


Reflections of the Age: Healing, Love, and a Hearts' War.





To the lessons of my youth, earned wisdom from my darkness days, and lasting compensations from my labors.”


By Kakorya Freesia



 Copyright © 2014 by "Kakorya Freesia." All legal rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, all private materials, including soft copies and hard copies that are online or off-line, posted on and off public domain pages are copyrighted material by Author "Kakorya Freesia (Denise K. Myrick Davis). All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or phrases may be used for any purpose. Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, for reasons other than viewing use, is strictly prohibited with no written permission to be granted BY AUTHOR.


I Told A Boy

I once told a boy,

Look around and image what you can achieve.


I told the boy, 

You can go anywhere but don’t follow a reckless lead.


I said to him, 

Be the role-model no one was to you,

And help show others that dreams do come through.


I asked him, 

Do you know the difference between friends,

because there are TWO?


The ones that Believe in you,

Take you by the hand and Raise you above themselves,

Who Encourage you,

Support You,

Who don’t always agree with what you do,

But still stand by YOU.


The others are those that: 

Encourage you, but not to do Right,

Will mentor you, but not let you Rise,

Who speak words, but only to criticize,

Who dream, but look at THE NOWAnd say,

This is their life.


I said to the Young Man,

I am proud of you,

For overcoming your obstacles, 

When others gave in.


I then turned to the Young Man and ask, 

Do you see that, Boy?

When you, were Him.



Author Notes _  Created Date: 07-2013

Where Do You GO

  Where do you go?

When you close your eyes, 

Do you soar into the sky.


Do you see the history of our past, 


Your future life.


Where do you go? 

What do you see, 

How does TIME look, 

When you pass through the galaxy.


Do you visit the CREATOR?

Do you talk and laugh, 

Do you give him your grief,

And ask for wisdom and relief. 


Do you stay upon the Earth?

Helping the people in need,

The lonely, sick, and the ones who grieve.


Where do you go?

When You close Your eyes,

Do You soar into the sky.

Do you see your past,


Our future life.


Author Notes _ Created Date: 03/2014

We are NOT our Mistakes

Don’t hung your head,

Down low, 

Nor let a tear, 

Drop slow.


Don’t hung your head,

Down low,

Because you have, 

Nowhere to go.




Those that say,

They know,

What is best.



Why are they not helping you,

Raise above your mess.


Don’t hung your head,

Down low,Living off regrets,

No ones’ always at their best. 


Don’t hung your head,

Down low,Nor let a tear, 

Drop slow.

Besides YOU and the Creator No one,

Knows you,




Author Notes _  This poem was inspired by a song I wrote on 02-2013. 


"I hope that each person, in life, finds healing from old wounds yet sealed."


"Too many people have wounds that don't heal, because there is always someone to make sure they bleed."  


By Kakorya Freesia 

Hate is an Enemy

Your sad,

Your mad,

Because the world,

Has pissed you off.


And it seems,Like,

No one understands, 

So, they push you about. 


But, don't let hate,

Be a friend in your grief.

It will only,

Take your remaining peace, 

And welcome more grief.


Watch, Who you befriend, 

Because hate is not a friend. 


It smiles, 

It comfort's, 

It give's easy.

But, it steals it, In your sleep,

And leave's you to weep.


Hate is An Enemy.


Author Notes _  My inspiration comes from a song I wrote in 2013.

Sky Above Me

    I gaze at the Night Sky,

Standing still,

Filled with a lullaby.


When once mother,

Would pleasantly sing,

And I would dream of a new swing.


I gaze at the Night Sky,

Standing still,

To watch for TIME.


When once I had no fear, 

I felt concealed,

And did not bother with a tear.


I gaze at the Night SkyI am not the same,

I forgot about some trivial child’s game,

I would rather listen to it rain.


Author Notes _ Created: 03/25/2014


"It is not everyone around us that change, it is, what is in US- that change"   By Kakorya Freesia

I Dare To Speak his Name

A god who came from the Sand,

He would not raise his Hand.


As strong as a Raging Storm,

He ordered no Demand. 


Unlike a Wild Horse, 

He would not wander far.


His LOVE for me was Divine, 

He did not have to wait for Time. 


I Dare to Speak his Name,

To see him in my Mind,


To remember that we are kindred and fiery Spirits,

From Once upon a Time.



Author Notes_ Created: 03/25/2014


"To my Soul-Mate, and his Safe, return to Me".

Sad, Why R You

   Why are you sad?

Do you no know,

Can you not remember,

This life moves too fast.


We all have personal plans,

With closing eyes,

We tend to forget,

Divine reasoning at-hand.


Creator did not let me fall,

Did not take me from you,

Nor curse you,

Nor me.


I just forgot, 

I had previous plans.



Author Notes _ Created: 3/25/2014


"The hardest thing to do is let someone go, because you have already made your own plans for them."

  By Kakorya Freesia

You Made Me Cry

  I will bite my tongue.


I need-not say,

What wicked acts,

You have done.


When death,

Should have taken you,

But, you are not gone.


You will win, 

No victory,

Nor Gain immortality.


I hope mirrors of light, 

Reveal your dark deeds,

Until You make them right.


With a spiteful heart you made me cry,

And Heaven’s views, 

Never Lie.


I will not fight,

Nor say,

I’m right. 


I will just pray,

For peace,




Author Notes _ Created: 4/07/2014


"The ones that say they love you, can be your greatest lessons in life."


"I am not strong because I have never cried nor been hurt. I am strong because I have learned that the people, who have made me cry and hurt, only wanted someone's attention." 


By Kakorya Freesia

In the Darkness of my Night

 In the darkness of my night. 


As all I did was sob,

Out of sight,

I could not help,

But ask CREATOR why.


I saw my pain each day,

And questioned,

My own might,

And the value of my life.


How do I grow,

What do I need to learn,

To free my soul and let my pain freely-go.


Who's demons do I fight?

Those that say, 

They love me,

Or what comes from inside.


In the darkness of my life,

I vision only light,

To surround me, 

Either day or night.



Author Notes _ Created: 04/07/2014


"As long as I focus on what's wrong with me, I will never, see nor know what is right within me".  

  By Kakorya Freesia

Dear Creator

I once adored a guy,

Who was smart, smooth, and jolly.  


But like the path of a tsunami,

He transformed, 

And the skies were no longer sunny.


He was a good person,

But his heart was deceitful.

And no matter how I tried, 

To look past his defects and his disguise,

I had to open my eyes.


His meaning of love,

Was a destructive obsession,

So I quickly took notes, jogged, and learned a lesson. 


I lost a few friends from being isolated.

Found-out he lied, because one was a guy, he wanted eradicated. 


He’s plucking the stings,

On my future dreams and I can’t do a thing. 


So, I give you my permission,

To use some divine intervention,

And shed your light,

On my poorly aided decision.


Before I forget to mention,

I did not listen.

Our spirits mingled and jingled,

Which started this infliction,


But, I am grateful that I am SINGLE.




Author Notes _ Created: 04/16/2014


"I got out, but more will go in, and many will not live."


"He or She may say they Love You, but if they don't know how to Love You, its’ not LOVE."


By Kakorya Freesia


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.05.2014

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