

John turner drove to a grocery store from work as he wanted to have a romantic night alone with his coworker. He then grabbed some food and then went to the alcohol part of the store.
"John?" A woman asked as she walked up to John and then hugged him as he turned around. John felt shocked to see his coworker crush at the store and then watched as she took a few steps back.
"I am so surprised to see you here. Would you want to come to my house for dinner, Sally? I will cook dinner." John said as he hoped that she would say yes before watching her look down at the ground. John could tell that she was upset before she looked up at him and then placed her hand on his face before she moved her hand off.
"John, I wish I could. But I just met a guy and he is now waiting for me. I am so sorry. But I can't." Sally said before she turned around and then she grabbed her cart and then leave. John stood there against his cart while feeling his heart break before he started to put the food back and then went and grabbed some heavy liquor.
"I knew it. She wouldn't go for a idiot like me. She is too sexy for person like me." John said as he grabbed the cart and then he walked to the cash register before he got out his wallet and then got ready to pay. John watched as the cashier scanned the alcohol that John had put in the cart and then looked up at him.
"Do you think you have everything? You can go and get some ice cream if you want." The cashier said as she could tell that John was broken hearted by the amount of alcohol. John fake chuckled and then gave her the money before putting the bags in the cart and then turning to the cashier.
"No, I'm good. But I do have a peice of advice for you. Don't fall in love." John said before he pushed the cart to his car and then placed the bags in his car before he put the cart away. He cried a bit when he seen the lonely cart and then turned around and then walked over to his car and then got in and sighed.
"Why do I do this? I fall in love with woman only to find that they are already taken. Ugh, maybe I should give up." John said before he sat up and then he turned on his car and then he started to drive away. John started driving back home to his lonely apartment and then he pulled into his spot and got out before grabbing the bags.
"I guess it's the best, huh baby?" John asked as he looked up to the sky and then went into his apartment and put the bags onto the counter as he went to the bedroom with a bottle of whiskey and sat down on his bed. John then grabbed a picture of him with a sexy girl giving him a tight hug with a smile on their faces.
"Oh, Kayla. Why did someone have to take you away? You never did anything to anyone. I wish I knew that bullet was coming or I'd stand in front of you, even if I didn't know it would be fatal." John said in between sobs as he gently put the picture down and then opened the bottle and then took a big drink. John then coughed and looked up at the sky and watched the stars through his tears before he took a big drink again.
"Why did you want me to suffer, my goddess?! I am sorry if I pissed you off in some way." John said as he fell to his knees while the alcohol flows out of the bottle after falling from his hand and landing on its side. John then stood up and then grabbed the bottle and then finished the little bit of whiskey and then burped and took the bottle to the bathroom and placed the bottle in the sink and went and laid in bed.
"Nighty night, Kayla." John said while looking at the picture again and then falling asleep and staying asleep the whole night while he dreamed of her. In his dream, John looked around and then seen a gun and reached for the gun before a familiar grabbed his arm.
"Baby, dont." A soft female voice said as John turned around and then felt tears forming as he saw who was behind him. A alive looking Kayla looked up and then smiled at him as she held his hands.
"Please don't do it, my love. You have so much to live for. Try to find love again. I want to see you happy. I want you to feel the same way I did the day we met. And I want you to feel the way you felt when we got married. You work so hard for you. And you are an amazing man who should have a second chance at love. I can't come back to you in life. So please don't take your life before it's your time. Live happy for me and please stop drinking." Kayla said as she turned around to leave him alone before he grabbed her arm and watched as dream Kayla looked at him. John then pulled her close and then cried a little in her arms as she held him closed how he missed.
"Please. Tell me if I am going to see you again." John said as tears ran down his face before Kayla reached up and then wiped his tear away. She then giggled as she kissed him and put his arms around her waist and pulled him close.
"I am always here, baby. Don't worry. I may not be able to come back from time to time." Kayla said before John then shook his head and then put his hands on her ass. Kayla giggled as she kissed his neck moaning quietly while John sighed knowing he would wake up soon.
"I'm sorry. I thought we could have one more round. But I'll wake up soon." John said as he walked over to a giant mushroom in the forest they appear to be in now. Kayla went and sat next to him and held his hand and then kissed him before he immediately woke up and sat up.
"I want you back." John said to herself before he rubbed his face and then got up and got ready for work. He then stared at himself in the mirror as he fixed his neck tie and then went and made himself some breakfast.
"Today is a new day. Another day, another pile of papers to sort and process." John said as he sighed and then went and ate his breakfast. John then read the newspaper and groaned as the newspaper said the police department still haven't found his wife's killer after another murder now that he had successfully kill a couple.
"Incompetent police. No wonder I stopped giving them money at Christmas. They clearly don't deserve it." John said before he stood up and then got ready to go to work and then heard his cellphone ring. John then got up and walked over to his phone and smiled and picked it up after it showed his best friend, Drew Henson, was calling him.
"Hey, dude. We got a new girl. You got to see her. She is sexy and I think she will like you. She looks like the type of woman who loves to be dominated by older men." Drew said as John tied his shoes and then stood up and went over to the door to grab his car keys. John then walked to his car and then opened the car door and then sighed as he thinking that Drew was joking with him.
"Very funny, dude. I'll see you at work. Want me to get you a coffee today?" John said before he turned the car on as he waited for a response. John then looked at his phone while he heard Drew sigh as he felt very confused on what was wrong or if he did anything wrong.
"You will see I'm not joking when you get here. And bring me a latte with a few doughnuts, please." Drew said before he hung up as John shook his head and then turned on his radio. John chuckled quietly and then he started to drive to a coffee house as he wished that Drew wasn't so insensitive to his heartache.
"Bro isn't a grown up, I guess. But oh well, I know he was just trying to put a smile on my face. I do needed to smile." John said as he drove through the line waiting to place their orders. John then sighed as he looked at pictures of John and Kayla together again while waiting for the line to move.
"Please Kayla, give me a sign. Is Drew messing with me again? Or is he being serious? What shall I believe?" John said before he shook his head and then drove forward a bit and then looked at the menu. John then smiled as he knew what he wanted to get for him and what to get for Drew even though he wanted to mess with him back.
"What can I get you today?" The voice on the other end of the microphone and then remained quiet. John then took a deep breath as he closed his eyes thinking before he looked up at the mic and watched the screen waiting for him.
"I'd like a latte with two chocolate doughnuts with a Boston creme doughnut. And a caramel frappe with a fritter." John said before he looked at the time and felt a little scared that he would be late. John then shook his head and then looked up at the monitor to see the price.
"Please pull up, sir." The voice said before John sat forward and then drove up to the window while he got ready to pay for their breakfast. John then watched as a woman opened the woman read the order saying every item that John had said before he smiled up at her.
"Here's the money. Keep the change." Jkhn said giving the woman the money before pulling up to another window. John raised the volume of his radio and sat in his car as he waited for the order.
"Uh, sir? Here's your order." A teenage boy said as he held out a bag for John and watched as John turned to look over at him. John then smiled as he grabbed the bag and then started to drive to work as he continued to listen to music.
"Now I hope this will stop him from messing  around with me." John said to himself as he drove into the parking lot and then parked next to Drew's car. John then got out and brought in the coffee and doughnuts and smiled as Drew walked to John and then grabbed his coffee and doughnuts.
"Here you go. Now get your joking ass to work." John said before Drew sighed while he walked away as he shook his head. John began to watch Drew feeling confused and then he turned around and walked to his desk and then started to work.
"I wish I had some headphones. Maybe I will get some after work. But oh well. I should just look up where to get find a prostitute, instead. I really need to find a better path for my life. Though I am sure it won't get better." John whispered as he sat up and then took out his fritter and then took a bite before taking a drink of his frappe. John then sighed and continued to type while he kept his head down so that he would not be able to be distracted by every other employee that was around him.
"Welcome to the job. It would be so nice to meet you. I am sorry I wasn't able to greet you." John quietly said as he typed a email for the new girl before he sent the email to the new girl. A few hours later, John got up so he could go and clock out for lunch before he bumped into a younger girl.
"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Please don't be mad." John said before the woman turned to him and then smiled at him. John felt his face become red as the woman clocked out and walked out of the building before John shook his head.
"Believe me now? Or am I still joking?" Drew asked before he walked past bumping into him feeling upset as John looked at Drew confused. He didn't know what he did to make Drew upset with him even though he knew that he felt upset with Drew when he thought Drew was messing with him.
"Um, yes I do. Do you want to go with me to lunch? I could pay for the both of us." John said before Drew scoffed and then left the room. John then sighed and clocked out and then went to his car and got in and waited to see if Drew was coming with him.
"Fucking jerk. What's your problem?" John asked before he started his car and then he drove away and then looked around for a good restaurant. John then sighed and pulled out his phone after he turned around so he could head home before he typed the number of his boss in and then pressed the call button.
"Hey, my favorite worker. What can I do for you?" A woman asked as John rolled up his window before he got into a drive through line and then took a deep breath. He wanted to tell her about everything that was going on but he knew that she could not wait for him all day.
"I am so sorry to say this. But I am not feeling well. Do you mind if I take the rest of the day off? I will come in as soon as I can once I feel better." John said as he watched the line move up while he wished they could wait for him. John started to get nervous as he thought the people behind him would get impatient before he moved up to the mic while waiting for a answer.
"Oh yeah, that's fine. I'll have to delay the announcement I was gonna have till you come back. But please. Go home and get some rest." She said before she hung up and then John sighed and rolled down his window. John then quickly surveyed the menu as he wanted to get out of there fast as if he was being watched even though there was no one beside him to be able to watch him.
"Can I have a double bacon cheese burger with jalapeño poppers?" John asked before he seen his order come onto the screen and then John pulled up and then got his money out. John looked around as he waited for his food while he started to get really and very hungry.
"Come on, people. Let's get this line going. I need my food. Don't worry about me. I didn't spend a bit of money to get myself some food." John said as he started to get impatient with the people in front of him even though he knew Kayla would not be happy that he is getting upset easily. John then closed his eyes and then took a deep breath before he cheered quietly as the line finally moved forward.
"Let's go!" John exclaimed while moving forward and then got ready to pay for his meal. John then looked at his phone and then put in directions for a park as he didn't want to go back to his apartment. John sighed as he looked up at the sky and then laid back in his seat as quietness filled his car calming him down.
"Oh, they are ready for me." John said as he sat up and drove up and got his food and an abandoned meal before John looked at the bags shocked before he started to drive to the park. John then played some music as he stopped at a red light while he looked in the extra bags that he had gotten. John had felt his eyes become wide as he seen all of the food before he started to finish driving over to the park.
"Now it's time to eat. Even the extra food too. If you did this, Kayla. Thank you." John said quietly as he took out his original meal and then started to eat. John kept his head down as he ate while he wasn't able to see a woman coming towards him.
"Excuse me, sir? I'm gonna have to ask you to move. Your making my kids uncomfortable and I know you are watching them, you creep." The woman said as she slammed onto the table. John then grabbed his phone and secretly recorded the interaction as he kept chewing his food.
"So let me get this straight. You bother a man who isn't even looking up and is actually minding his own business because your kids are uncomfortable. And you are too lazy to take them to another part of the park, so you must bother someone else? Am I correct?" John asked as he kept his voice low and then looked up at the woman. The woman then took a few steps back in fear before she gulped and then walked to him again.
"Listen buddy, me and my children were here first and you are bothering us. What did my kids ever do to you? You are creeping on them and then you attack me when I am only defending them." The woman said as John started to feel frustrated before he stood up silencing the woman. He then looked at her and watched as she started to sob quietly.
"I didn't know you and your kids were here. I did not care. I came here to eat and I didn't want to go back to my apartment. Now go back to your kids and leave me alone." John said before he reached into his pocket and then stopped the recording and then watched as the woman walked to her kids and took them to her suv. John then sighed before he sat down and started to eat again while looking at the trees with the yellow leaves falling to the ground.
"Women are crazy. I wish Kayla was here." John said as the woman earlier arrived and then brought her food to the table. John felt surprised as he watched the woman sat down in front of him and then started to get her food out of her back.
"I'm sorry, is this your table?" John asked before the woman looked up and then she shook her head. John watched as the woman took a drink of her soda with a smile on her face.
"Don't worry. You can sit with me. I am sorry but I heard about your wife. I am so sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it?" The  woman asked as John looked down. He didn't expect her to care about him before he looked up at her.
"All I remember is that she went to the store. But then half a hour later, I get a call from the police chief. I am an old friend of the police chief." John said as his eyes filled up with tears as the woman got up and went and sat next to John moving her food next to him. She then rubbed the tears away from his face as John looked over at him and then smiled a little.
"I'm sorry. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I should not have asked. It was wrong of me." The woman said before they both started to eat again. John then looked at her and then looked down and wondered if she liked old men like him, even though he doubted it since she was very sexy.
"It's fine. What's your name? I know you may not like an old man like me. But I'd like to take you out sometime." John said before watched the woman look up at him in shock. She then started to cough before she grabbed her drink and then started to drink it while John felt embarrassed. John then started to stand before the woman grabbed his arm and watched as he sat back down.
"Please. Don't leave. I do like older guys and you are handsome. But it's just I got out of a bad break up to an amazing and I want to take my next relationship slow." The woman said as John nodded. He knew that she was in pain and that if he wanted to be with her then he would have to take things slow.
"My name is Martha. It's nice to meet you. What is your name?" Martha asked as John smiled at her before he took the extra meal out. John then looked at Martha and then slid half of the meal over to her and then watched her starting to eat her portion.
"My name is John. I am usually a longer since my wife passed but I am happy you joined me." John said making Martha smile up at him before he started to eat again. They knew that they had felt a little happy when they were together but they knew that due to work rules, they couldn't date publicly.
"So why did you leave for the day if you weren't sick?" Martha asked before John turned to look at her feeling shocked. He didn't know how she knew because they had worked on the same floor.
"How did you know I left for the name? I only asked Christy about that." John said before Martha chuckled a little making John look at her confused even though she knew that he didn't understand. Martha then took a breath before feeling John's hand on her back as he thought she was choking before Martha grabbed his hand and then he held it down.
"Mr turner. You never took a sick day. Christy sent all of us an email asking if we knew what was wrong with you. She was worried and it got me curious. Did I do anything to make you want to go home?" Martha asked as she looked down to the ground before John held up his hands. John looked around as he came up with an answer even though he didn't know how to tell her that he was thinking about quitting but he knew that he had to tell her some day so he sighed and then looked at Martha.
"My life. It is a mess. I am trying to get it back to normal but I can't. I am thinking about quitting and I wanted to go home and try to look for other jobs." John said before Martha looked at him and then started to laugh before John got up and threw his trash away and then went to his car. He didn't wanted to be disrespected but he knew that if he had stayed that Martha would have been in danger. And he wanted to make sure that Martha was safe so he got into his car and then started to drive back home.
"Stupid bitch. You don't know how it feels. To make your life over again, to have the pain knowing you can't see the one you love ever again. And the pain to watch the one you love die in your arms." John said as he stopped at a red light and then started to cry hard. John could hear his phone vibrate on the seat and then went to look at it and felt angry when he saw Drew's name before he turned his phone off.
"I have had enough of people being asses. And not even telling me if I upset them. Why does no one tell me? Oh, right. Because they are fucking ass holes! God dammit! Oh fuck. I am so pissed. I need a drink. I need to get home. Fuck me." John said at the red light before he turned to the side and seen that a little boy was watching him shocked and with his mouth open. John then scoffed before he looked forward and then heard the sound of his inbox becoming full and he looked up at the red light to see if he had some time.
"I better see who that is." John said before he picked up his phone and then seen that Drew had filled his inbox. John then groaned and then called Drew and then started to drive back to his apartment.
"Hey, John. I didn't think you would pick up. Look, bud. Martha is really upset. She didn't mean to do what she did and I think you should forgive her. And I mean like right now." Drew said as he looked at his computer as Martha sent him messages that she wanted to Drew to tell John. Drew waited for a respond while looking at naked photos of Martha that she would send to him to get him to apologize. John then started to laugh hard as he pulled up to his apartment and then he parked the car still laughing to the point tears were coming out of his eye sockets.
"Why should I apologize? She laughed at me. You are fucking sleeping with her, aren't you? Well you can have her, I don't want that slut anymore. Tell her I said goodbye next time you see her. And our friendship is now over too, since you think a fucking whore with no heart is better then the man that gave you a home." John said as he started to cry and then he hung up and got out of his car and then slammed the door and then walked up to his apartment. John wiped tears away as he felt his heart break again even though he figured that he had no chance.
"Once I find a place. I will get out of this stupid city and I will be happier. And my Kayla will watch me from heaven. I am sorry to be so stupid that I thought I could make it with anyone else, my dear." John said as he looked at another picture of Kayla before he turned around to the front door. John then went and closed and locked the door as he sighed while more tears ran down his face.
"I should try to get some sleep. I wanna see my Kayla again. But I don't know if it will work. I have to try. No giving up nor shall I give in. Let's go to bed." John said to himself as he walked to his bedroom and then he laid in bed and then closed his eyes. Quietness filled the room as John calmed down and started to fall asleep while listening to the sounds of the city. John walked around looking for Kayla in his dreamland as he stopped blushing seeing Martha in a lace lingerie set and then watched her walk over to him.
"Martha, what the hell are you doing? I thought Drew said goodbye for me." John said as he placed his hands on his head and watched as Martha giggled. She then pushed him onto a soft bed and got ontop kissing his neck.
"Martha, please stop. I love my wife. Karla is the one that has my heart." John said as he watched Martha undo his shirt. Martha then kissed John as Kayla appeared in front of them smiling as she watched them before John lifted Martha up and then physically moved her off.
"I thought I told you to find a new love. Why are you so panicky?" Kayla asked before John stood up and then walked over to her and tried to put his arms around her. Kayla then took a step back and then looked up at him and watched him fall to his knees before he also got onto his hands.
"My dear Kayla, I have failed. I have gotten vulnerable and then she laughed at me. I left and then found out my ex best friend had her. No one is good enough for me anymore. I have no one left. I am going to move and take your memories with me. I will adopt a kid and name her after you." John said as Kayla got on her knees next to him and then rubbed his back. John then looked up at her and watched her hug him tight and close.
"Don't worry. Soon you will be able to join me." Kayla said before she stood up and walked away disappearing as John stood up and watched her. John then ran after Kayla not able to see her again and then he looked around and all he could see in the forrest was Martha on the bed with her legs open.
"You can forget it. You slut. I am not going to sleep with you. This time or any time. So do not talk to me ever again. You think your so cute just because your new? No way. You don't have an advantage over me. I may have liked you. But not anymore. Get out of my dream. And stay out of my heart. And the mess that I call my life." John said as he pointed to a door while the teary eyed dream version of Martha got up and walked up to him. She then slapped him hard making John look at the ground shocked before Martha slapped him a few more times making his face bleed.
"Your just a stupid old man. I don't need you. I am too good looking for an ugly man like you. I dont care about you and I wanted to use you for your money." Dream Martha said before John instantly woke up and looked at his phone and seen that Christy was calling. John then picked up his phone and held it up to his ear before he heard Christy breathing heavily.
"Have you seen Martha? No one was able to see her for hours." Christy said as John chuckled quietly. He knew that Martha was at Drew's house sleeping with him even though he knew he had evidence that they were together.
"Maybe she is being a slut and sleeping with Drew. Why not check his place?" John said as he got up and got ready to look for her house. John noticed that Christy was very quiet as he could hear her sniffling and then heard Drew walk into the office. John face palmed as he heard them screaming in a fight over Drew sleeping with Martha even though there was no evidence and Christy's favoritism to John and that Drew was being kicked out of Christy's house. John then hung up and felt guilty as he didn't know that Drew and Christy were together and John then went and grabbed his car keys.
"I better go look for her. And then come back and immediately pack my things." John said as he walked out to his car and then got ready to leave as he got a text. He could feel his face go pale as he seen who the sender was before he shook his head and then called Christy again.
"Hey, my new very favorite worker. What can I help you with?" Christy asked as she started to clear Drew's desk. John then sat at a red light as he felt guilty and rubbed his head and then leaned on his door.
"First, I want to apologize. I did not know that you two were together. Please don't be upset with me. And second, do you know where Martha lives? I think I know where she is." John said as he looked up at the lights before he heard Christy start chuckling. John looked forward confused and then he watched the light turn green before he started to drive.
"Don't you worry about her, she's an unemployed whore. You showed me the light and you definitely deserve a promotion. I would like for us to meet. Tonight at this restaurant. And dress like your on a date. Thank you." Christy said before she hung up as John turned around feeling confused before he started to head to his apartment. John jumped halfway into his drive as he seen the ghost of Martha and Kayla appear in his car.
"Don't trust her, babe. That's what I did." Kayla said before John parked at the park before he turned to Kayla. John then looked into the mirror and then looked into the mirror and seen a dark line around Martha's neck.
"What do you mean? She killed both of you?" John asked as he looked at the both of them. Then Martha and Kayla looked at each other and then nodded at John and then watched him.
"If you don't get out now, she will get you too. Please John, save yourself. Don't let a bitch like her get to you." Martha said before she disappeared. John then sighed and looked at Kayla before leaning over to her as she watched him.
"Now that I know, I have to go back and grab my stuff and then I have to leave." John said as he looked up at Kayla and then watched her shake her head. John sat up confused before he watched Kayla disappear too and then he shook his head and then he started driving to his apartment.
"Calm down, John. You're just going crazy. No one is going to hurt you. You are not going to die." John said as he pulled up before a ambulance quickly drove into his car making people scream as his car went rolling onto the street. The drivers got out and held their hands over their mouths as they felt shocked that they could do something so horrible to a random person.
"Come on, you dumb dumbs! We gotta go save the person." The paramedic said to the drivers before they all ran to John's car and then pulled him carefully out of the car. The paramedic went and got a gourney and then ran to John pulling the gourney to him.
"Sir, sir. Please don't be upset. We are so very sorry. Please don't die. We're here to help." One of the driver's said as he tried to keep John awake. John mumbled before he passed while the drivers try to keep him awake as they carefully placed him onto the gourney and took him to the ambulance.


 A few hours later, John woke up breathing heavily as sweat ran down his face as a sexual female doctor walked into the room. The doctor gave John a half smile as she walked to the bed and then grabbed his chart.
"Oh my God, uh. I will be back Mr turner. I need to go see about something." The doctor said before she turned around and walked out of the room. John smiled as he took a look at her backside and seen that she was wearing a thong and he could see her shaved pussy. John gave out a little moan before he laid back down as a nurse walked in with a cup of water.
"Here you go, Mr turner. Dr amber told me to give you this. She is really freaked out. Thanks now I have to be with her the rest of our shift." The nurse said before she set the cup next to John's bed before turning and walked out of the room. John then sighed quietly and turned to look at the door as he heard the door open. John could feel his eyes widening as a nurse who looked the same as Kayla looked before she got killed went to his bed.
"Um, hi." John managed to say as he tried not to cry from all the memories and dreams that he had with her. The nurse then wrote down onto a clip board as the doctor had walked in and went to John's bed.
"Details, nurse Jenny." The doctor said as the nurse looked up at her before she pointed at herself while she started to feel confused. The doctor then sighed and nodded before the nurse took a deep breath hoping not to screw up, since it was her first day.
"32D breasts black hair green eyes medium waist small ass and shaved pussy, doctor." Jenny said causing John to get a huge boner. The doctor then gasped and tried to stick a needle into his neck and watched as the needle broke.
"Damn it, Jenny. I meant the patient not about your body. Go and get me a new needle. And do it quickly." The doctor said before she placed a mask over John's face causing him to go back to sleep. John stayed asleep for a few days as the doctors tried to get blood from him only to find their knives and other tools keep breaking.
"We need to document this man. I have an idea." The doctor said as she grabbed John's arm and lifted it up to her face as the nurses watched her scared. John kept his eyes closed so the staff could think that he was asleep still.
"Ma'am, wait! I am here." Jenny said as she walked into the room and then ran to the doctor before she sighed and dropped John's hand. John wanted to groan but he wanted to keep fooling the staff as he came up with a plan to figure out where he was. Amber then grabbed the needle and then sighed in relief as she watched the needle go in.
"Here we go. Just enough blood." Amber said as she filled the vial with blood and then gave it to Jenny. Amber then grabbed a bandaid and then covered the needle mark and then tapped into the area with a smile on her face.
"I will see you later." Amber said before she walked out of the room while John woke up and sat up. The other nurses screamed to see that he is awake before they quieted down when John placed his finger on his mouth. John then looked at them and then started to feel hungry before he looked up at the nurses and then cleared his throat. The nurses then got closer while they waited to hear something come out of John's mouth.
"I am getting hungry. So I'd like one of you to show me the way to the cafeteria." John said before the group of nurses looked over at each other. They all started to laugh loudly while holding onto each other as John looked at all of them feeling very confused.
"Sir, you don't know but we feed you. You don't have to go anywhere. And we make sure you don't leave. So you can relax while you recover." Jenny said as she leaned in while the nurses left. John then looked up at her while still feeling confused even though John tried not to stare at her chest.
"I will go and bring you some food. Now you lay back and relax, sir." Jenny said before she stood up and then turned around and started to walk out of the room. John then watched her before he laid back again placing his arms behind his head while he smiled.
"I could get used to this. This feels so good." John said as he looked up at the ceiling with a smile on his face as he started to feel relaxed. A few minutes later, John looked up as Jenny went into the room with a tray of food for him and then carefully placed it onto his lap.
"Have a good meal, your highness." Jenny said before she stood up and then left the room. John watched her walk out of to the hallway and then he shook his head before starting to eat. John smiled as he felt like he was being treated like royalty even though he hated that feeling.
"I must talk to her. And then I will apologize for how I was treating her. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that." John said to himself as he kept eating. John then looked up as he seen the tv on the opposite wall start up and then play a football game.
"I am not much of a football man. But alright. I guess this will do." John said before he looked around and watched as nurses walked past his room. John started to feel curious but knew that if he got up, he would get into trouble.
"So if I wait, I will be able to find a time to be able to look around and not get into trouble. This is my most greatest plan." John whispered as he continued watching the game. A few moments later, John yawned and fell asleep as the nurses came in to check up on him.
"Let's tie this one up. We need to make this one into food." One of the other nurses said making John wake up while still keeping his eyes closed. Jenny then ran into the room and went to the nurse and took her out of the room.
"I wonder what that was about. But oh well. Let's take him to the operation room." One of the other nurses said before they all rolled him out of the room. John could feel them moving his bed before they stopped in a freezing cold room.
"Everyone, go and get everything we need. I will go and get the paperwork." The nurse said before they left the room and got everything ready. John then stood up and then snuck out of the room and then walked around the hospital.
"What kinda place is this?" John asked himself before he went inside a broom closet to hide from some nurses. John started to breath heavily as the staff went crazy while trying to look for him.
"I wonder what they want with me." John said to himself as he looked out of the window while hiding himself.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2022

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