
Chapter 1 - On My Own

 It was saturday morning, the last day of March, and i'm very much excited for this. At last, I will finally get that piece of paper which every student wants to have. I will go up on stage without doing any performance but just shake my hands to the school heads and make a bow. This day, it's all done! No more assignments, projects, deadlines, theses and exams. In short, I surpassed all those things and for me that was my first achievement.


(KRRRRIIIIINNNNNNGGGG) I was distracted from that happy thinking when the exhaged-volume alarm clock rang. "Time to get up sleepy head!". I said to myself while rushing to the bathroom to have a hot shower. After that 20minutes of shower, I went to my room and wear skinny jeans and loose t-shirt. Pairing it was my fuchsia flipflops to make it more fancy. Then I brought my simple yet beautiful hot pink cocktail dress and silver 5inches stilletos with full of fake diamonds on the strap that me and my mother bought at the mall yesterday. On my way down stairs, I can smell the crispy bacon and the melting sunny side up egg. Quickly, I sat at the dining table and eat my breakfast that mother prepared. 


"So you ready for next week dear?" mother asked. "Yah mom! I'm preparing myself for it! I'm definitely  gonna miss you so bad.." I told mom while finishing my food. "Me too my Zara, but you could visit us there whenever you want to ok?" she replied. "Of course I will mother." hugging my mom so tighly. After the mother-daughter heart-warming scenario, we grabbed all the things we need because where heading now to our favorite salon near the village.


My parents started to work at California U.S.A just last month. They're working for the same company and they were group of staff in there office that was sent to U.S. to work for their other company there. My mom went back here in Aisa just to attend my very own Graduation Day. Unfortunately, dad didn't joined her because he can't leave the company. Mom will go back to U.S next week and will leave our house to me. They came up with this desciosion for me to learn how to be independent in life. It was a good favor for me though because I always wanted to be independent. It feels like I'm totally grown up to build my own plans and make my descisions, mostly, take care of myself. Since I'm the only child, they've always been so protective during my school days which I can't stop 'cause I know it's for my own good. But now, this will come to an end for me to start a new beggining on my own.


(Hi dear readers, thank you for reading my book.  I'm sorry if the first chapter was a little bit plain. I'll try to make it up on the following chapters, hopefully until the last. Sorry for the errors and for the grammars, I'm from the Philippines that's why Im not really into an american english style. Please keep on reading guys. I'm sure most of you could relate on this story. Thank you! Happy reading!)


Chapter 2 - Fit Perfect

After breakfast, we headed to the garage and jumped in to our pearl-white BMW that my parents brought for our family just last year. I was lucky because I'm the one who always drive this car since mom and dad are provided a car by their company. How I wish it'll be officially mine. Haha! Mom carefully drove us to our favorite dresser, Louis. He is a gay, his own cute salon is just nearby. It's my first time to wear heavy make up since I really don't put some while in school because i always believe in the saying "simplicity is the most pretty".


When we arrived, mom parked at the front of the salon and no one elses parked. Meaning, I'm the only customer yet. We entered the coolest salon for it has a wifi, "Heeeeyyy madam! Nice to see you with our young lady who look very excited right?" Louis said while making a cheek-to-cheek kiss to us. "Well, you say it right darling, my daughter can't wait for you to make her like a Cinderella make over." mom said while laughing. "Yah, right! And oh Louis, can you make it like a natural look, 'cause i don't wanna be pissed off by the tease of my classmates when they see me with this whole girly aura and outfit. Hehe!" i said while looking at the magazine where i could find some patterns. "That's so easy sweetie, it's my forte." Louis said while preparing the soft salon chair.


The make-over lasts for 5 hours but it didn't bothered me with the help of the wifi. My long golden brown hair was curled at the end with a half pony-tale styled in a messy but elegant look. It was accessorized by a simple hair clump that's full of diamonds. My make up was awsome! It was a smokey eye-shaddow which enhanced my hazelnut eyes. I can say that I look even more pretty with this kind of make-over. I have to look really presentable because I will be the one to sing again the national anthem later on the graduation. I used to sing at our campus every event because I'm the senior member of the choir. Ohh I really love singing. I got it from my grandmother. Her voice is really fantastic. I always dream about being one of those singers that entertain the crowd. I'm afraid to tell that I'm not for some "High-notes" singing contest but my voice is as cold as a newely made Frappucino! =)


When everything was all done, mom lended me my cocktail dress and then I went to the dressing room of the salon to fit in my dress. I wore it slowly because I might mess the hair. The fit was perfect! My curve was much showed off and it looks very attractive in the eyes. I grabbed my stilletos and wore it quickly. Then I ramp at the salon just to try this high-heeled of mine.


"Zara dear! You're very gorgeous!" mom yelled while putting down the magazine she was reading. "I'm sure every guy would die to dance with you tonight!" Louis said while fixing my curls. "Thank you Louis for the successful make-over! I really liked it though I look so different!" I told him with a huge smile in my now much prettier face. "So, we better hurry now darling, it's already 1:30 in the afternoon, your event starts at 3." We went out of the salon while waving goodbye to our good friend, Louis. So much happiness is what my heart feels right now. I never thought I would be this pretty. It was the dress, the shoes, and the make-up. Everything's perfecly fitted to me.


Chapter 3 - Mutual

After waving goodbye to Louis, we walked to the car and got inside. Mom pulled through the driveway and drove us going to the campus. "Dear, why are you so quiet huh? I'm not use to it sweetie. Come on. Aren't you excited? This is what you've waiting for, right?" mom asked confusingly. "Nothing mom. It's just that me and my friends are goin' separate ways after this. It's so sad. I know we're stiil have contacts but seeing each other all together now will be tough." I said while facing outside the window to hide my teary eyes. "Ohw, you know dear, it's part of our lives. Things and people do come and go, but this doesn't mean everything will end or disappear. Maybe physically but the memories you've guys built, it's something that you will cherrish forever. You're now facing another chapter to build a good memories again and you have to prepare yourself for it. Take this momentum as an exciting challenge ok?" mom explained convincingly. "I guess you right mom." I said with a teary-eyes and a big smile on my face. Mom is the best mother in the universe. She loves us more than anything else. When I have my own family, I will be just like her. She's the coolest mom ever!


Few minutes later, we arrived at the campus. Mom parked the car to the vacant slot and ohh.. guess what? It's behind Lian's car. My ultimate crush at the campus. We've been batchmates but we never talk too much. Just in musical class if needed since he's one of the musician. I'm the most quite person when he's around. He's a member of the school band. Coolest musician! He's 5'11 tall, good masculine built, and has fair complexion that suits a guy. I don't know what type of person he is because we're not friends, just batchmates. All I know is he really love music. How I wish I could know him better. But I guess, it's too late because today is our graduation day!


"Dear, you go look for your friends, I'll just buy something to drink." mom told me while locking the car. "Ok mom, See you there. And oh I'll go straight to the line.". While walking, I saw Eli and Gia near the campus gym entrance, my 2 best friends, waving their hands to me. I waved back and walked as fast as I can. While I'm in a hurry, Some tall guy just bumped me. He's walking while chatting with someone at his back. I didn't felt so much hurt but hello? I'm wearing a 5-inch heels. I might fall but luckily I didn't. I just felt irritated with this stupid guy. "Hey, stop walking while facing your back idiot!" I said angrily not looking at him 'cause I'm fixing my dress. "Oh I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. Are you okay?" Lian asked with a worrying tone. Wait? Lian? Oh my...I didn't expect that it was him. I thought it was just some idiot guy around the campus. My cheeks blushed after I knew it was him. Did I just shouted at him? Well, he deserves it anyway. I didn't answer him instead I just walked fast away from him to avoid any tease from the people around. Then I headed to where my classmates and bestfriends are.


(Lian's Point of View)


After I parked my car, I went to my bandmates at the hallway. "Hey men! Whoaw. You all look so descent huh?!" I said jokingly. "Now who's talking, you really prepared yourself for the confession tonight right? Haha!" Ram, teased. "Speaking of her, look she's coming near to us. She look so diefferent. Very beautiful....." Luigy, said with eyes wide opened. I turn my head to see her and so it's true. She looks more gorgeous. My heart started beating fast. But for me, even without wearing make up or a glamorous dress, she's the most beautiful girl ever since the first time I saw her. She's so simple yet very pretty and nice I'm sure. I always wanted her but all these years that we've been batchmates, I'm always shy to ask her out or something. Even a little conversation with her during music class, I can't because I felt that she would reject me for I know she doesn't dated anyone yet and I know for a fact that she really did focused on her studies. Especially in music, she really loves music. As much as I do. I really love her angelic voice because it touches my heart whenever she sings. How I wish I could know her better, someday.


"Come on, let's buy some drinks" Ram said while fixing his coat. We walked at the hallway going to the cafeteria. Luigy kept on teasing me that it's my treat, they're at my back and I'm at the front of them while walking. While I'm mocking them that they can't afford a simple drink, I felt I just bumped a soft but strong body. I turned my head to the front and I saw Zara with an angry face. "Hey, stop walking while facing your back idiot!" she said while fixing her perfectly fitted dress. She look so stunning. "Oh I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it. Are you okay?" asking her while staring at her pefect-shaped face. She took a quick glance at me but didn't answer instead she walked fast away from us. I hope she's not mad. I can't take it if the girl of my dreams will be mad at me since it's the last day in school. 


Chapter 4 - Batch 2014

"Zara! Wow, you looks so different. You're so pretty." Eli yelled while we're making a cheek-to-cheek. "At the far view, we didn't recognized you. The make-over suits you friend!" Gia said amusingly. "Oh well thank you, you too girls, you both look so gorgeous as always. Mom got this whole idea, you know I'm not used to it. Anyways, sorry if I took so long. Someone just bumped me while walking." I told them with a pissed off face. "Who's the lucky guy?" Gia asked. "It's Lian. Haha, why lucky?" I reacted. "Oh really? I guest you're the one who's lucky now huh?" replied Eli while giggling. "Shut up girl!" I replied and then we all laughed. Though he's my ultimate crush, it really made me feel pissed.


"Alright guys, go to your line now, program will be start in few minutes." said Ms. Walles. Me, Eli and Gia together with our classmates are chatting and taking pictures while on the line. Mom took us so many pictures. She love capturing moments like this. Few minutes later we heard the graduation song played. We marched at the isle of the gymnasium going to our designated seats. It was done perfectly based to what we practiced. When everyone is seated, I went to the back stage to get ready for singing the  national anthem. While waiting, I felt someone's staring at me in my right side. When I turned my head to check who it is, it's Lian. I quickly turned my ahead away from him because I'm still shy about what happened at the hallway. "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened." he whispered. "Forget it, it's all done." I replied with a bit smile in my face. He nodded then the MC of the ceremony called his name to lead the prayer. He's the one who'spraying? I think he's a very nice guy. After him, I followed and sang the anthem. I did it successfully without any errors.


We went back to our seats and the ceremony just began. Few hours later after the long program, time to walk up on stage, the most awaited part. "Maria Zara Olens.." the mc had just broadcast my name. I went up on stage and accepted the Diploma, shake hands to the Heads, made a bow in front with a big smile. When I got back to my seat, I felt really really happy. I did it. Now i should be ready for my next chapter. But before that, let me enjoy the night for the last time.


The graduation ceremony lasts for 5 hours and now it's totally over. "Congratulations batch 2014" the school owner said. Everyone's shouting, throwing up their graduation caps in the air. Hugging each other, taking pictures with every friends and classmates they might see. Me, Eli and Gia together with our classmates took many pictures on stage. While everyone is capturing the momentous scenario, the faculty announced it's time for the guardians to go home 'cause the grad ball will be start in one hour.


After I heard the announcement, I quickly went to my mom and hugged her tightly. "Mom thank you for everything! This is for you!" lending her my diploma. "I'm so proud of you my dear. Congratulations! Here, take this." she replied while giving me the keys of the car. "It's our graduation gift for you sweetie."  "Wow,really? Thank you so much." After that heart-warming scenario, mom left me a kiss and she took a taxi going home. She left me the car keys so I could drive myself going home after the ball.

Chapter 5 - Night's Appetizer

It was 8:30 in the evening and everyone took off the graduation dresses and all was showed off with their most gorgeous outfit. The campus function hall was already arranged with tables and chairs. A party fast song was played and everyone is excited yet starving for the smell of that scrumptious buffet.


Me, Eli and Gia are just taking pictures in our Iphones while sitting at our table. "You know what, if your an ice, you've been totally melted." Gia giggled at me. "What? You really are starving huh? Haha!" I replied while browsing our pictures. Eli looked around and said "Oh, now I get it. It's Mr. Bumpy." Bumpy? Who's that? I stopped browsing and tried to find who's their talking about. I noticed some guy at the slightly far table from us is staring at me. He turned his head away from us the moment I saw him. It's Lian! Why is he staring at us, or should I say to me? Nahhh, I know for sure it's nothing. But honestly, I blushed a little bit. He looks more handsome tonight.


The host for the evening spoke at the stage, announcing that their will be a selection for Mr. and Ms. Grad Ball. Before the end of the night, they will announce the winners and will recieve a dinner for two at Cravesville Restaurant, one of the most famous fine-dining restaurant in town. Everyone made some noise and shouted their bets. I didn't care about who it is because I'm not interested with those kind of stuff. If it's a musical contest or something, I would surely be excited about it. Speaking of music, Lian and his band is now preparing their instruments because they will play while everyone is having dinner. Ahhw, poor them, they will eat late. 


Dinner is served and everyone is eating to death. Lian and his band started playing songs. He's so good in playing guitar. I could listen to it and watch him all day. After we ate, someone tapped my shoulder, "Hey Zara, would you mind if I sit beside you?" What? Aaron Bolton? He's one of the most popular in school because of his charisma. Every girl would die just to be Aaron's girl. But he use to date lots of girls. He don't want to be involve in any relationships. There's no way I could see myself being attracted to him, though his really handsome like Lian. Why is he here beside me? "Ahh sure" that's all I said. "So how's your night so far? You know you look so pretty tonight." he said while staring at me. "Well, I'm quite sleepy now, but trying to stay awake for the party. Pretty? Ahm, maybe just for tonight." I answered with a bit smile on my face.


Lian and the rest of his bandmates are done with their performance. And so the DJ tried to play a party loud song. Most of the people went to the dance floor and dance joyfully. They really enjoying the night. Eli and Gia join them and so now it's only me and Aaron at the table. "Ahm why don't you join them in dancing?" I asked just to start a little chat. "Naah, it's not my thing. I'd rather sit beside with this wonderful lady here." he replied while moving his chair a little bit closer to mine. I'm totally speechless now. I don't wanna be rude and tell him to leave me alone. To be honest, He looks very attractive but the thing is, he's not my type of guy. And I know for sure, he's just flirting. Maybe that's why I'm not so comfortable with his presence. So I just smiled and watch the ones who are dancing gracefully. Few minutes later, Lian passed away to our table. I was shocked because I don't want him to see me with Aaron. He would think that I'm one of his flirty girls. But I'm sure he doesn't care about it anyway.


The music turns into a sweet love song and most of the guys invited girls to dance with them. "Ms. Olens, can you dance with me?" Aaron asked with a puppy eyes. I agreed 'cause I don't want to embarrase him and since this is my last night with these colleagues. He took my hand and we walked to the dance floor. "You know, I didn't realize that you could be more beautiful with your make-up and that sexy dress." Aaron spilled. "Thank you but, if your trying to catch me and think that I'm one of your girls, well you're wrong." Oh my. I started being rude. "Of course not, I know you're not one of them. And to tell you, they're the ones who's flirting on me. I just cant reject those girls 'cause they might be embarrased. I don't want to embarass people especially girls." He explained with a convincing look. "Is that so? Well, that would be nice to hear. I thought you love playing girls' heart." I said while looking in his eyes to see if his telling the truth. And I guess he is. "No, I was once hurt so bad in my past that's why I promise to myself I will no longer be inlove if she's not the right one." Aaron elaborated. I was surprised that he was to share his personal life to me. But I came to realize that our dance was being too long. "Well, goodluck to you, may you find your true love. Ahm can we sit now?" I asked while looking around if where my friends are. "Sure, but hey, can we go out for some time. A cup of coffee maybe?" he invited. "Ahh yah sure. just a coffee ok?" I replied with a smile. I think there's a much deeper personality of him that not everyone could see. He nodded and smiled back to me with his chinese-looking eyes. He's so adorable when he smile. He lead me to our table and he left me alone sitting. Alone? Where are the two girls? I looked around and I was shocked with what I saw. It's Gia and Lugiy who's dancing sweetly. But they look good together in all fairness.

Chapter 6 - Feeling Confident

Aaron lead me to our table and he left me alone sitting. Alone? Where are the two girls? I looked around and I was shocked with what I saw. It's Gia and Luigy who's dancing sweetly. But to be honest, they look good together in all fairness. I decided to go at the mini bar to have some cocktail. While getting near, I was more shocked with what I saw. It's now Eli and Lian, whispering to each other. I went near to them and say "Hey Eli, I was looking for you and Gia. Well anyway, I'll just go get some drink." I passed through them and sigh. How I wish Lian could talk to me that close too.


(Lian's Point of View)


After the jam, me and my bandmates went to our table to have our dinner. We passed through Zara's table so I could glance at her closer even just for a while. But I was jealous with what I saw. She's with Aaron. Why is she talking to Aaron? She can't be with him. If he's trying to catch up Zara's heart, well I think he doesn't deserve her. He don't take a girl seriously. If there's someone who suits her most, It's gonna be me. How I wish that would be me. But I don't have the courage to tell her my true feelings.


Few minutes later after we ate. I look back to Zara's table but she wasn't there. She's now dancing with Aaron. I felt so envy but I can't do anything. I went to the mini bar to have some alcohol to drink. I saw Eli, one of Zara's closest friend, drinking some mocktail. "Hey there, how's the drink?" I spoke to her and then a bright idea came to me. "Oh hey Lian, ahh, this is too sweet but it's fine with me, I love sweets." she replied with a smile. After getting my jackcoke, the party loud song started playing. "Eli, can I ask a favor?" I tried to shout moderately so she could hear me, but she didn't. So I moved closer to her and whisper it again. "Sure, what is it?" she whispered back. Unexpectedly, Zara came to us and I froze. "Hey Eli, I was looking for you and Gia. Well anyway, I'll just go get some drink." I just stand still seeing her beautiful face. She left and went to the mini bar. I asked Eli to go with me at the garden immedietly where sounds are not that loud. She agreed.


"You know, I was wondering if you could help me tonight?" I started. "Your asking help from me? Why me and what is it all about?" she asked with a very confusing look. "It's just that.......I wanted Zara. Ever since. But I don't have the courage to tell my feelings to her. I was coward that she might reject me because she doesn't dated anyone yet. But tonight, I decided to confess my feelings for her. I missed out the 4 whole years of college and this time I don't want to miss this last night. I may regret this if I wouldn't do it now. And the only thing that came to my mind is to ask help from one of her closest friend. And you're one. So could you help me out??" I elaborated so she could understand what am I asking for help. Eli was shocked but she just smiled from ear to ear which made me more confident now. It feels like she was really happy for what I've confessed and said "Surely I will dude! No worries! So what's the plan??" she replied excitingly.


I decided to have my confession at the rose circled garden because I thought it could be really sweet with those roses around us. To make it more romantic, I asked Ram to play guitar for us later while we're dancing. After all the planning. We went back to the party which no one noticed that we were gone for half an hour, except for Zara I think. I'm a bit nervous that after all the years of keeping my feeling for her, here I am, trying to have the courage and raise my tie to tell her. I don't mind if she would reject my confession, but at least I tried.

Chapter 7 - Confession Session

(Zara's Point of View)


For almost half an hour, I already drunk 3 glasses of sunrise tequila but it didn't made me feel dizzy or something. I'm used in drinking cocktails and mocktails because we studied Bartending during the last year of college.  What I feel right now is boredom. I thought this night would be the most special and unforgettable night. But I think it will not be. Everyone is dancing out loud and enjoying but it's not my thing. I'm not fond in dancing, singing maybe.


I walked around to see if I could wash away my boredome and finally I saw a bestfriend of mine, Eli! "Zara! I was looking for you, where have you been?" she asked while catching her breath. "Hello? I was just at the mini bar where we last met. Why do you look somewhat in a hurry seeing me?" I spilled confusingly. "Ahm nothing. Come on, let's have some fresh air at the garden. I coudn't breath normally in here." she invited. "Why in the garden? We have to make the most out of this party. A while ago, I can't because you and Gia are too busy." I answered  "Come on, if you didn't like the air, then we will  go back right away."


While walking to the garden, we talked about Gia and Luigy. We both agreed that they look so good together. We just hope Luigy doesn't make fun of Gia's heart. Gia looks so happy with him so we let them have the night. I was distracted with what I've heard, an acoustic guitar that plays my favorite song. I paused from talking. The sounds got louder and louder while getting near to the rose circled-garden. When we reached the circled-garden, no one was there. The one who's playing that guitar must be hiding somewhere. There were lots of petals surrounded on the floor and there's a note at the center. I look at Eli to confirm if am I suppose to read that and she looked at me like a "go ahead" look. I read it and it says "Hi, can you dance with me through out the night?" I wonder if who wrote this. I tried to go back at Eli but I saw no one. She left me? I notice someone is at my back standing, when I turned my head to find who it is, I was really surprised that it was LIAN! Holding a single stem white rose, my favorite flower! My cheeks turns into a very deeply red.


He walked near to me then gave me the rose and I accepted it.

"Hi Zara, sorry if I surprised you this time." he said with a very sweet voice.

"Well, I was really surprised Lian. Did you wrote that note?"

"Ah yah, and don't even ask if it is really for you, because it really does. So can we dance?"

I nodded with a bit smile and a confuse look.


We dance for 2 minutes without even talking to each other. I can't believe this is happening. It felt so awkward that I can't even say a single word. While dancing, I felt like I was totally melted with the way he stared at me.

"You're so beautiful Zara. Ever since I met you, I was mesmerized by your beauty."

"Well, ahm thanks Lian. But can I ask something? Why all of a sudden you became so romantic to me? I thought we're not that close?"

"Yah I know and I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry that I didn't have the guts to talk to you all through out college. I'm sorry if I was so shy asking you out for some time. I was so afraid that you may reject me because I know for a fact that you don't date exclusively. We didn't became friends because I'm too coward. I'm really sorry Zara"

"Ahm look Lian, you don't have to say sorry. It was also me who didn't talked too much when you're around. I always become quiet whenever you are present. That's why we didn't have the chance to hang up together. I have my reason but can I know why are you doing all this tonight?"

"Zara, I want to be honest now. I really wanted you. Ever since the day I saw you. It became more deeper whenever we're at the musical class. Even if we don't talk that much, I knew you're a nice person. You're not just nice, I really admire your smile, your eyes, your sense of humor the way you contribute in classes and your voice. I really adore your heart-melting voice."


I paused after his confession. At the same time, I felt really happy. The guy that I always admire from the very beggining of college does like me too. I can't believe this. Am I just drunk? No. I can feel myself that this is real. I have to say something before we miss this moment "..........Lian I'm totally speechless now. But the reason why I kept quiet when you're around is that I've always wanted you too. I was shy. I really adore you as a person and I knew also that you're a nice guy though we didn't became close friends. The actions shows it all. And the way you love music as much as I do, it made my feelings more deeper."


He moved closer to me and we continue dancing. He explained to me that he asked Eli to help him for this confession. I figured out why they were whispering to each other when I saw them near the mini bar. I was nearly into jealous but of course I didn't. Eli is such a good friend. I could hug her tight later. Haha! I feel so much happiness filling the circled-garden. I could say that this was the most unforgettable night that happened. This confession session made my night.

Chapter 8 - Tremendous Moment

While me and Lian are now comfortable with each other on sharing things, we didn't notice the time. Mr. Walles passed through the garden and saw us. We stopped from talking and we got nervous that we might be scolded. The petals of the roses at the garden were all around. It was very prohibited in the campus to pick up those roses. "Mr. Brown and Ms. Olens?" Ms. Walles said while looking to the both of us. Before she could scold us, Lian immedietly explained. "Hey, hi Ms. Walles! How's your night so far? You look awsome huh. Ahm by the way, sorry for this little mess. I just had my confession with this beautiful lady here beside me. You know.." he said with a blink in his one eye. Instead of scolding us about the roses, she just said "Alright guys, time for the announcement of the winners. You both must go back inside. See you!" She left us without even getting mad, instead she looks very excited. Lian and I looked at each other with so much confusion and then we ended laughing. Ms. Walles is one of the weirdest yet coolest professor in the campus. Afterwards, we went to the function hall and got inside.


When we got inside and we saw Luigy, Gia, Eli and Ram were sitting in one table. Looks like we've got a new set of friends here. We joined them at the table then I heared Ram spoke "There's the new couple" teasing us while clapping his hands. We just smiled and sat on the two vacant seats. "And now, announcing the winners for Mr. and Ms. Grad Ball for this school year, Let us call on Mr. Collins, the Director of the school campus." Ms. Walles said. Blah blah blah. I was not listening because I'm not interested. I was just checking my phone then I heard "Mr. Lian Brown and Ms. Maria Zara Olens! Congratulations! Come up on stage guys!" Mr. Collins said. Everyone was shouting and clapping. Is that me? and Lian? Oh my! What a very wonderful night! Though I'm not interested with this kind of stuff, it's a different feeling in actual if you were announced as the winner. I'm so grateful. Lian held my hand and together we walked up on stage. They put on the sash title and gave us the certificate. It was a great feeling that me and Lian won. I really didn't expected this. I saw Lian was very glad, and so do I. He hugged me after the awarding and said "Congratulations Zara, you really deserve this title!" I smile and said "You too Lian, congratulation to us. This is really unexpected."


This night was totally amazing. It is one of the best night that ever happened. Lian, the guy I've always wanted had confessed about his true feelings for me after all the years we've been in college. And after wiinning the title of Ms. Graduation Ball, I realized that it was an unforgattable night that I will treasure for a lifetime. That after all the hardships during college years, here you are, still standing out among everyone else. It made me more confident and self-assured that I could do better on facing the new chapter that awaits me after this tremendous moment.





Chapter 9 - Meet Up

I was awakened by the heat of the sun that I'm feeling on my skin. I remember I forgot to close the window curtain last night for I was too tired. It's 7:30 on a sunday morning and my eyes are still close. I want to sleep more. Then I came to realize that I have an appointment today. I felt excited but still lying on my soft bed while reminiscing all the happenings from last night. The Graduation, the ball, my friends, the title, and Lian. I was distracted from my day dreaming when someone texted me. I checked my cellphone and speaking of Lian, he had just texted.


Lian: Good morning pretty. Ready for later?

Me: Morning! I just woke up and still sleepy. But yah!

Lian: Great! So I'll pick up by 9?

Me: Perfect! See you later!


He didn't replied anymore so I decided to get up and went to my closet. I thought it's time change my fashion style a little bit. I have to dress up like a young lady now because after all I'm not a student anymore. I checked my dresses at my closet and I chose to wear a light color since we're going to the church before having our lunch at Cravesville Restaurant. Lian is such a nice person. He loves going to the church so he suggested it. Not every guy has this kind of personanilty.


The dress was beige and it has a see-through short sleeves. It was above the knee but not too short. After selecting what to wear, I headed to the bathroom and took a hot shower. Hot water always makes me feel relaxed. It washes away my tiredness from last night and just enough to wake me up totally for I was still sleepy. Then after that half an hour shower, I  blowed dry my long brown hair and put on a very light make-up just to be more presentable. After fixing my self, I went to my shoe-rack corner and I picked up and wore my light gold 3-inch sandals.


I immedietly went down stairs to meet mom at the kitchen. "Hey Ms. Grad Ball. Good morning! Wow, my baby girl is now a lady. Nice dress dear. Come on, let's have breakfast." mom said while I'm getting my pan cake poured with sweet honey. "Good morning mom! Thanks mom, I decided to change my outfit a little bit since I already graduated. Oh, mom remember what I've told you last night when I got home. Me and Lian won a dine-in for two at Cravesville. We decided to have it today. But first we're going to the church. Remember Lian mom? The guy I'm talking about?" I asked while drinking my hot choco that mom prepared. "Well, that's a really good idea. Since you've been busy lately because of your graduation, you missed the church for almost a few times. So will I meet him personally today?" mom asked "Yah, he'll going to pick me up by 9. He's a very nice guy mom. It's so funny that we didn't even talked to each other during the whole years of college then all of a sudden mom, he just confessed his true feelings for me during the Ball." I said with a big smile like a little child that finally got her lolipop. "Of course! I remember him, how will I forget the guy that you've always talked about everytime. You used to tell me more of him during your music class." she said while giggling. "Oh come on mom, don't say it too loud. He might be behind the main door already." I answered with an ear to ear smile. I really love my mom. It's like she my very best friend. I always tell her everything. She's the best friend ever!


While me and mom are giggling and laughing, the doorbell rang. "It's Lian, I'll get it mom." I said while going to the main door. "Hey, hi Zara. Wow you really are pretty." Lian complimented. "Thanks Lian, Come in, mom wants to meet you." We headed at the living room where mom is waiting. "Hi Mrs. Olens, it's a pleasure to meet you." Lian said with a very sweet voice. "Oh hi Lian, it's nice meeting you finally. My daughter talked a lot about you" mom said with a big smile. I think mom started to like him. "Mom..." I said like I'm trying to control her words. That one made me blushed. "OK then, we have to go now mom. See you at noon." living a kiss to my mom then we went out of the house and got inside of his car. We waved goodbye to mom and then Lian started to drive.





Chapter 10 - Perfect Pitch

While we're on our way, Lian played a song from his usb. "Hey, that's a nice choice of song. I really love listening to that singer. How I wish someday, I would be a well-known singer in our country. That's really my dream. Do you think that could be possible?" I asked with a big question in my face. "Are you kidding?" he asked confusingly "What?! Why? Is that too impossible?" I began to feel some discouragement. "No, of course not. If I asked you do you breath? Simply you would say yes. That's how I will respond to your question Zara. You really have a lovely voice. And besides, you're pretty so anybody would love to listen and watch you whenever you sing." Lian's elaboration made me feel so comfortable with him. He really appreciates my talent and I love the way he encourages me. Aside from my friends and family, he's the only one who put a big trust in my talent, how come we did not became friends so early? He really is a nice guy! 


"Thank you Lian, I didn't imagine that you'd be able to say those words to me. I thought your a quiet person who keeps everything to himself. But I'm definitely wrong." I said while gazing at his perfect hazelnut eyes. "I'm just being honest." he replied with a smile on his face. After that little chat, I didn't totally noticed that we've already arrived at the church. The church was totally huge, beautiful and calm. Lian carefully parked the car then we went inside the church and everyone was so nice to me when Lian introduced them.


We seated at the 2nd to the front row. Lian said that this row is where the choir seats. During the worship song, I did sang together with them without even looking at the lyrics on that big screen in front of us . I've knew all the songs that they've sang and played because I used to listen those gospel songs in my ipod. Also, those songs are played in our church too. I love listening to it 'cause it makes me feel relieved everytime I feel stressed out. While singing all together, I noticed someone keeps gazing at me. His distance is 3 seats apart from me. I just ignored him and continue worshiping. The service lasted for 2 hours.


"Hey, that message was great! I should invite my friends next time." I said to Lian while heading out the church. "Yah sure, actually Ram and Luigy usually go here with me, we're always together like real brothers since my mom and dad are travelling around the continent for the family business.  But right now they didn't make it because they have their family out of town. They're cousins actually." Lian told which made me surprised that that two were cousins. And also, it's not obvious that Lian is a rich kid because of him being very humble and nice, unlike any other spoiled bratt. Wow, I can say that I'm being more amazed with Lian's personality. "Looks like love for music is also running through their blood." that's all I said.


Before we reach the car, Aimy, one of the people that Lian introduced earlier, approached us. "Hey, Lian, you didn't stated that Zara sings very well. And not only that, she knows all the songs that have been played. My brother, Ryan, heard her during the worship songs." she said. "Ah yah! She's one of the good singer at school since then." Lian declared. "Oh, not that much. Those song where also played in our church and I always listen to those songs in my ipod that's why I'm familiar." I said with big smile on my face. "Maybe you could apply in our recording company to be one of our talent singers. I'm actually working at this newly-built recording company that seeks for fresh but talented singers. I was assigned at the talent management department to search for our possible record breaking talents. I think you really have the perfect pitch for that. Are you interested?" Aimy asked with an encouraging smile in her face. "Really? Wow! I think that's cool. Sure I will try!" I answered with an ear-to-ear smile. "Great, so I'll just make a schedule for the audition and I will inform you as soon as possible. Don't mind that audition, it's just for a formality reasons. I know the rest of the crew and staff will be glad once they've heard your voice." she elaborated happily. "Are you free this summer?" she added. "Yah, we just graduated and have no plan yet on what to do next after school so I think this is a perfect timing." I responded with grace. "Great! Here's the address of our company Zara. It's a pleasure to meet you." After that conversation, we exchanged cellphone numbers then me and Lian said our goodbyes to them and promise to meet them again.


While Lian's driving us to Cravesville,

"Hey, what Aimy offered to you was just perfect. I'm so glad that they've appreciated what I've seen on you. They must be lucky to have you as their talent. That's for sure" Lian says with appreciation and encouragement.

"Thank you for that compliment Lian. I've always wanted to sing but I'm afraid that I may not achieve what their trying to expect from me."

"Don't be Zara, you have a very brilliant voice. I'm rest assured that whoever would listen, they will definitely appreciate it. Zara this was God's way for you to show people what you've got."

"I guess your right. I must show what God has given me. My parents would be proud of me once they knew about this. Thank you Lian for your encouragement." I answered joyfully. We continue talking about it and few minutes later, we got at the restaurant.



Chapter 11 - Brilliant Idea

After Lian had just parked his car, we went inside the Restaurant and no doubt why it's very famous here in town. Not only in our town but in our country. We've seen many tourists who were dinning in and really looks that they're having a good time. A waiter lead us to a 2-seater table and it was totally awsome. There was a soft couch with a very nice table set-up. Very elegant and classy! The background music was just perfect for it has a live-playing intrumental piano with a very nice melody. I've never been in here though it's famous because during my college years, I'm not fond in eating to some elegant restaurant even if I can afford it. I'd rather go with my friends to any fast food where we could mess up and make some noise because it's really fun! But now, I think I'm falling inlove with this kind of place, very calm, relaxing and romantic! Lian moved the chair for me to seat before he went to his. The school had a very brilliant idea for this!


"Good morning Ma'am, Sir. I'm Rico and I will be your server for the whole time of your stay here at Cravesville. Here's the menu. Call me if you already have your orders." he said with a very pleasant smile. "Alright, thanks bro." Lian responded. While we're choosing what to order, someone came to our table. It's Aaron! On a Chef's gown with a toque?! "Hey guys, nice to see you here, I didn't expect you're going to use the prize this early." he said like he was teasing. "Hey Aaron, yah. We came at the  church this morning so we decided to use the prize as our lunch. Wait a sec, why are you dressed up like that?" I explained and asked. "Zara this is my hobby. I really love cooking ever since so I use to go here whenever I'm free or if I'm not going to anybody's party. My uncle is the executive chef here so I asked him if I could you know, make myself trained at the kitchen." Aaron elaborated with a huge smile. I was so amazed with what he had just revealed. It was so suprising! It's not obvious to Aaron that he loves to cook. All I knew about him is that he loves hanging around with all the flirty girls at school and make some party every night. "Well, I think that's cool." I answered. "Really? I could cook for you for sometime if you want." he offered. "Oh, that's fine, I'm thinking to run over a diet now. You know.." I replied with a bit smile. It felt so awkward that his being flirty sweet while I'm with Lian.


"Ahuh. I see. So did you ordered already?" Aaron asked "Not yet, we're still choosing." Lian replied with a dull face reaction. "Alright, I'll go ahead at the kitchen and let you guys enjoy the moment together. Hey Lian, you must be really lucky huh." Aaron whispered then Lian just nodded and smiled. After Aaron had just left us, we again checked the menu and afterwards we finally got something to order now. "Ok Ma'am Sir, the food will be served in 20mins." said Rico, the waiter. While waiting, I noticed that Lian became quiet.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked worriedly

"Yah I'm fine. It's just that I'm not comfortable with Aaron."

"Really? But why? Did you have some issues with him before?"

"Nothing. It's obvious that he likes you and I can't help myself but to be jealous."


"Yah, you know I really like you Zara, and if there's someone who's trying to catch your attention, that makes my heart suffer in jealousy." Lian explained with a totally sad face. My cheeks turns into red and made me feel very flattered. "Don't worry Lian, he is really just a friend for me. Nothing more. And you know how I feel for you right?" I said while smiling so widely to him to ease his sadness. Lian nodded and smiled back like he felt so relieved with what I said. If only Lian could know how happy am I that I'm with him at this moment. But definitely, I won't tell him for now. I better keep it to myself for a while.


After few minutes of conversation, our food is now served. It looks really delicious and the other good thing about it is that it really looks what's in the picture unlike any other restaurant that fakes their guests. "Let's pray first." he said while I smiled for a moment knowing that he really has a good faith in God. He leaded the prayer and then we began to eat in so much starve. "Hmmm, this is sooo good. I have to bring mom some of this." I said like I've never eaten before. "Oh yah, that's a great idea. I'm sure Mrs. Olens would love that too." he replied with his eyes fully smiled. "Try this one, this is one of my favorite dish. Gladly they have it here." he said while putting some on my plate. Two hours had past before we had totally finished our "getting-to-know" lunch. Talking to Lian makes me feel like I knew him for the longest time. I'm much impressed about the fact that he is a God-fearing person aside from him being rich. The greatest thing a man could do for a woman is to lead her closer to God than to him self. And I think that's Lian.


"Ma'am, here's your take out. Thank you for dining in." Rico said while leaving us with a calm smile. We got outside the restaurant then Lian drove us home safely. "OK we're here, thank you Zara. I had so much fun. You really are such a bubbly person." Lian said after he had just parked the car at the front of our house. "Thanks Lian, I did have a great time with you. That prize made me love that Restaurant. Thank you for the school council for that kind of prize." I answered then we both laughed. "Don't forget the audition okay? We'll keep in touch." Lian assured "Oh yah, I can never forget that. Ahm can I ask you to go with me to their company so I will not be lost? I'm weak in locations." I asked with a please face. "Of course. You don't have to ask Zara. Whether you like it or not, I will go with you." Lian replied then we waved our goodbyes to each other and he pulled out to the driveway.

Chapter 12 - Happy Kiddo

I entered the house and walked direclty to the kitchen for I know it's mom's favorite spot when she's bored around the house. And I'm right, she's there.

"Mom, I'm here, I brought you some of the dishes that we ate. You'll love it 'cause it tasted so good." 

"Hey sweetie, glad you're back. Wow, thank you darling. Smells good huh. Anyways Zara, tomorrow is my flight. It became earlier than next week because your dad needs help for our business in states. Don't worry. I know you can pamper yourself here, you've got everything you need here in our house ok darling?"

"Ahh ok mom. I'll be fine, but I'm just a little bit surprised because I thought your flight will be next week. But I understand mom. I will definitely gonna miss you." I said while hugging my mother so tight. 

"Anyways would you like me to help you pack your things mom??"

"Sure sweetie, but after I eat this." mom said with a huge smile.


I rushed going upstairs to have a quick shower and to change clothes. But before I enter the bathroom, I quickly jumped on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I went online on facebook and checked if Eli and Gia were online too. Lucky me, they are. We three chatted for a moment and I told them what happened on our first date and what awaits me with regards to that audition thing. They've been very happy to what I've shared because they've always knew how I love music. Aside to my mom, this two bestfriends of mine don't miss a single detail in my life. We always tell everything with each other and they're very frank to me whether it's good or bad, whether it will be offending or not. But we never argue about it, instead, we always ended up in laughter whenever we three were together. That's why it really made my heart melts in sadness now that we're separating ways after the graduation. Eli will be leaving for good in Hawaii while Gia will go to the other side of the country to manage their family business there. But we've promised to stay connected and to see each other again as soon as we can. After that almost 30 minutes of chatting, I said my goodbye for a while to the two girls and got inside the bathroom. Afterwards, I grabbed my pajamas and headed outside my room.


I went to my mom's room and she was already there folding her clothes. "Hey mom, can I sleep here tonight?" I thought it was a good idea for us to have a mother-daughter bonding before she leaves for states. "Sure sweetheart. I would love that." mom replied with her eyes totally smiled. While we're packing her things, I told mom what happened to my first date with Lian and all about his personality. We also talked about what Aimy had offered. Mom was very happy of what I've said. She thought that Lian was a very nice guy right from the moment that they met and I was glad about that because every mother has a good instict. That means that Lian really has a very kind heart. And about the recording talent thing, she was very delighted. Mother always wanted me to sing and she used to be one proud mother whenever I perform on stage or join any contest. Even though there were times that I didn't get the first place, she always makes me feel that I was the most talented among the contestants. She's like my number one fan and what I love about mom is that, she always supports me in everything I do. She never fails to listen and advises me what to do to become better. I always admire her on the way she raised me up and I am so blessed that she happens to be my mother.

Chapter 13 - I Love To

It was 6:30 in the morning, and mom was still sleeping. I tried to get up though I'm still sleepy because I want to prepare some breakfast for my mom before she leaves for her flgiht. I quickly rushed downstairs and headed to the kitchen. I prepared pancake with honey and butter, fresh squeezed orange juice, slices of 3 kinds of fruits, and my favorite french toast! When I was done, I was about to go upstairs to wake mom up but she was already going down.

"Hey sweetie, goodmorning, woke up so early huh?"

"Mom, glad you're already awake. Come on, let's have our breakfast!" I said with a big smile like I was really proud because I've  prepared very quick.

"Really? you already prepared our breakfast? That's so sweet of you. Looks like you're practicing for you being independent for the upcoming days huh." mom said while giggling. We ate all I've prepared and then we both headed in our bathrooms to take a shower and be ready to leave.


 I was at the living room waiting for mom when the doorbell rang. I opened the main door and check who's outside our house. It's Lian! What is he doing here? I went to the gate and quickly opened it.

"Hey Lian? What made you come here?" I asked with big eyes of confusion.

"Hi Zara, good morning. I'm just wondering if we could have our jam today. Sorry if I didn't texted you before coming in here this early. Looks like you're going somewhere. I'm sorry. Maybe I'll come back next time."

"Actually I wish I could but I have to drive my mom to the airport. Today is her flight going back to the states. It became earlier than next week because dad needs help for our family business there."

"Really? Can I come going to the airport? I'm sure you'll need someone with strong arms for those lagguages."

"Oh, I thinks that's fine. Come on in and have something to drink first."

"Sure, thank you. Ahm we could use my car if you guys won't mind."

"Really? Okay I'll tell mom. Thanks. Have a seat first."

Mom saw Lian and I explained to her why Lian was at our house. She felt great that Lian was here to help us and will come with us to the airport. After a few minutes of conversation, me and Lian took the laggages and put those inside his car's compartment. It was already 8 in the morning so we have to get rush because mom's flight is 11am. The travel took 30 minutes before we arrived at the international airport.


We arrived at the airport just in time. "Okay sweetie, this is it, Mom's gonna leave now. Give me a hug baby girl." Mom hugged me so tight like I can't help it but cry a little. But I have to be strong and be brave to face the challenges that will come out my way without my parents beside me. "Remember what I've told you always okay? And Oh, the singing thing, make the most out of it darling. You've got it all!" Mom said while hugging me. "Yah mom, don't worry, I will. Say my hi to dad. Be careful okay? Have a safe flight. Love you mom." I said while making a cheek-to-cheek kissed to mom. "Love you too baby." We said our goodbyes then mom headed inside the airport.


Me and Lian went back to the car and drove. "Hey Zara, you okay?" Lian asked worriedly because I was quiet the whole time in the car. I am very much sad because I used to think that I can handle being an independent one but deep inside of me, I sometimes feel afraid that I might won't. "Yah of course. I'm fine. Don't worry." I said with a pleasant smile to ease his worriness. "Look, I understand how you feel because my mom and dad used to travel then leave me since when I was small. It's very sad because I can't have much of their time and attention, but what made me stood up from sadness in everyday is God. I know He never leaves me. And I used to understand my parents why did they have to leave me always. It's for my own future. You don't have to feel alone Zara. God is with you all the time. Just ask and it'll be granted in His perfect time. Just keep your faith in Him and everything will fall in the right places." I just smiled and nodded to him. I was thankful that Lian's with me to ease my sadness. It's a good feeling that you have someone to lean on in times of something like this. I know for sure that it's God's way of showing His care and love for me and I was thankful for that.


"I have an idea! Why don't we practice the songs that you might sing on the audition. I will play guitar for you. Are you okay with that?" Lian asked with an ear-to-ear smile. "Sure, I think that's cool." The singing thing, I have to give my 100% on it. I'm just glad that I could use my talent not only because I need to, but because I love to. That's one of my mom's advice.

Chapter 14 - Launch of Summer

Four days have past since mom left for States. This past few days I've been fine pampering myself by doing the things that I love. I started to get busy by practicing songs and composing my own song. Everyday and everynight, I tried to think for some good lyrics while Lian tried to help me putting proper chords on it. I thought it was a good idea to keep myself productive while singing audition is not yet scheduled. I was very happy when I completed one song last night and that made me very tired.


It was 11 in the morning when the heat of the sun coming outside my window touches my body and obliged me to open my sleepy eyes. It was so hot and it feels like I was having a sunbathing on my own bed. Then I came to realize that summer is starting to launch. Everyone loves summer, especially me. Simply because I would enjoy the sunkisses through the waves of the ocean, the relaxing running water on the river, or the cold and heavy touch of the mountain falls. Definitely, we also enjoy the long break from school. But this summer, it would be a lot different. Not only because my parents aren't with me but because I already graduated and it's time for me to seek for my own income. But I never dream of any high position in a company or be the boss in a well-known business. My dream is to be known as one of the good singer/song writer not only in our country but all over the world. How I wish that could be possible. Who know's? That's how I love music, like it really can't get away from my nerves.


While I was still lying on my bed, my phone rang then I quickly answered it.


"Hey Zara, it's me, Aimy!"

"Oh hey Aimy, what's up? Is the audition already scheduled??"

"Yaahh, looks like you're really excited for it huh. That's nice to know."

"Actually yah, I thought it would be fun."

"I could say a big YES. You'll enjoy it. Anyway, be free this afternoon at exact 1pm. Lian's gonna catch you at your house and drive you here at the office. I've already called him."

"Oh great! See you Aimy. I hope the rest of the staff and crew would put their thumbs up for me."

"That's for sure. I trust in your voice. You should be too. No need to worry. Ok? See you then. Bye for now."

"Alright,Thankss Aimy. Bye."


I immedietly jumped off from bed and rushed into my bathroom. I took off my clothes and turned on the shower. I chose not to use warm water so that my veins will be awaken totally. After that 20-minute shower, I dried myslef and headed to my closet. I chose to wear my favorite yellow Armani dress. It was fitted on the top with a very short sleeves and loose see-through skirt-like at the bottom. I matched it with my light pink 3inches wedged Celine sandals. I dried my golden brown hair to straighten more and put some lip shiner, mascarra and a little bit of blush on my cheeks. After fixing myself, I grabbed my CK bag and a piece of paper where my composition was written and then headed outside my room. I walked down stairs and went straight at the kitchen. I preferred to cooked breakfast because my stomach seeks for breakfast whenever I just got up from sleep and ate nothing yet. I cooked bacon with crispy sunny side up egg and some french toast. I matched it with my hot chocolate to heaten my stomach. After I ate all I've prepared, I stayed at the living room and opened our walled-tv while waiting for Lian to arrive.


(Ding-dong) I walked at the main door and rushed through the gate. As I expected, it was Lian then I quickly opened the door for him to come in. "Hi Lian, come in and have something to drink first." I offered. "Hi Zara, good morning! I'm fine. I already have one before I left home. You ready to go?" Lian asked who looks excited. "Yah, I'll just get my bag and secure the house." I walked inside and secured all the locks of the house then I grabbed my bag and went outside. Lian and I jumped in the car and pulled out the drive way.


"So this is how we'll spend summer. Isn't it cool?" Lian stated.

"Of course, I've waited for Aimy's call, you know that." I giggled.

"Yah right! How's your composition? Did you finish it already?"

"Yap, I promised to myself that I will not go to sleep until I finished it. It's quite a nice one."

"I know for sure, one of this days I'll help you again with the tunes."

"Thanks Lian, that's a very big help."

"Anything for you Zara."


The travel to that recording company was quite far from my house. It took 45 minutes but it doesn't mattered because me and Lian had a non-stop conversation. I must say that he has a very nice sense of humor and kinda funny sometimes.

Chapter 15 - Door of My Dream

Together with Lian, we went to the building which was quite huge outside. Then I came to realize that this was one big recording company in town. I started to feel lucky about the opportunity though I'm not yet sure that I will get their approval with the voice I have. When we entered the building, I was totally amazed with the interior designs and structures. Every part was fantastic and surrounded by elegant furnitures. At the center of the lobby, there's a big creative statue of a fancy lady that holds a microphone which was made in glass glowing sculpture. I can say that it was the highlight of the building. Looks like this is a fresh and high class recording company and I felt great about the opportunity that I might have but at the same time, my heart started to beat so fast in nervous.


While I was being mezmerize in what I am seeing, I was interrupted with Lian's voice,

"How do you like the place? Quite huge right?"

"Yah, not just huge, but pretty awsome. Aimy must be lucky in working here. Have you been in here?"

"Not yet, this was my first. But Aimy always tell us about her work. So I'm not a big surprised."

"I see.. Oh my, I can't breath normally now. I hope everything will be fine later."

"Don't be nervous Zara. I'm very much sure that you'll be definitely qualified. Just be yourself and show them what God has given you. Besides, God has put you into this so make the most out of it."

"Thanks Lian, anyways, Let's go inside. Maybe it was about to start now." I'm happy about the fact that Lian always encourages me and believes in my talent. Just how my mom treats me.

"Alright, let's go. You can do it okay?" Lian ended and I just nodded with smile.


We entered the door where my dreams can do come true and there were bunch of "dreamers" like me and they were already sitting on the waiting area. I must say that they all looked prepared. Almost everyone is having their earphones on like they're studying their song piece. Oh my, why am I not like them? I practiced at home but it only took an hour and I didn't thought of bringing earphones so I could listen to the song that I will be singing while waiting. I felt like I was too confident which I shouldn't be. I should have been practicing so much more like them. I started to pray for God's guidance and for the wisdom of my voice. I know prayer is powerful and the most effective way than anything else.


Lian and I seated on the vacant space then after few seconds, Aimy came out from the other door inside the office. It was the mini recording room where we are about to sing for audition. Aimy waved on us as a greeting then she started the orrientation. It took 15 minutes to complete all the details that should be imparted to us. Afterwards, the audition had just began with some tensions.


Three applicants before me are now done and all I saw was just a plain face reactions. Nobody seems to cheer up and feel great that they we're accepted. Does this mean they're not? Gosh! The ones who are judging must be really meticulous. Now it's my turn and I started to feel much nervous but I must be brave and confident. I must remember what mom and Lian always telling me. I must show what God has given me and make the most out of this kind of opportunity.


While entering the recording room, I saw 3 people, one lady and two other guys. Each of them had their headphones on and all eyes are on me like they we're really curious on how my voice really sounds. I went near the microphone, which was awsome(I wish I had one too) then put on the headphones.

"Hi Ms. Olens. So what will you sing?" the lady asked

"Hi, good morning guys. I was thinking if I could sing my own composition?" I decided to sing my own song written because I thought that would impress them knowing that I could make my own compostion. I really wanted this that's why I'm doing my best to make them like me, my voice and my song.

"Wow, so you do compose?" one guy asked.

"Yah, I was really trying. But it was just simple one. The song is about friendship." I pleasantly smiled yet quite nervous.

"Interesting, so let's hear it then!" the other guy said.


 After I sang at my finest, all I heard was them saying "Thank you Ms. Olens. You'll know the result as soon as we finish the deliberation." I was a bit dissatisfy because all I knew is that I will be able to know the result right after I sang. Does it mean they didn't want my voice but they just can't tell it frankly to me so that I will not be embarrased? Naah, maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong with the thought I'm having right now in my mind. Now it'll be more quite suspense because we have to wait for their decision. The longer we wait, the longer we feel the tensions. All I did was just smiled at them and said "Thank you" then I quitely went out of the recording room. Now I know why the previous applicants have no reactions from getting out of the room for there is no decisions yet. It's so hard to wait around for something you know might can't be happened but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.


I quickly went to Lian and briefly told him what happened inside. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes to Aimy who's busy in monitoring the applicants.

"Hey Aimy, we're gonna go now. Thanks again! I'm afraid they might dislike my voice. They all look so serious."

"That's nothing Zara, They're just like that to everyone else. I hope they would love your voice as much as I do. Don't worry, if God's will, it'll happen. You both take care ok?" Aimy answered with encouragement.

"Yah, you to Aims, see you again." Lian spoke

"Bye Aimy. Thanks again!" I ended the conversation.

Chapter 16 - Music in Me

It was 9 in the morning and it's been two whole weeks since the audition was held and I was quite worried about it. Why don't they give me a feedback or atleast just a letter note that says "Thank you for joining. Better luck next time". I would much prefer to know early that I was rejected than to wait longer for something that you don't know what awaits you. Good thing I had myself busy doing my compositions and skyping with mom and friends made my day as always. These past few days, Lian helped me putting the tunes in some of my compositions as what he promised and I bet it was all good and terrific. For me, those are the best songs that I've listened. Because it's our own and I appreciate all the time and effort that me and Lian done for this. He is very creative on thinking what melody would fit a song and I was very thankful to him because I'm not as good as him when it comes to those kind of stuff. But besides from being busy on music, yesterday, Lian and I went to the park to seek some fresh air and jogged that early morning. We used to do that twice a week.


Today, I'm beginning to feel a total depression and starting to lose my patience and hope that they would contact me and tell that I got one of the spots. To avoid from being depressed, it came to my mind that maybe it's time to seek for a stable job since I got no feedback from Stardom Recording Company. Although mom and dad could always send me my allowance, I would still want to work and use all the things I've learned after that many years of studying. Besides, it's a nice feeling that you are working for your own income and provide yourself. It can build a good self-esteem and confidence. However, my desired job is something that would excites me to go to work everyday, something that would make my day though it's tiring, and also a job that I really love to do. I can't think any job like that except for music!


I jumped out of bed and grabbed my laptop. Instead of preparing my breakfast, I got more interested on surfing the internet and search a job thru online. After a few minutes of searching, I was interrupted when my cellphone rang. Somebody is calling me but the number was unknown. I wonder who might this one is. I'm afraid that this is one of those jerk people again who's trying to stalk someone thru a phonecall or text messages. They are totally insane! I hate it when someone is trying to text or call me but I don't even know that person. But after all the worries I had, I just answered it without being mad or somewhat upset. I don't know why.
"Hello??" I said confusingly. Wondering if who's voice do I have to expect.
"Yes, hi Ms. Olens. How are you doing today?" a voice of a guy that sounds really familiar.
"May I know who's this?" I'm starting to get a little upset with this caller. How does he knew my family name?!

"Oh sorry, this is Mr. Blue, one of the guys who listened to those applicants at the Stardom Recording Company. We are glad to inform you that you have been selected to be one of our trainees for this season. Can you come at the office today for furthur discussion?"
"Ahh yaahhh. Of course! I will come as soon as possible at the office today sir!" I was speechless. I don't know what to say. It was a mixed emotions--feeling happy yet nervous. It was totally shocking and I didn't expect that it was the Stardom who's calling. Maybe that's the reason why I answer that unknown caller without being upset.


Lately I was losing hope and felt that maybe it wasn't really for me. And I was a little disappointed to myself that I tempted to lose hope for my dream. I was near to take it for granted and just forget about all the efforts I've done. This is my dream and if I ever fail and fall down at my first try, I should try again and again until I reach the top. It was a lesson learned for me now that good things comes to those who waits patiently. I am extremely happy about it and now, I don't have to seek for a job anymore. It's my heart that really desires music and I was born with music in me.

Chapter 17 - The Good Start

FEW years have passed, I noticed that my vocals became more nearly to perfect and I can't wait to launch my very first album produced by Stardom Records entitled "Start". After a long hard work and prayers, yes, I have my very own music album now and 4 songs of them were my own compositions. Yup! Almost all of my dreams are really turning into a reality. I was really being blessed that Lian got to be my official music buddy. He was the most coolest and most talented guitarist for me. He never fail to support and motivate me, aside to my family and friends, in all the things I want to do and in what I have to do. We're almost together in every day because of all the rehearsals that we're doing together and I'm truly glad for it. Lian and I witnessed the progress in ourselves and got to know each other's personality more and more either during work or off from work.


 If there's a bible verse that I could relate my life on, that would be Jeremaiah 8:28, "for I know I have plans for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". After that call which I received from Stardom, my singing career was became more in success. They really put me in a situation that every dreamer would dream. I got use to be a guest in some famous entertainment live shows, jammed with some well-known bands, and perform live in some shows here and there inside the country. But in every performance that we do, the most magnificent one was at the church. Aside from being busy with our careers, we never forget about our faith in God. Thrice a month, Lian and I are performing at the church. He continue to show his talent with the ministry band while I became one of the lead singers of the ministry choir. We love serving God for He deserves all the glory.


Right now, we are busy rehearsing for our first tour in middle east together with some well-known bands and country singers. This is for the charity fond raising. It's fulfilling when you got to show what God has given you and you are enjoying it and at some point, you help those needy people. That's priceless.


I remember the old days when me and Lian had our confessions when we were still young at heart that we got the same feelings for each other. But as of today, I was engaged to a wonderful person, a gift from God . Lian and I had our commitment during the season when we are about to start our contract in Stardom. He was perfect for me and so do I for him. Our families are very supportive to our relationship and since we're both at the right age, some of our friends and relatives teased us on when will be the wedding day. The moment he proposed, I didn't think twice to say a big yes. I prayed for this guys and God is so great that He was in favored in all my prayers. Both our families and friends were excited for us and can't wait for the big day to arrive. But me and Lian are relying in God's perfect time.


God is so good that whoever believes in Him and acknowledges Him shall be blessed. He will surely fulfill the desire of our hearts and nothing is impossible when it come to Him. Together, our faith in God became more powerful and He was the reason why our lives now are in its most wonderful time. But this is not yet the ending of our tremendous story, instead, it's just about to start.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.07.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to all my love ones, who happens to be my family, relatives, lifetime friends and my special someone. I made this book to show how much I can do when it comes to writing. I was inspired by the thoughts that played in my mind which I wished it could happen in real life. I also dedicate this book to God who gave me wisdom, knowledge, patience and inspiration to finish this simple book of mine. Thank you to my mother who has the same character in real life. Me and my siblings are really blessed to have a mother like her. Thank you to my lifetime friends who stand as my source of imagination of all the scenarios with regards to friendship matter. To my love one, thank you for giving me the love and support in everything I do, you gave me happiness in life which made me came out with those happy and precious thoughts. My book doesn't contain conflict for the reason that I want a life without any problem to solve. But it isn't possible so I just wrote it in a book.

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