

Waking up finding her brown wavy hair covered with cow webs. She wanted to scream to the whole state can hear her cross the Alantic Ocean to China. Until Kacie realized what had happen last night. Attic. Every year Kacie has to clean the dusty usless wooden attic. It had made no sense to Kacie why she even had to clean it in the first place. Nobody even uses it in this house. "KACIE!" the wicked witch of the west known as Kacie's step-"mom". "Ugh i'm coming! Its not like you're my master and im your servent! Watch when i hit 18, im hitting the road so long bitch!" Kacie mummble in her mind. She got out of the only place safe, her bed and shuffled down the hallway down into the stairs. On the way down a ear scratching voice known as Mason said "Kacie fetch me breakfast and bring it to my room im busy playing blackops2." Mason is Kacie little step-"brother". "You son of a bitch, its not like you dont got your own legs and hand to fetch yourself food!" Kacie mummble once again in her mind since he was a braty little six year old scamp. "What you want Tara?" Kacie questioned the wicked witch of the west. "First of all, its mom and second of all i need you to bring out the trash." Horns was growing on Kacie's head having flames coming out her nostrils. "Really! Really! You woke me up screamig at me to take out the trash? Are you serious?" Kacie said wanting to punch her in her face. "Yes now chop chop it's not going to throw itself away is it?" Tara said. "I like to see when you throw it away. Oh just watch in nine more months when its October 20 bye bye bitches. I like to see you guys survive without me and you little prince wants breakfast fetch it." Kacie said as she snatched the garbage from her hand out thru the backyard. Kacie couldn't stand one bit of this witch she hopped over a white ten feet fence to her bestfriend's house. Kacie couldn't just come up to Rosy's room since it was a two-story house. Kacie grabbed a rock off from the groud and aimed fir the window. "Damnit!" Kacie said as she missed the window. She took another one and threw up into the air. "Yes!" Kacie made it. "May i help you Ms.Clark?" Rosy said. "Yes Ms.Williams you may. Lend down your hair for me." Kacie said acting like she was Flynn Rider from Tangled and Rosy was Rapunzel. Rosy threw down a rope ladder to where Kacie was standing. Kacie climbed up into the "hair". Rosy helped Kacie get thru the window and questioned "What is today?" Kacie acted dumb and said " Thursday, February 9th why whats so special?" Kacie started cracking up inside her mind wathing Rosy face plummet into a sqaush. "I'm just kidding! I know today is someones birthday." Rosy faced turned back to normal but with a wide grin on her face. "But why you're here so early?" Rosy questioned. "Wicked." before Kacie could finish she was stopped by Rosy saying "Enough said. What you wearing today to my party?" Kacie said " This cute dress with a white top and a black bottom."
"Oo I like. Bring it over here and we'll just hang out till the time comes." Rosy requested. "Okee be right back, but Rapnuzel you need to let down your hair" Kacie sighed not wanting to going back to prison.

Hello Hell

"Where have you been missy? You been gone for one hours." Sassed by rhe witch. "First if all, this ain't your house. Two, who are you to me? Third of all, when have you ever cared about me?" snapped Kacie as she stomped upstairs. "Kacie! Wheres my breakfast?" questioned Mason. As Kacie rolled her eyes she said "Go ask your mother." But that didnt tipped off Kacie until Mason said "So aren't you the maid here." kacie didnt even feel like picking a fight with a six year old until that was stated. "One, this isn't your house Mason it's mines. My mom, my dad, and mine! So you an you're mom is the one who dont belong here. If there was a maid in this house it should be your mom and you! You guys didnt put a penny into this house. All you guys ever did was yap you're little mouth commanding stuff. You can sit here all you want and starve to death!" Kacie snapped at Mason making him be quiet. Kacie stompped into her room. Grabbing her bag putting in her Ipod, dress, high heel shoes, and accessories. Grabbing her phone stuffing it in her pocket. She finally grabbed her guitar leaving her room. Before she walked down stairs she locked her room with a key so these nosy people don't "borrow" my stuff. Kacie glanced in Mason room. No gun shooting was to be heard. "Thats odd." Kacie thought. "Mason would never stop playing blackops2 even if the sky comes crashing down to Earth." She steppes quietly into Mason's room. She heard slobbering. Thats when Kacie noticed what had happened. When Tara and dad got married, Tara was pregent with Mason. Kacie went up to Mason who was turned to his side in bed facing the wall sniffing "What's wrong?" Kacie questioned Mason acting dumb. "So dad isn't my dad?" Mason asked. "No, but your mom is your mom. I'm your step sister in a way but i only yelled at you because i care and you need to stop acting braty." Kacie explained. "So you don't hate me?" Mason asked looking at my eyes with his red buffy cheeks and teary blue eyes. "No I don't hate you." Kacie said truthfully.
"But what about mom? She don't act like she cares about either of us." Mason asked. "Well Mason your mom hate me with her guts she thinks she's the boss of this house but really she's not. But im sure your mom don't hate you." Kacie told Mason from what she knew. Suddenly, Mason hugged Kacie and told her he loves her plus also threaten if she told anyone he cried and hugged her he would make her regret opening her little mouth cause he would seek revenge. "And the brat is back." said Kacie.

Witches are Bitches

Going down stairs with a guitar strap around your shoulder holding a bag and seeking out to the backyard is a big problem if you don't want to be bothered. That's exactly what Kacie was trying to do. But she was stopped never the less by the wicked witch of the west! "Where are you going young lady?" questioned by the witch. "None of your business. Where are doing talking on the phone with a flirty voice?" Kacie snapped. "None of your business!" the witch replied scornfully. "Point taken so don't ask where I'm going then." Kacie said before she walked to the backyard. This time Kacie didn't have to hop over the fence with guitar and a bag. The white fence wooden squeaky door was open. Kacie spotted the rope ladder already. She hopped onto the ladder and started to climb. Once Kacie got to the top she didn't see Rosy. Once Kacie got settled in Rosy stepped in and said "Took you long enough Flynn!" I smiled at her and said "Sorry got stopped by the witch and the little wolf." Rosy got a werid look on her face and questioned "Wolf? Who Mason?" Kacie nodded her head not wanting to tell Rosy what happened cause who knows what that evil little one can do? "So let me see the dress." Rosy said breaking the silence. Kacie grabbed her bag and pulled out the white and black dress. "Aw it looks soo cute!" Rosy squealed. "Let me see your sexy dress!" Kacie commanded. Rosy walked across the room to get the green and brown dress with green leaves design. "Ah, who you tryna look sexy for? Alex?" Kacie said. "Pft. No he can't make it today." Rosy said in a sad way. Moments later a door bell was heard by the door down stairs. I shoved Rosy out the way and ran to her door. Kacie had a feeling it was Mia. Rosy's and her best friend they both hadn't seen in almost a year. But Rosy beat Kacie to the door cause she shoved Kacie into a table. Kacie was right. It's Mia! "Oh my gosh! Mia you cut your hair? Where's your glasses?" Kacie bombarded Mia with questions. Mia used to have long curly brown hair and glasses but no "nada". But it was all interrupted by a ringing cell phone playing the song Turn up the Music by Chris Brown. It was Kacie's phone ringing. She dug in her pocket and look at the phone. The caller ID said "Tara". Kacie rolled her eyes at the phone and picked up. "Are you coming home for dinner?" Tara asked. "What? It's only 2'o clock in the afternoon dinner? You just want to know when I'm coming home huh well I can come back in an hour of four or five or never." said Kacie and hung up the phone. "Oo fisty." said Mia and Rosy at the same time then they both glanced at each other an laughed. "Psh! I don't give a damn about that women." Kacie said and threw her phone onto a table near te door. "Why aren't you guys in your dresses? I feel werid." Mia said. "FINE I go get sexy." said Rosy. After we all got changed the door bell rang again. "I'm scared to race Rosy to the door before she brake one of my bones." Kacie said looking at Rosy. We all just walked there but before we was down stairs I started running. "Ha you loser!" Kacie proudly said. It was Alison. We all sized Alison but in a good way looking at her in a dress with high heels. We never had ever seen Alison in a dress or a skirt. "You look cute Ali." Rosy said braking the silence like always. We broke the time of two hours at Rosy's house before we headed to the party was gossiping.

Party time I think?

Five o'clock strike the clock in Rosy's room. Like always right on time Rosy's dad was outside the house honking his horn telling us to come outside. Before we left the house, Kacie membered to pick up the phone where she left throwing it. In an half hour later we finally reached China Town Buffet where Rosy's birthday party was at. When we got there Jenna was already there. She was in this pink dress with unique black flowers from one point to another. Then we spotted Elisha. A African American girl in a booty short dress which was purple with floral puff at the bottom. "Oo we all look beautiful but as always we do." Kacie exclaimed. Six best buds walking thru the buffet together. Everyone's eyes stopped an stared making us feeling weird about us being all fancy. "Who cares what they think" Mia said. We took our seats. Kacie in front of Elisha. Rosy was in front of Mia and Alison was in front of Jenna. All best buds together at one place at last. Kacie threw her mind of the witch she careless about anything but her friends and her mom. While they were all eating they watched the co-workers panic. It was funny but sad. They talking about no act and they got into a car accident with a brain concussion. They that's when it hit Kacie in the face! Kacie took out her phone and text Alison, Mia, and Elisha saying how we should sing "You're the reason" to Rosy for her birthday. Zzz the phone buzzed moments later where they all agreed. We all excused themselves from the table. "Thank goodness Rosy and Jenna didn't want to come along. Alright let's find the manager." said Kacie confidently. It wasn't that's hard talking into the manager to let us sing. I mean you can see the costumer getting pissed with no act of the day. Alright so this is how it will work out Alison would play piano. Elisha and Mia would do the dancing and sing chorus. Kacie would play guitar and sing. They were all in the backstage all nervous this was their first time performing in public who know what can happen? Fallon off stage? Barfing? Farting? Burping? No one knows but they stayed because they love Rosy with their heart and want to do something special for her 17th birthday. "Alright ladies and gentlemen give it up to Imperfection. "This song goes to the birthday girl in this house! Here it goes ~piano~ I don't want to make a sene I don't let you down I'm trying to do my own thing I'm starting ti figure it out but have I told lately that I love you and your the reason why." All continues for three minute of the song. When it ended everyone called whistled thrown roses onto the stage. When we looked at Rosy's direction she was tearing up with a grind on her face. Jenna was clipping her butt off. "Nice names guys Imperfection love it! Thanks I love you guys to and I'm not crazy!" Rosy said as she rush to hug us. "We it was Kacie idea to call us Imperfection at the last minute." said Elisha. Kacie hugged Rosy whispering "Happy birthday" into her ear. We was all talking among each other when a nerdy, stern, formal, straight back, navy blue suit man wearing four inches thick black glasses walking up to them. The girls looked back and forth glancing looks at each other wondering "Who he?"

Who's the suit man?

" You guys were out there." said the suit man. "Thanks." said the Imperfection. "I'm Howard Nick. I work for Seminole Hard Rock. I would like to book you guys for next week performance. Would you do it?" confronted by Howard. Everyone glanced looks at each other. From right to left and left to right. Slowly they nodded. "Um okay we'll do it, I'm there manager." said Jenna. "Great so met me at the Casino studio room tomorrow at two." said Howard. "Okay thanks see you soon." Jenna said shaking the Howard's sweaty hairy hand. As soon as Howard left Rosy turned her head towards her friends and said "What about me? I want to be in it!" Kacie started doing her thinking face which was stroking her imaginary beard. So did Alison, bitting her lips. A light bulb went Ding in Elisha mind and said she can be the assistant manager. Mia disagreed and said " Rosy should sing with Kacie, she's a pretty good singer." They all agreed on their parts in the band Imperfection. They all went back to go their table. Once they sat down a swarm of people crowded their table it's like they were the honey an the people were bees. It was crazy everyone wanted autographs and picture. After that ruckus was over the manager came over to thank us for the great performance anytime. "Hey Elisha, that dude is checking you out!" said Kacie. Elisha head turn so fast if you was close enough to her, her hair could have been a whip and left you a scar on your face. "Where? Who? Him in the red Areopastle shirt?" Elisha questioned. "No the guy with the white gray hair and with his wife at table with the saggy black shirt on." said Mia. "Stop playing you guys is it him the guy with red Areopastle shirt?" commanded Elisha. "Oh my goodness Elisha its him from school, you know? He's in you're fifth hour? His name is Dennis Lish." said Rosy. "Aw go talk to him." requested Alison. "Ew! He's ugly!" said Jenna. "Girl don't make me drag ou there Elisha! You know I would!" snapped Kacie. "Well we don't have to he's walking over here." said Mia. Elisha quickly grabbed her purse an treasure hunt in that small bag for lipstick, mirror, and perfume. "How I look?" Elisha asked tremulously. "You look perfectly fine." said Alison. "FINE? Fine isn't good!" Elisha said panicking. Dennis was almost there few more steps and he'll be at the table. "Hey you guys were great out there." said Dennis. "Thanks Dennis." said the girls together. "Oh I got to go but call me sometime Elisha you can play at my Mom's friends birthday party if you want I'll hook you guys up." said Dennis as he hands Elisha a sheet paper. Before Dennis lift he winked at Elisha. For a minute, Elisha look like she was about to pass out. Elisha watched as Dennis walk out those Buffet doors. Suddenly, Elisha gave a big elbow to Kacie's stomach. "Ow what was that for?" Kacie questioned Elisha. "Look!" Elisha said pointing to short cut brown haired dude wearing a navy blue Abercombie shirt. Then everyones eyes at the table feel in Kacie. Suddenly, that's when it hit her. It was her crush. "Ow thanks Sherlock!" said Kacie. "Who's he?" said Mia. "He's this kid in my second hour, his name is Eddy Navarro." said Alison. "Oh he's in my class too." said Jenna. "So why you elbowed Kacie, Elisha?" asked Mia and Rosy. Kacie gave an stare and kicked Elisha in shin. "Oh he was looking at Kacie, like no lie." Elisha replied truthfully. "Ooo someone likes Ms.Clark." Rosy told Kacie. Kacie rolled her eyes at Rosy. "Guess it was a love day huh?" said Mia.

Bringing home the good news?

After they were done eatting, they stepped outside of the resturant waiting for their parents to pick them up. The first parent that came was Alison's the overprotected ones. Next, was Jenna's parents protected but never too protected giving her some privacys. Lastly, Rosy's dad the one who make sure you're safe but do whatever you want type of parents. Mia and Kacie got in the car with Rosy. But it's time to break the news to the parent to see if they can be a band.

Alison: "Hey mom, so today at the resturant me and my friends performed a song to Rosy on the stage." Alison said. "Why? Why were you on stage? Did you get permission? Did you performed a clean song? There was no nasty moves right? Like shaking your asses to people. Grinding? Right?" Alison's mom questioned."No mom! You should know be by now why would you think i would do that kind of thing? And no we didn't get introuble, the manager asked us to sing because the enterianers couldn't show up and everyone was fussing there was no performance." Alison said with a tone voice sound like you should know me better MOM. "Okay thats fine then Alison." her mom replied. "But i want to ask you if we can perform at place to place when people book us? Hark Rock already booked us so did Dennis." Alison say praying to herself she would say yes. "HARD ROCK? HARK ROCK CASINO? WITH PERVERTS AND GAMAMBLERS? NO WAY, THAT IS TOO DANGEROUS!" her mom said with fire in her tone sounding if you ask one more time i will.... "But." before Alison could finish, Alison mom interupted her saying one more butt and you cannot go anywhere else with your friends. You hear me young lady?"

Jenna: "Hey dad, so you know how you always tell me you should be a leader and not a follower remeber?" questioned Jenna. "Yes, i remember darling i told you that yesterday." her dad replied. "Well during the party, my friends where performing on stage because there entertainers couldn't make it in time, so we decided to go ahead and sing a song. Then, a suit man guy came up to us wantng to book us, so thats when i jumpped in saying I'm there manager and they would certainly can perform next week at Hard Rock Casino." Jenna said trying to make it as short as possible. For a moment the car was slience all you can hear is the car engine and the slighty low music in the background playing "How to love". Finally Jenna's dad spoke up and said "So you're asking me to let you go be your band manager and help them book concerts? That's perfectly fine with me but remember school always comes first!" For a moment Jenna sigh with relief and happy her dad said yes she could be a manager.
to be continued.........................................


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.03.2012

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