
Chapter one
A Close call
Hello, my name is Mindy Robinson. I’m twelve and a half years old and I’m an assassin.
My mum was killed two years ago for the money in her pocket.
I was in school at the time, worrying how to tell her Id lost my lunch box. Its ironic really, isn’t it.

My victim is Carl, I don’t know his last name but I don’t want to. In this business seeing the target as a person can make you hesitate, weaken you.
I’m getting paid two million for this and the money is going to buy me a flat, it’s a lovely pad overlooking the river. I’m tired of sleeping rough.

He’s just appeared. I’d know his face anywhere. The goofy grin and the mangled eye.
He’s not a person he’s a monster. The report said he murdered three people because they wouldn’t hand over their cash, sound familiar. It does to me.
I never actually found out who killed my mum. It could have been him.

I silently open my bag, take out my gun and screw on the silencer.
One bullet to the brain, even that’s too good for him, a clean death. If I had my way he would be tortured slowly but it’s in the job description, a clean death. Minimum clean-up for the state, that’s the only reason.

I apply two pounds to a three pound trigger. Two more steps and I’ll have him.
One…Two…A single shot. He falls. Two million for me. A morgue for him.
And all for one easy shot.

I look down at my diary; oh joy two more assignments today. That means two more stake outs. It could be worse. Last week I had to sit in a swamp for three hours waiting for a farmer who hadn’t paid his bills. Yeah, could be worse.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk down the road to my bike.
Its strange isn’t it that someone with no home should have a bike and a large collection of guns. Not to mention nice clothes.
A couple of times now the police have asked me where I stole my stuff from. And you know what I said. I said I didn’t know and I didn’t care.


I’m sitting in my new flat watching the boats on the river whilst polishing my favourite gun. It’s a year old but it’s much better than any of the local guns. My gun is sleek, shiny and has an impressively smooth mechanism.
I haven’t got a license for it but that’s hardly surprising. The police don’t like assassins. They want to lock us all up.

Three days and I’ve already got my flat, it’s amazing how fast you can get things done if you’ve got the money. Three days ago I made over eight million pounds. So I think I’ve got the money.

My next assignment is tomorrow and to be honest I’m dreading it.
The target is an eighteen year old that couldn’t keep his gob shut and now he’s got to pay.


My next assignment is eighteen year old Paul. He accidentally found out the Head Quarters of a criminal organization. Instead of doing the smart thing and keeping quiet, he decided to blab. So now…doomsday my lad! A little warning no more football for him and a holiday in hospital. It’s unfortunate he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So I’m sitting outside the college. The downside is that the wretched place doesn’t have any decent cover so moi is sitting in a wheelie bin next to a rubbish heap. Although to be perfectly honest it could be much worse, after all I’m getting paid three thousand pounds for this. It’s going to be hard to get away but I’m sure I can manage it.

No scrap that, this is going to be a piece of cake. He’s the college chess champion, how many people go to that club! I’ve changed my mind again he’s come out with three other boys.

This could get tricky. I screw my silencer onto my gun and take aim. I recon I can get off a decent shot and run before anyone catches’ me.

I climb out of the wheelie bin, squeeze the trigger and run.
Behind me I hear him screaming and a loud thud. Mission accomplished.

Time to go home. In a few minutes I’m back in my flat, safe, for now.
The police sirens go past to investigate the crime scene. They do that every time but they never catch me. And if I’m very lucky they won’t ever find out who the perpetrator is.

I hear the screech of tires outside. That will be Marcus. I go out and there he is leaning on his Land Rover just waiting for me.
We drive to the cinema and go in to watch a twelve film. Friday is movie night.
When the film ends we head over to MacDonald’s for our tea.

As we’re coming out of MacDonald’s a police car arrives, and two police get out. They’re looking at me. I run. What else can I do, I mean they’re staring at me. I don’t know where I’m running to I’m just running.

It’s me against them.
Who can run the fastest?
Who knows the city best?

Personally I think…them.

I mean their job is walking or driving round arresting people. They know these mean streets. I’ve lived my whole life in this city. But unless they’ve sent someone from Australia, I’m stuffed.
I’m a couple of blocks away from home now.

Almost there, Almost there.

A hand on my shoulder!

A voice reading me my rights.


They took everything I had on me but I still refuse to tell them where I live, the guns would be enough evidence to blow me out of the water. At least with a good lawyer I might still be able to get out of this.

But there’s a deeper reason than that. My flat is my first real home in years. I don’t want them going through my stuff, sitting on my couch and touching my things.

They won’t leave me alone there are three, yes, three police officers sitting in this room with me. It’s stupid, I mean isn’t one enough, and now they’re saying we have to wait for an appropriate adult, an appropriate adult for an inappropriate child, oh hell that means another social worker for me. I’m not that thick that I’d attack a police officer even if they weren’t carrying a rather noticeable gun. I mean I wouldn’t want to bleed all over their lovely carpet.

We’re walking along a narrow corridor with lots of doors on either side. We stop at door 332. They tell me to go in. So I do, it’s always good to do what your told, sometimes.

The cell is three metres squared. It has a small bed with a thin mattress. There is a toilet behind a screen, a sink and a barred window.

I sit on my bed and ponder a single question. Why me?

Why did my mum die?

Why did I become an assassin?

Why, why, why. Questions, questions, questions.

My heads going to explode I just want, no, need to know why? The answers probably not as simple as the question mind. Yeah.

Oh the doors opening. It’s the officer that kept giving me the evils in the car. They take me to the questioning room. I decline to all their questions except one. Are you innocent? Of course I said yes to that one, I’m not a complete crackpot. They take me back to my cell and lock me in.

I have another look round. The window looks big enough for me to fit through but it’s a shame about the bars.
I slip of my right shoe and pull back the sole. Inside is a tiny junior hacksaw. I go to the bars and start sawing. Luckily my hacksaw blade is diamond tipped, not cheap I can tell you. The bar is starting to give but its going to take me a while to get out.


The last bar has just give way. I quietly ease the window open and wriggle out.
I’m free and its time to get away. No, wait that’s what they’d expect me to do.
I spot a black wheelie bin. Oh joy! Not again.

They’ve been running back and forth for two hours now but they can’t find me. I don’t know how long it will be until they give up but I hope it’s soon. This bin smells like fish. Their not stupid though they’ve looked in my bin more than once but I’ve pulled rubbish over my head. It’s a good job this bin has a crack in it or I would have suffocated by now.


I think it’s safe to go home. I mean I hope it is because if the catch me again they’ll move me out of the sun. I run for it.
I get to the high street before I see them.
Their standing there looking for me. I slip into the nearest telephone booth and call the people who employ me.
They tell me there is a safe house just two doors down from where I am, which was lucky if you ask me.
I go to the door and knock the door opens and I step inside.


The person that steps out is completely different.
Where my hair was brown and to my shoulders it is now black and to my waist. My eyes have gone from brown to blue.
And my skin has gone from a rich tan to pale verging on white.
I am now wearing a long skirt and a black military jacket.
I start the long walk back to my house.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see a cop. I panic but then he asks me if I’ve seen a girl my age with brown hair and eyes and wearing a tracksuit. I act innocent and tell him no but I’ll ring if I do he gives me his number but as soon as I get around the corner I throw it away. He had me but then he let me go. Finally I can get home, bed for me with a hot chocolate and my favourite book.

Chapter Two
A Friend for Mindy

It feels so good to wake up in my own bed, in my own flat.


I’m eating my breakfast browsing the web looking at dogs.
I call my friend Marco and ask him to go and buy me an Akita today from a family in Liverpool. I’ve decided today is the day I just want a little dog, well, big dog.


Marco’s back. I can hear him and his ridiculous car its pink...PINK! I’m sure he thinks he’s Lady Penelope.
I hear a dog barking. I run to the door and throw it open. There is a white Akita sitting on my door step.
Marco says her name is Ice. She’s beautiful, it suits her completely.


I’m sitting on the couch with Ice, my new best friend.
I’ve told my employers that I’m going to lie low for a while so the police don’t catch me again.

I’m going to go back in two weeks. In the mean time I’m going to get closer to Ice.


Today me and Ice are going to the park. I get her new lead and walk to the front door. She follows me and I give her a treat. Instead of putting the lead on her I put it in my pocket. I’m confident that I can trust her not to run of. We walk down the road towards the park with her always off the lead.

I love the way she is so loyal. When we get to the park I let her run. I have brought a tennis ball so we play fetch which she and I both enjoy.
For the first time in a long time I’m happy to just live and see what tomorrow brings. In two weeks I have my next assignment but to be honest I’d rather just hang up my hat and settle down. However it’s not that easy. If I don’t work I don’t get any money and I have to keep my head down if I want to stay free.


In five days I’ve got to go and get my next assignment. It will be good to get back into a routine again although I wish I could take Ice.
Hang on. Wait a minute. That’s it. I’ll be walking Ice. Take one shot and then stroll away, what could be simpler?
The police will never suspect a child walking a dog.
I need to go and get a shower now I’m going shopping tonight to get some more dog food for my favourite girl.


I’m back. I went to ASDA.
As well as dog food I bought her some treats, a new ball and some more toys.
She likes her new rag rope and slippers (for destroying) which she is chewing on right now. I also bought her a basket to sleep in and a blanket for when it’s cold.


I’m going to work today. I ring the agency. They tell me to go to safe house 32b.
When I get there I’m gave a large brown envelope and a box of .45 calibre bullets.
Then I’m pushed back on to the street.

I rush home hiding the things under my coat.
When I get home I curl up on the couch with ice and open the brown envelope. There is a photo and an information sheet.

The persons name is Steph. She is from the home office. She started poking around in her boss’s office and found out that he was linked to a criminal organization. She is planning to go to the cops tonight so we, AKA me, have got to stop her.

She leaves work at about nine fifteen, she will get to the police station at about nine twenty so that gives me five minutes to get her. If I am successful I will receive three million.

If her boss goes down most of the criminal underworld goes with him. He’s made that plain to the agency. He will sing like a canary if he gets nicked. Whatever happened to community spirit? Just think if he does talk that will be a well paid assignment for someone, if you know what I mean. So basically if I don’t complete this assignment, a lot of people are going to suffer, me being one of them.


It’s time to go.
Me and Ice leave my flat and walk over to the office building where the target works. Fifteen minutes to spare, me and Ice walk right past and I let Ice off the lead and play with her for a while.


We walk over to the nearest bush and I pretend that Ice has gone the toilet, so I stoop as though to pick it up and pull out a tiny gun from my pocket.
I put the doggy bag in the bin and continue playing with Ice.
The women steps out and turns right. I squeeze the trigger, one small pop and time to start walking home, tossing the gun in the park lake as I go.

The criminal underworld is safe for now.

I slowly walk along I now have the perfect cover. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, plus the police aren’t looking for someone fitting my description. I’m safe.
When we get home there are three messages on my answering machine.
Two are from the agency. They want me to come over immediately.
The other is from Jake my supplier he wants me to come over he has a present for me. I rush over to the agency and knock on the door.

I am shown to a large boardroom and seated near the head of the table. A lot more people arrive and take their places around the table. My boss comes in and sits next to me at the head of the table. The meeting begins, I am lost in politics.


I stumble out carrying a thick brown envelope.
Basically a lot of people have decided to save a local park that was going to be built on. Our client however doesn’t like that, so has employed me to pick the committee off one by one.
There are five but I reckon I can finish them all off within a week.
That is if I don’t get caught which won’t happen, I hope.
I go home and put the envelope carefully into my secret safe.


I walk out of the door with Ice by my side.
It’s a ten minute walk to Jakes but with Ice by my side it goes much quicker.
I get to Jakes and knock at the door. He lets me in and I sit on the couch in the front room, Ice curls up at my feet.
Jake comes in carrying a back trumpet case, he puts it on my knee and sits down next to me. I cautiously flip the locks and ease the lid open, Jake knows I wasn’t any good at music at school so I’m curious to see what is in the case.

Cradled in the plush blue velvet is a bullet proof jacket and a small gun, there is also a large box of shiny .45 calibre bullets.
The beauty of it is that no one will know my jacket is bullet proof unless I take it off and start waving it about. Jake is just like Father Christmas, lots of nice presents, he gives me a stab proof vest.
This is good because it means I can wear both and be twice as safe. I’ll wear them when I’m working tonight. They will keep me warm if nothing else.

Chapter Three
BOOM!! And a Nasty Surprise.

I leave Jakes. Me and ice go to the chippy on the way home. I know that if I don’t eat now I won’t have time later. I have a busy night tonight. If the committee aren’t assassinated quickly their little organization will grow and get out of control.
If they save their precious park a lot of investors will lose money. As will the company hiring us. Personally I think it will be a piece of cake if I can catch them all together I can plant a bomb. Luckily for me they have a big meeting tonight and they’re all going to be there.

I’m sitting outside the venue of their precious meeting. I planted a bomb an hour ago and as soon as they’re all there I’m going to detonate it.
I have next to me the little remote that will detonate the bomb. I like fire. It fascinates me. I think I’ll enjoy this particular job.
One more person to go a Mr James Mitchell. Really I shouldn’t have his last name but because it was a bulk order they couldn’t give me a more in depth description than James Mitchell fat and balding and always wears a tweed jacket.
Oh here’s his car and yes he’s in the building. I wait five seconds to let him get right in and then I push the small red button!
The whole building seems to shake and then a fountain of fire streams through all the doors and windows.


Ah well time to go home, job complete and with minimum fuss.
One bomb, KA BOOM! All dead. No hassle for me. Perfect.
I go to the agency to collect my money. It is five million in cash.
I might use it to buy a new bomb. As you might have guessed my old one just went boom last night.
Tomorrow I have a day off because of the size of last night’s assignment; you wouldn’t think there would be so much work in one city. I just wonder when I will have to move away.
I have a surprise to day and it isn’t a pleasant one. Someone has posted a letter through my door saying they know who I am. I force down my weetabix as my heart sinks in dread. This could be a major problem because they know where I live and I’m not prepared to move, I won’t be chased out that easily.
But if they go to the police they won’t put me in a cell with windows, I will be locked out of the sun. Another problem is that if the agency find out they will see me as a liability and I will lose my job or worse. No staff support or retirement programme in this game.
It feels as if my life is crumbling around me.
What am I going to do? It’s like I’m stuck on a roller coaster that’s about to crash.

For the first time in my life I feel, well…. scared!

If it wasn’t for Ice sitting by the door I would probably be hiding under my bed right now.
It’s not a nice feeling because when you’re this side of the law, if someone knows who you are the only options are to brick it and run or stay and face the consequences.
I have only the second option open to me at this moment in time.
Suddenly Ice starts barking, that’s not good at all.
I hesitantly make my way across the room. I ease open the door and see a white Caucasian male standing down the hall. He gestures at me and then at a small parcel on the floor. I look at him quizzically and he points at me again then at the parcel and then he mimes opening it.
I nod and he walks away.

I carefully pick it up and make my way slowly to the kitchen closing the front door on my way. Years later I realise how stupid I was, this could have been my last moments on earth but at the time I didn’t stop to think of the alternatives.

I set the packet carefully down on the table and then I take a small pocket knife and split the paper along the side, then I peel back the paper and examine the contents. Inside is a beautiful wooden box with carvings on. It’s small but heavy in my hand and as I open the lid I almost drop it but I manage to get it open and then I look inside.

In the box is the most perfect collection of priceless gemstones I have ever seen. Underneath is an envelope with my name on. I carefully pull out and open it.
The letter says:
Dear Mindy,
It has been a year since I last saw you, remember the MacDonalds job you did for me? Well I need your help again.
One of my employers thinks I’m incapable of being manager of my own firm!
Everyone knows this is a lie but if he doesn’t stop some of my younger employees may start to follow him.
So these gems are your reward for taking care of him for me.
Also if you accept I have another commission for you as well.
That however will have a separate payment.

Yours Truly

Well that’s interesting I have never had a private commission before.
Im looking forward to it.
I wonder what this second assignment will be. Knowing Samuel
It’s probably quite difficult.
I examine the box, it looks ok but I have to be sure he could have tampered with it in some way.


I find what Im looking for. A tiny bug. Silently I ease it away from the wood. Then I throw it out of the window. Samuel can listen to the traffic outside not me.

I scoop up the gems and place them in a small brown drawstring pouch. I put the pouch in my pocket, call ice and walk out of the door.
I walk to a jewellery dealer. It’s an over the counter store. Untraceable, I mean there aren’t even cameras. It’s just too easy.
I walk in leaving ice on the step. She won’t let anyone in, its just me and the dealer.

I always carry a small revolver but today I have also brought my .45 calibre. Just in case of trouble.
I press the small bell on the counter and wait. The dealer comes out and says the usual, what could such a pretty girl want in a place like this. It gets quite boring after a while, reluctantly I resist the urge to just shoot him and just take all the money in his safe.

I tell him I’m here to sell my dead grandma’s jewellery. I pull out the pouch and take out a single Sapphire. He eyes it greedily. I know he wants to trick me out of a lot of money.
He makes me an offer of three hundred pounds. No, that won’t do it for me.
I tell him I know how much it’s worth. I don’t but I don’t want him to know that.
His offer immediately shoots up to six thousand.

That’s more like it. I say tell him that I’m happy with that and he writes me a check. However I tear it up and throw it back at him. The message is clear, cash only.

He goes into the back room and comes back three minutes later with a wad of cash. He tells me to hand over the sapphire, so I do. Then he tosses me the cash. He can’t affords to annoy me because I know what he is doing is wrong, like smuggling guns into the country illegally. I thank him and exit the shop.

There are three other dealers in town. I think they should all lose a bit of money and gain a gem, the most perfect gem.

Chapter Four
Bush Baby


I’m up by about two million and I’ve still got thirty two gems left.
Basically I have my own little gold mine. I take one gem out of the bag and put it in my purse, just in case in case I ever get into trouble and cant get home.

I pull back the carpet and force up a single floorboard. Underneath is a built in safe. I put in the combination and pull back the handle. The hydraulic locking system squeaks as I pull the small door upwards.
Inside are ridiculous amounts of cash, the deeds to the house and a picture of mum.

I put the bag in the safe along with all but about three hundred pounds of the money. Then I lock the safe.

I go to my wardrobe and get out my back pack. Then I get hold of my desk and pull it to the side of the room. There is a handle in the floor. I pull it up and a panel shoots up bearing enough guns to start a war with. At head height my gun sits in its little rack.
I pick it up and give it a little polish. I then place it carefully into my backpack.
I then replace everything and my weapons store is hidden again.

I go to my book case and pull out the biggest book. The dictionary. I open the front cover and as I expected it is hollow. In side is a huge collection of different sized bullets.
I pull out a box of my favourite .45 calibre. I also place these in my backpack and replace the book.

I go back to my wardrobe and pull out my stab proof vest and bullet proof jacket. I swap my jumper for a t-shirt and then pull on my vest and jacket.
Its time to under go my private commission. I sling my bag over my back and whistle, Ice comes running.

I kneel down in front of her. I tell her to guard the house and that I’ll be back as soon as I can. I don’t know if she got the second bit but I’m sure she got the first. My Ice is a ferocious warrior, she won’t let me down.

I walk over to the target’s house it looks like their out. There is a huge bush outside, I walk up the path and force my way into the heart of the bush.
I pull out my gun and screw the silencer on, and then I reach into my pocket and pull out my little box of bullets. I load six bullets and then put the box away.


I’m still here and I am so bored.
Hang on he’s coming. He opens the creaky gate which I’ve vaulted so as not to alarm anyone. I level my gun and one…two…three squeeze the trigger.
He falls. I squeeze out of the bush and walk over to him I say one word, goodbye; I shoot him again in the head once.
I jump over the gate and start walking home.

With my backpack on my back and my gun in my pocket I feel invincible. It’s exactly the feeling you get before a fall. Oh, how I wish I knew how bad it was going to get because if I did I would have been much more careful.
But how would I have known.

I’m home. I dump my bag and call for Ice. She bounds towards me and jumps up.
I pull out a bag of treats that I bought on my way home and give ice one she gobbles it up greedily.
I tell her once again to guard the house. I then go for a stroll into the woods.

It’s getting dark now.
I’ll start heading home in a minute or two because I need to check my email.
I turn around to head back then I feel a long, thin object connect with the back of my head.

I wake in a dark room im sitting on the floor propped against a wall and my hands are chained to the floor. My head feels ok if you count ok as in total agony. I can’t hear anything but then I’ve just been hit over the head by, well that’s just it, I don’t know what, why or more importantly who. It’s a complete mystery.

All I remember is thud, and then I blacked out.

I hear a click as the door opens and a man of about forty two walks in.
He unlocks the chains that hold my hands and pulls me up. He wraps his arm around my neck and drags me out of the room.

We arrive in a white room that hurts my eyes in contrast to the room I was locked in before. He releases me and pushes me towards a chair in the middle of the room.
He makes as if to go out of the door but then seems to think better of it and ties my arms to the chair. He then goes out of the door.

I struggle against the ropes. I don’t know why I’m here but I don’t want to stick around to find out. I manage to get one hand out, now, just one more.
Oh, oh! The door.

I hurriedly stick my hand back through the loop. Next time they’ll tie the rope much tighter and I won’t stand a chance of escape.
Three people come in: A man, a women and a small child. With them is the other man, the first one I saw.
They start talking amongst themselves and every now and then they throw a glance in my direction.

The kid scares me, he’s what six years old but he creeps me out. I mean, e has jet black hair and blue eyes. They seem to come to a decision and the kid turns to stare at me.

I drop my gaze and start to shake. Something about all this is scaring me. Proper fear is a rare thing amongst people these days but for me it’s burning through my body like a fire, but my heart has frozen over.

The women comes over to me and grabs my chin. I resist the temptation to just bite her and just look over her shoulder. She releases me and walks over to the man she came in with.
They talk again.

I am released and the first man takes me to a car. I am pushed into the back seat.
We drive of.

I wonder what they’re going to do. Why didn’t they just kill me?
Whatever the reason I’m glad of it. I don’t want to die.
Where are we going? Or more importantly, where are we now?
If I knew where we are I’d have a better chance of escape.

I spot a police station on our right. Finally some good luck. Now if I can just get out of the car. I carefully undo my seatbelt and slide over to the right hand door. I gently pull up the locking button. So far so good.
I tug on the handle and dive out of the car. I start for the police station and then stop.

What am I thinking? I’m an assassin. The police will either: lock me up, throw me out or kill me themselves.

I turn and rundown an alley. Man from the car is chasing me. He’s gaining on me with every step. I’m not going to make it, I’m going to die. No, stop it, think positively I can do this I just have to confuse them enough to shake them off my tail. Once there out of site I’m home free.

Now left down an alley, right, another alley. Come on there’s got to be somewhere to hide.
Wheelie bin! No, hang on, it’s a ‘biffa’ bin.
I dive in head first and slam the lid shut after me.

I hear people running past looking for me. This is good they don’t seem to know where I am. I might just make it through this. They run past again and again.

Silence, I should be ok now. I ease open the bin lid clamber out. So far so good. I might just get away with this. I walk out of the alley. I’m safe…ish. Once I’m home I’ll be ok.

I walk over to the nearest corner shop and ask where I am. They laugh at me. So I say it’s not funny. I was going to get a bus home but I think that either I got the wrong one or got the right one and got of at the wrong stop.

Furthermore I tell them I’m willing to pay for their much needed assistance. I pull out a twenty. They tell me I’m in a small town three miles from my home.

Perfect all I need to do now is catch a taxi home. I go to the local taxi service and ask for a taxi. They tell me thy won’t be able to get me a taxi for at least three hours but when I pull out a wad of cash they soon change their tune.
Oh, how I love money it truly does make the world go round.

So here I am, I’m sitting in a taxi halfway home. They wanted me to pay in advance but I persuaded them to change their mind. Because basically if you paid them first the could run off on you. Whereas if you pay them later they’ll have to stick around to collect.


I’m home finally.
Sometimes my life goes completely upside down. It’s hard to think that if my mum hadn’t got killed I’d just be a normal kid and my life would be perfect, although it’s nice to have plenty of money all the time, and to have Ice (mum was allergic to dogs).

In six years I’ll be an adult and personally I’m dreading growing up. Where’s the fun in that? I want to live a life of my choosing. I life in which I can live how I want when I want. I want to do one assignment each day and then curl up with a hot chocolate and Ice and watch a movie. All I want is to live my life like I do now.


I phone the agency informing them that I’m taking tomorrow off so please don’t ring unless it’s an absolute emergency. They say ok and with that I go to bed. I’m exhausted, I find it hard to believe how tired I actually am.


I’m on holiday today. For other assassins your not allowed to just ring and say your not coming but me, well I’m a special case. I’m invaluable, I’m impossible to replace, why? Well I’m a child.

There are only three child assassins in the whole world and I’ve met one of the other ones, a boy my age.
His name’s Michael and he emails me an awful lot and he’s even got half the world as his friends on facebook.

So as I was saying we can’t be replaced because there are so few children in the world who even have the potential to be an assassin.
Michael and the third one a girl called Rachael were both orphaned a couple of years ago. Their twins so they have each other I have no one.
I’m all alone.

But then again I have Ice not to mention the TV as well of course.

I spend today watching movies.
At about six o’clock I ring Dominoes pizza and order a pepperoni. I eat my pizza and then go to bed.


I’m home with Ice but I might go for a walk later. I give Ice her tea and then eat mine. With a full stomach I decide to go for a walk.


I’m on my own just walking trying to figure out who I should invite to my thirteenth birthday party.

Suddenly I see someone standing directly in front of me.
I turn to run but feel wet on my back.
I touch my back and then look at my fingers.
They’re bright red!

Just then the pain hits me and I fall screaming.

I look up and see a man standing over me with a wicked smile on his face.
After a few seconds he turns and walks away.

It all goes black…

From now on this will be written a bit different, but dont worry it should still make sense!!!

I wake in a hospital bed with various drips sticking out of my arms.
i try to sit up but pain shoots through me as one of the needles wrenches itself out of my skin.

Pain isnt good!
I look around and thats when it hits me I'm in a public hospital, the police are probably on there way and to top it all of I'm an assassin!!

I rip out the other tubes and stand up shakily.
I lok around the room for the first time. Its a small hospital room with a swinging door and a clock in one corner.

I sigh, time to get out. I search round the room for some clothes, i find a pair of shorts and a T-Shirt in a cuboard mounted on the wall.
I pull them on hastily and walk over to the door.

Opening the door I peer out into the hospital.
Time to get out of here.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.04.2011

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