
on our way to hogwarts

"Hermione, Jessica do you know where we get on" i yelled at them over the sound of people.

"I'm sure its here, jess will you get the map out for me"

"got it. it says king's cross station and we go to platform 9 3/4."

"Jenna I've never heard of a station that has fraction as the number. lets ask that dude over there."

they both ran to the guy that works there to ask him where platform 9 3/4.

"no, stop." i ran screaming and tackled them both to the ground.

"what is your problem" jess said while getting up.

"its a magical train that goes to hogwarts. i don't think he'll know here it is. we'll just have to find it ourselves."

"right i feel so dumb right now." Hermione said embraced.

"me to." said jess

"its not your fault, your just nervous thats all."

"ya we are, but with your help we will always be safe." jess said while picking up her 8 bags of luggage that she dropped while i tackled her

"how do you pack so much stuff. i only brought 3 bags, Jenna brought 2 bags and you brought 8"

"shut up Hermione" jess snapped.

i laughed at them because they always fight. i looked at my watch.

"crap, the trains going to leave soon lets go."

we all stated running as fast as we could holding all our luggage.

"were are we going" they both asked me.

"well the map says 9 3/4 so lets go to platform 9."

"got it" they both said a little out of breath.

we finally made to to platform 9 we were all out of breath.

"man i need to rest" i said starting to lean on a berrier. then wheni looked up at it i noticed a sign that said 9 3/4 hogwarts express.

"guys its right here" i said with joy.

"WE FOUND IT" they screamed excitedly.

we got all of our stuff and walked in. jess first, then hermione, then me.

when i looked around it took my breath away. when i looked at my friends i only saw hermione.

"wheres jess."

"he went to find us a compatment but when she found an empty one he put all her stuff in and i couldnt fit in the cart."

"i dont belive you"

"oh, realy"she pointed at a cart filled with jess' bags.

"jess i dont think we'll fit in there. so were going to find diffrent compartment ok." i said hopping she'll hear me

"ya i think its for the best" jess said.

me and hermione headed of in different derections. i didnt see her then the train jolted forward witch caused me to fall. i quickly got up and looked around to make sure no one was watching. luckily no one was there. i headed of to a compartment and walked in the doorway and see three guys starring at me. the one on the left farthest from me had brown hair and brown eyes,the guy sittng next to him had black hair and black eyes, and the one across from them on the right had blonde hair and grey eyes.

"umm, do you guys mind if i ride with you." they all nodded. "thanks" i put my 2 bags down and sat next to the blonde guy.

"hey im jenna."

"im draco malfoy, the guy by the window is gregory goyle but he likes to be called greg, and the guy infront of you is vincent crabbe but we call him"

"vince" i said finishing his sentence.

"right" draco said. it was silent for awhile then draco broke the silence

"so are you a pureblood"

"draco" greg and vince both said shocked.

"what its just a question and i bet you were wondering the same thing. so are you"

"its complicated"


"its hard to explain"

"oh, well im a pure blood and i hope to be in slytherin."

"why" i said a little curious.

"my whole family has been in slytherin for centuries and they call you a discrace if you are not in slytherin"

i think he saw that i was interested in him and his family because he tried to pin it on me.

"hey if you tell me if your a pure blood or not i will tell you more about my family"

"no need"

"what do you mean" he looked at me as if i were crazy

"well your parents were both born into wealthy familys, your parents spoiled you rotten, you are prejudice to Muggles, Muggle-borns, half-breeds, and blood traitors and your dad is a deatheater and your mom was never realy death eater, but still supports him"

"how did you know all of that"

"thats complicated. and i know you dont want to be a discrace to your family so ill tell you this, your a slytherin"

"what are you phsycic"

"kinda, i can see a persons past and future if they let me have a connection to there past witch will form the future."

"thats cool"

"ya it is" i said in a depressed voice

"hey are you ok"


"jenna please tell me whats wrong"

"ok, ill tell you, when i was a baby my parents were killed in the wizarding war. i never got to meet them, i never got to see what they looked like. what there personallity's were.and so i dont know if im a pureblood, halfblood, or a muggle"

"she is lying" vince said.

"ya i dont belive her one bit." greg shouted.

"guys i think i belive her" draco said quietly but loud enought so we'd all hear. i looked at him and he seemed spaced out.

" are you kidding me, why would you trust her."

"um greg im right here, and i heard that. draco are you ok, you seem out of it."

"ya im fine but im trying to remember someone. so you know my future but do you know yours."

"no, i dont know anything about my past that could cause my future"

" i know who i was trying to remember harry potter."

"he was the one you were trying to remember. why"

"hes comming to hogwarts"

"what happened to him"

"you dont know" they all yelled at me.

"no" i said kinda scared.

"he has a history like yours. i hope hes in slytherins." draco said

"what happened to him i really want to know"

"well if you really want to know,in the wizarding war his parents were killed by the leader of the death eaters. harrys mom told him to kill her instead of him. he did and he killed his father with her. so they call him the "boy who lived"

"wow, amazing" i said mesmorized by every word draco said. but suddently i felt weak. i didnt know what to do.i felt so miserable.

"jenna are you ok" draco was right over me. did i collapsed or something. i tried to answer but the words wouldnt escape from my mouth. i could barley even breath.

"get jessica or hermione fast" was all i could say. the last thing i saw was the boys quickly getting up and leaving me. or so i thought, greg and vince left to find my friends while draco was in my blind spot so i couldnt see him. i was so weak that sleep took over me.

draco's pov

i was talking to my buddys greg and vince when all of a sudden a girl stopped infront of our copartment. she has beautiful blue eyes, and white-blonde hair with black streaks. she spoke up "umm, do you guys mind if i ride with you." we all nodded stunned by her beauty. "thanks" she said then put her 2 bags down and sat right next to me.

"hey, im jenna."

"im draco malfoy, the guy by the window is gregory goyle but he likes to be called greg, and the guy infront of you is vincent crabbe but we call him"


"right" i said. i think my friends were suprized because they know i hate it when people interupted. but i couldnt get mad at her. it was silent for a long time then i spoke up.

"so are you a pureblood"

"draco" greg and vince both said suprised.

"what its just a question and i bet you were wondering the same thing. so are you"

"its complicated"


"its hard to explain"

"oh, well im a pure blood and i hope to be in slytherin."

"why" she said a little curious.

"my whole family has been in slytherin for centuries and they call you a discrace if you are not in slytherin"

i saw that she was interested in my family so i tried to get something out of her.

"hey if you tell me if your a pure blood or not i will tell you more about my family"

"no need"

"what do you mean" i looked at her as if she were crazy

"well your parents were both born into wealthy familys, your parents spoiled you rotten, you are prejudice to Muggles, Muggle-borns, half-breeds, and blood traitors and your dad is a deatheater and your mom was never realy death eater, but she suported him"

"how did you know all of that"

"thats complicated. and i know you dont want to be a discrace to your family so ill tell you this, your a slytherin"

"what are you phsycic"

"kinda, i can see a persons past and future if they let me have a connection to there past witch will form the future."

"thats cool" now i was interested in her

"ya it is" she said in a depressed voice

"hey are you ok"


"jenna please tell me whats wrong"

"ok, ill tell you, when i was a baby my parents were killed in the wizarding war. i never got to meet them, i never got to see what they looked like. what there personallity's were. and so i dont know if im a pureblood, halfblood, or a muggle"

"she is lying" vince said.

"ya i dont belive her one bit." greg shouted.

"guys i think i belive her" i said quietly but loud enought so they'd all hear.

"are you kidding me, why would you trust her."

"um greg im right here, and i heard that. draco are you ok, you seem out of it."

"ya im fine but im trying to remember someone. so you know my future but do you know yours."

"no, i dont know anything about my past that could cause my future"

" i know who i was trying to remember harry potter."

"he was the one you were trying to remember. why"

"hes comming to hogwarts"

"what happened to him"

"you dont know" we all screamed at her.

"no" she said terified.

"he has a history like yours. i hope hes in slytherins." i said

"what happened to him i really want to know"

"well if you really want to know,in the wizarding war his parents were killed by the leader of the death eaters. harrys mom told him to kill her instead of him. he did and he killed his father with her. so they call him the "boy who lived"

"wow, amazing" she said hanging on every word i said. but suddently she fell to the ground in pain.

"jenna are you ok" i said leaning over her. she tried to answer but the words wouldnt escape her mouth.

"get jessica or hermione fast" was all she said. greg and vince got up and searched for the girls he was talking about,but i stayed with her. i couldnt stand to see her im pain. i never felt like this before.

vince's pov

we both got up and ran out the door way. we started screaming "jessica, hermione" but no answer. we split up to search for the girls faster. greg found one of the girls first and the next thing you know is both of them running to a cart right in front of me. then all you see is another girl following them then two other boys following her. i ran infront of them and raced to see jenna on the floor with her eyes closed, and draco with tear stains on his face.

jessica's pov

i was just about to fall asleep when i heard someone scream "jessica, hermione." then this guy appeared panting and said "are you jessica or hermione"

"yes. im jessica. whats happening."

"its jenna, she got weak and she needs your help"

"where is he take me to her"

he nodded and asked "do you know where hermione is"

"hes in the compartment behind me"

"great lets get her."

i ran into the compartment where hermoine was and she was asleep.

"HERMIONE WAKE UP" i must have screamed to loud cause the guys that were with hermione and the dude that told me about jenna were on there knees in pain. hemione quickly woke up.

"what happened, and why are the guys on the floor."

"i" gesturing my hand so the guy wont know what we were talking about"

"oh, so whats the matter."

"jenna" i said gesturing again.

"oh no,lets go hurry, hurry. where is she"

"i know follow me" the dude said.

"hey what is your name" i asked the boy.

"im greg"

"and who are the people that are still on the ground"

"the one with the black hair is harry, and the one with the red hair is ron." hermione said

"wait harry as in potter" i said

"yes and what happened." harry said.

"my friend needs help" hemoine said as we ran out the door. i looked back to see ron and harry behind us. i turned my head to greg who was infront of us then saw a guy run infont of us and ran beside greg.

"who is he" i said slightly confused.

"this is vince, my friend. he was with us when she colapsed"

"whait what do you mean by us"

"another guy was with us, he is with her right now"
we made it to the compartment to see jenna on the floor and right next to her a guy with tears in his eyes.

hermoine's pov

i walked into the compartment and saw jenna on the floor. i dont think the guy with her heard us come in. he was whispering something but i couldnt hear him. i kneeled by alexis and got a better look at the guys face he was crying.

"jessica help me will you." she nodded and kneeled by me. we muddered a chant that no one sould know about. suddently jenna woke up gasping for air.

"jenna" me and jess said while hugging her.

"what happened"

"umm, it happened again." i said


"wait this has happened before." said the guy that was crying.

"who are you" jess asked"

"hermione, jess this is draco malfoy."

"hey" me and jess said while waving

jenna's pov

i woke up trying to get some air in my lungs.

"jenna" jess and hermione said while hugging me.

"what hapened"

"um, it happened again" hermione said.

"again" suddently i heard a familiar voice

"wait this has happened before" draco said while getting up and then helping me up.

"who are you" jess said in a rude tone.

"hermione, jess this is draco malfoy"

"hey" they said while waving.

"and that is"

"we already met them" said hemione.

"oh, and who are they" i said pointing to the boys in the doorway.

"im harry" said the one with black hair

"im ron" said the red head.

"cool names"

"you dont know me" said harry.

"no, am i supossed to" i heard draco laughing.

"the boy who lived, dosent ring a bell."

"oh ya i heard of you today. you seem a little arogant to me." now draco was on the floor bursting up laughing.

"what did you say"

"well you seemed all full of yourself when you said that you were the boy who lived. i didnt mean to hurt your feelings. but i was telling the truth. we can still be friends right."

"ya, we can still be friends." he said.

"cool. so when are we getting off the train" suddently as draco got up the train jolted to a stop and i landed on draco, hermione landed on ron and jess landed on vince.

i lookeded at his face and he had tear stains."draco, were you crying."

"no" he snapped at me. i got off of him, raised my hands, and walked out of the compartment.when we got outside we all went into the same boat and headed twards the castle

sorting time

"wow" i said as i walked in the corridor with my two best friends.

"you could say that again" they both said.

"hey its almost time for sorting" i said to my bff's and my new bfffl(best fiends forever for life).

we stood there when an old woman started talking." Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will loose points. At the end of the year, the houses with the most points is awarded the house cup. The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily" then she left through the doors.

i started talking to jess and hermione when draco walked up to me.

"hey, can i talk to you"

"sure" i said and walked with him.

"um, alone"

"what do you mean" i said then turned around. i looked behind me and saw my friends. i gave them my death glareand with that they left.

"so what do you want to talk about."

"i wanted to know" he looked at the floor.


"on the train"

oh no. "ya"

"when you woke up your friends said something. then they said this has happened before."

"and what did you want to ask me"

draco's pov

while we were on the boat i was thinking about jenna. what happened.why did it happen. her friends said this has happened to her before. how many other times has she been in pain cause of this. when we got to shore we went into the corridor. jenna was mesmorized by the sight. i smiled at her reaction. vince and greg were staring at me like i was crazy for smiling. i shruged it off and walked up to her. she was talking to her friends.

"hey, can i talk to you" i said

"sure"she said and walked with me.

"um, alone"

"what do you mean" she said then glanced over her shoulder. her friends were folowing us. she looked at them not even a word and with that they left.

"so what do you want to talk about."

"i wanted to know" i looked at the floor.


"on the train" i started


"when you woke up your friends said something. then they said this has happened before."

"and what did you want to ask me"

"how many times has this happened to you."

then when she was about to answer i felt a hand on my back. i turned around to see Mrs.McGonagall she told me to get in line. i did and she left again.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

"Harry Potter?" all the firstyears shouted

"This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." i heard a boy try to cover up a laugh.

"Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."
i held out my hand for Harry to shake, but he doesn’t take it. whats his problem.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks." who does he think he is.

"We're ready for you. Follow me" McGonagall said

then she walks up again and taps me on the shoulder. i go back to my place after shooting Harry a dirty look.

me and the other first years filed in after McGonagall. Candles float in midair, and the ceiling looks like the night sky. All the other students watched us file in. we waited for all of us to be sorted.

alexis' pov

draco asked me how many times i had felt that way. i was going to answer but then the lady McGonagall walked behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. i was so glad though i was tired of saying its complicated. we got in a line and McGonagall went back in the great hall.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

"Harry Potter?" all the firstyears screamed kinda loud. i mean hes jut a boy that is our age.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." i heard a boy try to cover up a laugh.

"Think my name's funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others,"i felt bad for ron especaly since i was giggling too.

"Potter. You don't want to making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."
he held out his hand for Harry to shake, but he doesn’t take it. way too go harry.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks." ok he is going to be an awesome friend.

"We're ready for you. Follow me" McGonagall said

then she walks up to draco again and taps him on the shoulder. he goes back to his place after shooting Harry a dirty look. well there is going to be some rivalry here. i hope i can still be friends with both of them.

me and the other first years filed in after McGonagall. Candles float in midair, and the ceiling looks like the night sky. it was beautiful. All the other students watched us file in. we waited for all of us to be sorted.

"It's not real the ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History." hermoine said to me

"its still beautiful" i said while sharing at the ceiling.

we reach the front of the Hall where all the teachers sit at a long table. They come to a stop and McGonagall goes up the few steps to stand beside a stool with a hat on it.

"Will you wait along here please. Now before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note, that the Dark Forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to all who do not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." He just sits down like he didnt just tell us we will die if we went to a forbiden area.

i turn around and see draco right behind me. i smile and glance the other way.

"hemione, jess, is that michael and josey"

"were" they said while searching for the guys i saw. jess had a huge crush on michael and hermoine has had a huge crush on josey.

"who are they" draco asked in a rude voice.

"there they are, hey michal, josey, over here" jess said waving at them to come twards us.

"who are they" draco said very jealous.

"you'll meet them right now, and when did you get all jealous"

"i am not jealous." he snapped at me.

"denial" i said streaching the i and l.

"i am not in denial"

"dening denial"

they came over and i hugged them both. "michael, josey what are you doing here"

"oh nothing were just making a rocket out of napkins that will launch to mars in about 1 hour. what do you think were doing luna"

"luna, i thought your name was jenna" draco inturupted.

"will you stop being jealous all the time. my last name is moon so my friends call me luna sometimes ok. i didnt think i needed to get your permission for a nickname"

"you guys can actually make a rocket out of napkins"

"are you stupid or something" i cant belive michael just said that. draco was angry. he walked up tp michael and tried to hit him. but i stoped him.

"draco that rocket thing was sarcasm." i said trying to explain.

"what does that mean"

"it is a Muggle thing" i told him. he looked at me confused. just then McGonagall picks up the hat off the stool and looks at a list of names in her other hand

"When I call your name you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." she looked at the list "Hermione Granger!"

"Oh, no. OK relax."

"good luck" i said while she walked up twards the stool.

"Mental that one, I'm telling you." i heard ron say. so i backhanded him.

"hey, what was that for"

"sorry i was streaching" i said then put my innocent face on.

"Ah, right then." i slightly jumped when i heard the hat talk. then i heard draco and ron laugh at me.

"dont make me slap you again" i said in one of those diva voices.

Hum… Right. Okay, Gryffindor!" a smile is plastered on her face and she goes to the gryffidor table.

"Draco Malfoy!" he walks up to the stool and the hat barely even touches him and it screams "slytherin" he smiles as wide as hemione and walks to slytherin table

i hear ron whisper to harry saying "There's no witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin."

"jessica ashton!"

"go get em jess" she walked up and waited for the hat to pick.

"hum either ravenclaw, or gryffindor, hum, gryffindor" she walked off and sat across from hermione.

"josey klint!"

"he strode up there acting cool like he always does"

"oh this is too easy, slytherin"

and you know the drill by now.

"Susan Bones!"

then i heard potter say ow.

"Harry what is it?"

"Nothing. Nothing, I'm fine"

"no your not whats wrong"

"nothing just leave me alone"

i started to tear up when he snapped at me so i turned around to the sorting hat.

"im sorry i was just" but i held up my hand to motion him to stop then i wiped a tear away.


"michael davis"

he did just the same as josey.

"come on give me a challenge. slytherin"

"ron weasly"

"Ha! Another Weasley! I know just what to do with you… Gryffindor!"

he sighed with relive which made me laugh for some reason.

"Harry Potter."

The Hall comes alive with students trying to get a look at Harry as he goes to sit on the stool. McGonagall places that hat on his head.

" Hmmm… Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you…"

i heard harry say " Not Slytherin, not Slytherin!" what the hell. i was the farthest away from the hat and harry and i could hear clearly and the people the closest couldnt hear them. what the hell.

"Not Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great you know. It's all herein your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No?" what doesnt that stupid hat get not slytherin.

"Please, Please anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin."

"Well if you're sure, better be… Gryffindor!"

lots of cheers from the Gryffindor table.

two twins were chanting "we got potter! we got potter!" which made me laugh. they were cute.

more and more people were called up. finally i got called up

"jenna moon" i was so nervious but i walked up there and sat on the stool.

"hum You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil" "no, Or in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind, no,You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart. no Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means,To achieve their ends. maybe" that stupid hat was on like that for over 20 minutes. after five minutes i was embarased. then ten minutes instead of mummbling he had to say out loud "maybe hufflepuff you look incencent enough." that was enough to make hermione, jess, michael, and josey burst up laughing. everyone stared at them like they were crazy.

"i hate you hat you know that"

"what did i do"

"your the reason my friends are laughing at me. and now i have to slap them when i get off this stool."

"umm, moving on"

"finally, so what house am i in."

"i dont know. its like you have four spirits that each belong in a different house. why is this so hard for me."

"well you did ask for a challenge."

when it went past twenty i was starving. i could tell everyone was hungry too. now i was super bored. oh no. i know that look. hermione always freaks when it happens. i looked at my hair and sure enough my streaks were changing from black to white. and i was infront of everyone in hogwarts so they saw it to. great now it changed from white to red. way to go emotions. see my hair is like a mood ring. but by tirty minutes i got over my hair changing.they were going to find out anyway. so it changed back to white. man im so hungry. wait i got some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from the train. i took them out and grabbed some out of the box.

" what is that?" the hat asked.

"Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans"

"your not supposed to eat yet"

"well to bad im hungry so im gonna eat and no ones gonna stop me." then i put one in my mouth.

"bubble gum." but it changed into actual bubble gum. i know thats not supposed to happen. i blew a bubble and it came out as words. it spelt "Gryffindor and slythirin" everyone was shocked.

"what's going on here. has this happened to anyone before."

"no. never. what is your name again." the hat asked.

"jenna moon"

"well jenna you are one weird girl"

"why do you say that"

"because i cant get anything about you and all this stuff is happening to you. but ive come to a conclusion"

"that were all hungry and we need to eat"


"finaly" i murrmerd to myself as i walked to the grtffindor table.

"Your attention please." McGonagall said

then Dumbledore said the words i was waiting for "Let the feast begin!"

the feast, hurt feelings, and the common room

Suddenly the plates before everyone are filled with food. i grabbed anything and started devouring it.

"yummy, chicken" i said while shoving some greenbeans in my mouth. this boy named Seamus was saying something but i was to bussy eating. then i finaly stopped eating and drank some pumkin juice.

"Say Percy, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?"

"Oh, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin house." percy said to harry"

" What's he teach?"

" Potions. But everyone knows it's the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years. "

then Suddenly a ghost pops through the table. ron screamed which made me laugh. why am i so giggly today.

"Hello! How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor." said the ghost. then more ghosts enter the Hall.

"Hello, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" percy said to the ghost.

"Dismal. Once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied."

"its ok, your to good for them. there just afraid that you'll be better than everyone else cause you can, you know, see." i said to nicholas.

" know you. You're Nearly Headless Nick." no ron hes abraham lincon."

" I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind."

""Nearly" headless? How can you be "nearly" headless?" hermione asked.

"like this" then He lifts his head of, but a bit of his neck is still attached. Hermione grimaces and ron screams again.

"wicked" i said. everyone just stared at me. "what"

"hey your the girl that kept us from eating." someone said. i felt emberaced and guilty that i did that.

"do you think i meant to do that" i said while mt hair was turning red again,

"hey what is up with your hair" nick said witch made it turn faster.

"ya what is up with your hair." harry asked.

"it's complicated." then they started asking me a lot of questions like "what's with the bubblegum spelling" or "what took you so long to be sorted?"

i new hermione saw i needed help "you realy expect her to know why this crazy stuff keeps happening to her"

draco's pov

"hey michael, josey how long have you known jenna, jessica, and hermoine."

"since the first grade, why do you like one of them" josey asked

"no but i would like to know more about that jenna girl."

"tough luck she doesnt date unless she really likes them."michael said

"she's a griffindor but i bet you 10 galleons that she'll go out with me."

"deal" they chiored"

"ok but i need some info on her"

"we know that shes not a muggle" josey said stuffing his mouth with chicken.

"what she told me that she didnt know what blood status she is"

"well she dosent but she knows her dad is a pureblood" michael said

"what about her mom"

"why dont you ask her yourself" josey said then sipped some of his pumkin juice.

"josey, dont tell him to do that"

"why" i asked confused.

"she gets mad" michael said

"and you wont like her when shes mad." josey finished.

"come on how bad could it be." i said while getting out of my seat and walking twards the griffindors table. i heard michael and josey making a bet on what she'd do to me. when i got to her i tapped her shoulder. she was talking to potter. she looked up and waved.

"hey whats up"

"so how do you like griffindor."

"im not sure since ive only been in griffindor for about 10 minutes."

"so id like to know more about you" she just stared at me. she seemed uncomforatable. i glanced at harry and he had this look that said if you hurt her ill kill you. i gave him a cold glare and looked at my table. they were quiet and they were all staring at me. i glanced at the other tables and they had the same look as harry. gosh she barley knows them and there already on her side. i gave them death glares and they looked away. then i looked back down at jenna who was stil starring at me.

"so you dont know anything about your parents" i continued


"not even a blood status, im sure you were with a realetive that would tell you"s

tears escaped from her eyes but i didnt stop there. "do you eve wonder what youre parents were like"

she grabbed some mashed potatos and threw them at my face.

"you sick bastard" she screamed as she got up and ran out of the hall. "ill get you if its the last thing i do

"jenna, wait" but harry grabbed my collar and started yelling at me.

"how could you make a girl cry like that" harry roared at me

"i didnt mean too i ju"

"go to your table and leave her alone" harry yelled.

"but i"


i felt so guilty that i ran to the door where jenna ran off to a minute ago but i was held back. i looked to see michael and josey.

"i wouldnt do that if i were you" michael warned me

"but i didnt mean to hurt her"

"she is already mad, youll just make her angryer. trust us we've been on her list" josey said

"list?" i asked confused.

"her revenge list. the worst thing you could do is make her list."josey said answering my question

"ya but we were lucky" michael said confusing me again


"because she didnt know she was a witch then."josey said answering my question again

"but it still was the worst thing you could do" michael added.

Then I watched as potter went running to Jenna. That should be me. “you’re probably right ill just let her calm down”.

Josey and Michael patted my back as they went to the slytherin table. the slytherins. I was a slytherin, Jenna was right I was in slytherin. She was also right about my family and about me. I need to get her out of my head. shes a Gryffindor for merlin’s sake. It just can’t be. I sighed and walked back to the slytherin table and wiped off some mashed potato that was still on my face.

Harry’s p.o.v.

I got up and ran to jenna after me and draco’s chat. When I walked out the door she was about five feet away from me. She wasn’t crying or anything. But she was curled up in a ball.
I sat right next to her and asked

“are you ok”She looked at me with one of those do I look ok faces.

“sorry, stupid question.” She leaned on my shoulder and started crying. My mind replayed what draco said and I tried to figure out what happened to her, why was she so mad. When I left the thoughts I noticed my shirt was soaked.

“i-im sorry” she said then took out her wand and used a spell that dried my shirt.

“cool wand” I said admiring it.

“thanks” we just stayed there silent for 5 minutes until I started a conversation

“so, how long have you known about magic.”

“since I was 7, how about you”

“well for about a week now.”

“Seriously” I nodded.

“But don’t you get the letter a month before school starts”

“well you do but my guardians tried to hide it and they succeeded until hagrid came and gave me the letter.”
“why do you call your parents your guardian?” then I saw her face was filled with sorrow.

“im sorry I forgot, I just learned about you today by malfoy”

Then it was silent for a minute as I tried to find something else to talk about.

“hey cool necklace”

“thanks, it was my mom’s before she died”

“im sorry, so you live with your dad”

“he died with her”

“im sorry”

“hey if you think about it we have the same past.”

“ya we sorta do”

Then we started talking about what would happen at Hogwarts. We were laughing and making bets on stuff like who would go out with who and who’s the best student. Then percy and the other Gryffindor’s came through the doors. she had no tearstains on her face.she had more of a relaxed look. Then I noticed her streak were white instead of that fiery red it was when she left the grand hall. Ill ask her about it later. I just wanted to go to my dorm.

Jenna’s pov

I was in space behind a stair case but I was still noticeable. I cried for a minute but stopped. I just curled up in a ball. When harry came out of the great hall. He sat next to me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.11.2011

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