
Here We Go Agian

So i was not having a good school year so far and to mack it worst my step sister had to come back with her bad dog. Ho did i tell you about that. Well my mom and dad are drvosed and i have to live with my step sister, Her dog, My mom, And step dad. I really hated her and the stupid dog that hates me. So she came back from vagus with her mom and step dad and her mut dog named Teddy. Alexis was her name and i called her Alex for a boy name. She goes to my school and now i have to tell her about Zayn. My boyfraind. She will do her best to mack him proud and try to steal him from me. Alexis is bffs with Jorden and the possy. I really hate Jorden and ALEXIS. Now i have to sleep on the chiar ontill my mom and step dad bild a room in the bacement because when Alexis is here she tacks my room for the rest of the time. I really dont want to go to school tomorrow. I will say i have the red spots and stay home ontill her lives. Or put red oak in her bed and then she will not go to school. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYA. So some of my freainds came over and we hade up a speacking. Jjrejn;kn;v vjbsd;gksdkjjnn nbslb jvfdbh sj jbvsdkghdbjh. Means that i really really really really really love chiken. Ya and tomorrow will be the worst day of my life. Ihope she gets sick and stays home


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.11.2012

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