

She ran through the woods. He was chasing her but it was only a game. She got back to the tree house before him. She stopped at the bottom to wait for him. It was almost routine for them. They would get up with the sunrise and eat. The day was spent checking trap lines and snares. Then it was down to the creek for a quick wash-up. It always dissolved into a soaking match then a game of tag.
This time however the game didn’t end the way it normally did. This time it ended in the children being dragged back to society by their parents. He finally got to the house in the trees. She stood at the foot of the tree. He hugged her then gave her a quick kiss on her cheek. They climbed the ladder to a surprise.
Sitting in the chairs on the porch are the girl’s parents. They turn to watch the children climb onto the porch. The girl hugs her parents and says” I thought we still had two months left.” Her mother said” you do, sweetheart but something came up. You have to come back now. The kingdom needs its princess. “
Her father said” pack your bags. It’s time to go. We need to get a move on if we are to make it back before dark.” The children enter the house and pack. Both are sullen and upset at being dragged back to court. Their parents knew they hated court life which is why they were allowed to live in the forest for so many months out of the year.
It began with a game. This game changed the life of the court as it was known. The game was meant to target the two quietest kids in the court. Everyone knew them and few hated them. The few that did, devised this game to hurt them. The beginning of the game was harmless enough. As it progressed they were the only two left.
The challenge was to climb the oak that stood outside the school building. She took to the challenge easily enough because she had climbed the tree before. He hadn’t however. It ended with him breaking his arm and her begging her parents to let them out of court. They agreed on the terms that they came back for so many months a year.
Many at court knew of the decision but not the reason for why. Many did not get why the princess and the alpha heir were allowed to live in the forest like rouges. They despised the royal family for allowing the decision to be passed. They believed that the time spent in the forest was only corrupting the royal children. They did not know what went on in the forest as the children grew.
They had been together since before they were born. Their parents were like family to each other. So it was no surprise that the queen and her lady wound up pregnant at the same time. When the royal doctor examined them, he was surprised to find that the queen was carrying a girl and her lady a boy. They were born minutes apart. The girl was born first but it wasn’t till his first cry was heard that she cried.
They shared everything. They had no secrets from each other. They did keep secrets from the court though. They were always seen together. They never spoke unless it was to each other and even then that wasn’t very often. Their first words were the others name.
The reason for their part time exile was partially due to the tree incident but it was also due to another incident that was never spoken of. This incident was the awakening of a power that had slumbered through generations. It ended in the almost killing of the offenders that caused the boy to break his arm. She begged her parents to let them live in the forest in a clearing of their choosing. There she would master not just her power but the art that made her family famous throughout the realms.
Such was her power that she created a set of daggers for her and the boy. She also had a pet albino black leopard. Its name was pale cloud. Her and the boy practiced everyday for two hours on all forms of combat. She also practiced with her power. She became so skilled that she could access knowledge long forgotten and was more powerful than any master.
After packing, the children went outside. The girl whistled and her leopard leapt from the tree to her right. It landed next to her. She rubbed its head and said” we’re ready now. Let’s get this over with.” The children jumped off the porch as if it were nothing. When everyone was on the ground, the girl cast a cloaking spell on the house.
“Wait. I forgot my bow.” The boy said.” Well I reminded you to grab it before we left.” The girl said. Then she muttered something. She handed the boy his bow and his quiver. He slung it over his shoulder. “I still can’t get used to that.” Then they walked in silence behind the girl’s parents.
Pale cloud was following them. He growled then charged the children. They fell to the ground as a wolf was knocked out of the air by the force of the impact with the leopard. The wolf growled and so did pale cloud. The girl’s parents turned around when they heard the wolf growl. They saw the children watching as if this was an everyday occurrence.
The girl’s father went to yell when she laid a hand on his arm. “Watch dad. The wolf won’t hurt him. They do this every day.” She said. After a small battle, the wolf shifted.
The girl rummaged through her pack and handed the shifter a shirt and some jerky. She said” next time wait till my parents aren’t around to charge pale cloud. I know you were itching for the fight because you wanted food but you forgot who my parents are.”
He shifted back. She put the jerky wrapped in the shirt in the wolf’s mouth and sent him on his way. “He’s rouge?” her father asked. The child’s reply was “no he’s a misguided wolf who has been kind enough to teach us in exchange for food and the occasional shirt.” “hmm.” was all her father said.
They rejoined the child’s mother. They walked in silence back to the palace. When they got to the gate the children stood there for a minute. They turned around and stared at the forest for a while then they entered the gate. Court was noisy compared to the silence of the forest. Word spread like wildfire in the summer of who was back in court.
The boy’s parents met them at the gate. He hugged them both. They led the children to the bathhouse which had been emptied for their arrival. The children went their separate ways and bathed. When they finished they met in her father’s study. What came next tore their family apart.
The children assembled before the massive expanse of oak called a desk. It was the girl’s fathers. The boy’s parents stood by the door. Behind the desk were the girl’s parents. The children glanced at each other then laced their fingers together. Their parents saw it but never understood.
The girl’s father said “we have two options. Neither of them is very pretty and they both end with the two of you having to separate and leave each other. I know you don’t want to do that but it has to happen.” “Dad, what’s going on?” “The vampires gave us an ultimatum. Either we give you to them or they slaughter everyone. This is why we are sending you to live with the humans.”
“No. we can fight them. We can send an envoy and compromise. We have to do something. Anything but that. Please we have to try. There has to be another way. Why? Why do I have to go? Why me?” she turned and cried into the boy’s shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her shaking shoulders. He looked up at her parents. He could tell that it hurt them to make that decision.
Little did they know it killed him to hear the news. The girl’s parents didn’t know that they were mates. He asked them if they could have a few days before they sent her away. They agreed. He led the girl out of the room. When they got to their bedroom she lifted her head. “Are you going to tell them?” she asked.
He shook his head no and her face fell. He grabbed her chin with his hand and said” Hey now. Don’t go getting all sad on me now. If you want we can go show up the court kids, which should put a smile back on your face.”
They grabbed their bows and their daggers. They went down to the training arena. There were kids everywhere. Some were practicing on their bow work. Others still were engaged in hand to hand, some were armed others weren’t. All were under watchful eyes of the training teachers who walked around.
They started with their bows as a warm up. He knew shooting would put her in a calmer frame of mind. They were shooting when someone recognized them and called to them. The two kids ignored the caller and continued to shoot. When they emptied their quivers, they switched to daggers. When they had thrown their last dagger they went to collect their arrows and their daggers.
With the last arrow back in their quivers and the last dagger in hand, they unstrung their bows and laid them next to a combat circle. Pale cloud sat next to their gear and watched as the girl raised a circle. With the circle raised, they took a dagger and holding it out into the circle they walked clockwise then counter clockwise around the barrier. When they finished, they took their stances.
With that the fight began. They fought till she had pinned the boy to the ground and it dissolved into a tickling match. When they both were out of breath and begging the other to stop they quit. They picked up their forgotten daggers and she lowered the circle. They stepped out only to be mobbed. They picked up their stuff and restrung their bows.
Bows restrung they settled their stuff and left trying to get away from the mob. The girl cast a cloaking spell on them. When they disappeared they went to their favorite hangout. She removed the spell. The boy sneezed. She laughed.
With the mood lighten, the boy asked “will you wait for me even though they may erase your memory and suppress your power? Will you still love me?” “Forever and always. No spell can erase my love for you. I loved you before I knew what love was. Shouldn’t we tell them what we are? Maybe they won’t separate us if they know.”
“Their minds are made up. There is no changing them. They will separate us anyways. I wish you didn’t have to leave. I’ll be left at court alone with no one to talk to. We’ve been together since before we were born. Maybe we do need to separate for a little while. While you are gone I will love no other.”
Night came quicker than was wanted. The girl went looking for pale cloud only to find him caged. She tried to stay calm. She freed her friend then said” you might as well come out. I know you are there.” The culprit stepped out of the shadows. She bit back a growl. It was that creep Marco.
He said” well, well, well, someone take a picture. It’s the princess without the alpha heir. I thought I would never see this sight. You two are always together. Don’t you ever tire of the other’s company?”
Her reply was “no. he’s far better company than the freaks of court. We do spend time without each other you know. What was the point in you caging pale cloud?”
“I saw the leopard running around and didn’t want it to hurt anyone. Besides it’s not every day you see an albino black leopard up close. I also wanted the pleasure of your company for a minute. We have important matters to discuss.”
“No we don’t. This conversation is over. I don’t enjoy your company. I’m going to leave and never mention this incident to anybody. Now if you will excuse me.”
She walked off and went to the bathhouse. She scrubbed and scrubbed but could not get the incident off her skin. Oh well she knew just the person to make her feel better. She went up to their room and found him sprawled out in his sleep. She crawled into bed next to him and he wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she shivered.
She woke up to him laying half on her half off. He was dead to the world and there was a maid at the door. If he was woken up all hell would break loose. She had seen it happen before. She snatched a dagger off the bedside table and threw it so that it was embedded into the door a few inches from the maids face.
The maid closed the door and ran off. She got up leaving him to sleep. He was always like this when they were at court. She went to the door and opened it. She pulled her dagger out of the door as her mom came down the hall.
Her mom asked her what happened. Her reply was” same thing that always happens. I thought I told you we didn’t need maids. You know what will happen if he wakes up. I won’t have it happen again.”
Her mom said” I know. I have told your father that time and time again but he thinks that you need a maid.”
”He forgets that I do everything on my own. He forgets that I know how to handle myself. I guess he gets so caught up in ruling that he has to be reminded of what happens when we are at court with a maid. I know that he still thinks I’m a child but I’m eight years old. I’m old enough to fend for myself, have been since the accident.”
Her mom didn’t say anything. She hugged her mom then headed for the kitchen to bribe the cook. She got to the kitchen and took a deep breath. She headed in and was greeted with measured chaos. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw her favorite cook. He saw her and said” come for breakfast, mistress.”” Yes sir.””Where is your companion?”
“You and I both know when he’s at court; he takes forever to get up. Besides I love your kitchen first thing in the morning, he doesn’t feel the same way. I will take a tray up to him later.” “Ok miss.”
She ate then took the tray up to him. She entered the room to him saying” If that Cho’s breakfast with a pot of coffee, then I am eternally grateful. While you were gone your mom came in and lectured me on you throwing daggers at the maids because you don’t want them to wake me.”
Her reply was” you know what happened last time the maid accidentally woke you. I had to pry you off of her before you killed her. And yes this is Cho’s breakfast just the way you like it. Get up and you can have it.”
She set it on the table in the room and he got out of bed. He ate with her standing by his side. He finished and wrapped an arm around her legs. He laid his head on her hip. She didn’t move till he did. He said” I know that life isn’t fair but this is not just unfair it’s cruel.”
She didn’t say anything. After they cleaned up they went downstairs. She went to find her father and tell him again that they did not need a servant. He went to find his mom and try to talk her into talking the others out of this madness. They met at the oak where he broke his arm.
He asked her” How did things go with father?” ”pretty good. And you?””They won’t hear of it. I tried to tell them and they wouldn’t listen. I’m sorry. I tried to stop this but they won’t reconsider.”
They went to the training grounds on an unspoken agreement. She went straight for the magic training circle. He knew from experience that she was frustrated enough that shooting wouldn’t calm her. He let her work out her frustration until she was calm enough to lower the circle so that he could enter. He knew everyone was watching as he entered the circle.
He walked up to her just as she collapsed in tears. He caught her before she hit the ground. She raised the circle to full strength and cried as he held her. She cried for some time before he too started to cry. They cried together for what was to happen.
It wasn’t long before what happened at the training arena got around. By that time the two of them and pale cloud were locked in a circle in the attic. There they sat till their parents found them. When their parents entered the attic they could tell that she had mastered her power.
“Why are you three sitting in a circle in the attic?”Her mother asked. ”well, let’s see. I broke down in the training arena. Everyone now knows that he can enter my circles at will. I’m hiding from the world and praying tomorrow never comes.” was her reply.
Her mother tried to lower the circle but could not. “Fine. If you want to sit there till you three get hungry your welcome to. Cho was making your favorite for supper tonight. “He got up and walked out of the circle. Then she dropped it altogether.
They went downstairs and had supper as a family, one last time. After saying good night to their parents they went upstairs. As they got ready for bed nothing was said. There was nothing to say. They both knew that tomorrow morning she would leave and not come back.
They went to sleep and dreamed terrible things. They both woke in fear. They got up and went down to the oak. They laid underneath it till dawn was seen on the horizon. They got up and went to the kitchen. Cho greeted them and made breakfast. Neither of them was very hungry but they ate anyway.
They helped clean up and went to the bathhouse. There they cleaned up and put on clean clothes that were decent enough for court. They walked out to find their parents waiting for them. They followed them to the clearing where it would all take place.
It was there that they were forced to say goodbye. Their parents turned their backs to give them privacy. He whispered” promise me you will love no other. Promise me that you will never forget me, even when they erase your memory. Promise me that you will not lose hope that we will be reunited.”
“I promise that I will do all that you asked and then some. I wish there was another way. I wish that we did not have to say goodbye. I will look for your coming in four years. Do not fail me. I love you.”
”As I do you. I will not fail you. “With those words uttered he kissed her. Not as you would expect a friend to kiss a friend but as lovers would. He pulled away and held her for a minute. Then their parents pulled them apart.
He turned and walked out of the clearing staring at her and memorizing her every feature. He made a vow to himself in that moment that he would find her again. She watched him walk away trying to memorize his every feature. She made a vow to herself that all that he asked of her would happen. With him out of sight, her parents began the process.
She woke in an unfamiliar bed alone. She had no memory of who she was and where she was from. All she knew was that she didn’t feel complete. She felt as if she was invading someone’s life. So begins our tale.

Her new world

I screamed at the woman who was my so called mother. She never understood how I felt. She never took my feelings into consideration. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I played Avenged Sevenfold really loud to drown out her yelling.
I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Krystal. I’m 16. What just happened is normal at our house. Erin loves to remind me that I’m adopted and that she hates me. She does it every chance she gets.
Wondering why I put up with her B.S. every day? I’ll tell you. It’s because I have nowhere to go. I’ve tried everything to get away from her but I’m still here. Just short of committing suicide, I’m out of options. All I can do is graduate and move out.
I know I’m meant for better things. See here’s the thing. I woke up in an orphanage with no memory of who I was or where I came from. Nobody knows where I’m from or who my parents are. They have tried everything to find them. So here I am stuck in hell, with no way out.
When I woke up in the orphanage, there was only one word I would say. I wouldn’t say anything else. I was also found wearing a strange necklace made of valuable metal and gems. They tried to take it off me but couldn’t. The clothes I was wearing when I was found I kept. Anytime the orphanage tried to take my stuff it was always back in my possession the next morning.
They never could figure it out. Then I was adopted. I learned to act normal and pretend that nothing was wrong with me. I became so good nobody could figure out if I was lying or not. I kept everything to myself. I became a master manipulator and liar. On top of that I learned to steal. Nobody really knew me.
Nobody knew that I felt incomplete. Nobody knew that I had considered committing suicide. Nobody knew that I was haunted by a half remembered pair of eyes and a promise that I could not get away from. The promise held me here. It kept me wondering who I was before the orphanage.
Four years had come and gone, whoever made me that promise lied. They never came. I waited and hoped and they never came. I never knew how wrong I was. My heart laid waiting for the one who made me that promise to melt the ice that covered it.
Anyways, back to the story. Erin barged into my room and snatched me out of bed. I had been laying there listening to music. She slapped me. I looked over her shoulder to see my so called sister smirking as Erin slapped me around. I knew that I was going to have bruises on my face tomorrow.
I waited till Erin was done beating me up. When she left my room and went upstairs, I left my room and went to get a shower. I got in and got out as fast as possible. Erin has dragged me out of the shower to beat me up with everyone watching. I hated them for that.
I went to my room and got dressed in the few clothes I did own. Erin was not known for her generosity. I pulled my necklace out of my shirt and held it. I was sentimental about it. Erin once tried to cut it off me and sell it. It didn’t work. She thought that I shouldn’t own anything that was the least bit pretty.
Every time I touched it I felt closer to my real parents. I waited till everyone was occupied then I snuck upstairs. I got something to eat and cleaned up. I rushed back downstairs with a bag of ice. I lay on my bed and placed the bag on my face. When the swelling in my face went down, I got up and put the ice in a mini freezer I had.
I went to bed. I got up when my alarm clock went off. I got dressed in black skinny jeans, black t-shirt, and my favorite oversized hooded sweatshirt. I put makeup on my face to cover the bruise. I rode the bus to school because I was not allowed in the same car as miss goody two shoes. I had my skateboard with me.
I got to school and skateboarded to the commons area. All of my teachers knew what was going on at home but they were sworn to secrecy. The last principal we had also knew but again he was sworn to secrecy. The new principal did not know however. I was doing tricks outside when one Dr. Grimbold walked up. He said “my office now. Bring your skateboard.”
I walked to his office and found myself surrounded by my teachers. Mentally I was swearing and looking for a way out. Physically I was calm. My science teacher smiled at me to let me know that everything was ok.
The principal said “Now Krystal. I know that your teacher lie for you. I know that they have overlooked your many absences and marked you as present when you were in fact absent. I get that things may be easy for you but that gives you no reason to skip school.”
“Hold up right there. You think things are easy for me. You know nothing if you think that. I may be smart and can do the work but things are definitely not easy. I skip school so that I don’t share the air with miss goody two shoes. I skip school because if I didn’t I’d been in a fight everyday of the week. I skip school to go skateboarding because I wake up every couple of days with bruises on my face and every other part of my body. I skip school because I hate every student here.”
He had no reply. “You are to tell no one what I just told you. The teachers you have assembled in this room already know and are sworn to secrecy.” He hung his head.”I’m leaving.” I left and went skateboarding in town. I was back in time to catch the bus.
I got on and plugged my headphones into my mp3 player and zoned out till I got to the house. I went in and went to my room. I dropped my stuff and fell face first on my bed. I wanted to swear. Fall Break was next week. I wonder what Erin had planned.
Little did I know; Fate spared me that week. I got up off my bed and grabbed my skateboard. I slipped out the back door and went to the subdivision across the road. I put my headphones on and drowning out the world I skated. I guess a new family moved in. The subdivision had very few houses and was mostly empty just the way I like it.
Before I knew it I had a shadow. The kid was as good as me if not a little better. I did a really complicated trick and he did it just as well as I did. I stopped and pulled my headphones off. He stopped next to me. Holding out his hand he said “Name’s Pete. Who are you?” “Krys. You need a nickname. Can I call you James instead?” “Why not? It’s not every day you get a nickname from a hot girl who knows how to skateboard.”
“So Chris where do you come from?” “It’s spelt K-R-Y-S. I live across the road.” ”Which road?” “The main road.” “Oh, ok. Do you go to school around here?” ”Yeah. I’m in high school.” ”I guess I will see you after fall break then. I’m enrolling in the school here.””I have to go. My foster mom will start looking for me if I’m not home soon. Oh, and by the way, if you see me at school pretend you don’t know me.”
“Ok, then. I will see you around Krys.” He said. I left in a hurry. I got back just barely in time. I slipped in through the back door and got to my room. I did my homework. I got a shower and went to bed hungry.
I got up Saturday morning and left before everyone else. Like every Saturday I tried my best to avoid Erin. I went skateboarding across the road. James was there already. He stopped when he saw me. I forgot about the bruises on my face. I swore.
He walked up to me carrying his board. “Come with me.” He led me to his house. His mom was a nice woman who approved of me. We walked in and he called to his mom. His mom was a nurse apparently.
She walked up to me and said” let me guess. Foster mom who hates you.” I nodded. “Not much I can do for you. I can offer you a place to stay when she gets to violent, food when she forces you to not to eat, and medical help when it gets too bad” “thank you.” was my reply.
I was grateful. She led me to the kitchen and made me something to eat. I ate it so fast everyone was staring at me. “What?” I questioned. “Nothing. It’s just that I have never seen someone eat so fast.” She said.
James led me to his room. We hung out there for the rest of the day not really doing anything. Eventually I had to go back to Erin. We talked about everything and nothing. I told him about the orphanage and my amnesia.
He said that I was welcome to come over tomorrow too. I decided that I would take him up on that offer. It was nice to be in a place where I wasn’t yelled at for every little thing I did. Where I wasn’t told I was fat every time I was caught eating. Where I knew they wouldn’t lift a fist or a finger to strike me.
I took one last breath of free air then walked in the door. As I expected she was waiting for me. She said”Sit down; I’m not going to hit you. I actually want to ask you if you would consider going to the mountains with us.” As crazy as it sounds a voice in the back of my head was telling me to go. I listened to that crazy little voice and agreed to go.
She told me the date. I went down to my room. I almost wanted to cheer. I put my board up. I lay on my bed and tried my best to remember anything from before the orphanage. I could barely remember a boy. If I saw him today I wouldn’t know him.
I had a feeling this boy was the key to everything. I feel asleep thinking about him. I woke up the next morning to silence. It was strange. I got up and walked through the house. Nobody was around.
I turned around and there was the boy from my memories. He was no longer a boy but a man. He said” If you’re here you remember something. You feel asleep thinking about me. Go with Erin to the mountains. I will try to find you there. I will explain everything when I find you.”
Then he disappeared. I woke up to reality. It wasn’t the same. I knew now that I could not be left behind. The days pass in a blur. I would spend the day hanging out with James then come home and go straight to bed. James is an enthusiastic kind of person who requires a lot of energy to keep up with.
Stranger still Erin hasn’t beat up on me in a while. Now I’m curious what is going on. She’s planning something if she hasn’t beaten me up in a while. She still puts me down but she doesn’t hit me anymore. The day comes for our trip.
I get in the car and plug in my headphones. I turn up some three days grace and drown everyone else out. We get there and get out of the car. Right away I feel someone’s eyes upon me. I know that I have to find the owner of those eyes in order to regain my memory.
We walked the streets and wandered through the shops. The whole time I felt those eyes on me. The guy must have a pretty good vantage point from some high ground if he can track me as well as he has been. I slipped away from Erin and the rest of the sibs to find him. I was almost there when I was slightly detained.
I was walking to the pub where I knew he was sitting outside when some random stranger stops me. I had been wearing my headphones when he stopped me. He grabbed my arm. I pulled my headphones off and he said” why don’t you come with me little girl and let me show you a good time?” my reply was to pry his hand off my arm and say”don’t ever f**king touch me again. I’m not little.”
He goes to grab me again and I deck him. I put my headphones back on and say” you made me miss my favorite song” then I kick him. I walk away and get to my destination. I turn my mp3 player off and watch the crowd. I whistle to get his attention.

His waking nightmare

After she left I don’t know how I managed to survive. She was everything to me and then she was just gone. When her parents came back to the house afterwards I screamed at them. I raged for hours. Then I took off.
I went out to the tree house. I wanted to get away from court. I wanted to get away from her but I can’t. She’s everywhere. No matter how hard I try to run from her she’s there. I took pale cloud with me when I left court.
My parents knew where I was and left me alone for the time being. It was one of their smarter choices. I stayed at the tree house with pale cloud for three and a half years before I went back to court. When I showed up at court after three and a half years of isolation, I was looking pretty ragged.
My clothes still looked good just worn. My boots had been remade twice and I needed a haircut but didn’t want one. Without her there to keep me in line I was wild. I didn’t talk. I carried a dagger in hand all the time. Everyone avoided me like the plague but I was ok with it.
I walked in the gate and went to find my parents. I found them in the same place they have been for as long as I could remember. I didn’t need an announcement; I just waltzed on into the throne room with pale cloud at my side. Everyone gasped when they saw me. I bowed to her parents then to mine and said” when you are ready we need to talk”
I walked out and went to my room. I put my stuff away then went to the bathhouse. I washed and got dressed in something decent for court. Pale cloud followed me and let me wash him too. I went back up to my room and pulled on the daggers she had made for me. Then I tucked her daggers under the mattress. Slinging my quiver over my shoulder I left the room bow in hand.
I went to her father’s office. Our parents had assembled much like they had three and a half years ago when they tore the family and my life apart. They sat when I entered. I cut straight to the point.
“I need to go to the human realm to find her. It’s time she was brought back. The threat has passed and the kingdom cannot afford to lose its only princess. I have a feeling she is in more danger there than she was here. We need to bring her back.”
“Attempting to bring her back now? What brought this on? It’s been almost four years. The danger has not yet passed. You have spent too much time in the forest. You look and act as a rouge or a yeoman.” Her father said.
“I know more than you do apparently. I do go to town every now and then. Plus I have reliable sources who say that the vampires have moved on to a new realm. I may look rouge but that’s for a reason. And no I have spent too long trying to run from her memory.” was my counter.
I stayed calm and said” if you don’t let me find her something might happen to her either way. I can find her. I know I can.”
Dad interjected and said” let him try. It couldn’t hurt. You may be resigned to the situation but he isn’t. He’s willing to try for the sake of the kingdom. You may not know it but the kingdom is slowly falling apart without her to control the flow of magic. There are not enough witches out there to reverse the damage done.”
Her father finally agreed to let me go.” First things first though. Get a haircut then meet me at the clearing in a days time.” I wanted to cry and cheer at the same time. Soon I thought soon we will be reunited.
My mother gave me the required hair cut. I packed and was ready to go in no time. I went down to the clearing ahead of time. Pale cloud followed me. I sat down and waited. I said to pale cloud” sorry bud. You’re going to have to stay here with mom and dad.”
The next morning her father walked into the clearing with her mother. I said” thank you for giving me the chance to find her.” “How are you going to do such a thing?”
“Her daggers are tied to her amulet. To find her all I have to do is follow the dagger. I know her general whereabouts. I know what her foster mom has planned to do when I get there. Time doesn’t move the same way it does here. More than four years have gone by in that realm while it’s only been three and a half here.”
“Good luck to you. When you get ready to come back just let me know and ill bring you back.” Her mother said as she hugged me. She pushed me into the circle and into the other realm. I woke sprawled on the ground in a forest I’m guessing. At least my memory was intact.
I know I’m not far from where she is. I got up and after a bit of stumbling I was able to walk pretty well. I walked to a pub and found money in my pocket. I bought some food and sat outside. I watched her and her foster family pull into town and walk around.
I managed to keep a pretty good eye on her from where I was. I knew that she knew that I was watching her. Eventually she got away from her family. She was walking my way. I tried not to look so obvious.
Still watching her, I saw the scene with the drunk play out. At least she hasn’t forgotten how to fight. She continued my way after leaving the guy on the ground. Lost in thought I didn’t see her arrival until I heard a whistle. My head jerked up of its own accord.
I watched her walk my way. She was tall, maybe 5’4. Her wardrobe was mostly black. What caught my attention was the bruise on the side of her face. She was paler than she used to be as a child. She wore no makeup like all the other girls I had seen.
She sat down at my table and asked me” who are you and what do you want with me?” Direct, she had been that way even when she was younger. For a minute I had no answer. Then I found my voice and said” I know who your real parents are. I’m here to take you back to them. With your reunion you will recover your memories.”
“I know you from somewhere. I just can’t remember where for the life of me. You remind me of someone I used to know. There’s something about you that I can’t put my finger on. I’ll figure it out eventually.” She said.
With those words she made me a happy man. I knew that her memory recovery would be rapid and soon. After we sat for a while and finished the food, I got up to leave. She looked at me and I said “come on your parents are waiting.” We walked back into the forest I woke up in.
I got to the spot and asked her a simple question that would define the rest of the journey. “Do you trust me?” she nodded. I walked to the rock face we were standing near and laid my hand on it. It shimmered then became transparent. You could see the realm on the other side.
I held out my hand. She grabbed it. I ignored the electricity running up my arm. We walked through. When we emerged on the other side she no longer sported a bruise on her face. She had the clock rewound for her. She was no longer 16 but the age she would have been if she hadn’t been sent away.
She also had her memory of Erin and her foster family removed. Not suppressed like her memories of me and her family were. I’m talking completely removed. The next few days will be painful for her. A few seconds after we stepped through, she passed out.
I caught her before she hit the ground. Pushing her parents out of the way, I carried her to the palace. When we were in our old room I laid her on the bed. Pale cloud was there. He curled up next to her and started to purr. I was tired.
I lay out on the bed next to her and fell asleep. When I woke up she was curled up on my chest still asleep. I let her sleep. I drifted back to sleep and I didn’t mind. I slept as well as I used to before she left. When I woke up she was standing by the window.
In a whisper she asked” why does the forest call me?” my reply was “you used to live there with a little boy. The two of you were inseparable. Then the day came that your parents dragged the two of you back to court. It was there that you were forced to separate. You had your memory suppressed along with something else. “
“Where is the little boy?” she asked. “I am that little boy. I still remember. I spent all of my time in the forest after you left. I know what you mean when you say it calls to you.”
“I want to see my parents.” She said. “After you eat. Cho will be excited to know your back. “I told her. We went down to the kitchen where Cho’s domain was. After watching her eat like she hadn’t in ages we went to find her parents.
She did it without really thinking about it. She grabbed my hand and laced her fingers with mine. We walked the halls to her father’s study.We walked into the study and I saw her face change for an instant. That’s all it took to let me know she remembered.
She remembered the conversation that happened here years ago. She was remembering that’s what mattered most. The first words out of her mouth were” why did you do it? Why send me to live with the humans? I was strong enough to take care of myself. I had control of my power. Why did you do it?”
Her parents had no answer. There was nothing they could say to redeem themselves in her eyes. I know this from experience. She would not forgive so easily. She turned and walked out of the room after making a sound in the back of her throat.
I looked at her parents and said” this is your mess. Clean it up. I’m not helping. I have enough to take care of what with her regaining her memory.”
I turned and left. I found her underneath the oak watching the kids on the playground. I’m guessing she was remembering her early school years. They weren’t very pleasant or necessary. I stood beside her and didn’t say anything.

Her remembered life

I can’t believe they would do that to me. Being the only child of royalty you would think that the realm would come first for them but no I came first. Come on, me and him could have taken care of ourselves like we had for years. I wanted to scream.
Sitting beneath an oak tree that had strange feelings attached to it I watched some children play. He came and stood next to me not saying anything. For that I was grateful. After a minute or two he asked me” do you remember this tree? It played a huge role in our lives before The Incident.”
Strangely enough I did remember. I remembered him falling out of it and breaking his arm. I remember the surge of power as I confronted the people responsible for it. I remember begging my parents to agree to a part time court exile for us. I said “I remember. It did play a huge role in our lives.”
As I looked back on that time I remembered the use of magic as if it were second nature because at the time it had been. My parents have fallen even more in my eyes. They have dug themselves a grave and it’s up to them to get out of it. As we sat there I felt it wake up.
I felt the magic slowly start crawling beneath my skin. I felt it work its way through my system. When it finished I felt my body shudder as if it was finally complete. My heart felt the same way. Sitting here next to the man, who had been everything to me in my childhood, with the magic flowing beneath my skin, I was complete.
I finally had all I needed but figuring it out is going to be another story by itself. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I enjoyed the peace I was feeling because it would not last long. Before I knew it we would go to war. I cannot explain it but I know that.
After some time had passed I stood up. I held out a hand to him. He accepted it and I pulled him up. “I want to see the tree house.” I told him. He nodded. I whistled and pale cloud came rushing out of the bushes.
I knelt down and tapped my shoulder. Pale cloud jumped up and hugged me. “I’m happy to see you too. I know it’s been a long time.” I said. I ruffled his fur and he licked my face. I laughed. Man, I haven’t done that in years.
I stood and Kay held out his hand. I took it and threaded our fingers together. It felt so right. At his touch I could feel my memory stir. He was the key to my memory. Already I was remembering far more than expected.
We walked up to our room and he packed. Before we left he reached under the mattress and pulled out several daggers. He handed them to me. In my hands I felt them and the memories attached to them. I strapped them on. He had slung a quiver over his back and had a bow in his hand.
We left without saying a word to anyone. I knew that word was already spreading through court about my return. I wanted nothing to do with the people of court. I had a feeling I knew who was behind my exile to the human realm. I shivered just thinking about it.
We walked out of the gate that encompasses the compound grounds and we never looked back. We never regretted walking out of the compound without a word. We walked through the forest as I tried out the various spells I could do. I kept it small since I wasn’t in a circle.
The magic that flowed under my skin responded flawlessly. The necklace I was wearing is actually an amulet. It explained a lot of things that I could not figure out in the human realm. I could access all the knowledge that had been suppressed and then some. We got to the tree house and I stopped.
The clearing held tons of memories and I relived every single one in a flash. I looked at Kay. He was silent but I know he wanted to know. I whispered” I remember everything.” He didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say.
We climbed the ladder to the porch and I stopped. I flashed back to that fateful day when my life was ripped apart. I walked into the house. Sitting on the bed, I remembered countless nights spent curled up in bed with him. I remembered countless mornings spent trying to avoid the cold. I remembered everything.
He walked in and got a fire going. While he made stew and biscuits I cleaned up because he obviously never did while I was gone. I guess he went wild while I was gone. I was always the one who kept him in line and civilized. Even his parents couldn’t do it the way I could.
I finished and sat in the middle of the bed. He looked up from where he was crouched by the hearth. I saw the smile on his face. He looked like a man who was truly happy for the first time in a while. He got up and walked over to me. He knelt by the bed.
“Do you remember the very first kiss we ever shared?” he asked me. I shook my head no. he started to tell the story.
”We were at the wash creek. You had dared me to jump to the other side. While I was mid jump you slowed me down and tackled me out of the air. We landed on the other side. I was lying on my back because mid fall I had twisted to take the brunt of the impact. You were on my chest and looking at me kind of funny. Your hair was wet from the quick bath you had taken. You smelt like soap and magic. It was then that I knew. Knew that you were the one with whom I would spend the rest of my life. I wanted to see if you felt the same so I leaned forward and kissed you. When I felt you kiss me back I knew that you felt the same way. After that we fell into a routine. By mutual unspoken agreement we decided to wait to tell anyone.”
I said nothing as he stood and went back to the hearth to stir the stew. I remembered that kiss. He didn’t know how good he had looked at that moment laying there beneath me. I wanted him to kiss me but I’m not going to tell him that. Nobody ever has to know.
He dished out the stew and brought me my bowl. He laid a bowl on the floor then grabbed his and joined me on the bed. We ate in silence. After we finished I gathered up the dishes as he heated some wash water. It was too cold to wash outside.
I gave the dishes a quick scrub then washed up. He washed up after me. He went through the closet and tossed me a shirt to wear to bed. I pulled it on and crawled into bed. He crawled in behind me.
Before we fell asleep he said “tomorrow we are going to town. You need some new clothes. As much as I love seeing you in mine you need your own. I have an arrangement with the seamstress in the village. You can get whatever you feel like you need.”
We slept only to rise with the sun. We did a few quick chores then started for town. We got there and I was reeling because it was a lot to take in. Not only that but it was also my first time at an open air village market. I followed Kay as he led me to the seamstress.

His truth

I honestly never expected her to remember as much as she has in the short amount of time she did. I think she remembers more than she lets on. Then again she doesn’t have to tell me because I already know. I’m just worried that our main threat is still unknown.
She doesn’t talk about it but I know about that night she talked to Marco. That guy makes me want to tear his head off then shove it down his throat. I am normally never violent despite what people think about me. I use my reputation to my advantage because a person is more likely to spill more information if they are scared.
Being her mate she doesn’t have to say anything. It’s written in her body language and facial expressions. Although she has developed a pretty good poker face I can still read her. Last night when I told her about our first kiss I know she remembered it. I also know what she was thinking at the time.
Like right now, she’s overwhelmed and in awe. This is her first time at the market. Plus it’s a lot to take in and it came be overwhelming at first. All of this she didn’t have to tell me. I can read it in who she is.
I lead her to the seamstress I know. The seamstress is really good and treats me as if I were her son because I have done things for them that they feel cannot be paid back. In return she will sometimes send me back to the tree house with a basket of food or some other thing she thought of. I turn around to find Krystal. Her and pale cloud are standing next to a reputable fabric stall.
I have dealt with the vendor of the stall from time to time. He’s an honest man and doesn’t try to cheat you just to make a profit like some vendors I know. She’s running her hand over a fabric that in another stall would cost a fortune but I know the vendor would be willing to deal for it. Using my appraising skills I judge the value of the fabric. That particular fabric is worth a small sack of gold but I reason that I could get it for a quarter and a basket of bread.
Krystal looks up at me. I know that she wants it. Being a princess she should have at least one fine gown. I catch the vendor’s attention and pull him aside. I said “I brought a friend to the market and one of your finer fabrics has caught her eye. I was wondering if you would be willing to bargain for it. I would give you four crowns and a basket of bread for your children.”
The vendor agreed and wrapped the fabric to protect it from the elements. I left Krystal standing there while I went to a baker and bought a basket of bread. I tucked five crowns into the basket and gave it to the vendor. He thanked us as we walked away. We arrived at the seamstress’ shop after the slight delay.
Walking in the door was the same as if I was walking into my family’s main room albeit a little warmer with the greetings. The seamstress gave me a hug and asked what I was doing in town. My reply was to grab Krystal’s hand and say “my friend here is in need of a new wardrobe. Most of the clothes must be functional because we are living in the forest. However she bought some fabric for a court gown because she knows that her parents will expect her to attend at least a homecoming party.”
Krystal gave Sal the fabric and we watched her reaction to the fabric she was just handed. She said “Pardon my reaction. It’s just that I have never had a fabric this rich come through my door. Your friend has good taste. There is enough here for a court gown. The likes of which has never been seen.”
I smiled. First they worked their way through breeches and shirts. Then they moved to the back room for undergarments. After which they started on the gown. I got to see the rough draft for the gown. Sal was right.
When they finished several hours later I could tell Krystal was tired. She looked like she was about to drop. Sal noticed and offered us the use of her spare room. I accepted because I knew Krystal would not make it home. I pretty much carried her up the stairs.
I laid her on the bed and she was asleep before I even moved. I got ready for bed and slipped in beside her. Pale cloud lay out at the foot of the bed. He was going to keep watch. I fell asleep next to her.
I woke up before the sun to the sound of the market slowly stirring. Krystal was curled up on my chest. I really didn’t want to wake her but I had business to attend to. I slid her off my chest and laid her in the very spot I had been laying a second ago. She rolled over and continued to sleep.
I got dressed and went downstairs to talk to Sal. We worked out a payment schedule. She went back to work on the gown. I went to a baker just down the way and bought breakfast. I carried it to the store.
Sal considered it part of the payment. I carried a sweet roll up to Krystal in an attempt to wake her. She smelt it and rolled over in bed. I shook her shoulder but she slumbered on. Pale cloud was sitting on the armoire. I stood to go downstairs when he launched himself off of it and onto the bed.
She sat up in bed. I said “thank you pale cloud. You accomplished what I could not.” I handed her the sweet roll and she tore into. She looked up at me and said “thank you.” I nodded.
She got up and got dressed. I went back downstairs to work off the payment. Part of it was paid in gold the rest I have to work off. I started by chopping wood. Krystal helped pay it off by actively taking part in the tailoring of the dress.
When they finished the dress, they called me inside. Krystal was wearing it and I could not stop staring. If this was the dress itself I can’t imagine what she would look like with her hair and makeup done. The dress was floor length. It had an ‘I just got out of bed after a long night’ look to it.
It looked like a dress a woman who had just been loved would wear. Krystal was the kind of person to do just that. She was going to shock the fools of court. The only assurance I had that she wouldn’t run off with some fool was the love in her eyes. That was all I needed.
The fabric that the gown was made of was dark blue and black with gold and silver shot through it. It matched her eyes and my hair. Her eyes were of a blue so dark it looked black at times. My hair was so deep a shade of black that they gave my hair its own shade name. It didn’t exist on the color spectrum.
I finally managed to tear my eyes off of Krystal to face Sal. She had a smug ‘my job here is done’ look on her face. For once she was right. It was the likes of which court had never seen. If I’m stuck staring like a love struck fool then everyone at court is going to be unable to handle Krystal. I smiled at the thought.
Krystal changed out of the gown. Sal did final touch ups and prepped the gown for travel. After saying our final good byes the three of us took our leave of the store.

Her biggest surprise

The look on Kay’s face when he saw the finished dress was priceless. He couldn’t help but stare. I loved it. Sal was an absolute genius. Next time I need a new dress I know who to come to. I even told her as much.
I saw the look on her face before Kay but I said nothing. It must have taken a lot of willpower to tear his eyes off of me. I merely smiled. I changed out of the dress and thanked Sal as she did a few final touch ups on the dress. I was going to stun the court. They weren’t going to know what hit them.
We said our good byes and left because we had to get back to the tree house before dark. We entered the forest and I relaxed. I saw Kay relax too. We slowly worked our way back to the tree house. We would stop and check trap lines and snares. He was still thinking on the dress.
We got back to the tree house an hour before dark. We decided to practice. He cleared the circle of all debris and we got to fighting. When we finished it was full dark and you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. I pulled what’s called a witching stone out of my pocket.
The stone started to glow and we could see. I gathered our stuff and headed for the tree house. Kay climbed the ladder ahead of me so that he could get a fire going. Once he was up I climbed up. I went in just as it started to rain.
Kay had the fire going and supper on the hearth as I put the stuff away. We ate and went to bed. We woke up the next morning to a pounding on the door. I dragged my butt out of bed and answered the door. Standing on the other side of the portal was our one time caretaker.
I stepped outside and asked him what he was doing here. He handed me an envelope. The instant I saw it I felt dread coil in my stomach. I took the envelope from him and opened it. I scanned the contents. I can’t believe they would do this to me without telling me.
I told Niph to wait outside for a minute. I walked in to find Kay getting dressed. I didn’t say a word. I just handed him the summons. I know Kay doesn’t get violent very often but he looked capable of murder when he read the letter I handed him.
We packed in silence. When we finished we went outside. Niph was still waiting so we followed him back to the compound. We went in the back gate and went straight to my parents study. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm for Kay.
When we entered the study our parents were there along with a stranger who I’m guessing was the cause of my summons. I laid a hand on Kay’s arm to keep him from strangling my parents. I asked “mother, father, what was the cause for the summons we received?” “We have decided that it would be in the kingdom’s best interest for you to marry.” My father said.
At that minute I was all for throttling them. I kept composed and didn’t show my anger. Only one person knew I was furious. When they said the kingdom’s best interest they meant theirs. I’m guessing that they are sick of the rumors that fly about me and Kay all the time.
What people knew about me and Kay was next to nothing. I said in reply “but what if I had plans to marry another at a time of my choosing? I do not want to marry a stranger I know nothing about. If it is the palace gossip about me and Kay that you are tired of all you have to do is say so. I get that people do not know what happens in the forest. I want to leave it that way or I would lose my biggest advantage in the coming war. You separated us once I won’t let you do it again. That was the worst three and a half years of my life. Who talked you into it? If it was Marco he’s only after power. I refuse to hear another thing about an engagement to a complete stranger, I won’t have him.”
I turned on my heel and walked out. Kay was right behind me. We slipped off to our hideout. I dropped to the floor and Kay followed me. We sat there for a while.
Kay asked me “instead of a complete stranger would you marry a fool who is hopelessly, helplessly head over heels in love with you?” “That depends on how well I know the fool.” “You’ve known this fool since before day one. You know this fool far better than anybody else. You are this fool’s whole world. He knows nothing else but you.”
“I would have to consider it.”
“Well consider it quickly for your parents are determined to chain you to some stranger who doesn’t understand you the way this fool does.”
“Of course I will. I would not deny that I have long since known this was coming. I accept the fool’s proposal.” Kay leaned over and kissed me when I said that. After the kiss he handed me something.
It was a box and in that box was a ring. This ring was absolutely gorgeous. I said nothing as I handed him the box back. He put the ring on my finger. “Now your parents can’t chain you to a stranger.” He said.
He pulled me to him and I laid my head on his chest. We lay there in silence. He broke the silence by saying “would you consider marrying me on the morrow? We could get the village priest to do it. He knows when to keep quiet. We could say that our parents do not approve and are trying to marry you off to a stranger.”
“If you would have me, I would.” I said in reply to his question. He said”of course I would. Did you miss our earlier conversation?” “No. Would I be wearing such a beautiful ring if I did? Of course not, I was just making sure. You never know what might happen.”
He nodded. “Do you want to know the story behind the ring?” he asked. “Of course I do.” was my reply.

Flashback(short chapter)

Flashback (his pov)
It started like any other day. We were up at sunrise and out of the house to check trap lines and snares. You were acting funny that day. I’m guessing it was due to an excess of magic under your skin. We finished early because I knew you wanted to work off some of the magic under your skin.
We got to the house and you all but jumped out of your skin when I handed you a bag of salt. You ran to the circle we had etched into the ground. Setting up you started to calm down. I sat underneath the tree and just waited. You raised a circle and were doing something that to this day I don’t understand.
You started by pulling energy out of the air. Then power from your amulet. You took this and compressed it. You dropped the circle and walked up to the stone that was floating in the middle of it. You held out your hand and said something. The stone fell into your hand.
You motioned me over. I walked up and you handed me the stone.
You said “this stone will only work with one kind of metal. When you find it you will know. Make two rings. If you get the rings and the stones wind up flawed you will know. Find a jeweler who is experienced in metals but not stones. He will treat the stones in such a way that they will not be flawed. If they are flawed during the creation of the rings then they will not work.”
I said “I will do my best.” Then you were sent away. I spent two years living with the rouge wolves finding out all I could about vampires and what advantage they would have if you were gone. Then I spent a year trying to find the metal for the rings. I found it and the jeweler you spoke of. The rings were made and I held on to them.
After the rings were made I disappeared into the forest. I was never seen or heard from for six months till I had a dream about you.
End of flashback

His revelation

She continues to surprise me. When we were in her father’s study I could tell that she was all for strangling her parents but she held back. She kept composed when she was furious. Also the fact that she agreed with my crazy plan surprised me. I love that girl more than anything and she means everything to me.
I’ve been so lost without her. I know I sound corny but it’s true. This girl has been my whole world for so long I know nothing else. I want nothing else. Tonight I have to bribe the village priest but for now I will enjoy her company.
After eating in the kitchen she went to the bathhouse while I went out to the village. To make faster time I shifted and ran. Small fact people don’t know about me. Most shifters shift on the full moon after their 16th birthday. I shifted on the full moon after she left.
I am the youngest shifter alive. The pain I felt over her leaving overwhelmed the pain of shifting. To this day nobody knows. It is a secret that I will take to the grave if I must. I plan to tell her tonight.
After talking with the priest, he agreed. I headed back to the palace. On my way there I ran into Krystal. She saw my wolf form and recognized me. I went behind a tree and shifted back and dressed.
I walked out to find her sitting on the ground. “Hey” I whispered. She looked up at me. She wasn’t mad at me for not telling her. She understood the danger I would be in if I was found.
“I promise I will take this secret to the grave if I have to. Your well being comes first. I do not think I could survive losing you again.” She said. I pulled her into my arms. I have to tell her but I don’t know how to put it.
“The priest agreed to marry us. Also if we go through with this I want you to know that-““you don’t have to tell me. I already know. If we go through with this then my first shift will be the full moon after we marry.” She said after interrupting me.
I heaved a sigh of relief. “I’m just wondering what it will be that will show first. I’m hoping wolf or angel. The rest are functional just not as an active part.” She said. I forgot to mention that the royal family is hybrid.
Krystal is part wolf, angel, witch, demon, healer, and mermaid. Vampires are not allowed onto the royal lineage. The Alpha Heir’s job is to protect the lineage and the family at all costs, even their life. Krystal’s father is a twofold hybrid. He’s shifter and angel. Krystal’s mother is the royal heir. She is a fourfold hybrid. That is where Krystal got her witch, demon, healer, and mermaid from.
I think that there is more to Krystal’s power than meets the eye. I stood up and held out my hand to Krystal to help her up. She accepted and I hauled her to her feet. We walked back to the palace. We snuck in and went to bed.
I woke up before Krystal that morning. I went down to the kitchen and got Cho to fix a tray for the two of us. After carrying it upstairs I opened the door to find Marco climbing out the window. I remained calm and didn’t tell Krystal when I woke her up. We ate and got ready.
We dressed as we normally would but packed a bag of nicer things. We went out into the forest to walk to town. After we were in the forest and a safe distance away from the palace I shifted. Krystal put my clothes in the bag and climbed on my back. I ran to the outskirts of town.
Once there I went behind a bush and shifted back. Krystal threw me the bag that had my clothes in it. I got dressed and we walked into the village. Once there we asked Sal if we could borrow her upper room for an hour. She agreed and there we waited for the priest to arrive.
Sal knew what was going on and was a huge help in pulling this off. I believe we wouldn’t have gotten away with it if not for her help. When the priest arrived she sent him to the upper room. He arrived just as Krystal started to pace. “Finally you’re here. I was about to go crazy waiting.” She said.
The priest only rolled his eyes at her impatience. He conducted the ceremony with Sal as a witness. We said our vows and sealed it with a kiss. After which the priest blessed us and our union. Wearing Krystal’s ring we said good bye and headed back to the palace.
Once there I had to keep Krystal from murdering her parents because they seem intent on marrying her off. I snorted at the thought. They couldn’t now. Not when she had a husband. One who understood and loved her.
Her parents went through with the stupid idea of throwing the engagement party. I smiled. This was going to be fun. I was going to have fun watching Krystal tear her supposed fiancée to shreds then tell her parents she’s married. I was itching for a public showdown because in Krystal’s eyes her parents aren’t worth a pile of horse $#it.
I carried her off to the attic. She didn’t protest. Once there she warded and sound proofed the room. I threw her onto the mattress some idiot once left up here. She didn’t protest when I seduced her and fulfilled my rights as husband and lover.
Lying in her arms afterwards we both knew why her dress had been designed the way it had. We started laughing. I sat up and tried to breathe. Krystal curled around me and laid her head on my leg. I smiled because my bite mark was as clear as a tattoo on her shoulder.
Right about then I felt heat start to build underneath the bite mark on my shoulder. Krystal squirmed on the bed and I knew she felt it too. I felt it build. Then just when I was starting to think someone had laid a brand to my back the heat disappeared. I didn’t have to look to know what it was.
It was my proudest accomplishment. It was what I had been wanting since before I had decided Krystal was it. I lay out beside Krystal and got a nap. I woke up to a pounding on the door. I pulled on my clothes and made sure Krystal was covered and hers didn’t show.
I answered the door to find Niph standing on the other side. He didn’t come in. he said “you and the mistress are wanted downstairs in an hour and a half.” I nodded. He left.
I woke Krystal and said “ready to wear your dress for the first time? We are wanted downstairs by the parents.” She nodded still under the influence of sleep. I got her dressed and down to the room without running into anyone.
Once she was in the room I stopped a passing maid and told her I would need some hot water. She went to fetch it. She brought it to the door and I took it in. I washed Krystal first then got a sketchy wash myself. I had fun putting Krystal into her dress now that she was awake.
Once Krystal was in her dress I did her hair and she did her makeup. Using a little magic she concealed her bite mark and her tattoo. She stood and my breath caught. Sal truly was a gift from the gods. Krystal looked like a goddess and she was mine and mine alone.
There are no words to describe Krystal in her dress. I held out my arm and asked “are you ready to stun the fools of court?” Her reply was to look at me. That was all the confirmation I needed. We headed for the stairs. I went down before Krystal.

Her little secret

After what Kay did to me in the attic I’m surprised I can walk. Let alone go to my supposed engagement party. This was going to be harder than I thought. Oh well I have no choice in the matter. After letting him wash the after traces and the sleep from my body I let him help me into my dress. He did my hair like he has since we started going to these things.
I did my makeup with all the skill I learned in the human world. The result was priceless. My amulet and my ring were the only jewelry I wore. Kay escorted me to the stairs then headed down before me. Head held high I descended the stairs with the most passive face I could muster.
Everyone in the ballroom stopped and stared. The only person I was concerned about stood at the foot of the stairs like a sentry. Even my parents stared. I got to the foot of the stairs and Kay offered me his arm. Like the gentleman he had been raised to be he escorted me around the room.
Introductions were made and the game began. I could tell the gossips were going full force. I smiled but glared daggers their way. Eventually we were called to dinner. Kay and I sat across from each other.
I felt my survival instincts hit full force and I had to suppress the urge to stab whoever was behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. I had two guesses and both were correct. I disliked both of the men standing behind me. “Now that is just plain rude and I know your mother raised you up a lady. Despite all the time you spent in the forest.” Marco said just over my left shoulder.
Kay said” if the lady doesn’t want to talk then she doesn’t have to. Don’t you have some where to be Marco?” “As a matter of fact her parents sent me down here to sit someone next to her so they can get to know one another.” Marco replied.
I growled low in the back of my throat and Kay looked at me. I shook my head. Thanking Sal for her foresight I pulled a dagger out of one of my many hiding spots. The stranger sat next to me and Marco left. The stranger turned to talk to me and I reacted.
Laying the point of the dagger in his lap I said in a low voice “try anything or say anything to me and I will gut you like one of the deer I used to skin. I want nothing to do with you as I have made so perfectly clear in the past. And if that doesn’t work then know that the man across from me will tear your throat out if I fail.”
I put the dagger away and finished eating. When I did I stood up and said “when everyone finishes I would like for you to reconvene in the ballroom.” I turned and left for the ballroom to set up for what I had in mind. I had Kay tell people as they entered the ballroom not to touch the salt circle on the floor.
I waited for everyone to gather a safe distance away from the salt circle I had laid down. Then projecting my voice so that all could hear me I asked “are there any witches present? If so please gather around the circle.” Several stepped forward and lined the salt ring on the floor.
“Now any questions before we begin?” I asked. “Yes. What will we be doing exactly?” a younger witch asked. I could tell he had only recently came into his power. “The witches that line this salt ring will help me to raise a circle and aid in a spell I taught myself and mastered after a day of practice.”
“Now let’s begin.” I said. The witches linked hands but I held my hands by my side. I said the words and raised a summoning circle. I could tell they were confused by the summoning circle. Then I began to whisper the spell that allowed me to pull energy from the light and the shadows. Then I pulled power from not just my amulet but the others as well.
All that energy and power rushed into the summoning circle I had raised. Once it all was there I strengthened the circle and began to compress and compact that energy. When I finished I dropped the circle and approached the stone.
“You might want to move back.” I said to the witches still standing around the circle. They dropped back into the crowd and I applied a slight bit of magic to the stone and it erupted into a mix of shadows and light swirled through with color. Everyone gasped. I let them stare and enjoy it for a little while then I called it all back.
The stone lay in my hand and I pulled some wire out of thin air. I wrapped the stone and strung it on a ribbon. I turned and walked the two steps up the dais. I knelt before my mother and said “as princess of this great realm I felt compelled to give you a gift to honor all that you have done for me. I have come to realize just how much you have sacrificed for the greater good of the kingdom and for me. I pray I am half the ruler you are.”
Deliberately using my left hand to give her the necklace probably wasn’t the best idea. She saw the ring and her eyes got real wide. I leaned over and whispered “y’all had to make me do it. I will not marry a stranger when my heart lays elsewhere. It’s too late to do anything about it now. You never learn. I told you and you did not heed my warnings. I felt compelled to take action. I would not have done so if you had listened. The engagement is off.”
She nodded. I pulled back and enjoyed the fear on her face and in her eyes. She went pale and I curtsied then rose and walked away. Kay hugged me and whispered “you did well. Now they will learn. If anything you will be twice the ruler they were. Let’s get out of here.”
We slipped away and ran to our room. Once there he leaned against the door while I spun once in the center of the room laughing. He smiled and I was pulled in by it. I slowly worked my way to him. Once there I wrapped my arms around him.
Not a word was said as he slowly lowered his head. I could see into the strange eye color he has. It’s not hazel but it’s not green. It’s a cross between blue, gray, black, and silver. I could feel his breath on my face as I got lost in his eyes. Then he slowly closed the gap between us.
I could feel his wolf just rolling off him. He was struggling for control. I ended his little power struggle with a kiss.

Now I gotta leave ya hanging for a while. I will be writing more and updating as much as possible now that the New Year has begun. So please feel free to comment. Hearts are greatly appreciated too.

They both gave in and didn’t fight. After a minute Kay responded to my kiss almost cautiously as if he were afraid control would be ripped from him.
I smiled because if anything Kay had nothing to worry about. He felt my smile and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away from the kiss so that I could stare him in the eye as I led him away from the door. I led him to the bed and stood beside it. He got the point I was trying to make and like a gentleman helped me out of my dress.
Once I was out of my dress I pulled his shirt over his head. What came next was decidedly the best night of my life. Of course I spent it wishing we were in the tree house. He kissed me with a passion that I felt and returned ounce for ounce. His hands wandered my body as I stood before him.
His eyes fluttered close. His lips left mine and worked their way down my jaw to my neck. I rolled my head back to allow freer access. He put his lips on my pulse point and could feel it jump as my heart beat wildly. I dug my fingers into his bare shoulders.
He gently laid me on the bed then lay next to me. With every brush of his skin on mine a fire was kindled. When I thought I would burn from the inside out he set me free. When I could see clearly I saw the wolfish smile on his face and knew what he was planning for me. It said that what just happened was only the beginning.
And so it was a beginning. When we reached an end we both were covered in sweat and exhausted. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. We woke up to our parents pounding on the door. Kay got up and dressed while I headed for the closet.
I got dressed and came out just as they started to ask about me. Everyone started to talk at once and it was giving me a migraine. With the bond we had Kay said “how about we take turns talking? Having everyone talk at once isn’t solving anything. Plus it’s giving Krystal a migraine.”
They agreed. My parents went first. “When did this happen? Why did you feel like you had to marry in secret? Why were we never told that y’all were mates? When did you guys find out that you were mates?”
“We got married yesterday in the village. You were about to marry Krystal off to a stranger. Plus the fewer people who know the less danger there is. We decided when we found out not to tell anyone. Then when we did try to tell you, you sent Krystal off. We found out when we were six.” Kay said.

His true heritage

Her parents just found out. It was funny. They are royalty and they don’t know their own daughter well enough to know when she’s in love. That’s funny to me. I couldn’t help it.
I started laughing so hard I was crying. I couldn’t stop. Finally Krystal said “Kay you need to stop. This is a serious matter.” I stopped because she told me to.
Her parents are fussing over her. My parents are standing there not saying anything. No congratulations, no I’m proud of you, no hugs, no anything. Then Krystal speaks up.
“Don’t you have something to tell Kay? I know I would especially when that secret is why you never fully accepted him. It must be heart breaking for you to look at your son and know that somewhere someone screwed up and screwed with the wrong guy. You might as well tell him now before I do because I’m sick of y’all lying to Kay.” She shook her head.
“What do you want them to tell me? What do you mean Krys? I’m confused. Someone explain it to me. What do you mean never fully accepted me? I WANT ANSWERS NOW. I’m sick of people constantly changing the subject” I said.
I wanted to know and I was going to have answers. My parents said “You might want to sit down. This may take a while to explain.”
“Not long after I met Sam I knew he was my mate. I had no clue that he had been sent out on a mission. I was a wild card in the mission and I jeopardized the lives of the men involved through distraction. I distracted Sam from his mission just long enough for the real threat to go sleeper. Anyways as punishment for my crimes I was raped then branded. I had already been pregnant with you but something happened and you had a twin. After you and your twin were born we gave your twin to a noble childless family that wanted a child. Not only that but you wound up absorbing some your sister’s abilities. You are the legitimate Alpha Heir but you also are not full shifter.” My mom explained.
“That explains so much. Thank you for telling me even if you should have told me sooner. Do you know who my sister is? I don’t want to interfere with her life I just want to know who she is now. Also please do something about Marco before I give into the temptation to kill him. It also explains the third voice in my head. I’ve been able to talk with my wolf my whole life but just recently I’ve been hearing another voice in my head. For some strange reason it wants Marco dead. Plus he scares Krys.” I said.
“I will see what I can do about Marco but don’t get your hopes up. Also if you have ever felt unaccepted or unloved by us, we are sorry. It’s just so hard to look at you sometimes. You remind me of one of my friends who got killed when I should have been paying more attention. “My father said.
I didn’t say anything. I hugged my father and felt a wave of emotions hit me. When that first teardrop hit my face I started to cry. I pulled away after a while and composed myself. Krystal pulled me into her arms and just held me.
She always knows what to do to make me feel better. When I felt as if I could speak I pulled away. I looked around the room at the adults assembled here because of a secret. Then I got curious. “How did you know?” I asked Krystal.
“Hon, I know things that even the masters of their crafts don’t. As to how I found out, there’s magic everywhere. It tells me things.” was her reply. “Now come on. I hear a bow tree calling my name. I need a new one. Especially since someone failed to take care of mine while I was gone.“
She pulled me out of the room and dragged me into the forest. I relaxed and immediately understood why she did it. She was concerned for me and knew that this was just what I needed. There are no words to express my gratitude. Right now though I wish we were back in the tree house.
Living at the palace with a secret as big as mine is stressful. Next thing to ask of the parents but I don’t want to push them too far. Krystal concern for me is properly placed. I’m starting to lose control. He’s starting to take over more often. He normally doesn’t do this but I’ve been here too long.
I followed Krystal to her bow tree. Don’t ask me how she does it, she just does. I sat under a tree and watched her work. She took an ax and cut the tree down then she took one of her daggers and cut the limbs off. Then she peeled the bark off the sapling.
She would be working the stave she was making for a long time. Once the wood was seasoned she would start to shape it. Once shaped she would sand and treat the wood. Then she would work a groove into the wood for the string. When strung she would find out the draw weight of the bow.
If she needed to she could lower the curve of the bow to decrease draw weight. I’m happy now that she’s happy. She started singing while she was working on her bow. I couldn’t hear the words but it sounded like a lullaby. I sat back and kept watch while she worked.
When she finished we headed back to the palace to ask her parents the ultimate question. I’m wondering what they will say. Then again they have no way to deny her request. Technically it’s a formality. As her husband I have the right to take her anywhere.

Her Last Request

Kay took the news pretty well. It may take him some time to get over it though. I guess the fact that I’m here made it easier to hear. After finding an excuse to pull him into the forest for a few hours he relaxed. I do not want my mate exploding into a giant wolf and giving away his secret. If that happened you might as well sign his death certificate.
Being the youngest shifter alive and not giving yourself away must be hard. When I saw him in the forest after he bribed the priest I knew what had happened to cause it. My parents sending me away caused his wolf to take over. That caused him to shift early. Kay doesn’t realize that his sister is so close.
His sister is a court brat. She was one of the instigators that caused him to break his arm. I didn’t attack her because I sensed the link between them. I have known the adults little secret for years. What the adults don’t know yet is that Kay’s mom is pregnant. This is going to be fun.
After working my sapling to the right conditions I threw it over my shoulder and carried it back to the palace. Kay followed me. After storing the sapling for the night we went to the dining room. We sat and ate for some time in silence. Then Kay nudged me to ask them.
“Kay and I have a question to ask. We were wondering if we could live at the tree house full time. Being in court is not good for Kay’s health. Nor is it very good for me. We cannot live here full time. It would kill us.”
The adults took a few minutes to confer with each other. We let them. They gave us an answer. Their reply was “no.” I closed my eyes and inhaled deep. Kay laid his hand on my arm. I calmed down enough to ask “why?”
“If you did, it would fuel the rumor mill for years to come. Not only that but your mother had some things to teach you. They are secrets that have been in the family for generations. Even I do not know them.” Dad said.
“I’m pretty sure I know what it is. I don’t care what the gossipmongers say. I need to get out of court. If I don’t then I risk losing everything. Kay has a secret so big that if he stays in court it will kill him. I refuse to let that happen. Losing him would kill me.” Was my reply.
They started staring at Kay. When they once again denied me Kay softly spoke up. He said “you have no right to deny her. The question was a formality. Being who I am I can do what I want with her. So if I decide to move her I will. She only asked to see what y’all would say. As for the secret it will get me killed. Don’t put her through that.”
I smiled at him. He squeezed my hand. We stood up to leave. The adults were quick to stop us. We stood in the doorway waiting for their reply. They gave us the green light to go ahead.
We went up to the room. I sighed. They never understand. Oh well. I got what I wanted. We gathered our stuff together then went to bed.
We woke up early the next day. I got our pack and we left. The instant we stepped out of the gates I heaved a sigh of relief. It felt so good to be free. I could feel Kay smiling from somewhere behind me. I stopped and when he caught up I spun around and kissed him.
He was surprised but he kissed me back anyway. I pulled away and pale cloud jumped him from behind. I looked back and said “I had nothing to do with that.” Kay shook his head.


Texte: Leeann29
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.12.2012

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