
Kiss me if you Dare




            “Elsa! Stop arguing with me. No is No!” My mom keeps demanding me to understand something that she, herself, doesn’t. I hate this. I looked out the car window and then at her blond hair, not able to visualize her face.

            “Mom, you know he’s not that bad. I love him!”  I bragged.

            “He smokes, does drugs, and he has really changed you, Elsa. Don’t you see it?”

            “I hate you, mom. You can’t expect me to stop seeing him. No matter what you say or do, I’m still going to see him.” I say ignoring her question completely. My mother doesn’t understand that Mike is my first love. He treats me right, and never forgets me. I gave him my everything, and every night he calls me. He may smoke and do drugs but at least he didn’t make me take one. I tried one on my own will and even though I came home drunk and hangover one time doesn’t mean it was his fault.

            “Even if we move back to Norwalk? How are you going to see him, Elsa? You’re fourteen, he’s seventeen. He is not right for you, so stop arguing with me. I’m trying to protect you, and trying to tell you that he’s not right for you, and if you don’t be careful I may end up a grand---”

            “Hey dad! Please talk some sense into mom!” I say as pull out my sketch up changing the subject because right now my mom is being obnoxious. My dad looks back at me. Then a light came towards the car, when my dad turned around he saw a big truck honking at us to get out the way. Dad turns the car so fast he looses control. Quickly the car strikes off the road making us flip into the woods.

            “Mom! Dad!” I yelled with hope as the car flips off the road and into the trees. As we flipped my mom is calling my name and my dad is reaching for her hand. A spilt second after that everything becomes a blur.


            I opened my eyes slowing seeing a light from the road. I looked forward as my parent’s hands are joined together loosely. I can’t move a muscle, when I looked back a person was walking down the hill to our car.

            “Mom?” I whispered. “Dad?” Tears rushed down my face with still hope that some what there still alive. But when they don’t respond I cried and cried in till everything became a blur of darkness.







{Chapter 1}





      It’s been three years since I’ve escaped the scientists. I found my sister, Catherin, but she doesn’t know what happened. Mom and dad died on the car accident I was on, before they found me. They call me scientific runaway, I escaped the testing and all the weird things they were doing to me. They left me with weird powers that normally I can’t control. But now I know how to.

             “Elsa?” Catherin popped her head on my doorway.

             “Yeah?” I turned back, my dark brown hair followed.

            “You’re going to be late for school. Hurry, I got to leave for work.” She warned.   “Alright, I’ll be right down.” I responded. She nodded and popped her head out disappearing in the narrow doorway. I took lupine in my hands and gently crushed it in the granite mortar as the juice built up and gently poured it in my half-filled cup of water with a hint of lemon as I picked it up and drank it. Lupine flowers are known to have healing and otherworld communication properties, I don’t quite understand how it works but it helps me keep ME in control.

Shortly after, I picked up my bag that was on the floor and walked out of the room. Catherin was drinking her coffee, at the sight of me, she pointed towards the banana and the orange juice on the table. I picked up the banana walking towards the exit door.

            “You know you can use some orange juice.” She walks behind with her purse on the hand.

            “I don’t like orange juice.” I replied.

            “That’s impossible. You loved orange juice.” She enters her car and smashes her door harshly before I entered and sat next to her. I didn’t reply to what she had said instead I sat there with my arms crossed.

            “What happened to you? It just seems like you’re a different person then what you used to be.” I could tell that she was coming back to the conversation we talked about the time I appeared at her door. Ever since than, she’s been trying to know what exactly happened that night. FACT: I don’t know what happened. I only know is that I was being tested by people who told me that I was safe and soon going home. I also knew that I am different then what I used to be. Very different.

            “I’m sorry; I don’t remember what happened to me.” I lied.

            “I know, I’m the one trying to get you to remember. I’m sorry.” She says taking a turn at the traffic light on our way to school.

            “It’s okay.” I say looking down at my bare hands.

            “Call me if you need anything.” She says when we reached school. The sucky part of all this is that I am still forced to attend high school. I attended Norwalk High School on a small town of Ohio.  I looked at her and smiled.

            “Okay.” I say closing the door behind me.

            “I love you.” She says lightly.

            “Love you too.” I mumbled and walked towards school. It’s been three years I’ve been in this high school. Nothing in this school seems to be interesting. I reached my locker urging myself to open it quickly before getting to class.

             “Elsa!” I jumped at the sound of my name. Lucy quickly laughs as I looked at her strangely. Connor comes behind her, also laughing.

            “Hey guys.” I say taking some books from my locker.

            “Okay, so my seventeen birthday is coming up. I thought of doing a party, but, not sure if I should invite the whole cheerleading squad and the football players or just some people.” She says with a pen and a notebook slid open on her hand.

            “I know!” She continues and starts writing on her open notebook.

            “She’s been excited about this for three months now.” Connor admits as he passed his fingers through his soft blond hair.

            “I know.” I smiled lightly.

            “What happened Saturday, why didn’t you come to the get together at my place?” He looked into my blue eyes while I stared at his.

            “Um, I was busy.” Planting lupines in my backyard. I said finishing the rest inside my mind. The bell ranged loud against my ears as I closed my locker and walked to class. Another side effect from the powers I have gained, super hearing. Each time the bell rings it feels like nails scratching against a chalkboard.

            “Tonight, were having a football game, you should come. After that, we’re going out.” He starts the conversation. The weirdest and ironic part of my high school years is that I’m friends with a cheerleader, and a quarterback from the football team. Both popular and me, nothing. No one ever noticed me, ever even noticed me talking to them or even being their friend for the past three years. Connor pulled his hand behind his neck and looked at me.

            “Okay, I’ll think about it.” I smiled entering English class. I sat down, as usual, at the end. Connor sits down on the seat in front of me. English isn’t my favorite subject and other than that I kept my mouth shut the entire period.


            When it came to lunch, Connor, Lucy and I sat down the round table with some football players and cheerleaders. I picked up my sandwich and took a bite of it. Everyone laughs at a silly jokes Jack, a tall dude with green eyes, who simply has no idea how unfunny his jokes can be. It is a torture to sit down at this table everyday.

            The bell rings once again. Finally, lunch’s over. I rushed out of my seat and walked towards the garbage. As I reach the trash can, I see a piece of glass on the floor as a vision appears out of the blue. Sometimes I have visions. They come and goes as they pleased and I never have control over them.

 Ugh, I hate these visions, sometimes I can see the future and the past but never the present. This time, I can tell it was a past vision as I see people at a dinner party in the 1800s. Women in long dresses with their hands over their corsets talking amongst themselves. Just as the vision comes in it disappears.

After the bell rings, I walked to Chemistry still a little bit dizzy from my vision. As I was walking, I looked down opening my notebook to make sure my notes and my homework was still inside. I shuffle through the pages before I end up hitting something. Hard. My papers flew in the air and my body along with it. Realizing I hit someone, I become frustrated. Didn’t the bell ring like minutes ago? What is this idiot doing in the halls? I think to myself before looking up as the stranger I just walked into began picking up the papers from the ground.

“Sorry.” He says grabbing onto loose papers on the ground.  

            “It’s fine.” I tell him snatching the papers from his hands. I quickly glanced at him before rushing down the hall re-checking my papers to see if they were still all there.

            In Chemistry I was the only one without a partner. I was okay with it because honestly I kind of liked it. I sat at my seat studying for tomorrow’s test before the teacher decides on what was important to review. A few minutes later I hear what sounded like footsteps stepping against the marble floor of the classroom. I looked up, seeing black leather boots on top of dark black jeans. There stood a boy, with dark features and brown dark curls. His brown eyes were in the direction of the teacher. He held a notebook and a pen in his hands. When I finally recognized him, I tilted my head down. Not him! I think to myself realizing this was the same boy I bumped into in the halls. I am sure of it. I quickly glanced down at my notes trying to avoid eye contact.

            “You must be Seth Parker. Correct?” I hear Mr. Clark ask as pulled his glasses up.

 Seth nods.

            “Class this is Seth Parker, he transferred from biology.” He says loudly. “You can take a sit next to Elsa McCoy.”

            Oh no! I say in my head. I hear him walk across the classroom as he takes a seat next to me. He shifts on his seat before getting himself comfortable. My eyes still looking down at my notebook, I feel his eyes on me. I glanced up at him and smiled lightly without saying a word.

            “I’m Seth by the way.” He smirks pulling his hand up.

            “Elsa.” I say shaking his hand softly before letting go.

            “You’re new right?” He asked.

            “Uhh… no. I’ve been here pretty much since freshman year.” I smiled looking everywhere but his eyes. “You?” I questioned him.

            “I moved here last year. Strange, I haven’t seen you around at all.” He pulls his hand to his chin.

            “Yea, I’m not really popular here.” I smirked. He chuckles underneath his breath looking up at me. I noticed he has dimples on the side of his cheeks when he smiled. His hair wasn’t as dark as it seemed when he came in. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn’t remember who. I know that in the past I’d came to know someone with somewhat the same features.

            “Not everyone’s popular.” He says.

            “Yea.” I looked down again as Mr. Clark started with the review. The way he looked at me seeming like he knew me, but didn’t seem to tell me whether he did or not. My mother used to tell me that sense of déjà vu was not unusual because it is driven by emotions and thoughts. Reality didn’t make much sense to me now, especially now, because of there are things that have happened to me that may not seem normal for a human to understand. I wasn’t sure if I was even human anymore. I didn’t feel human.

 Seeing the past and the future seemed to be too much for me sometimes. Especially the flashbacks from the accident. Every night I wake up yelling because of the nightmares that hunted me. I’ve done almost everything to forget the things that did happened that night. I consider most of it my fault, for arguing with my mother and forcing my dad to take my side. Arguing with her to continue seeing Mike, a junior from the high school near where we lived. She wanted me to stop seeing him, I was stupid enough not to listen, ignoring her completely. I was only 15 and she wanted to protect me from a 17-year-old, who I thought I was in love with.

            Yes, I know I’ve made stupid decisions. Going out with him when I wasn’t supposed to, to trying out drugs and for sneaking out on the middle of the night to meet up with him and go to a party and getting drunk. My mother wasn’t completely proud of me, but she loved me, she was always there to help me through it. I’m not the same person I used to be. I wish I could go back in time and have that one more chance to apologize to her for the stupid things I’ve done, for hanging out with the wrong people and especially for not listening to her. Only if she was here...

            “Elsa?” Seth called out my name. I looked up removing myself completely from my daydream.

            “The bell just ranged. Are you gonna stay here?” He continues. I looked at my clock it was 1:26 pm. I was late for last period. Gym.

            “Oh, yea. I’m sorry I haven’t noticed the time pass by.” I piled my books in my hands and zipped my bag quickly. He looked at me and smiled. I gathered my belongs and walked past him into the halls.

            “You have gym right?” He asks looking at his schedule.

            “Uh, yea.” I say awkwardly.

            “Me too.” He looked up at me and then at his paper again. Just when he said that I remembered that I did saw him on PE. He was the one who always played basketball with the boys or sometimes just stood on the corner of the gym listening to music. So I did see him before.

            “Oh, were you always in my gym class?” I asked even though I knew the answer.

            “I believe so.”

            “I remember you now.” I say calmly.

            “I, now, remember you too.” He says back as we entered gym. I smiled as I walked to the girl’s locker room to change. Usually on winter, I changed into sweat pants and a hoddie until the end of the semester and I don’t have gym anymore. Gym was the easiest class to get an A on, you show up, do something like walk around, play basketball or soccer and Mr. Conzuky would give you an A. That’s all. I would walk everyday by myself because Connor would be playing basketball with the boys, only sometimes he would walk with me. And again today was the same. I walked by myself listening to music.



            The past weeks were the same as usual. School passed by like a lighting bolt, Seth keeps asking me a lot of question lately. But he hasn’t shown up to school in over a week now. I had to do most the partner experiments in Chemistry by myself, but I didn’t mind, I was used to it. Today was Friday, thankfully. At night there’s a party at Michael Johnson’s place, a football player from school. The only reason I know about it, it’s because Lucy told me she was invited and she was inviting me too.

            “Please! Come with me.” She begs. Lucy has been asking me this since fourth period. Chemistry was my next class. I exhaled harshly and looked at her as I slammed my locker door closed.

            “I’ll think about it.” I say walking the opposite direction. She runs behind me and hugs me tightly.

            “Thank you! Thank you! I’ll call you later.” She says letting go of my body.

            “Okay.” I mumbled entering Chemistry.

            Seth sat on his seat looking down at his book as if he was studying. He looked up as my eyes met his gaze. He smiled showing his dimples on the side of his cheeks. I walked and sat down at my seat.

            “Hey.” I say.

            “Hey.” He repeats.

            “What happened the past couple of days?” I asked removing my things from my bag.

            “I…Uhh… I was sick. Yea, a small cold.” He cleans his throat. He looked at me, studying me with his eyes.

            “Oh. I’m guessing you’re feeling better now?” I smiled.

            “Much…much better. Thanks.” He smiled and then looked down at his book. The entire class period he didn’t really attempt to talk to me as I paid attention to Mr. Clark writing down notes on the board. At the end of the class period, Seth touched my shoulder as I looked up at him. “Um… I think I’m going to need someone to tutor me on this stuff. I’m kinda lost.” He pauses. “I was wondering if you could tutor me?”

            “Sure. You can come over, I guess. My sister won’t mind.” I say breaking our gaze.

            “Today? At 6? Is it a good time? Or another day would be good?” He asks.

            “Um, today’s good.” I say knowing this would be an excuse to not attend that party that Lucy wants me to go so bad.

            “Great.” He says as Mr. Clark finishes the notes on the boards. Shortly after, the bell rings as students gather their belongings and began walking out of class.

            “Don’t forget to study for the midterm next Friday everyone!” I heard Mr. Clark say as students exits the classroom.  

            I grabbed my stuff and I walked away towards gym to continue the day as every other day.

















{Chapter 2}




            “Hey.” Catherin says putting her bag down on the kitchen counter. “How was school?” She walks over to the fridge and gets a cup of water. I looked at her picking up two apples passing one to her and biting a piece of the other one.

            “It was good.” I say as I chew.

            “Anything new?” She continues asking questions. I know Catherin and right there she was trying to bond with me, I appreciated that but I didn’t need her to become like a mother, which clearly she was trying to be. She also was trying to be my sister at the same time. I try to act as quiet and not come off as rude teenager as I used to be. I try not give her a hard time. I took another bite from my apple and nod.

            “Um this friend is coming over for me to tutor.” I smiled. “Okay?”

            “Oh…uh… yeah, that be fine. Helping your friend catch up on work?” She looked surprised on me mentioning to bring someone over. She knew I had Lucy and Connor as friends but they barely came over so she didn’t know them so well. And every time someone came over she would be happy about it, to see me at least talking to someone at home rather then her. I mean, she talked to me and I did tell her a lot, but I wouldn’t spend a lot of times with friends. I was more of an independent person, I guess that was just the way I came to be.

            “MmHmm.” I nodded. I walked over and kissed her cheek before going to my room. She smiled and looked down taking the first bite of her apple.

            At around 5:50 pm, Lucy called to ask me if I was going and I said I couldn’t because I had to study and help someone with catching up with work. She got upset but told me that next time I would have to go. This clearly means that next Friday on the next party I would have to go. I just agreed and maybe I will go because I felt bad on bailing her to tutor Seth.

            Its 6:30 and Seth still haven’t shown up, so I decided to pop some popcorn on the microwave and get the movie Becoming Jane to watch while I wait. Around 7:12 the doorbell ranged and I heard Catherin call me to come down. I got up and pulled my slippers on and walked down the stairs. Seth stood on the doorway as I came down. He was wearing a blue shirt, with jeans and black boots, over his shirt he was wearing a black North Face jacket. He had a notebook, the chemistry book and a pen on his hand. He looked at me and smiled. Catherin looked at me and pulled her hand over her lips and laughed silently.

            “Hey.” I say waving him hello.

            “Hey, I’m sorry I was late. I got caught up with work and everything. I hope you don’t mind.” He says and paused for a second. “I’m really sorry.” He repeats.

            “It’s fine. Um you can go up my room is the door to the right on the end of the hall. I’m just gonna get some drinks for us.”  I told him showing him the stairway. He nods and walks up the stairs. Catherin follows me to the kitchen.

            “You told me it was a friend was coming over.” She starts. “Not a guy friend.” She smiles and, in her voice, there was a tone of surprise.

            “He’s still a friend.” I assumed.

            “He’s cute.” She chuckles. “What’s his name?” She asks pulling her hands on her hips.

            “Seth. He’s a junior like me. If that’s what you’re thinking.”  I say pouring soda on each cup. 

            “Uh… you like him?” She assumes.

            “No.” I argued.

            “But you think he’s cute right?” her smile appears as she asks. “Don’t lie.”

            “Yes. He’s cute, but he’s just a friend. I gotta go now.” Picking up the two cups I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. It seems that he found my room because when I enter, he was standing by the mirror where all my photos were tapped to it. I walked over standing next to him

            “Those are my friends.” I pointed towards the picture he was looking at. Lucy, Connor and me hugging each other. We all smiled in the photo, Connor’s hand was out of the picture. 

            “You hang out with a quarterback from the football team and a cheerleader and yet you’re not popular. How come?” He giggles.

            “I don’t know.” I say as I walked over picking up the popcorn bowl and placing it on top of my desk by the wall. Afterwards, I turned off the TV. I pulled my chemistry book from my bag and opened it on the carpet taking a seat beside it on the floor. He looked at me and then at another photo.

            “Are these your parents?” He pointed at the photo of me, Catherin and my parents. We all looked happy on our last vacation to The Caribbean islands.

            “Yeah.” A small sadness escaped my lips as I spoke.

            “You look like them.” He says as he walked over and sits beside me on the floor.

            “Thanks.” I sigh.

            “So, explain how do we balance this equation?” He changes the subject. He touched his notebook and pulls out his pen and writing down the equation from the book.

            “Okay. Um, if there’s three hydrogen here, one oxygen, and two carbons. You need to balance this equation so it’ll be the same as the other side. Everything that’s there comes out have to be the same amount.” I pointed towards the practice on the book.

            “So you have to get that equation to be the same on the other side. Like this.” I write down the right answer, doing the equation on the piece of paper.

            “See. I put a two in front of the Hydrogen and on the other side I put a four in front of the Hydrogen because two times two is four. So now there are four on each side and hydrogen is balanced. But now you changed the value of the other elements. Are you with me so far?” I say as I explained. I looked at him, he looked at the paper and then at me.

            “Kind of.” He says with a blank expression.

            “Okay. So since hydrogen is four on each side, because I placed the two in front of the H on this side. That already makes two oxygen because two times one is two. So I place a one on this side, because there are two oxygen and four carbons. Since two times two is four then carbon is already balanced. And now this equation is balanced. Understand?” I looked at him pulling my pen to my mouth.

            “Uh. Yeah.” He nods.

I bring my pen down and I did another problem on his worksheet. He watched me do it, when I finished I looked at him. On the worksheet I did:

  1. 8 Al + 3 Fe3O4 4 Al2O3 +9 Fe

            “Do you get it?” I asked.

            “Yea. But you can explain it.” He says.

            I explained to him everything I did on the problem and for one hour and a half we practiced and did chemistry homework together. But then we got off topic and start talking about what we liked to do and all the things that we like to eat. He told me some stories about when he was younger.  He left around 11:30 and soon after that I went directly to finish watching Becoming Jane. I laid my head against a pillow and slowly my eyes began to close.


*          *          *

Rushing against the damp of the darkness as my hair flew behind me. Terror filled my heart and my eyes reaching for light. I tripped collapsing onto the ground, my hand banged against the marble floor. I pressed myself against a wall behind me, and then I heard footsteps. Harshly breathing the monster stood less then two feet away. I pulled my hands against my mouth, terrified that he was coming to get me, and something in me screamed to escape and continue to run in the wildness of the darkness and another part of me told me to stay put and he’ll go away. The breathing became closer and just like that, I felt the tip of his fingers press against my cheeks. I gasped as he took me in his arm, I can feel his breathing behind my ear as he pressed his nails against my arms and whispered in my ear. “I Found you.”


I gasp for air opening my eyes in the dark room. I saw a small shade of the sun’s light coming from the window into the room. I sat on my bed, pulled my legs to the side as the tip of my toes touched the carpet. I looked at my clock: 6:07 am. I pulled my hand up as a cup of water sitting at my desk flew up in the air, my closet door flew opened as a container of medicine came out. On front of the container, it was written: SIC (Supernatural In Control). That medicine was the medicine that kept my powers in control, from running out of control or wild. What I really need is the PIC meaning Power In Control, that was a pill container that contained the power of me becoming a supernatural forever, so I wouldn’t have to be taking the SIC all the time and stop planting Lupine flowers for once. When both the cup and container reached my hand, I opened the container pouring clear lupine liquid inside the cup. I mixed it with water and drank it. The materials flew back into place and quickly I removed myself off the bed.

I got ready and walked downstairs into the kitchen pouring coffee into my cup. My doorbell ranged as a few knocks followed. I walked to the door opening it quickly. I opened the door as Seth eyes connected with mine. I looked at him, he seemed tired and at the same time drunk. He touched the back of his neck and continues to look at me as he walked forward and touched my hand. I jumped a little with the touch of his skin, it was extremely hot.

“I was passing by and I saw you from your kitchen window and I was wondering if I could pick up my book, I forgot it yesterday.” He smiled.

“Yea, sure. It’s in the kitchen.” I pointed. I walked as he followed me into the kitchen. I touched the top of his book and tapped it a little before walking to the sink and throwing away my coffee. When I turned Seth was behind me, so close that I feel his nose touch mine. He looked in my eyes and then whispered.

“I was thinking about you.” His hand touched my face and his lips reached for mine. I closed my eyes unable to move from his embrace. He pulled me closer and his lips softly touched mine.

  “Elsa?” Catherin’s voice came from the stairs outside the kitchen. Seth’s body flew away from mine as Catherin came into the kitchen.

“Oh.” She says surprised. “Um. I didn’t know you had company. I’ll be upstairs.” She smiled, and then turns around going back upstairs. When she left, I looked at Seth as he looked at me again. He got his book on his hand, his eyes fixed on mine.

“Ah. I gotta go.” He smiles and touches my chin rubbing it lightly with the tip of his thumb. He turns around, his curls bouncing, and I could hear his footsteps towards the door. When the door slammed shut, I finally breathed. A moment later I heard coughs.  I walked up the stairs towards Catherin’s room. She was lying in bed with a box of tissues and some tissues in her hand. Her nose was bright red as she caught the sight of me. She smiled softly.

“What was that all about?” Her voice cracks as she spoke and shortly after that she coughs.

“He just forgot his book.” I assured looking around her room.

“It didn’t look like he wanted to pick up only his book.” She winks.

“But that’s all he did.” I rolled my eyes smiling back.

She laughs and then coughs again.

“Oh… Seems like your sick.” I say.


“Here I’ll make you some soup.” I told her as I rushed out of the room down the stairs and into the kitchen. I picked up some things and started with the chicken soup.

















{Chapter 3}




Seth didn’t show up to school today. I couldn’t help but wonder the almost kiss from Saturday morning in school. He seemed wild, like he wasn’t able to sleep. The same green eyes of his appeared somewhere in my life. I wasn’t sure who he was nor was I sure if I knew him at all. I mean, I talked so much with him about my past but he never really told me anything about his.

I stood on the parking lot for an hour after school ended beside a car waiting for Catherin to pick me up when I saw Seth far at the end of the parking lot talking to a girl with blond hair and blue eyes. I watched them for a second realizing that Seth didn’t look happy at all. He seemed angry as the blond girl talked, she moved a lot so I couldn’t pin point out what she was saying. She came closer touching his neck and down his arms. He moved to the side and told her something as he quickly turned around and walked away. I moved in his direction and just as I am about to follow him my phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Elsa?” Catherin coughs as she spoke. “I’m too sick to pick you up. Is there anyone there to bring you home? I can’t drive.”

I look around seeing Seth’s motorcycle parked on a far spot from where I stood. The blond girl turned and walked towards her black BMW when she kicks the tire and opens the door. She slams the door shut with such force I heard it from where I stood.

“Elsa?” Catherin asks again. “Is there anyone that can bring you home?” She repeats her question followed by coughs.

“Oh… I think so. Don’t worry about it I’ll get home.” I assumed.

“Okay. Be careful.” She says. “Love you.”

“Love you too. Bye.” I whispered turning my phone off. I walked towards the woods where Seth has entered. I looked around seeing nothing but woods. I searched the woods and still no sign of Seth. I heard something moving through the trees. I walked towards the noise and each time I followed its direction the sound became louder. I walked and walked and then it stopped. I stopped with it to see if I hear it again but nothing came. Not one sign of its sound. I looked around silently.

“Elsa?” I gasped at the sound of my name as I turned around quickly. Seth stood behind me, confused.

            “What are you doing here?” He asks.

            “I… Um… I kinda… was looking for so-o-o-ome-me-mething.” I say stuttering through my words. I hate it when I tend to do that. “I was looking for something.” I say again getting myself together.

            “Well, you can’t be in the woods like this. It’s dangerous.” He assumes a little too harshly. I give him a who-the-heck-do-you-think-you-are look.

            “What are you doing in here then? If it’s too “dangerous”.” I quote my fingers as I said the word dangerous.

            “I come here to relax.” He shoots me the confidence look.

            “And yet it’s too dangerous?” I question with a comeback. One thing I learned when I was rebellious, was how to have a smart mouth. Then that way I would always get my ways in things. I pulled my hands on my hips waiting for an answer.

            “It’s what I do. I don’t care if it’s dangerous. I know my way back.” He smirks and then puts his hand on his chin and says. “I bet you don’t even know your way back from here.”

            “Wanna bet?” I tell taking his challenge and then walking past him into the forest. I have no idea where I’m going but I know I can manage to find a way out of this place. As I was walking, I heard Seth let out a laugh.

            “You’re going the wrong way.” He points towards the other direction. I rolled my eyes and walked passed him.

            “I knew that.” I say as my cheeks burn with fury.

            “Sure.” He laughs.

            For three minutes we walked in the woods quietly and then Seth sighs. I turned around and glanced at him.  

            “Listen, about Saturday-” He starts.

            “It’s cool. I get it.” I cut him off before he begins apologizing.

            “No. What I was going say is that Saturday wasn’t the right time. I didn’t know what I was thinking. I just wanted to see you.” He says behind me. I stopped and looked back.  My eyebrow came up in confusion.  

            “The right time?” I chuckle as I continued to walk towards the parking lot. It was clearly that he wanted to erase any tension we had between us. There was something about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on but the thought of him regretting kissing me was a whole other level.  

            “Wait! Elsa!” Seth yelled from behind as he cursed under his breath. When I was walking on the sidewalk, I felt tears roll up my eyes. I hate crying, because crying showed my weak point and defiantly I had no intentions on showing my weak point to anyone. It’s only been four weeks since I’ve known this kid and he had already seen my weak point. This is stupid.

            “Elsa!?! Com’on, I didn’t intend to mean what I said.” He says as he slows down his motorcycle to ride beside me.

            “Haven’t you heard what I said?” I turned to him still walking. “I don’t care.”

            “Let me take you home.”

            “I can walk.”

            “Please.” He says holding out his helmet. I stop and look at him. He looks at me with apologetic eyes knowing I’m too hard to break through. I picked up the helmet he had on the side of his bike and pulled it over my head as I slide my body behind him putting my arms around his abs. He drives off faster then I’d imagine.

            On the way home was a small torture while my hands wrapped around his waist and him looking back at me with every red light. When I got home, I walked inside the house and slam the door behind me. I stood in front of the door as I breathed out. Catherin walked out of her room and towards the stairs looking down at from the top.

            “Hey hon. who brought you home?” She half smiled.

            “I walked.” I lied. Intently, I walked up the stairs and took a look at her as she looked at me. She looked worse then she was before. Her cold got worse. I placed my hand over her forehead feeling the heat.  

            “Catherin! You’re burning up.” I say surprised. She looked so pale. I placed my hand under her arm as she rested her body against mine. “Come, I’ll take you to the hospital.” I say helping her to her room.

I grabbed her pair of slippers that was resting by the side of the door. She can barely walk down the stairs while I helped carry to her car on the driveway. I helped her to the passengers’ seat and rushed over to the driver’s side turning on the car.

            By the time I arrived at the hospital, Catherin was asleep. Once we arrived at the emergency area, I called out to a nurse to help me place her onto a wheel chair. I rolled her in the hospital as quickly as I can.

            “Emergency. A patient is unconscious. Help!” I yell as I enter the hospital. The nurses come in and take her to the emergency room. Shortly after that they asked me questions, I didn’t know the answers too. As the looked down at the paper in front of me, not understanding any of the questions being asked. After I finished answering the question to the best of my knowledge, I walked over to the nurses’ station handing them the paperwork. She guided me to the waiting room so I could wait until I heard any news about Catherin.

            About an hour and half passed when doctor walked in. He looked down at a clip board in front of him and then back up at the everyone sitting down. As soon as I noticed him, I sat upright, hoping he would call out my sisters’ name.  
            “For Catherin Evelyne McCoy?” He looks around the room when I quickly got up from my seat and rushed over to his side.

      I may have been giving Catherin a hard time as I tried my best not too. As annoying as she may have been when she tried to parent me on things mom and dad would say if they were here, she was still my sister and I loved her no matter what. She shared my blood and I would do anything in my power to protect her from anything or any harm in the world. The doctor stares down at me and then back at his clip board.

“You’re her sister Elsa McCoy?” He asks.
I nod as he writes something down.

 “Your sister has a disease, called diabetes. Although she has type one which is treatable. By having her blood levels under control, she can manage this.” He says with a British accent. He shows me a picture of a diabetes glucose monitor that he was going to prescribe her and said she will have a follow up appointment with a nurse to show her how to use it.

            “This is a diabetes test tool called freestyle. She needs to use this at least three times a day to make sure her blood is under control. I’m giving her one when she comes out. But you can go home; she’ll need to spend the night here. Tomorrow morning she’ll be out ready to go home.” He says pulling the clipboard to his chest and smiles.

            “Can I see her?” I asked. The truth is I don’t want to go home and lay in bed worrying of how she’s doing all along on a hospital this bed.

            “She’s asleep. But sure, go head.” He points towards a direction leading me to her room.

            When we reach her room, he leaves me alone with my sister. Catherin is sleeping in the hospital bed, peaceful. When she was young, she moved out of the house to stay here and go to college here while me, mom and dad moved to Chicago. Ever since I’ve never seen Catherine like herself, like a peaceful person without stress from work or any worries of me doing stupid things.

            I walked towards her as she rested on the bed and touched her hand sitting next to her. I held her hand in mine and then looked up at her. A small tear ran cold against my burning red cheeks. I looked at her and then she squeezes my hand softly. She reminded me a piece of mom with her blue eyes and freckles and a piece of dad with her brown soft wavy hair. I, on the other hand looked exactly like my dad, green eyes with dirty brown hair, straight and soft.

            “I love you sis.” I whisper.

            “Thanks, Elsa.” Catherin whispers. I looked up from her hands seeing as she looks over at me and smiles. “For everything.” She continues.

            “You’re the only family I got left. I can’t afford to loose you, Catherin.” I squeeze her hand lightly as I talk.

            “I was afraid I’d lost my little sister on that car accident. But you proved me wrong. You’re still the Elsa I knew, the caring one, and the loving one. I love you sis, no matter how obnoxious you can be.” She laughs softly it was almost a whisper laugh.

            “Same old Catherin.” I smirk. “Now go to bed. I’ll be here at eight tomorrow to pick you up.”

            She nods as I got up, pulled the covers over her shoulder and kissed her forehead. She looked at me and smiled sweetly.

            “Love you” She says.

            “Love you too.” I waved and walked out of the room closing the door behind me. The hospital hall felt really empty with rarely any nurses on the halls. It was chilly when I came outside and as the wind blew against my shoulder. I opened the car door and drove home. It was ten at night on a Friday night.

 When I got home, I sat on my bed and read a book called ‘les Mislabels’ for French. It wasn’t a bad book it was actually interesting. Past 11:30 pm I heard a noise downstairs from my kitchen. I get up quickly from my bed and reached for my bat that stood underneath it. Slowly I make my way down the stairs and make my way around to the kitchen. There stood a dark figure coming through the window. He had his hood up. I turn on the light and pulled my bat up high.

















{Chapter 4}




 Just as I am about to slam my bad onto the stranger that stood in front of me. I noticed it was Seth at stood in front of me. He pulls his hands up in the air in surrender looking back down at me.

“It’s me!” He says loudly.  

I gasp pulling my bat down. What is he doing here so late? He scared the crap out of me.

            “What the hell are you doing here?” I breathe out.  

            “I just wanted to check in on you.” He says nervously. “I heard what happened to your sister.”

            “You didn’t have to sneak in through the window. That’s just plain creepy.” I point towards my window.

            He chuckles under his breath. “Sorry about that. You okay?”

            He comes closer and touches my hand as I looked up into his dark brown eyes. He pulls me closer wrapping his arms around me and embracing me in a hug. I slowly released the bat in my hand, wrapping my arms around his body. I really don’t know what I’m doing but I need a comfort. Someone to be here with me when I don’t have anyone else. Everyone else left me. Everyone that I care about so deeply. He rubs my hair and I felt his warm breath on my head as he breathed.

 “You didn’t answer me.” He jokes. I looked up showing him it’s no time to joke around at this time of the night.

            “Does it look like I’m okay?” I say looking up at him. We walked to my room and sat down on my bed. He told me everything, how he heard about it and that he was sorry he sneaked inside my house through the kitchen window. He didn’t touch on what happened yesterday and I was glad he didn’t. Although I ended up sleeping on him after I laid down with my feet on his lap. I didn’t talk, just listened to him telling me stories of when he was little.



            Too bright. I blink through the brightness looking around my room. I pulled myself off the bed removing the covers away from me. I looked at my clock it was 7:35 am, in twenty-five minutes Catherin is being released. I looked around and found Seth sleeping on the floor with a small blanket I always use whenever I’m watching a movie. His legs were stretched out on the floor with the blanket covering half of it and majority of his stomach. I walked to the bathroom washed my face and changed. By the time I came back, it was 7:45 and Seth was still in the same position. I laughed silently underneath my breath and walked over nudging him with my foot.

            “Hey.” I say still nudging him. “Wake up.” He moves a little to the side and then stretches opening eyes.  I can tell he’s being lazy.  When he caught guard of me, he got into a sitting position rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

            “Don’t you think your parents are going to be a little worried you didn’t sleep home last night?” I ask.

            “My dad? He doesn’t mind. He barely knows I’m there.” He points out rubbing his eyes. I looked at him and walked towards a cabinet and pick up my phone. It’s ten minutes to 8 and I need to be at the hospital at 8.
            “I got to go pick Catherin up. You can come.” Umm? Did I just ask him to come with me? Crap! Well maybe it’s good to have someone there when I go pick Catherin up. I wonder what she’ll think if she sees Seth with me.

            “Yeah. Sure.” He grinned getting up from the carpet. “I’ll be back in two minutes. Hold on.” Seth holds his hand in the air as warning for me to wait and then he holds up one finger up and mouths ‘one second’. I smiled and nodded at his gesture of movement. He opened my window and jumped out of it. I ran to my window knowing he was really CRAZY! When I reached the window I see him running across the street and then around in two seconds. I looked back and rested against the window.

            Less then one minute later the bell ranged downstairs. I pull my brow up and got my bag walking down the stairs. With the car keys in my hand, I opened the door and Seth is leaning against the side of it with some roses on one hand and a welcome back card on the other. He pulls one red rose from the bouquet and hand it to me smiling. I took it and smelled the sweet smell its sent.

            “Thanks.” I smiled.  

            “Let’s go.” He assures. I nod and walked towards the car. Pulling out of the driveway and into the street, I wonder of how did he changed so fast.

            “Hey.” Catherin babbled as she eyed Seth next to me when we arrived at the hospital. We handed her the roses and card Seth got her as she smiles back in surprised.

“These are lovely.” She says sniffing the roses closely.

 She got up from the wheel chair and walked to the car as Seth helps her. She sat on the front and Seth on the back. The whole ride he was talking to her and making her feel better about her diabetes saying that his mom used to have it and yet she lived a healthy life. I appreciate what he’s doing, helping Catherin feel more comfortable with the idea. Thinking about it, I feel bad about how I have been treating him lately. Once we arrive home, he had to leave. Catherin and I sat on the couch and watched a movie together before bedtime.
















{Chapter 5}




            “Here you go.” Lucy says passing me a black with a hot pink laced bow envelope. I looked at it and then at her. At the back it said my name in white script.

            “It’s my invitation for my seventeen birthday bash in four weeks.” She continues as she hands one to Connor. “Since you disappeared doing God knows what and you, Connor, with Football practice. Me and my mom rearranged the party, picking out the colors and the decorations. So today I’m handing out the invitations.”

            “Oh. You finally came to a conclusion.” Connor jokes staring back at his black and pink envelop in his hand.

            “HA-HA-HA. Very funny.” She looks over at Connor and then back at me.  

            “These colors just make me sick. Pink? Really?” He emphasizes his words.

            “It’s my party not yours. So stop making fun of my colors.” She says pulling her long blond hair behind her shoulders.

            He laughs pulling the envelope inside his school bag. Lucy looks at him rolls her eyes and then turns to me smiling.

            “Mitchell Newton is throwing a party Friday night and You’re coming with me.” Lucy crosses her arms against her chest lightly looking at me. I know she was still holding this over me because of last time. I closed my locker and looked back at her.

            “Fine. But I’m not staying too late.” I point at her. Her smile wider now as she rushes over and hugs me tightly.  

            “Yay! Okay. I’ll pick you up at seven. Now I got to go I still have a lot of people to give invitations to.” She turns around walking the opposite direction disappearing into the crowd. Connor looked at me as he opened his locker next to mine. He reached for some books.

            “My mom’s coming to town.” He begins. Connor’s parents are divorced, he lives with his dad since he was ten. His mom only comes to town every two years to see him since he turned 15.            

            “That’s great. Are you excited?” I asked leaning against my locker.

            “I don’t know.” He says sadly.

            “What’s wrong?” I asked.

            “She remarried. Now she has daughter. Something she always wanted.” He tells me.

            “You mean with her new husband?”

            “A step-daughter.” He tells me.

            “Oh, how old is she?”

            “Ten.” He looked at me and then down. “I’m guessing I’m going to meet them.” He closes his locker and then walks over but then he turned and walked to me.

            “You know what. Um, I don’t care about them, she left us. So I hope she’s happy with her new family.”

            “Connor.” I say softly touching him on the shoulder.  “You don’t want to lose your mom forever.”

            He exhales and was about to say something when the bell ringed. He looked over and hugged me tightly.

            “Thank you.” He whispers in my ear.

            I smiled and walked to the school library on study hall time. When I arrived, a substitute teacher sat behind the check-in desk reading a newspaper. He was tall with dark brown hair. When he looks up at me.

            “May I help you?” He asks in a deep voice.

            “I’m here for study hall.” I say standing in front of him.

            “Sure thing. I’m Mr. Wisley. Sign-in please.” He pulls out a piece of paper. “When you’re done, you can do whatever you please.”

            I picked up the paper from his hand and signed in. “Thank you.” I say.

            I walked over to the book shelves for Shakespeare. I looked on the shelves and nothing seemed to catch my attention. I passed my hand on the names looking carefully.

            “Romeo and Juliet is a good one.” I turned and Seth stood by the shelf with a copy on his hand. “One of the greatest love stories ever told.” He walks over.

            “Yes, but the ending wasn’t so pleasant. Made no sense.” I say looking back to the selves of book at lies before me.

            “Of course it did. If your true love died, you would want to die too.”

            “I would. But I wouldn’t literally die. I still would have a whole life ahead of me. Why would I want to die?”

            “What if you never find anyone like your first love ever again?”

            “I probably won’t. No two loves are the same. I may find love another way.” I tell him leaning against the shelf now.  

            “Good point.” He smirks touching his chin. “But, if your love has died would the world make any sense if you’re alive and he’s not?”

            I laugh under my breath. “Maybe. Depends.”

            “Hum.” He says walking away. I stood there for a minute before following him down the hall of books. He stopped and stood in front of Nicholas Sparks books collection.

            “A walk to remember, The notebook, The last Song, Message in the bottle.” He dictated. “There all stories about love, but yet no one seems to be interested in anything else but a good love and mysterious story. All of them ends with them together but as you know everyone loves a happy ending.”

            “Every girl loves a happy ending. Guys look for more action and for more of the adventure type of stories. To me there all the same. I like all of them.”

            He laughs softly underneath his breath before looking back up at me.

            “What?” I say staring back.

            When he was about to answer the bell ranged. He smiled and shook his shoulders as he walked out. I followed him walking behind him.

            “Why did you laugh?” I asked.

            “Oh, it’s nothing. Just the way you said it, was pretty funny.”  

            “No it wasn’t.” I flick his shoulders.

            “I’m sorry.” He apologizes as he enters his class for the period. I looked at him smiled, walking to my Geometry class.





            “ELSA!” Katie as she hugs me with her baby boy on her arms. Katie is Catherin’s best friend since they were old enough to talk. She got married when she turned nineteen and had her first child at twenty-one, little Bethany. Bethany is a cute little five-year-old girl, with light blue eyes and soft light blond hair. Then she had little Kevin the baby boy, he’s one, he’s adorable with green eyes and brown hair.

            “Dah-dah.” Kevin says in his mothers arm.  

            “Hey Katie.” I grinned as I looked at Kevin who smiles under his own drool.

            “KATE!” Catherin yells as she runs down the stairs to give her friend a hug.

            “Catherin, oh my gosh. We have so much to talk about for Christmas.” Katie says as she and Catherin walked to kitchen. Christmas was two weeks away, the school was already preparing for winter break, everyone planning to go everywhere but stay on this town. Bethany pulls on my pants with her tiny hands to get my attention, when I looked at her as she smiled.

            “Do you want to play doll with me?” she asks softly with her baby voice.

            “Um, do you want to draw instead?” I asked her leaning down to her side.

            “Like what?”  Her light blue eyes focused on mine as I spoke.

            “Anything you want. I have crayons and paper.”

            Bethany gives me a huge smile as she shakes her head and her two curly piggy tails shakes with her movement. “Okay.”

            I take her tiny hand into mine as we walked to the living room. I opened the cabinet next to the TV, pulling papers and crayons from the inside. I pulled the papers out and spilled all the crayons on the carpet. She lies down on her stomach and pulls put a paper and a green crayon. I smiled and walked over to her.

            “I’m going upstairs to take a shower; I’ll be right back okay?”

            “Okay.” She mumbles as she continues to draw.

            I ran upstairs as my room door song open as I pulled my hand up. I pulled my hand towards my closet as it opened it; clothe flying off the closet door. I pulled out light jeans pants, a grey cardigan an white shirt. My leather boots flying off the closet as well, all of them were placed on top of my bed neatly. I walked towards the bathroom as a towel flew behind me. When I got inside the door flew shut.



















{Chapter 6}





            “You want me to do what?” I asked in disbelief looking at both Katie and Catherin.  They both looked at me with pleading eyes.

            “Come on, Else.” Catherin says as she walks closer. “All you need to do is take Kevin and Bethany to take a picture with Santa at the mall. Please, we have so much to do for the Christmas dinner with everyone.”
            “And I really need these photos in so I can make copies and send them to the family.” Katie continues Catherin’s explanation on why I should take HER kids to take picture with Santa? Katie took out 40 dollars from her purse and handed it to me.

            “Here.” She says. “Each picture with the picture frame is Ten to fifteen dollars. Keep the change.” She winks.

            “Fine. But when I come back, I’m out of here.” I warned taking the money from Katie’s hand and pulling it inside the side pocket of my purse. 

            “Whatever you want.” Catherin dictates. I got Kevin in my arms as little Bethany was holding my other hand. Katie fixed the baby chair things for both of them in the back seats of my black Honda. When I left, I called Lucy to come with me to the mall so we can get this picture thing done. I picked her up from her house as she stood by the sidewalk waiting for me. She opened the door, with her hat on, gloves and a long brown jacket.

            “It’s so cold!” She emphasizes. “Where are they?” I nodded towards the back as I took off. She looked back when she saw Kevin and Bethany she pulled her hands to her cheeks squeezing them together.

            “Aww! They’re so cute. What are their names?”

            “Kevin and Bethany.” I say.

            “Hi.” Bethany spoke. “What’s your name?”

            “Ha-ha, I’m Lucinda, but you can call me Lucy.”

            “That’s a pretty name. Lucinda.” Bethany made a cute little accent as she said Lucy’s full name. 

            “Thank you.” Lucy chuckles as she turned to me. “And you didn’t want to take them for Christmas photos? Why? they’re so cute.”

            “Wait in till you find out what Kevin does.”

            “Dah-dah. Mammmm Mammm.” Kevin spoke as he with his fingers inside his mouth. “Mama.” I stopped the car on the red sign and look back with big eyes.

            “What did he say?” I looked at Lucy.

            “Mama, mama.” Kevin continues.

            “Oh my gosh! I have to call Katie. This is his first real word.” I say dialing Katie’s number. She answered the second ring. When I told her she jumped with happiness. She asked me to film it, as I asked Lucy to do that while I talked to her.

            When we got to the mall Bethany kept constantly running out of our sight while Kevin was always having some drool fall over as I had to clean. The line though was huge. I was waiting in line for about ten minutes. While in line, a vision flashed before my eyes. I handed Kevin to Lucy as she pulled him into her arms.

            The vision brought light, a lot of light. Something I haven’t experienced in about three weeks now. Pieces of glass on the floor with blood scattered everywhere.  Then I saw someone picking someone from the bottom of a crashed car. My crashed car! It was me in between Dr. Russell’s arm. The scientist that experienced on me.  That made me who I am now. He was taking me to another car, opened the back door and pulled me in. My arm bleeding, my pants ripped. He walked over the front door, got something and then walked back with a needle on his hands. Then everything became a flash of darkness.

            “What’s wrong?” Lucy shakes my shoulder with Kevin on her other arm.

            “Just a small headache. You want give him to me?” I ask pulling my arm towards him. Lucy smiles and says it’s okay. When we reached the front of the line we heard a male voice speak with the customers.

            “Welcome to Santa’s wish place. Where we can make all your wishes come true.” The voice was familiar and he sound irritated with the job.

            “Can I make a wish about a puppy?” A little kid asks.

            “Yes you may. Santa will tell you everything you want to know.”

            “Are you an elf?”

            “Yes I am.” The familiar voice says.
            “But aren’t elves supposed to be small?” the little kid asks.

            “There are some elves that grew big and tall.” The familiar voice speaks again.

            “Next!” A big tall guy with a security shirt says.

            “Bye giant elf.” The little kid says as the lined moved. When we reached the front of the elf boy, he turned and spoke the same line as before.

            “Welcome to Santa’s wish…” He looked up as his voice fades away. It was Connor with an elf hat and a green little elf outfit. His blue eyes wide as his cheeks became red and his lip tightens with a smile that is now gone. Lucy looked at his up and down and started to laughing loudly.

            “This is your JOB?” Lucy laughs as she points at Connor’s outfit.

            “Yes. For the winter. My uncle owns the photography company and the only job he had for me was this.” Connor says looking down at us.

            “I’m sorry.” I say starting to laugh. “But your legs look cute.”

            He looked down at his legs that were covered in green tights with tiny shorts over it. He looked up furious.

            “This is not funny guys.” He crosses his arms.

            Lucy and I looked at each other and then started laughing again.

            “I’m sorry.” Lucy says switching arms while little Kevin started playing with her necklace. I nodded in agreement with Lucy.

            “What are you guys doing here anyways?” Connor asks.

            “I had to take pictures for Catherin’s best friend.” I assured as he looked at Kevin who was entertained by Lucy’s necklace and then at Bethany who was brushing her dolls hair with a tiny brush. Her eyes look up as she smiles.

            “Are you a real elf?” She giggles.

            “Oh yes I am.” Connor says with a smile.

            “Next!” The man behind the camera yells.

            “Well see yah.” Lucy says as she hands me Kevin and pulls Bethany’s hand into hers. I walked forward and looked at Connor.

            “Nice seeing you here.” I smiled. He nods back. As I walked forward, I heard him repeat the same sentence as he did before.

            The photographer took forever to snap three pictures of the kids. Once we finished, we drove back to the house. Katie was happy with the photos and the photo frame, she said it looked beautiful. Lucy and I left right after that, she wanted to go to the Auto body shop so she can give an invitation to this guy named Roberto Ollie. A popular Puerto Rican kid. But we got lost because she was giving me the wrong directions. It took us about an hour before we finally reached the right auto body shop. We walked inside the shop together searching for this kid.

            Robert walked out wearing a white tank top with black smudges on it. His biceps were sweaty with tattoos, and his jeans were dirty with oil. He walked towards us cleaning his hands in a white small blanket. When I looked over another guy was under a car, fixing some parts.

            “Hey chicas.” He smiles as his dimples appeared on his lips.

            “Hey Roberto.” Lucy says swirling her fingers through her hair. I smiled and excused myself as I walked over to look at the car next to the guy working giving them some privacy. I accidently stepped on one of his tools and slips on to the floor. I gasped as I fell. The guy came from underneath the car. I kept my eyes closed for a second until he touched my cheek with the tip of his cold fingers.

            “Elsa?” He called my name softly. How did he know my name? When I opened my eyes, Seth was in front of me. His hazel eyes looking into mine.  “You okay?” 

            I nod.

            “What are you doing here?” He asked.

            “You work here?” I asked pulling myself into a sitting position on the bare floor.

            “Yep.” He looks around then back at me. He helped me up as I stood in front of him.

            “That’s cool. I know a little about cars, myself. I had lessons from a pro growing up.” I say reminding me of my private lessons I had with dad.

            “Oh really? You should show me what you got.” He challenges pulling his hands to his hips looking at me. I took off my jacket and pulling my long sleeves up. I picked up a tool from the floor and walked pass him towards the car.

            His eyes watched my every move and his arms crossed did make me a little nervous. A few minutes later I looked up to check if he was still staring. He was, observing my every move. Lucy walks over with Roberto laughing.

            “Elsa, what are you doing?” She asks confused.

            “Fixing a car.” I tell her.

            “I need to be home in ten minutes and you’re here fixing a car!?”  She emphasizes.

            “When I’m done, I’ll take you home, relax.” I look down at the car again fixing the problem.

            When she didn’t answer, I quickly looked up from the engine. She stood there with her arms crossed against her chest looking over at me hoping I’d change my mind.

            “I can take you home.” Robert offers. Lucy looks over at me and smiled.

            “You sure?” She says blushing.

“Yea.” He smiles.

She looked back to me. “I’m going, see you tomorrow.”

            “See you.”

            “Hey man. You mind closing the shop?” Rob asked as he motions Lucy out of the shop.

            “Not at all, man.” Seth says pulling his hand up in agreement.  



            “Done.” I say about twenty minutes after Lucy and Robert left.

            “MmmMmmm.” He says looking at the engine. “This looks good. You sure know about cars.”

            “Yep I told you. My dad taught me everything I needed to know.” I said proudly smiling. I looked at my clock it was nine at night already.

            I bend down picking up my bag as I bumped my head into Seth’s chest. We both fell on the floor, his face an inch away from mine. He looked into my me, his eyes piercing through mine. I breathe out as he moves closer. Butterflies filled my stomach as I finally let out a breath.

            “I gotta go.” I say breathless.

            He nods helping me up from the floor. I smiled at him and walked towards my car outside.

            When I arrived back home, Catharine was talking on the phone with Katie when I walked into the house. She nods in my direction as she continues with her conversation. I walked up to my room and waited until dawn before leaving the house. I drove up the hill into the middle of a meadow about a mile out of the city. I skipped school today to practice on some of my powers.

            My hands focused on a small rock on the ground against the wet grass. The rock slowly moved up into midair and slowly hits into a tree. My eyes focused on it as I successfully threw the rock across the field and into a tree bark scratching a piece out. I smiled proudly at myself for passing stage one of my self training.

I moved myself to a bigger rock that’s about ten pounds heavier than the last one. My hands focused on it knowing I had to use more energy on it, I successfully passed stage two as the rock moved across the field. Moving heavier objects was a bit more challenging as it required me to use more energy. I was determined to make it second nature to me.

As the day moved forward, I practiced some blocking while under a waterfall. I pulled my hand up allowing forming a shield as the water falls gracefully over me. The crystal water running on top of my head. Once while practicing at the begging on the year I discovered I was able to jump high altitude without hurting myself. Once I was done with practicing my shielding, I jumped off the waterfall and onto the ground twenty feet below me. I know there were limitations with my powers but I try to discover as much of it while I go on these training days.

            I don’t know what I really am but I know I can do things that humans can’t. I know there are others like me, I can feel it. Some part of me felt the power that connected us successfully. I touched the side of the oddly lightning bolt shaped scar on my wrist. I looked to the sky seeing dark shade of gray clouds moving together, the sun disappearing among the mist. Thunders growled between the clouds as rain started to pour down. I felt like I wasn’t alone. I looked back and a black figure stood there. I can feel that this isn’t a human, its evil.

            “Welcome back.” He says. I heard it as a whisper in my ear.

A white smile appeared in the gray dark afternoon and soon after the figure rushed towards me. I pulled my right hand forward as an invisible line shield me as the creature turned into dust in midair while only his face appeared in the black dust. He yelled in anger and looked at me straight in the eye. His long black hair started disappearing, in less than two minutes he vanished completely within the mist. I fell back onto the grass breathing harshly feeling my heart beat underneath my chest. I looked at the place where the stranger had disappeared. A hand touched my shoulder as I gasped jerking my body sideways. When I looked over, I see Seth standing behind me.

            “What you doing out here?!” He yells through the rain.

            “I come here to focus, but it started raining!” I yelled back.

            “I live down the hill with my father. You can stay there until the rain passes.” He suggested and waved his hand forward. He pulls his hand down as I take it and let him help me off the ground.

            “Okay.” I tell him as I follow him through the woods.

            He led the way to a tiny wooden house formally sitting there as the rain fell over it. To the side was a small separate garage and a black Chevy truck sat in front. He opened the small wooden door leading into a nice looking living room that was shared with a part of a kitchen. By the side was a hallway with three doors. A bear’s fur stood on the floor as a carpet under two small sofas and an arm chair. A TV with wires stood on top of the fireplace as the light of the fire was a luminous to the small dark living room. The kitchen was simple, a small round table with four chairs surrounding it. Seth pulled a blanked over my shoulders as I shivered.

            “I thought you lived in town.” I assumed.

            “I’m the only student that lives away from the town. My dad likes to live by the woods. He always did since he was a child.” He explained. 

            “Where is he now?”

            “He went out for some beer with his friends.” He says taking a seat beside me in one of the kitchen chairs.

            “Oh. This is nice.” I smiled looking around.

            “Yea. I kinda like it here sometimes.” He looked at me. “Do you want some dry clothe? You seem pretty chilly.”

            “Oh, that’s okay. I gotta go pretty soon anyways. Thank you.”

            “Sure. Um what happened to you, you seemed pretty scared when I found you on the ground.” He looks over.  

            “Oh nothing. I thought I saw a bear. I’m pretty afraid of them.” I lied. The truth is I was pretty darn scared of what I had seen. The shadowed that followed me still hunts my memories.

            “Oh. Hope the bear is long gone now.” He jokes. “C’mon I’ll make you something to eat.” He gets up and heads for the small counters of his kitchen.

             “Just water will be fine.” I tell him.

            “You sure? I make a mean PB&J.” He turns with a loaf of bread in his hands.

            “Yea. I ate before I came to the meadow.” I chuckle.

            “Alright” He pulls the water down to the table in front of me. “Here.”

            “Thanks.” I smile up at him.

            A few moments later the door flew open. A mid-aged man stood by the door, hat on his head, a three o’clock shadow on his face and slightly in his mid 40s. He looked unpleasantly at me and then at Seth.

            “Who the hell is this?” He spoke strongly as if he was drunk.

            “Dad this is Elsa, a friend from school.” Seth spoke as if it was obvious that he was being rude.

            “Hi, sir.” I smiled but still feeling a ted uncomfortable.

            “You aint suppose to bring any girl home while I aint here. You just don’t listen boy.” He looks over at me. 

            “Dad!” Seth yells harshly. “You’re drunk.”

            “I aint drunk.” He says sitting on the arm chair by the fire.

            “Apologize to Elsa, dad. You’re being rude to our guest.”

             “That’s okay. I was leaving anyways.” I say quietly moving myself towards the door.

            “Not really.” He says walking behind me.

            “Thank you for the water and for the blanket.” I tell him handing him the blanket.

            “Don’t go. It’s still raining.” Seth says looking over at me.

            “I’m already wet, aren’t I?” I smirked. “I’ll be fine. Thank you anyways. Bye Mr. Parker.” I waved on the open door.

            “Goodbye.” He says under his breath.

            I smiled and hugged Seth lightly and walked away towards my car down the hill from the other side. It took me ten minutes into the rain before I can finally reach my sitting car.
















{Chapter 7}


                        Today I did the garden, front and back. I washed the grass on the backyard and now I’m washing the front yard. Seth is helping me water it. He was humming a rhythm of a song I knew but couldn’t make out. His hips moved as he hummed, he looked over me and then down again. I was watering the flowers on the back, when cold water hit me. I opened my mouth and looked at Seth as he continued to dance. I splashed him back as he turned, eyes wide open.

            “Did you just splash water on me?” He asks surprised.

            “Looks who’s talking. You splashed me first.” I waved the water again as it hit him one more time. I pulled my hand over my mouth and laughed.

            “Really? I guess its war then.” He laughs and splashes me again. I ran with my water tube on my hand. He ran behind me splashing me with more water. I turned around giving him the same amount. I yelled as the cold water hit me. We fought with each other. I ran after him and he ran after me. The grass became moist and wet as I accidently slipped and fell. Seth tried to catch me as he fell on top of me. His face was an inch away from mine again. He laughed as I laughed. He moved to the side and then I looked at him touching my stomach.

            “Okay. Okay. I surrender.” He says pulling his hand up from the ground. I looked at him and danced on the floor.
            “I won!” I boasted laughing. I looked at him laughing slowly now. He looked at me smiling as his head motioned towards mine. I moved towards him as our lips connected. I kissed him pulling him closer; his hand reached my back pulling me closer to him. My hand tracing his hair as we kissed. Then I didn’t feel the floor beneath us and a small shock as my tongue touched his. I widen my eyes as I stopped kissing him and I realized we were on mid air. I pulled myself away as we both collapse to the ground.

            “What was that?” He expressed as he touched the side of his lips.
            “I don’t know.” I lied. When we kissed my powers brought us to mid air. I know that there was something more and I don’t know why it happened. My heart beats beneath my chest racing to escape. I got up from the ground brushing the dirt off my body and pull my hand out helping Seth up.

            “You guys. Food’s ready.” Catherin comes out the door as she looked at our muddy bodies. “What did you guys do here? I see you guys get a lot into your work, right?” She emphasizes.

            “Yeah.” We spoke at once looking at each other smiling.

            “Come in through the back.” Catherin says looking over at us.

            We looked at each other and walked to the backyard to clean ourselves from the mud. I washed his mud off him as he washed mud off me.





{Chapter 8}


            After my kiss with Seth, he hasn’t really shown up to school. It’s been three days already. I knew something was wrong when we kissed, but I can’t figure out what it is. He left early from my house and didn’t have dinner with me and Catherin, he said he wasn’t feeling right, but then corrected himself to saying he was not feeling good.

            “Hey.” Lucy smiles.

            “Hey.” I half smiled closing my locker.

            “What’s wrong? We haven’t hung out since like last of last weekend.”

            “I know. I was busy.”

            “Is there something wrong, Elsa? That you don’t want to tell me?” Lucy looks over at me.

            “What?” I looked at her. “Oh, um… no. I’m fine.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “Yea. I’m sure.” I tell her.

            “Alright, I guess.” She says looking down. “Guess what?” She’s back to her normal self again. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she looked at me.

            “Jeff McDonald asked me on a date. And Guess where he’s taking me?” A moment of silence as I smiled at her. “The Lesfrance.”

            “That’s nice.”
            “I know right! He’s like the hottest quarter back ever.”

            “Yea, I can tell.” I replied getting inside my Chemistry class. “See you later.” I waved to her.

            When I entered the room Seth sat patiently looking down at his hands. I walked towards him and then sat down beside him pulling out my book from my bag.

            “Hey. Have you been sick lately?” I asked smiling softly.

            He clears his throat then looks up at me. His eyebrows were curved almost together. “That’s none of your concern.” He answers looking away. My smile broke down as I felt a feeling of anger fill in my chest.

            The bell rang when I was about to say something. I shut my mouth close and looked forward towards Mr. Clark who started the class.

            The entire class period Seth didn’t say anything. His hands jerked sometimes as he pulled them towards his eye brows and sighs. He avoided eye contact the entire period. At moments when I thought he was looking back at me, he was actually looking past me towards the board. There is something really wrong with him and I just didn’t know what it was. At the end of class he picked up his book and quickly left the class as I followed him.

            “What is wrong with you?!” I yelled from behind him. He turned to look at me. I breathe out. “I mean, you changed. It’s only been three days.” Moving myself towards him I seemed like I was desperate to know what was wrong with him. I felt myself tearing up with every step I took.

            “You. Don’t. Understand.” He growled pulling his hand into a fit.

            “I don’t understand what? What is there to understand? You left, with no excuse.”

            “I told you I wasn’t feeling good.”

             “No. You said you weren’t feeling right.” I tell him.

            He looks over at me trying to lean forward but stopping himself before he took another step.

            “Please. Elsa. Stay away.” He tells me before turning around and disappearing from in the mist of the crowd. After he was gone, I stood there trying to understand what just happened.

            After school ended, I drove straight home.

            “How was school today?” Catherin asks from the table as I entered through the door.

            “Fine.” I answered slamming the door behind me walking upstairs straight to my room. I shut the door behind me and walked towards my books taking out every book out before I found what I was looking for. A knock on my door slammed right after.

            “Elsa, what’s wrong?”

            “Nothing. Now leave!” I barked surprising Catherin with my tone.

            “What is wrong with you? Why are you throwing all your books out of your shell?” She walks over and grabs me as I stop smashing my books out of my shell. I looked at her, my eyes in tears. I pulled my hand forward showing a picture of mom, dad, me and Catherin I pulled out. I looked at it sitting down onto my bed.

            “I need mom and dad back.” I cried.

            “Oh, Else. I know I need them back too.” She hugs me.

            “Do you know how hard it is to have kids in my school be so close to their family and my only family is you?” I looked down at the picture.

            “Hey, look at me.” She pulled my chin up. “We have each other, and I know mom and dad would be happy that were together and happy and that were closer then ever.”

            I smiled then looked down at my parents’ picture. I usually intend to have these break down when I missed my parents the most.

            “Thanks. I’m pretty calm down now.” I say quietly.

            “Anytime.” She smiles. “Don’t worry about it okay?”

            “Okay.” She gets up and walks towards the door and looks at the room.

            “Hey. Clean this mess.” She pointed towards the books on the floor.

            I chuckle and nod as she shut the door. I picked up each book by book and placed them on the shell.

            Later that night I lay my head against my pillow and as I was closing my eyes when the doorbell rang. I pulled my head up and then walked towards the door.

            “Hey! I brought movies!” Lucy smiled holding a bag of movies and popcorn on one hand. She was dressed in pink tinkle bell pajamas. “C’mon. It’s Friday night and its girl’s night in. Plus we have not done this in awhile and I miss it!”

            “Weren’t you going out with that Mike, Jeff? Whatever his name is.”

            She chuckles. “That’s tomorrow silly. Now let me in I’m freezing and I already told my mom I’m spending the night here.” She gets in and starts to walk towards the kitchen. “I’m making popcorn for us and you can put the movie on in your room?”

            “Yea, sure.” I laugh looking at her both ponytails as her bangs fell nicely over her eyes.

            I walked up the room and turned the light on. I picked to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I let the trailers pass when Lucy walks in with a bowl of popcorns, two empty cups and a soda bottle under her arm. I reached out and took the soda from under her arm and helped her with the cups. I poured the soda into the cups as we both sat on the bed with the popcorn in between us.

            “This is a good movie.” She says eating.

            “I never watched this one.” I tell her.

            “You did not?” She looks over at me in surprise. “It’s like the best movie ever!” She giggles.

            “I watched the other ones though.” I laughed.

            “Remember in our freshman year when you, Connor and I tried to bake cupcakes for our class electives in history and we blew up the oven and made a huge mess in the kitchen?” She says chuckling.

            “Yes, I do. Then Catherin got so mad that day she made us walk dogs to get money for a new oven.”

            “That took us the rest of our freshman year to get at least three thousand and…”

            “And she felt bad so she let us slide that one.” We both laughed at the memory.


            Later that night we finished watching Harry Potter. Lucy fell asleep right after I cleaned the mess and put everything away before I actually fell asleep. The next day came Lucy left around noon, after lunch. Her boss called her in for work and she left promising me she would tell me how her date with Jeff that night was.

 Catherin left for some coffee with some guy she met at work. I stayed home and ended up cleaning the house before knocking out on the couch.

            The tapping against my window shield woke me up. I looked over seeing nothing but darkness. I looked around as I head the wind pounded harshly against my window. I sat up on the couch as I felt my phone vibrated inside the back pocket of my jeans. Connor’s caller ID showed up.

            “Hey.” I answered.

            “Hey! So it’s about to be seven and I’m not doing anything right now. Do you want to head up the Carnival near the beach?” He asked. “People are calling me to go. It’s gonna be good. Were all going there for a little bit if you want to come?”

            “Uh. Yea sure.”  I responded.

            “Do you want me to pick you up? Or …”
            “I’ll meet you up there?” I suggested nicely.

            “Yea. That’s fine.” He paused. “I’ll text you the address.”

            “Sure.” I tell him.  

            I picked up Catherin’s car keys. She drove her work car with some friends to some party at someone’s house. Who knows when she’ll be home? I don’t plan to stay out that long either. I picked up my jack near the stairs and closed the door behind me. I drove silently in the car. When I reached the carnival I caught Connor sitting against a black truck drinking with some of guys from the football team. I got out of my car and slowly I walked towards him. He smiled at the sight of me, picked up another cup and walked towards me.

            “We were just waiting for you.” He says handling me the cup of beer.

            “Thanks.” I smiled picking up the cup taking a sip. I do sometimes miss hanging out with these kinds of people. Brings back memories from when I was a freshman.

            “Hey, Connor. You got a pretty lady there.” Jordan said, he was one of the football players. He got every girl he wanted and every girl were crazy to be with him.

            “Right.” He looks at me. “We can play some games.”

            “Yea. Sure.” I agreed. We walked to a basketball shooting point game. Connor paid for me and for him.

            I started the game. I shot the first five points. Connor nodded and smile when I missed two or three after. I finished the game with 36 points as my final score.

            “Not bad. Let me try.” He smirked. I smiled pulling my hair behind my ears. When I looked over Seth was standing there looking at some of the games being played. He looked up as his eyes caught with mine. I looked down and then up again. He looked away and walked the other direction.

            “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.” I turn to Connor. He nods and continued with his game. I walked forward looking for Seth. When I reach near the woods, Jordan appears in front of me.

“Hey.” He smiles as I can smell the alcohol coming from him.

“Hey.” I answered still searching for Seth.

“I can’t believe Connor left you all alone.” He sighs looking down at me.  

“He didn’t leave me.” I answered back. Jordan came closer, pulled his hand upon my cheeks and brushed his fingers lightly against them.

“Shhh.” He says. “I won’t leave you alone.” He moved forward trying to kiss me. I pulled away.

“Uh you’re drunk.” I say pulling him away. He pulls me towards the woods as he pushes me against a tree bark and begins to place his hands on me.

“I want you.” He whispers.

“You’re drunk. Back away, Jordan.” I say a little louder this time hoping he takes the hint, but he doesn’t. I could hurt this kid in a matter of seconds but instead I stand there waiting for him to back away. I don’t have my powers under control today as I forgot to drink my SIC today. If I use my powers against him, I could really hurt him.

“Don’t you want me too, princess? Every girl wants a piece of this. It’s your lucky night take advantage of it, wont you?” He leans kissing my neck and I can’t seem to be stronger than him right now.

“Jordan, back away.” I say louder. He kisses my neck again and again, and then when I closed my eyes, it seemed as if he wasn’t there anymore.

When I opened my eyes Jordan was on the floor, his hand over his mouth, a male stood in front of his body. I gasped as I saw blood dripping from his nose and mouth. I walked closer to see the stranger that stood in front of me.

            “Keep away.” Seth’s voice sounded harsh as he responds in between breaths.

            “Please, Man.” Jordan pleaded.

            “Seth?” I say moving forward.

            “Please. Get away.” His voice sounded like a growl.

            “Seth, Leave him alone!” I shout. He turned around. His face seemed fuller, his eye brows thicker. I looked at his hands, they were furry and like looked like claws instead of hands. I gasped pulling my hand over my mouth.

            “What happened to you?” I asked as Jordan gets up and runs towards the carnival.

            “Elsa, I can explain.” He says as his facial hair begins to disappear.    

            “No… You can’t.” I cried.

            He came closer. “I’m not what you think am.”

            “Then what are you?” I back away.

            “Elsa, Please.” He emphasizes forming himself back to human.

            I cried and backed away rushing out of the woods. I found Connor by the car games and told him about Jordan. Connor tries to find Jordan as I rushed to my car and make my way back home. On my way home, I cried feeling the anger rush in my veins. How could he? I ask myself feeling betrayed. He lied to me.    









































{Chapter 9}


 I lay down on top of my roof in front of my window. My eyes towards the sky, I watched the stars and the brightness of the full moon. While watching the stars, I always wondered about the universe. Wondered what the stars looked like from space. Were they like rocks flowing into midair? Or were they as bright as they shine upon the sky? When I was a little girl, I loved staring at the stars by myself. It was my only private little space to think whenever I wanted too. No one understood why I really did that, but for me it seemed to relax me. It made me stronger when I was weak, and it made smile when I was sad. Stars are the prefect part of the earth, and some people don’t seem to notice the beauty of it.

            I looked at the sky as I heard something collapse against the roof. I stood up quickly holding my hand up prepared for a fight.

            “Else.” A figure came from behind the shadow. “It’s me Seth.”

            I sigh as I walked into my room when he grabbed my arm.

            “Let me explain, please.” He looks into my eyes.

            I roll my eyes and pulls his hand away from my arm.  

            “Please.” He pleads. I looked at him and then waved him inside my room.

            I walked up to my bed and sat on top of it crossing my arms against my chest. Seth closed the window, so the wind wouldn’t blow in.

            “I am a werewolf.” He blurs out. “I promise you, I’d never wanted to hurt you.”

            “Then why did you do what you did?” I asked.

            “I was protecting you.”

            “I can protect myself.” I growled.

            “It didn’t look it.” He stops himself.

            I looked up at him surprised.

            “Look, what I mean is that, this isn’t something I can control. I needed to stay away from you…” He pauses. “But I can’t. I can’t stay away from you, even if I tried.”

            I breath out looking over at him getting up. When I reached him, my hand slightly touched his cheekbones as my eyes pierced into his.

“I have a secrete too.” I tell him as I pulled my hand forward focusing on the glass cup sitting on my desk behind him. The cup lifted in the air moving towards us. I looked back at Seth as his looks over at the flowing cup in front of us.

            “How..?” He asks looking back at me.

            “I don’t exactly know what I am. But I know most the things I can do.” I tell him as the cup drops on my hand.

            “You’re no different then me.” He smiles.

            “That is why I understand you. I need more training but I can’t really do it by myself.”

            He chuckles. “I’ll help you. I’ve been stuck like this for almost a year already.”

            I smiled. “Yea. That would be nice.”






“When I was little my mother used to take me to carnivals. My favorite ride was the Ferris wheel. It was a good chance to spend time with her.” He explains, as we sat down on the grass after some practice. It was sunset, the sky filled with different colors.

            “What happened to her?” I asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.” 

            “Uh. When I was thirteen. I didn’t respect her the way I should of. I wouldn’t listen to her. I would just be a stubborn, troubled teenager. I, uh, I remember when I turned fourteen, she gave me my first real cell phone.” He laughs, but there was something sad about his laugh. “I never accepted the fact that she actually wanted what was best for me. I was extremely happy with my new phone, but I didn’t show her that. I never showed her how I really felt. After she left us, I was constantly mad at her. I couldn’t accept the fact that she didn’t love my dad anymore. I thought she didn’t love me. But now I know that she did.”

            “Then why didn’t you give her a chance?” I asked quietly.

            “I don’t know.” He pauses. “One day she planed a trip for me and her, down to Tennessee, to visit some family members.  I didn’t want to go, but my dad forced me to go. I could just see in his face how hurt he was when she left us. Every time she would come by to try to be with me, he would want her to be in my life so that she could be in his too. We drove down to Tennessee, the vacation was boring but she tried. Eventually I gave in and I actually liked her when we were together down there. She was the mother I always knew before she left.

            “A few days later we left. On our way home, when we reached the state there was a terrible hurricane. Rain, hale, and a lot of wind. We stopped by a red light, when a tree hit us. I can’t remember anything else other then that. I woke up at a hospital and I didn’t know any news of her. Nothing. When I left, I found out that she passed away, because the tree has hit where she was seating. I was ‘a lucky fellow’ the doctor told me. I only had some scratches and some bruises. But I was fine. I know now the only reason I survived was because of my wolf gene.” He finishes.

            “I’m so sorry, Seth.” I say touching his shoulders softly.

            “Don’t worry about it.” He explains.

            “Was that the reason you moved here last year?”

            “Yea. My dad has the cabinet passed down to him from his father. He never moved there because of my mother. But when she was gone, he decided to move back, to remember some of his childhood memories.”

            “Oh.” I say quietly. “Then how’d you become a werewolf?”

            “Oh, that’s easy.” He laughs. “My dad’s side is from a tribe, and they are descended from wolves.  My dad was supposed to be a werewolf, but he never transformed into one. He thought that his family’s tradition was over and extinct before I turned into one. He’s the one that helped me through most of it.”

            “Really?” I asked surprised.

            “Yea. I know my dad may seem like a drug addict. He has his times where he gets sick of everything, and then goes drunk to forget it.”

            “Do you have a close relationship with him, other then your werewolf thing?”

            “Uh. No. Me and my dad are not that close. He can care less on what I do.”

            “Oh why not?”

            “Uh. I don’t know. Ever since I came back, he didn’t seem the same to me.” He looked at me. 


            A short silence.

            “Alright. Let’s do the warm up again.” He gets up looking at me.

            “Ugh. But I’m tired.” I whined picking myself up.

            “C’mon it’s not that hard.”

            My hands pointed towards the open space of the meadow. I started with small rocks and then moved myself up to bigger rocks. Seth was really helping me with this and I liked it. I seemed much closer to him then I did before, now that he knows my only secrete. He’s the only person that knows it.




































{Chapter 10}


            I drove to school the next day. It didn’t take long before Seth parked next to me. He took off his helmet and smiled back at me as he removed himself off the motorcycle. I pulled the strings of my bag up against the side of my shoulders, supporting all of its weight.

            “Hey.” He smiled.

            “Hey.” I smiled back.

            His eyes seemed different to me, more like he was happy to see me rather then a flush of angry look he has been giving me the past weeks. The first bell rang announcing five minutes before my first class started ranged as we entered the school. Lucy’s party was this weekend and she was humbled of excitement because of it. At the end of the hall she made a look at me and Seth.

            A small but flattering smile shot across her face. She quickly finished a conversation and walked towards me and Seth.

            “Hey guys.” She waved. Her eyes fixed on Seth.

            “Hey.” We both spoke.

            “Do you mind if I talked to Elsa for a minute? I’ll walk her to English.” A spark flashed in her eyes.

            “No, no problem.” Seth said.

            “Thanks.” She pulls me.

            “See you later?” I looked at him as she pulled me away.

            “Yea.” He smiled.

            “What the hell?” Lucy emphasized.


            “You guys practically hated each other. Now you two are together now?” She asks confusedly crossing her arms against her chest.

            “Yea. I guess.” I say watching Seth as he pulled some books from his locker. “Look.” I turned to her. “Seth is a really great guy. I like him, were just trying to get to know each other better.”

            “And if it doesn’t work out?”

            “Then it doesn’t work out.” I repeated.

            She looked at Seth talking to his English teacher at the end of the hall then turned to face me again. “I don’t know, Else. This doesn’t feel right.” She starts. “And I know when things may not work out. But even though if I’m right, I’ll be here for you.” She smiles.

            I hugged her and then we walked to English. Lucy kept talking about her party Saturday and how awesome it should be. When we reached my class my English teacher was standing by the door. Her smile was bright so I could tell she was happy and this meant no homework.



            By the time it was third block I didn’t feel so well. I headed to history, my hands felt numb and I had a huge headache. I haven’t had any flash back to the past or flash forward to the future since I met Seth. It was kind of weird but I liked it, not the piercing pain in my head whenever I had a vision. This headache was a sign that one of them was coming.

            In history we were watching a document on world war two. The room was nice and dark only the light from the TV was shining most of it. A sharp and edged pain shot inside my scull. My brain flashed an imagine.


            Dr. Russell was standing on the laboratory room where he’d sent me after my accident. He folded his hands together, he seemed to looking at someone highly disappointed.

            “What have I told you!?” He yelled across the room. “What?”

            “To be careful.” A voice responded angry like.

            “But you didn’t.” Dr. Russell walks forward. “I want her here and then we will release your treasure.”

            “And If I don’t?” the voice asked.

            “Then I’m sure you’ll miss her very much when she’s really gone.”

            “You better not touch her!” The voice yelled.

            I gasped looking around, but it seemed that no one heard me. They seemed entertained by the movie. I felt sharp pain on my hands like pen needles. I closed them and then opened them a few times as the pain persists. I looked down at my hands one more time as a bright light escaped them piercing through the room like a flash light. I closed them quickly while Mr. Banks paused the movie and then looked over at me.

            “Elsa, put the flash light away.”  He warned.

            I closed my hands harder, picked up my bag from the floor and quickly walked out of the room. Frustrated with myself, I ran out of the school and into the nearby woods. I dropped my bag on the floor as the ground shook beneath me. Rocks that surrounded me began to shift in midair moving in a circular motion faster and faster each time. Trees began to shake with every move. Feeling the air escape me as the rocks surrounds me, I dropped to the ground when suddenly the rocks stopped spinning and dropped to the ground. I gasped for air noticing everything around me was out of control. I was out of control! I pulled my hands over my ears and shut my eyes close trying to control myself from everything that was happening. Breathe I tell myself as I take a deep breath in and then out trying to control myself from this darkness.

            “Elsa!” Hands shook my shoulders roughly. I gasped as I opened my eyes seeing Seth looking down at me.

            “Elsa, what happened?” He asked.

            “I-I-.” I couldn’t finish, my heart was racing so hard I could feel it trying to jump out of my chest.

            “It’s okay.” He hugged me.

            Within his embrace I felt myself cry. I was shivering between his arms.

            “It’s alright. It’s all over now.” He said as I felt his hot breath up my head.

            I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I couldn’t figure out why it happened and I wanted to know why. I needed answers.






{Chapter 11}





            A full moon upon the sky was covered by misty clouds. Fogs hugged the floor of the woods. The misty night seemed to become a scene of a scary movie.

            A man in a black tailcoat walked towards the doors of the only castle in view. He opened the long-stretched doors before him. He has long brown hair and narrow blue eyes with a short shaved beard. He looked fairly young and wore baggy pants tucked into tall boots, sleeves billowed and a red vest to match his wide-brimmed hat. He walked towards a short looking woman with a long green Victorian dress. She looked up from her tall blond hair.

            “Yes mi’lord.” She smiled.

            “I wish to speak to Lord Victor.” He spoke low in a British accent. 

            “Lord Victor is unavailable at this time. Maybe you can return early morrow?” She spoke walking towards the man. His expression was impatient.

            “I do not have time for this. Let me speak to Lord Victor.”

            “Mi’lord as proclaimed, Lord Victor is unlivable to---”

            “Let me speak to him.” The man pulled his hand over the short woman’s neck.

            “What do you wish to speak to him about?” A man with short blond hair at the end of the hall spoke. He seemed to be wearing the same type of clothing as the man next to the woman.

            “Exposed.” The man let go of the woman’s neck.

            The blonds’ expression changed as he fixed his vest and cleared his throat.

            “Then follow me, Lord Louis.” He called the man by his name.

            He turned around as Louis followed him into a narrow hallway. They passed millions of doors as he leads Louis into ten different hallways. They walked up the stairs as blond male stopped by two tall doors. He knocked twice before entering.

            “Edwin, what have you brought here?” A strange dark voice spoke as they entered the room. Behind a long wooden desk stood a pale male with long black hair and pointy black hat. His light blue eyes followed the men as they entered.

            “Ah, Louis James. Welcome.” He smiled then looked at Edwin on the corner. “Thank Edwin for your service.” The man closed his hands together.

            “Louis, Louis.” He walked in front of the desk and motioned Louis towards the couch. “Please, feel free.”

            Louis seats down on the arm chair next to the couch where the man sat.

            “Do you have what I asked you?”

            “Victor.” Louis says darkly. “We made a careful deal, where’s my part?”

            Victors smile vanished as he pulled out a small black sack and threw towards to Louis as he catches it with his hands.

            “Here is some fur of the beast. I have not caught him but soon I will return with him.” Louis laid down a small glass with dark black fur inside.

            Victor shakes his head making a sound with his mouth. “That was not part of the deal, Louis.”  He looks at Edwin at the back of the room and motions him forward with his figures. Edwin walked out of the room, and then a few minutes later two strong males brought a small girl who seemed to be about fifteen years old. The girl had long black hair loosened down her back, unbrushed. Her eyes widen as she quickly looked at Louis. She grabbed her hands on the chains around her neck.

            “Louis!” She shouted in despair.

            “Emma!” Louis ran towards her but Edwin walked in front of him blocking his way towards the girl.

            “You see, Louis, we found a little secrete about your sister here. Your family is quite interesting.” Victor smiles in the direction of Louis. “She’s a beast just like you.”

            “Let her go!” Louis yells as Victor quickly flew towards the wall as an invisible hand wrapped around Victor’s neck. “I’m the one you want, you always wanted me!”

            “Kill me, Louis and you will never know what happened to your brother.”  Victor spoke between gasps.

            “What did you do to him!?” Louis yells as his grip became more aggressive.

            “Louis, Let him go!” Emma yells trying to free herself from the metal chains around her neck. “Let him go, Louis. It’s not worth it.”

            He moved his hands down looking at his sister’s wide eyes. Victor collapse to the floor gasping for air.

            “Get him.” He breathed.

            The tall guy next to Edwin quickly moved towards Louis. Louis tried defending himself, but none of his powers were affecting the man in front of him.

            “He’s like you, Louis. He can shield things. He’s a mutant, just like you. Edwin is like your sister. Werewolf.” He moved towards Louis who was rapped between a grab. “I will have others like you. Soon I will be like you. I will rule over all of America and the world. Forever!” He laughs.

            “Elsa!” A voice came from behind his laugh. “Elsa!”

            I opened my eyes seeing my room and Catherin seating at my bed looking down at me with wide eyes.

            “Oh, my lord, Elsa. You almost gave me a heart attack.” She touched her chest.

            I looked around then at her again, I pulled myself into a sitting position quickly noticing the sweat running down my arms.

            “What happened?” I asked looking up at her.

            “It looks like you have a fever. Stay here today. Call me if you need anything, I’m leaving you the car.” She says.

            I nod as she leans forward and kisses my forehead. She gets up and walks towards the door. Catherin disappears through the door as I hear the door shut close shortly afterwards.  

            After she left, I took a quick shower and removed all bedsheets from my bed replacing them with new ones. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed as I type down the name of the boy in my dreams, Louis James. His face appears in an old painting. I found evidence that he actually did exist. 

            He grew up on a farm in Tennessee in 1703. He “disappeared” in 1719 when he just turned seventeen years old. His younger sister Emma was only eighteen when they found her dead on the side of the road in 1722. His older brother Jacob disappeared in 1718, a year before Louis disappeared. They never found Jacob or Louis.

            This man was real and I dreamed about him. He was a mutant and I think I am one too. I don’t understand why I dreamed of him. He seemed like an answer to my problems. I got down his address in Tennessee, maybe I’ll give his place a visit, if it still exists.

            When I searched Victor, I couldn’t find him, because I didn’t know his last name. I only knew that he was a very important man back in the 1700s. I needed more than a dream. I printed out some pictures of Louis, his sister and his brother. I also found out that James family was big.

            His parents had twelve kids but only four lived to old age. Between them, Louis, Emma and Jacob were the youngest. His father ran away with another woman when Louis was only ten years of age. After that most his family broke apart. Maybe his father didn’t run away, maybe he was forced to runaway from his family because of a secret.

            A knock on my living room window make me jump. When I looked towards the window, Seth smiled and motioned towards the door. I shut the laptop closed and walked to open the door for Seth.

            “Hey, you okay?” Seth asks.

            “Yea. I was just a little sick today.” I smiled.

            “Is there something wrong?” He asks looking at my expression. I waved him in and sat down by the couch.

            I told him about my dream and what I have found on the computer. Seth’s expression was neutral, and I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

            “Well that’s a huge coincident.” He finally says.

            “A big one.” I breathed. “I need more answers.”

            “What you thinking of doing?”

            “I don’t know.”

            “Maybe you should search some of his family members. To see what they know about their ancestors.”

            “Maybe.” I smiled. An idea popped into my head and I needed some help with it.

















{Chapter 12}




            “You what?” I stood up from my seat looking down at Catherin.

            “It’s only three weeks, Elsa. It won’t kill you in school.” Catherin says calmly.

            “You want me to just pack up my bags and leave with you for three weeks to Japan!?”  I emphasized.

            “This is a great opportunity, for me. I don’t want to leave you here all by yourself for a month.” She says, eyes widen and confused.

            “Yea, it is a good opportunity for you, Catherin. So go head. I’m seventeen years old. I can stay here by myself, I won’t die.” I tell her.

            “I-I.” Catherin breathes. “I just think you’re too young, Elsa.”

            “You moved out when you were only eighteen, Catherin.”

            “That’s because I was going to college.”

            “Still, this isn’t about me. It’s about you.” I mumbled.

            She breathes pulling her hands over her mouth. I sat down and pulled her hand in between mine. I looked up at her and smiled.

            “Go head. I’ll be fine, Catherin. I promise to call you everyday and tell you how I’m doing. Go, this is your chance. Don’t let me keep you from it.”

            She smiled and touched my hands with her other hand.

            “You sure about this?”

            “I’m positive.” I chuckled.

            “Alright, then. But you have to call me everyday. If you miss one day I’ll go insane.”

            I nod and hugged her tightly.

            “Now, I’m leaving on Saturday. I’m going to start packing.” She says as she starts planning walking out of the kitchen.


            School passed by quickly on Friday. Catherin gone a little insane with shopping and everything she needed before she left to Japan. I could tell that she was happy and this was a great opportunity to become someone she always wanted to be. Lucy came over later that night, she showed me some of the stuff she was going to wear at the party. She picked out three outfits, one for the photos, one for the real party and one for dancing. The next day Catherin was leaving at four, two hours before Lucy’s party started.

            “Alright. I’m guessing this is it?” Catherin says as she finished getting her tickets on the front desk of the airport. “Oh, Honey. I’m going to miss you so much.” She hugs me.

            “You sound like mom.” I joked.

            “I know. But I really mean it though.” She laughs. She looked at her things and pulled out a paper folded from her bag. “Here are some things you need to buy for the house. If this runs out. I left you some money in the cookie jar in the kitchen. At the bottom of the page are some numbers you can reach me in Japan. I circled my cell phone number at the bottom. But please, please, call me.”

            “Alright. I will. Now go before you miss her flight.” I say picking up the piece of paper from her hand. 

            “Alight.” She smiles. “Come here.” She hugs me tightly as I hugged her back.

            “Bye.” I waved as she made her way past the line. She looked back and blows me a kiss. I smiled and pretended to catch it with my hand and send it to my heart.

            I walked back to the black BMW she officially gave me yesterday. I drove back home to get ready for the party.

            I pulled on a tight black semi-formal dress and slipped on sliver high heel sandals. I pulled some jewelry on and picked up my small bag on the counter placing my cell phone and some cash in it. I pulled my hair back and inserted a small flower on the side of my hair. I drove to Lucy’s party, when I got there a lot of people were outside by a pink carpet waiting for Lucy to show up.

            “What’s up?” Connor says standing next to me as I reached the pink carpet.

            “Hey, look at you.” I smiled. Connor was well dressed.

            “You look beautiful tonight.” He smirks and pulled out his hand as I give him my hand.

            “Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.” I compliment him.

            Everyone suddenly starts yelling and shouting as a white limo pulls in front of the pink carpet. Lucy comes out of the car wearing a pink designer ball gown, her hair was up as some fell down her face with curls to the side. She looked beautiful and very happy. She smiled and waved as a lot of people snapped photos of her. When we were all inside, she took some pictures with people and then some with me and Connor.

            “You look gorgeous.” I smiled.

            “What she means. You look super hot.” Connor jokes.

            “Thanks guys.” Lucy laughs.
            “Your party looks really nice.” Connor comments.

            “I know. Doesn’t it?” Lucy smiles with pride. “My mom and I picked this all out. I’m so proud of us.” She pulls her hand in front of her mouth.

            “Lucy, Hun. Come here. We need some pictures with your cousins.” Lucy’s mom calls as she waved Lucy forward.

            “Alright. I’m coming!” She turned to us. “Guys. Enjoy okay. I’ll find you guys later. Kisses.” She blow some kisses in the air.

            “Okay.” We both waved.

            “I’m going to get some punch. You wanna come?” I offered.

            “Nah. I think I’ll pass. I’m going to meet up with some of the guys. But I’ll see you later?”

            “Yea. I’ll see you later.” I smiled.

            I walked towards the punch table and poured myself a glass. I drank some and decided to get some of the mini sandwich on the table as well.

            “Wow. I never thought you would look this gorgeous.” I heard Seth’s voice in my ear as I turned around seeing him wearing black pants and blue button down shirt with a suit jacket.

            “I never thought you would ever wear a suit.” I joked.

            “Well, for a party like this, what can I do about it?”

            I laughed. He pulled out his hand.

            “Would you care to dance?” He asks.

            I pulled my hand into his. “I would love to.”

            He walked me to the dance floor as a slow song passed by. I pulled my arms around his neck. His hazel eyes looked into mine as we moved. He looked so enchanted to me. I smiled as we danced.

            “I never thought that I’d ever dance with you.” I said.

            “I didn’t think I was coming tonight.” He smirked. “But I knew you’d be here.”

            “You came for me?”

            He looked down as I actually saw him blush underneath his olive skin. I leaned in and kissed the side of his red burning checks.

            “Thank you.”  I whispered.

            The dimples of cheeks started to appear as his smile grew stronger. I lean my head against his shoulder as we danced.

            “Welcome everyone!” Lucy’s mom spoke on the microphone on stage.

            People started to shout and clap.

            “Today is my little girl’s birthday. She’s seventeen now and soon she’ll be eighteen and leaving home. All these years she’s been growing from a child to a teenager and now almost a woman.”

            People started to clap.

            “I’m so proud to introduce you. My little girl and my princess. Lucinda Elves.”

            People started clapping again as Lucy enters with a pink and white short strapless allure dress. She waves and blow kisses to the crowd.

            “Hey everybody.” She starts. “I’m so happy you all came tonight. This is my special day and with you guys here it makes it even more special. I want you all to enjoy the music and the food. So let’s get ready to party!” She yells waving her arm up in the air. Everyone yells and shout one more time before the music started again.

            As the party continues, I decided to go home. It was pouring rain on the way home. When I arrived home, the house seems a lot emptier without Catherin in it. When I entered the door, something didn’t seem right. Ignoring my instincts, I rushed to my room and got dressed in pajamas and slipped under a blanket to watch a movie in my room. I flipped through the cannels, when the TV turned off and the power went out. I looked around seeing nothing but darkness in my room.

            I walked towards closet and picked up a flash light. I light it up looking around the room. Downstairs inside the kitchen cabinet was some candles and I needed to reach that to light up the house. When I started to walk past the hall, I heard a noise. I looked around hearing footsteps walking on the roof. I pulled the light towards the ceiling and grabbed my bed near my door. Slowly I walked down the stairs pointing my flashlight in every direction.

            When I reached the bottom, the footstep noise coming from behind me now as I quickly turned back seeing nothing. My hands shaking now, I walked quickly towards the kitchen when the running sound came in front of me. A black beast ran in my front view as I let go of the bat. It hit the floor making a sound. I rushed outside running far away from the house. The beast ran behind me as I entered the woods. My feet rushed in front of me, I couldn’t see anything as I tried to make light on my front view. When I looked back a black figure was moving behind me.

            Without noticing, I tripped onto something. My entire body was covered up in mud. The flash light flew out of my hand and turned off. I quickly got up and stared running ignoring the pain that shivered through my body. The rain poured harder on top of my head as I continued running. I couldn’t keep up with my legs, my breath was growing harder. I fell a couple of times, and as I glared back, the beast seemed to have disappeared behind me. I stopped for a few seconds to breathe as a noise came from the trees. I continued to run trying to see if there was any house in view that I may go ask for help but it seemed like there was none.  

            I ran and ran trying to figure out which way was my way home through the darkness. I looked back, nothing seemed to be behind me. When I looked forward, I hit something hard as I fell back onto the ground and I realized I was on the ground. I looked up seeing a black figure in front of me.

            “Elsa!?” Seth yelled through the rain.

            Once I realized who it was, I breathed and suddenly everything grew dark as I felt myself hit the ground.


            I woke up onto of my bed, with dry clothe and under some blankets. I looked around seeing some candles lighting up my room. Footsteps came up from the hall, I quickly adjusted myself into a seating position. Seth enters the room with a cup of something hot. He smiled and sat next to me on the bed.

            “Here. Hot tea will warm you up.” He passes me the cup of tea. I slipped my fingers on the side of the cup felling the nice warmth feeling.

            “Thanks.” I took a small sip. “What happened?”

            “I don’t know.” He breathed. “I drove to your house to give you your purse that you forgot at the party, but all I found was the door opened. When I to search for you, you ran into me coming from the woods. You fainted.”

            I looked at him trying to remember something about what happened.

            “I know that a werewolf was here.” He says. “So I knew something was wrong.”

            My eyes widen as I set my tea onto the nightstand.

            “A werewolf was here? Other then you?” I asked.

            “Yes. I could sense it. He’s been here more then once.” He tells me. “It was definitely a familiar sent.”

            “You mean. I was in danger and I didn’t know about this!?”

            “I don’t believe it was here when you were, Elsa.” Seth comments.

            “Yea. But Catherin was here.” I say feeling unease.

            “He wasn’t looking for her.”

            “He was looking for me.” I whispered then looked at Seth who nodded.

            “Why? I thought this nightmare was over.” I breathed in confusion.

            “I don’t know.” Seth looks at me. “But I’m staying here tonight. I don’t want to leave you here all alone.”

            “Thanks.” I smiled touching his hand. I lay down and pulled his hands around my waist. He lies down next to me, hugging my waist. The warmth of his body warmed me up. I turned around looking into his eyes.  He smiled showing his dazzling dimples.

            “You know. I think you do that on purpose.”

            “Do what?” He asks still smiling.

            “That cute, smiling thing.” I laughed.

            “Is it dazzling you?”

            “Yes.” I breathed.

            “Than it works.” We both laughed.

            He leans in as his soft lips touched mine. I kissed him softly carving my fingers between his curls. He pulls me closer as we kissed each other. I can’t really control myself whenever I kiss Seth. I just want him closer to me every time we kiss, every time we touch. He gave me feeling I can’t quiet explain. He moves away softly, removing himself from our embrace.

            “Goodnight, Elsa.” He smiled.

            “Goodnight, Seth.” I smiled back shutting my eyes close keeping the image of his smile in my thoughts as I pulled myself to sleep.



































{Chapter 13}



            The next day I decided to drive to Tennessee to look for Louis’ family. Seth came along. We drove for a few hours and stopped at a Motel in north Kentucky to sleep for the night. The next day it took us a few hours before getting to Tennessee. This week was our spring break, everyone was going somewhere for vacation. When we reached Tennessee, the town was small. We passed farms as we drove through the town.

            “This seems different.” Seth says looking around.

            “It’s farms.” I laughed as I drove past some houses.

            I pulled in by a small motel. The only motel in view between all these farms.

            “A room for two.” I asked the guy behind the front desk. He looked at me and then picked up a set of keys.

            “You kids like it here?” He asks passing us the set of keys.

            “Were just visiting for a couple of days.”     

            “Well there aint nothing interesting to look at out here.”  He says looking out the door seeing nothing but dirt. “Nobody comes here for weeks. And when people do come, it’s usually for dumb business.”

            “Were just visiting some friends.” I say.

            “Then they aint much of a friend if ya’ll aren’t staying with them.”

            “That’s cause they don’t know we’re here.” I smiled. “Do you happen to know the James family?”

            “Well there is a woman who still lives in a one of these farms. Her name is Alice James. I don’t know if she moved out, news don’t fly that quickly around here.” He says.

            “Thank you sir.”

            “Sure thing, ya’ll have a nice trip here, kids. I hope you enjoy your time.” He waves as we leave.

            “Think we’ll find him?” Seth asks looking at miles of land.

            “His family has to be here somewhere.” I say back.

            “Maybe we should start asking people for this Alice.”

            “I think we should split up, when we get to these farms. The land can be big.” I spoke getting inside the car. We drove past some farms, asked a couple of people for Alice, and only a few knew where she lived but every person that “knew” where she lived gave a different direction. We reached the first house where a middle-aged woman was sitting by her front porch reading a book. She looked up seeing us stop by her door. She stood up from her seat and gave us a dirty look.

            “Hello.” I smiled walking towards her front porch.

            “Hello.” She says back.

            “Are you Alice James?” I asked.

            “Yes. That is I?” She assures. “Why do you ask?”

            “I was wondering if you know a little about your family’s history.”

            “My family is none of your concern.” She hisses back.

            “Ms. James, why is that?” I looked at her pulling my sun glasses over my head.

            “It’s none of your concern. Now have a nice day.” She looked into my eyes and something in her eyes seemed scared. Like she wasn’t telling us something but wanted to. She turned around walked towards her door.

            “Ms. James. Please, we can help you.” I say desperately.

            She turned around looking at Seth now. “No.” She paused. “No you can’t, child. Now go home, your parents much be worried sick about you two.”

            I stepped forward when Seth stopped me with one hand.

            “Let me talk her.” He whispers.

            I looked at him.

            “Search the area and I’ll talk to her.”

            “Sounds like plan.” I assured. I walked away from her front porch to over by the woods. I was scared to enter the woods because the last time I’ve been in there I was being attacked by a werewolf. I remember small portions of it but I know it was a werewolf after me that night. I walked up some hills and a few miles from the house.

            When the house was nowhere in sight I saw another small wooden cabinet, hidden by the woods, covered by the trees. I walked towards it, when I reached it the front door was shut but no cars were pulled in front of it. I heard a small sound come from the backyard.

            “Hello?” I called walking towards the back side of the cabinet.

            A small garage was open, and a gray Chevy truck was pulled inside. It’s front lid open. I walked forward.

            “Hello?” I called again, still no answers. I walked inside the garage. Inside there was many tools hanged on the wall, some knives and some very ancient guns. Something wasn’t right, I felt it in my veins. The more I moved forward the more nervous I got.

            “I’m Elsa. I’m here to ask a few questions.” I called out. Suddenly I heard a noise rush behind me and it didn’t sound like a human. I quickly turned snapping some tools off the wall and pulled it towards the sound. The tools hit the wall as I felt my back hit against the wall behind me. I felt breathless, like someone was chocking me.

            “Who are you!?” A voice called as a man entered the room. It was Louis. He was wearing jeans that were dirty with black oil tucked into black leather boots and a white plain t-shirt also dirty by the oil but tightly against his well-built body. His hair was shaggy by his ear and his beard well shaved down.

            “Elsa.” I gasped.

            “What you want with me?” He asks stepping closer.

            I pointed towards my neck and then pulled my hands in the air in surrender. He lets me go as I collapse to the ground. He walked over, wipes his hands against a small piece of cloth and pulls out his hand. He helped me get up as I looked at him as he picked up a glass of water and passes to me.

            “You look just the same.” I say calmly after I took a huge slip of the water.

            “How do you know me?” He looks down at me.

            “As awkward as it is. I dreamed of you.” I admitted. “You’re Louis James, right?”

            “Yes.” He says. His blue eyes in confusion.

            “I don’t know what I am. But I know you’re a mutant and I think you’re my solution to my problems.” I began.

            “How am I your solution?” He asks.

            I started explaining to him how everything happened. I told him about Dr. Russell and my dream of him. We sat down on arm chairs by the garage talking.

            A short silence flew in after I finished.

            “Show me again what you can do?” He asks pulling his fingers over his lips.

            I showed him the simplest things I did in practice, like toss a few rocks across the field.

            A few moments later his eyes widen. “He finally did it.” He whispers.

            “Excuse me?” I turn towards him. 

            “Elsa.” He says a littler louder. He stands up and pulls me up too. “You are me.”

            “What? That’s impossible.” I say sarcastically.

            “Dr. whatever he is. Used my powers and transferred them to you.” He looks into my eyes, inches away from my face.

            “I don’t understand what you mean.” I looked down.

            “In 1719 I was being tested on too. They took so many blood samples, that I was very weak for a couple of months. They were trying to create someone with my abilities. To be powerful and join them.” He walks forward. “But I escaped. I broke out of that hell and they never found me. Hundreds of years they’ve tried to find me, but now you’re here, my duplicate standing before me. They did it. They really did it.” He travels off. “How many more of you are there?”

            “I don’t know.” I paused. “But that’s not the only thing I can do. I can see the past and the future. That’s probably why my dreams brought me back to you that night.” I say walking behind him.

            He looked back. “My brother.” He whispered.

            “Your brother?” I asked.  

            “Elsa, you have my brother’s abilities too.” He speaks in a British accent.

            “Now I’m like a mix of your family?”


            “Then help me. My powers are out of control.”

            “That’s strange. Have you been taking anything?” He pulls his hands to starch the back of his neck.

            “A small liquid that mostly kept my powers in control. They used to give me it to keep them in control, now I need to find a pill. PIC. It’s the only thing that will stop my powers from running out of control and---”

            “And keep your powers forever.” He finishes.

            I glared at him. “How’d…?”
            “They told me about it. Victor was using it, that pill can be highly dangerous. But it’s the only thing that will help you keep your powers for good. It’s probably under very high security.”

            I looked down. “How do I get it?”

            “By breaking back into the lab.”

            “I need help with that.” I assumed.

            “I can’t, kid. I got a lot on my head lately.”

            A short silence followed before I understood what he meant by that.

            “You couldn’t stay away from your old life. That’s why you came back right?” I say pointing out the obvious. He paused and then glanced at me.

            “I’ve been coming back every ten years. Seeing my family’s name grow. I never had a family of my own, just watching my brothers and sisters create new families made me want to keep coming back. To watch them and seeing their lives as they all someday went their separate ways.” His voice cracked a little and I felt an ache in my heart, like I was feeling his pain. His own sadness behind it.

            “You wanted that. You just wanted a normal life.” I traveled off touching my chest.

            He glared back, his eyes pushing back tears. “I was in love.” 

            I pulled my hands over my mouth and sat down. “You had to leave her.” I whispered. “That must’ve been hard.”

            “It was the hardest thing I had ever done.” He began. “But I did it.”

            “That’s why I need your help. I can’t keep my powers out of control like this. Someday one of my love ones will get hurt.”

            “Listen, Kid. I can’t help you, I’m sorry. I got work to do.” He gets up walking towards his car.

            “Alice James. Is she one of your brothers’ or sisters’ great granddaughters?” I asked because I saw a small resemblance of her in him.

            “She’s one of Jacob’s great granddaughters.”

            “Your brother had a wife?” I asked from behind me.

            “Yes.” He looks back.

            “But you. You were going to get married.” I whispered realizing what he meant about needing to leave. “But you left.”

            “Please, Go!” He shouts.

            I jumped a little before pulling out a card with my name and number in the back I written the address to the laboratory and my house. “If you ever change your mind. Feel free to call. Your help is very much wanted.”

            I pulled the card on top of a table next to his car filled with some tools. I looked at him noticing him glare at the card. I walked away, walking back to the car. I found Seth leaning against the side of my car waiting for me. His arms folded against his chest.

            “Did you talk her?” I asked moving myself towards the driver’s seat.

            “Yes. She was a lot more worried about her kids then her family’s history.” He says moving inside the passengers’ seat.

            “She didn’t know anything about powers, werewolves?” I asked.

            “She knew stories about her ancestors, werewolf ledges. But nothing that she’d be frighten about.”

            “Then why was she so scared?” I looked at him in confusion.

            “One for kids was kidnapped years ago. She thinks it was one of werewolf ancestors that took her away.”

            “What you mean? She just disappeared out of no where?”

            “She was picking corn by the field, when Alice heard a yell. She didn’t find anything but her daughter’s blood stained sweater.” He paused. “The police searched for her but they never found her.”

            “Oh my god. That’s terrible.” I answered. “How long has it been?”

            “About two years ago.”

            “How old was she?” I asked pulling in the motel’s parking lot.

            “Her name was Chloe. She was eleven when she disappeared.” He pulls out a picture of a young brunet girl with light blue eyes, her smile was so warming, that she seemed like the sweetest person you’d ever meet. I glared at the picture for a few seconds before looking up.

            “That’s so sad.” I whispered.

            When we reached the room. I backed up some things I needed to break back into the lab. Seth argued with me before we made the agreement we would do so in two nights. In two days’ time is a full moon. I know werewolves were at its strongest. Seth argued it was too dangerous especially during that night. Since the Laboratory was here in Tennessee it is easier to do that in two days.  We were going to practice some moves during those two days before we were ready.

            “I’m going to take a shower.” I say picking up a towel on top of the bed.

            Seth looked up from his writing. “I can come too.” He smirked.

            “If my phone rings. Let me know. It’s most likely Catherin.” I smiled ignoring his comment.

            “Sure thing.” He looks back down.

            I wanted Seth more then my own power can afford. He was everything I wanted. We had something, which normally people can’t understand. Just looking at him writing, seeing his curls curve up by his ears, and his piercing through made me realize that he’s the one I wanted.

            “What?” Seth looks up at me.

            I chuckled. “Nothing.”

            I took a quick shower, Seth entered after me. I brushed my hair slowly and softly. Looking at myself in the mirror, I realized how much I’ve changed. My eyes became like a dark green shaded by brown. My hair became longer.

            My phone vibrated on top of the table. I looked at the ID it said ‘Japan’. I picked it up opening it.

            “Hello.” I began.

            “Elsa?” Catherin’s voice sounded distant.

            “Catherin. How are you? Are you okay?” I asked as I put my hair brush down.

            “I’m fine. I just landed here. It’s like six am so it must be night there.”

            “Yea it is. It’s almost eleven here.” I comment.

            “Are you okay? Are you home now?” She asks worried.

            “Uh. I’m at Seth’s for a while.” I lied. If Catherin knew I was in Tennessee she’d be back home on the next flight. I couldn’t have that happen.

            “Why? Did you get scared being there by yourself?”

            “Uh. Yea I did.”

            “Just be careful okay. I love you.” A sound came from behind her. “I gotta go now.”

            “Okay. I love you-” I didn’t finished she turned off. “Too.” I whispered. 

            “Was that Catherin?” Seth asks on the door of the bathroom. He was rolled in a piece of towel, his abs covered with water, his curly hair shagged up by his eyes as he stares directly at me.

            “Yea.” I say removing my eyes from his body. He moves closer, his eyes locked on mine. He pulls my chin up to look at him.

            “I hate lying to her.” I whispered.

            “Everyone lies.” He smiled showing the side of his dimples.

            I stood up, my face inches from his. He continued to smile as he pulled me closer. I leaned in meeting his soft lips. I craved him closer to me. We moved together. I couldn’t help but wanting him more. We kissed as we dropped on top of the motel’s bed. I knew what I wanted and right now I wasn’t turning back. He was it and I wanted him, now. We want each other. I love you, Seth. I thought as I pushed myself deeper into his kiss.

            “I want you.” Seth whispers.

             I continued to kiss him.

            “I want you.” I repeated.







































{Chapter 14}


            “Harder.” Seth says as we trained on an open field. He fought me but every trick I tried on him he was faster. “Focus, Elsa. You can’t fight a werewolf if you’re not focused.”

            I tried again, I pushed my thoughts back and pulled my hands together forming an invisible ball of powers, quickly pushed it forward. Seth went flying hitting the side of a tree and quickly collapsing onto the ground.

“Seth!” I shout running towards him.

            “That was good.” Seth gasps pulling his thumb up trying to get up.

            “I’m so sorry.” I began trying to help him up.

            “I’m fine.” He smiles lightly. He stretched his back as I heard a few cracks. “Okay, now I want to see more of that.” He looks at me.

            “She’ll kill you.” A voice came from the shadows.

            “Louis.” I smiled. I felt a light of happiness seeing him.

            Louis walks forward, wearing jeans, black leather boots and a plain black t-shirt tightly against his body. “Hey kid.”

            “Would you quit calling me that?” I say annoyed.

            “I’m three hundred and eight years old. You’re still seventeen. So you are a kid.”

            “Well to me, you still look seventeen. So quit calling me that.” I comment pulling my hands over my hips.

            “As you wish.” He looks at me than at Seth.

            “What made you change your mind?” I asked stepping forward.

            “I didn’t.” He looks at me. “I’m just going to help you train.”

            “Thank you.” I breathed.

            “And how can you help her?” Seth asks sarcastically.

            “I inherited his abilities. So the only way I can do this is if he helps me.” I told him as Louis agreed by smirking.

            “Alright then.” Seth says fixing his shirt. He walks over far away from me.

            “So, what you’re going to do is focus. Close your eyes.” Louis orders coming close to me.

            I did as he said.

            “I want you to use your mind.” I felt his fingers touch the side of my head. “To imagine yourself being at your highest power.” He whispers as I felt his breath by the side of my ear. I heard his foot steps becoming more distant.

            “Now follow my voice with your mind. Picture a rock being filled up with your powers. Follow my voice and swing that rock towards my voice.”

            He continues speaking as I focused on the rock. I felt it move, felt it come up and every bit of it I felt it being tossed across towards Louis. I heard a loud noise as I quickly opened my eyes. Louis stood looking at me, a ten-pound rock in his hands.

            “Very well.” He smiled.

            “I felt that.” I say surprised. “I felt the rock actually move.”

            “When you’re in control of something you feel everything. Even the slightest move. It’s all in your mind. You just have to know how to control it.” He says.

            Louis moves close to me as he waved Seth in my far front.

            “Now use your hands to hit him with a force. Like you did before.” He pulled closer behind me touching the side of my arm pulling it forward. Seth eyes widen, as his eyes flashed with envy. “I’m going to make a small movement with your hand, but I want you to control it.”

            He pulled my hand up as my finger came forward. He lightly pulled it down as Seth flew in the air. “You can reach for his neck and kill him at this moment. Your prey is under your power when you have him at this moment. You can do anything as you pleased.” Louis explains behind me.

            My heart beats fast against my chest. I looked back at him and nodded.

            “What if he comes from behind?” I asked.

            “You’ll know when something comes from behind you.” He smirked. I let Seth down as he moved towards me. Louis moved away in the same place where Seth stood.

            “Fight me.” Louis order.

            I started to laugh. 

            “I’m serious, fight me.” He says annoyed.

            “Alright.” I say twisting my body.

            I flicked my fingers towards him when an invisible wave of power hit the tree behind him as he moved away. I moved again twisting my hands together and pushed it towards him as it hits his chest. He harshly hits the tree behind him as he collapses on his feet. He looked up at me and smiles. Again, I tried by pulling my hands to my sides then moving them quickly forward. He opened his hands as I saw an invisible shield capture my power. He tosses towards as I rolled in the air and collapse to the floor. Seth ran towards as I moved my hands up showing I was okay.

            Louis stood there with a smirk on his face. I pulled my hands towards my side and gave it my all. I saw an invisible sparkle on my hands as I moved quickly and shot my arms towards Louis. He tried to move up as he flew towards the tree and stood there. My hand shot up towards him as I felt my hand around his neck even when it wasn’t there.

            “Was that good enough for you?” I say letting him go.

            “That was very good. You’re more powerful then me.” He coughs.

            “That’s a little impossible you know.” I smiled.

            “Oh, it’s very possible.”

            Seth’s phone started to ring as he looked at me. “I gotta take this. Excuse me.” He says walking away. “Hey…. Uh yea, I’m alone.”

            “I don’t like him.” Louis says pointing towards Seth.

            “Why not?” I asked turning back.

             “He seems off to me.” He crosses his arms against his chest.

            “I know Seth can be a little, you know, hot headed. But that’s just him.”

            “No. You don’t get it, Elsa.” He looks at Seth and then at me. “Ugh. I’m sorry, I’m getting all cranky accusing your innocent boyfriend.”

            “Wait, hold on. You’re accusing him of what?” I crossed my arms against my chest waiting for an answer.

            “Nothing. I must’ve confused him with someone else.” He looks away.

            “Oh I get it. You just want Seth to be the guilty one.” I say.

            “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

            “You never mean anything.” I start walking away as Seth came out of the woods, a sad look on his face. When he caught the sight of me, his expression changed.

            “We should go tonight.”

            “What? We had this planned out. I’m not ready.” I say trying to make him face me, but he couldn’t look at me.

            “Tonight, has to be it, Elsa. It’s the first night of the red full moon. This is when I’m at my strongest. I can protect you.”

            “That’s why we shouldn’t go tonight.” I responded pulling my fingers under his chin. I pulled it up as he looked at me and then away.

            “I can’t afford to loose you too.” I say quietly almost as a whispered.

            He looked at me, his eyes soften.

            “You are ready, Elsa.” Louis starts behind me. “The red moon means you are at you’re strongest too. It combines every power at its strongest.”

            “You’re coming?” I smiled.

            “No.” He says quickly. “But I wish you luck.” He turns and walks away. “Good-bye Elsa McCoy.”

            “It was nice meeting you, Louis James.” I waved as he disappeared into the woods.

            I agreed with Seth to go tonight, but something was off with him. We backed up our bad pack and left. We drove west, a few miles away from the farms. We stopped a few miles from the laboratory separated by woods. I pulled out everything I needed to walk on the woods at night. After we got what we needed we quickly headed for the woods.























 {Chapter 15}



            We walked a while and ever since then Seth has not said a word to me. His eyes glowed like a dogs under the darkness of the woods. He stopped a few times telling me where to go. That was the only time he’d actually talk to me. I glared at him from the corner of my eyes seeing him walk and sniff the way.

            “Seth?” I whispered.

            “Yea.” He responds quietly.

            “Why you acting like this?” I asked.

            “Like what?” He sounded confused.

            “Like you don’t want to be here. To be here with me.” I admit.

            He stopped looking around and then looked back at me.

            “I’m here for you.” He says quietly.

            “Doesn’t seem like it.” I whispered walking forward past him.

            He pulled me back with his hand.

            “Stay here. I smell something.” He pushed me softly under the darkness of a tree.

            He looked to the side and quickly disappeared.

            I didn’t understand what was happening but I needed to figure out what was happening to him. I looked around seeing nothing but darkness. A small chill came up my spine as looked behind me. I quickly glanced behind me seeing a dark figure flash by. I gasped pulling my hands over my mouth. I slowly walked away as quietly as possible.

            I walked looking around. A few minutes after walking I felt that chill on my spine again as I started to walk faster now. A black figure ran past me like it did the night before. I started running as fast as possible. The figure wasn’t behind me anymore, it was at my side. When I looked to my side to see what it was, I saw a big wolf, a werewolf looking at me. His dark honey eyes glowing in the darkness. He ran past me and quickly stopped in front of me. I turned around and ran the opposite direction.

            The more I ran, the harder I breathed. A hand flew over my mouth and another at my arms as it dragged me to the side and harshly pushed me against a wall.

            “Shhh. It’s me, Louis.” He whispered as he slowly took his hands away from my mouth.

            I kept quietly as the big black werewolf stopped on top of us. We were under a small bridge. He breathed and then howled. The wolf stepped off the bridge and ran forward. I looked down seeing Louis standing in front of me.

            “Listen, to me. Seth is not good.” He whispered. “He’s on their side.”

            “No. Not true.” I responded in disbelief.

            “I saw him talk to that big bad wolf that followed you.”

            “They got him?” I say a little too loud.

            Louis pulled his hand over my mouth. “Keep quiet, will you?” He paused. “I’ll help you in. Now follow me.” He steps off from under the bridge and offered his hand. I looked down at his hand and then back up at him again as he continued to look over at me.

            I followed Louis quietly through the forest. He held my hand most of the way to guide me on where I was going. While holding his hand I felt a connection flow between me and him. Like he was giving me off energy and me giving him. We walked a few miles before he looks over at me giving me an indication that it was safe to speak.

            “Why you’d come?” I asked releasing my hand from his.

            “I need something from the inside too.” He looks at me. “I need revenge.”

            “Oh. I see.” I say. I guess I was expecting a different answer I thought to myself.

            “I also felt like I needed to help you, kid.” He smiles. “I mean, Elsa.”

            “Thanks.” I smiled back and hugged him. He paused for a second then softens up and hugged me back.

            “Okay. Now I know where the PIC is located.” He gives me a folded out paper.

            I took it clicking my flashlight on, seeing a well-drawn map of the place in front of me.

            “Here’s where were getting in.” He pointed towards an air vent in the drawing. “Walking toward this way. Then we’re in. I’ll look out for you as you will look out for me. We’ll walk this way and then, here, is where they keep some securities. We’ll get them and then we’re in.”  He finishes.

            “Got it.” I nod.

            “Follow me.” He smirks.

            I turned off my flashlight and followed him.

            We walked a few steps before we reached a tall electrified fence. Louis pulled his hands together and twisted them as a huge hole quickly was made onto the fence. He looked back at me and smiled.

            “Ladies first.” He waves me through.

            “Thanks.” I smiled.

            The air vent was very large it fit both me and him side to side. Our shoulders rubbed against each other as we slowly crawled on the air vent. When we were out, I did what I least expected to do, I took some of the guys down. Louis helped me through most of them. Louis stopped walking and backed up by the wall.

            “As much as I hate this. We need to split up.” I say.

He looked at me.

            “Absolutely not.” He argued. “If they get you, you’ll be stuck here again.”

            “Louis, I’m ready. I need to do this fight on my own.” I began.

            “Elsa, I know you’re strong. But I don’t think its best if we slip up.”

            “Just go find whatever you’re looking for and I’ll go for what I’m looking for.”

            He glanced at me and then breathed out.

            “Please, Louis. I don’t want to hold you back.” I whispered. I looked at the two hallways the separated into different paths. I started to walk towards my path as Louis quickly grabbed my hand and spins me around. I stood inches away from his face.

            “This isn’t the end. Promise me, we’ll meet here an hour from now?”

            I looked into his eyes, knowing he felt that connection with me. I smiled.

            “I promise.” Honestly, I didn’t know whether I’d be coming back, but I had to promise him or else he’d come with me.

            “Okay.” He hugs me.

            “Bye, Louis.” I looked at him and slowly kissed the side of his cheeks.

            I turned around and walked forward. I glared back seeing Louis walk his way, he looked alert, watching his every move as he got further away. I looked forward, being careful on where I was going. With each step I took I looked over my shoulders making sure I wasn’t being followed.

            Thinking of immortality makes me feel uneasy. Catherin will grow old, get married, have kids, be a grandmother, but me, I’ll stay seventeen forever. I will never grow old, I will never have kids, never truly moving anywhere. But drinking the PIC is what I needed, it wasn’t my fault I turned out this way. People will come by and move on with their lives when I’m still who I am, or who I was. A small tear escaped my eyes as I looked to my side seeing a door wide open, the room light was on. I turned and walked towards it making sure no one was around.

            It felt strange that no one was in the halls but at the same time made me think that maybe they were all in the woods looking for me. As I entered the room, it reminded me when I was here. The chair, the bed and everything around it.

            “Help! Please.” A female’s voice came from my right.

            When I turned my head, I saw Chloe. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were swollen. She looked older, it’s been two years now and she was thirteen. She banged the cage room she was in.

            “Chloe?” I spoke running towards her. When I reached her there was a huge lock on the room.

            “Please, help. I’d been here for two years.” She cried.

            “Calm down. I’m Elsa. I think I’m like you.”

            “You’re a werewolf too?” She whispers. I looked up at her.

            “No. But have you already had your transformation?”

            “No. They’re keeping me here until I do. I only transform half way.” She confesses.

            “Move back.” I ordered as she moved back.

            I pulled my hands to the closed lock looking opening my palm as a flicker of energy hits the lock opening it.  

            “Watch out!?” Chloe yells. I quickly looked behind me as something hit me in the head blacking me out.



















{Chapter 16}





            Slowly opening my eyes I felt myself tied between ropes. I tired moving my body realizing I was chained to a chair. Panicking, I looked to my side seeing Chloe cry as she shook her head looking at me. Two large men stood by the door as one of them noticed I was awake.

            “She’s awake.” The tall dark guy called to someone outside.

            “Well, well.” Dr. Russell walks into the room, hands together as he looked towards me. “Welcome back, Elsa McCoy. It’s been three years.”

            “You haven’t changed a thing.” I say sarcastically in disgust.

            “And you haven’t either.” He smiles. “We’ve been looking for you. You’re a hard puppy to find.”

            “I try my best.” I faked a smile.

            “I’m guessing you haven’t met the person that transformed you.” Dr. Russell says waving towards the door. When I looked Edwin stood on the doorway, narrow eyes looking at me as he smiled.

            “Edwin?” I say surprised.

            “Ah. The ancient puppy knows my name.” He smirks.

            “She dreamed of you.” Says the young looking dude by the door.

            “I see.” He looks at me. “Then I’m guessing you know a little bit about me.”

            “How does he know that?” I asked looking at the man standing a few inches before me.

            “You see, Elsa. If you dreamed of me, that man can see everything that passes through your head since you were born.” He walks towards me and slowly bends to be inches before my face. “He’s like you.” He touches my cheeks as I turned away.

            “You disgust me.” I whispered.

            He looked at me slowly moving himself back up.

            “Do you want to know why you’re here, Elsa?” He walks in front of me. 

            I looked at him and then away trying to avoid eye contact.  

            “In 1720 we tried a small experiment, called ‘Transfers’. Simply, as you know by the name, is transforming supernatural powers to a normal human being.” He begins as moves around me. “First we tried it on Victor. I’m sure you know who he is, from your dream, right? Anyways, Victor started taking the PIC, put soon when we transferred powers towards him he immediately died.”

            I gasped looking at him.

            “We kept trying and trying. But none of our patients seemed to work on. So, we started to capture people close to death, you know, people that no one would notice gone.”

            “So, you decided to end their life for them?!” I shout trying to break free from the ropes that held me down. 

            “We promised them a better life, Elsa. Like we promised you.” He touched the side of my face and smiled. “After hundreds of years trying we finally got our answer. Our genius plan worked.” 

            “You’re saying I was the first one that this stupid experiment actually worked on?” I asked surprised.

            He smiled. “Aren’t you a smart girl?”

            “Then what do you want from me? To join you?” I turned.

            “Not only that.” He walks to be standing inches away from me. “We want to figure out what did we do that it worked on you but not on anyone else.”

            “You want to continue to experiment on me?” I asked disgusted.

            “Bingo.” He laughs.

            I looked to my side seeing Seth walk in looking down at his feet.

            “That will never happen!” I yelled. “Seth!”

            I called out his name in sign for him to attack. But instead of him attacking, he stood there, eyes looking at me and then away.

            “Seth?” I called his name again.

            Edwin starts to laugh.

            “You’re begging for help to one of my guards?” He looks at my hopeless face then at Seth’s. “Ah, you see, Elsa. Seth here, he was given a mission. To find you, and to bring you here. We trained him, to become one of our strongest werewolves. Seth did a wonderful job.”

            “That’s not true.” I paused. “Seth wouldn’t do that.” I looked at Seth.

            “Tell her, Seth. Tell her the truth!” Edwin shouts.

            “We made a deal.” Seth says as his words crumble.

            “I can’t believe you.” I cried.

            “Elsa, I…” He walks towards me but stops. “I didn’t mean to go this way.”

            “You lied to me. You made me fall in love with you.” I continued crying.

            “Young love. I remember being in love.” Edwin starts with sarcasm.

            “Elsa, I had no choice.” He tells me.

            “You had no choice? What was this deal? Huh?” I demanded.

            “We promised him his mom back.” Dr. Russell says from behind.

            “They tricked you. She’s dead!” I shouted. “I saw her. I saw her dead Seth.”

            “No, she’s alive.” He starts to crack into a cry.

            I shut my eyes close bringing back the picture of what his mother looked like. She was beautiful, but she was dead. I pulled back the vision of the doctor in the hospital looking at her dead body in the freezer, showing it to his dad and explaining his missing son. I felt myself push that vision into Seth’s head as I felt his feeling as he watched this. The sadness ache in my heart, I felt how broken and ripped apart he was.

            “She’s alive.” He says shortly.

            In one move I pushed my powers into one, as the ropes that wrapped around me transformed into dust breaking me free. I freed myself pushing my hands over my head and towards Dr. Russell as he flew towards the wall then collapsed onto the floor motionless. After that, I was about to motion my hands over, one of the guards flew across the room in front of me breaking the wall behind him, I looked behind me and I saw Louis standing on the doorway.

 “Go!” He yelled fighting the guards left to finish.

Edwin became angry transforming himself into the big black wolf I’d seen in my dreams, the wolf I seen in the woods, the one that followed me, and the one that has been in my house more then once. Seth transforms himself into a wolf also, attacking Edwin from behind.

            Seth and Edwin fought in front of me, colluding down walls in front of them. Louis finishing the last guard. I looked behind me as Chloe stood there in panic.

            “Here.” I say pushing my hands together and twisting them as the lock broke open. “Come on.” I waved her out.

            I grabbed her hand as I we moved out of the room. Louis came behind me grabbing my other hand and quickly came in front of me. The ceiling started to break off as it fell behind us. I turned seeing the building collapse bit by bit behind us.

            “This way!” Louis yells pulling me and Chloe behind him.  

            We ran past halls as the building continues to collapse. We stopped in front of a big white wall as it exploded in front of us becoming a huge hole. Louis waved us out, Chloe went first, when it came my turn, I felt my mom’s bracelet slide off my wrist. I looked back.

            “Elsa, come on!” Louis shouts.

            “My mother’s bracelet!” I yelled.

            “Elsa. You don’t have time this building is collapsing.”

            I refused to go as I walked back picking up my mother’s bracelet back in my hands. As I walked towards the exit as the ceiling collapse in front of me, I stood back.

            “Elsa!” Louis yells.

            I cough waving my hands in front of me as I continued to inhale dust.

            “I’m here.” I say softly.

            The piece of the ceiling exploded in front of me as Louis stood behind it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me before everything colluded behind me.  I fell on top of him on the ground at the side of the building.

            “Are you okay?” he asks pulling me up.

            “I’m fine.” I respond quietly removing myself from his arms.

            “Let’s go.” He heads for the woods as he grabbed my hands again. Chloe quickly grabbed my other hand as we ran in the woods.

            “Ugh. I need the…” I started.

            “You needed this?” Louis asks holding a small dark container in his hand.

            “Where’d you get that?” I asked.

            “Well I got inside to look for Chloe, but instead I found the PIC.” He smiles.

            “And instead, I found Chloe. I guess we went in opposite direction.” I finished picking up the container from his hand and sliding it into the secure front pocket of my jacket.

            When we reach the furthest part of the woods a big black wolf stopped in front of us. I pulled Chloe behind me as Louis pulled me behind him.

            “Edwin.” Louis starts as he looked seeing Seth in his werewolf form coming from behind. “Nice meeting you again. After hundreds of years, here you are stronger than ever.”

            Edwin growls, his eyes narrowed my way.

            “How flaring, I’ve been pretty well. You know, visiting everywhere in the world. I’ve been to Paris, and Rome.” Louis continues as he continues to block me and Chloe.

            Edwin moves his head and then snorts as if he was laughing. He quickly starts to run towards us. Louis pulled his hands up forward creating an invisible shield. Seth jumps onto Edwin’s side as they both started to fight. Everything happened in a split second. A few moments later Seth opens his mouth and sinks his teeth into Edwin’s neck as he let out a growl of cry. Seth shakes his head ripping pieces from Edwin’s neck. Soon after Edwin falls to the ground motionless. His body transforming back to human form. I kept quiet seeing Edwin dead in front of me. Chloe started to cry in panic. I hugged her removing her from the scene.

            Louis took Chloe in his arms leaving me alone with Seth. Seth’s golden eyes looked into mine as he passes in front of me.

            “I want you to leave me alone.” I say.

            He growls in argument.

            “You lied to me, Seth.” I turned as he came in front of me.

            He growled again but softer now like he meant I’m Sorry, Elsa.

            I shook my head. “Goodbye, Seth.” I cried walking away. When I looked back Seth stood there looking back at me. His eyes glowing in the darkness before disappearing into the woods.
































{Chapter 17}



            When we reached my car, we made a camp fire and pulled out two camping tents up. I pulled out some things I had in my car to cook. Louis peeled off the crust of an orange as Chloe looked at her apple while eating. 

            “Chloe, do you know who I am?” I started.

            She nods softly. “You’re Elsa.” She says. “Right?”

            “Right. I uh… I visited your mother. She’s been worried sick about you.”

            “I missed mama. I wish I never went to pick out corn.” She says looking down at her red apple.

            “That’s Louis. He’s one of your ancestors.” I pointed towards Louis as he looks up at me.

            “I’m one of your great ancestors’ brother.” He corrects me.

            “Oh my. Really?” She says excited. “Do I get to live forever too?”

            I chuckled by her southern accent.

            “Yes you do.” Louis smiles. “But only if you never stop running.”

            “What was he like?”

            “Who?” He looks at her.

            “Your brother.” She tells him taking another bite of her apple.

            “He was an amazing brother, and a good dad.” Louis smiles to himself. “He was an honest man.”

            “Did he love his wife?”

            “Oh yes. He’d do anything for her. Even die for her.” He motions.

            “So, he died young?” Chloe asks as she yawned.

            “Your great grandfather was a brave man. He died for me, when it should’ve been me. I had no family. I had no wife. But he didn’t think of that, he thought of me.” He says traveling off.

            “He helped you escape.” I say realizing what he meant.

            “We both were. But he didn’t make it through.”

            “That is so sad.” Chloe responds yawning again.

            “Chloe, hun. You can go to bed.” I smiled.

            “I sure will. Ya’ll wont leave, right?” She smiles back.

            “We’ll be right out here. I’ll be sleeping next to you tonight.”

            She smiles and walks towards me. She bends down and gives me a tight hug.

            “Thank you so much.” She whispered. “You saved my life.”

            “Your welcome.” I hugged her.

            She did the same with Louis then walks inside the tent to rest.

            Louis sits next to me, his shoulders brushing against mine. He looks at me and then at his hands as he opens and closes them. He moved his finger into a circle as a daisy flower flies towards him. He picks it up and pulls it in front of me.

            “You were very good today.” He smiles.

            I smiled taking the daisy from his hand. “Thank you.” 

            “I’m sorry about Seth.” He tells me.

            “No. You were right. I should’ve listened to you.” I say looking down at the daisy.

            “I realized you can do more then just see the past and the future, Elsa.”

            “I know. I can make other people see what I see.” I answered.

            “You made Seth see his mother.”

            I nod feeling guilty of it. I knew it would hurt him but I had to because Dr. Russell and Edwin tricked him and maybe someday I’ll forgive him. He betrayed me and that’s all I thought about right now.

            “What you going to do when you get back?” I asked.

            “Travel around.”

            “If you ever feel like you want a family. You are always welcome to come live with me and my sister.”

            He chuckles. “I’m way done with school.”

            “I’m saying it’s good to interact with people. To be around people.”

            “It’s not good to be so attached to humans. You see, someday they’ll move on with their lives, grow old, have children, have a career, but you.” He pauses. “You’re just here, stuck the same. Never changing, never growing old. You’re just seventeen. Then you have to move so people won’t notice that you’re not changing like they are. You’ll have to let go of people you become so attached to.” He looks over at me. “I don’t do well with humans for that reason, Elsa.”

            A short silence. “I’m sorry. I thought of it that way.”

            He was right someday Catherin will be gone, god I couldn’t think of that. But someday everyone I know will grow old and die while I’ll be stuck the way I am.

            “It’s how life is for us now.” He smirks. “I’m used to it.”

            “I need to get use to it.” I say looking down at my hands seeing a flicker of light rise up to my fingers and then disappear.

            Silence flew in for a few seconds. Louis looks over at me and then back down.  

            “Elsa.” He starts.

“Yea?” I turn to him.

 “I feel a connection to you.”

            “Me too.” I admit.

            He turned to me as our faces were inches away. He smiles with his eyes as they burned into mine. He leans forward as our lips softly touches. His hot breath flew inside my mouth as we moved. I pulled my hands to the back of his head as we kissed. I pulled myself back looking at him as he looked at me awkwardly.

            “I’m sorry.” I say slowly turning away.

            “No. I’m sorry.” He tells me.

            “Louis, I feel a different type of connection.” I confessed.

            “I know.” He paused.

            “I’m going to bed.” I lean in and kissed the side of his cheek.

            “Goodnight.” He says.

            “Goodnight.” I smiled as walking into the tent where Chloe was sound asleep.




            “Oh my baby!” Alice shouts from the front porch as she caught the sight of her daughter.

            “Mama!” Chloe runs to her mother hugging her tightly.

            “Look at you, so big now.” Alice cries.

            “I know, I’m thirteen now.”

            Alice chuckles. “Yes.” She touches her daughter’s cheeks. “Yes you are my dear.” 

            Alice looks at me standing there watching her and Chloe.

            “Thank you so much.” She walks towards me and hugged me.

            “Your welcome, Ms. James.” I smiled hugging her.

            “You brought my baby back.” She holds my hands.

            “Now you don’t have to worry about anyone stealing her. She’s safe now.” I smiled as I told her. “I got to go now. Have a wonderful life Ms. James.”

            “May god bless you, Child. You’re a good person.”

            “Thank you.” I say getting into my car. On the passengers seat Louis sat there watching Chloe enter back into her home as Alice pulled her arms around her daughter’s shoulders.

            “You okay?” I asked looking at him.

            “Yea. I just miss some old times.”

            “She’s safe now.” I smiled.

            “I know.” He smiled back as I drove off.

            I drove towards his old wooden house down the farm. We got out as I stood in front of him. He smiled at me, hands in his pocket and hair stretched back.

            “Were here. You know, if you change your mind. My house is open.” I smiled back.

            “I’ll think about it.” He hugged me. “I promise.”

            I looked at him as I got inside my car. I know he would think about it, I didn’t know where he planned to go next or where he plans to spend the rest of his eternal life. Seeing him stand there reminded how I felt when we left Catherin. My connection to him burned deeper than what I felt for Seth. This isn’t over. Our journey isn’t completely finished, Louis and I will someday come back together and maybe be a team. Someday I know he’ll come to find me, and maybe I’ll go find him. It all depends on the further future and I’m counting on it.












{Chapter 18}



            I spent the next two weeks doing nothing but going to school and then home. Seth really hurt me and I felt empty without him. He didn’t show up to school at all. Catherin was returning from Japan today, she heard about my break up with Seth and she knew how hurt I sounded through the phone when I didn’t want to talk about it. I sat on the couch switching through the channels on the TTV as the door rumble open. I looked up seeing Catherin stand by the door waiting for me to run to her.

            I walked to her as she took one look at me and hugged me tightly. It felt good to have someone there for me when I needed her the most. I cried on her shoulder for a few seconds before I turned to her and smiled.

            “I missed you.” I told her.

            “You know I missed you too, baby.” She smiles. “I’m sorry to hear about you and you know who.” She avoided his named and that made me feel good.

            “I know, and I’m over it.” I wiped my cheeks.

            “Good and you should.” She glared at me. “Now, I got to rest and then unpack.”

            “Yea. Go head.” I breathed picking up one of her heavy bags and bringing it up to her room.

            I walked to my room and sat on the bed looking straight at my closet. I waved my fingers across as my closet door opened. A small purple box flew towards me, the box where I had all my most pride possessions. I opened the box removing the small container with a clear liquid inside. I picked up the PIC container holding it up high in front of me. I glanced at it for a few seconds.

            This was my solution, my powers would all be in place again. For two whole weeks I’ve been staring at this container not knowing whether if I should take it or not. Taking the PIC meant leaving your old self behind, your old life behind. It meant leaving Catherin forever once she became older. This PIC meant I would have to let go of my past life.

            Louis was right, I don’t know if I could this. To pack up and leave my old life behind. Louis never returned to his family once he escaped the laboratory, he stayed away until they were all gone. Our kind don’t fit well with humans, we are mutants and being attach to a life that was not meant to be yours will be so much hard to leave once you have to. I love Lucy and Connor, my high school best friends and I wish, oh how I wish, that we could’ve grown old together, seeing our children become parents and growing up. But now that’s changed because I am not the same Elsa McCoy I once was, I’m a new one, an immortal one.

            I stared at the container removing the lid off of it glancing at it one more time. I have to do this if I want my powers to be in control. I quickly poured the liquid into my mouth swallowing it whole. A few seconds later, the room began to shake around me as the books on my shelves began to fall out. I felt my throat become tighter as I touched it. My body motions in the air and then as my throat reopened, I felt myself collapse on my bed. I shut my eyes close and then opened them as I gasp. The room stopped shaking and everything went back to normal.

I stood up from my bed feeling my body a little bit unbalanced. I stared down at my hands feeling the energy from throughout my body. I opened them seeing sparks like lightning bolts at the tips of my fingers. I smiled at myself seeing a different image on the mirror. A new me, I thought. I felt different somehow, stronger.  










































{Chapter 19}


            “Hey.” Lucy says coming across my locker.

            “Hey.”  I smiled.

            “Is everything alright?” She asked.


            “Look, I know what I said was wrong last time. I’m sorry for admitting I was right. I know it made you feel worse.” She apologized.

            When I came back from Tennessee, Lucy came to talk to me about Seth. I told part of what was true on the phone. She admitted she was right about us not working out and told me to move on. We had our fight and I was over it. I knew she was right I just didn’t want to admit it.

            “Lucy, you were right. You warned me and I didn’t listen.”

            “Why don’t we just push this behind us and move forward?” She asks.

            “That sounds great.” I smiled pulling my arm out closing my locker. She laughed and took my arm as we walked to class.

            “Erin Hale was totally checking you out.” She points out as we walked through the halls. “You should definitely go to prom with him. He’s super cute and I know he can take your mind off from the past.”

            I laughed. “Enough of boys. I think I can find myself my own date.”

            We entered class together knowing she was the perfect best friend I’d ever met. As we entered we found Connor waiting for us on the back row of the class.

            “Hey guys, did you guys find your prom dates yet?” Connor asks.

            “Nope.” I answered.

            “Yes.” Lucy giggles. “I’m going with Jeff. He just asked me.”

            Her and Jeff McDonald has been dating since their first date. He asked her to be his girlfriend a week ago. She’s been blushing and always smiling in school. She sat next to him at lunch and held his hand in the halls. It was like her perfect high school life.

            “That’s no surprise.” Connor brags.

            I laughed.

            “At least I’m happy, you moron.” Lucy says annoyed.

            “I agree.” I comment.

            “Thank you, Else.” She smiles. “Do you have a date?”

            “Actually I do. Tiffany Browns.”

            Lucy’s mouth flew open. “I doubt it.”

            Tiffany Browns was the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad and Gymnastics’ team. She’s was the nicest girl and everyone loved her. She was popular and news flashed quickly around when it came to Tiffany.

            “Yep. She just broke up with her boyfriend. I found her crying on the back stairs of the gym. She actually asked me to go with her.”

            “But you know her boyfriend. Don’t you have like guy code or something?” Lucy asks in disbelief.

            “Me and Ty aren’t tight friends, we just know each other from football. So there is no code to break here.” Connor smiles as he shrugs his shoulders.

            “Impressive.” Lucy admits.

            “I know.” Connor says.

            “Hey! Connor. Nice shot, man. Tiffany Browns? Dude you’ve got one of the hottest girls in school.” Jack came up giving Connor a hand shake. “You’re one of them, Lucy.” He winks at Lucy.

            She smiled big and wide showing all her bright white teeth. “Well thank you, Jack.”

            “See you man. You better hit that on prom night.” He laughs.

            “I will.” Connor says as Jack walks away.

            I started at them as both Lucy and Connor looked at me.

            “What about you, Else? Who you going with?” Lucy asks.

            “I’m not going.” I admit.

            “What?!” Both asked.

            “What? I don’t want to go, so I’m not.” I say.

            “Elsa, we’ve been dreaming about prom night since we started freshman year. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been dreaming of going to prom since I was nine. I wanted to share it with a best friend and you’re my best friend. You HAVE to come.” She emphasized as we enter class.

            I breathed. “I know, but you have Connor to share it with.”

            “Because of him, you don’t want to go?” She asks not mentioning his name.

            “No, not that. It’s because I really don’t want to go.” I admit.

            “Alright class… Sit down.” The sub started the class as the bell ranged.

            “Alright then, but were not over with this conversation.” Lucy says turning around on her seat.


            I spent the entire day ignoring Lucy in the hall so we didn’t have to finish the conversation. I didn’t want to go to prom. Period. Lucy was a wonderful friend and she tried to make me get to know most of the guys she knew from hockey, lacrosse, basketball, baseball or even soccer. I haven’t been introduced to so many guys as I’ve been to today. I still don’t understand why she’s doing this. Prom is in June more then a month away.
















{Chapter 20}


One Month Later…


            I sat on couch switching the channels on the TV. Nothing was passing on that was interesting. I had a few phone calls from Connor asking me that if I was going to prom tonight. I still said no, but he insisted until I said I wasn’t feeling well. I heard the doorbell ring as I got up walking towards the door. When I opened the door, George was standing there dressed up with flowers in hand.

            George was Catherin’s boyfriend now. Catherin met him during work before she went to Japan. They went to Japan together and there they’ve gotten closer. So they stared going out on some dates and I’m pretty sure this is their thirtieth date.

            “Hey, Elsa.” He says smiling.

George had a nice smile and I could tell he dazzled a lot of women with that smile. He was also really nice and he always had some kind of conversation going on. Never keeping you bored and never having any awkward moment between breaks. He was something and I knew he made Catherin happy just by the way she smiled whenever she sees him.  

            “Is Catherin home?” He asks nervously.

            “Yea. She is.” I waved him in as he stepping inside.

            “George.” Catherin calls his name as she stood on top of the stair way. She was in a black tight dress and fancy red shoes. Her small purse in hand as she walks down the stairs.

            “Catherin you look beautiful.” George comments looking strait at her. Eyes sparkling as she walked down.

            “Thank you.” She blushed. When she reached the bottom she turned to face me. “Please be careful. Food’s on the fridge if you get hungry. I’ll be home by twelve.”

            “I know. Now go have fun. Don’t worry about the time to get home.” I smiled as she hugged me and kissed my forehead.

            “Goodnight Sweetie.”

            “Goodnight. Have fun you guys.” I comment as I shut the door behind them.

            When I shut the door close, I walked back to sit on the couch and continue to switch through the channels. A few minutes later the bell ranged. I walked towards it but when I opened no one was there but a piece of white paper taped to the door. I pulled the paper out opening it. Inside there was a map drawn with little arrows showing me where I should go. I smiled. Louis. I thought. He came back.

            I slipped my feet into slippers as I pulled my keys onto my pocket and my phone on the other. I shut the door closed behind me as I walked towards the woods. The arrows let me deep into the woods when I reached a part of the woods that was over the mountains showing the lights of the city behind it. Candles were on the floor surrounding a picnic blanket and a basket on the floor by some red and white roses.

            When I looked at the paper a star colored in yellow was on the spot I stood. On the tree a paper was plugged to it. I pulled it out unfolding it. It said:

      You Found me 

            I looked up to find Seth standing there with the roses on his hands. His eyes where bleeding for me to smile. I looked at him as tears rolled up onto my eyes. I was happy to see him but I was mad at the same time to see him there. He betrayed me and I didn’t know if this was the right time for him to show up. I looked at the paper on my hand smashing it into a ball. I turned around and started to walk back home.

            “Elsa!” He called after me.

            “Why did you come back Seth? Right when I was staring to heal!” I turned to face him then walked way.

 “Elsa, please wait!” His voice was frustrated against the darkness of the woods.

            “Why should I?” I ask pushing back the tears against my eyes.

            “I’ve made a mistake. I shouldn’t have done what I did.”

            I stopped myself looking behind me as his figure appeared a tiny bit on my view. He walked forward, his face appearing to me. “When I came to the high school I had no intensions to ever fall in love with you. I was only completing my mission. I hated you because you were being ignorant, but yet I acted nice and the more I acted nice, the more you revealed yourself to me. I acted like a fool and I didn’t want to admit to myself that I was falling in love. When you got there and when you saw me, I felt like I betrayed you. Look,” He pauses and pulled my chin so I can face him.

            “Look at me.” He says and when I do he continues softly. “I know I’ve betrayed you and I don’t expect your trust back but I want you, Elsa, to understand when I say this.” He looks deeply into my eyes. “I am completely, fully, unbearably, in love with you. In these past couple of weeks, I’ve wanted to come back and say this to you. I don’t expect you to forgive me but I just wanted you to know that.” His hands drops from my face, his eyes on mine, he leans in and kisses the side of my cheek. “I’m guessing this is good-bye, Elsa.”

            I stood there watching him go, and I couldn’t bear to let him leave like this. I knew that I needed to tell him how I felt also. I exhaled and pulled my hands to my side.

            “Wait!” I yelled. He turned around, his face with sadness. I jogged towards him, touching his face I looked into his eyes. The eyes I couldn’t forget.
            Seth made mistakes before, but I knew that he was doing what he did because of his dead mother. He didn’t know she was dead when he reached me, and he didn’t know until I showed it him. Seth has been hurt a lot of times in his life and from the way he spoke to me, I know he was being truthful. I couldn’t let him leave with out him knowing how I felt. I couldn’t let him leave ever because the truth is I need him. I need him more then I ever needed any other person in my life.

            “I love you Seth Parker, and no matter what, or wherever you go, I’ll never stop loving you.” I smiled.

 “I would have given anything to hear you say that again. I love you, Elsa McCoy.”  He laughed.

“I love you.” I repeated as I leaned in and kissed him.

My hands carving in his hair, his hand reached over my back as he pulled me closer.  This moment is all I wanted. He was all I wanted.

            I may have done mistakes in the past and I still wished my parents were here. But I don’t regret falling for him, as he turned my world around upside down. Things change and everyday it’s a new chapter of your life. Whether I choose or not to make the right choices it’s up to me to make them. We don’t have to worry about the past if its already gone, and we don’t have to worry about the future if its not here yet, all we need to do is live the present and forget everything else while we’re at it. That’s one choice I can never regret and I’m glad I didn’t.

            “One more thing.” He says as he leans away.

            “Yes?” I say looking at him deeply.

            “Would you go prom with me?” He asks.

            I laughed. “Of course I do.”

            I kissed again him enjoying the moment.







































Two years later…


                     “Oh my.” Catherin says touching her huge stomach. “This child will not leave me in peace.”

            Catherin was six months pregnant. She got pregnant three months after she married George Gomez. I graduated high school, I was attending a near by college and now leaving on a small apartment by school with Seth. I come back a few times to check up on Catherin before going to school. Today was the first day of summer, and the first day without school.

            Catherin picked up the bag of hotdog bread walking towards George who was as he grilling barbeque hot dogs for the guests. Every one of her friends were here and so were Lucy and Connor. Seth promised to bring beverages but ended up forgetting them. He went to buy some before returning back to the house.

            “Relax, Catherin. He’s just stretching.” I say picking up the bag of bread from her hand and pulling out a chair from the table near by.

            “Liam Jacob, stop killing your mother.” George says as he touched her stomach.

            I laughed placing the bread on top of the table. They already named their baby boy who was due a few months from now. Liam Jacob Gomez was the perfect name, Liam being Catherin’s favorite name and Jacob was George’s father’s name, who passed away with cancer when he was ten. Everyone was happy and the name was beautiful.

            “Baby, would you please get me that glass of water?” She pointed towards the glass of water with ice by the grill. “I put it there a couple of minutes ago.”

            “Here.” George handles her cup of water.

            “Thank you baby.” She kisses his lips quickly.

            A few seconds later she stares at me and smiles.

            “So, Elsa. Do you know what you want to be? You need to start making arrangements for classes on your sophomore year of college.” She starts when she took a sip of her water.

            “Uh, I was thinking business.” I say winking at her as business was her major.

            “Ah. Taking up after me I see.” She smiles rubbing her stomach.

            “Oh yea.” I smirked as she laughed.

            “I’m proud of you.” 

            “One hot dog coming up.” George says pulling a hotdog in front of Catherin on a paper plate. I looked up seeing Louis step in my front porch reading a small piece of paper. He was wearing jeans, boots, blue shirt and a jacket. I got up.

            “Excuse me. I gotta see this.” I pointed towards Louis as Catherin followed my gaze.

            “Oh my. He’s hot.” She comments then looks at George. “I meant for Elsa, of course.” She smiled.

            I laughed. “He’s just a really close friend.”

            I walked towards Louis as he looked the same but still very handsome. He smiled pulling the piece of paper inside the back of his jeans pocket.

            “You haven’t change a bit.” He comments looking at me.

            “Neither have you.” I say hugging him. “It’s been two years and you still had the paper I gave you.”

            “I never misplace something important.” He smiles.

            “Where have you been?” I asked.

            “Russia. I traveled around there then spent some time in Egypt and Africa helping the less fortunate.”

            “I thought you didn’t like being involved with humans.” I joked crossing my arms against my chest.

            “Helping them isn’t bad. Plus I love the joy of children when they get something they never had. I do this every ten years, you know, bring kids allover Egypt and Africa a pair of shoes.” He says.

            “Are you taking my offer now?” I assumed.

            “Maybe. I came to visit. That’s all.”

            “I moved out to go to college.”

            “College. Nice. You know I was thinking on that you said. To interact with people. Maybe go to college sometime too.”

            “College is great and I’m sure graduating and getting a good job will be good to sustain yourself for as long as you live.” I say smiling.

            “You have more knowledge now. I like that.” He smirked.

            “You can learn a lot of things. I may not grow old but I do grow older each day in my knowledge.” I tapped the side of my head.


            “I know.” I laughed.

            Seth pulls over with my BMW onto the drive way. He looks at Louis standing a few inches away from me. Louis looked at Seth as he got out of the car. Then he turned his gaze at me and smiled.

            “I see you forgave him.”

            “I couldn’t live with him.” I say honestly.

            “And I, without her.” Seth says walking forward as he shakes’s hand with Louis. “How you been?”


            “What are you doing here?” Seth asks pulling his arms around my waist.

            “I came to take in Elsa’s request.”

            “I offered him to live with me and Catherin. But since we don’t anymore maybe he could live with us. We do have a guest room.” I turned to Louis after talking to Seth.

            “Yea. That’s no problem at all.”

            “And maybe we can arrange something so that you can go to college with us. Maybe learn something new too.” I winked at Louis as he smiled.

            “That sounds great.” Louis comments pulling his hands into his pocket.

            “Now, come on, my sister wants to meet you.” I waved Louis forward as we walked to the backyard together.

            This was perfect, Louis living with us, Seth being with me and my sister staring her own family. I was sure lucky and I do love this life. Even though one day I would have to leave it all behind, to me, right now, I didn’t think about those things. I thought about now and that’s all that mattered to me. I’m going to be here for Liam and I’m going to be here for everything else in till I realize I have to leave. Catherin, my boyfriend and my friends are the small things that make up my life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2011

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