

The girl moved quickly, her red hair flowing out behind her as she ran through the halls, dodging all the servants. She skidded to a halt and her boots squeaked as she pushed the two large doors open. Everyone in the room fell silent and looked at her as she dropped to one knee and bowed her head. "Your Majesty, I bring news of a new prophecy." The redhead knew better than to speak of it in front of everyone, so she kept her gaze on the ground as the servants shuffled out the door.

"Speak, Cara." The queen said, twirling a piece of her black hair on her finger. The queen was stunning, there was no doubt about it, and her daughters had inherited it as well. The king, on the other hand, was handsome, but not as handsome as his sons. His black hair was short and choppy, and he had scruff on his chin.

"There will be one, the true holder of the crystal, which will join the Light. But as the blood continues to drown the rivers, the Light will have to destroy the crystal to bring peace." Cara bowed her head once more and listened quietly.

Queen Desdemona gasped and turned to her husband. "Garret has the crystal!" She hissed. Cara lifted her head and stared at her king and queen, worrying herself about their son. Garret and Cara had been friends for years, long before her kind were treated differently.

King Darius simply shrugged and turned his attention to Cara. "Why is this important?"

"My lord," Cara stood up, making sure her hair was covering her ears and walked towards them, "it is true that Prince Garret holds the crystal. The prophecy states that the Light will destroy the crystal."

The king rolled his pale green eyes. "You speak of nonsense, Cara. Now, get back to whatever it is you do."

Cara bowed and turned on her heel, pushing the doors open once more and walking out, trying to calm down.

"Cara!" She turned at the voice of the prince and bowed. "Don't do that, I've told you that plenty of times." He said, smiling.

"If I do not, I will be hanged, you know that." She replied, starting to walk once more.

Garret jogged to her side. "Cara, what is the new prophecy?"

The red head stopped in her tracks and stared at the prince. Garret had always been foolish, but Cara knew better than to tell him of a prophecy that could have foreseen his death.

"It is not your business." Cara said, turning down the hall. "I have things to take care of, my lord." With a bow, she left Garret standing where he was and stepped inside the small room where Queen Desdemona was waiting.

"Cara, it is time." The queen spoke quietly and turned to the girl. "You know the danger that comes. You know what you must do." With a sigh, the queen sat down. "You are one of the few of your kind that, despite the king's wishes, stay on our side and fight for us."

"Your Majesty, what of your son?"

The queen wiped a hand across her face. "Garret was aware of the consequences when the crystal was given to him."

"But was he ready?" Cara asked quietly, wondering what Garret would do when he learned that he might die. "I wish to take him with me, to protect him as well."

"No," the queen shook her head, "you will have a hard enough time with the warrior. He shall stay here, under watch by our guards." The clock hit midnight and the queen jumped up. "Go, now, Cara! Find the boy and bring him back." The queen grabbed Cara by her shoulders and dark green eyes stared into ice blue ones. "Take Eiko and go."

Cara nodded and ran out of the room, taking a turn down a hall and pushing open another door. The girl in the room turned to her friend. She was as stunning as her mother; her black hair fell in curls to her waist and her green eyes had silver specks. "Is it time?"

With a nod, Cara grabbed the girl. "Are you ready to leave Aulinaber, Eiko?" Eiko turned her gaze to Cara and nodded and with a flash, they were standing in a clearing, no longer in the safety of their realm. Cara knew Eiko was remembering her three brothers and sister she’d just left behind. But of the two, only Cara knew of the danger Aulinaber was facing at this moment, and it wasn’t something she wanted to go back to.

“Cara, how will we know how to find him?” Eiko asked quietly, stepping lightly on the grass.

The red head looked around the clearing, her eyes finding the pond that rested in the middle. “You will call to him in his dreams.”

Reality and Dreams

The forest was hauntingly familiar; the trees were as high as the clouds and the creek was sparkling, even though there was barely any sun coming through the trees. The grass was soft and greener than anything he'd ever seen. The leaves from the trees hung down and he could almost touch them with his head. The boy stared around, trying to remember where he’d seen these woods from, but no matter what he wasn’t able to put his finger on it.

In a flash, someone jumped in front of the boy and staggered a bit for she began to run the other way, deeper into the forest. Her feet barely touched the ground as she ran ahead of him, her long red hair flowing out behind her. He tried desperately to keep up with her as she dodged branches and logs.

"Please, tell me what you want!" The boy cried, jumping over a log. She slowed as the two came into a clearing and came to a stop in the middle of it. The clearing was large and had a creek going all the way around it that rippled due to water spiders.

She turned to face him and her ice blue eyes seemed to stare into his soul. "Silly boy," her eyes narrowed, her seemingly kind face getting more aggravated, "I did not call you here. None of that was my doing." She hissed, taking a step closer to him.

"Then who did it?" He begged, not understanding why he was stuck here each night.

"She did it; she needs you, boy.” Her smile turned wicked. "Would you like to meet her?"

He nodded even though his head was spinning with confusion. She grinned and muttered words he didn't understand and a white flash appeared. The boy covered his eyes and blinked a few times until the light faded away. He was in a new clearing, the girl from before no longer there, but a new one in her place.

She sat on the ground, her white dress all around her and her long black hair falling into curls near her lower back. He took a step closer to her and placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump a little. "W-who are you?"

He could've gasped at how beautiful she seemed to him, but he didn't. Her lips were full and a light pink color. Her very light green eyes had specks of silver in them and were framed by dark eyelashes. The dress she was wearing made a V cut and had strings across her chest that hung loosely. She blinked a few times and covered herself with her arms and cleared her throat, bringing him out of his trance. "Oh, I'm Zach."

The girl stood there for another moment and stared at him, confusion swimming in her eyes. "So you're the one," she whispered, taking a step closer to the boy. Zach raised an eyebrow as she took her hand and touched his hand, pulling him towards her. She traced the veins on his hand and started to go up his arm when he stiffened, causing her to stop. "You've hurt yourself."

Her green eyes looked up at him and the only thing he wanted to do was take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay, but he didn't. When Zach didn't reply, she nodded and grabbed both his hands, closing the gap between them. "Listen to me Zach, you're destined for great things, I promise you that." She stood on her toes so she could whisper in my ear. "But I am not how I seem in reality like I am now, and you'll soon understand why."

She pulled away and smiled at him as he stared back at her dumbfounded. As she turned away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him, looking into her eyes. "What's your name?" Zach whispered, feeling himself leaning down towards her.

"Eiko," was all he heard when a sharp pain shot through him. He gasped as she pulled away and looked down to see a dagger shoved into his stomach and blood on both their hands. As she backed away, he coughed up blood and looked at her, even more confused.

She had tears streaming down her face and was covering her mouth with her bloody hands, stammering. "I di-didn't do that, Z-Zach. I p-promise. It just ap-appeared there.

Zach tried to smile to calm her down as he fell to his knees, but it didn't seem to work. Eiko pulled her hands from her mouth and walked towards him, shaking terribly. As he opened his mouth to say something, she pulled the dagger from his stomach and threw it, quickly covered the wound with her shaking hands.

"I'm fine, I swear." Those were the last words he spoke before taking his last breath.


Zach shot up, sweat covering him, the covers on the ground. He ran his hands through his hair over and over, trying to bring himself back to the real world, where he wasn't dead. "Every fucking night," Zach muttered, slamming his hand on the nightstand next to him.

Standing up, he went on and touched his stomach, making sure there were no deadly wounds there. Nothing there, he smiled and stretched, thinking about the nightmare. It's not normal, having the same dream over and over every night since your 17 birthday, dying the same way. Trying to calm his breathing, Zach pushed the thought of the deaths out of his head and thought about the girl, Eiko. Other than the obvious attraction he had for her, there was something else. She seemed so... real.

I can no longer tell reality from dreams, he thought, sitting on the edge of his bed. Zach groaned and stood up, grabbing white skinny jeans and a black t-shirt and slipped them on, heading down the stairs and ruffling his hair.

"Is anyone around here alive?" He yelled through the house. When no one answered, he walked into the kitchen and found the note on the fridge from his parents.


Your mother and I left early this morning to Hawaii. We'll only be gone two weeks and there's money in the safe. You know the rules, and please don't skip school.
We love you,
Carl & Mom

Carl was his second step-father, someone he highly despised. Carl was a mid-aged man, and despite his stature, he moved quickly, as he'd won many races the neighborhood had monthly. Being only in his 30's, Carl had always shaved his gray beard that tried to grow constantly. Zach's mother, on the other hand, was a beautiful woman, with dazzling dark blue eyes and perfect brown hair that curled amazingly.

When Zach was younger, at age six, his father had disappeared, leaving him and his mother to fend for themselves. The boy thought it was weird, that his father had just left without any of his things, or without even leaving them a letter. Almost two months after his father had gone missing, his mother, Caroline, met Carl and the two hit it off at once.

He'd spent most his life writing letters to his father about his day, but they stayed in a small box under his bed with a do not enter sign on it. But much to Zach's dismay, the two got married when he turned eight, when Zach was still hoping his father would walk up the driveway and hold his arms open for his son that he hadn't seen for years. But it never happened, so he'd given up any hope he'd once had.

Zach crumpled the note and tossed it in the trash, annoyed. In a rush, he grabbed a pop tart and ate it quickly. The only thing he would be able to think about today is the dreams, and the only thing he recognized from the dreams was the clearing he was in with Eiko. Slipping on his black vans, Zach walked out the door, ready to face reality and dreams.

Past Dreams and Memories

“Zach, what are you doing up so early?” John, a close friend, stopped in front of Zach, kicking his skateboard up into his hand.

Zach scratched his head and shrugged, looking around at all the people that were skating here. “Eh, I woke up early and decided to skip school, so I figured I’d just come here and hang out with you guys.”

John's crooked smile made the girls go crazy at school. Everyone loved him; he wasn’t one of those stuck up guys. He was nice to the underdogs, ignored the douche-bags, and stayed in the right crowd, even though the popular chicks wanted him. He scratched his head full of red hair. “Well, man, seems like you chose a great day to skip. Christian brought some soda and chips, and since you don’t skate, you can chow down.”

Winking, John placed his board on the ground and hopped on, skating over to the group of guys. Zach followed, nodding to a few that he'd known since grade school. “Zachy’s finally returned!” Christian, Zach's other best friend, hit him on the back and smiled. “It’s nice to see you again, bro.”

Christian was tall, maybe 6'3, and he'd always make fun of anyone who tried to act bigger than him. His eyes were always bright and he always had a smile on his face, expect for the month Chris had died. His short brown hair did justice in the hot fall sun, and it made Zach want to cut his shaggy dark brown hair as well. But there was always something off about Christian; something off about the way his eyes would change color and he'd start speaking a whole different language no one but John could understand. Whenever Zach would try to ask about it, Christian would laugh and tell him it was just some secret language he and John had made up.

“Same to you, it has been a while, huh?” Zach returned the smile, trying to do anything to keep his mind off the dreams.

Christian nodded and sat down on the bench, shoving his hand into the chips bag and eating some. “It has. Last time I saw you was last week.” He joked. For the last year, Christian had been in a private school because both his parents had deployed and the only school his grandparents lived by was a private one. But luckily, he was still the same Christian; still as funny and quiet as he could be. "So, have you met any girls yet?"

Zach shrugged. “No, man, I haven’t been looking really.” Christian shrugged and went on with eating more chips. Zach looked up and saw John standing a few feet from them, motioning for Zach to come over. Standing up, Zach ruffled Christian’s hair and walked over to John.

John smiled and patted Zach's back, setting his board on the ground and placing his right foot on it. “Did you want to talk about anything?” His eyes searched Zach's and he knew what John was talking about. John knew about the dreams and the car accident Chris and Zach were in. Zach nodded hesitantly and John motioned for him to follow John to the empty ramp.

The two of them sat down and he waited for Zach to start, so he did. “It’s the same dream still, only I’ve been dying more and in different ways.”

John never knew what to say, and Zach didn’t blame him. If someone had told Zach that, he'd think they were crazy. John of course, thought it had something to do with the accident, and Zach thought so as well. “Listen, Zach, you’re probably just having nightmares. I know the doctor gave you stuff to take at night to help.”

“It’s been months, John. The pills haven’t done shit to help me, and you know that. There is something happening and I need to find out what.”

John simply shrugged. “Whatever you choose, I’m with you, man. But be careful.” His eyes met Zach's. “And I’m telling you, it’s just a dream. You won’t find anything.”
“If I don’t you can say ‘I told you so,’ okay?”

John smiled and nodded, running his fingers through his red hair. “Sounds like a plan, but really Zach. Be careful, it was a hard enough blow for the guys to take when Chris died. So don’t do anything stupid to get yourself hurt, got it?”

Zach nodded. “I’ll try my best, but you know how danger tends to find me.” John’s eyes glinted with mischief and he nodded, standing up. “Thanks, John, for listening.”

He smiled and nodded and then Zach watched as he hopped on his board and skated to the others. Leaning back against the rail of the ramp, Zach stared at the sky, wondering if the dreams he had were actually dreams or memories.

Rolling his eyes at his thoughts, Zach stood up and made his way out of the skate park, telling everyone that he was just going for a walk. Shutting the gate to the park, he leaned against it, thoughts swimming like crazy in his head. He no longer knew what to think; he wasn't sure what was real and wasn't, but he knew that no matter what he had to find out.

“The clearing,” Zach muttered, remembering that the familiar woods near his house had the same clearing in it. Zach sighed and ran his hand through his hair, trying to figure out what to do with his life now. Deciding quickly, he looked around and then broke out into a run, heading back towards his house so he could get to the clearing and hopefully learn what was going on in his life.

Trusting You Was Like Suicide

The neighborhood was small, with only a few families living here. Surrounding the neighborhood was a huge forest, the trees reaching to the clouds and covering each other, letting no sun in. Zach stepped onto the dirt trail that lead into the forest and took a look at the houses behind him, hoping that he'd come back.

As he walked on the trail, Zach started to notice things that were from his dreams and he shivered. You're going crazy, Zach. A voice in his head spoke up and he felt his eyes widen. He's never had a voice inside his head like that. Are you scared Zach? Scared of what you might find ahead and scared that you'll get hurt like last time?

Ignoring the voice in his head, Zach hopped over a log and stopped at the creek. There were ripples in the water caused by the water gliders and there was a slight sparkle to the water, despite the sun not shining on it.

Come on Zach, you can do this. The voice spoke up again and he rolled my eyes, hopping across rocks to get to the other side of the creek. Zach-y boy, don't ignore me. You'll need me to get through all this without getting hurt.

Once again trying to ignore the voice, Zach stopped walking, trying to find out where he was. The clearing was large; a large creek went all the way around and there was a small pond in the middle, along with a girl who was sitting in front of it, her back facing him.

Her long black hair hung to her lower back in curls and at once he realized who it was. Taking a few steps towards her, Zach remembered how many times he'd watched himself die, thinking it was by her hands. Come on man, you can do this. Just don't get too close and you should be fine, the voice came back, only this time causing him to fall to my knees in pain.

His gasp made her turn around, her green-silver eyes wide with fear and confusion as she stared at him. Zach rested his elbows on his knees and held his face in his hands, the pain becoming unbearable. What's wrong, Zach, the pain of being around her too much again? Zach gasped again as the pain got worse.

Something touched his shoulder and at once the pain stopped. He lifted his head and looked up to see the girl's hand on his shoulder, her eyes still wide. "A-are you okay?" She muttered, trying not to shake.

Zach stood, shaking a little, running his hand through his hair, staring at her. She was wearing the same thing from the dream, the white dress stopping right before her knees. "I'm fine," he replied, clearing his throat. Liar.

She nodded, her curls bouncing up and down. "What are you doing out here anyway?" She asked, her eyes now narrowed and guarded.

"Is your name Eiko?" Zach asked, instead of answering her question, wanting to know now.

Her guarded expression fell for a moment and then returned, crossing her arms over her chest. "How do you know my name?" She took a step towards him, her eyes locked onto his face. Eiko's green eyes seemed to get darker when she stepped towards him and dark clouds covered the sky, causing everything to get dark. The wind started to blow hard and rain began to pour. "Answer me, boy."

Yeah, answer her Zach, might as well tell her since you're gunna die anyway. 'It-it's hard to e-explain." When she didn't answer, Zach continued. "I've been having dreams since I turned 17, and you're in them."

At once, the dark clouds dispersed and the rain stopped. Her eyes widened and got lighter as she backed away, not letting her eyes leave him. "You're the one."

"What does everyone mean I'm the one? Can you at least explain it to me, please?" He asked, becoming more confused by the minute.

Eiko stood there and then turned away from Zach, returning to the small pond and kneeling down beside it. "I prayed to the Gods that they would send someone to help me, to protect me from the horror that is coming. I hoped that they'd send someone who I could trust, someone I knew," she turned her attention back to Zach, "not some random ass stranger who has dreams about me!"

"It was not my choice to dream about you! I don't even know you, so why would I?" He spat, annoyed. Calm down man, before she does kill you.

She narrowed her eyes again. "Listen, if you're here because the Gods sent you, fine. But I don't need you, so leave, now." Her eyes met his and Zach knew she wasn't playing. As he opened my mouth to speak, she shook her head. "Leave, now, before something bad happens."

Might as well listen to her, man, sounds like she means it, Zach nodded, unable to speak, as he backed away from the pond as she continued to stare at him, her eyes full of hate and worry.

As he left the clearing, the only sound Zach could hear where the sobs of a lonely girl, asking the Gods for help. The dark clouds covered the sky once more as the rain poured and lightening struck in the sky and over all of that noise, Zach could still hear her sobs.


Zach stared at his ceiling, thinking about how he'd left Eiko out there on her own. It was for the best anyway, she would've killed you. When he'd told her how he knew her name, her walls seemed to fall around her and it was like she was breaking from the inside, if only for a moment. As he thought about Eiko, Zach could feel himself drifting off into sleep, and for once, he was okay with it.


She ran ahead of him, her long black hair flowing behind her. "Eiko, please stop!" He called after her, struggling to keep up. Ignoring him, she ran faster until she reached the clearing that Zach had saw her at today. Coming to a halt, she stopped in front of something on the ground and fell to her knees.

Zach slowed and came up behind her slowly, hoping to not scare her. When he touched her shoulder she didn't do anything but stare at the body in front of her, and that's when he realized who it was.

Covered in blood, Zach looked no different. His dark brown eyes were fluttering shut, blood all over his face and in his hair. His breathing was slow and came in gasps. Eiko placed her hands on his chest and pressed down, blood coming out faster and faster.

"Please, Darek, don't die, please..." she cried, tears streaming down her face. Zach stood there, watching as she attempted to save the boy in front of her once more, not noticing that he was actually behind her. Though Zach heard her call him Darek, he knew that somehow, the two were related.

The boy on the ground looked at her and smiled sadly. "I've done all you need me to do, Eiko. I came to you like the Gods promised and I protected you. There's nothing more you need me here for." He gasped.

A small chuckle escaped from her lips as she touched his cheek, tears falling faster now. "Darek, I need you forever, I promise. Please, don't leave me."

He coughed once, twice, three times, blood coming out each time. He grasped her hand and squeezed it, the smile still on his face. "Do you remember the first day we met in the clearing, when you told me that you didn't need me? I knew you were lying. Just remember that I will always be here for you."

Eiko's hands were shaking now as Zach watched her cry over the boy who was slowly dying. "I remember. I always thought that trusting someone like you was suicide."

He let out a small laugh. "Listen to me. You will find someone who you can trust with your life, and who loves you as much as you love them, I promise."

"I've found him already, Darek. He's here, right now. But he's leaving me." She replied quietly, rain staring to drop slowly.

He managed to lift himself up high enough to kiss her once more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him up, her tears mixing with his blood, everything in that moment sweet and heart breaking at the same time. She pulled away.

"Eiko, I love you." Those were the last words he spoke before his chest stopped rising. Her cry echoed through the forest, louder than the rumbling thunder itself and he flinched, wondering if what Zach thought were dreams were actually different futures for him.

"Trusting someone like you was suicide," her words rang through his head, realizing that she trusted no one, not even herself and he knew what he had to do now.

Better Hurry

Zach sat outside on the grass in front of his house. The sun was setting; red and orange covering the sky inside of any clouds. His mind was wondering on its own, thinking about everything that had happened today, and his dreams. His parents had called earlier to remind him that no girls should be in the house and all the other rules.

As he got lost in his thoughts, Zach wondered if it was a good idea to leave Eiko on her own out there, especially when she said something about horror coming.

"So you're the boy, are you?" Her voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked up, trying to figure out who she was. Her ice blue eyes stared at him hard, showing barely any emotion. "Are you?"

Zach rolled his eyes, annoyed by her question. "Who are you?"

She raised one perfect light red eyebrow, twisting her curly red hair in her finger. Licking her lips, she bent down by his ear and whispered, "I'm the one who brings you in your dreams, Zach. I'm the reason you've met Eiko, the reason you are here now." She squatted so she was face to face with him. "I'd be careful, Zach. Dreams aren't always what they seem. And reality isn't either. Things have changed."

"Can you explain to me what you're talking about? Why am I having dreams about Eiko? Why does she need me to protect her?" Zach asked, hoping she could give him the answers he wished to find.

She shrugged. "The answers are not mine to give." As he opened his mouth to argue, she started to speak again. "Go to Eiko at midnight and help her. You will know what you'll need to do when you get there."

It was then that Zach realized she had a slight accent that he couldn't put his finger on. "What do you mean help her? Why can't you people just give me straight answers?"

She smiled. "Farewell, Zachary Hunter. May the Gods be right about you." Zach blinked and she was gone, leaving him wondering about everything she said. He checked the time on his phone. 10:51. An hour and nine minutes before Zach was supposed to see Eiko.

Whenever he thought of her, his heart skipped a beat, which was totally unusual for him since he'd only just met her. Zach let out a breath and decided to go shower since he hadn't since last night. He walked slowly towards the bathroom, throwing his shirt onto the couch and shutting the door behind him. Making sure the water wasn't too hot, he stripped fully and stepped in, warmed by the refreshing water.

Zach stood there, allowing the water to run down his body as he closed his eyes, letting his mind wonder by itself. After a few quiet moments, he cleaned himself as slowly as possible, trying to make time pass faster. When he done, Zach stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, running his hands through his hair as he walked into his room.

His clock read 11:34 and he let out a sigh, ready to see Eiko. Zach opened his closet door and grabbed boxers, black skinny jeans and a white v-neck, along with his huge hoodie. Slipping on his clothes, Zach put his vans on and headed out the door, deciding to head on to Eiko.

As soon as he got out the door, his cell phone rang. Pressing answer and putting it up to his ear, he said hello.

"Zachary Hunter, how nice to speak to you, although, I think Eiko would rather want you to be here right now, since she needs you." The man chuckled as there was a faint scream that sounded like Eiko, followed by more laughing. "Better hurry, Zach, before it's too late." There was another scream and the phone went dead.

Not hesitating, he took off in a run, his heart beating twice as fast as he ran into the forest. The laughing was ringing in his ears, and any time there was a scream, he flinched. His phone beeped as the time changed to midnight. The forest became quiet, all laughing and screaming gone, the only sounds he could hear were sobs.

Zach burst through the clearing as shadows disappeared into the night, leaving the small body in the middle of the clearing by itself. He rushed over to her and gently lifted her up off the ground. Something wet hit his hand and he ignored it, setting her in his lap so he could slip my hoodie off. She shivered and squirmed as her eyes opened, panic showing all over her face. When she saw him, she tried to back away, her eyes wider than before.

"Eiko, stop, it's okay. It's okay, I promise. It's me, Zach." He whispered, trying to calm her down. It took a few minutes, but finally she stopped moving away, slowly making her way back to him. When she was close enough, Zach slipped his hoodie over her, finally noticing the blood that had soaked through her dress.

Worried, he picked her up bridal style and started to walk away from the clearing, despite her protests and kicking. When they reached his house, she'd gotten quiet, her hand twisted in his shirt and her head on his shoulder. He kicked open his front door and walked through, kicking it shut before heading up the stairs. As he started to set her down on his bed, her grip on his shirt tightened and she mumbled something he didn't understand.

"Eiko, speak up." Zach said, sitting on the bed with her.

When she spoke, it was barely a whisper. "Don't leave me, please."

He smiled at her, brushing her hair out of her face. "I won't. But I need you to take off your clothes, so I can see how bad your wound is." He said quietly, staring at the blood on their hands and her dress. She simply nodded and took his hoodie off slowly, wincing slightly. Zach looked away as she took her dress off as well and slipped on the giant shirt and boxers he'd given her.

"Zach, you're kind." She said quietly, lying back against the pillows.
He shrugged, not sure how to reply. "Eiko, might hurt, okay?" She stared at him for a moment, her eyes deciding whether or not to trust him with what he was about to do. Eiko finally nodded and Zach sighed. He lifted the shirt just enough so he could see the wound. It wasn't that deep looking, and blood was no longer coming out. He ran into the bathroom and wet a washcloth and hurried back to Eiko, who was beginning to pass out.

"Eiko, stay with me, okay? Just until I've cleaned it, alright?" Her beautiful eyes fluttered open and she nodded at him as he gently pressed the washcloth to the wound, wiping the blood away. After a few minutes, the blood was gone and the wound didn't look as bad, and Eiko had managed to stay awake.

After he'd put a bandage on her wound, Zach laid down next to her, and she turned on her good side facing him. She smiled sadly and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers. "Thank you, Zach." She closed her eyes and before he knew it, they were both asleep, their fingers still laced and his thoughts all on Eiko.

You Don’t Want This Now

The sun was shining through the curtains, blinding Zach as he opened his eyes. At first he was confused to why there was a girl in his bed and why they were holding hands. She was still facing him, but closer than before and had her head on his chest, her free hand lying on his stomach. He blinked a few times and lay there, running his other hand through her hair. A smile pulled his lips as she let out a long sigh, moving so she was a bit closer to him.

The silence was soothing, until the woman from before was standing in front of his bed, hands on her hips. "Well, I'm glad to see you listened, boy."

Zach glared at her. "If you knew what was going to happen, why didn't you stop it? She could've died!"

The woman simply shrugged. "I cannot do anything in this world, for I am not allowed to interfere with silly human things." She smiled wickedly. “And, you had to prove yourself worthy enough to be a warrior.”

He rolled my eyes, no longer wanting to argue with her or ask why she sounded so stupid. "Why did they hurt her last night?"

"She hasn't told you yet? That's not very surprising; in fact, I'm surprised she's that close to you right now." She sneered at him, twisting her hair in her fingers. "Eiko isn't what you think she is; she's important. She has a very special role in our realm, and the Gods have sent you to protect her." In a flash she was close to him. "If you don't protect her, she will die and this world and mine will be lost, understand?"

His eyes traveled to Eiko, who was still asleep next to him. Nodding absently, he looked back up at the woman. "What's your name?"

"My name is Cara, a simple human name given to me by the Gods." She licked her lips, leaning closer to him. "Remember, Zachary Hunter, you must protect her with your life, which is what those marks on you are for." She touched his arm and he bit his lip trying not to scream as his arms lit up, a burning sensation covering it. When she removed her hand, and disappeared, the burning sensation going with her. When Zach looked down at his arms, he had weird tribal markings from his hands going up to his shoulder and onto his chest.

Eiko murmured something and Zach looked down at her as she tightened her grip on his hand, a small cry coming from her. "No, please, leave him alone." The words escaped from her mouth and then she shot up, her eyes wide and full of fear. She pulled her hand away from him and backed up as far as she could without falling off the bed. "What am I doing here?" Her green eyes fell to his arms and stared at the markings that were there now.

"Eiko, listen to me. You were hurt last night, bad. I brought you here, where you'd be safe." Zach replied, ignoring her looks. "I need to see if it's healing the right way."

She stared at him, her eyes still as dim as they were last night. Her hands were playing nervously with the bottom of the shirt she was in and she took a deep breath. "Y-you won't try anything, will you?"

He raised my eyebrows, a bit confused on why she's asked. "Eiko, I never would." She nodded and moved closer to Zach, lifting up the shirt so he could see the wound. He gently pulled the bandage off and stared at her stomach, trying to figure out why there were the same tribal markings that were on his arms were on her stomach, the wound completely disappeared.

When he looked back up at her, she smiled and dropped her shirt. "You truly are the one."

“What is the one? Why was I chosen? What is so special about me?" Zach asked. He stared at her as she moved towards me, her black curls hanging down to the bed.

When she was close enough, she moved his arms and climbed on top of him, her legs on either side of his body, and she leaned down to his ear and whispered, "You were chosen personally by the Gods for me. You were chosen to protect, to lay your life down, and the markings on you prove that you will do anything to make sure I'm safe. You're so much more special than you think, Zachary Hunter."

She grabbed Zach's arms and traced the markings with her fingers before tracing the cuts that were still visible. "You hurt yourself over and over, and yet you still have the will to live. That is what makes you special. Even through all the pain you've gone through, you're still here. That is why you were chosen."

Zach nodded absently, only one thing going on in his head by the time she was gone speaking. He couldn't stand her this close to him. His heart was beating faster than ever before and he wanted her. She smiled at him and placed her hands on the back of his neck, twisting his hair in her fingers as she leaned down to him and pressed her lips against Zach's. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to himself, so they were pressing against each other. She deepened the kiss, only breaking apart to tug his shirt off, tracing the markings with her fingers as she kissed him again.

She tugged her shorts off and threw them to the side as he kissed her neck and collar bones, his hands slipping under her shirt and finding her breasts, doing everything in his power not to rip her clothes off. As she started to unzip Zach's pants, he stopped her, pulling away altogether and removing his hands from under her shirt. She gave him a weird look. "What is it?"

Zach shook his head. "You don't want this, not right now, and neither do I." Eiko let out a sigh and got off him, leaning against the headboard. Eiko might be beautiful, but she wasn't what he wanted.

They sat in silence as she continued to trace the markings on his hand. "Will you tell me why you hurt yourself like that?" She asked, looking up at him with her beautiful eyes.

He squirmed a bit; no one had ever asked why there were cuts all over Zach's arms and hips. "I don't think you'd understand." He mumbled, breaking their eye contact.

"Zach," she placed a hand on his cheek and turned his head so he was looking at her again, "I may not understand, but I care. And that should be enough, please, tell me."

Zach took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to start. "When I was younger, about 15, my first stepdad became an alcoholic and began to abuse us every day. He'd start with my mother, then to me, and then to my younger brother, Matt. It went on for almost a year, and each day when he was done abusing us, I'd take a razor to my arm, because I wasn't able to find another way to release the pain. By the time my mother had finally told someone, it was too late. We'd moved away from my father the day he hit Matt with a bat in the stomach. I felt hopeless, unable to protect my family. The day we'd gotten a restriction order for him, and before he was in court, he shot my brother and I, killing Matt on spot. He ran as I held my dying brother in my arms, telling him it'd be okay and that he'd get help. I told him that he'd never have to see that man again, that we'd be a normal family." He took another breath, trying to stop shaking. Eiko had stopped tracing his hand and was looking at him with wide eyes.

"But when the ambulance showed up, I'd lost him. I had to watch as they took him away. I did everything to save him, but I couldn't." Zach finished, taking long breaths as he calmed down again.

Eiko didn't say anything. Instead, she crawled onto his lap and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly, resting her head on his chest. He hesitated before wrapping his arms around her. It was nice; the silence was. She pulled away again and motioned for him to lie down. He did so and she did as well, pulling the covers up over them and resting her head on his chest again. Her green eyes looked up at him and she smiled, "The Gods were right when they chose you, Zachary Hunter."

Zach didn't say anything, but the emotions in his eyes must've been an answer that she accepted because she grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together and kissed his hand before closing her eyes. Zach stayed awake, wondering if the next time she got hurt he'd be able to make it before she died. Hoping that he would make it, Zach allowed his eyes to close and hoped his dreams were good ones.

Guerrier de la Lumiére

The moon shined brighter than any time he'd ever seen it. Eiko was sitting beside the small pond, running one of her fingers over the water, staring at the ripples. Zach leaned against a tree, his eyes locked onto the moon, wondering when he'd find out the whole story about Eiko and the Gods that she spoke of so often. Anytime he tried to ask Eiko about it, she'd change the subject and avoid eye contact, so Zach had given up.

"Zachary, it seems you've forgotten the reason she's here." Zach jumped at Cara's voice and turned around to look at her. Her ice blue eyes were staring into his soul and her lips were tight. "You cannot ignore what's coming."

He turned his attention back to Eiko. "She's so important..." He mumbled.

Cara placed her hand on his shoulder, the only emotion he'd ever seen her have and she smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, what's coming now isn't the only danger she's in. She faces many things that Fate has laid out for her. This danger that's coming is the easiest. What's coming after it will cause problems you couldn't imagine, Zachary Hunter. Ask her about her past, ask her why she's here now; it's the only way you'll ever be able to help her."

Before he could say anything to her, she disappeared. Zach sighed and stared at the markings on his arms, running his hands over them as he walked towards Eiko. Her black hair shined in the moonlight and the silver in her blue eyes stood out more.

"I know the questions you want to ask, Zach, but I won't give you the answers." She spoke before Zach could even take another step and he sighed as she spoke again. "There is no reason to know the answers you seek, they will not help you with what comes." She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

"But Eiko, I need to know. Where is your family? Why did you come here? What is the danger?" Zach closed the gap between us and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You need to tell me, please!"

Her eyes stared into his, the silver in them seeming to get lighter with every passing second. Her soft lips were turned in a frown, and there were emotions swimming in her eyes. Zach dropped his hands to his side and groaned as she broke eye contact and stared at the ground. Instead of her white dress, she was wearing a strapless black one that fell around her feet. She took a step back and the black dress seemed to flow behind her.

"I will tell you this, Zachary Hunter. You and I, we can never be together. It is forbidden, in so many ways. Our emotions mustn't get in the way of what's about to happen. You are only here to protect me, nothing more."

A single tear fell from her eyes and she closed the gap once more, pressing her lips against his. Instead of the one second peck, this one was full of hunger; she needed it. Her hands found his hair and got twisted in it, pulling him closer, her hunger for more taking over. Almost too soon it seemed to be over, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the small pond.

She kneeled down beside it and stared at the water as the fish swam near the bottom, searching for answers like Zach was. "Come here in reality, Zach, and you shall find the answers you seek. But once you find them, do not think badly of me." She looked up at him. "If our feelings get in the way of you protecting me, everything will be lost." Eiko stood, grabbing her dress with one hand, and walked away from him, and that's when Zach woke up.

Eiko was still asleep and it made Zach wonder if she knew what happened in the dreams. Sitting up, another burning sensation took over him and he groaned. Before he could do anything, it was over and Zach was able to breathe again. He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom, eager to know where it was now. As he stared into the mirror, Zach didn't expect what he saw.

"What is it?" Eiko was leaning against the door frame, her hair tangled and messy, but her eyes bright. Zach turned towards her and pointed to the new 'tattoo' that went across his chest, below his collar bones. Her eyes widened for a single moment and then she smiled. "It is true, Zachary Hunter."

He turned back towards the mirror and stared at it, thankful that he'd taken French for two years. The new marking read 'Guerrier de la Lumiére'. Zach continued to stare at it, wondering what he'd done to deserve this new marking, and title. Eiko smiled and walked towards him, tracing her fingers over the words. "The prophecy has at last come true. You are the Warrior of Light."

Zach's eyes fell down to her, a confused look on his face. "Eiko, do you remember the dream last night?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, she jerked away from him, her wall back up and a guarded expression on her face. "Of course I do," she hissed, her eyes narrowed. She was angry, that much Zach could tell, and she looked like a lion ready to pounce at any moment. "I need to go. There are things I must attend to that don't need a silly human like you."

She turned on her heels and was out of the bathroom and was already changing when Zach got out there. "Eiko, don't leave. It's not safe out there for you."

Her eyes were slits almost as she glared at him. "It is not safe for me here either, Zach. In case you haven't noticed, the only danger is when the sun sets and the moon rises. Just be ready for the blue moon; that is when the danger truly arrives."

Seeming satisfied with what she said, she walked out of his front door, leaving Zach there utterly confused. "You know, you should probably go after her." Cara's voice came from behind him and he faced her. "She doesn't know how to handle things on her own just yet. Her powers are beyond her knowledge, and you balance her out." Her eyes were dim and she had bags under her eyes. When she realized that he'd noticed, she sighed. "I've been praying to the Gods, I'm not sure we'll make it through the blue moon if Eiko keeps this up."

"What happens on the blue moon?" Zach asked, even though he knew asking was a waste of time.

"Go to the pond and ask the Gods, Zachary Hunter. There you will find the answers you seek. But listen well boy; if the answers given to you aren't the ones you seek, you are still the Guerrier de la Lumiére, so you must stay by her, no matter the cost. Understand?"

Zach kneeled and placed his right arm behind his back and his left on the ground, his dark brown eyes on the floor. "Of course," Instantly confused by what he'd just done, Zach stood up and stared at her.

A simple smile crossed her face and tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes as she looked at him. "The true Guerrier de la Lumiére," she said, "finally allowed rest in reality. The prophecy has finally become true, after hundreds of years." The tears stopped and she stepped forward. "Zachary Hunter, Guerrier de la Lumiére, you will end the war and allow light to once again shine as brightly as it once did."

One more tear fell and she disappeared as quickly as she'd appeared. Zach stood there, soaking up what she'd said about prophecies and light. Finally bringing himself out of the trance, he ran into his room and stripped, quickly putting on skinny jeans and a random t-shirt, followed by socks and his vans, before making his way outside.

The sun was high in the sky, only some clouds swimming across the sky. Zach followed the trail to the pond that he saw so often in his dreams. It seemed that the line the divided reality and dreams was thinning quickly, and he didn't know why. The bright light bounced off the water in the pond and onto a giant stone with ancient looking writing on it.

Zach kneeled in front of the pond and closed his eyes, praying to the Gods for answers to the questions that didn't leave his head.

"Zachary Hunter, it is nice to finally see you face to face." He looked up and gasped. In front of the giant stone, hovering directly above the glistening water, was a ghostly figure, that wore a long white dress similar to the one Eiko wore when he'd first met her. "Don't look so surprised, warrior. You seek answers, do you not?"

"I do," He answered, kneeling respectfully, although he didn't know why he did. After all, he was talking to a ghost.

The ghost in front of him seemed to become human, finally touching the water with non-transparent feet. As she became actually flesh and bone, she stepped out of the water and stood beside Zach. "Stand, warrior."He did as she said and took a long look at her. Her black hair fell to her knees almost and her silver eyes shined in the sunlight. It took a moment, but he finally realized who she looked like. "Yes, I am Eiko's mother, Desdemona."

"But you're..." Zach trailed off, not fully understanding what was going on.

She sighed and nodded. "I shall tell you the whole story, warrior, but in pieces and time, that I promise."

He nodded as well, running his hand through his hair that was everywhere. "Can I at least know where Eiko came from? Her past and whatnot?"

Her mother smiled. "You truly care for someone you barely know. She doesn't trust anyone; it takes years to tell them her name even. But I can tell she cares for you the same way you care for her, but it scares her to death to admit it." She looked at him for a moment and nodded. "I will tell you of her past today, but you shall not know of the danger until much later, warrior."

"I understand, Desdemona."

Eiko's mother smiled again and sat down, allowing her feet to rest in the water. "Well, where to begin, ah, I know. Eiko was born hundreds of years ago, like the true warrior of light, at midnight exactly. Born into a royal family was difficult for her, especially with the war going on. We'd lost all the warriors of light, and all hope seemed lost, so we sent Eiko to this time period, to find him. The only problem was that we didn't know the war would still be going on here. We'd hoped to find the warrior and bring him back to our time period. When she found you, she returned to us, only to come home to everything she once knew in ashes, her home, the small city she'd grown up in, her family and friends, gone. So she came back here. You were chosen by the Gods to stop the war and protect the last living member of the Valetor Royal family."

She paused and touched the water with one finger, then pulled away, the water swirling upwards, following her finger. "She has powers beyond her imagine that she cannot control just yet. The only thing you can do to help her is show her you don't love her. The emotions between you two cannot get in the way of anything now. Promise me, warrior, that you will tell her you don't love her and that you will not allow your emotions to get in the way."

Zach swallowed and took a deep breath. Desdemona was a very intimidating woman, but it was only because she was a ghost, or something near it. He wasn't sure of why his emotions would get in the way, and he didn't want to make the promise, let alone think about not loving someone he cared for deeply. But under Desdemona's gaze, Zach knew it was better to obey than to not, so he kneeled once more. "I promise, your Highness."

Her hand touched his shoulder and it sent bolts of electricity through his body and Zach could feel his strength draining slowly. His eyes found her and she was smiling sadly, like what was she was doing was hurting her too, and he could feel himself heading towards slumber. But the last thing he heard was, "Good luck, Guerrier de la Lumiére."

The Valetor Family

Beeping noises drowned out his thoughts and he could hear the nervous footsteps that paced around the room. Zach opened my eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the bright light. He was surrounded by machines, cords everywhere. Looking down, Zach realized he had an IV in his arm along with bandages that covered some of the markings on his upper arms. No matter how hard he looked, the massacre on his arms never seemed to disappear.

"You're awake!" Zach dragged his eyes up from his arm and stared at Eiko. Her black hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she had bags under her light green eyes.

She was in a pair of his skinny jeans and had on one of his band tees, causing him to smile. "You look beautiful."

Her cheeks became flushed as she sat in the chair next to him. "You've been out for a while, Zach. I kept thinking that I'd lose you..." She trailed off and cleared her throat. "The doctors didn't want to have anything to do with you at first, but I convinced them otherwise."

"What do you mean?"

She shifted uncomfortably in the seat. "Well, you were, uh, you were glowing, Zach, and your eyes, they were... they were completely white. What happened to you, Zach? You were found with deep slashes in your arms and your back was burning."

He blinked a few times. Well, seems like Desdemona didn't just put you to sleep. The voice returned and he closed his eyes and laid against the pillow trying to get everything to make sense. Zach's eyes opened as the door was slammed shut. A man in his 30's stood before him, in full white, with a clipboard in hand as he checked the machines next to Zach.

Eiko had moved out of the seat and was standing against the wall, biting her nails nervously as the man wrote things down. He looked at Zach and gave the boy one of those fake smiles. "Well, son, it seems that everything is back to normal. You'll be able to leave in the next thirty minutes." The man checked something on the papers and made his way out the door, only to look over his shoulder. "I'll get your things and then you can leave."

Zach nodded him away and looked over at Eiko. "I saw your mother."

Her bright green eyes narrowed and the specks of black seemed to get bigger and began to swallow the green. "How did you see her?"

"I went out to the pond and she appeared to me. I know where you're from and what happened to your family." He watched as her eyes seemed to dim with every word that escaped from his mouth and it seemed like she'd lost everything all over again. When he spoke again, his voice was quieter and she made eye contact with him. "I know that you've been all alone for the past year."

Eiko returned to the chair and sat back down, placing her face in her hands. Zach let her sit there like that while the man returned and gave Zach his clothes, showing him where to change and where to go afterwards. The man gently took the IV out of Zach's arm and left the room. Zach let his feet hang over the edge of the bed as he looked at Eiko.

"I, uh, have to change, and then we can leave, okay?"

Eiko looked up at him with dim green eyes. "C-can I come with you? I don't want to be left alone again."

Zach nodded as he stood and made his way to the changing room, Eiko following closely behind. As soon as he closed the door, Eiko had thrown her arms around his neck. Hesitatingly, Zach wrapped his around her waist and held her. "You scared me so much." She whispered, running her hand through his hair. Zach didn't say anything in return. He wasn't sure if he'd scared her because he was the last 'Warrior of Light' or because of some other reason.

Don't even worry about it, mate. Pretty soon, you'll be dead anyway. He ignored the voice as Eiko pulled away and smiled shyly at him before turning away so he could change.

Two hours later, they were on Zach's porch, watching as the moon rose into the sky, the light emitting from it shining on the two. Eiko was still in his clothes, her hair still up, as she sat beside him, her head on his shoulder.

"Zach, how much do you know about my family?" She whispered, still staring at the moon.

"Not much really, just how they died. Can I know more?"

She cleared her throat and sat up, moving a few inches away from him. "The woman who called herself my mother in the woods... she might've been her, but her mind was completely different from the one I lived with. It was like, when my mother died, she was split in two, and the worse side disappeared forever."

Eiko paused and let out a shaky breath. "When my father was alive he'd banned any magic other than Light from our kingdom. He feared it would destroy everything and anyone. Doing so, many people were banned. Some were wizards or witches, alchemists, and others were werewolves and vampires, along with faeries and elves. All your myths are real, just unseen to the ones around you. Years after, on our 17th birthday, the ones who were banned returned for revenge, wanting to kill us all. We easily could've overtaken them, but for some reason, they were no longer vulnerable to the Light, and they murdered my father and the Warrior of Lights, all in one hit. When my father died, we thought they'd leave, but we were wrong. My brothers, Stephen and Garret, left the castle and went to find the leader, but they never returned, and so I was sent to this time to find the last Warrior of Light. I returned to tell them the good news, but they were dead, all of them, so I returned to make sure the magic ones hadn't harmed you, but they had, in the worst way imaginable."

The whole time she'd been talking, they two had never lost eye contact, and Zach wondered how the magic had harmed him, so he waited for her to continue. "When a warrior reaches 17, to anyone else with magic, they can find him instantly to hunt him down. On your 17th birthday, your best friend was killed in the car accident you were in as well. Hitting that car wouldn't have killed him, nor started a fire. The only reason you survived was because of your Light."

He stared at her, speechless. No one knew about that accident but his mom and her new husband, along with Christian and John, but she couldn't be lying, and yet he didn't want to believe it. Zach didn't want to think that it was his fault that his best friend died in that car crash, that some magic bitch was coming after him to kill him. He didn't know that he had tears falling from his eyes until Eiko wiped them away. Zach could tell that it pained her to tell him, but he also knew that she was aware nothing she said could change anything.

Wanting to change the subject, he looked up at the moon. "Wait, I thought the magic ones came out at night and tried to kill us?"

She smiled and looked at Zach. "Your house is surrounded by the Light that comes from the deceased warriors. The magic ones cannot pass the barrier that surrounds us." He nodded and returned her smile. It's a shame you're safe here; I can't wait to see you dead. The voice spoke and he continued to sit there quietly. She doesn't love you, idiot. She only wants you to end this war so she can go back to her time and rule like she's supposed to.

Zach believed every word that echoed in his mind. Something in front of them flashed and when he blinked, Cara was kneeling in front of them. Her red hair was pulled back and instead of the dress she was normally in, she was in armor and a shield rested on top of a sword on her back.

Eiko was on her feet instantly. "Cara, speak." The power within her voice echoed and Cara looked up. Her face was cut and she had bruises, but in her eyes it was obvious she wanted to go back and murder whatever had done it.

"Your Majesty, the magic ones have attacked one more. They've taken the lower town; we've evacuated everyone to the castle, but we don't know how long it will hold. We need you." Cara's ice blue eyes seemed darker and she stood up and looked at Zach. "I know that the Blue Moon has yet to come, and I know that you don't know your powers, but you must come and protect us as well."

He turned to Eiko, who was staring at Cara. "Who leads the magic ones? Renin is here in this time, searching for Zachary."

As Zach looked back at Cara, she dropped her gaze to the ground and placed a fist over her heart. "Stephen and Garret lead them.

Our Duty

After Cara had disappeared back to their time to fend off the magic ones, Eiko hadn’t spoken a word to Zach. Her hair was pulled tightly back into a braided bun and she bit her nails. Finally a bit annoyed, Zach stood up and grabbed her shoulders. “Eiko, listen to me, they need us. We must go and show them that hope is not yet lost.”

Her green eyes had been swallowed by the black specks and there the only motion on her face was that of betrayal and sadness. “No, Zachary, I must go. You are not yet capable of your powers like you think you are.”

Confused, he dropped his hands. “So you mean, you’re going to go by yourself?”

She nodded, turning away from him and walking out the front door and called over her shoulder, “Go see Christian and John, they will tell you what you need to know.

So, you finally know that your friends know. Zach stared at her, more confused than ever.“Christian and John?”

Nodding, she faced him once she reached the middle of the lawn. “It was about time you knew about your friends.” Before he could say anything else, a light flashed and she was gone.

Groaning, Zach kicked at the grass and let out a huge sigh. There was obviously only one thing he could do now: go see Christian and John. Taking a breath, he began to walk towards the skate park, the only place they’d be at this time. There were so many thoughts running through his head. He wasn’t able to remember what he’d learned about Eiko’s family, or about the magic ones. The only thing he could remember right now was the fact that Eiko was gone, and Christian and John knew something about what was going on.

Pushing the gate open to the park, Zach spotted John instantly, his red hair everywhere. Ignoring everyone, he walked straight towards Christian and John, and motioned for the two to follow him behind the ramp.

Zach watched as John shared a look with Christian and then looked at him. “So you know now?”

“No! I don’t know anything! All I know is that you know something about what is going on with Eiko.”

Christian nodded. “Yeah, you’re her Warrior of Light, and we’re your Warriors.” He said, kneeling down with John and placing their fists over their hearts.

As they stood up again, Zach stared at John. “You knew this whole time. Even when I told you about the dreams, you knew.”

“Those weren’t dreams, Zachary.” John mumbled. “Those were memories.”

Christian nodded. “Yeah, you and Eiko have been alive for hundreds of years, never changing appearance. And in all your lives, you’ve died a different way.”

Zach sat down, trying not to blow up with all this that he was learning. “But why isn’t Eiko here in this time period?”

John let out a breath and scratched his head. “We're not in a different time period, Zach, but a different realm."

Zach covered his face with his hands, trying to get everything straight. “So, I used magic to get myself into a whole different realm?”

Christian and John nodded. “Basically, man.”

They shrugged and didn’t know what to say after that and Zach didn’t blame them; he was still trying to take in everything. “So wait, do you two have any markings like I do?”

In sync, the two lifted their shirts and in the same place Zach had my marking, they had ‘Protecteurs de la Lumière

’ on their chests. “So wait, I’m the Warrior of Light, and you two are the ‘Protectors of Light?”

“You protect the Royal family, and we protect you.” Christian said, John nodding in agreement. “There were never Protectors of Light until you were the last Warrior. We’re almost 100, while you’re only 17 in this life. We’ve trained all this time because we knew there would only be one more Warrior left, and that someone would have to protect him.”

“But… how were you in grade school with me?”

John smiled. “Cool thing, wizard magic.” Christian smiled as well.

Zach stood up and looked at both of them, seeing them in a whole different way now. “Do you two know how a Warrior figures out how to use his powers?”

Christian nodded, running his fingers through his short brown hair. “Yeah, it’s all based on emotions and how you use them.”

“It’s hard to master, Zach, it took us 20 years.” John added, letting out a sigh.

Zach shrugged. “I don’t have 20 years. I have now, and that’s all I need. Will you two help me?”

Christian and John shared this look and then kneeled down and placed their fist over their heart. “Notre devoir est de vous protéger jusqu'à ce que nous tombons.

” They said, power echoing in their voices. When they stood back up, John smiled and repeated it in English. “Our duty is to protect you until we fall.”

A Trip to the Grave

After the long conversation at the skate park, Christian, John, and Zach all went back to Zach's place and decided it’d be a great idea to rest up. Of course, Zach was hoping for a different kind of dream, one with Eiko, but for once since he’d turned 17, he had a normal dream. But while Zach slept, Christian and John stayed up and spoke quietly.

"What do you think will happen if the Princess changes sides?" Christian's voice was quiet and his orange eyes sparkled in the light.

John sighed. "Everyone in Aulinaber has heard about the prophecy concerning the Princess. If it does happen..." he paused and shook his head, "then we'll have no choice but to choose sides once and for all."

"What if there are no sides to choose?" Christian raised his eyebrows. "What if there's something bigger here, something about the crystal that we haven't been told?"

"Then..." John turned his gaze to Zach, who was sleeping peacefully, "everyone will make a sacrifice, even if it means taking him from his family here."

With that, the two boys got quiet and soon they joined Zach in peaceful slumber.

The three boys had slept until noon and when then woke up, the first thing Christian wanted to do was train Zach to fight, with a sword. Now Zach could’ve understood the whole sword concept if he wasn’t in this realm. “Christian, this is crazy.”

Christian simply smiled and twirled the blade around in his hand. “Be ready, Zach. This is a real sword.”

Sighing, Zach got into the stance Christian showed him and got ready to defend himself. Glancing at John, Zach realized he was smirking. “Well, Zach, it seems we might finally beat you at something.”

Zach flicked him off and returned his gaze to Christian, who was still twirling the blade. “Are you ready?”

Once Zach nodded, Christian had come at him, thrusting the sword in every direction, with Zach blocking it. Now from Zach's view, fighting with a sword soon became easier, although Christian and John knew the secret behind his fighting skills. Christian would jab his sword every direction and Zach would try to block it.

Anytime he missed, Christian hit him with the flat side of the sword, and that stung like a bitch. But as the two continued, Zach managed to learn to block, and he felt proud of himself.

After a few hours of learning to block, they finally decided to rest and talk about fighting. “It’s seems you aren’t that bad,” Christian said, chugging down some water, “which is good. In order to use a sword, you must have strength and agility,” He looked Zach up and down for a moment, “which you have.”

John nodded in agreement. “It’s also important to never let your guard down, no matter what.”

Zach chugged the bottle of water he had and nodded, looking up at the sun. “Eiko’s been gone for almost a day, and there’s no sign of Cara.”

Christian laughed. “Eiko can handle herself when she’s in her realm, trust me. And as for Cara, I’ve never seen someone so hot.”

“You’re such a whore,” John muttered, rolling his eyes. The sun was high and was shining down on the three.

Standing up, Zach pulled his shirt over his head and threw it onto a chair, stretching his arms. He picked up the sword Christian had given him and twirled it around like Christian had, smiling to himself. “Seems like the power of the Warrior is true; it’s said that when a Warrior is needed the most, they know how to do anything even if they’ve never touched it or done it.”

John nodded. “Great, it is.”

Zach smiled and looked around. His small house seemed to stand out even more now and he could finally see the ring of shimmering Light that surrounded the house. Looking over the fence to his left, he stared at the grave site, remembering that Chris was buried over there. “Was Chris a Protector too?” Zach wondered out loud.

From the corner of his eye, he saw John give Christian a sad look, who then nodded. “He was; the best we had. He learned quicker than we did and was always going on about he’d protect you to the death, no hesitation.”

“And that’s what he did,” John finished, frowning. His eyes landed on the grave site as well. “None of us thought he’d be the first to die.”

As Christian nodded, there was a flash and Cara was standing in front of them. She was still in the armor and her red locks hung around her shoulders, the bruises on her face fading. She bowed and placed her fist over her heart. “The magic ones are gone for now. Eiko is safe.” Zach let out a sigh of relief and she stood up. “But she will be staying in Aulinaber for the next few days to ensure safety.”

Christian smiled and let out a small nod. “That is a good idea. So does that mean you will be staying here with us?” The crooked smile appeared on his face and he leaned closer, winking at her.

She simply rolled her eyes. “No, but someone else will.” Her eyes found Zach's. “But Zachary must get to him and convince him to return to us.”

“What do you mean ‘return to us’?” John asked, straightening up.

Cara’s ice blue eyes were swimming with emotions and she cleared her throat. “Zach must go see Chris and convince him, otherwise we are doomed.”

“Chris!” The three boys yelled in sync, their eyes wide.

She nodded. “You don’t have much time, Zach. You must go now.” She took a breath. “In order to reach Chris, you must use your power. Only a Warrior can return to the dead to life.”

She turned to look at Christian and John. “You two must go with him and make sure nothing interrupts this, or he may get stuck wherever he is as well.” Cara glanced back at Zach. “Be safe, Warrior. We need you.”

He nodded and turned to look at John and Christian as Cara spoke. “Do those two have a thing?”

John laughed. “They have for almost 80 years. It’s amazing, really.”

Nodding, Zach looked back at the two in time to see Christian kiss her and smile. He stepped back and she disappeared in a flash, leaving the three of them alone. At once, Christian was back to his Protector self. “We need to go now, like Cara said.”

Zach nodded. “Well, let’s jump the fence.”

John rolled his eyes and muttered, “Meet you there,” to Christian and grabbed Zach's arm before they disappeared. When the two reappeared, they were standing directly in the middle of the graveyard, right in front of Chris’ grave.

Christian appeared in the next second and smiled. “Cool, huh?”

Nodding, Zach sat down in front of Chris’ grave and stared at the stone.

Chris Harrison

An amazing brother, friend, and son.

July 14, 1994 – May 16, 2011

The words on the stone stared back at Zach and he wanted to hit something for taking Chris away from him. Christian placed his hand on Zach's shoulder and kneeled down next to him. “Are you ready, Zach?” When Zach nodded, Christian smiled. “Then clear your mind and only think of Chris, it’s the only way to get to him.”

Zach stared at the grave and wondered how he was supposed to clear his mind and think of only Chris. It was harder than it sounded, that was for sure. Zach heard Christian and John talking, but it seemed that with every word they were sounding more distant. A bright flash caused Zach to close his eyes and at once he felt lighter than a feather. Opening his eyes, Zach realized he was no longer in the graveyard, but in a white room with only a window. He blinked and standing in front of the window was Chris.

Chris looked the same as he did months ago. His short red hair was messy like his brother’s, John, and his green eyes were dim, but had a small light in them. When Zach looked him up and down, he realized Chris didn’t have the wounds from when he died. “C-Chris?” He mumbled, taking a few steps closer to him.

Chris looked over at Zach, a confused look crossed his face. “You’re not dead, are you?”

Zach shook his head. “No, but I need you to come back with me.”

He stared at Zach for a moment and shook his head, looking back out the window. “But this realm here is so peaceful. I’ve no pain or emotions.”

Zach stepped up and gazed out the window, raising his eyebrows at the site. There was land that went for miles, covered with trees. Below them, there was a large fountain in the middle circled by hundreds of beautiful flowers. On the side, there was a creek that flowed with clear blue water and had rocks that shined in the sun. Chris laughed. “Now you see why I want to stay?”

Shaking his head, Zach tore his gaze from outside. “Chris, we need you. The war is beginning to take place in our realm, and Eiko is back in her realm.”

He raised his eyebrows. “So Renin has reached our realm…” Chris’ green eyes stared into Zach's as his voice broke. “Then everything we’ve ever known is lost.”

The Truth

Zach stared at Chris, trying to figure out what he meant. “Chris, please come back with me. We need you.”

Chris laughed. “You think you need me, when in reality, you can do this all on your own, but you’d rather not.” His face got serious. “I will come back though, if it means trying to at least save our realm from Renin.” Letting out a breath, Zach nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but Chris interrupted him. “You know Eiko has a sister, right?”

Zach shook his head. “Do you know her?” When Chris nodded, he sat down. “What’s she like?”

Zach could see Chris' eyes shine as he mentioned her and Zach soon understood why he’d mentioned it. “She’s beautiful, Zach, as beautiful as Eiko. She has long light red hair, lighter than Carla’s, and her eyes are a blue and green, with black specks.” He turned to stare back out the window. “For the last four months, I’ve been hoping that I’d be able to see her again.”

Smiling, Zach grabbed his arm. “You will see her again, Chris, very soon.” With that, he cleared his mind and thought of Christian and John. Within seconds, Chris and Zach were standing next to the two other boys.

Zach stepped aside as Chris stared at their two friends dumbfounded, like it actually hadn’t hit him that he was alive, back in the real world. As Zach watched, John was the first to move towards Chris, reaching out to touch his shoulder. Once he realized his hand didn’t go through him, he pulled him into a tight hug. “You’re back, oh my god, you’re back.” He mumbled, a few tears falling down his face. Chris hesitated but finally returned the hug.

“It must be hard for both of them,” Christian murmured, standing beside Zach and watching the scene, “especially Chris.”

Chris and John separated and Chris turned to Christian. “It’s great to see you again, brother.”

Smiling, Christian nodded. “Same to you, man. It’s more than great.”

After they were done saying their hellos, they all turned to face Zach, wondering what was going to happen now. He looked around the graveyard as rain started to pour, the setting sun becoming covered with dark clouds. As thunder cackled and lightning lit up the sky, Zach turned to them, water dripping onto his face. “I think we should head back to my house; it’s protected by the Light.” He explained.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and John grabbed Chris while Christian grabbed Zach, and then they were on his porch, safe. “I see that you returned him to reality.” They all jumped at Cara’s voice as she walked up the stairs and stood next to Christian, who wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. She turned her gaze to Zach. “It seems that Renin is aware that Chris has returned and the last Warrior is figuring out how to use his powers. He knows that soon, one side will fall.”

“What about our realm?” Chris spoke up. Instantly, Zach knew he was asking about Aulinaber. Chris had never cared for the human things here, and now he knew why.
Cara looked at him for a moment and smiled. “Seyren is fine, I kept her safe.” Christian kissed her cheek and smiled, his eyes showing that he was more than proud.

“Cara, do you know anymore about Stephen and Garret?” Zach asked, opening his front door and stepping in.

“I know everything about it, Warrior.” She replied, sitting on the couch next to Christian. “But the tale includes Eiko and Seyren.”

Raising his eyebrows, Zach wondered why they’d never mentioned Seyren. But he didn’t bother to ask, as it wasn’t his business. “Well, tell us.”

She nodded and leaned into Christian, getting comfortable. “It started the day Renin turned against their father, King Darius. He used his wizard magic and injured his father and threatened his sister, Seyren. After he fled, King Darius was never the same again. He always had this distant look in his old eyes. But Renin left a threat. He said that he would return and the throne would be his. One day, Stephen and Garret decided to go look for their brother and convince him to stop, but Renin offered them the title of king, so the two agreed, but they had one task: kill Eiko and Seyren.”

When she finished, Chris was staring at her, disbelief written all over his face. “So Stephen and Garret plan to kill Seyren and Eiko?” When Cara nodded, Chris’ eyes got wide. “We need to get to them, now.”

He moved faster than Zach had ever seen someone move, but Cara blocked his way from getting outside. “It’s not safe, Chris. You know that as well as I.” When Chris backed down, Cara placed a hand on his shoulder. “Seyren will be safe, I promise, as will Eiko. But until we can stop Stephen and Garret, Renin must be killed.”

Christian groaned. “We’ve tried for the last 80 years to kill him! Cara, what if Renin won’t die? What if he knows something we don’t?”

Cara stared at the floor and for once looked defeated. Sighing, she sat down next to Christian, and looked at Zach. “As a Protector of Eiko, I am sworn to some secrecy, but in these circumstances, there can be no secrets. Renin is aware that some of us in here love some in the Royal family, and he will use that against us.” Her eyes went from Chris to Christian, then to John and finally back to Christian. “Not only will that bring out the emotions that a Warrior needs, but in bringing out his powers with such emotions can kill anyone around him at the time.”

Zach stared at her. “So my emotions can kill people?”

“I’m aware that you spoke with Desdemona. She told you that you must tell Eiko that you don’t love her, but you do not love her anyway. Seyren lives with the torture of feeling others emotions, and only when she is with Chris, she feels nothing but her emotions. So if Chris was to be kidnapped by Renin, and your emotions got out of hand, Seyren could possibly die.” Her blue eyes were sad and Zach knew that she wished none of this was real. He also knew why Renin would choose Chris. Renin must have seen them when he died; silent and unable to do anything. Chris was still weak and vulnerable, something Renin didn’t need to know.

Standing up, Zach pointed at Chris. “Then take him back with you. Take him to Seyren and don’t let him leave her side, for nothing.”

Cara stood up and looked at the four of them. “I will take you all with me, but when we get there, Zach, you must begin your training with Christian as soon as possible. Renin will not stop, and neither will Stephen and Garret.”

Everyone nodded in sync and as she grabbed Christian’s hand, everyone grabbed each other, making sure one of them had Christian, and instantly, Zach felt as light as a feather. Opening his eyes, he gasped. They were no longer in his house, but in the most beautiful field he’d ever seen.

Cara smiled at Zach. “Welcome home, Darek.”

Dark Clouds and Beautiful Lightning

“Darek?” Zach muttered, staring at Cara, who smiled.

“You are Darek, the last Warrior of Light.” John replied, placing a hand on Zach's shoulder.

Chris rolled his eyes. “In case none of you noticed, he is Zachary, not Darek. Darek died hundreds of years ago in war.”

Zach watched as Cara shifted uncomfortably. “Chris, Darek is Zach, reincarnated. No matter what anyone says, Darek is somewhere within Zachary.”

He could feel the tension in the air and he cleared my throat. “Cara, I will not return to the castle with you and the others.” When everyone’s but Chris’ eyes widened, Zach went on. “I wish to look around and learn more about this realm.”

Chris smiled. “I’m glad you’ve got a mind of your own, brother. Everyone here just follows the law.” Zach watched as Chris closed his eyes and muttered something. Suddenly, a black cloak appeared in his hands and he opened his eyes, handing it to Zach. “Be careful down there, Zack. Some people will not take well to the last Warrior.”

Zach nodded and slipped the cloak on over his clothes and pulled the hood up. Smiling, he winked and walked away from the group, heading to the lower town. As Zach walked on, he could still hear Cara and Chris arguing. Trying his best to ignore it, he stared from atop the hill. “Beautiful,” he whispered, a small smile on his lips. As the sun began to set, Zach sped up, making his way through crowds of people, listening to them whisper about the one. Wanting to get away from everyone, he turned a sharp corner and hit someone, knocking them to the ground with him on top.

The person below him groaned and Zach pulled himself up, his hands on either side of the person’s head. When he opened his eyes, he scrambled off the girl quickly, his face flushed. She sat up, her blonde locks falling over her shoulders. She groaned again and Zach watched as she lifted her hand to her face. “You know, you could at least help the person you hit up, idiot.” She muttered with a slight edge to her voice, along with a small accent.

He stumbled to his feet and grabbed her hand and lifted her to her feet. The girl glared at him with emotionless silver eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. She was wearing a dress that stopped above her knees and she had on flat brown boots, separating her from anyone else he’d seen today. “Are you going to apologize or just stand there?”
“S-sorry, I, uh, I didn’t see you.” The words stumbled out and Zach wanted to hit himself for sounding so stupid. “Is your head okay?”

She rolled her silver eyes. “Oh yeah, hitting the concrete with my head doesn’t hurt at all.” There was no sarcasm in her voice but her eyes sparkled with mischief. “I’ve never seen you around here before, who are you?”

When she asked the question, Zach realized the hood was no longer on his head. Staring at her for a moment more, he raised my eyebrows. “I’m Zach, just someone passing through, you?”

The sparkle in her eyes seemed to flicker and die as she looked at him. Within seconds, it seemed that her blonde hair got paler and her eyes got more blue than silver. “My name is Teriha Vacon. So why have I never seen you before?”

Zach scratched his head. “Well, like I said, just passing through.”

Teriha glared at him with her silver eyes. “I’m not an idiot, you know.” She said, shaking her head as she began to walk away from him.

“No, no, that’s not what I was saying.” Zach grabbed her arm gently and pulled her back. Her eyes shone in the moonlight and her hair was almost white.

Jerking her arm from his grasp, she glared at him. “Well, then, what were you saying?”

Groaning, Zach slid against the wall and pulled his knees to him, feeling weak all the sudden. Instantly dizzy, he doubled over, ending up on his hands and knees. Teriha was by his side in an instant, pulling him up into a sitting position. “What is wrong?” Zach could hear her clearly, but he was unable to answer, a loud buzzing noise ringing in his ears. He squeezed his eyes shut and held back a scream. Within seconds, his eyes rolled back and he passed out.

Scared, Teriha looked around the alley way, not knowing what to do. Her eyes glanced at the boy, and she realized he looked hauntingly familiar. She grabbed the boy's arm and managed to get him to his feet and moved him out of the blood he'd coughed up. Making sure no one was watching, she closed her eyes and she whispered, "Haotri et feirs." When she opened her eyes, she was standing in front of the door to her home.


“No, he seems to be okay now.” Teriha’s voice was quiet as she spoke and Zach could feel the confusion in the house.

“What happened to him?” Another voice asked. It was a man’s, much older than Teriha. Teriha cleared her throat.

“I… I’m not sure, Charles. We were talking and all the sudden he was on his knees on the ground and groaning. When he began to cough up blood, he just passed out, and I didn’t know what else to do, so I brought him here.”

There was a cough and Charles spoke again. “You did well, Teriha.”

The dizzy feeling has finally ebbed away and Zach was able to open his eyes and blink, trying to get used to the light in the room. He sat up and groaned, everyone’s attention drawn to him now. Charles’ came over to him and placed a hand on his forehead, and tsked. “You have a fever, boy. I’m not sure what’s causing it, but it was much worse a few hours ago.”

Zach ignored the old man and glanced at Teriha, who seemed to be holding her breathe. “I was coughing up blood?”

Teriha nodded and came to the bed and sat down on the side of it. “It was scary, Zach. I was afraid you would die.”

He let out a small laugh. “No need to worry, Teriha. I’ll live to see this war end.”

Charles’ raised his eyebrows and cleared his throat. “Teriha, I need to speak with the boy alone. Go start some soup and tea for the fever.” Charles’ watched her with small green eyes until she walked out and shut the door behind her, and then he turned his sharp gaze back to Zach. “Who are you really, boy? Zach is no name from this realm.”

He instantly knew he’d been found out. The whole time Zach didn’t want to deal with anyone going on about ‘Oh, Darek has returned’, especially when he was alone. Not wanting to lie to the old man, Zach looked at him. “Zach is my name, but in this realm I’m known as Darek.”

As soon as ‘Darek’ was out of his mouth, the old man’s eyes widened and he bowed, placing a fist over his heart. After many times of Zach telling him to stop, he stood up again. “Warrior, why are you here in the lower town?”

Zach couldn’t help but groan. “I wanted to see how things were in this realm. Everything is so beautiful and I didn’t want to deal with my destiny just now.” He muttered, a bit annoyed at the fact that the mighty Darek shouldn’t be walking around. “That’s when I met Teriha, and ended up here, I guess.”

“Teriha doesn’t know that you’re a Warrior, does she?” Charles asked, eyeing Zach suspiciously. He could tell instantly that Teriha was his daughter, or at least something close to it. Shaking his head, the guarded look in the old man’s eyes seemed to get stronger. “Why would you not tell anyone who you really are?”

“I just don’t want to be known as ‘the one’ or ‘Darek, the last Warrior’ anytime I’m seen.” Zach answered, rubbing his eyes. “Are you going to tell Teriha?”

The old man stared at him with his old eyes. For a moment, Zach could see regret and pain in his eyes, but it was soon replaced with coldness and hatred. “It is not my place to tell her. But I do not understand why you would if you are soon to marry Princess Eiko.”

“What?” Zach coughed and he could feel my cheeks flaming. “I never agreed to that.”

Charles laughed. “Dear boy, it is a tradition that has been passed for thousands of years. It is law, Darek. The strongest Warrior married the firstborn Princess.” Zach shifted uncomfortably as the old man stood up and walked slowly to the window. After he opened it, he turned his dim gaze back to Zach. “Do you love the Princess, Darek?”

He stared at the old man, the same thought running through his mind over and over. At first, when he’d met Eiko, he was sure that he liked her, but maybe it was just an effect of our relationship from those hundreds of years ago. “I… I’m not sure. I don’t think so.”

Nodding, the old man closed his eyes. “Darek, you can change the laws. If you do not love the Princess, then do not marry her. It will only cause you pain and loneliness. Find someone who you love, and who loves you back.”

“For an old man, you’re pretty wise.” Zach joked, a smile on his lips.

Charles nodded and then turned to the door as someone knocked on it. He sighed and muttered a loud ‘Come in’ to the door and then turned his gaze back out the window. Teriha stepped inside the room, gave Zach a quick once over, scrunched her nose, and walked over to the old man to whisper something in his ear. Zach watched from the bed as Charles nodded, Teriha stepping aside so he could leave the room. When the door closed behind him, Teriha sat down and stared out the window, tapping her fingers on the window sill.

“Are you ever going to tell me why I’ve never seen you?” She asked, her silver eyes locked onto the moon.

“Will you tell me why it matters?”

Teriha faced him. “Ah, so answer with a question. Do you not answer truthfully, Zach?” Her eyes sparkled with mischief again, but Zach could see the guarded look in her eyes. “Or are you a thief trying to sway a damsel?”

She grinned as he rolled his eyes. “No, Teriha, I’m no thief. My name in this realm is Darek.” Zach replied quietly, watching the mischief in her eyes fade away quickly, replaced by pain.

Teriha let out a long breath and put her face in her hands, mumbling inaudible words. He carefully got up out of bed and walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder, feeling a bit awkward. She looked back up at him, her eyes guarded. “So, Warrior, why are you still here?” She hissed, pushing his hand away.

Standing up, he threw his hands into the air. “Dammit! No one gets it, do they?” Zach groaned. “I don’t want to be a Warrior. I don’t want to fight some war. I want to fall in love with someone and stay with them forever.”

Teriha’s guard seemed to fall some as she looked at him. “Then why are you here playing a role you do not wish to have?” She whispered, her silver eyes showing some emotion.
When Zach glanced back up at her, he shook my head. “I have no idea, Teriha. Maybe I was hoping someone would tell me why.”

She took his hand and walked him out of the room and out the front door, not saying a word. They walked over to a small hill and sat on top of it, facing the small town Teriha lived in. The clouds above them were almost as dark as midnight, but Zach was still able to see the beautiful sunset behind it all. “Zach, I’m not sure if I can do anything to help, but there was a boy who you remind me of, so much, and he was just like you. He played the role of a Warrior as well, but wanted to be nothing more than a brother and father, but his role kept him from that.” She took a deep breath. “Soon, he went mad from it all and killed himself. I promised myself that I wouldn’t end up like my brother; that I would make sure to play the role I wanted to play.” When she glanced at him again, he hadn’t realized how close they were. Her silver eyes gazed into his and then she coughed, turning towards the sky. “What I’m trying to say, Zach, is don’t continue to play a role you hate. Do what you want to do.”

Zach nodded and looked up at the dark clouds and the beautiful lightning as he knew what he had to do now. Runaway from the problems you promised to fix, the voice returned. Will you stand by and watch as these people are slaughtered or will you uphold you promise as the last Warrior and fix all of this?

Zach wanted to uphold the promise, so bad. But he also didn’t want to be stuck with something he didn’t like. He no longer wanted to be a Warrior. He didn’t want to return to his realm. He wanted to stay here, in the lower town, and meet someone, not fight a war.
Forbidden Lovers and Death Penalties

Part of him wanted to return to his realm and see his parents again. Zach's father had disappeared eleven years ago; the same day he'd turned six. He wanted to know where his father had gone to. He wanted to know if he’d been kidnapped or just left willingly without telling anyone.

Teriha had told Zach that he had to return to her house so the old man knew he was okay. After she had told him about her brother, they'd sat in silence until she’d asked about Eiko.

“So, if you no longer want to be a Warrior, what will you tell the princess?” Her silver eyes still had the guard up and Zach didn’t blame her.

Shifting on the ground, he stared up at the sky. “I’m not sure, Teriha. But I know that I need to go to the castle today.”

Zach could feel Teriha’s gaze on the back of his neck. “Well, we might as well return to Charles so he knows you’re okay.”

After that, they’d returned to her home and Zach was once again sitting on the bed. The old man was speaking to Teriha outside the door, both gazes glancing at him every now and then. The two walked in after whispering and sat down in the small wooden chairs next to Zach. “Darek, we know that you must return to the castle, but Teriha wishes to go with you.”

He glanced over at Teriha and met her silver eyes. "Why do you want to come?"

The old man cleared his throat. "Now is not the time for questions, Darek. I am certain your Protectors are searching for you."

He'd forgotten all about his friends. "You're right. Do you have horses we can use to get there?"

The old man laughed. "Of course, son, but you will have to ride bareback." He turned to Teriha and hugged her. "Take care of the boy, Teriha."

With a laugh, Teriha walked out the door as Zach followed and made their way to the horse stalls. There were two horses standing there. The one Teriha grabbed was a pure black horse. Teriha got on with ease and grabbed a hold of the mane, pointing at the pure white horse. "Get on, Darek."

He nodded and took a breath before hopping up on the horse's back and grabbing his mane. Smiling, Teriha dug her foot into the horse's side. Zach did the same and soon they were galloping through the lower town, making their way to the castle.
"So, Zach, why do you not wish to be called your actual name?" The horses were walking now, close enough we didn't have to yell at each other.

Zach raised his eyebrows at her. "I don't know. I've just spent the last 17 years with the name Zach. Darek just doesn't sound right to me, and Darek is the name of a great Warrior. Something I'm not."

He glanced back at the trail in front of them as Teriha nodded. "It seems as though you're torn between the duty of a Warrior and a normal life."

Zach lifted a shoulder as a shrug. "I guess I am."

After that, they rode in silence, listening to the sound of our horses. At least, they thought it was quiet. In a blink, Zach was on the ground and his horse was gone and he could hear Teriha screaming. He stumbled to his feet and looked around them, his eyes widening at the sight of five wolves, almost as big as he was, and one boy, who commanded them.

Zach pulled the hidden sword from its sheath that was on his side and spun it in his hand. "Teriha, get behind me!" She didn't hesitate.

"Ah, so you're the mighty Darek." The boy spoke, his voice quiet but full of power. Zach kept his eyes on the wolves as they edged closer. "I honestly thought this meeting would be more... fun." The boy's midnight eyes flashed white for a moment as he said something Zach didn't understand.

But the command wasn't to Zach; it was for the wolves. The nearest one jumped at him and he blocked, knocking it backwards. Before Zach could prepare himself, another wolf jumped on him, knocking him to the ground, the only thing separating them was his sword. Zach groaned as the animal snapped at his face before shoving it off and getting back on his feet, looking for Teriha.

Her blonde hair stood out in the night and she was being circled by a pure white wolf, who was growling at her. He ran towards her as the wolf jumped at her and managed to get between them. Pain went through his arm as the wolf locked its teeth into Zach's flesh. Holding back a scream, he took his sword and hit it with it so he was on the ground before taking the sword and stabbing it through the back.

Zach pulled the sword out and stared at the blood at it, not having time to think about how he was now a killer. "Zach, look out!" Teriha’s scream brought him out of his trance but not soon enough to get out of the way of an arrow.

Breathing heavily, he pulled it out of his arm, falling to his knees. "Teriha, get to the castle!" Zach slashed at the wolf that came close to him as Teriha climbed onto her horse and dug her ankle. As he blinked, she was gone but the boy was standing in front of him.

"You put up quite a fight, Darek, but not one worthy to be called 'Warrior'." The boy said, pointing his sword at Zach. "If you truly are a Warrior, then where is your power?"

Zach stared at the boy, blood on his face and hands, trying to figure out what to do. The boy grinned and kicked him in the side, knocking Zach onto his back. Groaning, Zach grabbed his side, and tried to get back up, only to be hit with the hilt of his sword. He staggered back and glared at the boy with narrowed blue eyes. Picking his sword up, Zach pointed it at him. He chuckled. "You truly believe you can kill me, Stephen, brother to Eiko?"

Stephen used the moment Zach hesitated to slash out with his sword, getting him in the side with the hilt again. Taking a breath, Zach got back to his feet and closed his eyes, thinking of Teriha and the castle, wanting to be there. When he opened them, he was no longer in a field with Stephen, but at the gate of the castle on his knees.

"Zach!" Teriha 's voice made him look up and Zach saw her trying to get to him, but Christian was holding her back easily, pain in his eyes. Zach groaned as John and Chris grabbed his arms and lifted him up, dragging him inside through so many of doors until he was finally on a bed.

"Zach, buddy, what happened?" Chris' voice was the loudest out of the others but he couldn't reply.

He heard Christian mutter something to John, who spoke. "Zach, there's something going on that will happen at dawn." His voice got quieter as he whispered, "It was an honor serving you."

Zach tried to reach out and grab John's shirt to ask him what he was talking about, but his arm wouldn't move. "John... what..." Zach trailed off but Chris answered for him.

"They're going to hang John at dawn, Zach." Chris' voice was full of pain and when he spoke Zach wanted to hit him for lying, but he knew Chris wasn't. Unable to take it anymore, Zach struggled to sit up. "Zach, sit back. What's done is done." Zach stared at his best friend, wondering how he could think that. Chris was never one to just give up, never. He always fought back until it was over. But this, this wasn’t the old Chris.

Zach shook his head. "Who... ordered the... murder...?” He gasped, grabbing Chris' arm to hold him up. Zach stared into his eyes, begging Chris to help him, but it seemed that nothing Zach did affected him.

Chris' eyes were wide as he answered. "Eiko did."

The Black Hills

Zach shoved Chris away from him and staggered out of the bed, ignoring John and Christian. He found Eiko in the throne room with Cara, who was arguing with her. When the two saw Zach and all the blood on him, they stopped talking and Eiko stood up. “What happened to you?”

“Why is… John… hanged…” He gasped, ignoring the sharp pain in his side. “Why…?”

Cara came over to Zach and caught him before he fell to his knees. “I’ve tried reasoning with her, Darek. But John is being hung because of his love for a girl in the lower town.”

His best friend was going to be hung because he loved someone? Zach glared at Eiko. “You hang him… I will return… my realm.” He coughed out, blood hitting the floor.

Eiko simply waved him away. “You do not order me, Warrior. Cara, take him away.” Her green eyes were dark and the silver had turned black, and showed no emotion. As Cara dragged Zach out of the room, he spat blood on the floor in front of Eiko, glaring up at her.

He didn’t struggle against Cara because he knew she didn’t want John to die either. “Zach, listen to me. When Chris gives you the drink, drink it quickly. He used his wizard magic on it and made it so you would heal instantly so you can get John out of here.” Her voice was rushed as she whispered to him before walking Zach into the room where Chris was holding out a golden cup.

Not hesitating, Zach snatched it and chugged it. For a moment, there was no difference; he could still see fresh blood coming from the wounds and feel the pain, but when he let out a groan, it all stopped. The pain was gone and when Zach lifted up his shirt, the cut on his side had disappeared. Not wanting to ask exactly what just happened, he turned to Cara. “Where is John?”

“He is in the dungeons in the lowest floor of this castle. But Mere is still in the lower town and the knights are looking for her to so they can hang them both; we need to get her out.” Cara’s normally emotionless eyes were full of hatred and pain.

“Chris, find Meri and take her to the Black Hills, I’ll take Zach and Cara to the dungeons.” Christian ordered. At once, Chris had disappeared. Christian turned to Zach. “The knights will be all over the lower levels.”

Cara pulled her hair back and Zach stared at her pointed ears, still wondering what she was. “Well, they’ll need something to chase.” She turned her attention to him. “You know, elves don’t like it when people stare.” She had mischief swimming in her eyes.
Zach's eyes widened. “You’re an elf?”

Christian laughed and kissed her cheek. “Be careful.”

Cara nodded and smiled at Zach. “Follow me, Zachary.” Christian and Zach ran after Cara. As they came to a corner, the three stopped and Cara smiled at Zach. “Well, here it goes.” He watched as she stepped out and yelled something to the knights, who at once went running after her. They passed the two boys quickly and Christian stepped around the corner and ran down the hall. Zach followed him quickly as they ran down the stairs and into the dungeons.

It was like any dungeons you’d see in those old time movies with the castles and stuff. It was damp and cold and there was old bloody hand prints smeared on the walls as if someone was being dragged. Christian had gotten quiet as he walked past all the cells where many people sat, their eyes distant. Zach stayed close to him, wondering why he was acting like this. They finally reached the last cell and Zach stared at John. His face was bruised and one of his eyes was shut. His shirt was torn and there was dry blood all over it.

“John, get up.” Christian hissed, opening the cell with the key he’d stole from the sleeping knight. As John stood up, Zach slipped one of John's arms over his shoulder, careful not to hit the whip lashes on his back. Christian looked at the two and nodded before grabbing Zach's arm and whispering something in French.

Before he knew it, they were out of the castle and standing on a large hill, surrounding by burnt trees that still seemed to be growing. From where they were, they could see the castle and the lower town, along with another forest to the left of them. The creek that was near them sparkled as the sun began to come up. “John!”

Zach turned to the unfamiliar voice and stared at the girl who was now beside him. Her long curly blonde hair fit with her dark green eyes perfectly. She was on her knees next to him and was carefully helping him sit up.

“That’s Meri, the one that John loves.” Teriha whispered, standing beside Zach with crossed arms. He’d forgotten if anyone had mentioned her earlier, since she ended up at the castle without him, but obviously it didn’t matter anymore.

Her silver eyes were still emotionless as she looked at the two lovers. “He was to be hung for loving Meri? A normal girl?”

Teriha shook her head. “No, Zach. He was to be hung for loving an elf and for not reporting her to the knights.” She pushed her hair behind her ear and Zach felt his eyes widen.

“Is everyone around here a damn elf?” He muttered, letting out a sigh.

She shrugged. “As far as I know, Cara, Meri and I are the only ones who stayed behind and didn’t get caught.” She whispered with her eyes now on Cara and Christian, who were in an embrace. She turned her gaze back to the trees. It got quiet and everyone was sitting around, gazing at the trees as well. “There is a legend that the Black Hills were once home to the most ancient wizards in history. To enter the Elder Woods beside us would be death.” Teriha looked at Zach. “But we have no choice if we don’t want to get caught by the knights or Eiko.”


The Elder Woods: home of the most ancient wizards who are said to still be alive, but in hiding. The legend was created after two boys from the lower town went into the woods with a girl to see what it was about, and only two came out. They said that the trees moved and spoke and brought other things to life, and something had taken the girl. When they returned to the lower town, the legend had spread instantly and the King sent knights into the woods to see if it was true. When they did not return, everyone knew instantly there was something wrong with those woods, so unless you wanted a slow death, no one was allowed in them.

Everyone had walked for a couple hours until we’d come to the entrance of the Elder Woods, and by that time, the sun had set and the sky was dark. The walk was long and hard, but everything on the way was beautiful. There was a river that went from the Black Hills and to the entrance of the Elder Woods, and at all times it shone in the sunlight. The only problem was it was hard for John to keep up, so they had to stop and have Chris use some of his magic to heal him. It was weird, seeing that the people Zach had grown up with were actually magical beings.

“I think we should camp out here tonight, just in case.” Carla said with her eyes still on John. Christian and Chris agreed, but Mere and Teriha didn’t even nod.

Zach agreed and Chris stood up next to him. “You know Zach, none of this was supposed to happen. This prophecy was supposed to never happen, but it has, and there is no turning back.” He closed his eyes and whispered, “Et dar fyre.” When he was done, a small fire appeared at once and he turned his gaze back to Zach.

“What prophecy? I’ve heard of only one,” He whispered, watching as Meri sat close to John and wrapped an arm around him carefully. Cara and Christian sat together as well and that’s when Zach realized how lonely Teriha and Chris must be.

“Ver et ahi laer rhesti daryk.” Zach stared at Chris for a moment. “It means: ‘the light will become the dark it despised.” His eyes searched Zach's and by light’ Zach knew he meant Eiko.

Zach groaned. “But that doesn’t make any sense. She called me to protect her; she wants to end this war.”

Chris simply shrugged. “It might not make sense, Zach, but it has happened. Who said that she would end the war on the side of light?”

He realized that Chris was right. “Chris, what about Seyren?”

When Zach mentioned her name, Chris' eyes got dark and his whole face seemed to show anger. “Cara said she would be safe as long as she played along with Eiko’s plans. But if she doesn’t, then I’m going to worry until this war is over.”

Without saying anything else, he went and sat down next to Meri and began talking to her about John. Sighing, Zach took a seat next to Teriha. Her silver eyes were staring at the moon, her arms around her knees. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It would be, if there was no war we had to worry about.”

Teriha glanced over at him. “You need to sleep, Zach. You’ve been through enough and Cara already said she’d take the first watch.”

He absently nodded. “Well, if you need me, wake me up.”

With that, Zach got on the ground and tried to get comfortable. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his head, but all he could think about was the fact that Eiko had possibly betrayed them.

The Elder Woods & the Elders

“The Elder Woods are dangerous, Teriha. You should return home, to Ceruhia.” Cara’s voice was quiet. “You’re far too young to be involved in this war.”

Teriha laughed emotionlessly. “Cara, this war isn’t just against the Royal family and their servants. It’s against anyone now. We are outlaws.” Her voice was hard and full of anger.

Zach kicked at the ground as the two argued. They were still debating on whether or not to send Teriha to a small town called Ceruhia with Meri and John, or to let them come. So far, Meri and John had no problem and Christian planned on going with them. But Teriha wanted to stay.

“Look, she doesn’t want to go.” Chris finally spoke up. “If she wants to fight for her freedom and for this war to end then let her.” There was a slight edge in his voice. Cara and Teriha finally stopped arguing and the two sat down as Chris came over to Zach. His eyes were dim and he had bags under them. “Christian is going to stay with John and Meri to watch over them. I’m heading back to Ahuson to see if I can get Seyren out.”
Zach nodded, knowing that there would be no way to argue with Chris. “Good luck,” he murmured, giving him a smile and hoping that he’d see him again. Chris simply nodded and ran his hand through his messy red hair before walking over to Meri and the other two. Zach stood by Cara and watched as the four of them disappeared.

“So what do we do now?” Teriha asked, coming up to stand beside Zach.

He glanced at her. “Now we go into the Elder Woods.”


The woods were quiet as they walked in. There were no trails to walk on so they all hoped that they didn’t get lost. Cara walked in front of Zach with Teriha, her hand always on her side where her sword was resting. Teriha had her hair pulled back and Christian had given her John’s sword. There were leaves all over the ground and the trees all looked the same. The only difference was a small pond that went into a cave.

“Zachary, do you know where we’re going?” Cara asked, glancing over her shoulder.

Looking around, it only seemed to him that they’d been going in circles the whole time. “I’m not even sure where we are, Cara.”

It is because you are no longer where you belong, warriors.
All three of them stopped and looked around for the voice that echoed through the woods. “What was that?”
The light in these woods is beginning to dim.

Teriha took another step forward and ignored Zach's hand as he tried to pull her back. “The Elders of the woods are speaking to us, Zach.” She turned to face him. “We need to find out where they are.”

“We don’t have time for that, Teriha. We are in the middle of war.” Cara hissed.

The war will not end as soon as you wish, warrior.

Cara rolled her eyes. “Fine, if you want to help the Elders then are my guest. But we need to hurry. The longer we sit around and wait, the more time we lose to end this war.”

Warrior, there is nothing you can do about the war. We will lose, no matter what.

Zach watched as Teriha took another step forward. “Zach, we must find them now.” Her silver eyes met Cara blue ones. “I know you can feel that the woods are dying.”

“I can feel it, but there is nothing we can do for the Elders.” Cara sounded sad and her eyes showed pain. “The High Elves are no more, Teriha. There is nothing we can do for these woods.”

Zach let out a sigh. “I agree with Teriha, Cara. There’s nothing we can really do right now about the war.”

The light is flickering in the hearts of those still in Ahuson. Find us and we will help you.

The woods got quiet, even the birds were no longer chirping. Cara had her arms crossed and Teriha was staring towards the cave. “I think the cave is deeper than it looks.”

“Let’s go then.” He took his sword out of its sheath and held it, stepping into the shallow water and into the mouth of the cave. The cave was dark, not that Zach didn’t expect it, but it was also eerily quiet. Walking into the entrance, he’d expected a bunch of bats to come out, but nothing happened. Cara chuckled, as if she could read his thoughts. The steps they took were small and careful.

They were quiet as they went further into the cave. Zach made sure to step carefully and keep his hand on the wall since they weren’t able to see anything. Teriha was a little ahead of Cara and Zach and he didn’t expect there to be holes in the ground, but when she screamed, he knew there was.

Cara muttered the same words Chris had to start a fire and soon her hands were lit and Zach was able to see where Teriha was. About four feet ahead of them was a large gap, and Teriha was hanging from the edge. He ran over to her and got on his knees, grabbing her arms, ready to pull her up. Under him, Zach could hear the ground cracking. He looked into Teriha’s silver eyes and she shook her head as he tried to pull her up.

Cara came up beside him with the fire and used one hand to grab Teriha’s arm as well. As the cracking got louder, Teriha continued to shake her head. “Get out of here, now!” She cried, trying to get a grip with her feet.

Zach was surprised when Cara refused and continued to try to pull her up. “We’re not leaving you Teriha.” The ground cracked beneath them and Teriha screamed as they lost her grip and fell through the gap them. Zach reached out and grabbed Cara, who had gotten a grip of Teriha, and closed his eyes, thinking only of the Elders of these woods. When nothing happened, he thought that this was as bad as it could get. But Zach wasn’t ready for what was coming.
Ancient Laws

He waited for the impact; the impact that would end all this chaos in his life. But it never came. Instead, he landed softly on his knees on soft grass, next to Cara and Teriha, who were just as lost as he was. They were no longer in the cave, but in a very small clearing surrounded by trees they couldn’t see past.

They stood up slowly, looking around. Teriha walked to the middle of the clearing and knelt down, brushing at the ground. Cara and Zach walked up behind her and Cara gasped. “It couldn’t be…”

He stared down at the ground. In front of Teriha was a large stone with writing on it.
Et ver daryk o leiv var tu Ceruhia o Ahuson.

Teriha said the words out loud and exchanged glances with Cara, who shook her head. “This is very bad.”

“Is anyone going to tell what it means?” He muttered, glaring at the both of them.

Teriha let out a shaky breath. “It means that our home and Ahuson are about to become the battle grounds for this war…and that the light is dimming quickly.”

“What is Ceruhia?” He asked, remembering that's where everyone else was.

“Ceruhia is our hometown,” Teriha said quietly, her eyes still on the stone, “it’s where the High Elves lived as well. But years ago, I was sent to Ahuson after my family was killed and then the High Elves were murdered when the war started.” Her silver eyes found Cara’s and the two shared a sad glance. “The only people left are the elves who wanted to just live in peace.”

Do you see now warrior, why you didn’t die?

Zach's eyes widened as Cara jumped to her feet. “What do you want from us?” She screamed, tears falling down her face. “You have already taken my family, what more could you possibly want?”

Warrior that was the past, war is upon us now. There are more important things than the past.

He’d never seen Cara so angry. “Cara, calm down.” Teriha grabbed Cara’s shoulders and held her there, quietly talking to her. It worked, slowly, but Cara finally stopped screaming. “We must hurry to Ceruhia.” She turned her silver eyes to Zach.

You will not make it. The ancient laws will not allow you out of the woods.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He muttered, staring around the woods. “Are you trying to make us lose this war?”

No, warrior, I am not. But as ancient law says, one must stay and never leave.

All three of them stared at each other and Zach knew if he said that he would stay there would be a fit. Cara glanced at Teriha, who did nothing but stare back, and Zach knew what was coming. “I’m sure we can all go.” He muttered.

Teriha shook her head. “I’ll stay.” She turned to Cara. “Save our home, if anything, and stay alive, for Christian.” The two hugged and Teriha walked over to Zach.

“Teriha, please, there has to be some way that you can come with us.” He begged her. She smiled sadly and he placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her hard. Zach rested my forehead against hers. “Please, please…”

Warrior, you show sadness. Why?

“Do you not know the word love?” Cara spoke up, her eyes looking for the Elders. “You say that you’re ancient, and that you’ve seen everything, and yet you don’t know what love looks like?”

But does Teriha of Ceruhia know what love is?

Cara and Zach turned their gazes to Teriha, who was staring at the ground, who shrugged. “It’s a long story, something we don’t have time for.” As she turned away, the air around her seemed to shake and then there was an old man standing there, waving a cane at them.

“You youngsters argue too much.” He turned his gaze to Cara. “You say the High Elves are gone, yet I see two here.” He cocked his brows and his bright brown eyes went to Teriha.

Cara stared at him. “Who are you?”

With a grin, he bowed. “I am the first Elder of these woods. And in front of me, I see two very beautiful High Elves,” his eyes turned to Zach, “and the last Warrior that will ever walk in this realm again.”

From the corner of his eye, Zach saw Teriha shift uncomfortably. “We cannot be High Elves.” She whispered.

The old man smiled. “Oh dear, those ancient laws still around?” He laughed and placed a fragile hand on Teriha’s shoulder. “The Elves in Ceruhia no longer want to go by the law. The High Elves are no longer chosen by their title, but by what they have done.” With a smile, he turned to Cara. “And I see two elves here that would give their lives to save others.”

“You say that the two are High Elves now and yet you want Teriha to stay in these woods?” Zach asked, utterly confused.

The man pointed a shaking finger at him. “You see, warrior, these woods needed to know if the three of you were worthy to let go. When Teriha here, offered her life, I could see that Cara did not want her to stay, and you especially, young warrior.” His brown eyes stared into mine and whispered, “You would’ve stayed here with her because you love her.”

“What are you talking about old man? I don’t love her; I’ve only just met her!” Zach said, annoyed.

He smiled. “You seem to forget that the Elders of these woods know everything, and we can see into the soul of the ones who walk in here. And even though you will not admit it, you truly do love her.” From the corner of his eye, Zach could see Teriha blushing and Cara grinning. “All three of you can leave these woods and you are always welcomed back.”

With that, the man bowed and disappeared, pink leaves swirling in the air where he once stood. As the leaves hit the ground, everything seemed to have moved and there was the exit out of the woods. Smiling, Cara ran towards it, grabbing Teriha’s hand and pulling her along. Zach followed more slowly, thinking about what the Elder had said. Will I end up loving Teriha? He thought to himself, and then mentally slapped himself, remembering that he had kissed her.

Smiling, Zach jogged to their sides as they walked out of the exit and then the trees moved together and closed the Elder Woods.

The Plains of Reiro & the Sky Pirates

After they’d left the Elder Woods, they stopped in the middle of our trek to Ceruhia and decided to rest. The three were out in the open, something Cara didn’t like, so she used magic she’d learned from Chris to cloak them from any unwanted visitors. She’d also taught Zach to start a fire the way she and Chris had, and soon they had a fire going to warm themselves.

“What do you think has happened in Ceruhia?” Teriha asked quietly, sitting near Cara. Ever since the Elder had announced that Zach loved Teriha, they hadn’t spoken to each other, and she avoided his gaze.

Cara let out a sad sigh. “I’m sure Christian has everyone there under control.”

Teriha nodded. “Who’s taking the first watch?”

“I will,” He mumbled, looking up at the cloudless sky. It wasn’t a full moon, but it was getting there, and from what Zach had heard and read, blue moons only happen on a full moon.

“Well, then I’m going to sleep.” Cara yawned, getting comfortable and closing her eyes.

He looked over at Teriha. “Are you going to spend the rest of your life ignoring me?” She shook her head. “Look, what the Elder said-”

“Is it true?” She turned to look at him with her silver eyes burning into his soul. “Do you feel that way?”

“I-I… you make me feel… different, Teriha. I can’t explain it.” Zach stumbled through the words, groaning at how stupid he sounded.

She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “You know it won’t work between us, right?”

Of course he knew. Zach understood that elves didn’t age as humans did, but Cara and Christian were together, and they managed it. But he didn’t say that, instead, he nodded. “I know.”
I’m going to get some sleep.” She smiled sadly at him. “Wake me up when you’re ready for me to take watch.”


The night was quiet. Only a few knights passed by, but our cloak had worked and they didn’t see them. After seeing the bags under Cara and Teriha’s eyes, Zach decided that he’d just watch all night, which they didn’t like.

“I told you to wake me up.” Teriha said, her arms crossed over her chest. “You need to sleep to.”

To his surprise, Cara rolled her eyes. "Leave him be, Teriha, we needed the sleep more than he did and he knew it."

Teriha rolled her eyes and then gave Zach a grin. "Zach, teach me how to fight."

He felt my eyes widen. "Fight... as in with a sword?"

Instantly, he knew it was the wrong thing to say, especially to someone as stubborn as Teriha. "Why is it that you think that I am not as capable as fighting as you or Cara are? This is my war too!" It wasn't that Zach didn't think she couldn't fight, but part of him just couldn't bear it if she was in the midst of the battle and never came back.

"Fine, I'll teach you."

Teriha wasn’t that bad at sword fighting, and she learned quickly, which was good. When Zach decided they were done, about an hour later, her eyes were bright and she had a large smile on her face. Cara had sat there, watching the two as they'd practiced, and corrected us whenever they messed up.

As Zach was drinking some water, Cara got to her feet and held her hand up to tell the other two to be quiet. Zach stood there as Teriha stepped up next to her and the two stared at the field they were on. As he opened his mouth to say something, there was a loud bang and he was thrown backwards into smoke and dust.

Someone's hand grabbed his hair and yanked him to his feet with a chuckle. When the smoke cleared, Zach could see Teriha and Cara and a... ship? It was large and beautiful; it looked like an actual ship, but then it didn't. It had the body of a ship, but other than that, it looked like a plane and had large white wings under it that stuck out.

"What do we have here, thieves?" The man holding him laughed and motioned for the others to follow. Within seconds, his face was on the wooden deck of the ship.

Teriha and Cara landed next to him and he got up on his knees and glared at the men. But before Zach could say anything, another man, a little older than the rest, came out from the small door to our left. He walked over to them and Zach heard Cara gasp. "Why have you brought these rats aboard my ship?"

"Cap', they were just sitting in the middle of the plains of Reiro. I have reason to think they were looking for the wityr." The man who had Zach spoke up.

Cara was on her feet in a flash and in front of the man called Cap'. "I swear to you, we are not after the wityr that you desire... father."

All the men aboard the ship gasped and Cap' stared at Cara. "Impossible, she disappeared when the war began..."

"When I was three, you brought me a stuffed bunny that I never let out of my site. I named him Fero, after you, father."

Fero stared at Cara for a few moments before throwing his arms around his daughter's neck. Zach stood next to Teriha as they watched Carla embrace the man she'd thought was dead. "Teriha, what's the wityr they were talking about?"

She kept her eyes on Fero and Cara as she answered him. "In myths and stories that were told to the children of Ahuson and Ceruhia, it was always said that wityr would be able to give man his true desire, no matter the consequences. When I was younger, my father had gone on his quest to search for it, and returned home a year later, saying that he had always had his true desire; his children and wife. But it was said that no one ever found it."

When she finished, Cara and Fero walked over to them. "My father has decided to take us to Ceruhia in his ship." She said her eyes brighter than ever before.

With a wave of his hand, all the men on the ship were moving around in a hurry, tying and untying ropes and yelling at each other. Teriha and Zach walked over to the side of the ship and watched as it slowly rose off the ground and into the sky. The ship got higher and higher with each second, and soon Zach was able to reach out and touch a cloud, or at least try. The ship flew through the indigo blue sky and through clouds.

"So, how about we sit down and you can tell me what's been happening?" Fero said, sitting on a bunch of boxes. They all joined him and Cara decided to speak first.

"After the massacre at Ceruhia, I went to Ahuson with Teriha and met Princess Eiko, who allowed me to become her Protector, even after all elves and such were banned. When Renin returned, we were sent into the human realm to find the last Warrior, Zach." She pointed at Zach. "When we returned here, John was sentenced to death and it seemed as though Eiko had changed sides, so Christian and Zach broke him out and we all went to the entrance of the Elder Woods. There, Christian took John and Meri back to Ceruhia and Chris went back to Ahuson to get Seyren. We entered the Elder Woods and came out onto the plains of Reiro and here we are."

Fero nodded, his eyes closed. "So the darkness in the prince's heart finally overtook him. Everyone knew it would happen one day." He opened his eyes and Zach realized they were the same blue as Carla's. "We will get to Ceruhia sometime tomorrow morning. I know you all need sleep; we have extra beds in my quarters." Fero turned to one of the men on deck and called him over. "Take them to the beds and then leave them."

With a nod, the man turned on his heel and they followed. In the room, three beds were next to each other, all by the window that reached from the floor to the ceiling. Teriha sat on the closest to the wall on the left side and Cara took the one on the right, which left Zach the middle one. The door shut behind them and he realized the man was gone. He sat down on the bed and let out a sigh, laying on his back and stared at the ceiling. Within moments, Zach could hear soft breathing and he looked over to see Cara asleep.

"Aren't you ever tempted?" Teriha’s voice jerked his head towards her.

He cocked his eyebrows. "Tempted about what?"

She gave Zach a sad look and frowned. "You never think of just leaving in the middle of all this and return back to your family?"

"I've thought about it... I mean, I don't know if I'll ever see my family again, but now that I've been here and my friends are here, I realize that I can't just leave, no matter how scary things get. I've learned that there's always a light, and that I will get back home one day."

"You seem like you actually believe that... like we'll actually win this war." Her voice was quiet and he could hear how broke she was inside and he remembered Charles, the man who had taken her in despite the law.

"Listen to me, Teriha, no matter what happens, I will make sure you return back home, safe."

Her silver eyes found his. "You promise?"

"I promise."

Attack In the Sky

“Christian, do you think Zach will be okay?” John asked with his hand on the hilt of his sword as they walked across the plains of Reiro. Chris and Meri were a little ahead, laughing every now and then.

Thanks to Chris, John had healed quicker than expected, and they were able to set off sooner. Though he trusted John to protect Meri with his life, Christian wasn’t sure if he was healed emotionally just yet, but he pushed the thought out of his mind. “Yeah, he’s fine. He’s got a trained protector with him anyway.”

John knew how much Christian loved Cara and how much he worried for her. But he knew that she had trained as hard as they had and earned the title of a protector, and to them, it meant a lot.

The plains of Reiro, one of the largest plains in all of Aulinaber, and there is absolutely no where to find any shade. The dried grass seemed to stretch for miles and miles and no matter where you looked, nothing was there.

Chris and Meri came to a halt and turned to look back at the other two protectors. “Does anyone know how much longer we’ll be in this heat?” Chris asked. His eyes glanced at Meri. “I don’t know how much more I can stand.”

John shared a look with Christian, who nodded. “Chris, use some of your powers or whatever and get us some shade and water.” John ordered, sitting down on the dried grass and sand. With a nod, Chris turned around and started muttering wizard spells as Meri walked over to John and took a seat next to him. “Are you alright?” John whispered, not taking his eyes off the fire Christian had just started.

Meri smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. “I think I should be the one asking you that, don’t you?” When John just stared at her, she sighed and nodded. “I am fine, but it is you that I’m worried about.” John didn’t say anything; instead he kissed her cheek and looked back at the fire. The bruises on his face were still there barely, but Chris wasn’t able to heal the lashes on his back all the way; he would be scarred there forever.

Christian stood next to Chris and the two looked at the horizon. “How much longer do you think it will take us to get to Ceruhia?”

As Chris opened his mouth, a large shadow covered them and they all looked up. “Is that… a ship?”

John and Meri got up, making their way to the other two and standing next to them. Ropes fell from the sides of the ship and people came down them, walking towards the small group. One man in particular stood out from the rest; if not for his ears, than for his eyes and the markings on him.

“Who are you?” Chris asked, looking at the marked man with raised eyebrows.

At once, one of the other men drew his sword, but with a snap of a finger, the sword was sheathed once more and the marked man stepped forward, his gaze never on them. “My name is Rayl and I have come to help the protectors of the last warrior.”

Christian squinted his eyes, trying to figure out where he’d seen the spiraled markings before, but he wasn’t able to put his finger on it. “Help us how?”

Rayl laughed. “We heard you need to get to Ceruhia. Well, boy, this is your lucky day. The beauty right there can outrun anything, and it’s the fastest ship in all of Ceruhia.” His glazed eyes stared at Chris. “And, there is someone onboard who wishes you see you.”

John saw Chris turn to Christian and beg him with his eyes; they all knew it was Seyren. With a nod, Christian smiled. “Well, let’s be off then.”

Rayl smiled and waved his hand at one of the men, who yelled something to the ones onboard, and soon, a long wooden ladder had reached the ground. The group followed the man and his men up the ladder and onto the ship, careful to stay together. As soon as Chris touched down and straightened up, something hit him and he realized it was Seyren.

Chris pulled her to him, closing his eyes and resting his chin on her head. “I missed you so much.” He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Seyren pulled back some, smiling. “I couldn’t stay there any longer; Eiko was going crazy, Chris. I’d managed to get out before she put me in the dungeons.” Her one blue and green eye stared at the ground. “Renin showed up, more than once, and they talked about how they would destroy anyone who helped us.”

Chris didn’t answer; he simply pulled her back to him, wanting to never let her go.

Their friends stood together, watching as the two embraced. Christian turned to John and Meri. “We need to be ready. None of us are sure what is happening at Ceruhia right now.”

The three turned their attention to Chris and Seyren as they walked over. “Renin has been to see Eiko. They have spoken about how to get rid of us.” Chris whispered, squeezing Seyren’s hand.

The five just stared at each other. There was a loud noise and everyone grabbed for each other as they were thrown to the ground. Christian struggled to his feet and his eyes widened as the sight of two boys fighting with the sky pirates. “It’s Stephen and Garret!” He hissed, helping Meri up as the others got to their feet.

Chris pulled his sword out and John and Christian followed. “Stay here, Meri.” John whispered, gently pushing her behind some boxes where she’d be safe. When she was out of site, the three boys rushed forward into the mist of battle.

Christian kicked Garret back before the prince could take the life of a sky pirate and held the sword at his throat. “Give me one good reason not to kill you now?”

Garret smiled and used his sword to hit Christian’s back and got to his feet. The two stared at each other, remembering how they’d once been friends. Ignoring the memories, Christian lunged and Garret took a step away and then elbowed his back, taking him the ground. In the split second of hesitation, Garret took out his dagger and held up in front of him, pointing it at Christian’s throat. “I don’t want to do this,” he whispered.

Angry, Christian got to his feet and lunged once again at Garret. Instead of moving, Garret took a step towards the protector and shoved the dagger into his stomach. When Garret pulled the dagger out of his stomach, he watched as Christian hit the wooden deck and in that moment, it seemed that everyone had stopped fighting.

“Christian, no!” Chris’ voice was the loudest as everyone cried for their friend. As the three ran towards their friend, Stephen grabbed Garret by the sleeve and yanked him towards the side of the ship and they jumped over the edge.

“Someone help him!” Meri cried, pressing down on the wound as blood gushed out.

Christian looked up at his three friends, a small smile on his face. “It’s… too late for… me…” He gasped out, touching Meri’s hand. “Tell Cara… I love her…”

John shook his head, moving Meri’s hand out of the way and replacing it with his own, adding more pressure. “Please, Christian, please don’t go.” John looked at Chris and pushed him, trying to get his attention. “Help him!”

“Move, now.” Rayl’s voice came from behind them and they all turned around. “I can try to help him, but you must move.” Obeying, the three moved out of the way and watched closely as Rayl lifted up Christian’s shirt before pulling out a needle and thread. “This will hurt, protector, are you ready?”

Chris watched as his friend started to pale and nodded. “Do it,” Chris mumbled. Rayl nodded and pushed the needle through. As Christian cried out, John ran his hands through his hair and wiped his face, getting blood all over him. Christian continued to cry out anytime Rayl shoved the needle through and John knew that if they stopped Rayl, their friend might die.

When Rayl was done shoving the needle through him, he poured something down his throat and sat back. “Now, we wait…”

Waiting to see if one of their friends would die was possibly the worst torture they’d ever gone through. Rayl knew their friend wouldn’t survive, but he’d given the boy a healing potion anyway, hoping.

As minutes passed, Christian’s breathe slowed and he grasped John’s hand and squeezed before he became limp. Meri turned to John and cried silently as Chris banged his hand on the wooden deck, tears falling down his face.

Rayl watched silently as they grieved, never leaving the boy’s side. He watched as the one named John held tightly to the one named Meri, and how Chris sat there and wept, crying out the dead one’s name. As he started to stand up, something changed, and he stared at Christian carefully. After a few moments, he realized what was happening. “He’s breathing!”

Chris stared at Christian as Rayl rushed over and kneeled next to them. Rayl was right; his chest was moving. “But how is that possible?”

“When you are young and strong, the body sometimes fights back,” with a laugh, Rayl added, “and you come back to life!”

The three watched as Christian’s eyes fluttered open and he stared at everyone. “Where was I?”

Chris laughed. “I have no idea, but I’m glad you’re back.” Christian nodded absently and closed his eyes once more, resting his head against the deck.

“Garu, come get him to a bed!” Rayl ordered. At once, a muscular man came and lifted Christian up, taking him to another room on the deck. When the door was shut behind them, Rayl turned to the others. “The dagger held poison, and he is still infected. You must take him to the forest of Valor, quickly, or he will die.”

Chris shared a look with John and nodded before turning his attention back to Rayl. “Who are you, really?”

The marked man stared at the three. “I am the only warrior who was not killed by Renin.”

The City in the Sky

For once, Zach was able to sleep with no dreams of Eiko or dying. When he'd woken up, Teriha and Cara weren't in the room. Sitting there, he realized how hard it must be for the two to return to their hometown after so many years. The sun was shining through the window and onto the beds that they had slept on. Sighing, he stood up and walked out the door onto the deck.

"Finally, he awakens!" Fero's voice was loud and clear, despite his old stature. He grinned and placed a hand on Zach's shoulder, and he realized how Fero looked like Cara. His beard and shoulder length hair was just as light red as Cara's, and his eyes were the same ice blue. "Teriha and Cara have changed clothes and they're on the high deck."

With a smile, Zach nodded and turned to walk away, but Fero stopped him. "Yes, Fero?"

"Take good care of my girl, boy." His eyes got serious and his lips fell into a flat line. "Please..."

Zach smiled sadly and nodded. "I will." With that, Fero nodded and waved him away, his fingers pointing to the high deck. Zach walked up the worn steps and his eyes glanced to Teriha, who was leaning over the edge, a frown on her face. Cara saw his questioning look and shrugged, turning her attention back to the man next to her. Nodding to himself, Zach walked over to Teriha, looking over the ledge.

Her silver eyes were narrowed as they flew through the sky. "I never thought I'd be going back..."

Instead of the dress she had been wearing when he'd met her, she was now in pirate like clothes. Her pants were tucked into her boots and her shirt was tight and the ends of the sleeves were ruffled. Her pale blonde hair hung in curls above her breasts. Clearing his throat, Zach nodded and looked out into the sky. "How long has it been since you were there?"

"About ten years..." She stole a glance at him. "When I left, everything was in ruins. I'm not sure if the High Elves rebuilt it before they died, or not." Her voice cracked at the mention of High Elves. "And now, I'm told that I'm one of the two High Elves left."

She looked at him and he knew what that meant. As High Elves, Teriha and Cara would have to stay in Ceruhia, in their rightful places and rule there. "Everything will be okay." Zach knew he sounded stupid, but he didn't grow up in the middle of a war like they had, and he had no idea what to say.

Teriha didn’t say anything, and Zach didn't blame her. There were footsteps behind them and Cara appeared next to him, a slight smile on her face. She was wearing similar clothes to Teriha and her sword was on her side. In her hand, she held their swords and a bow. She handed them their swords and placed the bow on her back, along with the quiver that was full of arrows. "Fero says we're almost there."

Zach looked down at the lower deck and saw Fero yelling orders to his men, who were running around the ship once more. A large gust of wind hit the ship and Fero laughed as the ship turned and began to descend. Everyone's hair was whipping around their faces and Zach could see a city below them, but he didn't expect the wind tornados that circled the city, protecting it almost. "What is that?" he asked, pointing to the tornados.

Cara laughed, moving her hair from her face, a huge smile on her face. "Ceruhia has been rebuilt and now has protection."

He turned his attention back down to Ceruhia and noticed how beautiful it looked, and how far off the ground it was. It looked like its own island, floating in the sky. From up above it, the waterfalls looked amazing, the clear water falling into the river. The city was surrounded by trees and the towers stood higher than anything he'd seen.
"It's beautiful..." Teriha’s voice sounded from beside him.

Zach nodded in agreement as Fero stepped up beside them. "We're ready to make port." Cara nodded and smiled, her eyes showing how eager she was. With a wave of his hand, the whole ship slowly came to a halt and they floated up to the port of the city. As Zach looked into the city, he saw people tying the ship down as the men started to get off.

"Let's go," Cara said, making her way off the ship as well. Fero followed his daughter, leaving Zach and Teriha.

Zach turned and looked at her expressionless face and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her forward. They walked off the ship and stepped into the city of Ceruhia. "The city in the sky..." Teriha’s voice was quiet as she looked around.

"Zach!" Familiar voices caught their attention and they all turned around to see Chris and John running towards them. Their red hair was messy and stuck everywhere, but their eyes were bright. "It's about time you got here!" Chris stared at them. "How did you get here anyway?"

Zach glanced at Cara, who was looking for Christian. "We came across some sky pirates and they brought us here."

"Where's Christian?" Cara asked, stepping towards John.

With a frown, John grabbed Cara's arm and started to walk away, motioning all of them to follow. "He's back at the inn with Meri and Seyren."

Everyone followed them back to the inn, Teriha and Zach gasping at how beautiful everything was. Vines hung from the trees we passed and some even hung off some of the houses. The inn was small from the outside, but the inside was huge, filled with floating lights. Zach followed them up the stairs and into this large room, where Christian was sleeping, a pained look on his face.

Cara was by his side instantly, one of her hands on his forehead, and then her ice blue eyes, much lighter in the light, moved over his pale face. "What's happened to him?"

Chris and John shared a look and Chris sighed. "We jumped a ride with some other sky pirates who were coming in, and before we'd gotten here, we were attacked by Garret and Stephen. Garret got him good with his sword, and when we realized it was poisoned, Christian was already sleeping like this."

Zach stood there silently as Cara gazed at Christian, her blue eyes narrowed and full of pain. Teriha nudged Zach with her arm and motioned for them to leave the room. He shut the door behind them and stood there, quietly thinking about how Garret and Stephen had known they were on a ship. He also realized that Meri and Seyren had never once come into the room they were in, but he dismissed the thought, knowing they were tired and needed sleep.

"You know, there's always a way to heal him." Teriha whispered her silver eyes on Chris and John. "But only High Elves can take him there."

Zach turned his gaze onto her. "Where is it?"

"In the forest of Valor," Her voice was low, but he could hear how scared she sounded.

Raising his eyebrows, Zach asked, "What's in the forest of Valor?"

"No one knows. For hundreds of years, we've heard myths and legends about it, but only the High Elves can go in and come out alive." She cleared her throat and continued. "It is said, that when in dire need, there is a sanctuary hidden in the heart of the forest. There, the forest will heal anything, if the one placed there is worthy."

"So it will heal him, right?"

She turned to face Chris and John once more, her silver eyes moving over their pale faces, their dark red hair. With a shrug, she said, "If it were up to me, then anyone here would be worthy enough to get healed by the forest, but it is not."

Zach knew she was right, but he needed Christian; losing Chris had been hard enough on all of us. Christian was worthy enough, no matter what the forest thought.

"You know, a warrior can enter the forest as well, but he cannot deny the fate that has been laid out for the one coming to be healed." With that, Teriha turned on her heel and walked down the hallway, her pale hair shining in the floating lights.


Across the small realm of Aulinaber, in an inn that rested in the village of Gaze, stood Garret, one of Eiko's older brothers. In the moonlight, his midnight hair shined and his ice blue eyes sparkled with pain and horror as he looked over the rail of the room he was in.

The day he and his brother, Stephen, went to find their older brother to convince him to stop this madness, Renin offered them the titles of kings; Stephen agreed. Garret, on the other hand, said no and tried to leave, but was captured by the dark elves who worked for his brothers. Tortured for months, Garret finally said yes and agreed to join them, but only in hope of slipping away to get back to his family and warn them of the upcoming horror.

He had heard of how his sister, Eiko, had betrayed the last Warrior and his Protectors, and he was sure that the same darkness that had swallowed Stephen and Renin's hearts got to his little sister. The only problem Garret had was getting away from Gaze and finding the last surviving Warrior and joining their side.

"I return, master." The harsh voice came from beside him and Garret looked over, a bit bored. "The son of Willow and Zenia has been poisoned by your blade; he rests in Ceruhia." The phoenix sat next to him on the rail, its red, gold, purple and blue feathers shining in the moonlight. Garret wasn't sure where the bird had learned to speak, but it had, and he didn't question it.

"Ceruhia, you say? Do you know if they plan to enter the Forest of Valor?" He asked, looking back out at the sky, his eyes following the streak of light the gryphon had left behind not moments ago.

The phoenix shook its body. "Yes, master. The non-Protector elf said they could take him there to see if he was worthy."

"Elf?" Garret raised his eyebrows. He knew of Cara, but not of any other elves that would protect the warrior.

"They called her Teriha, master."

Teriha ...

he'd met her, in the lower town of Ahuson. A small smile came to his lips as he thought of the elf who he'd swore to protect when they met 10 years ago, before they were banned. "Go find me Xo, now."

"The gryphon, master?" Garret nodded and at once the phoenix was gone, leaving the boy there sighing.

Garret knew that if he returned while the Warrior was there, he could be killed on the spot, but then again, there was no other way. He tapped the rail as there was a knock on the door. He didn't answer; it didn't matter, whoever was there would come in anyway.

"Garret, what are you doing?" Renin's voice sounded from behind him and the boy simply shrugged, not wanting to reply. "Why aren't you on patrol with Stephen?"

"What is the point of patrolling if we're the ones attacking everyone?" Garret asked, turning around to face his older brother.

Renin laughed. "Little brother,” Renin paused and brought his fist up, connecting it with Garret’s cheek, “you have much to learn." Renin's light green eyes got serious. "I expect you on patrol within the next hour, or you'll answer to me."

When Garret nodded, Renin walked out of the room. As Garret walked back over to the rail, he touched the side of his face and winced, knowing there would be a bruise. The phoenix landed once more, fluffing its wings out. "Master, I've brought you Xo." As if his name summoned him, the huge gryphon appeared, landing lightly in the room.

"You summoned me, Prince Garret?" Xo spoke, the bird's voice quiet, but powerful.

Garret nodded. "I need you to take me to Ceruhia, where the last Warrior stays." He said quietly, his eyes locked on the gryphon as it stared at him.

Bending its front legs, Xo bowed, waiting patiently for him to get on. Garret got on, grabbing the fur on its neck for support and looked at the phoenix. "No matter what, do not tell anyone here where I've gone." When the bird nodded, Garret dug his heel in the gryphon's side and held on as it took off into the night sky.


The ride through the sky on the back of Xo was quick, but chilly. Xo came to a halt on the hidden port of Ceruhia and got off its back. "Return back to the mountains of Keri, Xo, tell no one where I am." Garret stepped back and watched as the giant gryphon took off into the sky before throwing the hood over his head and heading towards the only inn in the city.

People were still walking on the streets; some elves, faeries, and others normal humans. Keeping his head low, Garret walked into the inn and straight up the stairs, running into someone. He spit the hair out of his mouth and pushed himself off, looking at the person he'd hit. "Cara!" At once, the girl scooted back, her eyes wide. "No, no, I'm not here to hurt you, I swear. I'm here to hurt no one."

"Then why are you here?" She asked, the venom in her voice clearer than ever. Even though Garret had always been good at hiding his emotions, Cara could tell now that there was something wrong. She took in his appearance; he was wearing all black, with belts that crossed over his chest, keeping his shirt closed. Over all that, he had on a cloak, and the hood had fallen off.

He was obviously uncomfortable. "I've come to join your side, Cara. You, out of everyone, should know that I would never betray my father."

She knew he was telling the truth, be it her gut, or just the fact that she'd known him for 10 years. "How do I explain this to Zach?"

"The last Warrior... take me to him, Cara, I will explain it." That was his response. With a nod, Cara turned around and opened the door nearest to her and stepped it, Garret following slowly. As the door shut behind him, he gazed around the room, looking at all the people who were staring back at him.

"Cara, what's he doing here?" Chris stepped forward, his hand going to the sword on the table, but Cara stopped him.

Garret looked at the boy who was named the last Warrior. He was tall, maybe 6'2, and his dark brown hair was messy, but his matching eyes sparkled, despite the bags under them. "Warrior," Garret kneeled and placed a fisted hand over his heart, "I come to join you." He looked up as the boy walked towards him, ignoring Chris' protests. "I never wanted to join Renin and Stephen, I was, and always will be, loyal to my father and the Valetor name."

"Why should we trust you?"

Garret looked up at the Warrior. "Let me prove that you can trust me," he trailed off as the door to the other room opened and a blonde girl walked in. He stood up slowly, wondering how she'd changed in such little time and how he never told her that he'd loved her for the last 10 years. "Teriha ..."

The blonde elf looked over at the boy who called her name and stared at him, not fully recognizing him. But when he said, "I promise to always protect you," her eyes widened and she threw her arms around his neck, tears falling down her cheeks.

Almost everyone there knew of the special bond Teriha and Garret had before the war started, but Cara knew how happy her best friend would be. But as Cara watched the two hug, she couldn't help but wonder why he'd chosen now to return, especially after hurting Christian. Zach stared at the two, itching to step forward, but at Cara's look, he stepped back.

Garret and Teriha stepped apart, and he looked straight to Zach. "I've come with news, Warrior." His eyes fell to the ground and grabbed the chain that hung around his neck. "Renin has learned of the crystal."

The Crystal

"What do you mean he knows about the crystal?" Cara asked, taking a step forward.

Garret pulled the chain out of his shirt so everyone could see the diamond shaped figure hanging from it. "We were training one day, and Stephen saw it when he knocked me down."

"But how did you come to have it?" Chris asked, his eyes locked onto the crystal.

Garret ran his hand through his hair, sighing. "It was given to me by my father when I was a boy. I used to keep it locked in my room, but as I got older, I started to keep it with me because of what could be done with it."

Zach stepped forward, his dark brown eyes on Teriha who was standing beside Garret. "What's so important about this crystal?"

"The crystal of Aulinaber, one of the most important things in this whole realm," John said, looking out the window. "The Warriors from hundreds of years ago protected the crystal, making sure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. But a hundred years ago, the Warrior Rei, used the crystal for his own good. The balance between light and dark was ruined and soon all of Aulinaber was swallowed by darkness. Slowly, all the Warriors joined Rei, all but one."

Chris nodded. "Darek, the last Warrior to stay on the side of Light, brought everyone who didn't want the darkness to his side and they fought together."

"They won, too, and Darek got the crystal back and returned it to King Darius., who in return passed it to me." Garret finished with his hand around the crystal. As everyone stared, the crystal lit up, as if summoned by its story, and the air around them got cold.

"Warrior and Protectors, the danger is coming." The voice was soft, and a transparent girl appeared out of the crystal. Her black hair was cut short and she was wearing clothes like the sky pirates. "You must go to the Forest of Valor and leave the crystal there."

The transparent woman disappeared and the crystal dimmed. "When do you plan to head to the Forest of Valor?" Garret asked with his eyes on Cara.

"We need to go now; Christian doesn't have much time." She whispered. Cara knew now that Garret had done only what he had to do not die, but she wouldn't forgive him until Christian was healed.

Zach turned around and walked to the rail by the window. "How are we supposed to get to the Forest of Valor from here?"

"Horses," John answered, walking out the door. Everyone stared at each other before Zach nodded and they were all following John out of the inn and to the stables.

Zach rode by Cara’s side, Teriha and Garret took up the front, while everyone else stayed behind them. Christian sat in front of Cara, his eyes barely open, but holding on.

“How much longer?” John called, fighting to stay awake.

With once glance to the sky, Teriha shrugged. "Not too much longer, hopefully very soon," She said, with a look at Christian.

Garret was silent; he had been since they left the inn. His hair was messy and sticking up everywhere; his eyes dim. The rest looked the same, except for Christian, who looked much worse. His face was pale and his eyes were almost shut, despite trying to keep them open.

The trail to the Forest of Valor led directly from the city and just to the left. From the city to where they were, there was nothing: no trees, no bushes, and no sign of any life. The sun was setting, and Cara turned her horse so it was beside Garret’s. “I won’t forgive you for what you did to Christian.” She whispered, turning her gaze to him. “But, I am still your friend.”

Before Cara and Eiko had left Aulinaber, Cara and Garret were close. The two were always together and did everything together, another reason Cara wasn’t banished out of Ahuson; she was the Prince’s best friend. Garret nodded and wiped a hand across his face. “I wouldn’t forgive myself either, Cara. Christian was a friend to me as well.”

“We’re here!” Teriha cried, clicking her tongue and holding on as her horse took off into the woods. With one glance at Garret, Cara smiled and dug her heel into the horse’s side and took off after Teriha, everyone following behind her.

The forest looked like any other, except for the way there were no leaves on the ground and those in the trees remained green. Zach slowed his horse after he’d come to the front of the group. His eyes darted around the forest, making sure there was no one else there. “Teriha, where to now?”

“I’m not sure.” She replied, turning her horse around a few times. Letting out a sigh, she hopped down and looked around. “Like I said before, I’ve never been here.”

“Get back on your horse.” Garret’s sudden command made her stop and look at him. “Now, Teriha, please,” She could hear the worry in his voice and she jumped back on, grabbing the reigns. Garret felt something vibrate and he looked down, pulling the chain out of his shirt. “The crystal…” he whispered, staring at it as it glowed.

As if it was alive, it floated out of his hand and started to head down on of the trails. Not hesitating, everyone followed with Garret and Teriha at the front. Zach watched closely as the two rode next to each other, jealously swelling up inside him.

They rode silently for a while, following the crystal the whole time until it stopped in the middle of some trees and just floated there. Garret hopped off his horse and grabbed it, looking around.

Who has entered this sacred land?

Cara, Teriha, and Zach shared a knowing look as they remembered the other forest where Elders had spoken to them. “The last Warrior of Light and two High Elves and their protectors have come.” Zach said, his eyes darting everywhere.

Who is the sick one?

“A protector,” Cara said, slipping off her horse and helping Christian down, “of the last warrior and someone I love very much.”

You think he is worthy?

“Everyone here is worthy,” Chris said, nodding at Garret. “There is not a single person with us now that is not worthy of being saved.”

But even those of worthy must die sometimes, correct?

Everyone was silent. Cara had her mouth open, but nothing came out. “Please, he means much to us, and he is one that is helping the realm of Aulinaber.” Teriha spoke up, and Zach saw her take hands with Garret.

You have the crystal as well?

Garret nodded. “I have had it since I was a boy, and I was told to bring it here.”

It does not belong to you; you are not the true holder.

“Then who is?” Cara asked, remembering the prophecy she’d heard before she left Aulinaber. Out of nowhere, leaves began to swirl around Teriha, lifting her hair up.

Teriha of Ceruhia is the true holder of the crystal. It has been that way since she was born. Return it, Prince of Ahuson.

Garret turned his gaze to his friend and held out the crystal. Cara wanted to stop them and tell them of the prophecy, but she knew better. As Teriha took the crystal in her hand, a bright light flashed and the crystal disappeared, but left a burning mark on her hand.

It has been returned to its true master. Leave the boy and be on with your quest.

“Just leave him?” Cara asked, confusion written all over her face; everyone knew she wouldn’t do that if her life depended on it.

Yes, warrior. He will be healed and he will leave the forest and return to Ceruhia when he is fine once more.

There was a pause and a new voice spoke up. The prophecies can be changed; it does not have to happen, Cara.

Everybody’s attention turned to the red head as the voices faded away. The leaves fell to the ground as they were drowned in the silence. Cara’s eyes found Teriha’s and motioned for her to come with her. No one stopped the two as they walked away from them, side by side.

“What prophecy, Cara?” Teriha asked as soon as they were out of earshot.

The blonde’s eyes were more silver than Cara had ever seen them, and she shifted her feet. “Before I left Aulinaber, I was told of a prophecy. I was told that ‘there will be one, the true holder of the crystal, which will join the Light. But as the blood continues to drown the rivers, the Light will have to destroy the crystal to bring peace.’”

The two stood there, silently staring at each other. Teriha shook her head. “There’s got to be some mistake, Cara! How am I the true holder of a crystal I’ve never seen before in my life?”

Cara had never seen her friend this scared. When she’d left Aulinaber, she left thinking it would be Garret the prophecy was talking about, but now she knew it was Teriha. “What about the ‘Light’?”

Silver found blue and the moonlight gazed down on them just in the right place so it looked like a spotlight. When Teriha spoke, her whispered voice cracked and the pain stood out. “It means Zach…”

Our Choices?

Stay or Die.

Teriha and Cara returned to the others and Zach watched closely as Teriha stood next to Garret and leaned into him. Chris coughed from on top of his horse. “So what now?”

Leave our forest and fight the war that threatens.

The voice returned and everyone looked at each other. Zach knew what he had to do, but he’d rather do it alone than have any of his friends die. His brown eyes found Garret and he frowned, wondering what Teriha could see inside him; after all, he had tried to kill Christian. “Let’s return to Ceruhia. There,” he stared gravely at Garret, “the prince can tell us what he knows.”

Disgusted with Garret, Zach clicked his tongue and his horse started to walk off. Teriha rolled her eyes and climbed on top of her horse, giving a smile to Garret. Soon, they were all following Zach out of the forest.

Teriha’s thoughts went to the burning mark on her hand, where the crystal had disappeared. She was aware the crystal was now inside her, no matter how idiotic it sounded; it was true. She stared at the back of Zach, wondering if the prophecy would come true. After all, she was now the crystal and he was the Light; it was only a matter of time.

Garret stayed close to Teriha as they silent rode back to Ceruhia, lost in his own thoughts. He’d loved her since the day they met in the lower town; there was no doubt about it. He would’ve given anything to make sure she was safe, and he still would. The only thing Garret wanted after the war ended was to be with her, possibly marry her even, but he knew the law. It was more than forbidden for them to be together, and it broke his heart; she would have a better chance with Zach.

“We’re here,” Cara whispered, her ice blue eyes glazed with emotions Garret couldn’t decipher. Coming to a halt beside the inn, they all got off their horses and gave them over to the stable boy.

As everyone started to walk into the inn, Zach grabbed Teriha’s arm and gently pulled her back. “I need to speak with you.”

“Speak,” she ordered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Zach took a deep breath. “I know now that you and Garret were friends, Teriha, but he is a traitor to the king, a traitor to us.”

Teriha stared at him. “And yet, he has helped us this far and you still accuse him?”

She watched as Zach rolled his eyes. “You love him, don’t you?” He asked, cocking his eyebrows. “But you can never be together for the same reason we can’t.” With an evil smile, Zach added, “You will watch him grow old and die, while you stay this young.”
Not hesitating, Teriha slapped him hard, the sound echoing in the doorway. “You do not to speak to me that way.” As he held the side of his face, Teriha turned on her heel and walked inside, ignoring Chris and John. She stomped up the stairs and past the room Cara and Garret were in and instead walked into the other one, where Chris had said Meri and Seyren were.

As she shut the door behind her, she slid down against it, trying to hold back the tears. She saw a flash of red and realized it was Seyren, leaning down next to her. “Teriha, what’s wrong?”

Seyren had known of Teriha and Garret’s affection for each other, but she also knew it was forbidden, not only because she was an elf. Keeping it a secret from Seyren’s father was difficult for both Seyren and Garret; they were forced to watch their brother and sister bring different ones back each day, having their way with them. Chris was never once allowed in the castle because of his magic and Teriha could not because she was not human.

Teriha took a deep breath and closed her eyes, attempting to control her shaking. “I was told that I was going to watch as Garret grew old and died.”

Seyren said nothing; she took Teriha into her arms and held her there as she cried. There was nothing Seyren could say because she knew it was true as much as Teriha knew it was true, so they sat there, silently crying together as the thunder crashed.


“What did you say to her, Zachary Hunter?” Cara asked, shoving him against a wall, her ice blue eyes cold and heartless.

He shrugged. “Not your concern, now is it?” Seeming satisfied with his answer, he pushed Cara away and took a seat on the couch next to John and Chris while Garret stood next to Cara. “Now, prince,” Zach said the word prince with venom in his voice, “tell me, why did you decide to come to us now?”

“There was no other time to get away; I had to make them trust me enough to let me off on my own.”

Zach’s laugh was humorless. “So what does Renin plan to do?”

Garret’s pale green eyes gazed to Cara. “He plans to find the crystal and use its power to take over Aulinaber and put everyone under his command.”

Only Cara and Teriha knew of the prophecy. Her eyes wide, she shoved past Zach and ran out of the room, banging on the door where Seyren and Meri were. “Teriha!” She cried out her best friend’s name, wiggling the door knob. Garret came up beside her and moved her out of the way as Chris ran into the door, knocking it down.

The three rushed into the room and Cara’s knees buckled out from under her. Seyren and Meri were sitting together, their tears mixing. The window next to them was open and the wind blew the curtains as Garret walked towards it. “Seyren… what just happened?” Chris knelt down beside her and placed a hand on her cheek, trying to get her attention.

“He… he came, Chris. He took her, he took Teriha.” Seyren sobbed and she threw her arms around Chris’ neck, who in return held her and tried to comfort her as Cara walked over to Garret.

Cara could see the pain in his green eyes. “We need to find her…” Garret didn’t respond. “Garret, listen to me, you know where Renin and Stephen are, you can take us there.”

He shook his head. “It is too dangerous right now, they’ll be expecting that.” Green eyes that looked gloomy in the light, moved over her pale face. “We must train the last warrior and end the war; only then can we get Teriha.”

“When will anyone of you understand that there is no time to train him? He is all we have and we don’t have forever to stop this war. It is now or never, Garret.” Cara said, begging him with her eyes. “I know what she means to you, it’s no secret, and I’m sorry you can never be together, but please, if you love her, tell us where Renin is.”

The room grew silent as Zach and John walked in. One look around, Zach knew what had happened and he turned his gaze to Garret. Stomping towards him, he shoved Cara out of the way and lifted Garret up by his shirt and punched him hard in the face, sending him tumbling backwards. “This is your fault!” Zach was blind with hatred as he continued to punch Garret, who didn’t defend himself.

Cara and John tried to grab Zach but he shoved them away. “Zach, stop it!” Cara cried. When he didn’t stop, Chris stood up, his eyes completely black. Lifting his hands, he concentrated on Zach. One second, Zach was punching Garret and the next he was across the room, groaning. Taking this as their chance, Cara and John grabbed him and sat him down, tying him to the chair.

“Chris, can you heal Garret?” Cara glanced back at the prince who was groaning, blood all over his face. Turning her attention back to Zach, she looked at his bloody knuckles and slapped him, hard. “What are you doing, you idiot?”

He chuckled and spit blood and then shrugged. “Why are we still here, we need to find Renin and kill him.”

Garret got his feet, wiping the blood off his face after Chris was done healing him. “You have no idea how to kill him, do you? You think you can just waltz in there and be done with him?” Garret’s laugh was as humorless as Cara was sometimes. “He has control of thousands, we will be killed if we get within twenty yards of where he is. We must stay or die.”

“So we are to just sit here and wait?” Seyren spoke up, her voice small and shaky.

Garret glanced at her. “No… until we know we can go, Zach must get ready. If we went now, Zach would die in the first 10 seconds, which is something we don’t need at the moment.”

Cara could feel the tension between the two boys and rolled her eyes. “Fine, we will start training tomorrow. Zach and Chris, you will sleep in here with Seyren and Meri. I will stay with Garret.” With that, Cara pushed the prince out of the room and closed the door behind her, walking him to the other room. “Why didn’t you fight back?” She asked quietly, looking at the faded bruises on his face as she shut the door behind him.

The prince shrugged. “I was not armed and I saw no reason to fight back. Perhaps it is my fault Renin got Teriha, but as far as I’m concerned, Zach is the only one who can kill him, and we need him.”

He smiled at his friend. “It is late, Cara, and I know you are tired. We will worry more tomorrow, but now we can do nothing for Teriha.”

Cara nodded and rested her head against the pillow in one of the two beds. Closing her eyes, she mumbled, “Good night, Garret.”

A smile on his face, he replied, “Good night, Cara.”

Power Beyond Your Knowledge

Teriha’s eyes fluttered open as cold water dripped down her face. Her hair stuck to her face and she could taste blood. She tried to move her hands and realized they were tied behind her back. Groaning, she looked around the room. It was dark and damp; a dungeon, it seemed. The ground was hard and the pipe above her was leaking. As she scooted out of the way, something made a noise and she stopped, listening carefully.

“Who be you?” The voice was old and Teriha turned around. In the cell next to her, she could see an old man, fragile and badly hurt. His gray hair was longer than Teriha’s and his eyes were glazed over; he was blind.

“My name is Teriha Vacon of Ceruhia.” She whispered, squinting, trying to see if she could recognize the old man. “Who are you?”

The man moved closer to the rail, using one hand to reach out. “My name… I don’t know. I’m not sure who I am.” He spoke loudly and Teriha hoped no one came down.

“It’s what happens when you’ve been here too long.” Another voice spoke up, this time it was young and strong, and it sounded very familiar. “You go crazy and forget your whole life story.” He chuckled. “It happens to everyone, sooner or later.”

Teriha looked around but couldn’t see where the voice was coming from. “How long have you been here?”

“A few weeks; I was taken from Ahuson. I’d gone to see an old friend of mine, but when I got there, the man she had been staying with was dead and I was captured by Renin’s men.” The voice replied, sounding sad. “I can only sit here and hope that the rumors are true. That the warrior has returned the Light once more and that my friend is with them and safe.”

She grabbed the rails with her hands and tried to look beside her, past the other cells. “What’s her name, your friend?”

The boy was silent for a moment before replying. “Her name’s Teriha. The man she had been staying with was a man named Charles, jolly fellow, very well to her.”
Teriha slumped against the bars; she had recognized the voice. It belonged to a childhood friend, Zere, another elf who had escaped banishment. “He’s dead?” She asked, trying to hold back her sobs.

“He is; if I had the chance again, I never would’ve gone into the house. It was horrible, he was tortured worse than anything I’d ever seen.” Zere paused. “What’s your name?”

“Teriha,” was all she could get out before she broke down. Charles, the only man who respected her in Ahuson, other than Garret and Zere, was dead. One of her closest friends, gone forever. She could hear Zere trying to comfort her from his cell, but it didn’t do anything.

The two grew quiet as a door opened and slammed and footsteps sounded near them. Teriha kept her eyes on the ground as her cell door opened and the black boots stepped up to her. “Well, if it isn’t Garret’s old friend, Teriha. How did you manage to get caught?” Teriha recognized Stephen’s voice and said nothing. Annoyed, Stephen grabbed her by her hair and yanked her upwards, causing her to scream in pain. He chuckled. “Much better, I like it when they scream.”


Zere’s voice echoed in the dungeon and she almost told him to shut up so he wouldn’t get tortured because he knew her. As if reading her mind, he grew silent. Stephen let go of her hair and grabbed her tied hands, pulling her towards the stairs. “Lord Renin wishes to see you.”

Teriha said nothing, nor made any move to say she heard him. Her blonde hair fell into her face as they walked down the hall and into a large room. As the doors shut, she was shoved forward towards a man who sat on a large chair, as if he was a king. “Ah, if it isn’t little Teriha. How are you?”

Glaring, she lifted her head and spit, blood splattering on the floor. “Do not speak to me.”

Renin laughed, his pale green eyes reminding her of Garret. “Well, I would kill you now, but since you are the crystal, I cannot.” Teriha stiffened; he knew that the crystal had been returned to her, which meant he knew Garret was with them. Still, she said nothing.
Stephen rolled his eyes. “How will we use the power of the crystal if it is her?”

Renin laughed and slapped Stephen’s back. “Dear boy, we only need her until we have the time to cut the crystal out of her. It’s not like it just disappears; it’s simply inside her.” Stephen nodded, smiling wickedly. “But, until then, little Teriha here shall be treated as a guest.” He turned his attention to Stephen. “Go have one of the maids pick out the finest dress we have and give it to her.”

Teriha stared at Renin, dumbfounded. “Is there anything you want, Teriha?” He asked, staring at her with those green eyes.

Finding her voice, she nodded. “There is a boy in your dungeon. His name is Zere.” Renin yawned and nodded. “I want you to let him go, unharmed.”

Renin stared at her, his forehead creased as he thought about what she said. After minutes, he smiled. “As you wish. Now, let me show you to your room, yes?”


Stephen stood near the window as Renin paced around the room. Teriha was in her own room, guarded by the best men they had; Renin didn’t want anyone but him touching the crystal or the girl. “What does the crystal do exactly, brother?” Stephen asked, staring at the stars.

“Like I said before, it will allow me to control everyone and darkness shall sweep over the land of Aulinaber and everyone shall bow to me.” Renin replied, giving his brother a half smile. “And, if I learn of another way to get the crystal, you can have the girl.”

Renin’s brother chuckled. “Thanks, she’s beautiful. But of course it would be by force.”

“By force,” Renin repeated, staring out the window. “But we need to work quickly, before the power of the crystal awakens completely.”

Stephen gazed at his brother from the corner of his eye. “How powerful is the crystal? It seems that it can do more than just command people.”
“It has power beyond your knowledge, brother, trust me.” Renin said, walking out of the room. Over his shoulder, he said, “Go release the boy named Zere, but first, bring him to me.”

Bowing, Stephen followed him out and made his way to the dungeons, a smile on his face.


Teriha didn’t know what to do; they were going to kill her and she had no way of getting out. She walked over to the window, looking out over the ledge. The drop wasn’t that far, but she didn’t have anything to use if she got out. Glancing around the room, she smiled as her eyes found the bow and quiver. “Idiots,” she muttered, picking it up.

She set the bow and quiver on the bed after pulling the sheets off and tying them together. Hoping it’d work, she tied on end to the bed post and threw the other out the window. Picking up the bow and quiver, she put them on her back and took a hold of the sheets and slowly climbed out the window.

She walked down the wall of the tower carefully, taking her time. Realizing she was almost on the ground, she let go of the sheet and dropped onto the ground silently. Taking an arrow out of the quiver, she got the bow ready and crept around the corner of the tower, coming up to another door. Hearing voices, she pressed herself against the wall as the door was shoved open and a boy was knocked out of it, falling to his knees. There was laughter as the door shut and Teriha realized it was Zere.

Glancing around, she stepped out and grabbed his arm, not flinching when he tried to lunge at her. “Teriha?” She nodded and helped him to his feet. “How’d you get out?”

“The window,” Teriha smiled, grabbing his hand. “Let’s get out of here before they realize I’m gone.” Nodding, the two took off towards the forest, leaving the tower behind. The two ran for a long time, unsure of where they were or even how long they’d been running. When they finally came to a halt, Zere was breathing heavily.

“Where have you been all this time, Teriha?”

“With the last warrior, Zere, and his protectors.” She smiled. “Cara, Meri, Seyren, and Garret are there too.”

He nodded. “And Christian?” News had traveled to the dungeons that Chris was alive once more, but Christian was wounded.

Teriha sighed. “He is in the forest of Valor, healing.”

“Is that where I’m supposed to be?” A familiar voice sounded from above and feet hit the ground. Teriha’s eyes widened as she recognized Christian. His orange eyes were bright and there was color in his face.

“You’re fine again!” She laughed, throwing her arms around his neck. “What are you doing out here?”

Christian returned the hug and held her at arm’s length. “Before I left the forest, the sprites told me that you needed help and they told me to wait here, in this forest.” He shrugged and turned his attention to Zere. “Well, if it isn’t Zere!” Smiling, he pulled Zere in for a hug and patted his back.

When the two broke apart, Christian looked at both of them. “So, where is everyone else?”

Lessons On War and Love

“So, what do I learn first?” Zach asked, keeping his eyes on Cara the entire time.

After they’d all had a good night’s rest, everyone seemed to be in a better mood, especially Zach. Despite Teriha’s capture last night, it was as if she were still here, but they all knew better than to think that. The only reason they weren’t going now was because Zach wasn’t yet ready. When Zach turned his attention elsewhere, Cara smacked his head. “You must never be unaware of what is happening around you, no matter what.”

Cara’s eyes never left Zach to give a hint of Chris sneaking up on him, his sword out and ready. She watched as Chris swung the sword and knocked Zach’s feet out from under him. Groaning, he got back up, picking his sword up as Chris chuckled. He fell silent under Cara’s glare. “Try again.”

This time, Cara watched as he looked at Chris, but she could tell he could see her from the corner of his eye. She blinked once and Garret stepped up on the other side of him and lunged. Zach turned and blocked the sword with his own, shoving it away. At the same time, Chris swung his sword at him and Zach ducked, kicking his feet out from under him as Cara came at him. Getting back to his feet, he realized Cara didn’t have a sword and he hesitated. In that half second, Cara kicked him in the chest and took him to the ground, pulling out two daggers. “Poisoned, might I add.” She whispered as she knelt over him.

Zach kicked her off him and got back on his feet the same time she did. Smiling, he twirled his sword. Looking at Cara, he spun around Chris and caught him from behind, knocking his sword out of his hand and kicking him to the ground. He turned his attention to Garret and lunged towards him. Before Garret could touch him, Zach ducked and grabbed his legs, flipping Garret over his back. Grinning, he turned to Cara, who smiled and twirled her daggers. Taking a deep breath, Zach moved towards her and his eyes widened as she was no longer in front of him. He dropped his sword as he felt the sharp point of her dagger at his throat.

“You will meet many in battle who move more graceful than I, Zachary. Learn to watch, and you will be one step ahead of them.” Cara breathed heavily and patted him on the shoulder. “But you did well.”

Chris and Garret nodded their agreement and chugged water before walking over to John, who was watching with Meri and Seyren. Zach turned to Cara, his eyes watching Garret’s every move. “How long have they loved each other, Garret and Teriha?” He whispered, dragging his eyes to Cara.

The red headed elf stared at the warrior, her face expressionless. “Since they met, I assume. Garret saw her whenever he had the chance; she was allowed nowhere near the castle after the incident.”


Cara nodded. “It happened in the market place, where she lived. She was out with the man, Charles. They were poor, they had no money. One day, Charles stole an apple, I think it was, and gave it to the children who needed it more than they did. He got caught and Teriha stepped in. She took the punishment, and after that, she was known as a thief and outlaw.

“It’s law; outlaws cannot marry those of royal blood. That’s one of the three reasons she and Garret cannot be together.” Cara said, a sad look crossing her face.

“What are the other two?”

“She’s immortal, as Meri and I are. Teriha would watch Garret grow old and die while she stayed young. The other reason is because she is a High Elf now.”

Zach shifted his feet and wiped the sweat off his face. “What’s being a High Elf have to do with it?”

Cara looked up at Zach and smiled sadly. “High Elves cannot marry.”

When she said that, Zach knew what it meant for Cara and Christian; they could love each other as much as they wanted, but they could never actually be together in other people’s eyes. He groaned and remembered what he’d told her last night about how she and Garret could never be together. He’d never felt more like an ass than now.

“What more do I need to learn about my powers?” He asked.

Cara shrugged. “I’m not sure, I was never allowed near the warriors as they trained.”

“We know someone who can help!” John called, standing up. Cara and Zach watched as he turned to Meri and whispered something. She nodded and ran off, Seyren following. “He was the one who brought us here, his name is Rayl.”

Cara’s ice blue eyes widened at the name. “Rayl lives?” When John nodded, Meri and Seyren returned, a man following them; his eyes glazed and the markings standing out more than ever. Zach eyed the man, recognizing the same markings as the ones he had on his arms and chest.

“Ah, Protector Cara, it is wonderful to see you are well.” The man said, giving Cara a smile when she nodded. The man turned his glazed eyes to Zach. “You must be the last true Warrior of Light.” He bowed his head. “I am Rayl, the last surviving warrior, other than you, of course.”

“But, Renin killed all the warriors…” Zach trailed off, not sure what to make of any of this. “Wait, can you help teach me how to use my powers?”

Rayl laughed. “Of course, boy, after all, you got your sword skills from Darek, all we need to work on is your magic.”

Zach had known that he was able to fight so well because of the warrior he was the reincarnation of. Even though no one had ever said it out loud, they all knew it was true as well. “When can we start?”

“Right now, if you’re ready.” As soon as Zach nodded, Rayl smiled and Cara heard him mutter something even though his lips didn’t move. Within seconds, Zach was thrown backwards and landed on the grass. “You said you were ready.”

Sighing and rubbing his head, Zach returned to his feet. “How am I supposed to stop that from hitting me?”

Rayl closed his eyes and smiled. “Concentrate on nothing but a shield protecting you.” Zach did as he was told and Rayl muttered different words. Cara waited for Zach to fly backwards again, but he didn’t move. She watched as Zach opened his eyes and smiled. “Good, boy, you learn quicker than any warrior I’ve met, much like Darek.”

“Now, I want you to hit me with something. Think of something simple, like fire, perhaps.” Rayl added, straightening up as Zach got ready.

Everyone watched as Zach stared at Rayl and pointed a hand at him, all his thoughts on fire. At once, his hand burst into flame and Zach juggled the fireball in his hand before throwing it at Rayl, who easily blocked it. “Whoa…” Zach whispered, staring at his hands, “how did I do that?”

“My boy, have they told you nothing? Not only are you the last warrior, but also a wizard. Most wizards take centuries to learn, but you are very rare, Zachary. Looks like this war might end quicker than we hope.”


After Zach had finished practicing with Rayl, it was sundown and everyone was at the inn eating. He waited as everyone finished and went back to their rooms and he caught Rayl, taking him outside so they could talk.

“You have questions of love, do you not?” Rayl asked, staring at the sky.

Zach shifted his feet. “I do, but it’s difficult. When I met Eiko, I thought I had loved her, but I know I don’t love her now. And then I met Teriha, and I felt the same way.”

Rayl nodded knowingly. “What you felt with Eiko was dark magic, boy. She was trying to get you vulnerable to use you. She was not on our side long before she finally met you.” He paused. “Teriha is a High Elf and outlaw.” When Zach nodded Rayl frowned. “But two love her and she loves one.” He turned his glazed over eyes to Zach. “And you wish to know who it is she loves?”


Rayl sighed. “Even if I knew, I would not tell you. It is for her to say, not I. But even if she did love you, she could not leave this realm, only Protectors and Warriors can pass through to the other realms.” When Zach opened his mouth to object, Rayl shook his head. “When this war is over, you must return home. Here, in Aulinaber, time is different. Where it is a few days here, it has been weeks where you’re from.”

Zach’s eyes widened. “So I’ve been gone for almost two months…”

The old warrior nodded. “I’m afraid so. But in order to find peace, one must sacrifice more than he wants.” He got up and looked at Zach. “Have you been told of the newest prophecy yet? Cara knows, as does Teriha, but do you?”

When Zach shook his head, Rayl shrugged. “I do not know it either. Ask Cara and help her figure it out.” With that, Zach watched as the man disappeared into the night, leaving him there knowing only one thing: if he didn’t survive this war, all of Aulinaber would lay to ruin.


“So, everyone else is still in Ceruhia?” Christian asked, sitting crossed legged on the soft grass. So far, no guards had come to Teriha, but they’d walked further from the tower anyway, trying to put a lot of distance between themselves and the tower. But nightfall, they’d come across a small backyard near an inn to stay at. Before settling down, they’d gotten a change of clothes. Christian and Zere wore similar things; black shirt, black pants that tucked into their black boots, and had their swords as their side.

Teriha, on the other hand, was wearing green and brown. Her shirt was cut very low at the top and cut right above the belly button and made a triangle around it. Around her neck was a brown collar looking necklace and her sleeves didn’t connect to her shirt, but started right above her elbow and went all the way to her hands. On her right hand, she wore a dark brown glove. Around her green shorts was a brown belt where her sword hung and her green boots had daggers in them. On her back rested her bow and quiver.

Teriha nodded. “I figured it was because Zach doesn’t know how to use his magic yet, and coming here would be suicide.” With a grin, she added, “Cara is fine, she’s missing you though.”

“At least she’s safe.” He whispered, staring at the fire Zere had conjured up. Flames danced in his orange eyes as Teriha knew he wanted this war to end so he could return back home and be with Cara.

The three sat in silence as the flame flickered every now and then. Teriha messed with her braided hair that hung over her shoulder and Zere closed his eyes, drifting off into slumber. Letting out a sigh, Teriha leaned against a tree and closed her eyes as well. Christian sat there, his orange eyes sparkling in the moonlight as they drifted down to his stomach. He lifted the edge of it and stared at the half-healed wound. He’d woken up in the forest of Valor, where the sprites told him that they would be unable to heal the wound completely but gave him the choice to return and help his friends. If he agreed to that, the sprites would use their magic to keep the poison at bay until either the war was over or Christian was killed.

He sat there in silence, wondering what would happen if any of them found out. Pushing the thought out of his head, he sat back and watched the forest carefully as his friends slept.

Teriha woke up near dawn; Christian was still awake. Her silver eyes stared at Zere, who was still asleep and wondered why he had come back to Ahuson after so long. She sighed and looked back over at Christian. “I’ll take watch now; you need some sleep.”

Christian smiled and nodded, laying down on his side and closing his eyes. Teriha stared up at the sky, the stars fading as the sun rose. As Zere started to move, Teriha watched as he looked around carefully, looking suspicious. Teriha closed her eyes and could hear the sound of leaves crunching under Zere’s feet. When the sound was quieter, Teriha opened her eyes and realized Zere was no longer there.

She got to her feet and grabbed her bow and quiver, shaking Christian. “Christian, get up, now.” She hissed. The two stood up and Teriha motioned for him to be quiet and follow her. Christian nodded and grabbed his sword, following her into the woods. The two crept past the trees, Zere in eye site. Zere continued to glance around and he moved quickly. He finally came to a halt in the middle of the woods and waited until another man showed up.

“They’re back behind some inn in the town.” Zere said, not trying to hide the fact he was betraying them. “They’re both asleep, so hurry up.”

The man nodded and Zere watched as he ran the way the three had come. Teriha and Christian ducked down behind bushes and held their breath as the man ran past them. Slowly, Zere followed, a giant smile on his face. When the two were gone, Teriha sat there, staring at Christian as they realized Zere was a traitor.

“We need to go, now, Teriha.” Christian whispered, pulling her to her feet. Making sure it was clear, Christian grabbed her hand and the two ran in the opposite direction of the inn, hoping to make it back to their friends alive.


“They aren’t here!” The man with Zere turned around and glared at him. “Were you followed?” When Zere didn’t answer, the man punched him in the face, watching as he fell to the ground. “You idiot, Renin will not forgive you!”

Zere laughed. “So be it, right about now, I’d rather die than betray my friends again.”

“Your friends? They know you’re a traitor, you idiot, there is no going back to them. Let’s get back to Renin and tell him of your loss.” The man chuckled humorlessly as he shoved Zere back towards the tower where Renin was.

The two walked quietly, but Zere had hundreds of thoughts floating in his head. He never wanted to betray his friends, never. But it was that or his life and Teriha’s; he had saved her, but she’d never know that. He took a deep breath and decided his fate then. With one quick movement, he turned and punched the man in the face and kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. Realizing he’d forgotten his sword, he jumped on top of the man and continued to punch him.

Just when Zere thought he was winning, the man pulled out a dagger and shoved it into his stomach, twisting it. The man enjoyed the gurgled noise Zere made as he fell onto his side, the dagger still in him. With a laugh, the man got to his feet and watched as Zere tried to fight death. He bowed and jerked the dagger out of Zere’s stomach and went on his way.

Zere laid there, his throat full of blood. He knew he was going to die and he was ready. He opened his dark brown eyes and stared up at the sky, thinking only of Teriha. Find Teriha Vacon of Ceruhia and protect her. Tell her that Zere no longer lives; show her my death

, he whispered in the winds. When the last word was out of his mouth, he took one last shaky breath and went limp.

You Need To Have Faith

“The blue moon is coming,” Cara whispered to Garret, her gaze on the warrior that was practicing his magic against Rayl.

Garret nodded. “It is; Renin is getting ready as well.” Everyone but Zach knew what would happen on the blue moon; no one wanted to be the one to break the news of the prophecy to him, that he would have to kill Teriha in order to bring peace.

The two sat there, watching as Zach threw powerful balls of fire at Rayl, who easily knocked them away with his hand or countered it with water. “Cara, do you ever think that he will just give up?” Garret asked, turning his eyes to the red head.

She shrugged. “I have, but I also have faith in him. He was basically taken from his home and family to come here and fight for our realm. I wouldn’t blame him if he just left.”

“Faith…” Garret echoed, staring at the boy who was strange to their realm and yet fought for it as if it was his own.

After that, no one spoke. Chris and John had come out with Meri and Seyren, but they had sat down to watch Zach train as well. Despite Rayl blocking his magic easily, Zach was getting much better; he learned quicker than anyone Cara had met.

Zach concentrated on both wind and fire, wanting to try something out. When he let his power go, he watched as the fire hit Rayl square in the chest, knocking him off his feet and the wind blew around the old warrior, putting the fire out. With a grin, Rayl got his feet. “It seems as if you’re a natural with magic was well. I wasn’t able to sense that you would use fire because you mainly concentrated on wind; it confuses your opponents.”

Rayl wiped the sweat off his face as Zach took a seat next to Cara. “How do you think Teriha is?” He whispered, chugging down water.

Cara’s eyes found his. “Renin will not harm her yet; she is the crystal, it would be pointless.” Her voice showed no emotion and she turned away from him, staring to where Chris and John were. “She is safe, Zachary, for now.”

From the corner of her eye, she saw him nod. They all knew they’d have to tell him sooner or later, and still no one could do it. They could easily see how much he cared for her, even if she didn’t love him. Sighing, Cara stood up. “Zach, come with me, there is something I must tell you.”

As if her words were a curse, everyone looked at her. She knew what they were thinking; Zach would never forgive them for keeping this from him, but Cara had faith that he would still do the right thing. In the end, it all came down to what he decided to do. He nodded and the two walked off away from everyone else. “What is it, Cara?”

Blue found brown as they stared at each other and Cara bit her lip. “There is something you must know… before I left Aulinaber, I was told of a prophecy.” Zach just stared at her. “It was said that ‘there will be one, the true holder of the crystal, which will join the Light. But as the blood continues to drown the rivers, the Light will have to destroy the crystal to bring peace’. At first, I thought it meant Garret, since he had held the crystal when I’d learned of it, but now it’s obvious it’s Teriha.”

“And the Light…” Zach whispered, not wanting to finish the sentence.

Cara finished it for him. “The Light is you, Zachary Hunter. None of us wanted to tell you, but you needed to know.”

Zach’s eyes widened. “You think I will just waltz in there and murder Teriha?”

“No, Zach, I don’t. I have faith in you to do the right thing.” She took a deep breath. “And no matter what you decision comes to in the end, I will stand by you.”

Zach knew how much it would hurt Cara if it came down to having to kill Teriha; it would hurt everyone. Not answering, he grabbed Cara and pulled her into a hug, holding her there. “I swear to you that it will not come down to that.”


“Teriha, I was sent you by my master, Zere. He wishes to give you a message.” Teriha looked around the field where she was. It looked similar to the field near Ahuson. Standing in front of her was a ghost thing, shimmering every now and then. Teriha waited for it to speak. “My master did in fact betray you, but he did it with good reason. Renin told him that if he did not, he would have killed Zere and you, so master did what he could to protect you.”

Teriha stared at the ghost, wondering if it was true. “Is that all?” She asked.

The ghost shook it’s head. “Master wished me to show you his death, so you would know he was being truthful.” Teriha didn’t believe that Zere was dead, she didn’t want to. When she nodded, the ghost floated towards her and Teriha was no longer in the field, but instead in the middle of the woods with Zere and the man he’d met.

She watched as Zere knocked him onto the ground and jumped on him. Her hands came up to her mouth as she started to cry as she watched him get stabbed and the man leave. Kneeling down next to him, she heard him whispering to the wind to show her his death. Not being able to take it, she screamed, tears streaming down her face.

“Teriha, get up. Teriha, wake up, it’s me, Christian.” Christian shook her gently as she cried. After minutes, she opened her eyes and looked up at him. “What’s wrong?” He moved her blonde hair from her tear streaked face.

“Zere… he’s dead. Christian, he’s gone.” She cried as he pulled her close and held her there, trying to comfort her. “I saw his death, he was no traitor.” She took a shaky breath. “He did it to protect me. It was that or have both of us die.”

“We’ll find everyone again, Teriha. You won’t be alone, I promise.” He whispered, rocking her in his lap.

She looked up at him. “How do you know that?”

“You need to have faith, Teriha.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.07.2011

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To my mom, for reminding me that magic does exist.

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