

Texte: lol
Bildmaterialien: lol
Lektorat: lol
Übersetzung: lol
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.08.2012

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When your my age in you say your in love don't get to happy about it. Please don't stop reading. Hear me out love at my age is not real it's just puppy love. I know you might fell different but trust me its true. Once I thought i was in love. His name was Carlos. He was no my mind 24\7. Every thing I said or did just led right back to him in my mind. And I know it sounds stupid that I'm telling you its not love but,what I had was we went out for 4 years non stop. My mom met him,his family. But my cousin said it wasn't true love tell we kissed. And I started to believe her. So the next time I saw Carlos I told him what my cousin said, but he didn't agree. he said we'll kiss when both our hearts are ready. But I let time slip away,we started to drift away slowly. Then the worst thing ever happen, we moved. I had to go I moved to florida for 2 years. Then when I moved back to Texas things where still bad . Carlos had moved, change schools and I'm pretty shure he has moved on. Unlike me. Then every night for 2 years I prayed,I hoped that I would one day see him agin. Then the year 2011 came. My six grade year, and on the very first day of school the worlds best thing happen. I saw Carlos. I was sure it was him. I stopped for like 2 seconds,droped all my stuff and ran. I ran so fast it felt like had a fire behind me. He turnd around yelled Cheyanne. Then i jumped on him,we both fell just as happy as we could be. But agin we drifted away. We met new people. But I knew I would always have a spot in his heart, and he in mind. So the true lesson is PUPPY LOVE IS A LOT OF LOVE.

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