
~The Devils Angel~

This was it? This is my fate? My life ending so early, I hardly ever thought it would end like this. I hugged my mother tightly, the smell of angle blood filling the air as dead bodies littered the courtyard. A man, the cause of all of this,  stood before my father who laid dead at his feet. The man had a wicked grin on his face, he knew he had won, as if he had won so easily. The man stepped closer and my mother pushed me behind her. “I ask you one thing! Please! Spare my daughter, I will go with you, I will do as you say just dont kill her!” The man lost his smile and flicked his emerald eyes onto me. I narrowed my eyes and looked away as I hugged my mother tighter. “This is ridiculous dont be so stupid mother!” She spun around and grabbed me by the arms before shaking me. “Stupid? I’m being stupid?! Do you want to die Adelina? Are you truly that weak?!”

I shook my head quickly. “No, I’m not”

 She smiled slightly although there were tears streaming down her face. “That's right, your not”

The man rolled his eyes and grabbed my mother's arm yanking her to him. I took a s step toward her but a demon grabbed my arm and pulled me back. My powers, they were gone. The man smiled again and with one quick motion twisted my mother's neck before easily pulling her head off and letting the body fall. I stood there in straight terror as I stared at the now headless body. My voice had left me and for the moment I had forgotten how to breath. The body of my mother was soon blocked by the mans chest. I looked up just as he grabbed me by the throat. His eyes seemed so serious but his smile said something totally different. “Here’s something I hope you understand your majesty. I want you, it's all I’ve ever wanted. Killing your family and friends was just a simple punishment, sense they told me no. But I will have you, it is our fate. For now you will sleep, until I'm ready for you to wake up. I will catch you again, and keep you forever, dont you worry” With a single kiss to my cheek he let go of my throat and I collapsed.

Chapter 1

All of my classes had to be more interesting them Biology, I already knew everything we were being taught. But then again I guess that's the real reason I have an A, so I guess I can't really complain, but still. I had already turned in my test and waited patiently for the clock to strike 2:35. When it did the bell rung and everyone rushed out the door.

I happily stood with my bag and tossed my long brown hair up into a ponytail as I left the room. Waiting patiently by the sign ups for volunteering for concessions was my best friend Kim. For the past two years I've been staying with her and her family. Sense no traces of any family of mine were found, and I still dont remember my past. I remember waking up on the side of a road, and then a lot of police and doctors and..stress. I feel as though maybe it's a good thing I dont remember why I woke up on the side of a road. Or how I’m still alive, cause maybe my past is something I would rather not remember. But then again, of course I’m curious, everyone is. Kim pushed my bangs up so she could actually see my eyes. “You ok? You seem a little down”

I shook my head, my bangs falling back against my forehead. “Just tired I guess, you ready to go back home?”

She shook her head as she turned on her heel. “We have a game”

I rolled my eyes as I followed her. “You mean you have a game, which is you cheerleading while I sit in the bleachers and wait for you to be done. Why is that again?”

She shrugged. “I am the one driving you to and from school everyday”

“I have my own car”

“Well….you suck at driving”

“Sense when?”

“Sense..ever” She says as if it was obvious. I sighed and shook my head. “Liar, I’m a terrific driver” She didn't respond.

I didn't like that about her, when she dropped something part of a argument like she had already won. Even if the argument was stupid in the first place. As we grew closer to the gym the more clear I could hear the squeak of shoes against the gyms floor and basketballs being dribbled. While Kim left to the girls locker room to change, I made my way up the bleachers that were already partially filled. Taking a seat I placed my bag in between my legs and looked from guy to guy as our team now hung around together on one side of the court. I wish I could say I was observing everyone, including the other team like a normal person would but I was focused on the basketball star, Jamie. Kim would tell me that he was just a selfish fuck boy but I didn't see that in him. Sure he was popular and sometimes rude to others but he was never that way with me. When the cheerleaders finally came out the bleachers were filled as people cheered. I smiled and clapped only when I saw Kim. I was use to supporting her by myself now. I dont really understand what it is that her mom does but she's always super busy, to the point where she comes home only about once a month from traveling. Kims dad spends most of his time at work as well, but I like it that way, at least with him. I've never admitted it to Kim but I dont feel right when I’m alone with him. The cheerleaders shuffled there pom poms and did there cheer as the game started. Our team colors are purple, the others being yellow, the coyotes. From what I’ve seen there a pretty good team, evenly matched to us. My gaze switched between who ever dribbled or shot the ball, and even the coaches as they followed the two teams up and down the court.

Once the game ended I was more than happy to leave, my butt was hurting, I was hungry, and had homework I needed to get done. I made my way down the bleachers and walked straight to the girls locker room where I would wait for Kim. When she finally stepped out, she wore a hoodie and a pair of sweats, her hair in a high ponytail. She took a long drink from her water bottle and hooked her arm around mine as we walked. “You did really good” I say, wondering if that's what she wanted me to say. “Thankyou. I’d take us out for some burgers or something but my dad is already making lasagna”

I nodded my head although eating a burger sounded really nice.

Once we got to the car, I crawled into the passenger seat and dropped my bag on the floor. Kim starting up the car, the heat immediately hitting our faces. “Isn't your mom's birthday coming up?” I ask.

She nodded her head as she pulled out of our parking spot. “Yea, I dont know if she's coming home though. I bet she's spending it with a guy or something”

I looked over at her. “So you think she's cheating?”

Kim shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. “I mean she hardly ever comes home, hardly ever calls and I’ve looked at my dads phone. A bunch of dating apps”

I scrunch my nose up slightly. “I’m sure she's just really busy” I say, wanting to make the situation sound better. “Whatever” Kim turned up the radio and that was the last of our conversation. When we got home we grabbed our bags and walked inside. There house was rather modern and cozy. Her parents made more than enough money to suit their everyday needs. I dropped my bag by Kims and followed her into the kitchen. The smell of lasagna was rather mouth watering. Kim seemed more happy, now in the presence of food. “Hey girls how was the game?” Her father, Matt leaned back against the counter with a dish towel over his shoulder. Kim walked over to the oven and opened it just a peak. “It was fine”

I leaned over the island and ignored her fathers gaze as I watched her. “Addy, how was your day?”

I looked over at him and smiled slightly. “It was ok”

I stood up as Kim turned around. “Kim, can you go take the trash out?” Kim looked over at Matt and rolled her eyes slightly. She walked to the bin and pulled out the trash bag out before walking towards the back door. Why hadn't she asked me to go with? For her I guess it wasn't a big deal but for me it definitely was. I shook my head and walked around the island before opening up the fridge and grabbing a coke. Closing the door I flinched as Matt stood right there. I dropped the coke and it hit the floor with a clunk before rolling toward the island. We both stood there for a moment, not saying anything. Matt finally smiled slightly and grabbed the can off the floor. “You might want a different one. How's your memory coming along?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing has changed” I opened the fridge once again and grabbed another coke. “Hm, so is that therapist really not doing anything for you?”

I looked over at him again and thought about it. “Well I guess not, but I’m sure something will come up eventually. A spark”

I had the urge to step back now as he stared down at me. His smile had faded his eyes were dark. “Hmm, well we’ll just have to get you a new therapist, I'll work it out soon” He hugged me without my consent and I immediately froze up. Two words filled my head, let go, let go, let go, let go. He kept his hands wrapped around my lower back before pulling them back and down my ass. He squeezed my ass tightly and then I really didn’t know what to do. Was this normal? Is this something he did to Kim? I heard the back door close and I assumed he did to because he let go and walked past me. I stood there for a few seconds and immediately leaned against the sink once Kim appeared. “Is dinner ready yet?” She asked impatiently. “Yes” Was Matt's only reply as he pulled out the tray and sat it on the stove to cool off. She nodded in satisfaction and walked over to the cupboard for a plate. Turning around to hand me one she paused. “Are you ok?” I looked up at her and smiled slightly as I nodded. “Fine” She nodded as I took the plate from her.

I felt more awkward when we sat together. I was happy Kim was next to me, but I was still in his presence and I could still feel his gaze. It was bothering, unsettling. It wasn't cute, or dangerously attractive like books described. I ate just the one serving and quickly excused myself. Setting my dishes in the sink, I didn't bother to return to the table. I grabbed my bag and ran straight up to my room to do my homework.


When I woke up, it was still dark out, in fact the street lights were still on, the moon unhidden. I turned my alarm clock off which read at second glance read 4:30 am rather then 6 o’clock am. I checked the time on my phone just to see if I was really crazy. 4:30 am. I would never set my alarm to for 4:30 in the morning, I doubt Matt would either..but Kim? Why would she mess with my alarm clock? Or have a reason to be in my room? I shook my head and slowly crawled out of bed. I used my phone as a flashlight as I squinted my eyes and let myself out of my room. Looking down the hallway there was only one room where light shown underneath the door. I turned my flashlight off and stood there for a long moment. Do I knock? Do I go back to bed? Maybe I’m just overthinking this, I mean alarm clocks always act up once in awhile. Matt shouldn't be up though, at least not for a few more hours. I pulled my night shirt further down to make sure my underwear wasn't visible before slowly making my way down the hallway. The floor creaked under my feet, but I could barely hear it from the pounding of my heart. I didn't even have to knock. The door was casually pulled opened as he stood there with jeans on but no shirt. “Addy? Do you know what time it is?”

I nodded as I furrowed my brows. “Yes, 4:30 in the morning. My alarm just went off...did you mess with it?”

He looked genuinely shocked. “Why would I mess with your clock? I think you must have just set it up wrong” He shrugged as his eyes traveled down my body. I dont know but I stepped forward and shoved him back. “No, I didn't! You messed with it I know you did. Kim wouldn't...would she?”

My eyes widened when he grabbed my arm and pulled me forward enough to where he could close the door. I leaned back against the door and tried to pull my arm away but he kept his grip. “Alright you got me. I knew you'd suspect me, confront me. Your gonna tell Kim that your sick, to sick to go to school, do you understand?”

I glared at him. “No, I’m not sick there's no reason for me to stay here” I wanted to yell at him but I didn't want to wake Kim.

He smiled. “Course there is, I’m not working today so we can hangout. Dont you want a break from school?”

I smiled slightly,  changing my fighting sense to sweet talk. “No, I have many quizzes today that are important, I just can't drop it. Maybe some other time” I smiled politely even though I wanted to kick him and make a run for it. My eyes widened when his lips crashed on mine. It wasn't right, it hurt. Something jingled then clasped around my wrist. I turned my head away and looked at my right hand just as he cuffed it to the door knob. “What are you doing? Let me go!” Fear kept up my spine as I tried to pull my hand away. He smiled, amusement in his eyes. “You know when I first saw you, I wanted my hands on you, everywhere. Yes, I knew it was wrong, but I had to have you. Have you ever had that feeling before?” His hands slid up my sides before falling back down as he lowered my underwear. “KIM!!” I screamed only for him to punch me in the face. My head slammed  back into the door and my nose felt numb as I went to feel it. Everything looked a little fuzzy as I heard him unzip his pants. “I’m sorry, I’ll make you feel better..”

In the morning I felt cold. My throat felt dry when I tried to swallow and everything seemed to hurt. I turned my head, my neck sore from laying weirdly against the door. It took a moment for everything to come back to me. I remembered a few other details from that night and blinked away the tears that threatened to spill. My hand was no longer cuffed but had left a mark. I stiffly pushed myself up off the floor and moved to the bed to sit. Once I wasnt dizzy any more and my back didn't hurt so much I stood once more and opened the door. What was I supposed to do now? Do I call someone? Do I tell Kim? Do I run? I’m suppose to see my therapist today after school..can I tell her? I could smell bacon coming from downstairs and hear the tv. I walked back down the hall toward my room and closed the door behind me. I went to lock it, but there was no lock. Remembering there was a lock in Kims I walked back out of my room and stepped into hers. Closing the door gently, I locked it and crawled onto her bed. My body refused to sleep. Minuted passed and I stared at the door. I heard footsteps and immediately closed my eyes. Maybe locking the door wasn't a good thing, cause now he would no that I’m trying to hide from him, and stay away. I opened an eyelid as the door jiggled but didn't open. I felt relieved only for a second before I heard a key be pushed into the lock. I closed my eyes as the door opened and prayed that he would just close the door and leave me in peace. Silence filled my room, except for my heart which I’m sure he could hear. The floor creaked as he walked forward, closer and closer toward me. He put his hand on my thigh which immediately got me to flinch. “So you are awake”

I kept my eyes closed and my breathing steady. My eyes were forced to open when he grabbed a fistfull of my hair and yanked my head up. “Ow! Let go! I've done nothing to you!” He caught my foot before it could ram into his ribs “I’m surprised you're still resistant, after last night I was sure that I would have you wrapped around my finger”

I pulled my foot away and moved further up the bed. “I dont remember, now please leave”

He smiled at that. “You dont remember choking on my cock, or begging for me to fuck you harder?”

I made a face as I looked away from him. “No, I don’t”

“Sure” He smirked. “Now remember, this doesn't involve anyone else, not Kim, not a teacher, not even a bird or dog. Do you understand?” He slapped his hand against my thigh for my full attention. “Yes! I get it now go!” He slapped me across the face, my head almost turning a 360 if my neck would let me. I held my burning cheek as I looked back at him. His face was serious, his eyes dark. “Dont ever raise your tone at me, do you understand?”

I nodded my head. Without another word he stood and stopped at the doorway. “I Suggest you get back into your own bed” He left the door open on his way out.


My goal was to get out of the house before Kim got home. I spent about an hour on my makeup just to cover the hickeys and bruises around the parts of my body that would show. Just to be safe, I wore a long sleeved gray sweater, a pair of leggings and a purple scarf. I kept my hair down and almost reached the door before I heard Matts voice. “Where do you think your going?” I turned around slowly. “My therapist appointment,I can't just miss it. I wont tell her anything about us”

He dragged his feet forward as he spoke. “I thought you said she wasn't helping, your lying to me now?”

I shook my head. “I want to give it one more chance before you get me a new one” I tried to keep my hands from shaking as I placed them on his chest. I look up at him to meet his gaze. “Please, I could remember something, anything” He leaned his head down and I closed my eyes as he kissed me. It hurt from how much pressure he put down but I needed him to believe me, I could stay in that house any longer with him. “One word slips out, I will end you”

I nodded my head as he stepped back. I quickly opened the door and slipped out. Once in my car I locked the doors and sat there in silence. I could drive right now and never com back, I could drive straight to the police and have him arrested..but Kim, I can't do that to her. Her mom is gone enough already and who knows, maybe she is really just cheating, and doesn't want or have the guts to confess. I took a deep slow breath and finally stuck the car key into the ignition. A blanket of untouched snow covered everything in sight. So far I didn't have any trouble driving in it but that was only because i was driving way under the speed limit, like a loser. But a safe loser. From our hill top, you could see all of town in the distance which looked truly looked like a winter wonderland. In town the only active vehicles were school busses, parents going to pick up there kids and students with their licenses. In the summer time our town was very much a tourist town. With beach houses and lake homes to stay at. It was my request I didn't see the school psychologist. The last thing I really wanted was for people to know I was seeing one, and then bomb me with a bunch of questions. At an intersection a black and white cat appeared from nowhere and scurried across the street in front of me. I slammed on the breaks and turned my head just in time to see the front frame of a car slam into the passenger door. Once my car came to a halt from spinning I looked at my window to see blood. I gasped as I felt my head, it was almost saturated in it. It took me a moment to realize I was still in the car and now blocking traffic as cars just honked. I felt more embarrassed than anything. I reached for the door handle but it was yanked opened before I could even touch it. “Hey are you alright?” I flinched as I felt a cold hand turn my head. “Your heads bleeding, what'd you think you were doing? Stopping in the middle of traffic like that are you insane?!” I lazily pushed his hand away. “I’m..fine” I looked over at him and met his green eyes. It was if I had never seen green eyes before I was so amazed. His skin was pale and strands of his jet black hair spiked carelessly over his forehead. I'd seen him before, I knew it. I realized I was staring and blinked. He was staring at me intently and I quickly looked away.


I looked back at him. “What? That's not my name, my name is Addy”

His soft sweet face soon turned into an evil smirk. “Short for Adelina, I’ve found you” He pulled his face back out the door before I could even question him. What does he mean he's found me? He knows me? He knows my past? I could hear the sound of an ambulance as I tried to remember his face. Where had I seen him before? He was important? Someone who was good? Or was he bad? I couldn't remember which one but I was positive I had seen him before and I would see him again.


It wasn’t worth saying I was fine anymore, I was taken to the local hospital to have my head looked at even though I could hardly really feel it anymore. Thankfully I wasn’t in need of any stitches or staples. I held a bandage thing to my head like I was told as the doctor left. Not even 5 seconds later Kim rushed into the room. “Are you ok?! I saw your car!”

I smiled slightly even though the level of her voice hurt my ears. “Yes, I’m fine, I can go home soon. How was school?”

She gave me a look like I was insane for asking such a thing. “Dont change the subject tell me what happened!”

I sigh gently. “A cat ran across the street, I didn't hit the cat, I hit the breaks right in the middle of an intersection and a car hit me”

She shook her head as if she was disappointed. What was I supposed to do? Just keep driving?

“Ok, well. Are you feeling better? My dad said you weren't feeling good this morning”

I tensed up slightly and I suddenly had the urge to crawl as far away as I could get from her. “Uh, I’m feeling better, I mean I dont really know. Is your dad here?”

She nodded her head. “Yea he’s just filling out some papers for you. That wound looks nasty, people are gonna ask all sorts of questions now”

I turned my head away from her. I appreciated her friendship but she sure as hell wasn't the best at making someone feel better. She finally went on about school and what I had missed. Right when she was about to ask me something the door opened and Matt stepped in. I didn't bother to look over I just studied the window.

“Everything's ok, let's go home” He gave Kim a hurried push out the door as I slid off the table. Turning back he took a step toward me causing me to halt.”We’ll talk about this later, ok?”

I was about to nod but his back was already to me as he walked out of the room.


*Next chapter will be added soon.*


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.05.2019

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