


hi paper how are you i am ok i guss. you know how every family is diffrent well that is right. Here let me start from the beging. my name is samantha i am over weight by 90 pounds. i have two grate friends Desiree and Tori. they are both over weight too. my dad beats me and my mom just says that one day he will stop. i am in the 8th grade i am 14. today was a nother school day i woke up at 6 :00 and i grabbed long sleave shirt and black pants. 

i have blond hair and brown eyes. I cant eat anything beacause he thinks i am to fat to eat. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. after 30 minets i got dressed and but my hair in a pony and left the house i have to walk to school same reason. I hum on the way there. I finally reach school i headed to my first hour Art i love art. i take my seat and start to draw a little girl she was crying. my dad abuses me he hits me and sexauly touches  me at night i am still a vergin for one rason my mom takes me to a doctor that will tell her if i am or not. so he cant touch me well in me.  any who the kids start to pile in the snobie girls and boys laugh at me i ingore it but it hurts. i didnt really pay any attchin to the teacher or nothing i just want to draw. the class bell rung telling us it was time to go. i got up and went to my next class. Sit in the way back to be un seen about five minets later the kids pour in. then just before class begain my bff Desiree came through the door. she smiled and sat back with me. class went on forever i wanted to skip the reast of the day so i did. but as i was waking to the doors the poplur kids saw me and walked up to me.


the boy i used to have a relshonship walked up to me and said, " why in the helll are you going?" I rolled my eyes and said, " leaveing my mom is here to pick me up." i lied he pushed me to the floor and yelled, " that is what you get fot lieing to me, babe you know what to do." i was scared as she came clouser to me with a knife in her hand. she walked clouser to me then cut my face it was bleeding. she smiled and walked away. i got up and ran out of the door and to my house. no one was home and here i am wrighting to you. OH SHIT I CAN HEAR MY MOM COMEING 


                                                                     GOT TO GO 

holy shit

 hi today was a grate day like the best day ever.  It was beautiful i woke up with amazing breath then I took a shower and the hot water was awsome. i ware such a cute top frome rainbow its in greenville. any way I i tryed to put on makeup and it worked out wonderful. the bus was right on time and there was as new boy he was cute. he has black hair and brown eyes a little buff. he was so cute. and his smile his smile was the best thing ever. any way i ignored him just to keep it safe. it was 3ed hour when i hear cryin in a janders clouset i opend the door to find Jon sitting there. He rased his head up and wisperd, " i am so sorry." he took out a knife and before he could do anything i ran to him and took it out of his hands i was so scsred i sat next to him and hold him as he cryed and cryed. 


about an hour later he stop crying and he stared to speek he was shaking. i rasied his head and said, " why did you do that?" he just looked at me and told me why he is abused at home sexualy and phacaly my mouth drooped i stared to cry beacause that was happing at home too.  he stoped talking and said, " why are you crying?"  i wisperd that is happing at home to me too. he and i stop crying once we realzied it was time to go home i gave him my number and went home and here i am wrighting to u i have to go supper time bye 


running away

i just got another woppen from my dad and mom.  it a hard thing to wright. any way i found out Jon lives next door some times i can hear the abuse. like last night i could hear him saying no please not tonoght dad. the man would laugh i wanted to cry and yell at him to tell him to leave him alone. but i cant. that night i went to his window. he jumped saying no please. i gaped saying " shh its just me." he sighed and said, " why are you here." i frownd and said, " i heard you and your father over at my house.  i heard him say fuck i wanted to hold him but i didnt i was so scared. 

but insted i said. " lets go were  running away and never looking back." his face turned white and said, " your making fun of me arnt you." i was insalted and mas so i yelled. " look i am abused at home to just not in that way." he face turned red. and yelled, " keep your voice down and no you are not." i got so pissed and turned around and lifed my shirt where my dad wipps me. he gasped and stared to cry. i put my shirt back and rubbed his back. he stop crying and said, " if we do this were are we going to go?" i cloused my eyes and said, " i have an old cabin in a diffrent state we can go there." he smiled and said," why not." i went back in my room and packed. I looked out of my window and saw in packing. i was done less then a secent . I knocked on his window. he climbed out and looked at me, then he kissed me. i blushed and said, " ok lets go." We ran down the raod. i had to stop at times to ketch my breath i was lowing us donwn. we finally made it. 



we made it

we made it, we were on the drive way of the cabin i couldnt believe my eyes. it looked like it did when i was 4. i had a few memorys about it.  i smiled and ran to the door it was locked and it had a sighn that said. " no truspasing" i looked under the rug and there layed the key. i un locked the door and we went in side it was dusty. i coughed and smiled then turned to him and said, " welcoome home." smiled sat on the couch. he smiled and sat next to me the passed hour we just sat there i got a little hungry i wanted to sleep i looked at him and said, " are you tired if so there is a bed on the 2ed floor and you can sleep there." he smiled and said thanks i nooded and went up stars to the a nother room. 


i almost fell a sleep when i heard him yelling down the hall. i jumped and ran to his bedroom and saw him laying in sweat i ran up to him shaking he was yelling no i was skared so i sang to him he slowly started to calm down. i sighed and climbed in the bed with him. holding his hand. he was strong i was worred about him i fell asleep i woke up with the sun in my face i turned around to find Jon sleeping i tryed to sit up but jon wont let me his legs were on mine i layed back down and fell asleep. 

Jon secret

I woke up by him yelling again i didnt know what do so i shook him untill he was awake he alomst hit me but i blocked it. he shot up looking like he was in a nightmare i couldnt help not to cry. I looked at him and he was staring at me like i bumbed my head. he started to cry saying he was sorry. i stop crying and held him he toched my back and i jumping and yelled in pain. he looked at me and i said, " my back is sore." i think he was confused and he said, " let me see!" i lifted my shirt up and there was 13 cuts on my back they were still freash they happend last night before we lefted. 


i stared to cry as he stared at my back he finally said, " sam were did you get these." i didnt lie to him so i said the truth " my dad and mom" i said sadly. hes eyes popped out of his head then said " sam i need to tell you something. i had a dream that your dad found you and did this to you. and my had raped me again." he started to cry. i held him. we fell asleep toghter. i woke up with his snoreing.  i think i have a crush which is werid. i never have crushes.....i think. 

his cheast was moving slowly but not to slow were you think hes not alive but still i moved up hes shirt and there was a big white badaid. my hand were so cold that i woke him up. he jumped so high. I thought i hurt him. i didnt want to hurt him. he moaned and  sighed I walked slowly walked up to him. slowly he looked like he is in pain i put my hand on his head and it wasnt warm he looked up at me and said, " i am not in pain only when something cold is on me that is all i had a hart transe plant." my eyes went wide i said i was sorry a thoused times i didnt know.  he just chucked at me like i was nuts. i punched him in the arm and laid back down and fell asleep.

first kiss

i woke up and i was alone. Maybe the went to the bathroom and sure enough he walked out of the batheroom in a towel i am saprized this place has hot water. or water perid. he smiled at me and said " Sam there is food in the kichen." i jumped and ran down stairs and opend the frige and there was food.  i took out a cheeze stick and it good to get. after i was done i went to the bathroom and took a shower there was sampoo in there this place is amazing. i cant belive this what is next. 

After i was done i went down stairs to find Jon waching a movie! there was a T.V and a DVD player! i sat down and said " are you sure no one lives here?" i smiled and said, " we do, other than that no my dad came here on time last mounth." he chucked and wached the TV. i remberd that there was a lake not to far from the back yard. i nuged Jon and i got up he flowed me i was right it was still here.

I  jumped in the lake the water was so clear it was like you can see through it. I told Jon to jumped in and he did. the water was warm. he pulled me under. i got up and pulled him down after a few hours of this. I got tired and I sat in the sand the was still swiming he looked so hot. hes tan skin with thoes mucles. i counlt help my self. i ran back in the water and i tacked him in the water. we came up for air i kissed him. i kissed him with love. I didnt know what i was doing. i quit kissing him and i got out of the water. i was so mad at my self why on earth whould he want to kiss me i am fat. I grabed a blaket and i walked out the front door swaring at my self. i hear Jon running at me. I walked a little faster but he cought me he grabed my wrist and turned around and kissed me.

He kissed with love, I kissed him with the same amont of love. It lasted for a min then we went back in the house and wached a little bit more of T.V. In my head I was thinking about the kiss and the way he did it why on earth would he kiss me. looking the way i do? i giggled to my self about it. His lips were warm and soft.  I looked at him and the looked deep in thought. 

i wonder what he was thinking about? I was tierd so i went up stairs and went to bed.

i lost it!

OMG!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it i lost it, here how it started.  I woke up before Jon and it was a little bit dark but hot. I went to the pond or whatever to swim it turned out so was JON but he was swimming naked.  I blushed and went under water, when i went back up he was clouser to me, i gasped, but i i kinda lliked it. he was wet and i was there to full his needs and every thing and a girl needs to ? 

so i kissed him, He kissed me back but he bit the bottom of my lip asking in and i granted it. our tonges touched and this shock went thorgh me i loved it i wanted him. i moand and that is when he picked me up and  caryed me to the bedroom, I could fell his bolge on my leg and i really wanted it then and there. he kissed me again and i moand. I looked at him and I knew he wanted me . 


I shook my head yes and he un did my shirt and pants he looked at me again and I nooded again. he slowly went in. It hurt a little bit but I ingored it. Because it felt to good.  I moand and so did he. i beged him to go faster so he did. I moand louldly and he called my name. he took it out of me and licked my cult and i cumed a little. he licked it all up. i moand i jumped up and got on top of him i sucked him he maond and moand i sucked harder and we rolled around and he got on top of me sticking it in me again. he went really fast and i LOVED it. i was cumming and i knew he was to. 

he cummed and so did I. we just layed there breathing heavy we soon fell asleep.


NO this cant be!! I am pego and of corse its Jon's. I found out last week we went to the store and i got a pego test. It was two lines, wich mean i am knocked up. I cryed hard, When we went back to the House I told Jon and he was happy. I took it as a good sign. He hugged me and kissed me, I laughed and then cryed he sat next to me and asked what was wrong. I told him that We never raised a kid and We have no money nor room. He nodded and promest things would be okay. 


A week later I was throwing up all the time. I couldnt eat or drink anything. It was Tarable,  I had a big belly now and Jon was there for it all. I sleep most of the time. He found a job and i stoped Pucking. Now I have to get candy all the time this baby is going to be big! HEY thanks dairy for lisong to me i love you but i am tired see you later. 

ITs time

I am having the baby. OMG this hurts we are going to the hospitle. We had to use fake names to get in. It took 38 hours to push this thing out it turned out to be a little girl. she looked a lot like her father.  I got out of the hospitle the next day. I named her Chisty jane.  I love that name.  I am really tired i am so sorry i havent writing that much i am just really busy i am going to try harder next time. The baby is crying and i cant wait untill Jon gets here its Our anaverary. see ya 

good Bye

it has been seven years and my daughter is 7 and i am pegnet again. this time its a litttle boy. i am nameing him Jake. I am 20 years old and me and Jon are still togher and i  lost 190 pounds and my little girl is a thin beautiful thing. I love her with all my hart. Jon Has a new job and we are moving again I sm going to conaling now it is helpng, I love life now I think this is going to work. This is the last time that i am writing in you I dont need you anymore there is no bad in my life. THANKS AGAIN FOR LETTING ME HAVE YOU, YOU WILL AWAYS BE IN MY HART AND I THANK YOU FOR IT. 


       now this is not true just my imaganshon so please dont think any thing by it thank you.


                                                                  BY, SAMANTHA STRAYER.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.04.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

hi i am samantha and this is my dairy for the past years this is not real.

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