
Chapter 1

When you know a secret isnt it sometimes hard too keep? Like when its a really good secret or funny and you need too blurt it out... My name is Josaphine Zeka, Im 15 and im getting a mug shot right now. No its not because what i did for a Klodike bar its what i did too my moms company runned by the goverment. The comapany is called C.E.C  Center which stands for Company Evil Contaiment Center. Basically they knock out the criminal and put them in these class tubes where they will sleep till the goverment knows what to do with them. My mom is the C.E.O. Of course i think its wrong but since its summer vacation i stopped caring. The Public has no idea about this. 

Every day i hang out in my moms office spin in the chair go on the computer.. regular stuff. Today i was bored i didnt know what to do ,so i decieded too make my own tour. I walked around the halls on my chair and raced or peeked into offices. I went into this one door a huge sign above it said Hazorious. I looked around made sure no one looked and slowly went in. I saw tube after tube filled with people inside. They all looked as if they where sleeping, people in lab coats ran past me back and forth as a voice crept up behind me " Would you like a tour?" A tall lady with a black skirt and white cluff shirt stood before me. Her brown hair was wrapped in a bun as she looked down on me with a fake smile. I nodded yes. The lady began too walk and i followed. "Here is where we contain the criminals that escape or we cant get hold of, They are fed but are asleep by a drug injected too them" She spoke and gesterd too them. "The crimnals with the most activity are in this room." She spoke and walked towards a door and opened it, there wasnt much pods just about 10. The lady opened her mouth too speak but then a swarm of people with guns and bullet proof vests on charged our way. The lady tugged me too the side as they ran into the room we were looking at. An boy my age was in handcuffs and directed towards the room. "They cant do that he is just a kid" I yelled at the lady. "He is very dangerous he needs too be contained" She responded and tugged me away. "Thats not right you need too let them have their rights" I yelled at the lady as she brought me too my moms office. I could tell the lady was very irritated. She lead me into my moms office and slammed the door. 

"Mom, you have too stop them they are putting people in these um... wierd pods and..." My mother cutted me off as i spoked. "Honey its for the best" My mom didnt look intrested she sat in her white office and typing on the computer. "Mom are you even listening!?" I yelled. She nodded but i knew she wasnt. "I'm going to the bathroom ill be right back" and i stormed out the room. I wasnt really going too the restroom i went strait back too the contaiment room. It was guarded i saw an jaintor going in so i snuck into his cart of cleaning products and was brought in. The cart jerked side too side then finally stopped. I peeked my head out and crawled too the door which the boy was brought in. I looked around no one was there most likely at lunch. I looked at the pods there was only 3 kids about my age in the room the rest adults. I walked passed them and stuided thier faces. One girl had a huge scar across her face and light short blond hair. I read the file hanged by a thread from her pod. " Creature Moon, Wanted for 20 murders and attempt in robbery" The file read. I walked too the next pod. It was a boy with back slick hair and tan skin. I read his file " Josh, Grave Wanted for 10 murders and attempt of kidnap" I walked away from that one and too the last kid. It was the boy who i saw came in. His brown dark hair was messy. I began too grab his file but then i heard steps comming towards the room.

I ducked too the side under a table and sheet. It was another kid my age walking in with handcuffs and men around her. She had dark black hair blocking half her face and showing her dark hazel eyes staring at the floor. They opened a pod and ordered her too go in. She refused so they forced her. I leaned back onto the wall but not noticing me pressing a tiny button in the wall. An alarm went off and red lights flashed. All the men ran out leaving the girl in handcuffs. She looked too the floor and then followed it too me. She looked alarmed at me but didnt say anything. I looked out the window in the front of the room and noticed i pressed a fire alarm. Everyone waited outside. I stood from my hiding spot and looked around for a button too free them. "Its the purple lever over there" The girl quietly said. I pulled the lever and another alarm went off. I ducked back under the table.

Chapter 2

You might of thought in the first chapter "Man shes stuiped" or "why would she let dangerous criminals out!?" Good question.. i dont know. I knew it wasnt right so i did it. 

I waited for something too happen None of them came out of their pods. Till i heard glass break i turned around towards the sound and saw an fist out of one of the pods glass. It was the first girl Creature. She kicked off the top of the pod and yanked out all the chords attached too her. She slowly came out of the pod with a white bra and pants as all the other ladies in pods wore. She turned and opened the pod next too her the josh boy. He jumped out and spoke " Nice bra" He smiled. "Keep your pants on shorty" She snapped back. Josh walked too the last pod with the last boy. He kicked at the glass and it broke the opening. The boys stepped out and nodded thanks too josh.Creature looked directly at me and i froze. "I sense something in here" She spoke angry. I stared at her eyes and noticed she was blind. Josh walked towards me and crouched too my level. Did you let us out?" He asked nicely. I quickly nodded as he put his hand out and helped me up from under the table. "I found who let us out" He spoked proudly. "Hi im Josh, Thats Creature... " he began too point at the boy and girl i didnt know. "Thats Richard and thats Ally." I awkwardly waved hi not knowing too say. "Lets go now we dont have much time, Do you know out?" Creature spoke and pointed at me. I nodded yes. "Whats your name kid?" Creature asked. "Josaphine" I answerd. 

"Im not leaving till i get my stuff back" Ally spoke quiet but demanding. "Fine i bet Josaphine can show us" Josh said turning towards me. "Um... it might be in the storage room" I said. Richard grabbed my hand and all of them ran out with me being dragged behind. They all hid and acted like they where spys hiding behind each stone,trash can or cart. "Ok, Kid time too show us where" Creature said and pushed me foward. I stood there for a second till demanded more too go by everyone else. I walked down the hall and too the left and stopped. "Over here" I whisperd. All at once they ran down the hall and busted down the door. "Yes!" exclaimed Josh as they grabbed their stuff and threw it on. Creature wore a short skirt with leggings and a T-shirt , she grabbed 2 pistol guns and latched them onto her belt along with a few daggers. Josh wore ripped jeans and a Black T-shirt with a leather jacket too match, He grabbed a gun and snapped it on his belt. Ally threw on laced knee high shoes and torn shorts with an V-neck T-shirt. She wrapped her hands with cloth and practiced punching. Lstly was Richard he threw on baggy pants and a black T-shirt. He grabbed 2 dark swords and slid them onto his back by an little holding case placed on his back. They all looked back at me "Ok now how do we get out?" Richard said looking at me. I opened my mouth too talk by was itrupted by doors opening and people flooding the hall. Everyone hid while i stood. Ally quickly jerked me down too hide with them.

Richard smiled at Josaphine assuring everything was good and nothing bad was going too happen. She blushed but knew something was gonna happen. "To get out is through those doors and over the hill" I whisperd. Everyone looked at eachother and nodded. Everyone got ready too run but then an alarm went off and a robot voice kept saying "Escape Criminals, Escape Criminals" "aww Fuck" Said Creature and she contuiued to talk "Is their another way out?"  I nodded and spoke next "The back door but its all the way too the other side of the building." Everyone moaned. "Fine here is the plan me and josh clear the way and you three run to the next avaible hiding spot." Creature spoke until i intrupted "Whoa,I stop here im not going with you" Creature grinned and answerd "Well your gonna be arrested for helping us and for letting us out so.. you wanna join the club or go too jail?" I sighed she was right i couldnt make a lie big enough for this. I agreed.

Creature signaled Josh too go out they both loaded their guns and signaled for the rest of us too run. Guards started comming out from all angles and asked us too stop but we kept running. Josh and Creature started too shoot at them. Richard grabbed my hand and allys and led us too a new hiding spot the jaintors closet. Creature and josh didnt stop. I peeked through the door and saw one by one guards fall I looked away. Richard comfroted me as Ally signaled them too come. Josh and Creature graceful ran towards the door and hid. Creature looked up "We can go through the ceiling vents" She pointed up. "A-Are they all dead?!" I asked freaked out. "Ehh most of them" Creature spoke as she un screwed the top of the vent and began too crawl in. Everyone followed her i stood there watching them go up. Richard looked down on me "Comon, it will be ok." I shook my head not going. He jumped down. "Listen, would it help if i promise too protect you with my life this whole time till we are free?" He looked into my eyes and waited for an answer. I sighed and he gave me a boost into the vent and he followed.

One by one everyone started too complain. "Its too hot" or "Its too cramped" everyone started too say. Creature then made a shh sound with her voice and the vent grew quiet. Creature u screwed an vent opening and fell onto the floor without making a sound. She then signaled one by one of us too come down. We where in a office room with computers and desks scatterd around the room. "Are we close?!" Ally whisperd annoyed. Creature looked at me and then so did everyone else. I knew i was being used here. "The exit should be maybe.." I was cut off by all the computers turning on. ajosh walked up too one of the computers and then at us. "It said we have mail"Everyone exchanged glares at eachothers and ran too the computer josh was at. He moved the mouse and opened the email. It read in red letters "escape Crimnals" on the top and then a picture of all of us running. "I should of known they had camras!" Richard yelled slamming his hands on the desk. 

"Well its pretty late.. where are we gonna stay" Josh exclaimed. Again everyone looked at me for an answer. "I know an secret storage room" I said dully. I lead them too the back of the room and pressed an button under an desk. A tiny door opened. "We are gonna have too crawl" I said and saw their annoyed expressions. We crawled into the tiny door too a midsize room. Everyone picked their spots. Ally looked inside there was no room for her. She looked down. Richard offered her spot but she denined and suggested too sleep out in the office. So with that she walked ouside and fell asleep as the rest of us feel asleep in the tiny storage room.

We all woke up too screaming from outside. We peered through the tiny crack of the door and saw Ally being tugged away but too large body guards. She screamed for help and josh charged foward too her but was quickly stopped by Creature. Creature spoke angry."There is no time for her now." She tugged him back and made him keep quiet. Creature held him too the floor as he struggled towards Ally. "Ally!" He yelled. Everyone stared at Josh with wide eyes. "What did you do!" Creature said and stared out the crack of the door. The guard turned around and talked on his radio loud enough so we could hear. "They are here." One by one guards slipped into the room with their guns and weponds. One man stood in front of the others. He had black slick hair and a nice black suit. He walked through the guards as they made a passage for him. He grabbed a megaphone and began too speak into it. "Come out with your hands out and what you say will be used against you in a court of law." He stood waiting for us too come out. We all looked at eachother. I looked a Creature with a grin. She quickly grabbed me by my neck and held me across he chest with adgger too my neck. 

"Act along!" She whispered aggressive in my ear. Me and her walked out. I tried not to move much or the blade would cut my neck. She walked up in front of the guards and spoke. "This is how its gonna work." She spoke with a grin on her face. "You lets us out.." She was cut off by the man with the megaphone. "Or what?" Creature eyes gleamed,I knew she was good at getting what she wanted and how she was gonna do it. "She goes if you dont let us go." Creature held me tighter and dagger closer to my face. The man with the megaphone rubbed his head as if he had a headache and murmered to himself. He then signaled the rest to stop. Creature and the others walked out with me still with the dagger by my neck. They watched us with hate as creature quickly went across them. When we all got to the other side the man spoke. "Now let her go." He spoke with greif and anger. "About that...I lied." SHe smiled and all of us ran. She still kept the dagger to my neck as I screamed down the hall. They began to run after us.


Texte: Creature Moon
Bildmaterialien: Creature Moon
Lektorat: Creature Moon
Übersetzung: Creature Moon
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2013

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