

The sound of our troops' footsteps echoed throughout the room, ringing in my ears. I was young, too young to understand the importance of war, but innocent enough to shy away from it.
"But, Father, why must you send out our troops?" I asked, looking up at my father's emotionless face.
"Matthew..." he said with an exasperated sigh, "you need to understand that we have to go to war. To expand our kingdom, and keep the people safe."
"Doesn't really seem like you are keeping them safe when you force them to go to war - they're basically signing a death contract."
"You can never be king when all you do is talk back and question my actions!"
I looked up at Father's face, my face flushed bright red, "All that I care about is the people's safety!" then stormed away to my room.
I was soon accompanied by my friend and self-employed personal advisor, Alexa. "Go away. I don't want to talk to you if you're just going to lecture me about what I did wrong."
"I'm not going to lecture you. What you did was right, and I believe you will make a very good king, my prince."
I looked at Alexa's face in horror. "The walls are thin. Father can hear you!"

I never did see her again.

Chapter 1

I watched curiously as Arden, the general of our army, slowly heaved himself up with a low grunt, and opened the dark, mahagony cabinets behind me. He pulled out a smooth, metal bottle with a plastic white cap. Opening it, he shook out two small pills, swallowing one and tossing the other to me. I reluctantly swallowed it, slightly hating myself for giving in to such a thing, but that all soon disappeared once it kicked in. There it was. Contentment.
These pills had been used since long before I was born, and I had used them when I was merely a day old, crushed up and dissolved in my bottle. They were meant to give the user the feeling of contentment - which they did, but for a terrible price. These pills were addicting drugs, and whenever I tried going a simple day without them, my bones would ache, I would feel unbearably depressed, and nothing that was given to me would be enough. And that would be within the first hour without them. I resented these pills, but I even more so resented myself, using these expensive drugs that should be given to the poor - the ones who really need to feel comforted and safe.
"My King," I faintly heard the low, rough voice of Arden say, but nonetheless, I payed no attention.
"My King, I know very well that you can hear me. Now if you would please

pay attention, your messenger - the name escapes me - is back from the Kingdom of Monrue," he tried again.
"Tell him that I'm not in the mood."
"It's urgent my King, it has to do with the Spirit."
I looked up, "You have my attention."
"I'll go let him in," he said, proud of himself for getting the King's

attention, and began to walk to the door.
"Wait! Arden, please, I don't wish to talk to anyone right now. Tell him I'm busy, but you will take the message and report it to me later."
"Fine." he replied, a slight edge to his voice. He always hated it when I did that, but the truth was, I really didn't like having too many people worshipping me as King. A few complimenting me was okay, but I always feel guilty when I'm flooded with so much admiration at once, especially by many different people. I like my kingdom to like me, to enjoy my rule, but to have them bowing down to me as dogs, like they are expected to, was too much for me.
I heard low whispering between Arden and the messenger, and, assuming my newfound privacy, I silently snuck away. I didn't go far, I never do, I only wander the castle, particularly the courtyards, for everyone there would be far too busy rushing around and fussing about me ironically, that no one would notice me. I've never been noticed there before, and dragged off to my office for more boring paperwork. I guess today was - in its way - different.

Chapter 2

"My King! I've been looking for you everywhere! How dare you put your life in danger! Sneaking around like a peasant, wandering the disgusting, disease-filled streets!" Arden came rushing over to me.
"Arden, I love you so much as the general of our army, and my voluntary part-time personal assistant, but I'm fine with NO personal assistant! I do NOT need two!" I exclaimed, "Now what in heaven's name is so important that you must come rushing over here like a crazed person, I mean, you can barely walk 20 feet! You're going to injure your leg even more!"
"My King, please, listen to me! The Spirit. The Spirit is coming for you! We need to get you out of Fsew!"
"Arden! How am I supposed to govern my kingdom when I'm not even in it? Well, actually, I suppose we could have messengers... But really Arden? I swear, the contentment pills are starting to go to your head, I mean, the Spirit is a good story, an interesting rumor spread by my people, but an actual spirit that goes around, taking control of what seems like happy people's bodies, but then leaving them when she finds out the person isn't happy, killing that person in the process?"
"My Humble King, it is no rumor. You aren't safe here."
"Fine. Go ahead and drag me away to the kingdom of Monrue where the royalty eat toasted spiders, seasoned with crushed scorpion. Great."
"King Matthew! The kingdom of Monrue is one of our most loyal and faithful allies! And you choose to make fun of them for stupid rumors spread by your people that we both know aren't true?" Arden was screaming at me now, obviously iffed at my ignorance. Or I guess I should say my fake ignorance. I smirked at him, knowing that he too was acting, for it obviously wasn't his idea to ship me off to Monrue.
"Arden, please! We both know that you aren't at all as superstitious as you're trying to get me to believe so! I know that you find the Spirit stupid and laugh whenever I wish to hear about the latest stories."
Apparently, he wasn't joking. "Fine." he muttered, as he got up and walked away, throwing a stack of papers to the ground. I simply rolled my eyes, since his anger always left as fast as it came.

Chapter 3

I couldn't move - or more so, I couldn't control my movements. I was sweating, burning hot, but at the same time, freezing cold. I struggled to look over to my reflection in a small, glassy puddle to my right. My face was blank, and my movements were slightly stiff. My body had stood up, and I was now idly collecting the papers that Arden had dropped. They were strewn all across the courtyard, and the wind was now blowing them to the far edges of the castle.
My thoughts began to blur, and it was taking all my energy to remember who I was. The papers were now long gone, except for the few already in my hands. My body suddenly returned back to me, in a stiffening jolt. I slowly, cautiously relaxed, and fell onto a bench behind me, beginning to read the papers, which seemed to be letters. By the time I was halfway done with the first letter, I had dropped everything, and the letters were already being blown away. Now what? I know that I can't escape. The Spirit will take me no matter wh-.

I thought, terrorized by what I found in those few, seemingly insignificant pieces of paper.
I already have you.

a voice said in my head. This voice wasn't mine, it was that of a young woman's. It would be a rather beautiful voice - soft and melodic, if it wasn't raspy and echoed by thousands of other's voices, each scarred with pain, never to recover. My breathing stopped, and I again couldn't move. Before I could recognize what was again happening to my body, my eyes fell closed, and I lay unconcious on the floor.

* * *

There was a beautiful woman before me, her eyes stained with tears. She was wearing a blood red dress, the fabric flowing in the wind as her face was splashed with the water of the river in front of her. In one fluid movement, she turned around, looked me straight in the eyes and said one word. Trapped.

Then she slowly, gracefully let herself fall into the cold, rocky water. Her body was now that of the river's.
The scene began to dissipate and another unfolded. I could see the back of a man, shaking and kneeling at the side of the same river, where it began to slow and calm down. The woman's lifeless body lay in the sand, the river water barely washing over her. On her face was a smile, as if she was finally content. Then I realized, this was The Spirit, and her husband who tried to bring her back to life.

* * *

When I woke up, I was too shocked to move, too shocked to breathe. Somehow I managed to walk to my rooms, mindlessly smiling and nodding to passersby. When I arrived in my room, I fell to my bed, letting my thoughts sink in. Now what? How will I ever rule as king again? I don't even have any heirs!

"Shut up. You're fine. I will stay on the sidelines, as an observer... mostly. As long as you keep life interesting and manage to keep me happy you're fine." The Spirit had obviously grown bitter over the years, trapped in her own sadness and despair. In truth, I wasn't scared of her. I truly pitied her, imagining eternal loneliness, but I had a duty to my kingdom that I wasn't ready to give up on. Not yet at least. For now, I could try to live with her, but I couldn't help wondering how long I would last before the inevitable.
Sometime, I would have to break, whether it's now or in twenty years. I couldn't live with... as someone else, keeping both of us happy. Someone so needy, and so quick to act on a moment's whim. I, King Matthew, the one who always thinks things out for hours, days, weeks before finally deciding will now have to deal someone who will make me "decide" right then and there. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Arden?" I asked wearily.
"Um, no sir-er, my King. This is, ahem, his daughter..." a shaky voice said through the door.
"Come in."
"Uh, m-my pri-I mean King." the girl was small, and she looked familiar. She was obviously nervous. She bowed at my feet awkwardly.
"Don't worry about that. And don't be scared of me, I don't bite. So? What is it?"
"S-sorry my King, I just-"
"It's okay, I won't hurt you. By the way that whole "My King" thing is just what your father does, jokingly, to annoy me. He's practically gotten the whole kingdom into it."
"My father... Arden, he's arranged for 5 of his troops to be guarding you at all times. He-he's very proud of himself. And... I just knew wouldn't like that... I came to warn you." the girl turned around to leave.
"Wait. What's your name? I didn't know Arden had a daughter." I asked.
"Um, it's," she took a deep breath, "it's Alexa."


Bildmaterialien: trapped - and castle -; editing -
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.09.2012

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