then waved a small flashlight thing to my eyes and I flinched back. Is she trying to freaking blind me? Chill out!

"Yes, she certainly has a concussion. She'll need to take the day off. I know there's no one to pick her up," No need to rub it in lady. I do remember some things. "so, do any of your friends have a free period?" 

"Jesse does, Jesse Michaels. I can go get him." Isabel stood.

"That's fine. I can just call him here. Make sure someone takes her to the hospital soon. I'm not allowed to give her the medicine she needs. But, she can take some Ibuprofen. I'll give you a list of things that she needs to know and she'll need to go to the doctor if they happen." she went to the microphone and called for a Jesse Michaels to report to the clinic immediately.

"Izzy, who's Jesse Michaels?" she smiled at Jacky and nudged his shoulder with hers.

"Oh, just some hot guy who has the biggest crush on you." she waved her hand at me nonchalantly, like it was no big deal. I shrugged and lay cautiously back down on the surprisingly comfy cot. 

"That was wrong, Bel." I heard Jacky say before I fell into a deep sleep. 

~ A/N: Sorry this chapter is so darn short. I was being lazy when I updated it. ;) ~

Hot Guy In My House, Score!

"Ay, I'm going to take you home, Bree." a sexy English accent caught my attention and I rolled over to see who that heavenly voice belonged to. I looked up at the angel and saw vibrant blue eyes smiling at me with a mouth that mirrored the same amount of sympathy. Who was this Greek God?? 

"I wanna take you a few more places than that, sexy." Oh shit! I don't even know this guy. He chuckled and helped me get off the cot. I stumbled into his arms, not purposely, and he decided to pick me up bridal style instead. I looked at Izzy as we walked out and mouthed 'is this Jesse?'. She nodded and winked at me. I know what that means. That's her wink that tells me to enjoy it while I can, but in a naughty way. Jacky shook his head at us. 

Jesse took me out into the hall and we walked towards the double doors. His aroma smelled like an Abercrombie and Fitch clothing store. I breathed in his scent and clutched onto his leather jacket. He was so warm which made me squeeze him tighter. I kind of felt a little high from being hit in the head so I didn't specifically know what I was doing. 

"Do you remember who I am?" his voice startled me.

"No. I don't even remember my name. Sucks balls, huh?"

"Sure does. Well, your name is Gabrielle Olivia Tanner but everyone calls you Bree or Gabby. I'm Jesse Michaels, one of your best friends," he said that last part rather proudly. We walked outside and went deep into the parking lot. My eyes bulged out of their sockets when I saw his red and black motorcycle. 

"Is that how you're taking me home?"

"Yeah, the usual-you loves my motorcycle. That ball really messed you up, didn't it babe?" I glared at him. I am not messed up. "Whoa there, tiger. No need to roar." he laughed. 

"And how are you my friend?" 

"Because you love me till the end of the Earth." he grinned showing his pearly whites and sat me nimbly on his vehicle. 

Part of me commemorated the feeling of sitting with him on his bike. The feeling of the hard but comfortable leather under my bottom, the feeling of having my arms tightly strapped around his waist. The wind was fierce against my face but it felt absolutely amazing. Speed took over as everything whooshed past our eyes at an unbelievable acceleration. Yes baby, it was awesome! 

We arrived at I'm guessing my house and Jesse took my keys and opened the door. He came back to the motorcycle and lifted me off with ease. A strong man, nice. He sat me on the couch and laid out my legs to get me comfy, then took off my shoes. After that, he took off his leather jacket and went through one of the pockets and revealed a piece of paper. 

"Okay so, do you know what today's date is?" He read from the paper he held.

"Um, why?" dumb question.

"For your concussion, remember?" He glanced at me in an obvious way and looked back to the paper.

"Oh yeah, today is the 29th of August." he smiled. 

"Good. Can you tell me where you are?"

"My house."

"Alright, babe guess what? You're not so fucked up after all!" I squinted my eyes at this guy. Who is he to call me fucked up?!

"Are you always an ass, J?"

"You remember my nickname. You and Bel are the only ones who call me that. My babe is coming back!" I smirked. "So, where do you keep medicine? You're supposed to take some Ibuprofen and ice the injury." 

"In the bathroom. Shouldn't you know that already? If you are my best friend, why don't you know?" He rolled his eyes and ignored my joking tone.

"Okay. Stay there. You are supposed to rest. Listen, don't be all stubborn and get up either." 

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah. What ever." I mimicked his accent, but for some reason he laughed. Am I that amusing?

Instead of obeying Jesse's orders, I swung my legs off the couch to go and get a snack as well as the phone to call the private family doctor. I needed to be fairly sure that I wasn't, well, 'fucked' up. To test out how I felt, I made my movements as careful as possible. Things went pretty well for a girl with a concussion. Although, I did feel somewhat queasy. 

I let it slide because of the hunger my stomach was experiencing in result of all the grumbles being emitted into the air. I followed my urges and went to the cupboard to grab a large bag of Lay's potato chips along with two 16oz Sprite bottles from the fridge. Then I cut out two large pieces sexy chocolate cake from off the counter, one for me and another for J. LASTLY, I went to the freezer and got out some cookies n' cream icecream, also two spoons from the dishwasher. I'm about to get my grub on, yo'! ~A/N: I was very hungry when I wrote this! Like, I was about to I ate all that with my bff. Lol! K, keep reading!~

After my full on retrieval of my favorite snacks and putting them on a tray with wheels, I turned to go to the couch before Jesse came back but, let's just say I'm not so lucky today. I ran into his semi-hard chest face first and weakly smiled up at him. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his plumper boys were in a tight line. His hands were on his hips, and as my memory began to come back a little more, I knew that was a bad sign. Uh oh, here comes yelling! Dammit.

"Why are you up? Do you want to die?"

"Excuse me? I was hungry so back off!" I tried pushing the cart around him but he put his hands on the end and pushed back. I was trapped.

"Bree..." he rubbed his forehead with one hand and had his other still resting on his hip. "You could end up in a coma. Please sit down...and stay there." his features showed absolute concern as he looked deeply into my eyes. I smiled and slowly walked over to him, and settled my arms around his neck.

"Aw, you care don't you, huh?" I purred while he just stared at me sensitively. My memory told me how much I loved his sensitive side. I've never had the privilege to meet a young man as sweet and caring as this lad. He makes my heart flutter and causes the butterflies in my stomach to awaken.

"Yes. Very much. Is that a bad thing?" his hands went from their resting spot on his hips and he brushed his fingers up my sides and stopped where my shirt was raised some. I shivered and he chuckled, then he began to lean forward until his lips were on mine. 

I kissed him as soon as he came and our lips moved in sync. Tingles and sensations spread throughout my body like wildfire, something I had never felt with Elliot. With Elliot, I only felt lust. It was like a teenage dream which was fun at the time but in that moment, I found myself wanting more. My whole body wanted to feel love, that passion that you only see in movies and then find yourself imagining it in your slumber. 

He smiled against my lips and kissed me at a faster pace. With Jesse, I could tell we both were experiencing that passion. He didn't kiss me with lust or with sensual movements. He didn't try to go too far. Jesse is the perfect gentleman and that's what I exceptionally need. With Gabe still in a coma and Asher coming home high almost every night, the drama has been getting the hair on my neck on end. My heart yearned for that feel of peace that Jesse brought trailing in his presence and around his frame. None of my past boyfriends could compare to him and...well I guess I may be falling for him. 

My hands tugged at his hair and, it always works, he let out a manly moan. Ohoohoohoo!(pronounced oh-who-who-who. Yeah, I'm cray cray. Watevas!) I leaped up, clutching his waist tightly with my legs. His hands squeezed my thighs and his thumbs drew circles on the revealed skin my shorts exposed. My body spread with shivers once again and his lips went wide with pleasure. 

He made a trail of soft, lingering kisses from my jaw down to my neck where he started to lick and suck hard. I moaned from the addicting pain he caused as he hit my soft spot in the crook of my neck. The hunger was too much and I took off his shirt quickly. 

"...bedroom," I whispered and bit my lip, stopping the moan which threatened to break out of its jail cell.

He grinned and his blue eyes became brighter than I've ever seen. He ran us up the steps and slammed me on the bed. I let out a giggle and grasped his hand, forcing him to come down. My hands were rampaging his body, tracing the contours of his tan abs. I barely touched him with each trace I made, causing a chill to go through his body.

I giggled again and pulled his neck to my lips, flipping us over. Pressing my body to his, I left my trail of hungry lips down the middle of his stomach. He arched his back and a grunt exuded his lips.

Our clothes were spread all over my floor in a matter of minutes. He was on top of me, his eyes roaming over every inch of my nude body. I saw he was satisfied with what he saw. He leaned down slowly, his hands snaked up my body slowly, and his hands caressed my breasts and massaged. I couldn't hold in my moan which came out louder than I expected. 

He looked up and stared at my face and only my face. "Do you want to?" I nodded cautiously, going over my decision. I discovered I was absolutely sure and reached to grab my box of condoms out of my drawer. He rapidly put it on then kissed me dreamily with every emotion we were both feeling. 

"Are you sure, Bree? I...I don't want you to end up having regrets. Are...are you positive?" he said this against my neck, avoiding my eyes. I pulled back and held his face lightly in my hands.

"Why would I regret you of all people, J?"

"I...I don't know. It's just I've had feelings for you for a long time and...I want you to enjoy it, I guess." I smiled and pecked his lips. 

"I will and you know it." 

He stared at me for the longest time and then finally slid inside me, thrusting away. 

"Ah...fuck." I yelled. Moans from the both of us spread the room.

~A/N: Suppers! Just real quick, from now on I'll tell you when a sexual scene is coming up.~


I opened my eyes and saw the rays of the sun embrace my sky blue walls with a blinding light. I had to blink a couple times to adjust myself. Memories of the day before rushed through my mind like an enraged herd of...buffalo? Yeah, why not? It brought a sleepy grin to my lips remembering what happened. After our uh, bedrocking experience, Jesse made his famous home-made pizza. Well, it was rather famous to Izzy and I anyway. While we ate, we played spades, a game in which he always wins and later watched The Sound of Music and 17 Again. He actually/ironically loves those movies

Our movie was cut short when Asher burst through the door staggering in a drunken state. He brought with him the awful smell of thrown up vodka as well as weed, along with something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I gave him four tea bags of chamomile tea to knock him out and Jesse helped me to take his limp body upstairs. That bastard was always ruining things lately. Although, it really put a painful spark in my heart to see him that way all the time. It hurt me even more that I couldn't do anything about it. 

I rose from the bed and looked around but there was no Jesse. I turned around and saw a note on my night stand. 


I'm down stairs making french toast. Come on down, babe. 

My light, I love you. You are the flame that keeps my heart ablaze.

Love, Jesse.

We declared our love to each other the night before and I stared at the note awestruck. I am in love. Jesse and I have known each other ever since the piss and poop filled diaper years. He's been with me through it all: my mother and father's abuse towards my brother and I, the sleepless nights, the tears and sobs. Everything. I never had the strength to even think about us with all the problems that clouded my mind. And now? I am seventeen going on eighteen, same as him, and I'm madly in love with Jesse Michaels, the man of my dreams. 

My body craved for a shower so I went to my bathroom and gladly jumped in. Sweat and well um, other bodily fluids, trickled down my body in the form of bubbles and suds. I got out after thoroughly washing myself and went to the sink to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then, I went to my room to put on my bra and undies along with my white body hugging tee shirt and tight, gray sweat pants. My hair swung from side to side as I put it in a tight ponytail, sending a berry scented smell to my nose. Jesse would always say I looked hot in a best friend type way in that outfit. He wouldn't even let me out the house with these clothes on! Overprotective mut...but I love him!

Now that we are together, I won't let his sexy ass go and I know that he will do the same. I fell onto the bed and breathed in the Abercrombie and Fitch scent of the comforter that Jesse left there. He was finally mine! 


"Get off...s-st-stop it!" 

"Nope!" Jesse paused to pop the 'P' and then continued to tickle me into giving him the remote. I had switched to Teen Mom, a show that he hates with a fervor. So do I, but I only turned to it to annoy the hell out of him. 

"Why are you t-torturing me?!" he only laughed and continued to tickle my side. He had both of my hands locked in his big one and his knees trapping my calfs, stopping any chances of coming out of his grasp. I wiggled as much as I could and was able to get my knee out. I looked at him devilishly and shoved my knee into his groin. Boo ya! His hands moved away from me as he crashed to the floor groaning in pain. 

"Who's... crying out for help... now?" I gasped. I crashed to the floor as well, trying to find oxygen. I felt like I'd literally have to go on a three hundred year quest to find it. The struggle was real. 

After three hundred and one years, I got up to grab a water bottle out the fridge. I took a day for vacation which would explain the 'and one'. Jesse came in the kitchen, like he hadn't aged a bit, and grabbed a water bottle for himself. He stared at me with a thoughtful face, one of amusement and frustration tied up in one handsome silhouette. I returned his gaze after taking three big gulps and let my eyes scan his masculinity from head to toe. His arms were crossed and so were his legs, making him bare the appearance of a business man without the suit.

Yes, my smirk eased its way to my lips as I thought of what happened just minutes ago. I wasn't sorry at all for what I'd done and he knew it. I was enjoying that moment very much.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" all I could do was grin uncontrollably.

"Nothing? Nothing at all?" I poked out my bottom lip and shook my head, no. I took baby steps towards him and slowly ran my fingers through his 'Zayn from 1D' hair without the blonde highlights. I hate 1D but the hair is way more tolerable than the singing. 

"So, you're trying to seduce me now?"

"Maybe. Maybe not." He grinned and slipped his hands to my waist and put his lips to my ear. 

"Just so you's working." I shivered which caused a rumbling in his chest that resembled the sound of a tiger. 

The phone rang, leaving our moment a 'to be continued' kind of moment. I inched my way to the cordless phone and picked it up.

"Hello, Tanner residents...slow down...Asher...what?" his words were jumbled. I could tell he was crying and couldn't help but feel something was deeply wrong.

"Asher? Look, I can't understand what you're saying...what...why?" I glanced at Jesse who came up behind me and put a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Who? It can't be... No!" I put a hand over my mouth as I let a tear slip down my face. "We're on our way! Stay with him!"

I ran to the door and grabbed my keys and waist-length trench coat. I put it on and fled out the door to the garage. Someone called my name but I couldn't answer, I just couldn't. The words were frozen in my mouth, disabling my ability to respond. 

I put my keys in the ignition but Jesse stood in the front of the car as soon as the garage door raised up completely. He then ran to the passenger side and jumped in. 

"Gabrielle, what happened? What's going on?" 

 I stared blankly at the driveway before me, not exactly seeing anything but the blur of my tears. He cupped my face delicately and turned my head to face him. "Baby, what happened?" 

I blinked rapidly, squeezed the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white, and stared into his blue eyes. "He's dead, Jesse. My brother is dead." 


Texte: Steal my book and I'll kick your ass! Thanks darling! But seriously, don't steal my shit. I love you even with my harsh words so don't take it seriously. But I am serious...
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.06.2013

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