
the bite

I was taking a jog through the woods, Thinking about how I'm going to join my schools lacrosse team tomorrow, I was listening to my favorite song. Wile i was running I dropped my glasses,in prosperity I dropped to my knees.i tried to use my phone for light but it had died, So I had no light to search in cold dark woods.
Wile I was searching a shadow run across the sky as a reaction I screamed,and started to run, But since I lost my glasses I kept stumbling into trees,Each time I bumped into one the closer it came. when I turned around and saw a blur behind me, so I turned, fell back and rolled across the dirty ground. When I stood up the blur grabbed me, i struggle to get loose, it grabbed me by the neck and bit me, as soon as it bit me it ran. I started feeling a burning sensation on my neck i laded there Fighting the burn,the pain was unbearable,but i forced myself to my house.
I finally got to my house I went to the bathroom, I took some alcohol and past it on my neck then put on a large bandage.tying to forget what happened, I started to prepared for tomorrow,I got my net ready,Then went to sleep.

try outs


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.01.2012

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