

Before you can understand me, who I am, more importantly what I am, there are some things you have to know.

First off; you need to know that Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches are all real. I know, big shocker. Next thing you have to realize is that they aren't the monsters film industries make them out to be. They're actually pretty nice... That is, once you get past the whole blood sucking, raw meat craving and spell casting.

Now, pay attention because this is where things start to get a bit complicated. For thousands of years our two worlds have been co-existing side by side, only one fully-aware of the other. This side is the home of the Vampires and Werewolves... Along with another presence. They are called the Daemons.

The Daemons are the bad guys. They are the entire reason that Vampires and Werewolves live among the human world now. Ever since the beginning of time our worlds had lived together peacefully, the human world blissfully ignorant of the other. Until of course the Daemons decided that they were going to cross the border and slaughter the human race to gain dominion over both worlds. The Vampires and Werewolves decided, despite their century long feud that the Daemons had to be stopped at all cost. This lead to them formulating a plan, a plan to give us a fighting chance.

The Vampires and Werewolves could not cross into the other world as the Daemons could, instead they created a powerful spell that essentially did two things. First, they found an unborn child one who would blend in and avert suspicion. Next they used magic to imbue the child with all of their powers, both their elemental affinity and the strength and abilities afforded to them by their species. These powers however, are locked away until puberty. at which point the child has a choice...

Accept the gift and become a target for the Daemons, Or live peacefully in ignorance as the war wages around you.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2013

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