
A Normal Day So She thought

It was just like any ordinary day. I lived with my boyfriend and three children in a two bedroom house on the mill hill. We got up that morning going along with our normal routine. My boyfriend went to work and shortly after I took my five year old to school and hurried back to get my eleven year old out to the bus stop. Which left me and my three year old home for the day. We watched cartoons for an hour or so, well he watched cartoons while I straightened up the house a bit. A little while later we got ready to go to my grandparents house like we always did.

When I opened the door something seemed a little off. I walked out the door to the edge of the porch and looked around. That's when I first saw it. I had never seen anything like it before, it was very strange. As I looked at it I didn't try to figure out what it was, instead I went with my first instinct. I put my three year old in the truck and hauled it to the schools. To my surprise I relized that I was the only one retrieving my kids, or the first at least. After picking up both children I headed straight home. I pulled into the drive and took the children inside, after getting them settled I tipped back outside to look at the sky again.

There it was, closer than before. It was huge, a orange cloud or smoke cloud was getting closer. I had no clue of what it was or where it came from, but I was certain no good would come from it. About the time I turned to go back inside my boyfriend pulled up. He saw the cloud while on break at work and cut out early. We stood together and watched it as it slowly moved towards us.

When we realized that it was moving faster than we thought,we hurried inside and locked the house up tight. Several hours passed and we did everything possible to keep from alarming the children. We carried on with our normal routine for the evenings.I was getting the kids ready for bed when my boyfriend let me know that the cloud had consumed the neighborhood. I made my way to a window and looked out. I couldn't see anything, but an orange fog. Upon my observation I decided to make a palette in the living room floor for the kids, instead of putting them in their beds. I laid some blankets on the floor and tucked the children in. My boyfriend nor I slept at all that night even though all was quiet. The next morning we peeked outside to see that the orange fog still lingered. We spent a few moments looking outside then looking at eachother with questions neither of us had the answers for.

It Begins

We decided it would be best to stay inside, with the orge fog and all. We turned on the television to see what the news had to say about it, but all we got was static. We couldn't get a signal on anything, so there we were locked inside with no idea of what was going on and no contact with the outside world. I was expecting the The Military or Police to show up with some sort of explanation or evacuation plan, but we sat there the whole day and nothing.We spent another night hunkered down in the house and everything was quiet and calm. We had talked it over and my boyfriend decided that he would venture out and see if the fog ended right outside of town or continued on.

Just before dawn it all started. It started with screams. I heard them coming from down the street, they were terrifying. I could see the fear rising in my children's eyes, but all I could do was watch I didn't know what to say. I had no answers for them. All I could do was watch the fear grow in them as the screams got closer. I searched my mind for some sort of solution to avoid whatever was coming but drew a blank. I had no idea what was coming or what to do about it. However, my boyfriend did, he had left the room and went to his gun cabinet before I realized he had left the room.

When it came to my attention that he had went into the bedroom I decided to see what he was up to. It looked as if he was preparing for a war. He had every gun he owned laid out on the bed along with a few swords. When I walked in the room he had just started loading the first gun.I didn't want to think of having to use those things, but I guess it was more of an effort than anyone else had put forth. We hadn't heard anything, but terrifying screams.

When the screams sounded like they were right outside he brought the guns in the living room laying them out neatly across the coffee table. First he lay the shotgun down and placed a box of bullets beside it. Then he laid the handguns out one by one. As he sat the last one down he turned to me and said, "There's only three bullets in this one.", then looked at the children.

Just as he removed his hand from that gun we heard the strangest noise. It was strange because we all knew exactly what it was. The first thing I thought was it can't be, then my son said,"Mama don't forget to aim for the head.". My kids were terrified of anything that had to do with zombies and I knew it. So I put them together in a corner and hid them beneath a blanket. It was the best I could do even though I knew it wouldn't make a difference. After that I sarted pushing the furniture in front of the windows and doors.

Fighting For Survival

My boyfriend grabbed the shotgun and started watching the windows and the doors. It wasn't long after that when it began.There it was the living room window broke and a hand of rottening flesh came through it. With one hand the creature pushed the shelf I had in front of the window away. As so as the zombie stuck it's head through the window my boyfriend blew his head off. This continued on until he run completely out of bullets. He turned his back on the window to grab a handgun off the table when one of the creatures came halfway through the window and grabbed him pulling him outside. I stood in total shock for a split second disturbed by what had just happened. Then I grabbed the gun he had reached for and took over the job at hand. Once I had the gun in hand I started shooting whatever tried to come in.

The last bullet left the chamber and after a click or two I turned to grab the gun with only three bullets, but it wasn't there. I looked across the table and on the floor around it ,but didn't see it. Then i heard a sniffle. I turned toward my children to see my eleven year old daughter standing there holding the gun with tears streaming down her face.I asked her what she was doing and she muttered something about me being strong enough to survive without them holding me back. I half smiled and told her not to be silly, I was strong enough to get us all through this. By the time I got the words out of my mouth it was too late. She pointed the gun at her brothers and pulled the trigger twice. I darted towards them, but it was too late. They were gone. I turned to ask why, but I saw her turn the gun on herself and pull the trigger.

I wanted to lay down and die with them, but I couldn't think of letting those thiings feed on me. Then I noticed that the creatures were coming in. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed a couple of swords and knives. I strapped them to me the best i could and with a sword in hand I ran straight for the back door. I knew if I had any chance for survival that it wouldn't be trapped in this house with the bodies of my children. So I headed for the door removing the head of anything that got in my path.

Into The Fog

I ran out the door into the thick orange fog. I ran for a ways before I had to stop to catch my breath.Until I stopped I hadn't realized that the fog was so thick that I couldn't see two foot in front of me and it was so quiet it was erie. I started walking slowly unsure of where I was or what direction I was headed. I didn't know where I was going, Just that I had to keep moving.

It had been silent for quite sometime, when I evidently crossed the path of one of the zombie creatures. I heard the moans from it getting closer, so I prepared myself to kill the creature as soon as it came into view. What happened next made me question everything including my own sanity. As soon as the zombie came into view something swooped down from the sky and grabbed it. It was something huge, and made me question everything. I shook my head to rid it of all the questions streaming through it and started walking again. I kept telling myself that I had to keep moving.

I had been walking for what had to have been several hours and I could barely drag my feet. I had no idea how long it had actually had been though, since I had a lousy sense of time. I couldn't tell if the sun was out or not all I could see was this thick orange fog. Which seemed to cling to everything. I forced myself to keep moving until I cam upon this house that had to sit out to itself, because I hadn't come across any others. That I knew of anyways, but I couldn't be sure with the way the dense fog clung to everything.

I walked up to the front door and pushed it open with my foot listening for any movement from within. Since I didn't hear anything I stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind me. I walked through the house checking every closet and room as I came across them. I had grown confident that I was alone and safe until I reached the living room. At first I thought it was butterflies, but then I asked myself how many butterflies I had seen that glittered and sparkled. Then I thought of fairies, but quickly reminded myself that fairies didn't exist. Then the thought came across that neither did zombies, but I had faught them and was running from them. Figuring that I had nothing to lose I proceeded into the room with the fairies or butterflies, or whatever they were.

Once I was inside the room all of them floated into the air and positioned themselves to surround me. I wasn't sure if they were going to attack or was just checking me out. Seeing as how I've always been the type of person to talk to myself or anything that would listen I decided to try to talk to them. The first thing that came out my mouth was, "I mean you no harm, I was just looking for a safe place to rest.".

These things seemed to understand me, because when I finished speaking they scattered. It seemed as if they took posts to protect me. There a few at every window and door. As if they could ward off anything that may come upon the house. Deep down I knew that the most they could do was maybe give me some kind of warning. I was too tired to mull it over any longer, so I leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor.

My dreams were no more than flashes of my memories of recent events. They were disturbing and tiresome. It seemed as if I was reliving the deaths of my children over and over, but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't cry. I really wanted to take the time to ball my eyes out, but deep down I knew that there was no time for that now.Then the darkness finally consumed me.

I opened my eyes at the sound of a slamming door. I looked over to see the door beside me to see it swinging open and shut. I wiped my eyes so that I could focus, to see that the butterfly fairies were making the door open and close. As soon as I got to my feet the door swung open and they swarmed out of the room. Unsure of what they were doing I decided to follow them I decided to follow them. When I stepped out of the room I found them waiting. They darted towards a door at the back of the house. I had almost reached it when it flung open, As soon as I had stepped through it it closed behind me. I almost turned around and went back inside, but I figured I had out stayed my welcome with these beings. I decided it was best not to anger them in case I ever encountered them again.

Here I was again wandering aimlessly through the dense orange fog. I had been walking for a while, I figured that my safe house was long behind me by now. It was starting to concern me that I hadn't heard or seen anything, but I let out a sigh and continued on. I kept walking until my legs started to grow tired again.That's when I came across an old barn. It looked old, but everything looked as if it had aged in this haze. That's when I let the thought cross my mind if this cloud would ever lift or if it was here to stay. Shaking the thought from my head, I started towards the barn. By the way it looked all I could hope for is that it wouldn't collapse on me. I pulled the door open a little and peeked inside. It appeared to be empty, but I couldn't be sure. I slipped in through the cracked door and explored. Satisfied that I was still alone I pulled the door close and sat in the corner where I could keep an eye on the door. I sat there until my legs felt well rested and surprisingly nothing had come across my path. Since there was no way of knowing if it was day or night I figured it would make no difference if I headed out now, there was no reason to wait reguardless.

I pushed the door open a little and stuck my head out. Afterwards I thought about how stupid that was, if anyone had of been out there they could have took my head clean off. Thankfully I was completely alone. So out the door and around the barn I went. Taking each step carefully, who knew what I might encounter. There I went off into the orange haze again. This time I decided to push myself farther than I had been. This fog had to end somewhere, didn't it? As I began to grow weary I noticed that I hadn't came across another shelter yet, not since the barn. It seemed strange to me for some reason. I wanted to stop and sit for a while,but I didn't want to rest out here in the middle of nothing. Who knew what might walk up or swoop down from the sky. Besides I couldn't be the only survivor, there had to be someone else wandering aimlessly through this mess, just like me. Who knew how they would react if they came across me, everybody handles these things differently. So I made myself keep moving until I could find a safe place to rest.

I had pushed myself until I was starting to stumble. I knew I needed to stop and rest, but there was no way I was going to stop out in the open like this. What if someone came along always lingered in the back of my mind. So what on earth was i gonna do now, I can't go any further my legs won't let me. All I can do is stop and pray that nothing tries to kill me. I was just starting to feel a little better when I heard the moans again, and they were coming closer. I wondered if these were the same zombies, if they had been following me all this time. I quickly let that thought go and started running in the opposite direction, hoping to put some distance between them and me. I soon found out that there were more of these things lurking about when I came up on one. By the time I realized that it was one of them I heard a loud flapping sound, like a flag in a ninety mile an hour wind. Then the huge claws emerged and snatched the zombie up and I hit the ground. Once the sound of the flapping faded I got up and took off.

A Blue Sky

I was just about to give up on ever getting out of this fog when I found myself under a clear blue sky. I made sure to mark the way I had come by sticking the sword in the ground in front of me. Confident that I had marked the direction I had came I took a look around. The fog seemed to make a perfect circle around this place. I looked up to see a clear blue sky, how was this possible? I didn't have an answer however, I was thrilled to be out of that dense fog even though it was only a small area. Seeing how I could breathe fresh air here I decided it was time for a break. So I laid back on the grass and stared at the sky I had been missing. Being here gave me hope that there must be an end to this mess somewhere, hopefully.

I was starring at the sky when I saw a bird fly over. I thought about how free the animal must have felt being able to fly above the fog, then I guessed it must make it harder for the animal to find food. Lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed the bird's return above me. Now it looked as if it was circling above me. After a closer look I realized that it was much higher than I originally thought. So therefore it must be bigger than I thought, much bigger. My thought was quickly proven as the thing started decending towards me, getting bigger by the second. It didn't take me long to figure out that I wanted nothing to do with whatever this thing was. I grabbed my sword and ran as fast as I could into the fog praying it wouldn't find me. I wasn't even sure what it was,it kind of looked like a dragon for a second, but I wasn't waiting around to find out.

When I finally had no choice but to slow to a walk I realized that I didn't know what direction I had ran back into the fog from. For all I knew I was headed back in the same direction from which I had came. It was too late to worry about that now. All I could do was keep moving and hope that I didn't wind up where I started from.

Thankfully I came across a grocery store, so I knew I was going in a different direction. Although I was edgy about going inside. It was a big place with who knew how many places to hide. And only God knew what kind of creatures would be waiting inside. I was tired and needed rest and maybe I would would luck up and find some food. So against my better judgement I headed inside. The smell almost knocked my head off when I opened the door,after gagging for a moment I proceeded inside.

As soon as I walked through the front door I tripped and fell face first into a pile of dead bodies, that explained the smell. Being so close all I noticed was that the bodies wore bite marks, but the flesh hadn't been torn away. And they were very pale as if all the blood had been drained from them. I became a little concerned about what might show up so I grabbed a handful of candy from a shelf and ran out of the store. I ran to the corner of the store and cut down beside it following along the wall.I hesitated for a second when the wall ended but thinking of what this place held within I kept going.

Here I was again alone in this haze wandering aimlessly. Clueless of what I may encounter,or where I was goingor what I would do when I got there. I was almost certain that there was no happiness ahead, not after I had lost so much.

What seemed like several hours had passed and I knew I had to sleep sooner or later. All I could do was keep walking and hope to come across a safe place to sleep. Just keep walking that's all I can do. Keep alert who knows what's lurking about.So far I've seen zombies, fairies, dragons, what's next vampires? Maybe I'll wake up from this nightmare soon and head straight for the psych ward. Even dreaming this can't be normal.

Seeing how I wasn't going to wake anytime soon I pushed on through the dense haze. I was grateful that I had experience some bad things in my life so I hadn't had a meltdown yet. I was taking it all in stride, handling things very well considering. I finally came upon another building.The signs had all been destroyed so I wasn't sure what kind of business resided here.I was standing in front of another building terrified to go in after what I had found in the last one. I walked over to the door but couldn't see anything inside it was so dark. I took a deep breath and pulled the door open I couldn't just pass it by I was too tired and I didn't know when I'd come across another place. I let my eyes wander acroos the floor before I stepped inside the last thing I wanted to do was fall on anther pile of bodies. Once I was certain the floor was clear I proceeded inside.

As I walked further into the building the darker it got and I started kicking myself for not searching for a flashlight while I was at the grocery store, but I was in a hurry to get away from that place. I didn't go into the pitch blackness instead I sat down where the light just faded.I couldn't be seen, but I could see where the light touched. This fog was crazy nothing got any brighter or darker it just stayed the same all the time. It made no sense at all but neither had anything else I had encountered.

Confident that I was safe for now I let myself drift off. It was never a peaceful sleep for fear of what may find me. I never slept very long. when I woke I didn't rush to leave instead I decided to sit here for a while. It felt nice not having to look over my shoulder for the moment.For half a second I thought that maybe I should have let the zombies kill me when this mess started but was thankful to still be alive. Enjoying my momentarily safe place I let myself sit there and relax. What seemed like several hours had passed and I decided I had been there way too long and it was time to get moving. I took my sweet time going back to the entrance,grabbed the door, took a deep breath, and pushed the door open. I walked out into the fog and started making my way down the side of the building. I decided after the last one that it was best to follow along the wall to ensure that I didn't get turned around and wind up at the same building. I wanted to keep moving foward. When I reached the end of the wall I wandered aimlessly into the unknown again. I walked until I could barely drag my feet. I didn't want to stop,I hadn't come across any houses or buildings lately. I'd settle for a barn but hadn't found any of those either. Barely moving refusing to stop I finally collapsed.


I opened my eyes and the smell of food,real food flooded my nose. I almost thought that I had finally woke from the nightmare, but after taking a look around I hadn't. I thought I was alone until I moved, suddenly someone was standing beside the bed. Wait I'm in a bed, how did I get here? Anyways there is someone here with me,I'm not alone! I carefully looked toward them to see a man standing there looking at me with a peculiar look on his face. Holding a bowl with something hot in it and it smells really good, lord knows I haven't had much luck in the food department. And again it hit me I'm not alone, the idea thrilled me so much I could hardly contain myself. He held the bowl out to me so I reached up and took it. When I took the bowl from him he turned and walked to the other side of the room. Almost as if he was putting as much space as the room would allow between us. I pushed all suspicion from my mind and started scarfing down the food. It was really hot but I didn't care I was starving, I couldn't remember when the last time I ate was. Upon putting the last spoonful in my mouth I found myself to be very full and sleepy. To tired to care about anything else I sat the bowl on the floor and laid my head on the pillow, before I knew it I was out again. Memories or dreams swirled through my head as I slept. I wasn't sure how long I slept. but I was happy to find myself in the same place when I woke. I looked around to see the same man from before still standing on the far side of the room like he hadn't moved still looking at me the same way.

After taking a moment to gather myself I finally said,"Thank you.". He didn't speak, he just nodded. Realizing that he wasn't going to say anything I decided to try again and asked ,"Where am i?". This time he spoke, but it was so harsh," Why are you wandering around out there, Don't you know it's dangerous?". I felt the sting of tears trying to come forth but I pushed them back, " I was trying to find my way out of this fog.". Surprisingly he let out a chuckle. That made my blood boil after what I had seen I found nothing humorous about this situation. Scared to upset him I didn't say anything I just kept my mouth shut.

I sat on the bed and contemplated my next move. I wasn't ready to venture out alone again, not just yet. But I wasn't sure what to expect from this stranger either.For all I knew he was planning to kill me, even though he seemed harmless enough at the moment.I guess about a half hour or so of silence had passed before it started eating at me,"Why did u bring me here?". Just to make my blood boil again he laughed,"Should I have left you out there with the other creatures?". "I guess not.",I muttered in defeat. I thought about what was said and the peculiar look he kept giving me and decided that it would be best for me to be on my way. I started pulling myself up to my feet when he placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down on the bed,"It's not safe out there, I'll move you later.". That caught me by surprise and a giggle slipped out, " I don't think it has been safe since this fog rolled in.".He laughed with me and agreed, since the mood had been lightened I thought it would be a good time to ask my questions again he may just answer now. "How did you find me?", "Nevermind the how, just be thankful I found you before the others.","They have been tracking you since you found their dumpsite.". As what he said sank in my forehead creased and to shock me even more he was suddenly knelt beside the bed smoothing the crease with his thumb,"Don't worry I hid you well, they won't find you here.". "What did you mean that you'd move me later?", I continued with the questions thankful that he was making an effort to answer them. "Well for obvious reasons we can't stay here permanently, so I figured I'd move you while everything is resting.", I could tell that he had chosen his words carefully. Satisfied to have gotten any answers at all I let the questioning drop off there. He had gooten another bowl of food and was holding it out for me to take anyways,"You should eat and rest we have a long journey ahead of us.". I didn't argue I ate and laid my head back down for a nap.

I was waken by a gentle shake a while later. I had barely wiped the sleep from my eyes when he spoke,"It's time to move now.". I almost asked where we were going, but he had a look on his face as if he were very pleased with himself. For some reason it made me feel very comfortable about going with him. I pulled myself together and stood beside him. I followed as he led the way leaving my safe house behind. He led me into the fog and after all I had experienced I was waiting for him to vanish into the haze.


To my surprise he held out his hand for me took take and led the way. I held onto him as we ventured into the unknown. We walked in silence, I figured we were both use to traveling alone. Who knew what might hear us if we were talking anyways. Afterall who knew what was lurking about out here. I was lost in my thoughts when he suddenly jerked me up and threw me across his shoulder. If it hadn't been for the ground flying by I wouldn't have realized that he was running. I couldn't see his feet moving at all, then it hit me we were moving way to fast. It was almost like being in a car. Before I could finish processing my thoughts I was back on my feet beside a motorcycle. He started the bike with no problems. He held out a helmet for me to take. I thought about it for half second then refused the helmet and climbed on the the back of the bike. He laughed at my stubborness and we were off flying through the fog at an alarming rate. Before I could panic I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his back. I felt him shake with laughter at my reaction.

I was getting sore from being on the bike for so long. I don.t know if he knew that or if we had reached our destination, but I was thankful when we started slowing down. I took a chance and unburied my face to look around. I was surprised to see that we were in a clearing, a break in the fog. Then I remembered what happened the last time I was in a place like this. I immediately looked to the sky and started searching. He sat paitiently on the bike waiting for me to get off. When I felt confident that the sky was clear I got off.As soon as I was off he got off and pushed the bike into some nearby bushes. After hiding it he started walking towards the forest. I was a little confused, but I followed him anyways. We walked maybe ten feet into the trees when I saw a little stone cottage nestled in the bushes. I followed him inside, it was very cozy.It was decorated in the most beautiful wood grain I had ever seen. I just hated that it took so much tragedy for me to find something so beautiful.

After the awe of this place wore off I spotted a chair and took a seat. That's when I noticed that I was alone again. I hadn't seen him leave, but I was alone. Which he did seem to move around very quickly, even without the bike. I let out a sigh and wondered where I should go from here. Maybe I should stick around for a bit, but who knew how long I'd be safe here.

"Come on, there's something I want to show you.", he scared me half to death. When he suddenly appeared in the doorway I jumped and he chuckled. I recovered and walked over to him. He lead me back to the clearing and looked up at the sky. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked up at the sky. It was dark and full of stars, it took my breath away. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen the stars. They were absoloutely breath taking. I was completely lost in them when he cleared his throat,"I thought you would like this, that's why I brought you here.". When I looked at him he gave me a warm smile. "Thank you so much.", I smiled back at him. "We should get back inside.", he took my hand and led the way back to the cottage. Once we were inside he closed the door and I found my chair again."Why were you wandering around out there all alone?", he asked breaking the silence. "Well everyone I know is dead, I barely escaped with my own life.", "Then I figured that they were following me so I kept moving.". He didn't seem surprised by my answer and never commented on it. "I have something I have to do, you should rest and I'll be here when you wake.", And he left me there all alone. I saw a small bed on the farside of the room and decided I should take his advice.

I woke to the smell of food again. I sat up so quickly it made my head spin. By the time the spinning stopped I looked up to see him handing me the bowl. I was glad that he had kept his word and came back.I gave him a warm smile and took the bowl. We sat in silence while I ate and he searched the cottage for anything useful. After I had finished the food I sat the bowl on the floor and stretched. When I reached to retrieve the bowl from the floor, but it was gone. He hadn't come anywhere near me had he. When I spotted him he was was putting the clean bowl in the bag he had.

"Why are you helping me?", I asked trying not to read to much into the bowl disappearance. "Would you prefer I didn't?", he countered. "No I'm glad that you are I was just wondering is all.", I half smiled at him. "We should get moving.",he smiled and tossed the bag over his shoulder. I got to my feet and followed him back to the bike. I watched him take it from its hiding place and prop it up on the kickstand. Then he strapped the bag to the back fender and started the bike. I hesitated before I took my place behind him, and just as before we were flying through the fog and the trees way too fast. I was regretting not taking the helmet he had offered before. If I had I would have it now, instead it was laying on the ground where we had found the bike. Why did I have to be so stubborn.

However I did find comfort in the fact that he seemed to be taking me in the same general direction I was already going on my own.I figured that I should take this time to think on how to question this man, my rescuer. I guess I could start with his name, not sure if I should ask him about the odd creatures I hve encountered. Or the odd things I've noticed about him, like how he seemed to move too fast, never ate anything,or never slept. It might be in everyone's best interest if I kept those questions to myself.

What Is He?

The sound of the bike giving out of gas jerked me away from my thoughts, I kept my face buried in his back listening to the engine sputter until we rolled to a stop. I looked up to see a barn, I got off and watched him push the bike inside as I followed. He had put the bike on it's kickstand and wasright there closing the door behind me as I walked in. Then he was on the other side of the barn searching through things. Seeing him moving so fast sent chills down my spine, but I acted as if I hadn't noticed.

"Are we staying here?", I had to break the silence. "No, I was hoping to find a jug of gas here.",he never looked at me just kept rummaging through things. I'd helped but he had searched the entire barn before I got in the door good.Turning towards me and giving me a smile that worried me,"Looks like we're going on foot from here.",he took the bag from the bike and handed to me. I took the bag and he opened the door for me. I placed the bag on my back as I walked out the door. He closed the door and without warning he grabbed my are and tossed me on his back with increadiable ease. Before I had hold of him good he was off at an impossible speed, not wanting to have to face the realization I buried my face in his neck. After a while he patted my arm and I looked up to see that we were standing still thankfully. Once I was on my feet and gathered my composure I looked around to see that wee were standing in front of a large two story farmhouse.It was yellow even though most of the paint had chipped off or had been clawed off which was probably the case, it had a large front porch that seemed to still be holding up pretty well. "We're staying here tonight.", He smiled at me as I examined our safe house for the night."Just wait here a moment while I check inside.",then he vanished inside. I figured I'd look around while he was inside but I still couldn't see anything but the fog and it seemed to be thicker. "Come on it's safe.", I jumped and spun around to find him inches from me. He smiled at my reaction and grabbed my hand leading me inside.The inside of the house was covered in filth and dust. The floorboards creaked as I walked on them, the wallpaper barley hanging on the walls, but windows were boarded over.

He closed the door and locked it then led me upstairs to a room in the back of the house. To my amazement this room was different. It wasn't dusty,the wallpaper was still holding its own pretty well,and the bed looked freshly made. Compared to the rest of the house this room was immaculant. There was no way he could have cleaned this room he had only been inside a few short minutes,could he? I pushed the lingering question away it was too much for me to study on at the moment and I really didn't want to be alone again. It's been kind of nice having someone around. I took a seat in a chair sitting in the corner of the room, leaving the bed and sofa open for him to pick from. He had to be tired surely, I hadn't seen him sleep at all. All the other safe houses had been so tiny with only one single bed and a chair in them. He shook his head and smiled when I sat down in the chair. Surprisingly he sat down on the side of the bed. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"You never told me your name?", now was a good time for answers. "Neither have you.", he had me there I hadn't."I'm Melissa, now you know.",I gave him a sarcastic grin. "Michael.",he met my grin with one of his own. When he said his name I immediately thought of the Arc Angel Michael,i'm not sure why but that would explain some things. I couldn't fathom why my train of thought went in that direction I had given up on God long before all this started.My life had always been overshadowed by pain more than happiness. I had very few happy moments to remember. I let the question drop off there, I couldn't think of anything to ask at the moment that wouldn't make me sound like I had lost my mind. Not that I felt too sane these days anyways.

"Why don't you come over here.",the sound of his voice pulled me away from my thoughts. He laid back and patted the pillow next to him. I was nervous about it, but I crawled onto the bed beside him. It felt nice being close to someone, I had felt so alone for so long. Even before everything when I was with my family I always felt utterly alone. Somehow being here beside Michael I didn't. That's when the guilt washed over me,after all the hell I had endured I still felt guilty and couldn't grasp why. With the guilt taking over and the sting of tears coming forth I turned my back to him before they overflowed and gave me away. I expected him to leave again just as he had before everynight,but instead he turned towards me and wrapped his arms around me which caused the tears to overflow. He never said a word he just held me while I sobbed myself to sleep.

Two Days Rest

I woke sometime later to find that he hadn't moved, he was still holding me. I stretched a little and he chuckled then loosened his hold on me. I managed to turn to face him without him unwrapping his arms. I finally looked up at his face to see that he was content being there holding me he had a hint of a smile on his lips. I couldn't help myself I smiled back at him."Sleep well?",he broke the silence. That was a first,I usually had to do that. "Yes.",I yawned and stretched. "Good, I think we should get out of here.",he gave me a squeeze. "Why is it dangerous?", I was concerned by his statement. "No not yet,but I don't want to take any chances.", he let go of me and got up. "Ok.",was all I could manage he had me concerned. I scooted to the edge of the bed til my feet touched the floor.He brought the bag over to me and helped me put it on. I stood to adjust it and in one swift movement I was in my place on his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly buried my face. The only way I knew we were moving was the wind whipping through my hair.

We must have been moving all day or night I couldn't tell. I knew it had been a long time because I was feeling stiff and my stomach had atarted growling.Then I felt him touch my arm and I looked up to see a beautiful waterfall. I loosened my arms to slide down but did it too fast when i got to my feet my knees gave out and I went foward landing on them.Even though he found me amusing he helped me right up. I was grateful too the bag I was carrying was very heavy. Once I was on my feet I saw a tiny house nestled by the waterfall.The house was so close to the waterfall that the spray from it hit it like rain."Are we staying here?", I gasped in awe. "Yes,maybe a day or two if you like.",he smiled warmly at me. "Two, would it be safe here for that long?",I asked softly. The question was asked more to myself than to hime but he somehow heard me and answered,"I'll keep you safe.".He said it with such convition that I couldn't help but believe him.He looked down at our intertwined hands then led the way to the house. I guess the house looked tiny because of the waterfall,but once inside it was very large and very elegant. He closed the door and helped me remove the bag."I don't remember seeing this place,you know before the fog.",I was observing the room. "We are a ways out of town.",he gave me another warm smile."How did you find this place?",curiosity was getting the best of me."They wiped out the rich first." He cleared his throat as if he didn't really want to say that to me. I almost asked who but I was sure that was something he didn't want to fill me in on at the moment and I wasn't sure that I really wanted to know so all I manged to get out was an,"Oh.". "Two days,really?",I was almost gitty."As long as no one comes along.",he smiled again.I spotted the bed on the farside of the room and went to lay across it.I hadn't realized that holding on to him would make my arms and legs so sore. Thankfully the bed was big and soft,I hoped he would share it with me.It was nice being in his arms the night before. More tired than I realized I drifted off into a deep slumber.

I woke sometime later to find that I was alone again,so I went exploring through the house.I hadn't been exploring long before I came across some towels and bars of soap.Finding this was way too tempting to resist,I couldn't remember the last time I had gotten to bathe And with the waterfall right outside it was perfect. Since I was alone this was my chance, I grabbed a towel and bar of soap went back to the bed removed my clothes laying them neatly across the bed. Placing my shoes on the floor against the bed post I wrapped a towel around myself and headed out the door.Once outside I made a beeline for the waterfall.I stopped at the edge of the pool of water,dropped my towel,and waded toward the waterfall soap in hand.The water felt good beating against my skin.Pleased to be clean,I decided that I should return inside.When I made it back to my towel I found Michael standing there with it."You really should wait for me before coming out here.",he smiled holding the towel out.I took the towel from him,wrapped it around myself,and stampered off back inside.He let out a chuckle and followed.

Once inside and in no hurry to put my dingy clothes back on I sat down on the bed with my towel securely wrapped. Michael just shook his head and pulled a blanket from the bag wrapping it around me too.I drawed up in a ball and snuggled deeper into the blanket.After that he sat down beside me placing a hand on my back,"Don't pout I wasn't mad just concerned for your safety you know.". "I'm not pouting.",I hissed. He just laughed,"We'll reach our destination soon and I won't worry so much.". "Destination, we have a destination?","Are ther others like me?", I got carried away."I'm taking you home where my family is.","They will help me keep you safe.","Until we can get this situation under control at least,and to answer your question no there won't be anyone like you there.". Refusing to have another outburst I sorted through my questions choosing carefully,"You know whats happening?"."Yes.", was all he said and by his tone I knew I'd get no more than that.I decided to go in a different direction with my next question,"If you have family why didn't they come with you?", " i had to come get you and if we all had come it would have scared you.", "I wasn't sure how to approach you myself....but the hero role worked out pretty well for me,don't you think.",It took me a minute to process that."Wait, you were coming to get me,why?". He gave me a huge smile this time,"You're the light in the dark that is my life.".I was very confused now,"How is that possible?","I don't even know you."." I know I was trying to stay away from you this time, but I couldn't leave you out there in this.","And when you collapsed I couldn't leave you there.","Although you did prove yourself to be stronger than I ever imagined, but you being you I should have known.",he laughed a little on that last part."You know none of that made any sense, actually I don't think I've understood anything since the fog rolled in.","I've just been excepting everything as I see it and moving on.","I think I'm going to do that here to.".I babbled on agitated that nothing seemed to make any sense to me anymore.I felt his hand moving up and down my back, then his lips were at my ear,"I know you don't understand,but its for the best,please believe me.".I just sighed and closed my eyes he laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me.

The next morning or several hours later who knew anymore. I woke up to see Michael sitting at the foot of the bed watching me."Goodmorning.",I yawned. "Goodmorning.",he smiled. I hated that I had all these questions swirling in my head,but if I asked any of them I'd get a vague answer that would add ten more to the swirling mess. I just wasn't sure what to do from here, keep following him or go my own way.For some reason every fiber of my being was screaming follow him. This was the point that I realized that there was a strong connection between us,even if I didn't understand it was there just the same. "So what are we doing today?",I yawned again and stretched."Hmmm."he smiled,"We couldstay here in bed all day,swim under the waterfall,or move on.","Choice is yours.".I thought over my options and gave him a huge smile,"The waterfall sounds nice.".I stood up and the towel fell to the floor underneath the blanket. He greeted my smile with one of his own,"Sure.".He reached for the blanket and I took a step back.His eyes locked with mine and I could see the concern in them.I looked at the towel on the floor and as I had hope his eyes followed mine,"Oh I see, I'll meet you out there then.". As soon as his back was to me I let the blanket fall grabbed the towel and wrapped it around myself.I hurried to follow him out the door. When we reached the water he held out a hand,"Ladies first.",he smiled. Self concious as I've always been about my appearanceI stood there and looked at him.To ease my anxiety he gave me a warm smile and turned his back to me. I dropped my towel and got in the water, thankfully it was neck deep on me. To give him the same courtesy I kept my back to him until I knew he was in the water. He was a perfect gentlemen, he never got to close and showed me the same cortesy when we got out.

Once we were back inside I quickly snatched the blanket up from the floor,wrapped it around myself letting the wet towel fall.Then I crawled up on the bed. I watched him pick the towel up and drape it across the chair noticing for the first time he had no shirt on, he was beautiful. Refusing to get caught staring I looked down at the floor and my thought wandered back to Michael the Arc Angel. I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful he was,like an angel. I just couldn't fathom why God would send me an angel,I was no saint. I hadn't done anything to deserve an angel.


"so what now?". he sat down on the bed beside me jerking me away from my thoughts.I looked up to see that he was sitting very close and was still shirtless.I quickly looked up into his eyes,that was a mistake.I hadn't noticed before but his eyes were black as coal,I had always thought they were dark brown."I don't know,I guess we could talk for a while.",I finally answered."More questions?",he raised an eyebrow. "I thought we could get to know eachother a little better, nothing too serious.",I smiled. He just smiled back at me,"I already know you."."Let me rephrase then I would like to get to know you then.". He laughed at that,"What would you like to know?". I ran through the questions through my head and decided to keep it sweet and simple,"what's your favorite color?". "Green.", i got a simple smile. I figured why stop now that was easy enough, " how do you know me?". The smile faded and I backed tracked knowing he wasn't going to answer,"What's your favorite food?",the smile didn't return. "I've gotten use to deer.",I knew that was a lie


Texte: all rights belong to me and only me
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2012

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