

You can't yell at a person when they cry or get upset when you bring up a subject that is sensitive to them. They may have never gotten the closure that they need. You think they are being a cry baby when they are experiencing pain that you, yourself, put them through. You can not expect someone not to cry when you put them through pain. They don't ask to have the emotional pain nor did they ask you to be a jerk about it. Everyone needs to understand that if a person has emotional pain, then they need to do anything they can do make the people better. You can't choose how others react, what you can choose is what you can say to others and how you treat them.


 Men, when you try to plan a life with a girl and then you go and say "I don't know if I can see a future with you." then it's gonna hurt her. It tells her you don't want her in your life but you want to be nice saying it. And if you do say that, be prepared for her not really knowing what to talk about. You shouldn't expect women to like you and not think of a future with you. 


 If a girl says she don't want to be with you, DO NOT STOP HER OR TELL HER HOW TO FEEL. The more you tell a girl what to do, the more she wants to get away from you. Women are not pets, they do not appreciate having a guy, WHO DONT LISTEN, tell her how she is supposed to feel. When a woman wants to leave, it means she no longer feels happy with you. And if she does have a problem with you, listen to the woman and then take into a effect a change of your character and yourself  for the next person. DO NOT USE HER PAST AGAINST HER. if you know that she was cheated on, it is not ok to say that you hope her next partner cheats. 

And if you play the victim, then your asking the person to leave. No one will have time for a person who won't take responsibility for their own actions or words. So if a CERTAIN MAN is reading, stop playing the victim and maybe you'll have more luck in love. 


Being in a polyamorous relationship is just sick. We were not put on this earth to be in a relationship. Why be in a relationship when the other person is already in a relationship? it's absolutely disgusting. People need to realize that being in a relationship with a person who is already taken is not sexy. It's disgusting and gross and why people won't be trusting of others. we should go back to where there's only one person for one. NOT FIVE PEOPLE to one person, A RELATIONSHIP WHERE ONE PERSON IS WITH ONE PERSON. 


Men, just because we say we are good or guess we're good at blowjobs. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE WANT TO GIVE YOU A BLOW JOB! When we say we want to give you blowjobs, that means we want to give you a blow job. So stop assuming if you do not know the facts. 


If your neighbor is trying to make you happy, do not bully them. They are are trying to get your respect. let them love in peace. unless they are actually bothering you, LEAVE THEM ALONE! Not only are you bothering them, you are bothering their family. The people who will fight back for them. if you are the ones bullying my mom, back the fuck off. I have no problem bringing the police into this. 


Hey, everyone. I am so sorry it took me a while to add a new chapter but this is something I have experienced and I need to say something. And I know this will be long so bear with me. Now, if you see a girl and she tells you what she wants and she shows you she's fine. LEAVE HER ALONE. Don't walk after her. Don't go to your vehicle and watch her. Just walk away and stay away. You don't need to stick around and keep making her uncomfortable to the point she's walking away crying in fear of what you're going to do since you don't have the point when she tells you that she wants you to leave her alone. I will give you all context on what happened here in a moment, but let me continue. Anyway  if you see and hear the woman is to the point of crying and calling her partner because of you, then shame on you. And if the man who harassed me on Saturday September 23rd 2023 around 8:50 PM, fuck you. I can't leave my house alone without freaking out. I can't trust any new strangers at all because of you. I told you that I was fine and that I was not being abused in any way. I told you I had a boyfriend but he is actually my husband and that you didn't have to worry about me. And you go and keep talking to me even though I showed I wasn't interested. 


You ruined my mental health and you made me feel like everyone's out to get me because you had nothing better to do with your life then to harass a women. I hope your happy knowing what you have done to me and I hope you know that my husband saw you that night and he wanted to fight you but he stopped you and I begged, IN TEARS MIND YOU, for me and him to go home. And thanks for destroying the confidence I had in myself, your a piece of trash.


Now here's the context,


I was waiting for my husband (oh dude if your reading he is my husband so there you go) to get home and he went to me we started talking and he asked what I wanted and I told him and he's like "to do drugs?" And I'm thinking "the fuck? I do vape now and then but I'm damn sure I don't do drugs." And I said no to hang out and have dinner. He walks away and I start to pace because now I'm uncomfortable and I text my husband "Hey are you coming home??" as I'm starting to cry because I am scared at this point. A few minutes later, no response so the dude comes back and asks me again what I want and I repeat myself and he said "well he's not here. So what do you want?" And I'm thinking "ok the dude is either dumb as hell or he's trying to kidnap me" so I stand next to the front door to the hotel I live in and I see him get into his truck and I start to leave because behind my place was an alley and I knew that if I can hide there. Now I'm crying because I'm starting to get terrified of what he is going to do to me. The dude starts walking behind me trying to talk to me. So I just kept walking to make sure that I am safe from him while I'm crying calling my husband. I raise my voice, which I never do to anyone because I try to be nice but the dude isn't backing off, so I think "run to husband's work. I will stay near him" and I'm passing the bar where the guy finally stops chasing me and I'm running past people sobbing in fear until I get to my husband and I tell him what happened and he got pissed and so were walking home he goes to a corner and sees the dude, now I'm getting anxious again thinking he's going to confront the dude and he's going to get her so grab his coat sleeve and beg him for us to go inside.


Thanks for letting me rant and letting me tell you the story. But seriously dude, if your out there reading this. Fuck you, and get a life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2022

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