
Chapter 1 Lily’s return
Sitting in World History class bored as always. As the clock ticks around the clock Tara is getting sleeper and bored than ever. She doesn’t even know what the teacher is talking about she guess there learning about France or something because the teacher are showing the class a picture of Eifel Tower. “Hi. I’m Tara Roberts. I am 15 years old. I go to Abbeville High school. I am a naturally blond with green eyes.” You might think I have a horrible life don’t you? Well I do it all started 4 years ago. This is how it all started in my 6th hour class.
“Just don’t look or care about the bitches.” Tara told herself. Looking down at myself an old pair of converse, an short shorts that used to be long, and a YMC tee. Coming from a poor family is hard to live into. Here comes the bitches leaving the class early to change for their stupid cheerleading practices. Here they come by. Whispering and gossiping as usual.
“OMG Kate you see what Tara is wearing?” Alison said the bitch of the bitches. “It’s soo last never year its soo ugly. Like where she get her clothes at? The Garbage Mart!” Laughing loudly Katie said. “OMG. You know she has a little sister before. I wonder what happen.” Susie said also another gossip bitch. Katie, Alison, and Susie is the bitchy group. Alison is the lead of the group.
Do you want to know how they look you asked? Well Alison is a light blond hair, with blue eyes, and a heart shaped face. Katie is a brown curly hair with brown eyes and a heart shape face. Susie is a black hair Asian girl. You get how they look right. That picture in your mind with bitch style. Like those girls in private school girls. Like “Ow I just broke my nails!” like those people.
“I swore they think they all that man. They just walking by people talking about them.” Tara complaining in her head. “TEN, NINE,EIGHT,…………..FOUR, THREE,TWO.” Tara counting with the clock making it seems like the school day would just be over. “ONE!!”
RRRIIINNNNGGGG!!! School is finally over for the day. Running out of the classroom thinking where do she could go or where to fit in. Walking 10 miles from school to the farm which Tara have to call “home”.

Walking through the white wooden doors into the waxed floor living room. As always looking at my sister picture holding tears in. Lily is my little sister. She died 4 years ago. She was soo young only 10 years old. Lily is an natural blond like me too. But she just has blue eyes instead of green.
n Let me tell you how she died. She died mysteriously. She went missing on her birthday. It was a Sunday. We had an birthday party for her in the farm area. She was way popular than me. Like anyway. Even though we share clothes she was way popular. No kids made fun of her. Like I was saying, Lily was at the party of course.
When the homemade cake came out to make wishes Lily was nowhere to be found. We got worried. But something told me don’t call for the cops. We told all her friends to go home after the cake that Lily just had an visitor from the family on the webcam.
We search the whole night after the party was over. When we got home there was a package sitting on the front wooden door steps. Tara took the package inside. The package weighted like 60 pounds.
The package said HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY! We opened the package. OMG Tara almost died looking inside. It contained Lily’s chopped up body parts. There was a note taped to her dead head. SHE HAD TO GO! SHE DID TOO MUCH SHE SHOULD’VE NOT DONE. DON’T CALL THE COPS OR YOUR NEXT. P.S. I AM WATCHING YOU. IF YOU DO ANYTHING YOU WILL BE NEXT.
“Tara, Honey can you help me pluck some eggplants?” Snapping back to the real world. “Okay! Ugh!” Tara replied tiredly. That was Tara’s mom. Her name was Isabella. She has blond hair and green eyes just like Tara. Grabbing the shovel Tara walking towards where the eggplants where.

Suddenly……. Tara heard a loud breathing! “Tara! Tara! TARA!” the voice is just soo familiar. That Tara haven’t heard that in years. “Lily? OMG Lily is that you?” turned around slowly making this moment a dream come true that the dead girl from 4 years wasn’t her. It was Lily. OMG Tara raced to her. Tara opened her arms running faster than she ever could. BOOM! BANG!AHH! “OW” Tara screamed striking the oak tree. “Why did I just totally walked through her??” thinking to herself.
Lily looked pale. She turned around. “Tara watch out she is going to come for you. Please Tara watch out for her I don’t want you to be like what happen to me. Believe me. You are the only one that can see me. I am a ghost. I only came back here to save you and momma and papa.”
“Who is this…..” without finishing the sentence Lily vanished again. Where did she go. A ghost??
Chapter 2 The big wait
That following evening Tara was in her little shabby room thinking who she is. What had Lily done to deserve this crap. Suddenly, the little hair on her neck stand up. Like someone was watching her. It was an uneasy feeling. Tara looked out the window. Hearing foot steps running away. OMG! Watch out for her Lily said. Who ever killed Lily was watching her movements. Feeling ill at ease Tara closed all her windows and shades.
KNOCK!KNOCK! “Hey honey its time for dinner.” Tara’s dad said. Tara’s dad name was Mike. He has brown shaggy hair his eyes is blue. Which never matched his eyes.
“Okay dad I’m coming just a sec.” Tara replied. Walking back downstairs where she feel more safe and comfortable. Dinner time was always quite without Lily here. Tara kept looking around making sure whoever was stalking her isn’t around. “Tara, honey isn’t your best friend Rebecca coming back tomorrow to school?” Isabella said breaking through her lookout.
“Uh? Oh yeah she is. I’m done with my dinner. Ima go check if I got a email from Rebecca. Okay?” Tara questioned.
“Oh okay, goodnight honey, Don’t stay up too late okay.” Isabella said.

Walking back upstairs to check if Tara got an email from her bestie that was coming back tomorrow from Orlando. Her name is Rebecca. She is a red headed girl. She has black eyes. She is also Tara’s only friend in 10th grade.
BING!BING! Tara received an message. It wasn’t Rebecca it was from an unknown sender. Her mouse was trembling when she opened it. It said: TARA, I KNOW YOU SAW ME! YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE OR ELSE. DO AS I SAY OR ELSE. Tara stared at the computer for 10 minutes thinking how did he get my email.
Tara didn’t know how she slept yesterday but when she woke up it was morning and she was on the computer chair drooling. The sun was shining through the window’s shade. Brushing my teeth. Wondering what should she wear today? Looking through her closet. Well there wasn’t much to choose from. Tara choose a green t-shirt and a short jeans.
Tara running to the her school bus stop to wait for Rebecca. Waiting by herself suddenly hearing a footsteps running. OMG Tara whole body just froze. “RUN MOVE PLEASE MOVE FEET!” Tara screamed at herself. But she just froze there. A body of forced wrapped their arms around her. Tara saw red hair flying through the winds. She turned around feeling relief. It was only Rebecca. Tara gave Rebecca the biggest hug ever. After 2 month of getting picked on and nobody to talk to, those times were over!
“HEY! So how’s the search thing for your sister?” Rebecca asked as Tara and her walking to the bus stop.
“Oh we didn’t know who did it yet but did you had fun at Orlando?” Tara said trying to change the subject. EEEKKK!! The yellow banana bus reached Tara and Rebecca. The doors open.
“Oh it was fun. Hey I got you a gift.” Rebecca said as she and Tara

walking up the old greasy stairs of the bus.
Everyone one stared at Tara but she really could careless. Tara always tell herself they need a life. Rebecca and Tara sat at their usual spot in the bus. Then Rebecca pulled out two necklace. One said best on the necklace and the other the said friend. Rebecca handed Tara the Best part and Rebecca got the Friend part. EEEKKK!! The bus stopped to the end at Abbeville High. They reached the school bus loop.
Hum, Tara and Rebecca looking at the bitchy group over there. Like always pointing at people and laughing. Tara and Rebecca exchanged glances thinking “Get a life”. Tara hope one day they just get prank with pudding all over them. Man everyone would love to see that
“Rebecca wouldn’t you love to get back at them?” Tara asked Rebecca. “I have a plan!” Rebecca whispering in my ear. OMG Tara and Rebecca cannot wait to see what happen.
That Friday, in my book bag was a carton of chocolate pudding, a string, and a pulley. OMG this is going to be the best prank Tara ever did. That is really sad thinking to herself. Rebecca and Tara skipped 6th hour. They snuck into the locker rooms. They searched for Alison, Susie, and Katie locker. “FOUND IT!” Tara shouted. “Oh of course the one that is pink, that says Alison, Katie, and Susie in glitter. How surprising.” Tara sarcasm said looking at Rebecca. It took us 30 minutes to set up the trap. When Alison, Katie, and Susie is going to open the locker to put their stupid glamour stuff in the locker the chocolate pudding is going to splash everywhere in their face.
Ring! Ring! Ring! Tara hear gossiping. Tara bet they coming. Rebecca and Tara are hiding behind the lower locker peaking every movement and having Tara‘s phone out for recording the prank. “OMG did you hear (click the lock opened)(the traps are moving) what happen..” Alison saw the pudding coming and just stopped talking. “AHHHHHHH! WTF! WHO DID THIS!” they all three screamed. “I JUST BROUGHT THIS OUTFIT. UGHH!” Katie yelled furiously looking down at her outfit. Rebecca and Tara snickered laughing out the locker room.
“Whoa! That was awesome Rebecca!” Tara screamed in the hallway giving Rebecca a high five. That was the best day ever since Tara received the package.
“Hey, Tara. I can’t go take the bus with you today. Mrs. Nelson wanted to see me since she knows I’m back.” Rebecca said.
“Its fine are you going to come over tomorrow?” Tara questioned. “Yeah of course girl see you tomorrow.” Rebecca said. Tomorrow was Saturday.
Tara walking home alone wondering if she was watching her at this moment.
Chapter 3 Its all cause of Starbucks
BEEEPPP. BEEEEP. “OMG man its only 10’o clock man shut up alarm clock.” Tara said to herself. Tara kick the alarm clock to the floor. “Yes it shut up. Um if I only could get 30 more minutes of sleep. *yawn*”
BOOM! BOOM! Tara peaked out the window boxes was moved into her next door neighbor. “OMG its only 10’o clock please stop. Tara covered her head with her blanket.
“ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” Tara’s phone vibrated on her bed. “Arge man!” Tara screamed to herself. She picked it up. Its from Rebecca. HEY ARE YOU AWAKE. WHAT TIME YOU WANT ME TO COME OVER. Tara text back saying UH IM NOT SLEEPING ANYMORE. YOU CAN COME OVER IN LIKE 20 MINTUES.
Tara got up brushed her teeth. Something caught her eyes on the bathroom window. It was a notebook paper taped to the window and it had an horrible handwriting on it.
OMG! Tara looked around. No one was there. Who could have gone this fast. Her knees felt weak. She drop to the ground. Crying into her hands. “What happen! Please tell me.” Tara whimpered.
After Tara got to the porch Rebecca was getting off her mom’s car. Rebecca ran up to me to hug me. “Is everything ok?” Rebecca questioned.
“Yeah I’m fine. Lets go out for some coffee and shop with my allowance.” Tara said with excitement so Rebecca wouldn’t have to worry about her.
“Ok lets go.” Rebecca said.
Tara went inside to get change while Rebecca was waiting outside on the porch. Tara got her purse. She counted how much she had. “Twenty. Thirty. Fifty. Seventy. Seventy five.” Tara counted to herself.
Tara and Rebecca walked in silence. Well that is what Tara thought cause she was only paying attention to who might put that note on the bathroom window.
“So where you want to shop at.” Rebecca breaking up Tara‘s thoughts. “I don’t really care where ever you want is good.” Tara replied.

They sat down at Starbucks. Rebecca was talking to Tara about the show she watched on Friday called Pretty little liars.
Then this cute hot guy walked up to Tara shyly. He has curly short brown hair, with black eyes and tan skin. “Oh excuse me my phone ringing.” Rebecca said innocently. “Ugh her little plan” Tara said in my head. I thought it was kind of lame cause you know her phone isn’t ringing.
“Hey. I’m Chris.” Tara just stared at him. He stared at Tara too. Rebecca is behind the bathroom plant stocking us. “What a weirdo” Tara exclaimed to herself.
“Hi I’m Tara.” Tara said shyly. Tara blushed. Her cheeks turned bright red. She wondered is she look like a tomato. Tara thought Chris might have notice it too.
“Umm.. Tara this is my number maybe you could use it sometime. Uh.. I got to go. Ok. Bye.” Chris said. He winked at me.
Butterflies where in my stomach blooming. Rebecca came walking over smiling as big as a banana size. “So what happen.” Rebecca said with excitement.
Tara looked at her as if she didn’t see what happen. Tara showed her the piece of paper in her hand with Chris number. “OMG tell me all the deeds.” Rebecca questioned. “I only know his phone number and his name.” Tara sheepishly almost whispering.
“Lets go girl. Lets get new clothes and get you all pretty for you new boyfriend.” Rebecca said winking at Tara.
Tara so wanted to slap the shit out of Rebecca but she isn’t wrong. Rebecca grab Tara’s arm.
After an hour or so. Tara got a lot of new stuff. Make up, clothes, and jewelries.
“Not again ohh this isn’t suppose to happen to me. Keep rocking. Keep knocking.” that was Rebecca cell ring tone. Knock you down by Keri Hilson feature Kayne west. “Hey mom what sup.” Rebecca asked.
“I’m outside the mall entrance we have to leave right now. I am going to drop Tara off at her house and we have to go to the hospital.” Rebecca mom, Shirley said with a sound of crying.
Without anymore question Tara and Rebecca walked outside. We drove in silence. After Rebecca mom drop Tara off her house, Tara said goodbye and went upstairs to her room.
Tara took out Chris’s number. She dialed the number 786-591-0342. After 6 seconds there was an answer.

“HELLO?” Chris answered. “Um. Hey its Tara. Member me at Starbucks.” Tara questioned him. “OH hey. So I was saying do you want to met somewhere like starbucks, mall…. Oh what school you go to? I just move down here.” Chris stated. “
I go to Abbeville High.” Tara said. “Really? That’s the school I’m going to too. Chris said with excitement.
We talked for like until 1’o clock in the morning. Tara couldn’t believe Chris is going to Abbeville High. It turns out Chris has all her classes. “Hey I have something to ask you.” Chris asked
“Oh. What is it?” Tara questioned.
“Do you want to be my girlfriend. If you want to?” Chris stuttered. Tara almost died hearing those words. She immediately said “Yes.”
Tara went to her email account. She scroll down to Rebecca. She emailed her saying Chris asked her out. Rebecca imminently email back saying EEEEPPP! Tara was going to reply but.. Bing. Tara receive an email from an unknown person. click. Tara clicked on it. Thank goodness.
It was only Chris. He asked me where he lives. He said he lives by a farm. He asked Tara where Tara lived. Tara said she lived by an blue house.
Chris lived right next door to me. Tara looked out the window. So did Chris. We both smiled at each other. Tara almost died
Tara emailed back saying she got to go to sleep cause she have school tomorrow. She shut off her computer. She looked out the window. Chris was still looking at her window. Tara blew an kiss saying goodnight. He blew a kiss back. Tara plop into her bed. This was Tara first boyfriend. Tara has butterfly in her stomach.
Tara wasn’t even thinking about her sister killer on the free. All Tara cared about was if this relationship would last with Chris. Tomorrow was Monday which means school which means Chris and Tara could see each other.
Chapter 4 New students
IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHO I AM. It was an text message Tara got when she woke up. Tara Gasped. She looked around the room franticly. Tara looked at the time. It was 7:05 flashing in red numbers. “Oh my gosh! I’m going to miss the bus.” Tara ran to get dress. She wore an new shirt she brought at the mall with Rebecca. “Bye mom. I love you.” Tara said running out the door.
Tara hadn’t even told her mom about her new boyfriend with Chris. But Tara wasn’t so sure if they were a couple. The blue door slammed. A hot boy comes out. Tara couldn’t see the face with the sun glare.
“Hey Tara!” the figure said. Tara fought through the glare to see who it was. It was Chris. “Hey Chris!” Tara said. Chris walked up to Tara and hugged her. Tara didn’t even breathe for like 20 seconds.
They both didn’t bother taking the bus. They walked together holding hands together. As they got to the school ground Tata rolled her eyes.
It was Alison, Katie, and Susie. Alison walked up to Tara and Chris. Alison pushed Tara out the way. Alison grab Chris by the arm. “ Hey hottie, don’t hang out with that lames.” Alison whispered to Chris ear.
Chris push Alison hand off his arm. “Hey bitch don’t be talking about my girlfriend like that.” he said with an stern voice.
Tara was blushing so much she thought her face was red. She never had a boy defend her. Tara walked up to Alison and push her out the way. “Excuse me but he’s taken. You can’t get everything you want Ms. Spoiled Brat.”
Alison turned red like she been slapped by the words Tara said. Chris grabbed Tara’s hand and started to walk again. “It’s okay don’t mind her she’s the bitch of the bitch group.” Tara said laughing.
As Chris and Tara walked down the hallway there was new exchanged students. I could really tell that already because they have a sticker on the shirt that says HI MY NAME IS:________.

A girl named Rosie with brown wavy hair and brown eyes came up to Tara holding an gray doll kitty cat and asked if she knew where Mrs. Nelson class was. Mrs. Nelson teaches journalism. She is a nice Hispanic women. But Mrs. Nelson oh my gosh she talked way to damn much. Like god dang does she knows when to shut up. She even got nominated for the most talkative teacher. Gosh you don’t want to get stuck with that teacher for a day. She would blow your head off and how would I know that because I have her in first hour.
Anyway, Rosie came from an town called SoHo that’s in New York. Tara, Chris, and Rosie walking to Mrs. Nelson class.
“Hey can you show me where’s 762 locker is.” Rosie questioned Tara.
“ Hey ima met you guys later in Mrs. Nelson class” Chris told Tara and gave her a see you later kiss on her cheeks.
“So your locker is 762?” Tara asked weirdly
“Yeah. Why.” Rosie asked if something is wrong with that locker like someone got suffocated in there by a bully. “Hmm that would be weird but cool.” Rosie thinking to herself.
“Oh cause mines 763 right next to your.” Tara said. Tara showed Rosie her locker. Tara and Rosie is walking the hallway down to Mrs. Nelson class.
The first step Rosie step into the class room. Mrs. Nelson looked at Rosie and said “ You must be Rosie. Hi I am Mrs. Nelson and I see you met Tara. She would be guiding you today. Your computer would be right next to hers. Do you have the sheet that lead to all your class. Do you need any help.”
If Rosie didn’t believe Tara that Mrs. Nelson talk a lot. She is wrong. Like no lie Mrs. Nelson said all that in 15 seconds.
Tara rolled her eyes at Rosie giving her the sign that Mrs. Nelson is god damn talkative. Tara muted her ears. So when she looked at Mrs. Nelson her mouth is still going. All Tara see is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Rosie and Tara had been standing by Mrs. Nelson “listen” to her talking for good 10 minutes. Tara and Rosie walked to where Chris and Rebecca was sitting. Tara introduce Rosie and Rebecca. They four all have Mrs. Nelson for the first hour.
RINGGGGGGGG!! First hour was over. Through out the day was alright. Tara, Chris, Rebecca, and Rosie walked home together. They found out that Rosie lives a few block down from where Rebecca lives.
When Tara got home she found a weird piece of paper in her book bag. It was all pale and wrinkly. Tara unwrinkled it. She gasped. It was another note from the killer. It said I SEE TODAY YOU MET SOME NEW FRIEND. WELL THEY ARENT THAT TRUSTWORTHY. DO YOU THINK SO? WHOS AM I? GOOD QUESTION. BUT IF YOU ASK OR TELL SOMEONE YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT HAPPEN RIGHT?
Tara though to herself “New friends? Could Rosie be the killer. No it can’t be her said she just moved from New York to here. It’s impossible that Rosie is the killer. Lily died 4 years ago. So how could she meet Lily? So if it‘s not Rosie who‘s the new friend? Or did the killer meant the new exchanged students?” Tara wasn’t so sure but she wanted to find out soon before something bad happens again.
At night when Tara slept she had this weird dream. Lily was in Tara’s room saying “Big sis the killer is closer. Watch out. Don’t trust anyone.” Just like that Lily fade away. Tara jumped up from her bed sweat beating off her face. Tara thought to herself “Was the dream an empathy link?” It could have cause once Tara saw her sister Lily in her vegetable garden and she was a ghost. Tara remembered Lily came back is to warned Tara to keep her, mom and dad safe from the killer.
It was only 3:49 flashing on Tara’s alarm clock. After that dream Tara couldn’t sleep she was busy thinking “Who the killer could be?”
Chapter 5 Your GAY???
Tara just remember it was Monday. Which means it’s a the week meeting the killer at the woods on Sunday. Well that’s what the letter states from the killer. Tara got dressed up for school. It
was 7:00 so Tara thought “It wouldn’t hurt to got to Chris house early right?”
Tara walked over to the blue house right next door. There was some groaning in the back of the house. “It wouldn’t hurt to see what’s going wrong right?” Walked quietly towards the sound. It was Chris.
Tara was going to run up to him to scare him but……… there was someone else kissing him. Tara was pretty sure the other person wasn’t a girl. It was a….. guy. “ARE YOU GAY?”

Tara screamed at the both of them. Tara saw who the other guy was. It was Chris friends. His name was Martin. Martin and Chris just stared at Tara like if she was disturbing there moment. “Speak Chris!” Tara demanded sounding like tears where going to explode.
“Um.. Yes.” Chris was too scared to answer.
“So why did you asked me out when you are gay?” Tara was too shocked to ask more question.
“Well my other friend David dared me I can’t get a girl at the Starbucks. So I went on and asked you” Chris sounding stupid.
“But you really don’t seem gay through the week we been through and you would never tell me you were gay and just fake our love?” Tara sounding more stupid.
Tara was so mad and sad she just walked away back to her farm house. Chris didn’t even bother grabbing her arm and saying sorry or nothing.
She told her mom that she was too sick to go to school. Her mom didn’t bother asking anymore questions because she saw that Tara was upset.
Tara run upstairs slamming the door. She just went back to bed crying. “How could he be gay?” Tara questioned herself. Crying makes Tara sleep somehow. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Tara’s phone vibrates on her bed making. Its from Rebecca it said “Are you coming to school today?” Tara texted back saying “No I’m not I feel sick.” Rebecca texted back saying “Alright if you need anything just text me. Feel better school is going to be boring without you bestie.” Tara didn’t even bother to reply.
Tara went to sleeping to cut her mind out from thinking about Chris. When she woke up she saw she had a note by her computer desk. It said “I’m off to work honey out in the farm then later I have a job interview as a cashier. I need to make some money around here. Lunch is downstairs just heat it up for 2 minutes. Love mom.”
Tara was getting kind of hungry so she went downstairs to see what her mom made her for breakfast. It was Seafood Fried Rice mom’s favorite Chinese food to cook. BEEP!BEEEP!BEEP! Tara pressed the microwave buttons for 2 minutes as the note states.
Tara went to turn on the T.V. She put on Bob’s burger. It was episode 8. “NO! You smell like ointment and pee! NO You smell like ointment and pee!” the old man and Louise argued with each other.
“Beep! BEEP!” the microwave said. Tara went to take her seafood fried rice out of the microwave. She plopped down on the couch. Watching T.V. suddenly something caught the corner of her eyes. A brown hair women ran across her lawn. Tara heart began to skip faster. She threw her seafood fried rice on the table. She ran outside see who it was. All she found was a note on the doorsteps. It said MEMBER THIS SUNDAY MEET ME AT THE WOODS DON’T FORGET. AND I KNEW HE WAS GAY! Okay Tara thought to herself “The killer is seriously watching Tara’s life. Which is starting to get creepy.
“A brown hair? Or was a black hair.” Tara thought to herself. Tara didn’t feel safe anymore think about this. “Which was worse Chris been gay or that the killer is watching my every move?” Tara thought to herself. It didn’t matter much. All Tara wanted is to talk to Rebecca.
“Hey. Meet me after school I need to talk to you about something.” Tara texted Rebecca. ZZZZZZZZZ Tara’s phone vibrated it was from unknown sender it said “It better not be about what you saw.” KNOCK!KNOCK! The window was been tapped by the outside. Tara jumped. Her heart skipped a beat. She flung open the curtains. No one was there again.
Tara texted back the unknown sender saying Who are you please no more games. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ she texted back it said Find out on Sunday in the woods. ZZZZZZZZ another incoming text it was from Rebecca Okay. I got to go. Teacher coming. Oh and this is Rosie’s number 786-402-8611 she wants you to text her Oh and meet you at 3:30.
Tara texted Rosie saying Hey its Tara you wanted to talk to me? No replies. Tara really wanted 3:30 to come. Tara wanted to tell Rebecca about Chris. Rebecca and Rosie is the only one she could trust but she trust mostly Rebecca. Could she even trust anyone during this time? Is everyone hiding a secret?
Chapter 6 Please speak!
It was 3:25. Tara walked outside and sat on the porch steps waiting for Rebecca to come. ZZZZZZ Hey I just got drop off the bus I’m walking down your street then crossing it. I’m almost here come outside. Rebecca texted Tara. Tara really didn’t need Rebecca to tell her because she was more eager to speak to Rebecca than she is.

Tara saw Rebecca crossing the street. “HEY!!” Rebecca screamed across the street to Tara waving. BEEEP! BEEP! BEPPPP! BEEPP!. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Rebecca screaming her last words before getting hit by the Publix truck.
Before Tara’s eye she didn’t know what exactly happen. A brown hair Asian teenage girl about 20 wearing Publix uniform with a green Publix hat a white collared shirt and brown pants leaped out of the truck. Tara spotted an name tag on the Asian girl it stated YUKI.
“OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!” Yuki questioned herself. Tara looked back down on Rebecca. Tara realized what Yuki was talking about. Blood was dripping from Rebecca head, arm, and legs. Tara collapsed on the floor seeing her best friend like this.
Yuki zipped out her phone and dialed a number that Tara couldn’t see thru the blur from her eye. Tara started to cry. Tears dripping down her face. Not that crying would solve anything in this situation. Yuki got down to the floor and kneeled next to Tara. Yuki was holding on to Tara’s hand repeating “Everything is alright.”
“If you say so.” Tara thought crying her eyes out.
WEEEWOOOOWEEEWOO WWOOOOO! Red, white, blue lights were flashing everywhere heading to where the accident happen. A red and white ambulance came followed by an black car police. Tara and Yuki got up. Two Emergency Medical Technician came out of the ambulance with a gurney. The two Emergency Medical Technician were dress in white with white gloves picking Rebecca up onto the gurney into the ambulance.
Willkie talkie from the police beat were blurring with police talking to the operator. A old aged white haired Hispanic guy with a name tag of Dylan came up to Tara and Yuki. “Who fault was this?” Dylan requested in an deep voice almost like Darth Vader’s.
“Its mines. Officer Dylan.” Yuki shamely responded. After an hour or two the interview of what happen to Rebecca was over. Tara and Yuki was told Rebecca was in a difficult condition and she was sent to Mubarak Children's Hospital the closes hospital near by. Tara and yuki was told they have to go to court tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Yuki had to go back to work at Publix. Yuki had to tell her boss about everything that just happen. Tara though probably she would get fired and get her truck driving lesson taking away from her.
Yuki and Tara exchanged numbers just to keep in touch on what’s happen to Rebecca. As Tara walk back across the street into her house. It was already 5:30. Tara sat in silence in the house. Calming herself down and trying not to cry. Tara decided to call her mom and tell her what happen. After Tara called her mom, she dialed the Mubarak Children’s Hospital.
“Hello. You reach Mubarak Children’s Hospital. Press one for medication question. Press two for appointment. Press three for check ups. Press four for billing payments. Press five for customer question.” the machine said.
Click. Tara pressed three. “Hello please type in the patience name you looking for.” the machine continued. Tara typed in Rebecca Phillips. “You typed in Rebecca Phillips. Is this correct? If this is press one for correction press two for incorrection” Tara pressed one.
“Hello, your patient Rebecca Phillips is in room 714. She is still doing surgery in her head. She has head concussion. You can visit her in two days.” a really nurse said.
“Thank you. I will call you back in two days to check on her.” Tara replied. Tara hanged up. It was already 6:00. Tara’s mom entered the room all sad.
“Are you alright honey?” Tara’s mom questioned. “Yeah I am. I just want to go upstairs and rest.” Tara replied.
RINGGG!! The house phone rang. “Hello? Can I speak to Tara?” Rebecca’s mom question. “Hello. Hi Mrs. Phillips. Yes this is Tara.” Tara said in a I’m really sorry what happen voice. “Hey honey, its not your fault what happen you weren’t driving the truck. I’m getting a call from the hospital. Okay bye.”
Click!! Ms. Phillips hung up.
Tara walked up stairs. She sat down on her bed staring outside of her window where the accident happen. Tears dripped down Tara’s cheeks as minutes past bye.
All Tara had in mind was “What’s going to happen to Rebecca?”

Chapter 7 Court Day
Tara woke up in pain noticing that her best friend was now in the hospital and there was nothing she could have done to help. It was already 1 p.m. on a Tuesday morning. Tara found a black and white dress sort of thing. There was a note attach to it. It said Honey, I had to go off to do some errand but I will be back at 2:30 to take you to court. Where this outfit to the court. Cheer up honey Rebecca would be fine.  Mom p.s. I called in school and excuse you for the whole week.
Tara wasn’t in the mood to go to court. But since she had no choice but to go she had to go. Tara shuffle down the hall into the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror she was a hot mess. Tara’s blond hair was in knots and sticking up from every space it had. Her face was pale like a vampire. Tara was glad her mom excused her from school because she don’t want to be looking like a Frankenstein mixed with Dracula. But who could blame Tara for looking like a mess. Her best friend is in the hospital and don‘t even know if she is okay.
“HUFF” Tara sighed like she gave a damn on how she look. Tara walked down the old brown wooden stairs into the kitchen. She grab some S’mores cereal and milk. She pour them into an white bowl. She plop down on her sofa and turned on the T.V. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Tara couldn’t decide what to watch. All there is news, Ice Age, Curious George, etc the lame baby shows. Tara came by on Spongebob. It was Tara’s favorite show no matter how gay Patrick and Spongebob acted. After the episode ended it was already 2:00. Tara decide to go change for court and fix herself. Tara don’t want people to think she’s a freak.
She changed into the white and black dress which fitted her perfectly fine. Tara wondered where her mom had the money to buy a dress. “Time for hair!” Tara groaned in her mind with annoyance. After half an hour of thug and pulling her blond knotted hair turned into straight hair. Tara glanced on the floor which was filled with blond hair. Tara looked like she was losing hair. Tara heard jingles of keys fitting into the front white wooden door. The jingle stopped. The door swung open. That made Tara’s skeleton jump out of her.
“Honey are you ready!” Tara’s mom shouted. Tara jog down the stairs cause if she don’t hurry up her mom would come up here and see the mess she made in the bathroom with her hair. Tara jumped into an old gray Honda car made in 1997. The car was running already. Tara’s mom got into the car and stared at Tara questioned “Are you fine?”
Tara just nod she honestly didn’t feel like talking to anyone at this point of time she was to sad. They drove insolence for about 25 minutes to reach to a court named Howard Court Of Rights. Tara looked out the window and saw a Asian girl with brown hair. Tara couldn’t really see her face cause of the sun glare but she was waving at Tara. Tara and her mom got out of the car. The Asian girl started to walk there way. As she got closer she saw her face. It was Yuki.
“HEY! Are you okay? I’m really sorry about what happen I didn’t see her walking across the streets.” Yuki greeted.
“Yeah I’m fine its okay. Rebecca would get better soon. Its just I don’t have anyone to hang out with.” Tara said rudely like she was forgetting to mention she had a friend named Rosie.
“It’s okay. You wana hang out later. I lost my job anyway so I have nothing else to do but look for a job.” Yuki responded.
Tara was thinking how to respond. “Should I go hang out with her?” Tara questioned herself. “Maybe Tara need someone to get her mind out of the killer.” thought to herself. “Sure okay.” Tara replied to Yuki. Tara and Yuki was walking side by side to the court. Tara’s mom walked behind them. Tara, Yuki, and Tara’s mom took the seats in the court room. Yuki had to sit in the cage thingy area with a police inside with her. Tara had to sit those side box thingies.
Just then when the clock ringed for 3:00 an old age bald head guy enter the room. Tara saw on an show called Court & Law how people stand up when Judges came into the room. So Tara stood up. She realized no one was standing up besides her. She felt embarrassed and her face turned bright red.
“Good morning, Yuki and Tara. I’m Howard Frazier.” The old age judge greeted. “As I heard, that Rebecca was gotten hit by this young lady Yuki. Tara there is the witness. Am I’m right?” Howard asked.
Tara and Yuki nodded at the same time. “Okay. So let me here your side of your story Yuki.” Howard requested.
“Well. I went to Publix Factory to pick up orders and deliver to Publix Supermarket. I was passing by a farm house yard. Then all the sudden a red head girl run across the street. I was going on 40mph so I couldn’t stop on time from hitting her. She was like 2 miles away from me when I saw her running across to the street.” Yuki stated.
Howard nodded as he understood what happen. Howard turn to Tara and said “Tara your turn please.”
Tara took a deep breath and begin “ I texted Rebecca to come over to my house after school. She.” Tara was paused by Howard. He requested to see Tara’s phone message with Rebecca. Tara stood up and walked over to hand it to him.
Howard went to Tara phone with a pleasure. “Please continue your story.” Howard finally said.
“Well, then she said she was almost to my house. I saw Rebecca across the street. So I started walking. When Rebecca saw me she started running towards me. Then I heard screaming and saw Rebecca on the floor.” Tara concluded.
“Okay thank you for both sharing your sides. I hope you were saying all truths because the street where it happen had an traffic camera. Let roll the tape.” Howard said with delight.
Tara was getting freaky by the moment. Is it that Howard like being a judge or like proven who fault was it. Either way it was freaking out Tara. Yuki had the same expression as Tara did. Howard was a psycho. That’s a fact.
A giant 60” inch plasma T.V. was launch down from the roof. It started playing. Tara and Yuki recognized Rebecca walking down the street. Tara notice the Publix car was coming. But Rebecca didn’t look to see if cars were coming. Yuki must have notice it too. Rebecca was running across the street to Tara. Then all the sudden Rebecca got hit. It was worse this time seeing an replay.
“Well, well, well, I guess who fault it is now huh? Its was clear enough it was Rebecca fault. First she was jay walking which means she wasn’t crossing the street on the sidewalk. Second she didn’t look to see if there was car coming.” Howard concluded.
“But, don’t worry she wouldn’t have to face any charges. She did it to herself and for Tara hers your phone.” Howard extending the phone back to Tara. “Lastly no one faces charges. Yuki I heard you lost your job right. Well.” Howard said extending a folder to Yuki. “You would get your truck driving licenses back and you could also get your job back. You just have to show your boss the folder. Okay case close! Nice seeing you girls. Have a wonderful day.” Howard said as he leaves the courtroom.
Yuki was lead out of that box with the bars. Yuki and Tara walked up to each other. They glanced looks at each other. Tara could feel the frown on her face think she caused all this if she hadn’t told Rebecca to come over to Tara’s house. Tara was feeling bad enough Rebecca got hurt now it was all her fault.
Tara’s mom rubbed Tara’s back whispering “Everything is going to be alright.” Tara’s mom gave Tara a kiss on her forehead trying to comfort Tara from crying.
“Um, so you still wana go somewhere?” Yuki asked. Yuki stared at Tara for an answer. Yuki had an concern look on her face.
“Sure what the heck I need to get this sadness out my mind.” Tara responded gracefully so Yuki and her mom would think she’s okay.
“Okay so let me drive us there. Your mom could run some errands or relax. She had enough for today. Ima meet you outside.” Yuki concluded before exiting the courtroom. Tara’s mom handed Tara some money for the mall.
“I actually have stuff to do have fun okay.” Tara’s mom stated and walking to the exit. Leaving Tara all alone in the courtroom. Tara didn’t want Yuki to wait so she ran out the courtroom.
“Is she my new friend now?” Tara thought as she exit the courtroom.
Chapter 8 YIKES!
Tara got onto Yuki's car and they hit the road to the mall. It was a silence drive. They just listen to Kristina DeBarge album exposed. Tara was just looking out the window to find something to talk about. "So where do you want to shop at first?" Yuki said braking the silence. "Umm it doesnt really matter. I only have $50 bucks on me. So i guess a couple shirt and pants." Tara replied. "Ooo look a McDonalds. I have to go piss." Yuki said with pride. The car stoped. Tara was told to come along to McDonalds and buy something to eat. Inside of McDonalds was barely anyone. Tara sat down in one of the booths and wait for Yuki to come out. Tara was checking on her phone for the time. 5:46 TUESDAY. 4 more days till Sunday which means "MET MY SISTER KILLER" Tara thought. The restroom door opened. Yuki exited out of the restroom. "hey so want to grab anything? Ima go get myself a Vanialla Shake." Yuki said like so need more liquid in her system to make another stop at the bathroom. "Ummm sure I guess I'll have the same but without cherry." Tara answered. The two girls walked out McDondals into the car. As Tara got into the car. A person across the street from McDondals with a black hoodie over their head looked at Tara. Stared at Tara for a few second and pulled out a picture. Tara qwint her eyes to make out what or who was on the picture. It was getting fimilar to Tara. A couple more qwinting and staring. Tara realized the picture was it LILY!!!"THE KILLER!!"

Tara screamed in her head. Lily was smiling in the picture for her birthday party before she gone missing. The person with the black hoodie got the signal that Tara knew who was in the picture. The person ripped the picture into two pieces and threw it on the floor. Suddenly a city bus pulled up to the killer. The bus covered the killer which was making Tara wondering who the hell is the killer. The bus started moving and crowd couple of people let the bus. Tara's eye search for the killer in the crowd. But the killer was gone. Tara got into the car now. "What was the hold up?" Yuki asked. "oh nothing I thought I saw someone from school." Tara said lying to her new friend. "I am super sorry but I dont want to go to the mall anymore I'm not feeling well. Can you drop me back home? We could go tomorrow if you want." Tara said shamely. Silence was ticking the time."Um okay i get it. You just feel that you don't Rebecca to think when she wakes up that I had replaced her spot. Or maybe that you feel wrong for being friends with the girl who hit your best friend. Its okay I get it you don't have to lie to me." Yuki said with anger and shame that Tara cut her off. "No no no its not that. Its just I dont feel very well. You are my friend okay. I dont feel wrong that I made a friend that hit my best friend with her Publix truck. Im just stressted out from the court crap." Tara said feeling bad. "Okay okay okay gosh I just thought you dont want to be my friend. I mean I dont have alot of friends in my life. So i just got carried away. Im sorry. Lets go tomorrow. okay?" Yuki said as she was starting the car and driving back to Tara's house. "Thanks and sure we could do it tomorrow. Im sorry i blew it off." Tara said reliefing that she set things out straight. "Nah its okay. I have some stress from the " Yuki said comforting Tara. 15 mintues later. Yuki and Tara reached Tara's house. "Hey thanks for the ride. Text me tomorrow and give me the deeds when we going." Tara said as she is getting out the car. "Okay.BYE!!" Yuki said as she is driving away. Tara got her keys out of her pockets unlocking the door. No one was home. Tara's mom had stuff to do. Tara's dad was away for a buisness trip. Tara was too tired to do anything. Beside think who was the person at the bus stop.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2011

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