
Chapter One

"Hey, Azaria wait up'' I sigh to myself and fake a smile before turning around.

''Hey Kyra, what's up?'' She looks like she had ran a mile not down the corridor to get to me.

''Mr. Arnold said that since I missed all of lesson last week to practice for my AMAZING dance performance last night. that I should come to you since you made a ton of note for the English exam'' She brags then eventually gets to the point.

Holding back the urge to slap some sense into her, I rummage through my bag and hand her my notebook filled with all the notes that I'd made last week.

''Here. But I need it back ASAP'' I warn her. She just roles her eyes and flips her hair over her shoulders . Muttering a small ''Yeah, whatever'' She struts off like she owns this bloody school.

Kyra Stokes. The girl who is the most 'fake' from all of girls in my school. She acts like she owns everything and whenever something doesn't go her way, she will go complain to daddy or if somebody gets in her way, she'll squash them like a bug under her foot. You'd think that all girls with blond hair are just bimbos (no offence to anybody with blonde hair though) trust me, even with dark chestnut hair, she makes blondes look like Einstein.

I'm guessing your wondering if I hate her that much then why did I give her the notes? Well you see, her parents know mine and whenever she would get a bad grade in the past she would always go complain to her daddy and somehow mysteriously my parents would find out. I'd always get the lecture of how I should help her, achieve higher and so on. So to cut the lecture crap that I'd know I'd get if I didn't help her, I just gave her my notes.

Releasing another sigh I walk out of school and into the place that my friends and I like to hangout. Sitting by our tree, I plug in my headphones and close my eyes. Not even fived minutes later I feel someone smack the side of my head.

"Ow you bish, you could have warned me'' I grumble and get up. Ace just smirks.

''I could have but it was more fun getting you up this way'' I glare at her and sit more comfortably.

''Whatever'' I mutter and close my eyes again.

''Don't make me get you wet girl, you know I will'' Ace warns. I don't heed what she says and mutter a simple 'Ha, I'd like to see you try'.

My eyes shoot open and my body jumps up when I feel water connect with my body. I look down to find my white shirt now see through, allowing everybody to see my purple pokka dotted bra. My cheeks heat up a little and I look to find Ace grinning mischievously with a 2litr bottle in her hand.

''Ace you might wanna run now'' Jay, another one of my friends warn her.

''I think so to so....... BYE!'' She throws the bottle at me, attempting to put me off track so that she could gain some time to run for her life.

I smirk evilly ''You better run you evil bish, your soo dead now'' Not caring who sees me, I chase after her.

Acacia Marcella, Ace for short. I have know her for 7 years now, along with Jay and Raiven, another friend of mine.

Ace is the youngest from all of us, She's gonna be 18 soon. She's got black/brown hair that nearly reaches her butt and its super straight. Emerald green eyes, her skin is flawless and she doesn't need any make-up to catch the eyes of most of the guys. Ace isn't very tall nor is she short, I'd say that she is around 5''4 and is cute for her height. Like the rest of us, she has to abide by the school rules and wear uniform but that doesn't stop her from keeping her tie super loose, to be honest I don't blame her..... seems like the school wants us to choke to death or something by making us keep our ties perfect all the time.

Jaya Mackenzie or Jay for short, she's like one of the guys. She is more confident in talking to guys, I'm not talking about flirting or anything like that, no. More like they treat her like a younger sister or in some cases a big sister. Jay likes to dye her hair a lot. She's had purple, blue, green, mahogany, you name it but she has gone back to her natural hair colour. She hates make-up and likes to keep her face from looking like a doll, her mom sometimes wished that her daughter would act a little more girly sometimes, but knowing Jay, she's kill you before you got close to her. She loves sports, she can do Karate and boxing so most guys be careful of her because when she is pissed off you'd better run.

Raiven Garcia. Out of all of us, she has the brains, in top sets for nearly everything. She has stormy grey eyes and raven black hair, thus her name Raiven. From all of us, she is like the momma. The person along with Jay who we go to when we need a person to talk to or need advice.

Did I forget to introduce myself? Well I'm Azaria Ximeria, an average girl with jet black hair and purple eyes, weird I know but they have always been like that colour. I'm not a big fan of make-up but I wear it here and there, I'm going to be turning 18 in a few weeks and I guess there's not much to know about me really. I'm just a girl who's not really sure of life right now.


Chaper Two

I was head on her heels, realising how close I am she sprints as fast as she can.''Ace I'm going to get you for this for sure, one way or another'' Everybody is staring at us by now, I don't understand why though..... I mean this happens nearly everyday.''No you won't'' She shouts back.Speeding up my pace, I shout ''Yeah and why's that?''''Because there's someone in your way'' I don't understand what she means until its took late. I end up flying down the corridor and land awkwardly onto my hand.''Ahhh, you fucking bitch, your going to pay for this'' Great, anyone but her! '' Azaria I am going to pay big time'' She get's right into my face.''If you can't see already, my hand doesn't look right and it doesn't help that you have your caked up face soo close to mine that I can smell your manky breath'' I try to move my head away but she pulls at my hair. ''WTF is wrong with you?'' By this time a massive crowd had gathered around is.''Me? What's wrong with me? You made me break a heel!'' I roll my eyes and kick her legs so that she falls onto the floor, causing her to let go of my hair.''Yeah, your heel might be broken and you can buy a new one but my hand is broken, you think you can buy a new one for me along the way?'' I say sarcastically, trying to get up but failing resulting me to fall onto my butt.''Shut up you bitch, I don't know who you think you are but your soo dead now'' She threatens.I scoff ''Who I am? Oh I'm just Azaria Ximeria, average girls.... not so sure about you though''.Again I attempt to get up but before I nearly fall, someone grips onto my uninjured arm, preventing me from falling. I look up ad find Raiven, Jay and Ace glaring at Kyra and her minions.''I don't know who you think you are but face it, you don't own this school so don't act like you can walk down these corridors like its the red carpet or something'' Ace starts.''Get away from me, you fake twit'' She attempts to smack Ace's face but before she can, Jay twists Kyra's arm.'Have you looked in the mirror lately? Because the only fake one here is you'' She says in an angry yet calm voice.''WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?'' Oh joy! The principle is here to share some of the fun.''Sir, she's hurting me, I didn't even do anything to her'' Kyra starts to cry crocodile tears. Jay lets go of her arm and moves to my side.''Are you ok?'' She whispers, I shake my head.''I think I might have broken my hand''''Jay, what do you have to say?'' The principle faces us after talking to Kyra. Looking at the smug look on her face I know that something is wrong, or is going to happen.''What do you mean sir? I was only defending a friend from getting hurt'' Jay says in a confused voice but I know that she is trying to keep her anger at bay.''From what I hear, the four of you came onto poor Kyra and her friends like a pack of wild dogs''I hear Raiven scoff and mutter ''More like the other way around'' The principle turns and glares at her.''Do you have something to say Miss. Garcia?'' Before she can reply Ace speaks up.''Yeah she does, in what was has Kyra been hurt? Minus her bruised ego?''Principle Mandrix turns back to Kyra before facing us again. ''The fall caused by Miss. Ximeria has caused Kyra to hurt her ankle''''What about my hand huh? I think its broken'' I speak up, the Principle looks at me and then at my hand.''You'll survive'' He says in a flat tone before helping Kyra to the nurses room, her minions follow behind like lost puppies.Before Jay can go back and finish off what she wants to , even with the Principle present, Raiven grabs her arm.''Not yet, we need to get Azaria to a hospital to check up on her hand'' She says.'Who the fuck does that Principle think he is? She says angrily.''Exactly, I honestly think that something fucked up is going on between them, I mean he calls her by her first name either that or he is being bribed'' Ace pipes in.''Guys'' I groan ''My hand''They all snap out of it and quickly assist me to Jay's car. It wasn't that hard, the whole corridor had been cleared as soon as the Principle came.We arrived at the hospital and had to wait a few hours before I could finally be seen. A few X-rays later. it was confirmed that indeed I did have a broken hand. The doctor put my hand in a cast and told me not to wet it before discharging me.''Damn girl, why didn't you get the red one? It'd have matched your cheeks'' Jay remarks.''Nah I'm glad you got purple, it matched her bra..... too bad she couldn't get white as well, then it'd have matched perfectly minus it not being pokka dotted'' Ace winks.''Guys seriously'' I groan when they high five each other.''I'm guessing that your parents have found out about it already?'' Raiven comments, I nod my head. ''You could stay at mine if you want'' She suggests.''Or mine'' Jay and Ace chip in.'' As nice as ya'll are, I cant and anyways I'd have to face the music sooner or later'' I say ''But thanks guys''Jay drives us back home, me being the first stop. ''GOODLUCK AZARIA'' They all shout.''Cheers guys, I'm going to need it.... maybe more'' I say before walking up to my house.... more like doom!

Chapter Three

With a groan I struggle to get my keys out of my bag. I quickly but silently open my door, hoping that my parents or better yet, nobody is home. Closing the door, I tiptoe to the stairs, I manage to make it to my room before I can get busted.My room is very simple really, a queen size bed, with blue and purple clovers, pillows, light blue walls with a few patterns, my white draws, a couch in the corner of the room, mirror  opposite my draws, window is on the right side of the room with blue curtains, brown floorboards and a simple purple rug, a small bookcase across the empty wall to my left and pictures of my friends and I, posters, drawings and little notes scattered across the walls. I wouldn't say that my room is big but it isn't small either, I don't really care, for me its a place that I can escape from life and cocoon myself in my beds warmth.My laptop lay across my bed, untouched. Thank goodness!After getting changed into something more comfortable. I grab my laptop and log in I wait a few minutes and then lo onto a site called 'Quotev', I introduced it to the guys and we're met some amazing people on there. They are soo fun to talk to, we might not be able to see them face to face wise but it seems like even though they can't see you, they wouldn't judge you if they ever did.I go onto my profile and follow any new followers before taking a few quizzes for a while. The small chat box at the bottom of my screen flashes yellow on a person's name.Ryder: HeyAzaria: HiRyder: What's up?Azaria: The ceiling? :LRyder: Haha, very funny :PAzaria: Joking, but nothing really, just a new broken hand that I can add to my record of broken bones I've had so far.Ryder: How? Are you ok?Azaria: Yh, this idiot tripped me up when I was chasing after Ace for throwing water on me and I landed awkwardly landed on my hand.Ryder: I'm guessing this idiot has to be Kyra?Azaria: Yeah >:(Ryder: Did she do anything else?Azaria: Yh, kinda Ace and Jay got super angry and I think they wanted to hu-Before I could reply, my brother came into my room.''Azaria, dinners ready so come down'' He closes the door.Azaria: Gotta go, talk to you later..... Bye  :DRyder: ByeI sigh and log out before walking downstairs into the kitchen.I'm seriously going to need Ace, Jay and Raiven's good luck from earlier.

Chapter Four

I sit down in my seat as dinner is being served. Nobody talks for the first five minutes until my dad breaks it. (P.s talking in native language but its being written in English) ''So I've heard something'' My dad starts, I look up at him blankly. ''Mmhm?'' I mumble, just get this dang this over with. ''First, how did you  break your hand?'' He asks, I look down and fiddle with my fork. ''Someone got in my way, when I was chasing a friend down the corridor and caused me to fall and land on my hand awkwardly'' I say clearly, hoping that he would understand.He nods, ''Who and why were you chasing that person down the corridor?'' ''Ace, she threw water on me and I was trying to get her back'' ''So who exactly did you bump into?'' He says, I give him a 'wtf' look. ''Why are you asking me these questions if you already know what happened?'' I say, annoyed. Anger flashes through his eyes. ''Her father came and complained to me about how my daughter and her friends hounded her along with her own friends and attacked them'' He bellows. I stay emotionless in my chair. ''I did not raise you like this, I raised you better'' ''Well maybe, you fucked up somewhere along the way, wait I know, you started believe others over your own daughter'' I felt a sharp sting in my right cheek. ''Maybe if you fucking cared once, then you'd realise that half the things that she's says are full of bullshit'' Getting up I leave my plate untouched. ''Azaria, sit down and finish off your dinner'' My mother shouts as I leave the kitchen. I don't reply and walk back to my room. The clock on my wall shows that its 9pm, I grab a bag and stuff a few clothes, toiletries and other necessities before grabbing my car keys. I open my window and through my bad out of it, before getting out as well. I walk to my car and drive off, kinda hard if you ask me, with a broken hand and all. My phone goes off, I ignore it but when I hear a familiar ringtone I answer. ''What? I say ''What do you mean what? Girl you ran away from home!'' Ace shouts through the phone. ''No I didn't, I just packed a few things and left for a bit, I need some time to cool off', and how did you find out?'' I ask. I park my car into the nearest take out place, ''Burger King'' ''Your mom called mine and asked if you came here, she said no and I'm pretty sure that she did the same to the others'' She explains.I groan ''Why can't they stop for a while?'' I scream. ''One sec, Raiven's on the line'' She adds the Raiven to our conversation. ''Azaria Ximeria where the fuck are you?'' She shouts. I wince slightly and mutter ''Burger King'' I hear Ace burst out laughing. ''Only you would do that Az'' She says. ''What? I'm hungry and besides I haven't eaten all day'' I defend myself.''Only you Az only you'' I hear her chuckle ''Anyway, come over your staying at mine'' Before I can put the offer down she cuts me off ''Now'' I hear Raiven sigh ''Call your mom so she knows where you are''We hang up. I hit my head onto my steering wheel, muttering ''stupid, stupid, stupid'' Over and over again.I walk into Burger King and order what Ace and I normally get before walking back to my car and to her house.

Chapter Five

''Thanks for letting me stay over, you didn't have to you know'' I say for the I don't even know how many times. ''Shut up Azaria, you and I both know that no matter what we have each other's back and besides I couldn't leave you out there in the big bad world now could I?" She says sarcastically. ''Yeah, true though'' I mutter. ''Get some sleep, girl we're all going to need it for tomorrow'' Sighing, I get into my Pj's and get into get into the side that I normally sleep on whenever I stay at Ace's. ''Night'' I yawn, I don't even hear her reply because I am out and into my own dreamland.

I feel something touch my face, I open my eyes and shoot out of bed when I find Ace's baby sister's face grinning in mine. ''Da Fuq?'' I scream ''Avery what did you do?'' I ask her, walking towards the mirror. ''Nothwing'' She says trying hide something behind her back, I look in the mirror and freeze. My face has been marked by Ace's make-up. Oh Avery is soo dead by her big sister and me. ''Come here you little rebel'' I chase around the room after her, she giggle causing me to laugh even more. Acting like the big bad monster I pic her up and put my figure to my lips ''Shh, wanna wake Ace up?'' I smile evilly. She nods her head vigorously. We get a bucket of water and scream at the top of our lungs before throwing it all onto her ''WAKE UP ACE''She screams and we runs out of the room with her hot on our heels. We run into the kitchen, somehow, Avery disappeared. ''What was that for?'' She screams. ''Yesterday, you threw water on me so its payback'' I say calmly. ''I was sleeping'' She defends. ''So was I and we're gonna be late if we carry on arguing'' ''More like you are, Avery did that?'' She looks at me, before it dawns her what Avery drew with, ''AVERY'' she goes to search for her little sister. I walk into her bathroom with everything I need and get ready, luckily it didn't take long to get the make up off. Ace walks in and gets ready after I finish. We both take my car to the hell we call school. ''OMG DID YOU HEAR??'' A random chick comes up to us, I think her names, Esme. ''What?'' Ace replies sleepily. ''The whole incident from yesterday it up on the internet'' I look at Ace only to find her looking at me already. ''Show us'' We both say. Esme does, by the end of it, I didn't know what to feel, I wanted to laugh my head off but then I wanted to rip Kyra's head off instead. ''I don't know who did that, but they seriously need to get a life'' I say before walking off.

Throughout the whole day, everybody was talking about the video. By the end of the day, I'd had enough an exploded ''FOR FUCKS SAKE, IT WAS ONLY A VIDEO..... GET OVER IT'' ''Your just loving the attention aren't you Azaria'' She drawls out bitterly. I turn and glare at her, man if looks could kill, she'd not only be 6ft under but past the point of anybody even finding her. ''What the fuck are you talking about?'' I say,  she glares at me. ''Exactly what I said, I'm pretty sure that one of you put that video up just to get attention'' She stomps her foot.I roll my eyes ''Looks I'd rather be talking to a dog right now then you, more then the person who uploaded that video I wanna hit you soo badly right now, so I suggest you leave me the fuck alone and make sure it stays that way'' I say before walking to my car. Jay and Raiven weren't here and it was really lonely without them, Ace and I were getting pissed off with everything that was going on today. Ace was already by my car when I got there. ''You saw?'' She nods her head. ''Your not the only one that wants to hit her so badly and I found out who put up that video'' I look at her, she moves her head in the direction of the person and I turn my head. Remi Ronald I walk up to him, when he sees me he smirks. I don't care I punch him square in the face and am satisfied when I hear a crack. I walk back to my car and get in, Ace does the same. ''Damn girl who knew you had it in you?'' She whistles ''He should have know not to piss me off'' I mutter. The whole week passed and somehow news spread about me punching Remi. Jay came back but Raiven is still sick. The last week of school was dreadful, a bunch of exams and Kyra didn't even give my notes back, that bitch. But I got through it all, now I just have to prevent myself from loosing my head for my results in August.

Chapter Six

I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW'' Ace screams. We were all going to go travel the world before we head off to university, we're all going to different ones so we thought why not have a last trip because who knows when we can have fun together again. ''LOL, I think none of us can Ace'' Jay laughs ''I hope you packed everything guys'' Raiven informs us ''You can't come back if you forget anything'' ''Yes mom'' We salute her and burst out laughing. ''I'm soo glad to get out of that hell hole'' I say, they all agree with me. The day soon flies by and we're all on our way to the airport at 5am. We were all too lazy to get dressed so we came to the airport in our Pj's. Jay was wearing a batman onsie with the hood over her head and black her converse, dragging her luggage lazily behind her. Raiven was wearing standard black and red checked trouser with a checked shirt and  black jacket and ugg boots. Ace is wearing a grey top that said ''5sos, 5 Seconds Of Summer'' and trousers that go to her knees with black knee converse. Me? I was just wearing grey joggers, plain white top with the writing 'Blah, Blah, Blah' across it in blue and a black and grey jacket with black vans. Each of us carrying a bag holding anything we need.We boarded the plane and sat in our seats, as soon as we were in the air we all fell asleep. ''Attention, attention, we will be landing in a few minutes so please turn off any electrical devices please'' The air hostess informs us.We do as she says and wait for the plane to land. We waited for our bags to be collected, I need a bathroom break so I tell the others and head in the direction where the bathroom is. After finishing my business, I walk back but I can't find the others, I reach into my pockets for my phone, but it isn't there. ''Shit'' I mutter, then groan. I left it in the bathroom. Hurrying back I walk to where the bathroom was and weird enough, my bag was there. I looked inside and everything was still there. ''That's weird'' I shake my head and get my phone out. Finding Jay's number I call her. ''Jay, where are you guys?'' "We're at the front, sorry we left this idiot thought that it would be funny if he grabbed Ace's bag but we've got it back now'' ''Ok, wait there, I'm coming in 5'' I hang up and find my way around the airport. It took me more the 15 minutes to find the others. ''God, girl where were you, thought you had gotten kidnapped or lost'' Ace said. ''Wow, I sure feel the love'' I remark. We find a taxi to take us to the hotel we will be staying at for the next 3 days.'The Big Apple Hotel'' (I wasn't bothered to be creative and come up with something better) We walked to the front desk and asked about our reservations. ''What do you mean, we made those reservations two months ago, check again please'' I could hear the frustration in Raiven's voice.vThe reception guys checks again and then says ''No, there has been no mistake Miss. Garcia'' ''It can't be, I'm 100% sure that I made reservations'' She persists. A man close by hears the commotion and asks what the problem is. ''We had made reservations for the four of us but this man is saying that there has been none made'' I say. ''Ma'am, who's name did you put it under and who's name did you say?'' ''Mine'' ''Did he spell it right?'' The man asks the person at the desk, he nods. ''How do you spell your name?'' Raiven does as the man says and it was in actual fact, the mistake of spelling that caused this whole commotion. Getting the keys to our rooms, we thank the man before walking into the elevator.

Chapter Seven

''I'm getting some sleep, Ya'll might wanna as well'' I look at Jay ''I know your half asleep already'' leaving them behind I walk into the furthest room. I open the door and slip inside before switching on the light. The walls were black, the bed was black, white and purple with two lights above it, a white desk on the side, black carpet, there was a small couch in the corner and opposite the bed there was a TV and the balcony gave off a nice view of New Your City.I plug in my charger and charge my phone before taking my shoes off and diving straight into bed and letting sleep take over. ''WAKE UP AZARIA'' ''Noo, leave me alone'' I swat at her face. ''Now, before I do something'' She says with an evil glint in her voice. ''OK, I'm up, I'm up'' I jump out of bed and put my hands in surrender. ''You have an hour to get ready, so hurry up'' Ace leaves the room. I groan and check my phone for the time '11am' dang seriously soo early? But I just sigh and walk into the bathroom with my underwear after leaving my clothes for the day onto my bed. Walking out of my bathroom in my black and blue underwear, with my hair dry and body moisturised, I put on my clothes. grey sleeveless top with the batman logo on it, black skinny jeans, utility green jacket and flat mustard boots. I open up my small jewellery box and wear a few friendship bracelets, a black ring on my index finger, a simple chain and change my nose piercing to a silver nose ring. I out my hair into a messy bun and leave the room with no make and just a side bag with everything I'll need for the day. They others are waiting in the lounge area. Jay is wearing a simple white shirt, grey trackies and black high tops. Raiven is wearing maroon skinny jeans, baggy grey jumper, black vans, grey beanie and a red scarf around her neck. Ace is wearing a white sleeveless shirt with a pineapple picture on it, black, maroon and white checked denim shirt,  washed out blue jeans and black low converse. ''How early did you guys wake up?'' I yawn, glaring at Ace. ''Ace woke me up'' Jay mutters. ''Not me'' Raiven says. ''I'm hungry, lets go to the little café across the street'' Jay suggests. ''What about the one in the hotel?'' Raiven asks. ''Psht, we're going to the café across the street'' She walks away and we follow behind her. ''How do you even know about this place?'' Ace asks as we sit down with our drinks. ''On the way here I saw it, and I thought that it would look like a nice place to come'' She says. Its true, this place does seem nice. brown walls with only a few pictures, when you walk in on the left there are some booths were you can sit and drink or eat, on the right there is a display of desserts and in front is the counter when you order what you want. The café smells of homemade cakes, and cookies. ''Yeah, yeah'' Ace says taking a sip of her hot chocolate. ''Anyways, what do you guys wanna do first?'' I ask taking a sip of my green tea. ''Liberty statue'' ''Museum of modern art'' ''Hit the shops'' Jay, Raiven and Ace say at the same time. ''Hmm, how about we see the statue of liberty first, then the museum and tomorrow we go shopping?'' I suggest. They all agree and we finish off our drinks before walking out the café.I plug one of my headphones in my ear and blast BVB before I can put the other one in Ace takes it and puts it in her ear. ''Well carry on, please'' I say sarcastically to her. ''Thank you, I will'' She replies with as much sarcasm. I roll my eyes and we walk faster to reach the others. After nearly 2 hours of walking and a trip on a ferry we get to our destination. ''Thank you very much'' I take my head phones from Ace and put them away. ''you gonna be ok taking the lift up?'' Jay asks me, my eyes widen. ''Uh um... sure?'' I stutter, I hear Raiven sigh. ''Just close your eyes and put your headphones back into your eyes'' We get onto the lift and I do as Raiven suggested. A few minutes later Ace taps my shoulder. ''We done?'' She nods and the doors open, I get out quickly, ''Thanks for the tip Raiven, it worked a little'' She smiles at me. We all look out the little glass, that's at the crown of the statue. ''Whoa we're really high up'' Ace comments. ''Duh we're over 90 metres about ground'' I say to her. ''Seriously'' I nod my head. I look to my right and see Jay taking pictures on her camera. ''You finally remembered to change the lens?'' I ask her. ''Yeah, might as well cause I know that I am going to take a ton of pictures'' She snaps another picture. We stay for some more time, Jay took a lot of pictures, some od the view and some of us all. Around 4pm we leave and the journey down was like hell for me, but I managed it.... luckily.bOur bellies rumbled and we got funny looks from people passing by. ''Museum will be delayed a little.... our stomachs need feeding'' Ace says, walking into dominoes. ''PIZZA HERE WE COME!!'' I walk in quickly run behind her with Jay and Raiven laughing in front of me bad thing was that I didn't see the door opening and my face smacked into it and causing me to land on my butt.  ''Oh for shits sake, why does this always happen to me'' I curse. ''I'm soo sorry'' A male voice says ''Are you ok?'' I look up and freeze. This guys is cute! He looked my age, with really dark purple hair with his bangs covering his right eye a little and its a little long but not very long, green eyes that were looking at mine, sharp facial features, black spider bites on his lip an- realising that I am checking him out he smirks. ''Like what you see?'' He raises an eyebrow and smirks even more... if that's even possible. I scowl at him ''No, I've seen better, and for your information, you've caused me to fall flat on my ass and honestly ask me if I look ok? Do I look ok to you?'' I ask him sarcastically as I get up completely ignoring his hand to help me up. ''Your not from around here are you?'' He ignores my question.vI tilt my head to the side a little ''What gave that away?'' I look behind him and see three of his friends looking at us and raise an eyebrow before looking back at the dude. ''I don't know maybe its because the accent you have, nobody has it around here'' He says, I can sense a small accent in his voice as well. ''Nor are you? Your not originally from around here are you?'' A hint of surprise flashes through his eyes. ''No, I'm from Italy but we moved here when I was younger, what about you?'' He asks. ''Can't you tell, I'm from England?'' I ask him with a 'duh' tone.  ''Here for holidays huh?'' I nod, ''Well, I'm Raiden, that's Silas, Alec and Myles'' He points to the guys behind him. Before I can reply Jay comes out ''Az, what's taken you so long?'' She looks up and see's me talking to Raiden. ''What happened?'' ''Nothing'' I reply, she raises her eyebrow ''I might have got hit by the door... but it was his fault'' I point at Raiden. ''Hey, its not my fault that you weren't looking where you were going'' He defends himself. ''Its not my fault that you weren't careful enough to check if there was anyone on the other side of the door before you opened it'' I cross my arms stubbornly. ''Ok how about it was both of your faults... the Pizza is about to be finished if you don't hurry'' She says the last part to me. ''NO, MY PIZZA!!'' I grab her arm and walk past Raiden and his friends. ''Hey Miss. Clumsy What's your name? You didn't say'' Raiden shouts behind me, I stop and allow Jay to walk in front of me before turning back to look at him. ''I'd love to stay and chat but my pizza is calling me.... so GOODBYE'' I walk into Dominoes leaving them behind. ''What happened out there?'' Ace asked me once I sat down. ''What do you mean?'' I ask innocently and grab a pizza slice. ''Jay said that you got into a little argument with a cute guy'' She replies. ''Oh that? Nothing really, he was opening the door, I got hit in the face and landed on my ass'' I say like its nothing and take a big bite. ''Whoa slow down girl, its not going anywhere'' Jay says. ''I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since the café..... I need food'' I reply. ''We all do'' ''Aye, true'' We finish off the Pizza and head out of Dominoes. Lucky for me Raiden and his friends aren't there. We had to ask a bunch of people where the Museum was before we actually found it. We got in and looked at all the paintings and statues.We spent another hour or so in there and took a few more pictures before we left. ''What time is it?'' Ace asks. ''7:30pm'' Raiven informs her. ''Do you guys want to go central park by any chance?'' I ask them. ''Sure why not? We've got nothing else to do'' Ace replies. Finding Central park wasn't that hard. I stopped by the lake and let the others walk ahead of me. ''Hey Miss. Clumsy'' Oh god! I was faster ''Pizza Girl'' I end up running and from the tone in his voice I can tell that he is as well. All of a sudden I find myself on the floor with Raiden on my right on the ground as well. ''You idiot, what's wrong with you?'' I turn and poke him in the arm. ''I'm the idiot? I was calling you'' He exclaims and pokes me back. ''I didn't hear you'' ''Sure, why were you running?'' ''I was looking for my friends'' He looks around. ''I cant see them'' He says. ''Well they were here'' I say. ''Sure'' ''They were'' I defend. ''Whatever you say'' ''Fine whatever'' I get up and dust my jeans and he does the same. ''I was only joking'' He puts his hand on my shoulder. I look at it and notice small marks on it. I touch it with my fingers.                        ''You do it don't you?''

Chapter Eight

"What do you mean?" He asks "I don't know what your talking about" He pulls his arm away from my grip. "You know what I'm talking about" I look into his eyes "why do it though?" I ask him. "How? Why? No you wouldn't understand" he says. From the corner of my eye I can see Jay and the others walking towards us. "Maybe I dont understand" I say "But your not the only one who does it...... bye Raiden" I turn around and walk towards the girls."Hey can we go back to the hotel? I'm tired" I ask "Hey what happened? One minute you were behind us and the ssecond you were gone" Raiven asks. "Nothing" I say "Hey weren't they the guys from earlier?" Jay asks. "Yeah" I mutter. Ace looks more closely at them."They're cute. Especially the one with the purple hair" I don't know why but I felt a pang of something when she said that. "Lets go and stop staring, you'll look like a creep'' I jab her in the stomach. "Too bad, they're on their way over here" She says. I turn my head around.  They were in fact walking in our direction,  Raiden never once took his eyes off me.  "Hey" Alec is the first to talk. "Hi" Ace says and looks him over "Um guys?" They all look at me "I'm hungry" Ace and Jay smirk. "What are you hungry for?" Ace wiggles her eyebrows.  I smack her arm. "Not that you dirty girl, ew" I grumble and scrunch up my nose. "You sure?" She asks. My cheeks flame up a little so I put my hoodie over my head so that it covers my face. "Shut up" I mumble. I hear her and Jay laugh and high five each other. "Anyway, I'm Ace, this is Jay,  that's Raiven and this lovely blushing girly is Azaria" Ace puts me into a headlock but I managed to get out because her grip was very loose. "I'm Alec, that's Silas, Myles and finally Raiden" I can feel Raiden's eyes on me. I raise my head "Now that you know my name,  you don't have to call me Miss. Clumsy or Pizza Girl any more" "Why? We like calling you that.... well more like Raiden does" Silas says and smirks. "Yeah, yeah" My phone starts to ring. I look in my back pocket and in my bag but its not there. "Shit" "What happened?" Raiden asks."My phone is ringing but I can't find it" "You might have dropped it when we fell" He says "Come on" He grabs my hand and pulls me to when my phone might be. The ringing does get louder and not even five minutes later I find my phone. I answer and am instantly attacked by my cousin. "HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO ANSWER A BLOODY PHONE?!!" Rue screams.I wince a little "Um.... I kinda lost my phone" I mumble. "Anyway, you wouldn't guess what I found out" She says. "And what's that exactly?"  "I heard my parents, yours and Kyra's parents talking" "About what?" I lie back onto the grass and put my phone on speaker, not caring if Raiden hears our conversation.  "Well if you see Kyra and her minions then you'll know why" She says. "Rue what are you talking about?"  "They were talking about Kyra and her minions going to the same places that you guys are and keeping a tab on you" "THAT BITCH" I exclaim. "I know right? Anyway I have to go but you didn't hear this from me. Ok?" She hangs up before I can even reply. I scream causing Raiden to jump a little. "Azaria what happened?" Jay runs up and asks me. "T-that bbitch is coming" I say in a monotone voice, lack of any emotion. "Who?" Alec asks at the same time Ace and Jay shout "WHAT!" "She's going to be in the same places we are, Rue just told me" "She is such a suck up, a complete watch dog for your parents" Ace exclaims. "I know" I sit up and groan "I'm soo glad that I can move out soon" "Wait, hold up" Alec says "Who is this bitch your talking about?" "Kyra Stokes" Raiven says in a flat tone. "Kyra and Azaria have hated each other for soo long and nobody really knows why" Jay says. "Why do you hate her so much?" Raiden asks. "No reason" I say. I feel my stomach rumble. "I NEED FOOD" I shout and jump up "FEED ME" I exclaim. They all laugh at my outburst. "Come on, she'll get cranky if she isn't fed" Ace says "Where do you wanna eat?" She asks us. "I dunno" The three of us say.I look at Alec "Any suggestions?" "Hmmm.... Chinese?" We all end up going to a chinese all buffet place and eat there. The embarrassing thing was that I cannot use a chopstick to save my life so Raiden ended up having to ask for a fork for me. The guys paid even after all our protests of ua paying. "Do you guys wanna come to Silas birthday bash tomorrow?" Myles asks.We look at each other. "Sure" "Awesome" He replies.Before we left we all exchanged numbers but I needed the bathroom so I couldn't... though I'm pretty sure someone gave my number to the guys.We got back around 10pm. I collapsed onto my bed. The girls walked into my room before I could close my eyes and Ace jumped onto my back."Oof" I breathe out "Da fuq? Get off me" She gets off. "Those guys were soo cute" She says "Especially Raiden" She winks at me. "Shut up" I stuff a pillow into my face. "Oh, I think someone has an incy crush" She smirks. "I don't" I punch her shoulder. "Oh I didn't say you did" "He doesn't and there's nothing to like" "Don't say that, there's a lot to like" Raiven says. "Oh yh, like what?" I say sarcastically. "Hmm.... first off your cute, shy yet out going" Raiven starts off "You get easily embarrassed but you still take risks" "You go out of your way to make yor friends feel loved" Jay says. "You have the moat gorgeous eyes and have the sweetest voice compared to us and the word 'sex' gets your embarrasment radar to a hundred" Ace finishes off. (All that was actually said about me :o ) "Wow, I'm speechless" I say and I truly am "Its all true as well"  "Awe" I gush. "Come on guys, sleep so that we can wake up early and go shopping plus we have to buy Silas a gift" Ace says as she walks out of my room. "Night then" I yawn. "Night" The others say and walk out as well. I get up and change into my pj's before collapsing onto my bed once again.... luckily no interruptions this time.

Chapter Nine

Just like we had planned the day before, the four of us had gone shopping and since we didnt know what to buy for Silas, we all chipped in some money and bought him one present. when we first hit the shops, Ace went straight for Top shop. We brought a few outfits for the party tonight. Jay and I split away from the others and went to the music store. "Hey Azaria, listen to this" Jay places the CD into the player. Some beat up music comes up and I could tell that its a remix. "Whoa this is good. Who is it by?" I ask once the song ends. "Dubstep" "I remember you telling me about them" "Yeah but you never did" She gives me a look.I grin sheepishly "No but I just did" I spot a mice and men ablum on my right "Hey Jay what was tthe song by Mice and Men you couldn't remember?"  "If I cant remember then how do I tell you?" She says in a 'duh' tone. I hand her the album. "You might find it in here, check" She puts it into the player. I walk by the instruments. I cant play but I know how to play the piano a little. "Hello can you help me find something please?" A voice from the right says. I turn my head and find a guy looking at me. He looks a year or two older then me. Dirty blonde hair, bright blue eyes, black spider bites, he's wearing black shirt and skinny jeans along with high tops. "Um.... I dont work here" I say to him. He looks up at me in confusion "But what do you need to find? Maybe I can help" I suggest. "Thanks and I need to find a few guitar picks" I look round to where the guitars are. "Hold up one sec" I tell him and walk towards the gguitars. I look around and the picks on the side. I grab a few and what back to the guy. "Here" I put that into his hand. "Thanks" He says with a smile. I return it "No worries" "I'm Luke"  "I'm-" "Azaria" I hear Ace call me. I turn my head. "What?" "What are you doing? We're going to and grab something to eat" She walks up to me but is standing behind Luke. "Helping this guy and I mean Luke find something" I say motioning to Luke. "Well I'm Azaria and that's Ace my friend" Luke turns around and when Ace sees his face she freezes. "Hi" He says. I walk up to Ace and walk my hand in her face. "Earth to Ace, again earth to Ace" I look at Luke apologetic. "Sorry she is not normally like this" "Its ok, I'm guess that she's a fan" I look at him confused. "What do you mean?" "I'm from 5 seconds of summer" I keep chanting that name in my head. Then realisation hits me. "Oh damn, Ace is a massive fan" I say and smack her head. "Snap out of it you idiot, your scaring him" luckily for us she does. "Your Luke Hemmings" She says, looking at him in pure adoration. "Yeah that's me" He says with a tight smile.  "Azaria, tell me I'm not dreaming" I raise an eyebrow and pinch her hard "Ow. Ok I didnt mean like that" She looks at Luke "Um can I get an autograph and picture?" She asks in a way that I have never heard her speak. "Course" Ace gives me her phoje to take pictures with. I take a couple and for the last picture Luke kisses Ace's cheek and three guys walk up behind them and pull funny faces. I burst out laughing, they dont realise what's going on until they turn around. "Hey Luke did you find what you were looking for?" One of them asks him. "Yeah, Azaria helped me" He replies. "Who's Azaria? " Another one asks I raise my hand "That would be me" "Oh hey, we're Callum, Ashton and Micheal from-" "5sos I know" I finish off. "Don't scream ok?" Callum says.I raise an eyebrow "I didnt even know who Luke was until this one came" I kicked Ace Iin the ass causing her to jump and ironically bump into Luke. "Sorry" She says to Luke before turning to me "I'm so going to kill you Azaria" I look at the guys "I'd love to stay and chat but I know that if I dont run in the next five seconds Ace will kill me" They look at the both of us amused. "Ace right?" Ashton says Ace turns around and nods "Are you sure you wanna kill her? I mean you might not have met us if it wasn't for her" I mouth thanks to him.  'your welcome' he mouths back. "I guess, but dont think for a second your off the Ximeria" I smirk "I'd like to see you try Acacia Marcella" She rolls her eyes. "Can you sign this please" Ace pulls out a 5sos album from her bag. "Its like you knew we were here" Micheal says but they all still sign it. Jay and Raiven walk up to us. "You guys we have to go" Raiven says  "I know... this Is Raiven and Jaya, Jay for short" I say to the guys. "Hey are you-" "We know" Raiven and I say giving her a flat look. She puts her hands up in surrender. "How about we grab somethig to eat before we go back to the hotel?" I suggest. "Sure" I look at the guys. "Ya'll wanna join?" I ask unsure. "Sure. Where?" Callum says. "um..... Nandos?" "Nandos it is" We pay fro our stuff and walk towards the front of the store. Funny enoughtthere were lots of girls also guys out there. "Shit someone must have tweeted our location" Luke says. "How the fuck are we meant to get out now?" I ask.We end up taking the back exit and we were wearing hoodies so I faces could be hidden in case someone saw us. "That was a pain, I feel sorry for you guys'' Jay say "How do you manage?" "You never get used to it, its still like a dream that might fade away so we make the most of it" Micheal explains. We get what we want and all of us girls eat how we normally would. We dont change for others, even if the are famous. "Hey what hotel are you guys staying at?, we'll drop you guys off" Ashton says. "The big apple and you dont have to" Ace says. Suprisingly she has started to get more comfortable around the band. "Really? We're staying there as well"  "Cool" Jay says. "Come on we'll drop you guys off since we're going to the same hotel. "How long are you guys staying in New York?" Micheal asks. "Tomorrow is our last day" Ace replies. "Dang, we have a busy day tomorrow. But we'll come see you guys before you leave" Luke says. "I'm holding you guys on that" I say. "Ok"  We all walk into the hotel through thr back because the front was surronded by girls. Before we left, we swapped numbers, twitter and Instagram names. "OMG I CANNOT BELIEVE WE MET 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!!" Ace screams once we got back. "Neither can I but then again... expect the unexpected" Jay says. "Im going to get some sleep before I start getting ready" I say before walking into my room.

Chapter Ten

I woke up an hour and a half later and showered. My make-up was simple but laughing stood out; Smokey eye shadow, mascara, eye liner and dark red lipstick. I then put my outfit on; white top, the neck was lacy with diamonds encrusting the neck and a small dip at the back, a black skirt that goes from my waist to a little above my knees at the front and is a little longer at the back, black 5inch heels with ribbons at the ankle. I only wore a pair of black studs, chain and a couple of friendship bracelets.  I left my hair in messy waves and put all my nessasery things in  a black clutch before sparying a little perfume and walking out of my room. Jay and Raiven were already ready and waiting.

Jay was wearing a white shirt, black skinny jeans and a pair of black wedged ankle boots. She wore no make up, only a few friendship bracelets and her camera. She left her hair out straight.

Raiven was wearing a white top that ended by her waist and a maroon skirt that was similar to mine. She was wearing a pair of 5inch heels as well. She had silver smokey eyes and blood red lips. She was only wearing a floral nacklace and nothing else."Who you dressed up to impress?" Jay teases. I scowl "Nobody" "Sure, I'm guessing its someone starting with the letter R"  Shay says to Raiven. "Ew I love Raiven like a big sister, not like that" I say. "I was talking about Raiden" She says. "What about him?" Ace says as she walks by us. "Oh, you know how Azaria dressed up to Iiimpress him" Raiven says "I didnt" I protest. "Yeah and we believe you" Ace says sarcastically.

Ace is wearing a pale pink dress with a floral cream netted top half and her shoes matching. Red lips and smokey brown eyes that make her green eyes stand out. Pink flower studs in ech ear and a few bangles on her wrists.  Her hair pinned back and in curls. "Shut up" I mumble and walk up towards the door. "Ya'll ready to go?" I ask them. "So eager to see him I see" Jay smirks. "No, come one" I say as we walk out the door. "Yeah... sure" She says.

We walk out and get into a taxi. Raiven gives the taxi man the adress and when we get there, the party is already in full swing. "Damn its a little above ten and people are already smashing there faces with drinks" Raiven says.

We pay the taxi driver and get out. We walked  inside and were instantly greeted by Alec. "Hey beautifuls, glad you ccould make it" "Wouldnt miss it" Ace says. "Where is the birthday boy?" Jay asks. "Kitchen" We all walk into the kitchen and see him pulling out a drink from the cooler.  Alec pats him on the shoulder, Silas sees us and smiles. "HAPPY BBIRTHDAY SILAS!!" We shout. He chuckles as we give him his gift. "Thanks for coming guys" "We wouldnt miss it for the world and where is Raiden..... Azaria couldnt shut up about wanting to see him again" Ace smirks. I smack her arm. "I didnt" "What didnt you do? Speak of the devil aand he shall appear. "Nothing" I say... too quickly. He raises his eyebrow. "I find it hard to believe you" "Well you should" I say stubbornly."Why?" He smirks. "We'll leave you love birds alone" Alec says and winks. They all walk out of the kitchen before we can even reply. We stand in silence for a few minutes before Raiden breaks it. "You look beautiful" "Um.. thanks, you dont look bad yourself" I say and in all honesty he looks hot. His hair Iis the same as the time I last saw him, plain white shirt that hugs his body, black jeans and combat boots, a chain on his neck and a few bracelets on his left wrist. Lip piercing still there and I can see a tattoo creeping down his chest from the base of his neck.He clears his throat. "Like what you see?" My cheeks colour a little. "Yes... I mean no" I stutter. "Its ok,  who wouldnt? I mean look at me" he motions to himself. I scoff "Me" I turn around and grab the nearest drink and take a sip. I start to cough and give the drink a 'wtf' look. "Da fuq is this" I put it down. "Vodka" He says and grabs me a can of coke "Here, we knew that you guys dont drink so we got you guys non alcoholic drinks"  "Awe thanks" I say taking it off him. He grabs my hand and leads me outside. "Why are we coming out?" I ask once we're outside. "Its too hot inside" He says as we sit down on a couple of chairs. "Was it because I was in there" I didnt get an answer but I am sure I heard him mutter 'yh'.

"When are you girls going? He asks after a while. "Tomorrow" All of a sudden, the back door opens and Ace walks towards us funny. "HEY AZARIA AND RAIDEN" She hiccups. "Are you ok?" I ask her. "YEAH WHY WOULDNT I BE?" She sniffs and pokes my face "YOU SMELL LIKE CAKE!'' She giggles. "She's drunk" Raiden says. "No shit Sherlock but how?" I say walking inside with her. "AZARIA I WANT CAKE" She says. "I dont have any" "GIVE ME" I see Myles walk up to us. "How did she get drunk?" I ask him "I dont know, they might have left their drinks alone or something" He says. "They? What do you mean 'they'?" "Raiven and Jay" "WHAT THE FUCK?" I shout. "CAKE" I glare at Ace. "No cake for you" "WHY?!!" She says. "You've been bad" Myles leads up to where the others are. "We managed to get them to sleep" He says "You might wanna get Ace asleep as well" He suggests. "Why?" "She might feel a little less drunk"

It took forever to get Ace to sleep. Only after telling that I would give her cake if she would sleep, is the time she actually listened.  The others had left so I went down into the kitchen and grabbed a random drink without looking at what it was. I grabbed two more and had them, on my fourth one someone walked up behind me. "What's a girl like you doing here alone?" The person breathes done my neck.I move and turn around. "What do you mean" Sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, black shirt and jeans with low converses. He took a step forward "A pretty girl shouldn't  be left alone" I burst out laughing.  "Me? Pretty? Bahahaha!!" He takes a step forward, trapping me between him and the counter. I stop laughing. "W-what are you doing?" I stutter. "Shhhh" He whispers. I put my hands on his chest and push but it doesn't work. He chuckles."Leave me alone" He doesn't reply so I kick him between the legs.  "Ooof" I quickly get out of his grip but he recovers before I can even get to the door. "AHHHHH" He pins me to the wall. "Let me go!" "Now, now. Why would I do that?" I close my eyes hoping that someone heard my scream and will come help. It seems like God answered my prayers because the guy no longer stood in front of me but instead Silas and Raiden were beating the guy up.I let out a sob causing Raiden to look at me and walk up to me. "Shh, its ok" He whispers. "That guy is a bastard" I say. "I know" He moves me out of the kitchen and into a room. I think its his but I cant see properly because I feel a little high and dizzy. "That guy is gone" He says as he wipes away my make-up. I nod my head. Raiden says that he has to take care of something and leaves. I walk out of the bathroom and spot a small picture on the wall. Its a picture of a little boy; black hair, grey eyes filled with soo much life and the most cheesiest smile i have ever saw. I hear the door open and i quickly hide behind it. The person walks inside, i close my eyes and attack them. They looses their balance and take me down with them. "What the hell?" I open my eyes at the sound of Raiden's voice. "Fuck, I'm sorry" I wiggle about and try to get up when all of a sudden his hands plants themselves on my hips amd hold me still. "Dont" His husky voice says. I look Iinto his eyes with confusion clouding mine "Dont move" I open my mouth to say something but am interrupted "Or speak" I nod my head and bite my lip. Is it me or did everything get hot in here? Raiden pulling my lip away from my teeth pulls me away from my thoughts."Wha-" Before I can even say anything else he flips us over."I told you not to move or talk" He breathes out, allowing his breath mingle with mine.His face starts to come closer, his eyes move away for a second only to look at mine and unconsciously my own eyes do the same. Just when his lips lightly brushes mine a voice interrups us."What's going on?"

Chapter Eleven

"OMG RAIDEN I CANT BELIEVE YOU COULD DO THIS" the girl screams I look at her in confusion before I push him off me and get up. "Who are you?" I ask her "I'm his girlfriend" I hear Raiden choke behind me. "What? I told you I'm not your boyfriend and will never be" he says, annoyance claer in his tone. The girl more likr slut from the way she is dressed moves closer to him "how can you say that? Dont you see we're meant to be?" "Valerie meet my girlfriend Azaria" He says I snort. She turns and glares at me. "And you, I dont know who the fuck you are but stay away from my boyfriend" " girl" I look at her closer "wait I dont even know what to call you, I dont know what the heck you are talking about and FYI I dont see a tag that says 'Property of Miss. Slut' around his neck and I doubt he will have one" I say "Why you little bit-" "I'm getting tired of people calling me a bitch you know... I mean do I look like a dog to you? Though I cant say the same for you, did you get too how that you thought you'd walk around half naked or just felt like it? She turns back to Raiden "your choosing this slut over me? Are you thinking straight? " I laugh " Awe hun" even saying that felt like acid in my mouth "have you looked in the mirror lately? And last time I checked his brain worked ok if he no longer is with you" "I dont know who u think u fucking are but I will get you for this" She says before storming out the room. "Oh and FYI..... again..... I've dealt with bitches like you so don't think your any better" I say before she gets to the door. "Someone jealous? " Raiden teases. I scoff "Of her? The chaces are zero to zero" I turn around and face him "Stalker girlfriend?" I raise and eyebrow. "She's not my girlfriend,  she never was" he rubs the back of his neck. "Sure, then when the feel did she react like that when we were um... uh.... ya know?" I stutter at the end and blush hard. He takes a step forward and I take one back. "I don't know what your talking about" he says in fake confusion. I scowl "you know what I am talking about" He takes another step forward and I take another back, I feel the door behind me and mutter a few colourful words. "No actually I don't" He takes the final step forward, caging me between him and the door. "Y-yes you do" Stop bloody stuttering.  I say to myself. His face comes closer to mine, me looks into my eyes "Are you angry that we didn't kiss Azaria?" He smirks "If you were.... I wouldn't mind fulfilling your wishes right now" His lips coming closer to mine. "In your dreams" I say but it still come out in short gasps. "Oh, I will.... but why would I need to when I can get the real thing right now?" He says. I look at his lips and curse when I see them turning up a little. I look back up and lick my lips and bite them, his eyes flicker to them and he groans. "Don't do that" his hands grab my hips causing me to gasp at the sudden movement. "Didn't I warn you?" I dont know why he is takig his time to kiss me already..... wait what the hell am I even saying? I groan a little when his lips bypass mine when all I had to do was move them a few inches and then they'd connect. "Hmmm, as much as I want to kiss that pretty little face of yours,  we might wanna check up on the others. Don't you agree?" He says. I nod my head, and yet again bite my lip. When he sees he tuts "You just wont listen will you" without any warning he kisses my lip and before I can react bites the bottom of my lip before moving. "Come one lets go to the others" He lets me go and walks out the room, I stumble a few steps but follow him never the less. We get to the room that the girls are in and we find them awake and a little sobre. "Wow you girls must be able to take a drink if you haven't puked yet" Raiden says. "Its hard to break us" Jay says. "You guys ready to get back to the hotel?" I ask them. They a nod their heads. "Okii" "I'll drop you guys off to your hotel" Raiden says. "Thanks" I smile at him. We all go down and out the house after we say bye to the guys. "Its her, that bitch who stole my boyfriend" Ah fuck, that bitch is back for round two. "Wow look who we have here, if it isn't Azaria, Jay, Ace and Raiven"  OMFG IS THIS SOME KIND OF FUCKING BITCHES GATHERING OR SOMETHING?!!

Chapter Twelve

We all look at her all shocked. I mean sure we knew that she was here, but at this party?  Fuck no. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Jay says. "Awe, Jay I thought you'd miss me so I thought I'd come see you guys" She says sarcastically.  I hear Jay growl. "You guys know each other?" Myles looks between us all. "More then that actually, you see Azaria and I go wayyyy back" She grins evilly. She's up to something, I can tell. "So you must be the girl my cousin here mentions. Wow she wasnt lieing about you now was she?" That slut, what was her name again? Oh yh Valerie, says. "This bitch is your cousin?" I hear Ace say. "No wonder, you guys seem soo fucking alike" "Why thank you" Valerie flips her hair over her shoulder. I hear Ace snort. "It wasnt a fucking compliment" "Oh wow, I'd love to introduce myself and all but I'm afraid of what I might catch if I take another step foward" I spit out. "I don't know why you came back Valerie,  Raiden wants nothing to do with your slutty ass" Alec says. "Fuck you, Alec" She screams. "Oh I couldn't even if I tried, just looking at you makes ma dick shrival" He snorts. "Valerie, get your cousin and friends off my property before I call the bloody cops, you were never invited" Silas says in a passive voice. "Noo, why should I? These sluts don't belong here" She shouts. "Like you fucking do?" Ace scoffs. "Shut up you slut" "Is 'slut' the only word you know? Is that the only word you can describe yourself" I snarl. "Now now" She tsks "I know all about the famous Azaria Ximeria, wouldn't want anyone to know would we?" She threatens. I laugh "You couldn't even hurt me with your fake claws even if you tried" "Very well, you guys  want me to spill some of dear Azaria's most precious moments out? Hey listen up basciall-" before she can even finish off that sentece I walk upto that bitch and grab her by the shoulder. "You mutter even one more motherfucking word about that bullshit then I swear to fucking God, I will hurt you and nobody will ever know what happened" I say in the most deadliest voice I've ever said anything in. I saw fear flash her eyes because I felt my hair being pulled. "First you steal my cousins boyfriend and now you hurt my cousin? Girl I'm going to ruin you" Kyra says as she pulls my hair even more. Before anything else can even happen I hear a scream. Kyra lets go of my hair and I am pulled away. Turning my head to the left I see something that shocks me. Causing my heart to stop beating for a few seconds. Raiven, the "mother" of us the one who believes that violence is not the answer. Had the most crazed look on her face, if looks could kill we would all be dead. For definate. With a death stare look on her face and a broken glass bottle in her hand she stalked towards one of the minions. Like a lion stalking towards a gazelle. The girl looked as though she was going to shit her self there and then. Or did she already? The girl quickly turned around to turn. But that didnt stop Raiven oohh noo. With one swift movement of her hand she threw the bottle at the girls head. The bottle landed slap bang in the middle of her head causing the girl to stumble and fall; breaking a heel in the process.  Raiven turned around looking at us"What?" Shrugging her shoulders with a huge grin on her face. "You fucking bitch" her companion screams amd tries to attack Raiven but I watched as Ace charged at one of the slutty minions with something in her hands. I first thought it was cream but then I realised it was cake. Damn shes wasteing cake on some slut. Splat! The cake went onto the girls face making her more cakey than usual. But Ace didnt stop there. Oh no. She grabbed two coke cans and shook them. She opened them, making sure the can faced the girl and the drink went everywhere causing the girl fall flat on her fake butt. "Stupid bitch, giving cake STDs by looking at it urgh. Pathetic"  she said with a scowl on her face. She turned and walked back. The girls companion from earlier is screaming out how her make up is now ruined because of Ace. "What the fuck is wrong with you all?!!" Valerie starts but before she can even carry on I wached as Jay went towards Valerie, dragging her out the house by gripping onto her fake hair. She then punched her one. Valerie tried slapping her,pft typical slut move, but Jay ducked down and punched her stomach one causing to stumble back abit. She then did one of those karate spins and kicked her stomach again and she fell onto the floor with a thud. Wooahh earthquake. Just as Jay was about to go after her. Silas held her back but quickly let her go after seeing the murderous look on her face. Jay walked towards Valerie, bent down and it looked as though she was whispering to her I saw Valeries eyes go big, she probably got one of Jays threats. Then punched her again on her nose causing it to bleed even more and walked off. We all heard a frustrated scream and shouting and things breaking. "Omg Azaria look at what your fucking wakko friends are doing" Kyra shouts. I see red, no fucking bitch says any shit about my friends. "What happened? Can't stand that I am sayig the truth?" I was just about to walk towards Kyra to wipe that disgusting smirk off her face I felt someone stop me. Turning myhead I saw Raiden holding onto my hand."Dont shes not worth your time" he said. He chooses now of all times to speak! Just as i was about to leave it I heard that dogs voice."Aww you finally found someone you fucking freak" Thats it. I've had enought. Quickly I turned towards her and charged. Punching her nose I pushed her until she was on the floor. I sat on her and started punching fucking face in with all my might. Ripping her extensions out. Her shouts and swears filled my ears. I was then lifted off her and moved away. "NO LET ME FUCKING GET AT HER, NO BITCHS SAYS THAT TO THE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT" I thrash about in the persons hold. "Shhhh, don't" I don't register the persons voice. "NO!!" I shout. "Alec, get them help" The person says. I dont hear the answer but after five minute, I am put down. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" I scream, trying to move past the person. They pull me back and pin me to a soft surface. "Don't do something your going to regret" He says. We stay like that for a few minutes and I start to see a little less clearly. The first thing I see are a pair of worried grey eyes looking back into my lifeless purple ones. Thats when the first tear rolls down my cheek.

Chapter Thirteen

I cry for God knows how long with Raiden just holding me tight and trying tl calm me down. That bitch has no right to say anything, its all her fucking fault this happened, not mine. Eventually I slowly start to drift off. I wake up in the morning at noon, feeling warm. Huh? I look around. This isn't my hotel room. Then I realise that I am not the only one here...... in bed. I look at myself, I'm not wearing my dress from last night but a black shirt, a guy's shirt to be more precise, looking to my right I gasp. Fuck, shirtless Raiden? I poke him. He just stirs and moves closer, I move away... edging towards the end of the bed. I poke him again. Nothing just him moving closer. "Shits sake" I poke him one last time. This time he swings his arm around my waist and pulls me close. My cheeks turn bright red. I wiggle about in his grip."Stop moving" He groans and snuggles his face into my neck. My breath hiches and my cheeks burn even more. "Let me go" I try to get out pf his grip but he pulls me closer and tighter. "No" He sniffs "You smell good" "Da fuq?" I put my hands on his chest and push.... he doesn't budge "Let me go Raiden" I say "I need to go back to the hotel and get ready for plane trip" This seems to wake him up. "Why?, stay?" He says. "I need to leave soon" I say "Lemme go" I wiggle about again. "Stop doing that" He groans again. "Then let me go" "No" I look up and use puppy dog eyes. "Please?" It doesn't work at first but he finally cracks. "Fine" He says. I make a move to get out but he hold on. "Only on one condition" I pout. "And whats that?" His eyes move to my lips. "A kiss" He smirks. "That's it?" I kiss him on the cheek. "Now let me go" "Nu uh, here" He points to his lips. My eyes move to them and my cheeks darken even more. "Um uh" I stutter. "You scared you'll fall for me?" He smirks. I scoff. "More like you'd fall for me" "Fine let's test that then" he pulls me closer so that our faces are inches away. "No, I need to g-" Before I can even reply, his lips silence mine. I don't respond at first but once I do, instead of a simple kiss, it turns into a make out session.  His hands hold the back of my neck and pulls me closer. I end up straddling him and after a few minutes we both break for air. "I thought you only said a kiss" I raise an eye brow. "Too hard to resist" He grins. We both hear a couple of snaps being shot. "What th-" We both turn our heads and find everyone holding out their phones and Jay holding her camera. "AWWW" Ace coos. My cheeks burn up. "Look she's blushing" Jay smirks. "Shut up" I mumble and get off Raiden. "Does little Azaria have a crush?" Alec smirks. "N-no" I say in a quiet voice. "Look she stuttered" Silas points out. "Leave her alone" Raiden throws a pillow at them "And get out of my room" "Look, Raiden's defending his girl" "I'm not his girl" I mutter. I'm pretty sure I heard him mutter "Not yet" beside me. "We'll leave you love bird alone" They all walk out of the room. Why do I feel a sense of de ja vu? "So" Raiden says. "You fallen for me yet? " I smirk and jump out of his reach and get up. "Nah... u?" He gets up as well. Well damn, he might not exactly have very defined packs but he has some and the V line.... not even going there. I move myself away from my crazy thoughts. The tattoo that I saw last night was clear to me now. A dragon, fron the base of his neck to the bottem of his left rib cage. It was soo detailed, I wish that I could have touched it as it looks very realistic. I stretch. I see him check mr out and grin " Like what you see?" He nods "Very" not expecting that answer, I blush. "Shutdap" I mumble. "Who changed me anyway?" I look at him. He starts to fidgit under my gaze. "Um....I did" He mutters. "Why?" I ask. "I thought that you'd feel mlre comfortable if you wore something a little less tight.... dont worry, I didn't see anything" He says. "I hope not" I grab my outfit from last night and walk into the bathroom and put it on before walking out. Nobody was in the room when I cam out so I walked downstairs.  The house looked clean. "They sure as hell did a good job cleaning" I mutter. I find everyone in the kitchen talking,  they stop once I walk in. "Hey" "Hi..... um when's the flight?" I ask. "In a few hours" Raiven answers. "We gotta get back to the hotel then" Jay says. "We'll drop you lot off" Myles says. They all agree and five minutes later, the eight of us are piles up in four seperate cars. We walk into the hotel room and the boys wait around the lounge area. The girls and I finish packing an hour early and a knock comes at the door. I open it "Hey Azaria,  said that we'd come one last time" They say before coming inside.

Chapter Fourteen

I snort "I never said you wouldn't" I closed the door behind them. "We came to give you guys these as well" Micheal hands the four of us each different bags. "What are they?" Raiven asks confused. "Goody bags, well something like that" Callums starts off."We all pull something for you guys in there, hope you like them" Luke smiles. I hear a cough and turn my head, Silas, Myles, Alec and Raiden are standing there awkwardly. "Guys I'd like you to meet my friends, Raiden, Alec, Silas and Myles. Seeing from the expression on your face you already know them" I raise an eyebrow. "My sister loves them and would drag us everywhere to meet 5sos" Myles mutters. "Oh ok" I say. "We have to leave now, but don't forget us ok?" Luke says. "Dude more like the other way around" Jay says with a snort. They all hug us girls and shake Alec and the other hands. "Well that was something" I mutter. I look at the clock " Fuck we gotta leave.l now if we don't wanna miss our plane" We all end up getting back into the same cars as earlier and driving to the airport. "The weather doesn't look the good" I comment as we are driving towards the aiport. The clouds look angry to me. "I hear something about storm coming" Storm? Shit. ACE! I grab my phone and call Ace. "Give the phone to Alec" I order her. She does as I say. "What happened? " "You know about the storm?" I ask.  Raiden looks over at me before putting his eyes back onto the road. "Yeah I do why?" He asks. "Ace is scared of thunder so do something that will keep her mind off the storm until we get to the airport, if it does start to thunder.  Ok?" I say, knowing how Ace reacts when this happens back home. "I'll give her my IPod so she came listen to the music instead of the thunder ok?" He suggests. I breathe out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Alec" "Its alright" We hang up. "What was that about?" Raiden asks me. "Ace hates thunder and is scared of it, normally I or one of the others are there to help her a little but she's with Alec so before ge can freak out with what's happening I gave him a heads up" "Oh ok" We talk here and there but don't bring up whatvwe are to each othet, I'm not even sure right now. The sky looks worse by every second that goes by. We get to the aaiport in the nick of time only to find out that our flight has been Cancelled because of the fucking storm. "Excuse me but when is the next plane to Brazil available? " I ask the person at the front. They check the computer before giving me a pity look. "I'm afraid that we don't have a flight to Brazil until Saturday" I walk away, three more days! Your joking. "We're staying three more days? What are we gonna do?" Ace says. "Better yet where are we gonna stay?" Jay adds. "We could get a motel?" Raiven suggests. "No freaking way, your staying with us" Raiden says next to me. "No its alright, we don't mind staying in a motel" I protest. "I won't take no for an answer" He states. "Well you better, cause I am saying no" I fold my arms. "Tough, I say your staying with us" He mimics my actions. "No" "Yes" "No" "Yes" "N-""Oh for blubbicks sake, we'll stay with you guys and Azaria if you want to stay in a motel then you can" Raiven says and not in a very nice way either. I stare at her, shocked.... Jay, Ace and I do. "Fine" I say quite angrily. "See you guys on Saturday" I grab my suitcase and walk out the airport.  I hail a taxi and turn my head to see everyone run out the airport. "Drive me to the nearest motel please" I ask the driver. He nods and does what I asked him to, paying him I get out and walk into the motel. "Hi, how can I help you?" The hyper girl at the front says. She looks young, maybe in her early twenties? "Um, do you possibly have a spair bedroom available? " I ask her. "Your lucky, this storm has caused a lot of people to rent out rooms here, but here's your key. Let me show you where your staying" She calls someone to monitor the front as she ahows me where I am going to be staying. "Thank you" I say to her before walking in. "No worries but don't hesitate to come and talk, I'll need some company during this awful storm" She leaves and I close the door. I pull out a pair of Pj's, a dark blue baggy Tshirt that looks more like a nightdress and black shorts under it. I grab my phone and switch it on. 25 miss calls, 70 texts and 20 voice mails. I sigh and and call Jay. "WHERE ARE YOU?!!" She creams through the phone. I wince a little "I'm in a motel" "Who is it?" I hear Ace ask. Jay says that its me "AZARIA WHERE ARE YOU" Jay says somethig to her "What motel? !" "I'll see you guys on Saturday.  Ok? I just called so you guys won't kill yourself in finding me. Bye" I hang up and sigh. I plug in my headphones but before I can press play, I hear someone knock my door. I groan hoping they will leave, but noooo, they knock even more! I get out of bed and open the door. "Listen dude, people are trying to slee-" before I can finish a pair of familiar lips collide with mine. Blocking out any further noise.

Chapter Fifteen

Ace's POV

my head is still pounding from yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I don't remember a thing but it feels like I destroyed something really important to me.

Hah, Azaria says she and Raiden are nothing but I know her, the girl's in denial but those burning cheeks speak for themselves, that's why I'm going to prove it.

"Jay you got the camera ready?"

"Yeah, let's wait for the perfect moment." I can't help but want to giggle, maybe it's because we're all behind Raiden's door listening to him sweet talk Azaria.

Alec, Silas and Myles are even up for our little prank.

"Guys we should respect their privacy." Raiven says but that doesn't stop her from putting an ear against the door. Why is it that everything is funnier when you're not supposed to laugh?

"No, you smell good." I bite my lip hard trying not to laugh, Alec raises an eyebrow amused.

"On one condition."

"Oh my god she's too young for sex!" Raiven whispers I can't take it anymore, almost on cue Alec puts a hand to my mouth colliding my back against his chest, oh god it's toned.

"Let's not ruin the fun," he whispers in a husky voice, his breath tickles my neck making me shiver. "You cold?" He attempts to put an arm around me.

"Save it dip wad." He smirks, damn those lips.

"3..." Jay counts down, "2...1"

"Hard to resist." Raiden says, for a second I thought he was reading my mind.

"NOW!" We push the door and Jay snaps the pic.

"AWWW" I coo making her cheeks burn red

"Look she's blushing." Jays says

"Does little Azaria have a little crush?" Haha nice one Alec, this takes Azaria's cheeks to a deep crimson.

"N-no" she stutters, we all laugh.

"We'll leave you two love birds alone." With that we all walk out the room.

We all sit at the kitchen talking about the two love birds."Did you see them!" Raiven says

"Got it on camera mate." Jay replies

"They are so cute." I say

"Ugh, you girls are so gushy it was a kiss not marriage." Alec says

"Shut up asshole." I mutter

"What was that princess?"

"Oh I'm sorry I meant stupid asshole." I fake smile

"Who's married now?" Silas says

"Shut up Silas!" we both say at once making Silas laugh, I roll my eyes.

Azaria walks in looking a little less red.


"Hi... um when's the flight?"

"In a few hours." Raiven answers

"We gotta get back to the hotel then." Jay says

"We'll drop you lot off." Myles says.

There are four separate cars so we let Raiven decide pairs since she's always good with decisions.

"So me and Myles, Jay and Silas, Azaria and Raiden obviously," this makes Azaria blush and Raiden smirk. "And Ace and Alec." She winks at me, so much for good decisions.

We all agree or more like them and about five minutes later all of our cars are piled up in front of the hotel, the ride was awkward and me and Alec didn't speak we'd probably end up fighting.We all pack our bags and out of everyone Raiven's is the messiest, she never liked to keep her clothes folded apparently it's harder to find what you want, she's so right.I finish first so go check on the guys in the lounge, wow they all look depressed.

"Do you guys have to leave?" Myles asks.

"Yes, we want to travel and wonder please don't miss us too much."

"We won't" Alec says

"Wasn't gonna miss you anyway."


"Fine."The atmosphere is awkward so I put my iPod on the doc and blast a few tunes, about three songs pass.

"Why are they all 5sos?" Silas asks covering his ears.

"Cuz I love them!The others come down and grin at me.

"Turn it down Ace." Alec asks

"NO DAD! And don't stop Cuz you know that I like it!" I sing busting my moves.

"Its 5sos guys you can't stop her." Azaria says. The door knocks? We don't know anyone else, oh well there gonna have to watch my special moves.

"Yeah, Luke is her bae." Jay adds laughing.

"Uh, Ace?" Oh god please no, I turn around.

"H-hey Luke" Dammit I embarrassed myself again.

"Glad you like the song." Ashton says.

"We came to give you these as well"

"What are they?" she asks

"Goody bags, well something like that." Callum starts off.

"We all put something in there for you, hope you like it." Luke hands me mine, I grin. Alec clears his throat, god does e have to kill the mood?

"Guys I'd like you to meet my friends Raiden, Alec, Silas and Myles." Azaria introduces, "Seeing from the expressions on your face you already know them?"

"My sister loves them and would drag us everywhere to see 5sos." Myles mutters.

"Oh, ok."

"We have to leave now but don't forget us ok?" Luke says, HOW CAN WE!

"Dude more like the other way around." Jay says with a snort.

They all hug us and yes when Luke hugs me I savour the moment."I'm never gonna forget this." I mutter making him laugh. They leave by shaking hands with Alec and the other guys.

"Well that was something," Azaria mutters "Fuck we gotta leave, we don't wanna miss the flight." We all end up getting in to the same pairs and leaving for the airport.

Alec leads me to his Lamborghini!

"Sweet ride, dayum." He laughs

"Glad you like it.""See you can be nice."

"Yeah yeah, hop in princess." It was good while it lasted.

I roll my eyes at the pet name. I don't put my seatbelt on; it makes me feel like I'm not allowed to move.The drive just feels too awkward so i click the radio on and amnesia plays, Luke sings making me grin he has that affect on me. Alec switches the radio off.


"What's so good about him- I mean 5sos anyway?"

"Well there's Luke he's tall and handsome and those eyes! His voice makes me feel like he cares and wants to know how I feel about his music."

"Ok Ok, I get it." Was that jealousy? Either way i change the subject.

"Um so how long have you had that lip piercing?" Dayum lip piercings are so hot, even Luke has one.

"Two years, you like?" He licks his lips

"Oh fuck so sexy" I mutter."Heard that." He smirks, Dammit. My phone rings the caller ID reading Azaria.

"Hey Az-"

"Give the phone to Alec!"

"Ok ok," I hand the phone to Alec

"It's for you." He raises an eyebrow and parks on the side of a road, hmm sensible.

"Ok..." He speaks in a hushed tone so I can't hear? He hangs up

"What was that about?"

"Nothing, listen to my iPod." He tries to shove earphones in my ears.

"Wait-stop!" Thunder roars in the sky, I jump to the ground screaming.

"You really are scared," the thunder abruptly stops

"You can get up no." "I just know it's gonna comeback." He tugs on to my hand.

"Hey hey, you're okay we're in the car not outside." He pulls me up.

"You're righ-" I'm cut off by the loudest strike of thunder yet. "Oh my god!" I bury my head in Alec's chest.

"Sorry I-" he pulls me closer putting his arms around my waist.

"Don't think about it, forget there's any thunder." This pisses me off

"I can't just-" He silences me with his lips and on instant reaction my lips part, I pull him closer pushing myself against him making him groan. He bites my lip asking for an entrance so I let him.We pull away for air.

"You forget yet?" what?

"Huh?" He laughs

"Oh, it stopped."

"Yes it did."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek

"I hate to get you off me, but we gotta get you to the airport." Then the realisation kicks in.

"Yeah, we have to go." He starts the car

"So you're not gonna miss me?" He asks

"Pfft no, I'm just gonna miss my thunder buddy not-"

"I'm gonna miss you to Marcella." I smile

"Wait, who told you my second name?"

"I have my ways."

"Ha, stalker! Never call me that again ok? Ok."

"Jeez ok." He raises a hand

"Yes." I say

"Yes what?"

"I am going to miss you. Dammit when did it get so complicated?"

"Five seconds ago, I can't stop you from leaving. I don't want you to leave but don't give up the adventure." I smile

"When did you become such a man?"

"Five- wait I was already a man." His reaction makes me laugh.

"Yeah yeah." We all make it to the airport just in time to find that our fucking flight has been cancelled! Because of the shit storm!

"We're staying three more days? What are we gonna do?" I ask

"Better Yet where are we gonna stay?" Jay adds

"We could get a motel." Raiven suggests

"No freaking way, you're staying with us." Raiden says

"No it's alright, we don't mind staying in a motel." Azaria replies

"I won't take no for an answer."

"Well you better, cause I'm saying no." Oh no she folded her arms

"Tough I say you're staying with us." He mimics her actions. I look at Alec but he's as clueless as me.






"Oh for blubbicks sake, we'll stay with you guys and Azaria if you want to stay in a motel then you can." Raiven says and with nasty attitude, we all stare at her shocked.

"Fine." Azaria says with anger, carrying her suitcase she runs out the airport. We run after her but when we get there she's already gone.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I shout at Raiven, she looks away!

"WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU?" Jay joins in "SO MUCH FOR FUCKING FRIENDS." She balls her fists, Jay is rarely angry but if you piss her off you won't even recognise her.


We dial Azaria's number again and again we've sent her so many texts but she won't reply.

"I'm calling the fucking police I don't care anymore."

"You can't she hasn't been lost for 24 hours." Silas says

"Then what the fuck do we do? Wait 24 hours until someone announces her dead!" he cringes back.

Jay's phone suddenly rings."WHERE ARE YOU?!!"

"Is it her?" Jay nods

"AZARIA WHERE ARE YOU?!!""She's at some motel"

"What motel?!!" She hangs up. "There's only one motel that closer to hear." Raiden says

"Great let's go." I say but Alec grabs my shoulder

"Right now I think Raiden is the only person Azaria is gonna listen to."

"He's right, go Raiden and call us when you find her." Jay says he nods and runs out the airport

"Let's go to Raiden's house in the meantime." I sigh but agree. We all sit in the living room we got a call from Raiden about an hour ago, Azaria's ok and he's going to stay with her.

"Guys it's three in the morning you need to sleep." Silas says

"Yeah..." Raiven says, Jay gives her the death glare

"Ok girls that's it split up, looks like at least one of us are gonna have to be with you when you sleep."

"What? Dafuq for?" Jay replies

"No he's right about you Jay," I say, she gives me a quizzical look

"I think Raiden would appreciate all his furniture intact when he gets home." She's about to protest but knows I'm right. "Jay has a tendency to break EVERYTHING she gets her hands on when she's angry." Silas smiles

"I'll handle her" Silas grins, guys will always be guys.

"Yeah and I do boxing, don't bother." Jay says folding her arms

"There's a spare room I'll-"

"Don't even try Ace." Smirking Alec puts an arm around me

"Ace I..." Raiven tries to speak but I put a hand up, I'm always the one to forgive first but right now I can't even look at her, she knows Azaria is insecure but she still pushed her away.

"Not today Raiven." With that I walk out the room.

"Aren't you being a little hard?" Alec says

"Shut up Alec." I walk towards a door

"Shut up? So you don't want me to tell you that's the bathroom." I stop, he laughs.

"This is my room." He opens the door to a clean room with ocean blue and white decor and king sized bed.

"Wow it's actually clean."

"I'm not messy."

"Surprising." He looks pleased with himself

"Well I'm gonna go change,"

"Aww, can I come?"

"Nope." I pop the 'p'I change in to shorts and a short t-shirt.

"Done-"I find him in nothing but his boxers. His chest is toned and his packs aren't those Hench dented kind; he's even got that V, dayum.

"You can stop ogling me." I snap out of my trance

"Pfft you wish." I jump on to the king sized bed it's so bouncy!

"You're such a kid." He laughs pulling me in to his chest.

"Shut up-" He kisses me

"Stop that it's too quick I don't get what's happening."

"Ohhh, you want to go for longer." He takes my lips slower and longer I put my fingers in his hair pulling him closer it quickly turns in to a make out session, he kisses my neck making me moan crap he got my weak spot. He laughs a deep throat laugh on my throat making me shiver.

"There now you have something to remember when you look in the mirror.

"What?" I get up and look in the mirror on the desk.

"You gave me a hickey! Everyone's gonna see it, it's so visible." He pulls me in to the bed my face inches away from his.

"Then they'll know you're mine," he whispers in my ear,

"It felt good though didn't it." I laugh.

"Shut up."

"Good night." He kisses the top of my head

"Good night."




Chapter Sixteen

Out of instinct, my lips kiss back. He slyly closes the door amd backs me up against it. His freezing cold hands make contact with my skin, causing me to shiver. He asks me for entrance, I deny. He gropes my arse, causing me to gasp, he takes this as an opportunity to explore my mouth. We both battle for dominace but I lose. A light moans comes from me.

We end up stopping to catch out breaths, he rests his forehead on mine.

"Don't do that again" He whispers fiercely.

"Why?" I ask.

""Do you know how long it took for me to find you?" He asks. Only now did I realise his wet clothes.

"How did you get wet?" I ask him.

"Its pouring outside, I'm not sure if we came get back" He says.

I let go of him and walk into the bathroom and grab a towel. Handing it to him I say "You might wanna um.

. Takeyourclothesoffsoyouwontcatchacold"i rush out the end part.

"Huh?" He's pretending to act like he didn't hear me.

"Take your clothes off so you wont catch a cold in them" I repeat and my cheeks heat up.

"If you wantes to see me naked Azaria Ximeria you could have just asked" He whispers lowly as he takes a tempting step forward.

I turn around. "Hurry up and do it, my bed is calling me"

"Eager to get in?" His breath of my neck sends shivers down my spine.

"Yes very" I say, then I realise that he meant I quickly turn around "No, I didn't mean it like that!" Shit, he's taking off his pants.

I turn back around and walk towards the bed and get up, still facing away from him. I feel the bed dip from behind me and I turn around when a arm snakes its way around my waist, pulling we closer. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

"I'm cold"

"So am I" I say and try to shake his hand off my waist. He holds on.

"Go to sleep" He mumbles, half asleep already.

"I'm tired to even argue about this so don't let your mind think that I'm okay with this sleeping arrangement" I yawn.

"Yeah, sure whatever" He smirks.

He goes to sleep. Eventually I do as well, feeling the warmth of his body blanketing mine.

I wake up to a pair of eyes staring back at mine.

"Da fuq?" I quickly move away.

"Its only me" He says.

"I know, you just scared me that's all" I get up.

"Oh, sorry" He gets up as well. I quickly turn around. I hear him chuckle behind me.

"Put your clothes on quickly so I can grab mine" I says.

I hear some movement and after a while he mutters "You can turn around now"

I turn around and grab my clothes before walking into the bathroom and putting them on and freshen up.

I walk out and the first thing I realise is that my suitcase is no longer here. Raiden walks in through the door.

"Where are they?"

"In my car, we're going to the others" He says, pulling out the room.

Too tired to argue with him I just follow behind. We get there after a while.

"Which room an I staying in?" I ask.

"I don't know" He gets out and comes to my side and helps me out.

"Thanks" I mutter.

We walk up to the door. Take deep breaths Azaria, deep breaths, Ace and Jay may kill you for the stunt you did. I mentally scold myself for reminding myself about the consequences of my actions.

When Raiden opens the door, I did npt expect to see what was happening on the other side.

Chapter Seventeen

Jays POV 

The events of last night were still in my head, urgh that stupid little shit made me so mad should have beat up a bit more. Who the heck does she think she is talking and acting like that? I really did not want to wake up but realised that today we had to leave. Damn just when I was having fun too. I walked out of the bathroom to see Ace, Raiven along with the guys outside Raidens door.

“Jaaaaay, grab your camera” Ace said smirking.

Oooooh I see whats happening here catching Azaria and Raiden red handed are we. That girl was too obvious. She liked Raiden and everyone knew and now I see Ace is going to prove it. I found my camera and made my way back outside the door.

“Jay, got the camera ready?” Ace asked, everyone else had their phones out, damn this was going to be hilarious.

“Yeah lets wait for the perfect moment” I heard Ace giggle, we all could hear the two love birds in his room sweet talking.

“Guys, we should respect their privacy” Raiven says but that didn’t stop her from putting her ear against the door laughing a little.

“No but you smell so good” we all heard. Oh my days, what were they doing.

“Oh my god, she’s for young for sex!” Raiven whisper shouted. I could not take this anymore, fudge this.

“3...” I started saying “2...1”

“NOW!” Ace shouted we all barged into the room. Catching them both smooching. Eww cringey stuff, we all started snapping away.

“AWWW” Ace cooed.

“Look, she’s blushing” I saw smirking a little.

“Does Azaria have a little crush?” Alec commented making Azaria blush even more.

“N-no” She stuttered, we all laughed.

“We’ll leave you two love birds alone” Ace said and we all walked out of the room.

We all sat in the kitchen. Eating, talking, on our phones, minding our own business.

“Did you see them two lovebirds?” Raiven said.

“Got it on camera mate” I saidI heard Raiven typing away on the laptop while Alec and Ace were arguing. Hmm is this another romance blossoming? I was going through the pictures on my camera was I felt someone watching me over my shoulders.

“Oooooh carry on, you’re pretty good” I turned my head and saw on the guys, Silas. He seems like a pretty cool dude. He had black hair with a couple of beachy highlights blonde and chocolate brown eyes. He also had a small black stud in one ear.

“Erm okay. But creep on me like that and I’ll break your nose”A few moments later Azaria walked in looking a little less red.


“Hi, when’s the flight” Azaria asked

“In a few hours” Raiven answers back

“We gotta get back to the hotel then” I added

“We’ll drop you lot off” Myles said.

We got into four separate cars and guess who I was with. Yep Silas and daamnn was his car some sexy beast.

“Do you know what car you’re sitting in by any chance” He asked in a cocky voice. Oh I see did he think I was an idiot who didn’t know anything.

“An Audi R8 duhh. To be honest you should have got the matte black one that looks sexy” I replied smirking back. His face was shocked.

“Damn, you sure know your stuff huh? Well I have a Ducati in matte black at my place” he replied. Damnn he rides motorcycles too and had good taste anything else he does? A few minutes later we were in front of the hotel. We got into our room and packed our bags. You with think that cause Raiven is so motherly she was tidy pft no. Hers was the messiest. Most of my stuff was already packed and all I had to do was change into something more comfortable. After I was done I walked into Azaria’s room and see the guys with Ace who had her 5SOS songs blasting out.

“Turn it down Ace” Alec asked her. Haha idiot he shouldn’t tell her to do that.

“NO DAD! And don’t stop cause you know I like it” was her reply and she danced about. Typical Ace.

“Its 5SOS guys you can’t stop her” Azaria says while Ace carried on with her dancing.

We heard a knock on the door.

“Luke is her bae” I said laughing due the fact she was dancing like an ass while her dream man was right behind her.

“Uh Ace” Luke said confused she looked back shocked.

“H-Hey Luke”

“Glad you liked the song” Ashton said. They all handed out some goody bags with stuff in it.

“Guys, I’d like you to meet my friends. Raiden, Alec, Silas and Myles” Azaria said introducing the guys “Seeing the expressions on your face you know them?”

“My sister loves them and would drag us everywhere to see 5SOS” Myles muttered.

“Oh okay”

“We have to leave now, but don’t forget us okay?” Luke says. Dude you’re famous im pretty sure no one can forget them.

“Dude, more like the other way around” I say with a snort.

They all hug each other.

“Well aren’t you going to join the fun then?” Silas asked

“No thanks I’m not a hugger” I replied aback.

I heard him mutter something.  I watched as Ace hugs Luke the longest and from the corner of my eye I see Alec looking with a saddened expression. Yup, dudes got feelings for her.  We all say our goodbyes and hop into the car we came in.

“Don’t you like 5SOS?” Silas asked breaking the silence.

“Not as much as Ace aha. Nah they’re cool” I replied

“Let me guess a One Direction fan huh? And there I was thinking you liked trap or something” He snorted

“Excuse me One Direction are you for real? Yeah they’re cute but trap and dubstep are awesome” I replied back.

“Sweet” was his reply “My kinda girl” He looked in my direction raising his eyebrows up. Just as I was about to reply I heard thunder. Gheez clouds rude much? I remembered how Ace was petrified of thunder Azaria must have already warned Alec.

Being the idiot I am I took out my camera and took photos of the sky. I could see Silas from the corner of my eye looking at me weirdly.

“What, it looks cool”

“Never said anything”

“So a secret that know one knows about you?” I asked

“If its a secret why should I tell you?”

“Just trying to make conversation. Gheez you remind me of Silas from The Vampire Diaries”

“Oi, I am not like that psycho and anyways I am way more handsome” Wow up his own butt much?

“Want me to dropkick your face so it’ll change?”

“Why are you so violent? Ah I see you just want to touch me” he replied wiggling his eyebrows

“Seriously dude, seriously” I said

“Anyways I’m more of a Stiles character. Oh shit” I swear down my eyes fell outta their sockets.


“Erm no..”

“Don’t make me give you a Chinese burn” I threatened

“Okay okay please don’t. I watch Teen Wolf but don’t tell the others please” he begged.

“Haha chill you’re the first guy I know that actually watches the show”

“Why thank you heeeeeeey since when did you have a piercing?" He asked noticing my industrial piercing.

“Oh a year now”

“Makes you look more hot” he mumbled

“What did you just say?”

“Nothing do not hurt me I said we’re here at the airport”  I looked outside and saw he wasn’t lying. We walked into the airport and found out our flight was cancelled due to the storm. What the actual fudge.

“We’re staying three more days? What are we going to do?” Ace asked

“Better yet where are we going to stay?” I asked I could catch up on my sleep and missed episodes of Teen Wolf.

“We could get a motel” Raiven suggested

“No freaking way, you’re staying with us” Raiden butt in.

“No it’s alright we don’t mind staying in a motel.” Azaria says

“Well you better, cause I’m saying no” She said folding her arms.

“Tough I say you’re staying with us” Raiden says mimicking her.

“Oh great another childish fight” Silas says to me






“Oh for blubbicks sake. We’ll stay with the guys and Azaria if you want to stay in a motel then you can ”Raiven butt in. Woahoy momma has an attitude.

“Fine” Azaria says seeming pissed off. She grabbed her stuff and ran out the airport, we follow her but shes gone. What the fudge.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Ace shouts at Raiven who just looks away. Okay thats just wrong.

“What kind of friend are you” I joined in. “So much for fucking friends” there was absolutely no need to be so rude. I balled my fists, didn’t want to cause a scene here. Ace just carries on with her rant, swearing and saying ninja knows what.

We all try dialling Azaria numerous times. Leaving her so many texts and voicemails. When she gets back I will kill her.

“I’m calling the fucking police. I don’t care” I say

“You can’t she hasn’t been lost for 24 hours” Silas says. My phone suddenly rang, looking at the I.D I see its Azaria.

“WHERE ARE YOU?!” I shout

“Is it her” Ace asks, I nod at her.


“She’s at some motel”

“What motel” But she cuts me off. Okay is she fo’real?

“There’s only one motel that’s close around here” Raiden says.

We let him go to Azaria as he’s probably the only person she’ll listen. We decide that we should just go back to Raidens house and wait for them. Ergh I’ll just watch Teen Wolf or something. While I was enjoying my Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream and watching a Bruce Lee movie we get a call from Raiden saying that Azaria is fine and he’ll stay with for the night.

“Guys its three in the morning you need sleep” Silas says

“Yeah...” Raiven says. What the its too early to sleep plus I was still a little pissed at her and Azaria. I glared at her.

“Okay girls that’s it split up. Looks like at least one of us is gonna have to be with you when you sleep”

“What? What the fudge for?” I say. Firstly it’s too early to sleep and secondly share a room with a dude? No thanks.

“No. He’s right about you Jay” Ace says looking at me “I think Raiden would appreciate all his furniture intact when he gets home” Aw man, just when I was about to grab that chair. Oh well maybe next time ey.“Jay has a tendency to break everything she gets her hand son when she’s angry” she explains to Silas.

“I’ll handle her” He says grinning. Oh we’ll see

“Yeah and I do boxing, don’t bother” I say, I see the others have gone. Leaving me alone with the goof ball. Oh great thanks a lot guys.

Suddenly he drags me towards his room. I see that it is clean.. Unlike mine where everything is just well over the place really.  I see a TV and jump into the bed switching it on. Oh my day’s Teen motherfudging Wolf on and after that was American Horror Story. Can this moment in time get any better? I feel the bed dip and see it was Silas.

“You actually were pyjamas? And here I thought boys sleep half naked” I said , he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with long flannel trousers.

“Well I do but you’re here so why not be a little respectful huh. Unless you want me to be naked” aaaaaand weird Silas was back.

“Pur-lease like I  want to see you naked and shut your mouth Stiles is on the screen along with Scott” I say throwing the remote at him. Bad move. He switched of the TV!

“Oi! Who gave you the righ-“ I started but was cut off with his tshirt in my face. Asshole threw took it off adn damn did he have some abs.“E man whut the hell. Put your top back on” I say. I do not want to see a half naked man.

“Or what” he says smirking. That does it. I push him off the bed until his back side faced up. I jumped ogg the bed and sat on his back.“Erm it’s actually quiet cold on this floor you know” he says

“Good, should not have took your top of then weirdo”

“Erm you’re heavy? Get off me please?” He begged

“Thanks and no. Admit that Stiles is hot first”

“Hell no”

“Then fine”

“Hes ugly”

“What did you say?”

“He is ugly. Are you deaf aswell as heavy? Gheez I had to be put in the same room as you” I got off him

“Unless you want me to break this room apart you better shut up you annonying shit  and no one forced you too idiot.” I walked out of the room and went into the living room and sat on the sofa. Untill he came along.“Oh my days. Move.” I say getting up but I was quickly pushed onto the sofa. And guess what he did. Sat on me! Wow karma does exist huh.

“Sorry if I pissed you off it attractive and now I will sit on you. Goodnight” Idiot.



Chapter Eighteen

"What the hell is going on?" Behind me I hear Raiden chuckle. "Well?" I add when no one says anything. In front of me, Silas was sitting on top of Jay. I'm suprised she hasn't thrown him off her yet. "Nothing" She tried to push him off but he doesn't budge. "Get off me you Oompa Loompa" He fakes hurt "How do I look like an Oopma Loompa to you?" "All your missing is the orange skin and the voice" Behind me I hear Raiden say "Burn". "Do I even wanna know how you guys ended up like that?" After a few seconds I say to Silas "You might wanna seriously get off her,  and run" He doesn't listen to Raiden does the honers of walking up to them and pushing him off her. Not expecting that, Silas falls onto the floor. "Dude, your supposed to be on my side" Silas complains. Raiden snorts "And have my ass kicked by her...... no thanks" "Bastard" Silas mutters. "Talking about yourself I see" Raiden smirks before walking into his room. I stand there and clear my throat. "You guys gonna sleep or what?" I raise an eyebrow. "Where am I sleeping cause it sure isn't with him" Jay says pointing to Silas. "Ouch, don't you have a heart" He puts his hands on his own. "Yeah, but its not nice when it comes to yours" She says. "Yeah, yeah" I clear my throat. "Girl I suggest you sleep, you only have some time before Ace comes and wakes you up" After I say that, Jay groans and walks to a random room. Silas follows after. Its only 6am. I groan, I'm still sleepy. I walk to the couch and fall onto it. Sleep soon engulfs me.

"You wake her up" I hear people whisper. "No, you. Everyone minus her and Jay are awake" Another voice says. I groan a little. "She's waking up" "Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep" I throw something in the voices direction. "Whoa, who knew Azaria is violent when she's forced to wake up?" Will they be quiet? "I have a way to get her up" I hear Ace say. I swear, I could hear the smirk in her voice. "You even try, I'm gonna make you regret it" I say in a calm voice. I don't hear a reply but as soon as I feel ice cold water touch me, I am up and running after Ace. "You bitch, come here!!" "I told you I would do it" She carries on running. Urgh why do I have to wear white tops on the days Ace decides to wake me up oh so nicely? Now my bra is clearly being shown. Urgh! "Well I told you I'm going to kill you" Before I can say anything else, Ace jumps 10ft into the air because thunder can be heard from outside. "Shit" I forget all about what she did and grab my phone and headphones before shoving the headphones into her ears and blasting 5sos. "Its that bad?" I hear Myles say. "She is super scared" i hearJay reply out of nowhere. After a while, the thunder goes but the sky looks angry. Ace calms down a little. "I still haven't forgot about what you did, I'm still getting you back" I warn her. "Yeah, whatever" I hear my stomach rumble. "FEED ME!" I shout and run into the kitchen, everyone turns and looks at me funny. "What?" I ask, a little self conscious about how I look right now. "Your shirt is still wet and hugging your body" Raiven points out. I still haven't forgotten about the day before and I'm pretty sure Ace and Jay are waiting for my reply. I'm a person that can hold a grudge for a long time. I nod my head awkwardly "I'm going to change it now" I mumble and start to walk out the kitchen. "Why? Loving the red bra" I hear Myles say. I go red "Ow what was that for?" I hear him complain. "Don't fucking say that" I jear Raiden say. "She's not yours" Myles challenges. I walk out the kitchen but I'm sure I hear Raiden mutter 'yet'. I'm sure I heard wrong. I walk to where my bag should be but its not there. I look around. "Its in my room" He says from behind me. "Oh" I walk past him and into his room. Not getting the hint he follows me. I find my bag and grab a grey loose jumper that is a little long with a wolf print, a pair of black leggins and a grey beenie. I start to take my shirt off but then I remember of the presence behind me. "Um.... do you mind?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He acts like nothing is going on. "I need to change" I say. "Carry on" I walk into the bathroom and change.  I am not gettig changed in front of anyone, no way. I walk out and look around. He's not here, phew. "Red suites you" i feel something press onto my neck softly but soon disappear.

Chapter Nineteen

I walked back into the kitchen, my cheeks a little red but nobody os there. I gind them all in the living room. "What's got you blushing?" Jay raises an eyebrow. "More like who?" Ace whispers, oh so quietly. .... not. I scowl at them both and sit down next to Myles on the floor since all the spaces are taken. "What are you guys watching?" I ask no one in particular. "Watching final destination" Alec replies. I scrunch my nose up and get up. "You guys carry on.... I'm gonna do sonething else" I turn around and am about to walk away when a voice says something. "Why you scared to watch it?" He smirks. "Don't worry I'll protect you" I snort. "No, I just don't like the movie... its not about me being scared more like its disturbing" I say. "Yeah, we believe you" Silas says. I scowl at him. "She hates these movies, nothing will make her stay and watch it" Ace says with her eyes still on the screen. "Damn" Is the first thing I hear. "Well.... when you find a better movie to watch,  call me" I walk out the room and back to where my bags are. I take out my scetch book and sit by the window. I put my headphones on and blast mysic into my ears. I look outside and just stare at the view in front of me, a few minutes later I start to move my pencil trying to copy the view. Its not possible to do the same as someyimes else because everything has its difference,  the same goes with art. That's why two sketches are never the same. I am soo focused that I don't realise someone come into the room. When I feel a tap on my shoulder I jump 10ft into the air, I rip my headphones out of my ears and turn my head. I find Raiven looking down at me. "Hey" She say quietly. "Hi" I say in the same tone. I look back down at my sketch book before slammig it shut. "We're watching a different movie now, you wanna come?" She asks me. "Sure" I quickly get up and put everything away. "Hey Azaria" I look at her "I'm really sorry anout yesterday" She says. I nod my head. "It doesn't matter anymore, I overreacted and I'm sory about scaring the shit out of everyone" "So we're ok?" "Duh, now come on.... I got a film to watch" I say pulling her into the room that the others are in "What movie are we watching?" I ask them. They all look at us shocked minus the girls "What?" "You guys aren't killig each other" Myles points out. "Pft, we weren't planning to" Raiven replies. "Besides I overreacted anyway and regret it" I say sitting down in the only available seat.... oh you guessed it next to Raiden "Well maybe not all of it" I mutter, expecting no one to hear... but it seems like I have no luck today. "Hmm I wonder what it was that you didn't regret" His husky voice whispers into my ear. Again I feel something lightly toich my neck, causing me to shiver a little. "What movie we watching?" I ask trying to pull my mind away from what he is talking about. I hear him chuckle because he knows what I'm trying to do. "28 days later" Jay replies in a flat tone. I groan. "That movie is shit!" I exclaim. "You guys watched the movie before?" Silas looks at the two of us shocked. "These two bobble heads are not scared of zombie movies, lock em in a room with a zombie and it'd be dead before a minute ends" Ace snorts. "She hates them because she's scared" Jay teases her. Ace throws a pillow at her and mutters 'bitch' under her breath. "Your just upset that I'm telling the truth" Jay carries on. "Shudap" She attempts to throw another pillow at her but Alec took it off her. She glared at him but didn't do anything. The movie starts to play and like I said before, this movie is boring (for me anyway... not sure about others). Its about this man who woke up 28 days later snd during that time, the world fell into choas. An experiment gone wrong, chimpanzees caused a plague of zombies to happen from their bite or blood. I zoned out when the girls dad ends up as a zombie because he got too cocky and ended up with zombie blood in his mouth. I look at Jay and see that she is falling asleep so I throw popcorn at her. She jerks awake and glares at me before throwing popcorn at me. But before I can throw anymore,  a hand clutches onto wrist to stop me. I look at the culprit but his eyes are on the screen. Lucky for Jay and I, is that the film soon ended. "Shit movie" Jay mutters. "I second that" I say as well. "What movie do you guys wanna watch next?" Myles asks us reading out the movie names. "Paranormal activity" Jay suggests. Myles looks around to see if everyone agrees, when his eyes land ln me I don't reply. "Azaria, you wanna watch Paranormal activity?" Jay asks. "Fuck no" I pick my feet up from the ground and stretch my body so I'm lying on the sofa....  even if it means my head goes on his lap. "Why not?" Ace asks "You scared?" "I hate paranormal movies.... fucking scary" I mutter. Nobody listened to me and we ended up watching the movie.  When the girl got dragged out of bed, I swear that I could feel something touching my foot. Around 11pm it was dark and we were in the middle of the 2nd paranormal activity movie when the lights went out. "Fuck" I mutter and put my hands out trying to feel what's in front of me. I end up hitting Raiden's face. "Shit sorry" I mutter. "What happened?" I hear Raiven from somewhere. "The storm caused the lights to go off" Silas replies from I don't even know. "So you mean..... more thunder?" I swear I heard Ace gulp. I grab my phone and switch the flashlight part on. I look around and nearly shit myself, the only people in the room are me and Raiden. "Where the hell did everyone go?" I ask. I don't get a reply because Raiden is no longer with me. "Guys this isn't funny" I hear something fall behind me and flash my phone in that direction, nothing. I feel something brush my neck and I quickly turn around and scream.

Chapter Twenty

Right there in front of me was a girl, all dressed in white with her hair covering her face a little but that grin on her face caused me to scream bloody murder and run for my life. She started laughing when I got to the stairs. "What the fuck is going on?!" I scream. "Awe poor boy he was cute" A raspy voice from my tight says. I look and see another girl that looks the same as the one from earlier but this time she's facing a body.... I see something red puddle the floor. "Bitch are you on your period? You seem to be leaking a little" My mouth says before I can stop it. When she turns around I scream, she's covered in blood. I run up the stairs and stuble on the last one and hit my head off the ground..... hard. "Azaria... is that you?" I hear Jay say from my right. I turn but I find her giving me an evil grin holding a knife. "Jay what's going on, put the down please" I plead. She takes a spet forward while I take a couple back. My back coming in contact with something firm. Hands wrap around my frame and hold me in place. "You see Azaria, you're next" Whatever she's talking about doesn't sound nice. I step on the person's foot making them let me go. "Get her" I hear Jay scream when I lock myself in a random room. I flash my phone and scream again. Here in this room are two more people. "Your next" They chant with grins on their faces and grab for me. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARDS" I scream before running out of the room and into a different one. I slide to the floor and start to cry. After God knows how long, the lights come back on, during that time I had slipped unconscious for a few mintues before coming back. I hug my knees and cry. What the actual fuck was going on? I hear someone call my name so I stop crying and hold my breath. "Azaria, where are you?" They say. "Where could she be?" I think I hear Raiven say. I look around to find myself in the spare room, I quickly hide under the bed before the door opened. "She's not here" "Wait what's that?" I hear someone say. "Might be nothing, let's look somewhere else" Another voice suggests. I hear the door open and close. I close my eyes and count to ten but i stop midway because all of a sudden I am pulled from under the bed. "AHHHHHHHHH" I scream. "Damn girl coild you shut up" I find Ace holding her ears. I shut up and look around, everyone was looking at me. I look around confused. "Who are you?"

Chapter Twenty One

"Who are you?" They all look at me in shock. "Azaria, you know who we are" Raiven says. I pretend to look at her in shock. "How do you know my name" I ask. "Stop messing about with us Azaria" Jay says, with a little bit of fear in her voice. "Stop saying my name! How do you know my name" I move away from them and slide to the floor and cover my ears. I feel someone pry them away, I look up and find Raiden looking at me in a very vulnerable state. "Azaria stop messing about" Ace says. "I don't know who you guys are and I don't know where I am" I say. Hurt fills her face and I instantly regret what I'm doing but they scared me to death. "Your best friends with these girls and friends with us" Silas explains then adds "Raiden here is your boyfriend" Huh? Since when was Raiden my boyfriend?  "How can I believe you guys? For all I could know is that you all kidnapped me and using me as some ginea pig in some kind of fucked up science experiment" I say. "If we wanted to do that we would have that long ago" I hear Myles snort. Raiven smacks the back of his head. "Ow" "Shut up" She whispers to him. "Wait guys look at her head, its bleeding" I touch my forehead and wince. Alec was right, my head is bleeding. Raiden has not said a word for sometime now. "But how can she loose her memory from that?" Ace says. "It can be possible" All of a sudden I smell food, my stomach rumbles. "Ah fuck it, I'm shit at this acting shit" I jump up, everyone looks at me in bewilderment. 

I hear Raiden chuckle beside me. "I smell food and I'm hungry" He's still holding me. "Let me go darlying boyfriend I have a stomach to feed" he let's me go and I run out the room leaving everyone shocked behind me.

Chapter Twenty Two

"YOU WERE ACTING?!!" Jay says this time. When everyone came into the kitchen I was attacked into a hug by the girls before they started shooting questions at me. "Paybacks a bitch guys"  I smirk. "Paybacks a- why are you getting back at us?" Silas asks. "The incident that happened after the lights went off" I say quietly. Realisation hits their faces. "You scared up for that?" Raiven screams. "You guys scared me even more" I wince again because my head hurts a little. "So that wound on your head is fake as well?" Myles asks. "No... I didn't realise it was there until Alec pointed it out" I said putting the empty thai box down. "Didn't it hurt?" Alec asks. "You idiot, if she couldn't tell that her head was hurt how is she meant to feel pain?" Ace smacks him on the head. "No I could feel anything, should have been obvious since I went unconscious for a few minutes" I mutter the last part. After that we didn't talk much, once everyone finished Raiden pulled me out the room and into his bathroom. "What are you doing?" I ask when he pulls me onto the bathroom counter. "You head needs cleaning" He grabs the first aid kit and dabs some antiseptic onto a cotton budd before badding on my wound. I hiss when it starts to sting. "I'll be fine, no need to go all medical on me" I try to brush his hand away but it doesn't work. "Shut up and let me help" I do what he says and soon enough he's done. "Finito" "Thank you boyfriend deary" I say remembering the comment from earlier.

I hear him groan a little. I smirk a little "What's wrong Raiden" I ask in a low voice. I get off the counter and try to move but I'm wedged between him and the counter. He rests his forehead on mine. "Don't do that again, you scared us all" He whispers. I nod my head. "Ok" I whisper and yawn "I'm sleepy, take me to bed" I wrap my arms around his neck. I see his eyes darken a little and realise how wrong that sounded "Noo, I didn't mean it like that" "I know" He whispers. But he still takes me. "Urgh" I remember I need to change "Could you um.... turn around? I say when I grabbed my clothes. "Why?" I hold up my clothes "Oh" He turns around and I get changed into a pair of shorts and a loose T-shirt. "You can turn around now" I mutter and get under the covers. If I were being honest I'm glad I'm sleeping here and not in the spare room because after that movie I'm still scared about it. He takes his shirt off and does the same. He looks at me and remembers something. "You can't go to sleep, you might have a concussion" He says. I yawn again. "But I'm sleepy" I groan. "Well you can't" "But what else I supposed to do if I can't sleep?" I ask and look at him. "We could go back to the living room and watch a few movies, or do something else" He smirks. I don't understand what he's talking about at first but when I do I punch his arm and turn around, me cheeks burning red. "Aw I was only joking, well maybe a little" He whispers in my ears, his breath tickling my neck. "Movie then" I quickly get up. I hear him sigh so I turn around and stick my tongue at him "Come on slow couch" I say. I don't know where I got the energy from all of a sudden. "Yeah yeah" He says but follows. "What movie?" He asks me. "One with Zombies in" (I have a bad addiction to zombie movies) "You aren't scared?" I snort. "What would I need to be scared of?" I find Jay and Silas walking into the living room. "Hey guys, you wanna join us?" "What are you guys doing?" Silas asks. "Movie, she can't sleep because she might have a concussion" Raiden says over his shoulder. "Oh ok" They both sit down, Jay sits next to me and Silas sits on the other couch. "We have, zombieland, humans versus zombies, residential evil series or Drag me to hell even if that isn't exactly a zombie movie" Raiden says. "Drag me to hell" We all say. I've watched this movie before.... it failed to scare me but Jay? It made her laugh her arse off! (My friend will actually do that XD) Half way through ths movie Raiden gets up to get some more popcorn. "You both aren't scared of these types of movies?" Silas asks us in bewilderment. "Azaria has some but I have none" Jay states proudly."You guys need more drinks? I'm going to grab another one" Silas asks us. "Sure" We both say. He leave and we carry on watching the movie. "Hey what the?" Jay says when something hits her on the face. "What happened?" I ask "Nothing" The guys come back a few minutes later. We managed to finish a few movies off and we all started to feel tired so few went back to our rooms and went to bed. "What? Can't I sleep still?" I ask Raiden when I see him still staring at me. "I'm not sure but I'll let you, you might kill me if I tried to stop you" He mutters the last part not expecting me to hear it. I punch him in the arm. "Heard that" I say giving him a look. He groans but doesn't say anything else. After a while I start to feel sleep take over with one thing on my mind. Tomorrow is officially our last day together.

Chapter Twenty Three

We all spent the day together and soon enough it was time to go. We all said our goodbyes in our own way, Jay doesn't normally give hugs but she was compelled to. We promised to keep in contact with each other. (I didn't know how I can end it so this is the best I've got) We got onto the plane with tired and sad looks. We spent three days in Brazil before going to Florida, Miami, Tunisa, Canada, Turkey, Australia,  Germany and Dubai. We took a lot of pictures, I think Jay has taken the most. "We will soon be landing in Chicago,  please turn off any electrical devices and stay in your seats" The air hostess says at the front. "I gotta pee" Ace says squirming in her seat. "Hold it in for a little bit, we're landing soon" Raiven says. "But I can't" She complains. "5 minutes?" "If I kill anyone when I run to the bathroom don't blame me" She says. Soon enough we do land and just like Ace said she would, she runs to the bathroom and comea back after a few minutes. We grab our bags and walk towards the security area. "Hey are we still going to the hotel?" I ask. "No, Ryder said that we're staying with him during our stay and that he's going to pick us up" Jay replies. "Ok bien" I reply. We go through security and everything else before walking towards the arrivals. We walk out and look around. "You see him?" Ace asks. "Nope" I look around but nothing, I can't see him. "Hey I'm going to grab something from the shop... call me if he comes" Jay says. "Call me to I'm going with Jay" I say walking with her to the shop close by. I go instantly towards the drink area and grab monster and three more for the others, balancing them on one hand I walk towards Jay. "What's wrong?" I ask her. "They don't have any cookies!" She exclaims. "Grab Oreos then" After mumbling a few profanities she grabs them and we both walk towards the cashier. Someone who just finished off paying for their stuff looked oddly familiar. I shake my head and pay for my stuff before walking back towards the others. Another person was standing by them and talking, huh? Looks like the same person from earlier. "Jay, Azaria" Ace says as she takes a monster from me. "Thanks for the warm welcome, here I bought food" I say sarcastically. "Pft, shudap" She swats at my face slightly, if I didn't move it in time I might have gotten slapped in the face. "Guess who's here" She says excitedly to Jay and I. "Who? The cookie monster who say the monstrosity of how the shop didn't have any cookies so he came to give me some?" Jay starts off. "Better yet, Hogwarts has finally accepted Jay and they have come to take her away" I finish. "No, Ryder" She says with a smile. "And it hasn't come yet?" She says shocked. "Nope" I turn my head,  no wonder he looked familiar.  How could we not realise that it was Ryder earlier. "Hey" Jay and I say to him, I give him a hug but since Jay isn't very big on hugs she just stands there. "Sorry for taking so long, I needed to grab something from the shop over there" He says and gives something to Jay "They weren't out of cookies, I just took the last pack" "OMG THANK YOU" Jay grins. "Girl your acting like he gave your acceptance letter" Raiven says. "You don't have it do you?" Jay asks Ryder. "Nope, I couldn't find it" He replies. "Dammit" "Maybe next time" I pat her arm. "Let's get going why don't we?" Ryder suggests. "Sure, I'm dead on legs anyways" Ace says tiredly. We walk out of the airport and to Ryder's car, I'm not good with knowing what types of car it is so whatever.During the drive we talk a little and after an hour or so we finally arrive to a house. It looks homely. We grab our luggage and follow behind Ryder. It was super late, our plane landed around 10pm and we waited for two hours before getting here so its around 1:30am. We were all jet legged, Ryder saw that and showed us where we would be staying, even Jay who sleeps when the sun rises went to bed by 2am. I woke up to the smell of food. I grab a jumper and put it on before walking into the bathroom and cleaning up a little and then treading downstairs silently. "You and Jay seem to always wake up late" Raiven points out. Lately Ace has woke up early because she wants to make the most of the time we have in the countries we visit. "Not my fault, I'm freezing cold in the morning and the only thing that is warm is my bed" I defend and sit down. "Hey, want some?" Ryder points to the pile of pancakes. I nod my head and put some on my plate. "These are awesome" I say after a few bites. "Thanks, when's Jay going to wake up?" He asks. "What about me?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "Nothing, just wondering how long you can stay in bed for while we eat breakfast" Ace replies. Jay sits down. "I'm hungry" She takes some pancakes. "Whoa these are good" She says to Ryder. His cheeks turn pink a little "Thanks" After a while we finish and help clean up. We decided that we'd go to Lincon Park Zoo so we all went and got ready.

I wore, a denim shirt, black skinny jeans, brown boots and a brown leather jackets. i wore my watch, a few bracelets and let my hair pinned back. grabbing my side bag, i put the thingsI'd need in there before leaving my room and found Jay, Ryder and Raiven ready and waiting.

''Why is it that Ace is mostly the last one to finish getting ready from the four of us?'' I ask.

''Maybe because she has to look awesome!'' She says from behind me.

''Yeah, yeah, come on we gotta leave now'' Jay says.

Raiven is wearing a black sweatshirt with the words ''Normal people scare me'' across it, dark red skinny jeans and black combat boots with a snapback on her head. Ryder is wearing white shirt, jean jacket, black jeans and timberlands. Ace is wearing a black dress with pinks and green flowers printed on it, black thigh socks and brown knee high boots and a white long cardigen with her hair out loose. Jay was weaing a shirt that said ''I am a T-shit and nothing more'', blue ripped jeans, white converse, a jacket and grey beanie, she left her hair out.

We got into Ryder's car and drove to Lincon Park Zoo, it took some time to get there and on the journey we talked about casual things but towards the end I plugged in my headphones and blared 'The neighbourhood, BVB, All Time Low, Little Mix and other artists;s music'. My headphones were ripped out of my ears by Ace to say that we're finally here.

''Hey, you didn't need to do that'' I say.

''C'mon'' She says as we all get out.

''Seems like she's the person who's most happy about coming here'' Ryder chuckles.

''Course, I remember in year 8, we went to a safari park and the trip around there was boring and clastphobic because we were stuck in a coach for more then an hour'' Raiven says from in front of us.

''That was 5 years ago'' Jay says. We pay to get it and fist animal we go to see are the wolves (If there aren't any just imaine there are) Jay took a lot of pictures of them. We moved around from the the wolve's enclosure, to lions, tigers, hyena's, birds, monkeys and zebra. We were in the middle of the polar bear aqaruim when our tummies protested to be fed. We didn't know exactly where we can go eat so we went into the closet place we could find which was the Park Place Cafe. Luckily there was a Deli in there so we could get some food. After finishing our food, we got some Ice-Cream and carried on with our zoo tour.

We were in the Reptile enclosure when a notice that two snakes had somehow got out, came through. The zoo keepers made sure everyone was out of the enclosure but they coudn't find us, and we were kind of lost so we couldn't find the exit.

''Shit, what if we find those snakes?'' Ace says, a little panicked.

''I doubt we'd find the,, look how big this enclosure is'' Ryder says. He's right, this enclosure is quite big so we might not find them.

''Then what's that?'' Jay point out. Maybe I was wrong, a snake was actually there, looked like a python to me. At least it wasn't poisonous, it was a few meters in front of us.

''Fuck'' Both Ace and I say.

''We found one, now where is the other one?'' Ryder says.

''Guys you might not want to look back but there's one right behind us'' Jay says. All of us being stupid, we look behind and yup, Jay was right there was actually another one behind us, this one wasn't very big but its doesn't mean that isn't as deadly. Both snakes were blocking the exits so we couldn't even get out without going past them.

''How the fuck do we get out now?'' I ask, I'm not good with snakes. One of them moved a little closer. ''Aw c'mon, it's coming closer'' I say.

''What is this? A cat and mouse game?'' Raiven says.

''I have no idea but someone needs to come help us'' Ryder says. Seems like our prayers were answered because a few people did actually come, but it was hard trying to get the snakes. Once they did get them we had to explain why we were still in the enclosure when it had been evacuated.

''We honestly had to explain?'' Jay says.

''It was pretty obvious since both snakes were blocking both the exits so how the hell were we meant to get out?'' I say. We were all pretty shaken from that incident, so we decided to call it a day and go back home. On the ride home, Ace shared my headphones and we both dozed off, letting the others talk with each other. We got back around 6pm and watched a few movies, Rise of the Guardians, Frozen and a bunch of others. We ordered take out and went to bed late, around 3am.

Chapter Twenty Four

''Urgh, get off me'' I groan. I don't get a reply. instead I am bombarded by water. ''Da fuq?'' I jump out of bed and see that everyone is holding a watergun. ''You guys are soo dead now!'' I grab the one on the side, who left that I have no idea, but thankfully they did.

''Shit, run!'' They all run out of my room and I hear the door slam. Fuck they had to go outside? I put on my slippers and run after them. When I get outside, I can't see them but I hear two people talking to my right, so slyly I walk in that direction. I find Raiven and Ryder talking, they don't even see me but once I squirt them with water they sense my presence.

''Two down, two more to go'' I grin and take off. Now, where would the others be? They can't be outside so I go back inside, I check the living room and nobody, I check the bathroom, nope. I check both of their rooms and I can't find them. The last option I have is the basement. I switch the light off, It was on so they must be in here, and carefully walk down the stairs. I might be making the most shittist decision ever but it'd be worth it. I hear someone squeak, obviously Ace. I chuckle silently making everything seem even scarier in the dark.I hear movement from my right. ''Shit guys you in here?'' Luckily there was a light coming through the window in the corner so I could see what made the noise. ''Shit'' I run back up stairs and try to open the door, luckily it wasn't locked. ''Guys I'm not playing this game anymore'' I say.

''What happened?'' Ryder and Raiven come from the backyard.

''Nothing, where did Ace and Jay go?'' I ask.

''Bathroom and attic'' I gawk at them.

''I checked the bathroom''

''They were in another room and when you checked the bathroom and left one of them went in'' He says.

''Yeah, I'm going to go bathroom last'' I mutter ''Cheers'' I run up the stairs and open the door that lets you go into the attic and a a ladder appears in front of me. I climb it and look around, and see a tell tale shadow in the corner. ''Found you'' I grin and run towards the figure. Sure enough Jay was crouched  in the corner, I squirted water on her.

''Oi, how did you know?'' She gets up.

''I have my ways'' I grin and go back down. Urgh, I don't want to check the bathroom. ''I'm not even going to check the bathroom''  I pretend to walk down the stairs but wait round the corner. Sure enough, Ace opens the door and looks around before coming out. Taking this as an advantage I come out from my hiding spot and squirt water on her. ''Payback'' I scream before running down the stairs, Jay and Ace right behind me.

''Hey guys'' Ace says. Next to Ryder was a guy, he looked the same age as Ryder, he had dark black hair, snake bites and piercing blue eyes. Raiven, Ryder and the other person were sitting in the living room watching telly.

''Hey, I'd like you guys to meet a super good and close friend of mine Taylor'' Ryder looked sad when he said the word 'friend' ''Taylor, you've met Raiven, this is Ace, Jay and Azaria'' He introduces us.

''Hi, I've heard a lot from Ryder, about you guys'' Taylor says.

''Awe, Ryder's mentioned you to us before'' Ace winks at Ryder, making him blush a little.

''I hope its all good'' Taylor smirks at Ryder.

''Of course'' She says.

''So, how long are you guys staying?'' He asks.

''We've got 4 days left'' I say. 

''Hmm, that's not a long time, how about Ryder and I show you some of the awesome places in Chicago?'' He suggests. Ace grins.

''Awesome!'' She says.

''Then it's settled, we're going to make sure you guys don't forget Chicago'' He says.

With that said I walk into my room and shower before putting on my outfit. Baby blue t-shirt with lace on the shoulders, ballerina flats, skinny jeans and hair left out in waves. I grab my side bag and walk into the living room. Raiven was already ready, wearing marroon sweater, black skinnies, cream dolly combat boots, formal yet messy bun. Ryder is ready as well, he's wearing a black and white stripy jumper with the sleeves rolled up, navy blue jeans and brown shoes. Taylor was wearing red and black checked flannel shirt, buttons open with a white shirt, black jeans, white converse and a red beanie on his head. Jay and Ace come down after a few minutes. Jay's wearing long muscle tank top, boyfriend jeans, nike suedes, flannel shirt ties around waiste and her hair straight with a beanie. Ace was wearing T-shirt with a penguin, white high waisted shorts, aviator sunglasses, light wavy hair and black vans.

''You guys ready?'' Ryder asks us.

''Yup'' We get into Taylor's car.

''Where are we going?'' Ace asks from next to me.

''300 Chicago also known as John Hancock Observatory'' He replies.

''Hey, I've heard of that place from somewhere, its like 94ft above ground right?'' I say.

''Yeah, hope none of you are afraid of heights'' He says.

''Nope'' I reply. I have this habit of putting on my headphones and blocking out the world whenever I'm travelling so I do the exact same and plug in my headphones. My eyes scan the view from the window, taking in all the scenery in front of me.

Twenty minutes later, we get to our destination.

''Whoa, that's pretty high!'' Raiven exclaims. We walk into the building and pay before getting onto the elevator. Like the time in New York I stuff my headphones into my ears and snap my eyes shut. Unfortunatly it took 10 minutes till we got to the top and when we did I practically wanted to kiss the floor..... not really.

''Are she scared of heights?'' I hear Ryder ask one of the girls.

''No, she's terrified of elevators'' Jay replies. I take my headphones and let them hang loose around my neck.

''Pft, not scared of heights'' I smirk.

 ''You okay now though?'' He asks. I nod my head.

We spend an hour or so up there, taking pictures, talking, listening to the tour guide and what-not. The site closed two hours early so that's why we could stay for a little bit. We were one of the last ones there. After we got to the bottom, Taylor and Ryder decide that they wanna show us the 'Music Box'. It looked soo cool, an old fashioned theatre, we watched the first ever movie to be shown in the music box and it might not have been amazing for me but I loved it! later in the evening we all decided that we'd eat out. We all went to a diner called Wendy's and ate there. We got home late, but we all stayed up and talked for a bit before heading to bed. We decided that we'd all go to the Navy Pier tomorrow and from what I've heard that place seems cool.

Chapter Twenty Five

Like we said the day before, we woke up.... more like they woke me up, and got ready. Around noon we went to Navy Pier and paid for our enterance fee. We spent hours in the pier, goofing about, taking pictures and mainly acting like kids on sugar rush..... just joking, not all of us were. The massive ferris wheel, killed me. I remember in the first three years of secondary school, we would go onto the ferris wheel in Drayton Manor and one of us would just move the cart a little and the rest of us would just scream our heads off telling them to stop, I took a video of it once, lost the damned thing.

We played a bunch of games and won prizes. We went on pretty much all of the rides there. Around 2pm we had to feed our growling stomachs. We pretty much wared ourselves out by acting like rebels and doing whatever we wanted.

Later we went onto the boat ride, it was in the evening and everything looked soo beautiful! The girls and I had planned to get Ryder and Taylor to confess how they felt about each other so I pretended that I lost my phone and asked Taylor could I used his to call mine, while Ace used the same excuse but used Ryder's phone instead. I give Taylor his phone back.

''Thanks, I think it might have been in my bag or something, let me go check'' I walk out to the deck and wait by the girls, Ace comes back a few minutes later. ''Done?''

''Easy as pie'' She sits next to me. ''On the way here, I saw then go in and a few minutes later I 'accidently' locked the door''

''Let's hope everything turns out good'' Jay says.

We stay like that for twenty minutes before we get a call from Ryder.

''Hey girls, where are you?'' He asks us.

''On the deck, why what happened?'' Ace asks.

''Someone locked Taylor and I in a storeroom for twenty minutes'' Taylor says in the back.

''Where are you guys, I mean which part of the boat?'' Raiven asks.

''Its close by the deck''

''Ok, we'll ask someone to help'' She replies.

''Thanks'' We hang up.

''You think it worked?'' Jay asks as we walk towards the storeroom they're in.

''Hopefully'' I reply. Ace unlocks the door and opens it, Ryder and Taylor come out looking a bit disheveled.

''What happened guys?'' Ace smirks at them.

''We told you over the phone'' Ryder replies.

''You guys planned this'' Taylor says.

''We don't know what your talking about'' Jay says. We all pretend to look innocent. Taylor raises an eyebrow.

''Well, tell whoever did it that I say thanks, if they didn't do this, then maybe I wouldn't have found out how Ryder felt'' He smiles.

''Your welcome'' Ace says, then covers her mouth. ''Who said that?'' She looks around.

''Ace you idiot'' I smack her lightly on the head.


''That wasn't even hard!'' I smile innocently.

''Whatever'' She mutters.

''We're glad that you guys are finally aware of how you feel'' Raiven grins.

''How could you even tell?'' Ryder asks.

''Mergh, we have our ways'' Jay says.

We all talk for sometimes before leaving and going home. We all seem to be coming home really late, past midnight. Urgh, when I go to university, my sleeping schedule will be all over the place.... not like it already isn't. Taylor stays over the night, We stay awake for some time but I call it a night when I start to feel my eyes droop a little.

''Night guys'' I yawn.

''Night'' They say from behind me.

I walk into my room and put on my PJ's before diving straight into bed.

Chapter Twenty Six

Today I managed to get my but out of bed around 8am, before everyone else. Its a miracle! I walk into the kitchen and decide that I'll make breakfast for everyone. I make french toast, pancakes, waffles, berry mix smoothie. By the time I had finished and layed it out on the table with a bunch of assorted fruit and berries, everyone had come down into the kitchen.

''Whoa Azaria, since when could you cook?'' Jay says.

''Haha'' I throw a berry at her, loco chica managed to catch it in her mouth. We all sit down and take what we want. I stick to the waffles and berry smoothie.

''This is good'' Taylor says. I shrug my shoulders.

''I don't cook much so might as well do something useful since I woke up before you all'' I smirk at the last bit.

''Whoa, what time?'' Raiven asks.

''About 8am'' I take a sip of smoothie.

''Dayum girl, you looked like you'd sleep the whole day today.... what happened?'' Ace says.

''No idea'' I mumble.

''Our flights around 8pm right?'' Jay asks.


''Damn, its time for you guys to leave already?'' Ryder says, he looks a little sad.

''Aw, unfortuanalty yes but we'll try to visit again or you guys come visit us'' Ace says.

''We'll definitly will'' Taylor promises.

Like the first day, we spent the rest of the day watching movies, playing boardgame and just relaxing. Jay had made snacks, which consisted of Oreo milkshake, mini banoffee cheesecake, different types of sandwiches, cupcakes and nothing would be better then cookies. A lot of sugary stuff, I know but mergh, I don't really care.

''Whoa Ace, you seem to love that cupcake'' Ryder says.

''Its cake, anything that's cake, Ace seems to love'' Jay says.

''Dayum, girl slow down, its not going anywhere'' I say. Ace was the first one out of us to attack the cupcakes. That girl sure loves em.

''Hmm, maybe we should keep you Jay, You can make awesome deserts'' Ryder says.

''Nope I need her , she makes the best cupcakes'' Ace stops her eating.

''Seems like your only using me for my amazing cooking skills'' Jay says.

''Yeah, that and your good taste in fashion'' She carries on eating her last cupcake.

''Ouch, Feeling the love Ace'' Jay pretends to be hurt.

''Mergh, You'll live'' She says.

We help clean up. We find a football in the storeroom and decide to play a game of footy.

Jay, Taylor and I were in one team while Ace, Raiven and Ryder were in another. There were no goalies, we had to defend our goal, as best as we could. Even 10 minutes into the game no one got any points. Soon enough Jay managed to get the ball past Ryder and score.

''HELL YA!'' She shouts. She doesn't even realise that Ryder passed the ball to Raiven and she passed it to Ace. I let Ace get close to the goal but I never let her score because she was going to kick the ball into the goal but before she could I kicked the ball in Taylor's direction.  He dribbled the ball towards the goal and when Ryder was about to tackle the ball off  him, Taylor kicked it towards Jay and she kicked it into the goal. We carried on playing for another hour or so. In the end we won with 1 point.

We walked back into the house and cleaned up. We were all sweaty, thanks to the sunshine so we had to shower. I'm not sure about the other girls, but I hadn't packed so straight after I got out of the shower and gotten dressed, I quickly packed everything. By the time I finished its 5pm, we'll be leaving in a few. I take my bags down and find the others with theirs.

''Looks like I'm not the only who forgot to pack'' Jay says.

''Too lazy to pack'' I mutter. Jay picks up her camera and waves it a little.

''Last pictures?'' She asks.

''Hell ya'' Ace says.We take pictures, pulling all types of faces.

Both Ryder and Taylor went with us to the airport.

''Gonna miss you guys, I had fun!'' I say.

''Same'' Ryder says.

''Wish you guys the best and hope to see ya soon'' Ace says.

We hear our flight being called. We hug Ryder and Taylor before walking towards our flight, before we go through the door, we turn around one last time and wave.

Chapter Twenty Seven

We had planned that we'd go to the hotel that we had booked and visit Mariquita and the others tomorrow.''Soooo much travelling, not good...... Too exhausted.... Need sleep'' Ace groans. We had gotten delayed a little when Jay had her bag taken by someone; luckily we'd managed to get it back..... Very 'nicely'. And fortunately this time, there was no misunderstanding with the hotel booking so we managed to get our rooms just fine.

‘’Dhurro, we’re supposed to be travelling you idiot’’ Jay smacks her head lightly on the head.

‘’Yeah, yeah’’ She mumbles.

‘’Not my fault that aga thought it’d be nice to take my bag now did I?’’ Jay says sarcastically.

‘’It’s not my fault either….. Maybe she mistook it as her bag’’ Ace snorts.

‘’You saw her, did she look like someone to mistake her bag or steal someone’s?’’

‘’Guys stop, Ace your tired, we’re all tired so why don’t we go to our rooms and get some rest?’’ Raiven suggests.

‘’M’kay’’ We all go to our chosen rooms and get some sleep.


‘’Aish, can’t a girl get some sleep once in a while?’’ I grumble when my duvet is ripped from me and I feel the cold hit my body like a ton of bricks.

‘’Maybe if you went to bed on time’’ Raiven says.

‘’Urgh, I went to bed the same time as you all!’’

‘’Get chur ass outta bed right now before I come and get you’’ I hear Ace shout from outside my room.

‘’No’’ I reach for my duvet again but it gets pulled out of my reach. ‘’I hate you’’ I grumble before getting out of bed.

‘’Aw Azaria you know how much you love us’’ Raiven coos.

‘’Bluh, leave me alone…. I need to pee’’ I mumble before walking into the bathroom and doing my business. I walk back into my room and grab my clothes before taking a quick shower.

I find the others at the breakfast bar. I grab a cup and make some green tea for myself….. Using PG Tips!

We finished eating breakfast and had left by noon, since all of us were already ready. 

‘’Mariquita said that she’d meet us at the near by café’’ Ace said. It didn’t take long for us to find the café….. Unless you count an hour not long. When we got into the café I was instantly hit by different aromas.

‘’Hey guys’’ I snapped my head to the left and Mariquita was sitting at a booth with two guys next to her.

‘’Hey’’ Ace literally runs and gives her a massive hug.

‘’Ace, let the girl go…. You might end up hugging her to death’’ Raiven says which causes Ace to instantly let go.

‘’Well not my fault I’m feeling extremely happy today’’ She says.

‘’I wonder why’’ Jay raises an eyebrow.

‘’Hey’’ I say to Mariquita. She replies back and introduces us to the two guys that she was sitting by earlier. Emiliano and Callahan and just like Ace did to Mariquita, she gave the other two a big ass hug... Damn that girl so love hugs.

We each get drinks from the café and finish them off before walking out.

‘’How’s your journey been in Spain so far?’’ Callahan asks us.

‘’Minus the fact that my bag was taken…… its been alright so far, just somebody woke me up way too early’’ Jay grumbles and yawns.

‘’Not a morning person huh?’’ Jay shakes her head.

‘’She’s sleepy most of the time’’ Ace says from in front of us. Jay suppresses another yawn.

‘’Girl you teen watching teen wolf again?’’ I say sarcastically. Knowing the look on her face it’s pretty obvious. ‘’Dang, you and Ace seem to love Dylan O’Brian so much’’ Hearing his name, Ace, Mariquita and Jay jump into a conversation about Teen Wolf.

After nearly an hour of walking and talking, two more guys walk up behind Mariquita and one of them taps her on the back, instantly causing her to jump back.

‘’What the hec-‘’ Her words are cut short and hugs the guys, whom I’m presuming is Didier. ‘’When did you guys come?’’ She asks.

‘’We saw you guys and Didier here, came up with the idea of scaring you, I’m pretty sure by the way you jumped it worked’’ The guy that came with Didier says.

‘’Haha, very funny… don’t do that again’’ She mumbles the last part then turns to us ‘’This is Didier, my awesome boyfriend and his brother Yves’’ Thr girls and I say hey to them.

''Where you guys off to now?'' Didier asks.

''Just showing them a little bit of Spain, so they'll remember it when they leave'' Emiliano responds.

''Oh, okay''

We all ended up at the local mall after an hour of walking about. We all sat our asses down because our legs were tired as fuck. I could see Jay giving dirties to the area around us, seems like I wasn't the only one.

''What's with the creepy ass looks?'' Yves asks Jay.

''Nothing, I just hate crowded areas'' She mutters.

''The mall's not that crowded'' Emiliano says.

''For her nothing's ever not crowded'' Raiven chuckles.

''Why do you hate them so much anyways?'' I hear Yves ask.

''You don't wanna ask her that'' Ace says but Jay answers.

''First off, there's soo many bloody people, second people who stare and third peados'' Jay says, malice in her voice.

''Damn'' Jay chuckles.

''What are we doing in the shopping centre anyway?'' She asks.

''I don't know to be honest'' Didier says.

''I heard that there's a fair today'' Mariquita says out of the blue.

''Really?'' Ace says.

''Yup, It started a few days ago and tomorrow is the last day, the five of us had planned to go but weren't free'' She explains. We all agreed to going tonight, so we all headed back to get ready. Mariquita gave us the address and we found them waiting by the enterance.... Looks like they just came a few minutes before us. We pay to get in and they give us aluminant bands that we had to put around our wrists.

''Where to first?'' I ask. We picked the American football cup (I can't remember what the ride was called ... don't hate me -.- ) There was nine of us and luckily there was ten seats per booth, the person left without somebody next to them was Jay. I sat in between Jay and Raiven. We had to hold onto the bars whilst the ride was going round, in basic words the ride would lift 20ft into the air, and rotate in circles, and whilst its rotating everyy singular booth would be moving from side you side... If somebody is scared of heights then they're gonna hate this ride because when you get to the top, the booth literaly faces you towards the ground to make it look like your about to fall about but you wouldnt because of the bars. After rotating a few times, we got off. (I love that ride, I remember when I was little, and during a fair by my sister's house we had this ride XD )

''Man, that's some scary ass ride'' Mariquita shout.

''Fuck yeah'' Ace was screaming the whole time, and I heard one of the guys scream as well... but I'm not sure who.

''At least we didn't fall'' Callahan mutters.

''True'' She replies. We play a few games, mostly loosing some which resulted in heavy swearing by all of us. We managed to win a few games. There was this one game where you have to shoot down as much rubber duckies with 5 bullets and behind each duckie is a number, the numbers add up to make a total number which you get a prize, the higher the number the bigger the prize. After playing a few games we decided to take a break and eat. When people say that girls eat differently in front of guys then they do in front of girls crealy haven't seen us eat. Once we finished we decided that we'd take a break before going onto another ride.

We went onto this ride called rocket popper (again...... made up..... I think :/ ) It was two people per rocket so we paired up; Mariquita and Didier, Jay and I, Raiven and Ace, Yves and Callahan, Emiliano went to grab a drink but he knew where we were so it didn't matter much. We all got in and strapped the single belt over both of us, and then the ride manager put the bars securely in front of us, he made sure that each rocket was secure before starting off the ride. It was slow at first but then the rockets tilted to the right, and it would get higher and higher, (It sounds like the ride that I's mentioned earlier but it isn't... if any of you have been to Drayton Manor then you'll know Flying Dutchmen... this ride is like that one) The ride got faster and faster, before slowing down... Eventually the ride stopped, we all got out of our rockets and wobbled a bit before balancing ourselves so we wouldn't fall onto the ground.

''That ride was'' Yves started off.

''AWESOME!'' Jay shouts. Stimultaniously Yves, Callahan, Mariquita, Raiven and Ace gawk at her, their mouths wide open.

''You might wanna close your mouths, you don't wanna catch flies'' I chuckle.

''Your fucking joking'' Callahan states.

''Nope, why would I be?'' She asks as we walk to a different ride.

''Did you not feel sicks after getting off that ride?'' Mariquita asks.

''Nah, it was a little boring as well''

''Only you would say something like that'' Ace says sarcastically.

''Well... dhur... there's only one of me''

We find a ride that was similar to all the ones that we had been of but a little different. We all decided to go onto that ride, and fortuanatly there was enough seats for us all in the booth, its like the ride tea cups but this ride had a twist, unlike a normal type of ride this one was a little like a rollacoaster, it would spin, whilst moving forwards but when the best stopped after a minute or two, the booth would move backwards, the only scary part was when we didn't expect to fall backwards on one of the dips, and that took us off guard.... We all ended up screaming.... every one of us.

Once we got off, nobody said anything, I'm pretty sure they felt like their stomachs would fall out if they did. We decided to take a break and sit down for a bit.

''Da fuq was that ride called again?'' Didier asks.

''DJ Rumble'' Emiliano says (I'm shit at making up ride names.... so mergh)

''That's some fucked up ride..... just like the previous one'' He replies.

''More like some twisted version of tea cups'' Mariquita says.

''Nice definiton of the ride dude'' Jay says.

''Its fucking true'' He says.

''Shouldn't have went on it then'' Emiliano says. Yves looked like he was about to same something back but the look that Mariquita gave him shut him up. We sat down for a bit before heading onto the last ride before wa call it a night.

This last ride was a rollacoster, called 'Ghules', its like a normal rollercoaster but its based in a haunted house. As cliche as it sounds, no the ride didn't seem like those normal haunted houses, aside the ride being placed it a haunted houe, the maker of this ride made it so that the rollaercoaster went around the fair once. There was one cart and within that cart was three seperate rows with three seats each, we broke our group of nine into three seperate groups; Callahan, Ace and Emiliano on one seat, Mariquita, Didier and Raiven on the other and Jay, Me and Yves. We got onto the ride and strapped in.

''This ride should be interesting'' I hear Jay mutter. Before I can even mutter a response, our cart jerks awake and we start to more. At first it slow but the speed gradually grew faster, we went through one room that had a typical horror haunted house scene, I don't think it really fazed anyone, after two or three rooms, we flew down through a tunnel, causing most of us to scream, but before we would hit rock bottom the cart jerked to a stop, but it slowly started again. The ride around the whole fair was exhillerating and scary at the same time because of all the twists and loops, but we got back into the haunted house...... things seemed freaky now. Our cart was in a room, filled with mirrors, you know how that ride, Smiley in Alton Towers is like where the cart swirls in circles? Well... that's what happened, but instead of mirrors in front of us, it was like a movie screen, a picture of a girl running towards her mom showed but all of a sudden something grabs her, then the girls in a well, dead. The  screen goes off and fog starts to form on the floor and around our feet, we hear the sound of water falling and a voice saying ''You killed me and now you must pay'' All of a sudden, the girl pops from each side of the cart and screams, causing us all too scream bloody murder. We don't stay in the room too long because our cart was being dragged down, into the ground. Soon enough we stop, the only thing that was worrying was that this place seemed weird.

''Where ther fuck are we? I'm sure this isn't part of the ride''


A/N - I'N FINISHED FINALLY...... so sorry for the forever long writer's block, I'll try to update soon.... Even if I know nobody will read my work -.-

Anyways..... bfore you guys start to think, my book is going to go into that supernatural shizzle, its NOT..... this is the Chapters twist.... You'll find out in the following chapter as to why this chapter ended like this..... Until then.....PEACE BISHES!

P.S - All of the rides written in this chapter are real.... minus the last one, I can't remember the names of the so I made up some next bullshitty name for them, But they are really cool, if anybody have ever been on them...... ANYWAYS

Chapter Twenty Eight

''I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the ride'' I hear Ace say in front of me.

''Then where the Fuck are we?'' Didier asks.

''No idea'' I look around. This place looks fucking creepy, There is a long hallway with flickering lights, there's fog around the floor.... From earlier, I'm scared to even know what's lurking around this place. I can hear whispering, some loud, some quiet.

''How do we get out?'' Mariquita says, but from the surronding around us, it seems like she shouted because her voice just echoed everywhere.

''Well, I'm guessing we can't go backwards so we'll just have to get off and find an exit or something through that hallway'' Emiliano says.

''You sure its even safe to go there? Don't know what's there'' Ace says.

''Well we'll just have to see won't we?'' We all got out and only seconds after we did, we heard something drop and fall with a boom! I turn around and the cart that we were in earlier wasn't there anymore.

''Holy shit'' I mutter. I'm pretty sure the others were thinking the same thing because they had this 'WTF look on their face.

''Well there's no going back now is there?'' Jay says sarcastically. We all walk down the corridor, I think everybody was expecting something to pop up out of nowhere and scare us. Along both walls in the hallway, there was were a bunch of doors, we tried to open a few but none actually did.  All of a sudden the lights went off, I just stood there rigid, a door slammed open and shut far away from us put the sound got closer and closer. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into a random direction, I don't even have time to scream because the lights turn back on and a bunch of weird shizzle is in front of us. The walls had handprints stained with blood scarring them and there was something dark starting to cover the ceiling. You know when you feel like your being watched? Yh..... well I felt like we were... turns out we were. At the far end of the hallway was a dark figure, the lights flickered around it and they started to switch off, the figure kept on coming closer; the closer it got to us, the clearer the figure got to us. It was a lady, dressed in black from head to toe; she had a veil covering her face but i could see the evil grin radiating on her face before she used her voice to let out a piercing scream and then she flew at us.... yes she fucking flew. Not knowing what to do, I was pulled to the ground.

''What the fuck was that?'' Raiven screams once the lights came back on, everything disappeared, there was no handprints on the wall nor was the dark shit on the ceiling and definitly no black veiled person here looming over us.

''No fucking idea, but let's look for an exit before it chooses to come back'' Callahan says. I agree with him... there's no fucking way I'm staying around for that creepy ass lady to come back. What did she think? I'd wanna play princess and tea cups with her or something? Fuck no. After a few minutes of searching for a way out and trying a billion doors, we manage to find the exit. The messed up thing was that there was something blocking it...... yup..... that thing from earlier. I'm thinking Jay had enough of it because she threw something at it.... bad idea, that thing came straight at her but before it could even touch her, it disappeared.

''Now how the fuck did that happen?'' Ace asks. No one replies because we're too busy getting our asses out of that batshit scary place.

''Well that was something'' Mariquita says with a sarcastic smile.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Once we get out, we had to stop the guys from hunting down the maker of the of the ride and smacking the crap out of them. The ride was meant to be a scary one but I don't think any of us expected it to be that scary. We left the fair ground because we didn't want to stay any longer. We decided to call it a day and head back. The guys and Mariquita went home whilst the others and I went back to the hotel.

I felt something fluffy touch me, I wiggle about hoping to make it stop and try to move it away but it doesn't work. I hear giggles and laughter echo around me.

"Get out of my room" I grumble and cover my head with the blanket.

"Last time I checked, you can't own a hotel room" I hear a familiar voice say with heavy sarcasm dressing his voice.

"Shudap" I turn away. I hear them sigh and pull the covers off me.

"Get up, its past noon and Jay even woke up earlier then you" Raiven says.

"Has she woke up yet?" I hear Ace ask.

"Nope" Raiven sighs.

"Get lost" I throw my pillow at them. "I don't feel well" I grumble.

"Well get your ass out of bed girl, the others are here" I hear them leave the room... I end up falling back asleep.

I wake up half an hour later and finally decide to get out of bed. I'm still not feeling well but I don't wanna wait around to see what might happen if I stay. I grab my jumper and slip it on before walking to the breakfast bar to get a drink. I walk towards the breakfast bar..... I turn the corner... not the best of ideas. The two lovebirds; Mariquita and Dider were smooching. I pretend that they are not actually doing that stuff and grab a drink before leaving.But before I do, I smack the counter hard before legging it out of there."Bout time you woke up" Jay smirked. "Not like I had a choice, with you guys around don't know what to expect if I don't get up" I sit my ass down and cross my legs."Why? What would they do?" Emiliano asks."You don't even wanna know" I turn my heard to look at him. As if understanding what I mean his mouth forms an 'O' shape. Jau chuckles and carries on with what she is doing on her laptop. I look over her shoulder but she moves it out of my way."Oooh who you talking to?" I ask when I see a glimpse of messages but she moved it away too quick for me to see what they said."No one, I'm researching stuff" She mutters. Before I can ask anything alse, everyone else walks in."Get ready you lazyheads... we're gonna go waterpark" Ace announces.Seeing the time it seems like everybody was waiting for me to get up.... Ooops. But I get ready into a random outfit after putting my swimwear on top, its not like I'll be swimming anytime soon... fuck no. After putting on an aztec printed high waisted shorts, a white top with a peace symbol printed on there and sandles, I grab my bag and walk out of my room and put my hair into a messy bun on my way to the others.

We get out and head towards the two seperate cars and split up. Jay, Raiven, Mariquita, Emiliano and Didier in one car. Me, Ace, Callahan and Yves in the other. The others talk amongst themselves whilst i just listen to music and play piano tiles on my phone (I'm a little obsessed with that game at the momemt .-. ) I managed to beat somebody's high score and I shot up to do a smal victory dance...... instead my head got a nice greeting with the top of the car.

''Ow, you stupid son of a'' I cut short when I hear the others laugh. ''Hey its not funny'' I pout and sit my ass back down.

''What were you even going to do?'' Callahan asks.

''Nothing'' I say and look at the window. ''Stupid roof'' I mutter but it seems like someone heard because I can still hear laughter.

''Why are you blaming the roof for?'' Ace asks. Lucky enough for me we arrived to the water park so i didn't have to answer her question, and potentially make myself go  really red. We met the others at the gate and paid for our enterance. We all split up because we had to go to the changing cubicles. I got out of the cubical wearing a black and white bikini (Friend designed the clothes, they look awesome... even if I wouldn't wear one).

I walk to where the others are standing; Raiven wearing royal blue bikini, Ace wearing a floral pink bikini, Mariquita wearing a pink and turqouise bikini and Jay wore a black and white stripy one. We find the guys walking out of the male cubicals. Didier is wearing a dark beige swim trunks, Callahan's wearing dark green, Yves is wearing blue and Emiliano is wearing black. (Describing the outfits because my friend took her time out to make them and I'm thankful  to her also its a waste if I don't use them)  Everyone had their shades with them minus Jay and I, I forgot about them but I don't know what Jay's excuse is... Oh well, I'll just borrow one of theirs whilst their swimming, Hope they don't mind.

Didier pushes Mariquita into the pool, and she swore that she'd get revenge on him when he least expected it. The others jumped in after that, I just found a deck chair near by and laid down. I pop in my headphones and listen to my music. Closing my eyes I breath a sigh of relief.... seems like everything is going okay so far. Not too long after that I feel a tap on my shoulder, I open my eyes to see Emiliano looking at me confused. I take off the shades that I had nicked off one of the guys and sit up.

''What's up?'' I ask as I pause my music.

''Why aren't you with the others?'' He asks as he nods in their direction.

''Don't feel like getting wet anytime soon'' I realise how wrong that sounds and correct my mistake ''I mean I don't feel like it'' I respond quickly.

''Well come on'' He tries to get me to move towards the other, but being the stubborn person I am, I stayed stil. He tries again before sighing. ''You scared of the water or something?'' He asks. I snort.

''No, more like I can't swim, so no way am I getting in'' I say.

''Ahh, no wonder your away from the pool, well you can sit on the floor and put you legs into the water and chill'' I ponder on that thought for a bit before reluctantly getting up. He smiles in triumph.

''Should I be worried of some kind of prank?'' I look at him carefully before narrowing my eyes at the others, only to find them looking back at us..... grinning.

''Nope, no pranks'' He turns around and walks back.

''Let's hope I don't regret this then'' I mutter before walking behind him. Once I get to the others, I sit down and dip my legs into the water.

''Hey, Azaria you should try the massive slides, they are cool'' Ace shouts from my right.

''I'd rather not'' I grimance.

''Why not?'' Raiven asks as she swims by my side.

''They look freaky as flying fuck'' I say in a 'duh' tone.

''Well, Ace is right, and you won't know unless you give it a go'' She says before swimming away.

Everyone is doing their own thing in the pool. I sigh and turn my head. Huh? That person looks familiar, I shake my head of who it might be. Nah, it can't be her. I rub my eyes but she's still there.

''Aww, fuck'' I mutter. Jay swims by me and looks at my distirbed face.

''What's up'' She asks.

''Is it just me or is that you know who?'' I nod my head in the direction that I saw her in. Jay does the same and chokes on nothing.

''What the fuck? You're kidding me!'' She exclaims.

''So I'm not seeing things? Good to know'' I mutter to myself.

''How did she know we're here?'' Jay gets out of the water and grabs a towel,

''God knows, but I honestly hope she doesn't see me'' Spoke to soon, because next thing I know is that she turns around and spots me and Jay. She grins at us before walking our way.

Uh to the fucking oh

Chapter Thirty

Ace p.o.vI water gun Callahan and Yves at the same time.“Hah biatches!” I shout proud“That was luck and you know it.” Yves says“Sore losers, hey Jay I got em.” I turn to see Jay pissed and then I see why. “You’re fukin kidding me!” Both guys give me quizzical looks. I storm toward the others.“Don’t tell me that was the bitch crew crawling past.”“Who else she said she’d follow us” Raiven says“Guys we shouldn’t let them spoil our fun.” Azaria says. Jay and I look at each other.“You, me, baseball bat.” She says anger clear in her voice“Oh we’re eating bitch dinner today!” I shout“GUYS!” Marquita shouts. Oops forgot they were here.“Who were they?” Didier asks“Azaria’s lifelong enemies.”“Walking STDS.” Jay and I say at the same timeWe explain what they did in America and to my beautiful cake.“Ok where’s that bat?” Emiliano says“Guys stop if they bother us then we’ll fight back we can’t just go and go and hit them.” Azaria says“Uh yeah we can.” Didier replies“I agree with Azaria, we’re pacifists until they strike.” Raiven says“Fine” Me and Jay sigh.We all decide to sunbathe, we look so cute all sunbathing in a row- Marquita, Didier, Callahan, me, Emiliano, Azaria, Yves, Jay and Raiven on the last deck chair.“Well Azaria, when are you going to introduce us?” Ugh the slut voiceAll the others give her and her biatches dirties.“Why don’t I- this is bitch, bitch and bitch.” I fake smile“Paha” Marquita high fives me.“Stand back man don’t want any STD.” Jay says“Burn!” I shoutAzaria stands “Guys stop! Let’s not waste our breath”“Who’s the hot one?” She winks at Didier“Slut keep your eyes off my man or I’ll personally rearrange your face.”“And that’s a threat.” I say“Oops!” Kyra pushes Azaria in the pool.“Someone get Azaria she can’t swim!” Emiliano, Yves jumps in.“But she already knew that” I mutter, that’s it!I grab her by the hair and yank her in head lock. Jay punches her in the face. While Marquita and even Raiven hold off the other bitches. I yank her head again and whisper.“You mess with my girl I mess with your life you fukin got that you better watch your back.”Cal and Emil restrain us while Didier grabs a hold of Marquita “Guys calm it”Yves wraps a towel around Azaria while she coughs.“Guys I’m ok.” She’s red in the face.The bitch crew take Kyra away.“Fukin sluts!” Marquita shouts“They’re gonna pay!” I ball my fist“We’re gonna hurt them so bad.” Jay looks so mad“Guys” Azaria says weakly. “I want food.” And just like that we all start laughing.“We need to prank her and bad.” Callahan saysDidier and Yves look at each other slyly.“We have a plan.”



A/N This chapter literally killed me, I knew I could rely on her to do this chapter and I'm amazed So thanks girl.

Chapter Thirty One

Everyone must have saw what happened earlier because they were watching us as we left, the guys said some very colourful words to them along them way. We went back to our cubicals and got changed before heading to the nearest eating place available.

Everyone except me was planning on how to get Kyra and her minions back. I was just slumped in my seat, shiverring my ass off.

''Do you even know what hotel they're staying at?'' Emiliano asks.

''Nope, but knowing them, they'll be staying at the same one as us'' Ace says in a flat tone.

''Sadly true'' Raiven agrees.

''But how are we going to find out what room they're staying in then?'' Callahan says.

''Don't worry we have it planned'' Jay grins... Uh Oh, I'm not going to like it am I?

They wanted me to pretend to be Kyra, and say that I'd lost my key card..... along with my brain..... minus my brain -.- whilst Ace and Mariquita pretended to be her minions.

As much as it disgusted me, I pulled my top a little lower, and the others did the same, judging by the looks on their faces they didn't like it but they had to go along with it if they wanted to get through this terrible plan.

I walk up to the front of the front desk, where this guy is checking the computer screen like a thousand times. I flash him a smile, trying so hard to hide my grimance when he looks at the three of us with this weird and scary look on his face. Making sure that we weren't seen by any security camera's we faced the guy.

''Hi'' I say. He clears his throat.

''How can I help you ma'am?'' He says with a smirk on his face.

''You see'' Ace comes forward.

''We lost our key card, and now we don't know how we're going to get into our room'' Mariquita says in a fake sad voice.

''Tell me your name and I'll try to find out which room your staying in'' That look on the guys face should be slapped right off, its scary as fuck,

'Sure'' I look at him ''Kyra Stokes, sharing a suite with Natalie Bank and Macy Gaites'' He looks at the computer before grabbing a keycard and handing it to us.

''Here, you go Miss. Stokes, If there's anything you need just call me'' I muttered a smalls 'Sure' before turning around and walking away.

''Like fuck we would'' Mariquita scowls.

''I know right? Fucking peado'' Ace says. We walk to where the others were at. ''Room 452'' She says, handing Yves the keycard.

''Don't lose it'' Mariquita warns him.

''I won't'' He says.

''I still don't think this is agood idea guys'' I mutter. Jay swings her arm over my shoulder.

''Of course you don't but that bitch needs to pay for everything'' She says.

''Urgh I hate it when your right'' I say.

''I'm always right'' She smirks.

''Yeah, and modest too'' Ace snorts.

''So you guys know what to do right?'' Emiliano says.


''They're going to be out shopping I bet all day tomorrow so we should be fine'' Raiven grins.

''Good, then it'll be easier to do everything'' Didier smirks.

They ended up crashing the night in our hotel room. The guys were clever enough to get a spare change of clothes but Mariquita ended up borrowing a pair of Ace's Pj's. We stayed up watching movies and whatnot before I called it a night and bid my adiou's to them. I jumped onto my bed like a starfish before snoozing off to sleep.

''GET UP AZARIA, WE HAVE WORK TO DO'' Ace and Mariquira shout  causing me to fall out of bed... literally and hurt my arse in the process.

''Ow. what the fuck man? I'm not made out of steel guys, I hurt to'' I get up and glare at them.

''Well...... hurry up and get changed so we can carry out the plan'' Ace says. I roll my eyes.

''Your acting like we're spies on a secret mission.

''Shhhh.... don't tell anyone'' She whisper-shouts. Mariquita and I look at her funny.

''Okkkaay'' We both say.

''Just get ready, slow coach'' She pulls Mariquita out my room before she can even say a word.

I walk to my suitcase and take our a pair of grey trackie bottoms, white tank top and a jumper on top with the words #21 on it. Slipping on a pair of uggs, I walk out of my room and towards the others.

''About time sleepy head, you looks half dead'' Jay says.

''Gheez thanks'' I mutter sarcastically to her as i pull my hair into a messy bun.

''Most welcome''

''Anyway, We just gotts grab a few things for this prank to work and we're set'' Callahan says.

We spilt into two groups to get everything. I went with the three people that came up with most of the prank; Jay, Didier and Yves. and the others went with each other. When we got the the shops, the first thing the Jay did when we got the trolly's was  just sit in one of them... literally. Yves did the same. So here we were... pushing two people in shopping trolly's whilst looking for hair dye.

''FOUND IT'' Didier shouts from the end out the aile. I push the trolly with Jay still in it towards where they were.

''Finally!'' We had gotten everything in less then half an hour. We payed for it and left. Its funny how everytime we'd get funny looks thrown in our way, all it'd take for them to look away was a hard, heavy glare from the three that were with me. We get back to the hotel room and wait ten minutes for the others to arrive. Once they do, we grab everything and haul our asses to Kyra and her minions suite.

Yves and Didier mix dye into their shampoo's whilst Mariquita and Ace take all their make-up and hide it somewhere Kyra and her minions wont be able to find it. Raiven puts hair removal cream into their eyebrow thing and Callahan and Jay fill their food with random things, like the Oreo's cream with toothpaste... obviously Jay had to lick all the cream but off first. They also put mayonaise in the donuts... don't how that's possible, I don't even know and they caramilised onions to make it look like they were caramilise apples. Emiliano placed random dreepy ass dolls here and there around their hotel room whilst I placed walkie talkies under their beds and around their suite.

''Can't wait to see their reactions'' Mariquita grins.

''Same, I think all of us can't'' Callahan says. Before leaving the room, Jay and Ace said they had to quickly to something, five minutes later they came back, All together it took us like three hours to geth the whole prank set. and that was enough for us to whoop our arses out of there and back into our hotel room, Lucky for us, Emiliano and Didier placed a few camera's n their suite so we could see their reactions. They came a few minutes after we left.

Let the games begin

Chatper 32


The first thing we heard was a scream. Macy ran out of the bathroom with green hair.

''WHO DID THIS?'' She screams, causing us all to laugh.

''What happened to you?'' Natalie asks her.


''Damn, that girl can shout'' Jay mutters.

''Well, who did it to you?''

''How the fuck am I meant to know you idiot!'' I'm guessing Macy wants to hit Natalie by the way that her hand is twitching.

''Oooo Bitch fight going to happen soon'' Ace shoves her face by the screen.

''Move you idiot, so the rest of us can see'' Mariquita says.

''What's going on?'' Oh, about time she comes.

''Nothing'' They both say together.

''They why the fuck are you screaming about? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep'' She says in a snobby voice. I hear nearly everyone snort behind me and laugh silently. Kyra walks back to I'm guessing her room and the other two just go onto their phone. I'm guessing Macy is on the phone with a hair dresser or someone because no way would she let her hair stay green.

''I'm hungry'' Natalie complains.

''Then go get something to eat'' Macy gives her a weird look.

''Urgh, I have to do everything myself'' Pft, shut the fuck up you snobby idiot. She comes back five minutes later with, what do you know? The Oreos and donuts.

''Your going to get fat by eating those'' Macy says as she examins her nails.

''I'm hungry and this was the only thing left at the breakfast bar'' She grumbles.

''As if, we saw a whole draw filled with food.... and How dare she insult Oreos?!" Jay shouts.

''What is with your love for Oroes?'' Emiliano asks.

''Well... there nice... they taste awesome..... and their amazeballs''

I mutter a small 'weirdo' only to get a smack on the back of my head by Jay. I glare at her then turn my head back to the screen.

''These donuts taste weird'' Natalie says.


''Shouldn't they be filled with jam?'' She asks.

''Well, yeah'' Macy says in a 'duh' tone.

''And these Oreos taste minty''

''Are you sure they haven't expired'' Before Natalie can reply, she runs to the bathroom which I'm presuming to puke her guts out.

''That's not meant to happen'' Callahan says.

''Her stomach might not be used to it'' Jay says back.

''I'm trying to figure out how they haven't noticed all the creepy dolls everywhere'' Yves exclaims.

''They're dolls themselves.... I doubt they can tell the difference from each other'' Raiven says.

Natalie came back, holding her stomache and moaning.

''Oh ma gawd, My stomach'' She groans.

''Take advil, its in that drawer'' Natalie does and then goes back to her room. Soon after that Macy goes back into the bathroom... only to come out screaming 10 minutes later with no eyebrows.

''OMG'' She cries. Kyra and Natalie come out of their rooms.

''What the hell?'' Kyra says when she see's no eyebrows on Macy's face.

''Eee, what's wrong with your face?'' Natalie says. Macy doesn't reply, just carries on crying.

''Damn, who knew the guy could cry soo much'' Didier mutters.

''First my hair and now my eyebrows!'' She cries even louder.

''Get your shit together'' Kyra shouts ''Just colour in your eyebrows or something'' Macy doesn't shut up so Kyra just went back into her room.

''Damn, that bitch is really cold and evil'' Mariquita says.

''About time you guys clocked on how cold she is'' Jay says. Eventually Macy stopped crying and went to her room.

''Time for horror mode'' Didier and Yves grin at each other and hold up the walkie talkies.

''Who wants to go first?'' Yves asks. Mariquita takes it out of his hand and holds the button.

''I'm coming for you! I'll get my llama to spit on you as well'' She says in a creepy voice.

''W-who's there?'' Natalie says.

''Your worst nightmare'' Ace replies back.

''Wh-o are y-you?''

''I just told you, You worst nightmare'' Ace repeats.

''W-who?'' Oh, that's just fucking annoying!

''Bitch I just told you, why the fuck are you so dense?'' Ace shouts.

''Why are you here?'' Natalie says.

''You need to pay'' Raiven says, this time.

'Why? I never did anything''

''I don't want to waste my time explaining, but at 12 O'Clock sharp you are going to die'' Jay says. We didn't get a response back but we did hear a small thud. Jay clicks off the walkie talkie.

''Well, didn't expect her to faint'' Emiliano says.

''One down, two to go'' The same reaction was given by Macy when we did the walkie talke shit. Now Kyra was left.

''Hiiii'' I whisper in a creepy ass voice.

''Um..... what the fuck is going on?'' Kyra says.

''Hiiiiii, come play with me'' I say again.

''What? Who us talking?''

''Its me Sunny, your dolly'' Callahan says.

''And me, Tori'' Yves adds.

''Umm... I don't have any- holy shit'' Seems like she finally saw the dolls.

''Come play with us Kyra'' I say, The dolls were remote controlled so Yves and Didier were controlling their movements.

''Get away from me'' Kyra screams.

''We want to play'' Yves makes one of the dolly's hands move.

''Ahhh, get away, get away, get away!'' Kyra screams again.

''Why won't you play with us?'' Mariquita says this time.

''Leave me alone! What do you want from me?'' She sobs.

''COME PLAY WITH US!'' Mariquita and I say at the same time. Yves and Didier channel the dolls to jump onto Kyra.


''Ahhhh!!'' We hear her shout before she runs out of her room.

''We only wanted to play'' We both say in a sad voice before we all laugh our asses off.

''Dayum, their reactions were priceless, too bad we couldn't record it'' Spoke to soon, seems like they actually were recording this the whole time.

''Dayum, you guys wanna go to the lobby and see what they're doing?'' Jay says.

''Sure'' We all get up and go down to the lobby area, we were right, Kyra and her minions are giving hell to the hotel manager.

''Our room has been invaded by one of your workers'' Kyra shouts.

''Ma'am please, stay calm''

''Calm? Calm?'' She starts to laugh hysterically. ''I have a right to sue you guys'' She says in malice.

''Wait, don't do that, I'm sure we can check the CCTV camera's to see who has done this'' I'll like to see them try and find something.

''Whoever has done this will pay!'' Macy screams. We all chill in the lobby area for them to come out and when they do Kyra is fuming.

She and her minions go back to their rooms, I'm sure to pack their stuff and leave. We walk back to the hotel room, laughing our asses off.

''We have to do this more often!'' Mariquita shouts.

''Hell ya'' Jay agrees. They high five each other.

''You guys are evil'' I say with a grin on my face.

''You know, you loved pranking them'' Ace smirks.

''Sadly yes'' I say.



Author's Note

Hey guys..... I might not be updating this story soon because I need to sort some shit out before I can focus on my stories.I'm not in the mood to write anymore but for my friends I will...... I'm pretty sure they'd knock some sense into me just for me to finish it off.But Inshallah I can finish this story.... I'm just not sure when... don't hate me, I have my reasons....Thanks <3

Chapter 33


Last night, since none of us wanted to get our lazy arses up and make something to eat, we decided to order out but here's the thing..... The bloody take away didn't delivery so a few of us went to get our food. Five of us went, Ace, Callahan, Mariquita, Emiliano and I..... we should have taken an umbrella or something because it started to rain on our way back. The first thing everyone else did was run under something that had a roof, I had headphones in and i was in my old world so i didn't hear them calling my name. I took my headphones out.

''Get out of the rain, you nincome poop'' Ace shouts at me. i cock my head to the side.

''Nincome poop? Seriously?'' I ask sarcastically.

''Shut up'' She rolls her eyes.

''Az Get out of the rain or you going to get sick'' Mariquita shouts.

''Nah, I like the rain, plus... the more you guys stand out here, the more you'll get cold'' I smirk.

''Just get under here, before i come and get you'' Emiliano shouts but not really loud, i narrow my eyes at him for a second before walking towards them.

''See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?'' Mariquita smirks. I don't reply, just stuff my headphones into my ears. I hear Ace mutter 'Stubbon idiot' and i stick my tongue at her.

''Real mature'' Callahan says.

''I know'' I reply just as sarcastically.

''Its not going to stop raining any time soon'' Ace grumbles. I'm pretty sure that's the last thing on her mind right now. I grin evily at her. ''Why are you looking at me like that?'' She looks at me warily.

''No reason'' I lean onto the wall and toss her my Mp3 player. ''Here'' She looks at me weird before doing so.

''What's going on?'' Mariquita asks, I turn my head to look at them all.

''You'll see'' Right on dot, thunder roared in the sky... seems like Ace wasn't the only one scared of thunder because Mariquita jumped as well. Callahan gives her his Mp3 player and she takes it without question.

''What do you guys suggest we do now?'' I look at Callahan and Emiliano.

''We're going to have to get back to the hotel somehow'' Callahan says.

''But how?'' I ask ''It doesn't seem like the rain wont stop for another billiob years''

''We're just going to have to walk it back super quick to the hotel'' Emiliano says. And that's exactly what we do... since I couldn't take my headphones off from Ace, i speed walked really quickly. We managed to get to the hotel but everyone stared at us once we got in. I took my Mp3 player off Ace and used it as we went onto the elevator, i looked at the floor numbers just waiting for the doors to open. I could feel eyes on me but i ran to our hotel room door, opened it.

''HONEY I'M HOME!'' Mariquita shouts.

''What took you guys soo long?'' Didier asks.

''Rain'' Callahan says. I walked to the stock cupboard an grabbed five towels.

''Here'' I tossed a towel to Ace, Callahan and Mariquita, i found Emiliano in the kitchen warming up our take away since it all got cold. ''Here, catch'' I tossed him a towel ''You guys might wanna take a shower or something, you dont wanna get sick'' I shout the him and well as the others before walking into my own room and take a shower myself. i dry up and pop on a blue t-shirt and white floral pajama bottoms, i put on my slippers and walk out of my room and towards the others.

I grab my food and sit my ass down on the floor since everyone took the sofa. We we're watching the Big bang theory, family guy, America dad and a bunch of other tv shows.. somewhere along the way i fell alseep. I have no idea how i ended up in my bed the next morning but cheers, to whoever made sure i wasn't going to get back cramps from sleeping on the floor.

''Urgh... my head hurts'' I complain when i walk into the lounge room and flop onto the sofa.

''I wonder why'' Ace says sounding just as ill as i did.

''Its not my fault the take away didn't deliver our food'' I grumble. ''Where are the others anyways?'' I ask, looking around. Just as i said that, they all come out from the breakfast bar area. I crawl and lie on my stomach onto the sofa.

''What's up with her?'' Yves says.

''God knows'' Ace mutters. I let out a big sneeze/scream (yeah.... i sneeze like that in real life.... its fucking messed up i know -_- )

 ''What the fuck?'' Didier says.

''I sneeze like a retard... can't help it'' I sniffle. ''Hey... why the hell do i feel like complete shit... but you guys seem okay?'' I look at Emiliano, Mariquita and Callahan accusingly.

''Strong immune system probably'' Emiliano says.

''Pft.. tell me your secret... I don't like being sick'' I grumble.

''There is no secret'' Mariquita says ''Now scooch over so i can sit down''

''No, I'm tired'' I yawn. I her sigh... next thing i know is I'm a chair for a bunch of people ''What the hell.. get offf'' I scream ''Dude, I'm lying down funny, your hurting my back'' They don't get off. After a few minutes i surrender ''I give up... now get off me'' They do. I sit up and wrap my blanket around myself tighter.

''See, that wasn't so hard now was it'' Jay says. I scowl at her.

''So what are the plans for today guys?'' Ace asks.

''We were going to head out but since you both are sick, we can't'' Callahan says.

''Nah, You guys go ahead.. don't let poor old me stop you'' I say.

''You sure you'll be okay?'' Jay says. I somehow managed to get them to go where they wanted... Ace wasn't as sick as me so she went along with them but Raiven and Emiliano stayed behind.

''Get you asses out of my room so i can sleep'' I mumble

''I'll take that as a yes'' Jay laughs. They all leave. After a while, my throat feels cry so with my blanket around my shoulders, i paddle towards the breakfast far and grab a glass and fill it with water before drinking it and walking into lounge and flopping onto the sofa for the second time today.

''What are you guys watching?'' I yawn.

''Final destination'' I gawk at them.

''Are you guys bliming crazy?''I say.

''Um.... no?'' He looks at me with a weird expression.

''Az hate final destination'' Raiven says.

''More like loath it'' I mutter under my breath.

''Oh, we could watch a different movie then'' Emiliano suggests. I close my eyes.

''No. its okay.... I'm just going to doze off for a while'' I feel someone put my head into their lap but I'm too deep into sleep to see who is was.

After God knows how long i wake up, only to fall off the sofa, all red.

''Guys, get ready'' Raiven says.

''Why?'' I say, sleep still in my voice.

''The others managed to get their asses into jail''



A/N Hey guys.... I finally updated.... HUZZA! Joking... but anyways... i hope you guys like this chapter... i got the jail Idea from my awesome friend... You'll have to wait to know what happens next.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.10.2014

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