

1 year ago I was sitting in my room at my little desk, doing math homework. I already finished the 3-page-long English essay, Geography, and Spanish. My name is Alyssandra Smirnoff. Yeah not a last name I’m proud of but it'll do. I have a twin sister named Alina and an older brother named Vladimir. Vlad for short. My brother lives with his 12 best friends in a humongous house that our dad pays for. They are all on the football team, and they all share the same interests- football and women- so it’s easy for them to get along. My sister on the other hand is totally out to get me! She's tall, 5'10! Slender and popular. She has black, straight hair that she likes to wear short. She is also very into gymnastics! All the guys at our school follow her like lost puppies. She has blue catlike eyes that don’t miss a thing. She is the one mom and dad are most proud of.*sigh*
As for me, well I love to read and do whatever I can to get good grades. The textbooks are like my Bible! I don’t pay attention to how many calories I eat daily, unlike Alina who keeps track of every calorie to make sure that she doesn't lose her almost perfect hour-glass figure. I have light brown hair and super bright emerald green eyes. I'm only 5'4. Did I mention, I wore glasses? Both of my parents and siblings are tall and dark. Except for me. Vlad has black hair like Alina and eyes so dark that they're almost black. He's 19 and Alina and I are 18.
"Hey what are you doin' nerd?" Alina said, snatching my homework away. Before I could catch it she ripped it in half.
"What the heck Alina?!" I yelled at her, taking my ripped math homework back.
"Whoa! What’s with you? All you do is read and do homework. Sooo boring," she said plopping down on my bed.
"Well unlike you, I actually care about my grades and getting into a good collage," I smirked.
"Collage-shmollage! Come to a party with me tonight"
"Eh. I don’t want to go to some rat hole where all loser do is drink and make out on the floor," I told her.
Alina glared at me through her fake eyelashes. She is so fake sometimes, it’s scary!
"Well, suite yourself," she said and sashayed out of the room leaving the door wide open behind her.
"Alinaaaaa! Close the door after yourself!" I yelled.
"Your closer!" she yelled back.
I stood up and was about to slam my door shut when all of a sudden I heard my mom shriek with happiness. Yeah my mom is weird like that. I walked downstairs to see what was up, and saw my mom hugging my dad and jumping up and down. He was talking on the phone and laughing, hugging my mom with his free hand.
"What’s going on?" I asked after Dad hung up.
"Oh sweetie, you're not going to believe the most wonderful news!!" Mom said while grabbing my hands and twirling me around in a circle.
"Mama, I'm getting dizzy!" I complained.
"Lera, let go of our daughter before she pukes all over your new carpet," my dad said while laughing and catching me when my mom let go too soon and I started falling.
"Ivan, I’m just so excited!! Mexico!! Can you believe it?!" mom exclaimed while clasping her hands to her chest.
"What about Mexico?" Alina asked, coming down the stairs.
I knew that that’s the place Mom and Dad went to for their honeymoon. Maybe they wanted to re-visit the place and got a good deal on tickets..? I thought to myself.
"Your father just got a major contract deal for his business and we all get to move to Mexico!!" Mom practically screamed.
"MEXICO?!?!?!" Alina and I screamed at the same time.
"YES!!" Mom screamed, oblivious to our horrified expressions. "Oh babies!! We are moving in a week!!"
"WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?" I yelled! I could feel Alina Getting lightheaded next to me, so I grabbed her hand to keep her steady. She looked at me gratefully.
So as it turned out, our parents moved from Miami to Mexico. Alina and I protested so much, so our parents rented us an apartment that we had to share. Soon enough I got a boyfriend, whom Alina stole. Same happened with the second and the third. I finally got over guys (and Alina) and moved out.

Moving In

I stepped up to the big mansion that was my brother’s house. I guess I could have gone to live with my evil twin sister, but I trust my brother way more. While I was living in Washington, I stopped going to school and got mixed up with a lot of "hooligans" as my grandma put it. I got my nose and my bellybutton pierced, and was thinking about getting my lip done too. I finally got contacts and stopped wearing those ugly glasses!
I also dyed my hair bleach-blonde and dyed my bottom layer a dark brown color. I got rid of all of my goody-goody clothes and bought all miniskirts, shorts, some jeans, fishnets, tight shirts and really short dresses. I didn’t look like a skank, but not like I used to look either. I looked sexy, exactly the look I was going for! I also lost a huge amount of weight after I pretty much stopped eating after watching my parents move away, catching my boyfriends cheating with my sister, and watching my grandma slowly die.
Right as I raised my hand to the door knob, a bunch of guys flooded out the door. Amongst them, I saw Vlad.
I took one last drag of my cigarette and ran to him throwing my arms around him.
"Hey Ali! Long time, no see!" Vlad said giving me a huge bear hug!
"Your squeezing the life outa me Vlad! Get off before I die!" I said, playful punching him in the shoulder.
"How's my baby sister been?" he said annoyingly squeezing my cheeks like I was 2 years old.
I brushed his hand away and rolled my eyes at him. I, then, realized that all of the guys that lived with Vlad were outside, just staring at me.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" I snapped them out of their trance. I was also surprised to see some of the guys pulling out their camera phone.
"Put those away guys! This is my little baby sister your staring at!" Vlad yelled.
“Baby sister, my ass!” I said as I started going to my car to get my suitcases. Only to realize that they guys already took them and were dragging them inside.
Once inside the house, I took a small private tour around. As I passed the bathrooms, I saw little pieces of neon tape stuck to the doors with the word “bathroom” written on them in black Sharpie. Leave it to Vlad to make sure that I don’t get lost in one of the guys’ rooms. I smiled and started walking away when I accidentally ran into a very hard, very muscular chest. I looked up to see one of the guys standing in front of me.
“Sorry about that,” I said looking away awkwardly.
“S’all good,” was all he said before walking away.
I am living with the weirdest people. I thought to myself as I stepped into my room. All of my suitcases were neatly stacked in a corner. The bed queen-sized bed had practically nothing on it, other than 2 queen-sized pillows and some white sheets. I sighed. Apparently I needed to go shopping for a comforter set tonight that is if I wanted a normal, warm night. With all that’s been happening this past year, all I needed was a hot bath and a warm night of dreamless sleep to get me back to normal. Well not back to normal exactly. I didn’t know what normal was anymore. My older version of “normal” used to be: sitting at my desk and doing homework. After my parents moved, my “normal” started being: getting stoned and drunk with my friends, but that was back in Washington. Now that I was back in Miami I didn’t know what to do. I mentally shook myself. I am Alyssandra Smirnoff; I didn’t get upset just because I didn’t know what to do with my life. I’d start school next month and maybe try out for some sport. I was in really good shape. Running from the cops practically every week does that to you. I laughed inside my head. Those were some good times. I wondered if any of the guys here ever got drunk. Then again, remembering the hungry look in their eyes as they all stared at me this morning was unnerving. I knew right away that I wasn’t going to drink with those guys around considering I was uncontrollable when I was wasted. So I didn't trust those guys. Not one bit.
Eventually, I got Vlad to let me go to the store so I could get a comforter set, but I couldn’t go alone. Instead of having the time to myself to think while I shopped, I had 13 19+ year- olds running around the stores with me.
Vlad was super protective and I loved him for that, but this was too much! Everyone tried giving me their opinions, well everyone except for the guy that I ran into by the bathroom. He just stayed quietly away, and I internally thanked him for that.
Finally, after 3 hours of going from store to store, I found an alright looking comforter set. It was queen sized so it would fit my bed perfectly, the color was black and white, and the design was random patches of zebra print. When we got home, I finally got to put my stuff away before dinner. Vlad told me that there was a schedule of who cooks dinner, and when. I was cooking tomorrow. Geez, I really needed to talk to Vlad about what these guys liked to eat.
“Ugh!” I said to no one in particular. I was getting really stressed here! So after putting my stuff away, I sneaked out the back door and started walking away from the house, cigarette pack in hand.
I walked about 50-60 feet when I found a little alley, certain that no one was inside and that it was out of the view of the house, I sat down and lit my cig. I was halfway through it when I started to feel the muscles in my neck and back relaxing, only to tense up again when I heard my phone ring.
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Vlad practically screamed through the phone, so loud that I had to lower my arm and put a hand over it.
“I’m a few blocks from the house. Now calm down before you have a heart attack!” I instructed him through the phone.
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down! And you’re the one that is giving me a heart attack! If you didn't run away, I would have never had to freak!”
I couldn’t help it, I started laughing. And the harder he yelled over the phone, the harder I laughed until all of my sides ached and I was having major trouble breathing.
“OK... ok… I’m…coming…” I managed to say between gasps of breath. “I’m coming. But this dinner better be good! You interrupted my alone time!” I said and hung up before he could yell some more.
After finishing my cigarette, I started walking home. Slowly. Just cuz I knew that it would piss Vlad off. An evil laugh threatened to escape my lips, but I held myself in check. I didn't want my new neighbors thinking I was crazy, well crazier than usual. I had to smile at that.
I finally made it up the front porch steps when the door flew open and out came Vlad with a very pissed off look on his face. I laughed at his expression, patted his check like a baby, and walked inside.
The kitchen was a disaster! It looked like a tornado invaded it. Looks like whose ever turn it was to cook, just ordered pizza and sandwiches. Along with sodas and chips.
“Welcome to the madhouse,” I muttered to myself as I dug out a plate and went to the sink to wash it. After getting a slice of pizza and a handful of chips, I walked over to where all the guys were sitting, in the living room. There were no seats what-so-ever, so I simply walked over to where Vlad was sitting and sat in his lap. He looked at me weirdly, but I just nodded my head towards where all the guys were sitting, taking up every piece of furniture, even most of the floor. Vlad looked like he understood and just wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me from falling off. I just rolled my eyes and dug in. I was halfway done with my pizza when one of the guys suddenly spoke up,
“Hey! How come Vlad gets to touch her like that and I don’t” he said motioning to Vlad’s arm around waist.
“I’m her brother you sick moron!” Vlad answered simply, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.
“And he’s the only I trust not to do anything!” I added with a mouthful of pizza.
Just then Vlad looked away from the TV long enough to run his hand up my thigh, while looking whoever spoke up in the eye.
“I think you’re the sick moron now,” I said, swatting his hand away and standing up. I went to the kitchen. The quiet guy was there, washing his plate. I walked over where he was standing and put my plate into the sink.
“Don’t expect me to wash it for you,” he said in a gorgeously low voice that was making my knees weak.
“I…I don’t expect you to?” I stammered. It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“Good,” he said, and I could swear I heard a smile in his voice.
He was about to brush past me, but I had a strange need to stop him and keep him here a little longer.
“S-s-so what’s your name?” I asked the first thing that came to mind.
He just raised an eyebrow at me.
“W-we are going to be living together for who knows how long and I want to start learning the names of the every guy here.” I said. I was impressed. Usually when I stuttered it meant that I was going to make a complete fool of myself, but I was glad that I didn't this time.
“Kayden,” was all he said.
I stuck my hand out and he just stared at it.
“It’s called a handshake,” I said reaching for his hand. As soon as our hands touched it sent a little shiver down my back, but I kept my face unreadable as I shook his hand. ”It’s nice to meet you Nathan, my name is Alyssandra... Ali for short”
“Yeah ok,” was all he said before stalking back into the living room.
After I washed my plate, I started cleaning up the kitchen, learning where everything goes. I plugged my head phones that I always kept in my pocket into my iPod, which I always kept in my pocket too and turned on Statistics by Lyfe Jennings. I was singing along while putting the left over pizza slices on a plate when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly spun around to see Kayden standing with his hands shoved in his pockets and looking around the huge, almost spotless kitchen. I had a habit of keeping everything clean, which I got from my grandma. Even while I was barely even myself, puking with mu head in the toilet, I made sure that none got on the floors.
“Umm… I don’t think that the kitchen has ever been this clean,” he commented as he leaned on the door frame. I was about to start drooling. Kayden was sooo majorly HOT!! He had midnight black hair, and equally dark eyes. He was super tall! I would guess about 6’3” considering that the top of my head barely reached his shoulder.
“R-really?” I said. Shock so clear on my face that I heard a little low chuckle escape his lips. Those gorgeous, full, juicy, naturally pink lips that most girls would kill for.
“Yeah. And by the way you’re not really supposed to clean if it’s not your turn to cook.” He said.
“Oh, well, whose turn is it?” I asked.
“Hmm, well I guess I just made your job a little bit easier,” I said, looking him in the eye. “I'm still not done though, and sense it’s technically your turn, you get to help me!”
Kayden looked at me like I just lost my mind. “What do you want me to do?” he said finally.
“Well, for starters, you can put this in the fridge,” I said, handing his the plate of leftovers.
It went on like that for 20 more minutes, not talking other than me giving him orders and him doing whatever I said without questions.
When we finished, I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:30pm. DANG! How did the time fly by so fast?! Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kayden finishing scrubbing the counters, his biceps flexing with each jerk of the sponge. And then I had my answer.
I walked into the living room, empty now, and saw that it was messed up too. Ugh damned boys! I thought to myself as I started tidying up the place a little. I noticed the lights turned off in the kitchen and a moment later Kayden walked out.
Kayden made his way to the door, walking slowly as if to not scare me with a fast move.
“Where are you going,” I asked, wondering why he wasn’t heading up the stair to go to bed.
“…wanna grab a smoke before going to bed,” he stated simply.
“Can I come with?” I asked keeping my fingers crossed behind my back.
“Uh… Sure,” he said finally, after giving me a once over, probably wondering why a tiny girl like me would want to tag along to see him smoke.
I almost hugged him considering last time I tried to get out to smoke ended up a total disaster. Kayden waited for me as I pulled on my boots and grabbed my jacket, patting the pocket and making sure I still had my pack in there.
Kayden walked me to a different alley, one further away from the house. Now usually when a girl followed an older guy into a dark ally, it never ended up good, but for some reason I felt safe with Nathan around. It was totally weird.
“So… what are we smokin?” I asked.
Kayden looked at me and started laughing, really hard I might add.
“What’s so funny?” I asked confused as he practically toppled over still laughing.
“You,” was all he managed to gasp out as he laughed even harder at my confused expression.
I just stared at him until he finally regained his composure and balance.
“And why am I all of a sudden so funny?” I asked a bit annoyed at being laughed at.
“You smoke?” he asked in an incredulous voice.
“Well duhh! Why else would I have come into a dark alley with a complete stranger?”
“Well, not a complete stranger.”
I turned away from him and pulled out a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. I lighted it, took a drag, and instantly felt better. Kayden eventually calmed and lighted his own. It was getting a little awkward just sitting there and facing each other while smoking. So eventually I broke the stupid silence.
“So why do you smoke at night?”I asked
“More… calming,” he said. “That and I don’t wanna get caught. Your brother can get a bit scary when he wants to.”
Now it was my turn to laugh like a hyena.
“The big… bad… Kayden… scared… of… Vlad?!” I managed to cough out in between fits of giggles.
“I just don’t wanna get kicked out. Especially that I corrupted his baby sister by bringing her out here with me,” he said, smiling devilishly.
“Corrupted?! Excuse me, but I asked to come. You didn't drag me out of the house by my hair, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah, but do you think that Vlad will really believe that?”
I took a moment to answer, getting my thoughts straight. Ugh, might as well tell him.
“He might believe that I came willingly…” I said slowly.
“Hmm… and why is that?” he asked

Spilling The Beans

“It’s a long story,” I said looking away, not meeting his curious gaze on purpose.
“Well the night is still young,” he pointed out.
I checked my cell for the time, only to realize that it was just after 2 in the morning.
“Well I guess it is…” I said slowly.
“You don’t have to tell me. It’s not like I'm forcing you,” Kayden said jokingly, but I could see that his eyes hardened over a bit.
“Do you know why I moved here?” I asked taking him by surprise.
“Uhh… not really. Something about the parents moving far.”
“Yeah. Well you see, our dad has his own heating/cooling business and one night, a year ago, he got a call with this great deal, a contract and everything, but only if he moves his whole business, and his family, permanently, to Mexico,” Kayden wasn’t saying anything so I looked at him. He was looking back at me, nodding for me to continue.
“My dad couldn’t possibly turn it down, and my mom was so excited to move there. Alina and I weren’t that excited.” I saw him open to ask who Alina was, but I beat him to it.
“Alina is my twin sister. And no, we look nothing alike. We have like the same features and all but we are different. She’s tall, I'm short. She has Vlad’s hair and eyes, I have light hair, even before I dyed it, and have green eye, which I don’t know where they came from. Alina has always been the one mom and dad were proud of. I was the nerd. Alina was, well probably still is, a gymnast. I just focused on the studies. Well, that night was just the beginning.
“We had to move everything in a week, but Alina and I refused to go. We pegged and pleaded with our parents to let us stay here, in Miami. Eventually they let, rented out a 2 bedroom penthouse apartment somewhere far from here, and moved without even saying goodbye. That was the first crack. The third, fourth and fifth cracks came from the only 3 boyfriends that I ever had, I caught all three of them cheating on me with Alina. And noo, not at the same time.
“I finally moved out, and I went to live with my grandma in Washington. That was a major crack. But when it all fell apart, when I fell apart, was when my grandma fainted on the kitchen floor. Obviously, I called an ambulance and they let me ride with her, in the back, holding her hand. When we got to the hospital, the doctors told me that 1 year ago my grandma was diagnosed with cancer. I wish I knew what type, maybe could have helped her out more. But that day, after visiting hours were over, I walked home, having gotten to the hospital in the ambulance. Nearby the little house my grandma and I lived in, was this little so-called gang. I remember that they were laughing so hard at something, and it looked like they were having a lot fun, and I didn't realize that I was staring, until one of the guys called me over to them. I went without a second thought.
“I was with my little gang from that day forward. I barely visited my grandma at the hospital; I was either too stoned, or too wasted to realize that my grandma was actually dying, very slowly. I woke up to a stranger in my bed almost every week, and I did it just so I could be held. Hoping someone or something could take the pain away. Eventually, even my ‘friends’ noticed that I was not myself. I told them a little of the pain I was in, and they suggested something, telling me that it would help me just like it helped them.” I held up my arms so that some of the light from the street lamps near the mouth of the alley would fall on my forearms. I heard Kayden gasp as he say the healing cuts there, and the scars from the deeper ones. I didn't have to look at his face to know it was full of disgust. I kept my head down and continued,
“I haven’t cut in a long time. Ever since a week before I left Washington. That’s when I stopped hanging out with my so-called friends. And a day after my grandma died. I never even got to say goodbye.” I barely whispered that last sentence. Alone, silent tear slid down my cheek. And before I knew it, Kayden had taken me up in his arms. It was so good to be held by him. It was everything that I was looking for while sleeping around with totally random strangers that the gang members hooked me up with.
“I'm sorry,” was all he whispered in my ear, as he gently rocked us back and forth. The last thing I remembered was sitting on Kayden’s lap, being rocked back and forth as my mind flew off to the restless dream land it always flew off to when I closed my eyes. I slightly remember being carried into the house, the lights on and my brother yelling at Kayden, demanding to know what happened and why he was carrying me. I remember when my head hit my soft pillow and the soft mattress replacing someone else’s hard arms. Before the hands completely left me, I grabbed on to someone’s hand begging whoever it was to stay with me. I faintly heard the rustling of jeans and a shirt as both were pulled off. I felt my jacket being taken off my body and my shoes sliding off my feet before hitting the carpeted floors with a light thud. I felt my bed being jostled as someone got in and pulled the covers over both of us. I felt myself being tucked into someone’s hard, muscled body and felt an arm wrap around my waist before my brain gave up on me and I fell asleep. For the first time in a year I dreamt that I was 3 years old again, swinging into an open, vast blue sky. Laughing as my dad pushed me. Higher and higher.

Party Time!!

I woke up feeling very refreshed and happy for once in a long while. I made my bed and went to take a shower. I came back into my room, dressed in very short white shorts and a turquoise tank top. I tried my waist length hair and straightened it. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 2pm. Wow! Well I sure slept in! I applied some face cream and eye liner. I never felt the need to put on mascara. My eyelashes were already super long and naturally black. I finally went downstairs to see some of the guys grabbing a snack before dinner. Others were probably still at work or something. I went into the kitchen and got myself a bowl of cocoa puffs and went to join the guys in the living room.
“Mornin sleepin beauty!” Vlad said as I sat down on the couch next to him.
“It’s not even morning u idiot,” was all I said before digging in.
When my bowl was cocoa puff free, I went to wash it. In the kitchen was one of the guys with his back to me, but something was familiar about this guys back. When he heard me put my bowl into the sink, he turned around and I noticed that it was Kayden. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth as the memories from last night flooded back.
“Hey,” was all he said before he turned around and started walking away.
“Wait! Hold up,” I said grabbing his arm.
Kayden looked at me weirdly and I was at a complete loss for words. I realized that I was taking too long to say something when he cleared his throat.
“Listen about last night, please do NOT tell anyone about what I told you! Or showed you! Got it?” I wasn’t trying to be mean. It just sounded like that.
“Yeah, fine. Whatever,” he said and moved away; I dropped his arm and went into the kitchen to wash my plate.
By the time I finished, I heard that the rest of the guys were back. I went into the living room to see that, once again, all of the spots were taken. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Vlad to ask what the guys wanted for dinner. Vlad said that they all loved chicken and French bread so I went upstairs to grab my wallet and my cell, and slid into my car. I peeled out of the drive way and opened all of the windows and the sunroof and cranked up the music. Situations by Escape the Fate was playing. I gave a little girlish shriek and turned it up so loud that my ear drums were practically popping. I sang/screamed along with all of the words that I knew my heart. When I drove into the store’s parking lot, I got some evil glares from some old grandmas and grandpas. I just gave them the finger and parked as close to the store as I could. I turned off the music and jumped out of the car. I kept my sunglasses on as I stepped into the store. I was standing in the freezer isle trying to decide on whether to get a full chicken on the drumsticks when 2 very hot guys came up to me. They both looked to be about 20 years old.
“Hey there,” said the first one. He had curly blonde hair with blue eyes. He looked to be about 6’0” and his friend had straight blonde hair with brown eyes. This one looked to be about 6’2”.
“Hey,” was all I answered, still trying to decide on the chicken.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, looking at chicken?” said the one with the brown eyes.
“Well obviously she’s choosing chicken doofus!” blue eyes said.
“That still doesn’t answer my first question, Chase,” brown eyes said.
So apparently blue eyes’ name is Chase. Nice to know.
“I'm picking out dinner for my roommates,” I said simply.
“Are the other roommates as sexy as you?” Chase asked.
“Hell ya! You know, if you’re gay and all,” I said with a smile.
“You live with all guys?” brow eyes asked.
“Yes, sir,” I said looking at the chicken again. “So, what are 2 hot guys such as you doing here together?”
“Eh, we’re with a friend. He’s somewhere with his girlfriend,” Chase said.
“Huh,” I said, finally picking the drumsticks and putting them in my cart. I was about to turn and walk away when brown eyes stopped me.
“So, what are you doing today?” he asked.
“Ganna cook dinner, then maybe go swimming, ya’ll wanna come?” I asked.
“Sure,” they both said.
“Only on one condition,” I said with a devilish look in my eyes behind my sunglasses.
“Name it,” brown eyes said, shrugging.
“You guys buy the booze and we turn this into a mini party!!” I said, excited now.
“Now that’s what I'm talking about! See Nathan, this is totally our kind of chick!” Chase said.
So, brown eyes’ name is Nathan. Pretty sexy name if you ask me.
I walked around Costco with Chase on my left and Nathan on my right. We talked about everything. It turns out that they are both 21 so getting the beer and wine was not an issue at all. Bless Costco for having swim trunks too, so the guys both picked out the ones they wanted and we went to pay. The guys paid so I didn't have to, such gentlemen.
We pulled up to the house at 4pm. Both, Nathan’s and Chase’s jaws dropped when they saw the huge mansion. It was three stories tall. Complete with an indoor and an outdoor pool and hot tub.
The guys carried the bags into the house, following closely behind me. I lead them into the living room, where all the guys were watching TV. Vlad was the first to see us.
“Who are your guests Alyssandra?” he asked, looking worried.
“Nathan and Chase,” I said motioning to a guy as I said his name.
“Hey guys,” Vlad said looking confused.
“Um, Ali? Where do you want us to put these?” Chase asked motioning to the bags.
“In the kitchen, right through there,” I said walking behind them to start on dinner.
“The bathroom is through that hall, second door on the left,” I said pointing.
Once the guys left to go change, Vlad walked into the kitchen.
“What the hell are those guys doing here?” Vlad demanded.
“We’re having a little party,” I said, nodding towards the beer and the wine on the counter.
“And you didn’t think to call me and tell me about this?”
“I thought about calling you, but seriously you need to stop treating me like a child. I'm 18!” I said glaring up at him.
Vlad just threw his hands up in the air and stormed out of the kitchen, just as the guys came back. And if you thought that they we’re hot with their clothes on, just wearing their swim trunks made them look drop-dead gorgeous! They both had perfect biceps and lick-able abs. I almost started drooling. The ring of a cell startled me out of my trance, making me jump. Nathan laughed and answered his cell. He walked out of the kitchen.
After I got dinner going, I went upstairs to change. I came down wearing only a tight red bikini. I was glad to see all of the guys’ eyes pop out of their sockets. I couldn’t help it, I started laughing.

So, Vlad Thinks I'm A Hoe... Right?

“That’s it!” Chase said and picked me up started jogging to the pool with me screaming and bouncing on his shoulder.
Chase attempted to throw me into the pool, but I kept a death grip around his neck, pressing my body into his. Then somebody pushed Chase and we both went into the pool. With my arms still around his neck, Chase pulled us up. I wrapped the legs tightly around his waist and clung to him for dear life.
We look around to see who pushed us in, but there were like 10guys standing there. Ugh they are impossible. Thank God that we were at the pretty much shallow end!
Just to piss all of the guys off, I started kissing Chase. At first it was nothing, but then he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. He nibbled on my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I opened my mouth to him and he slipped his tongue in and deepened the kiss. I pulled away for some air and felt a light tug on my hair. I turn around and see Vlad standing in the pool, IN HIS JEANS!!
“God, are you crazy or something?” I ask him, motioning to his jeans.
“No, but I think that you are! Who the hell do you think you are?! Going around kissing some random strangers?!” he yelled.
“Ok, first of all, Chase is NOT some random stranger! And second of all, since when have you become like my dad? Last I checked Mom and Dad didn't care about me! They are in Mexico! They don’t give a fuck!!” I yelled at him.
I un-wrapped my legs from Chase’s waist and jumped off. I hoisted myself over the edge of the pool and ran inside as fast as I possibly could. I grabbed a towel from a closet and wrapped it around myself.
I ran up the stairs and into my room. I slammed the door shut as loud as I could and threw myself on the bed. I was not ganna cry! I told myself that over and over.
I finally got a hold of myself and thought, hey if Vlad is already mad at me and thinks I'm a hoe; why not just show him what he’s been missing while I was in Washington!?
I quickly ran to my closet and threw the doors open. I picked out a little red wrap and put it on. I looked in the mirror. I didn't look “hoe” enough for my brother to totally freak… yet!
I quickly applied heavy waterproof black eyeliner and my black waterproof mascara. I also applied some red lipstick and pulled my hair out of the ponytail.
I fluffed my blonde/dark brown hair, which was a little wavy after the water. It fell in soft waves down my back. NOW I looked totally ready to mess with Vlad!
I quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where the cooler was with all the drinks. I opened it and took out a beer. I drank the whole bottle, then the second one. And the third, and the forth. My head was starting to feel a little numb and fuzzy. I was tipsy. PERFECT!
I grabbed another one and started walking towards the sliding doors to the outside pool where I could hear my brother still yelling at poor little Chase.
I was having a little trouble walking though. I guess I was a little more than just tipsy, but not drunk for sure.
Once I made it outside, I tipped the beer bottle back and drank half of it while everyone just watched me in silence. I walked into the middle of their little huddle and finished my beer. I threw the bottle against the side of the house and watched in shatter into a million pieces.
Everybody looked at the mess my bottle made then back to me.
“What are you all staring at?” I asked, my speech kind of slurred a little, but it was still good.
“A-a-are you drunk?” asked one of the guys I didn't know.
I turned around so fast that I staggered back a step. I felt someone put their arms around me to steady me. I didn't care who it was. I leaned into them and they smelled totally amazing! I leaned into whoever it was a little bit more and sighed. Whoever it was has a really nice stomach. I turned my lead a little so I could see who it was. It turned out to be one of my brother’s friends that I didn't know.
“Tristan, get your hands off of my baby sister!” I heard Vlad yell. Other than that it was completely silent out here. I just realized that I still didn't know any of the guys’ names. Besides Vlad, Kayden and now Tristan.
I felt the arms around me tighten a little bit and heard Tristan say,”she’s going to fall if I left her go.”
“Do you really think that I'm going to let my little baby sister fall?”
“No, that is exactly why you are going to let me take her up to her room and get her to lie down for a bit so she can sleep this off.”
“FINE. But then you are out of there as soon as her head hits the pillow! You got that?!”

Best Friends

Tristan took me up to my room then, and he literally carried me. Bridal style and all. It felt very nice to be in his muscular arms.

Once we got to the room, Tristan put me on my bed and starts to leave.

“Wait, don’t leave yet! I need your help,” I tell him.

“With what?” he snaps at me.

“Oh damn! Who got your Speedos in a twist?” I asked.

“Your bro, that’s who!”

“Eh don’t mind him; he doesn’t know who I am”

“Really? Well when he talked about you it seemed like you guys were pretty close.”

“Vlad talked about me? What? When?!”

“He used to tell us all kinds of stories about when you guys were kids and stuff.”

“Are you freakin’ kidding me right now?!”

“Whoa calm down! It wasn’t anything bad! Although he did tell us about the time you stripped
naked and danced in a window when you were like 3. Oh and the time when you literally started
drooling in class when you saw some hottie and he caught you and the whole class started laughing so you begged Vlad to drive you home when you were 14.” He chuckled lightly to himself while holding me down because I was trying to run downstairs to rip Vlad’s head off.

“Hey, hey, don’t worry. What he told us wasn’t all bad! He also told us about when his first love broke his heart and you stayed up with him all night and held him while he cried and the next morning you made him his fave food and served him breakfast in bed while you watched all his favorite movies with him…“

That sobered me up a lot. I remembered that little tramp Jessica very well. She used him just to get some other guy jealous so she strung Vlad along for 5 months then what’s-his-name finally noticed her and they got together leaving Vlad brokenhearted on the side of the road (literally).

“I can’t believe he told you guys all of that,” I thought out loud.

“Trust me he thinks very highly of you. He even told us that you are his best friend.”

“Hahaha that’s not true! He has you guys!”

“Ya, well we are the guys. You guys will be closer than any of us ever were.”

“And now he totally loves me cuz of what happened by the pool. Great!” I said sarcastically. “I
have to go talk to him.”

I tried to get off the bed but I completely fell on my ass right in front of Tristan.

“I think you should let the alcohol wear off a bit before you go running down the stairs and ending up in a hospital,” Tristan commented.

“Whatever, can you get me a blanket please? I'm going to sleep this off then I have to find Vlad!”

I never found out if he got me that blanket because as soon as I got back to bed, I was out like a light.

Perfect Timing Mother Nature

The following morning I had the world’s most killer headache! I could barely think straight, but all of a sudden mine and Tristan's conversation hit me. I remembered my promise to find Vlad as soon as I slept the alcohol off. So I went and took a really fast shower- brushing my teeth during my shower- out on my make up really quickly and got dressed in dark purple Seaside sweats and a white V-neck. I threw my now dry hair into a ponytail and rushed out my door… well as fast as I could thanks to my hangover.

I fast-walked downstairs and the smell of freshly roasted coffee slapped my face. I ran into the kitchen and shockingly no one was there. I poured myself some coffee and drank deeply, burning my tongue a little in the process. The shot of espresso did an amazing job of waking me up fully and reducing my hangover to only a teeny tiny headache that can easily be ignored.

I began my search for Vlad. I checked everywhere! His room, the pool, game room, all of the bathrooms, the basement, the attic, I even resorted myself into checking the guys’ rooms but he was nowhere to be found. Come to think of it, none of the guys were.

I went into the kitchen and cooked myself some late lunch considering it was already 1:30pm. The search for Vlad had taken over 4 hours. I got my food and went to eat in the living which is where the TV is. It’s also the closest place to the front door.

I turned on some Scooby Doo and started digging into my mac’n’cheese. I watched 3 different movies (all about 2 hours long) when I finally heard the front door open. I ran into the hall only to see Kayden standing in front of the closet putting his coat and shoes away. When he leaned down to put his shoes on the rack, I couldn’t help but think ‘nice ass!!’

When he finally got up (disrupting my view of his ass, I might add), he looked startled to see me standing there.
“Oh, hey” was his way of covering up his shock.

“Um…” was my brilliant response.


“Do you know where Vlad is?”

“At the Usual’s most likely”

“The Usual’s? That is…?”

“Amanda. His usual distraction for when he’s upset.”

“Oh… eww… do you know when he will be back?”

“Hard to tell. He left early.”

“Where are all the other guys at?”

“Vlad isn’t the only one with a distraction”

“Eww… ok well why aren’t you with yours?”

“…I don’t have one.”

“So where were you?”

“Does it really matter?”

“Sure, when I searched the house I couldn’t find anyone.”

“I was out w- whoa! Hold up! Whole house? As in my room too?”

“…Yea… but don’t worry, I just peeked in to see if Vlad was in there or if I could find anyone that could help me find him.”

“Oh… ok… but don’t go into my room without my permission.”

“Kk. Are you hungry? I made some mac’n’cheese earlier.”

“How much earlier?”


“How about we go out to eat?”

“Sounds good. Where?”

“What are you hungry for?”

“A milkshake!”

“Really? A milkshake?”

“What’s wrong with wanting a milkshake?”

“I can practically hear you tummy rumbling from over here and you say that all you want is a milkshake”

“I never said that the milkshake was ALL I wanted.”

I noticed that he took a step closer as he said, “Well what do you want?”

“Uh… I uh… I want…” I trailed off as he took another step closer.

“What was that?” He actually smirked! Semi-cocky and sexy= my weakness.

“Fries!” I finally blurted out.


“P-perfect.” I hoped I was the only one that noticed the stutter.

Kayden bent down to get his shoes off the rack again and once again, I got a hella nice view of his perfect ass through his faded blue jeans.

Next I bent down to get my shoes off the rack and I could feel his eye burning holes into my ass. I smirked and stuck my ass out a little more. After I found my shoes I got up all sexy-like, still feeling his gaze on me. My smirk got wider when I heard him swallow loudly.

“Ready?” I asked innocently when I noticed that he was still holding his shoes in his hand.

Kayden glared at me a little when he saw that I was trying my best not to laugh. He must have figured out that I was just messing with him.

Kayden and I got into the car and he drove us to the nearest McDonalds. I was paying super close attention to the road and the surroundings so I
wouldn’t get lost when I would get out of the house.

McDonalds was located in the middle of a plaza thingy that included a Best Western hotel, Safeway, a nail salon, Shari’s, Subway, a tanning salon, Hallmark, and a bunch of other little stores.

Kayden got out of the car at the same time that I did and we both walked into McDonalds. Close, but not quit touching.

When we reached the front counter to order, we were told that the milkshake machine was broken so I literally dragged Kayden out of there by his jacket, careful not to touch him.

Next, we walked into Shari’s. They gave us a private two seat table well away from the other people. I ordered my milkshake and fries; Kayden got some kind of pasta. After the waitress left, our table settled into an awkward silence.

“So…” I said in an attempt to break the silence.

“So… how do you like your new living arrangements?” Kayden asked.

“I like it… would have been better if I wasn’t the only girl, but I don’t care as long as I have my brother back. Well, had him back. I lost him again yesterday.”

“You didn't lose him. He will be back.”

“Yea but he will still hate me for what I did.”

“I don’t think so. You are his sister. Flesh and blood, right? He’ll come around.”

Just then our waitress came back with our food and we lapsed into another silence. We ate our food quietly and looked anywhere and everywhere but at each other.

There was a TV mounted to a wall above Kayden’s head so I trained my eyes on it. It was on some boring news channel but I kept watching it, not really paying attention to what I was watching.

Some weather repot was on and it said that a huge storm was heading towards our city. I dropped my fries and most likely my jaw as I stared at the weather lady. Kayden must have seen me reaction because he turned around and was watching TV too. After 5 minutes of staring at the screen,

Kayden beckoned our waitress with his hand and asked her to box our leftovers while my eyes were still glued to the screen.

“Here you go sir, and thanks for choosing Shari’s for your dining pleasures.” The waitress said to Kayden.

“Yea, we have to get home before the storm catches up to us.” Kayden said, getting ready to stand up.

“How far do you folks live?”

“About 10 miles away. Why?”

“I doubt you will make it home before the storm bites your ass, better find another place to wait for it to die down. I have some extra room in my bed
if you want to join big boy. You can always join me.” The waitress said and leaned over so that Kayden had a clear view of her cleavage.

“Thanks, but no. I don’t do skanks.”

The waitress scoffed as Kayden stood up, brushed past her, picked up the boxes, and nudged my elbow and successfully breaking my little trance.

When we got to the front counter to pay, I paid considering that Kayden’s arms were full of food and his wallet was in his back pocket. I was not about to reach for it!

As soon as we got outside, we got soaked through completely by the pelting rain. The slutty waitress was right; we wouldn’t make it home considering we couldn’t even make it to the car. We ran as fast as we could with the rain pounding out necks and backs considering we were hunched over.

We finally reached Best Western hotel and I stood by the fire place trying to absorb as much heat as I could, holding the boxed food while Kayden went to rent us a room for the night. By the looks of this place, it was booked! I was amazed when Kayden came back 10 minutes later with a room key card.

We took the elevator to the 5th floor and walked to room 510. During the elevator ride, Kayden explained that they were short on space and he couldn’t get us separate rooms. I assured him that it was alright.

Kayden walked into the room first and stopped short, causing me to almost run into his back.

“Fuuuuck.” I heard him mutter and peered around him. The room was actually pretty huge. A mini apartment. It had a small kitchen, I little dining room that was connected to the living room which had a nice soft-looking couch that I wanted to snuggle up on and a recliner. Directly across the couch, there was an old fashion looking electric fire place and on top of there was a flat screen TV. I followed Kayden’s gaze which led down a little hall which consisted of three doors. All of the doors were open so I could easily see what’s inside. The door on the left opened into a small closet. The door on the right led into a bathroom. The door in the middle opened to revile one bedroom. Then I saw why Kayden stopped dead in his tracks, on the other side of the door was one full sized bed. If one of us didn't take the couch, then this night would get even more awkward than it already has.


Texte: lenkka
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.04.2012

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