

~~~~ 4 YEARS AGO ~~~~

''You bitch! you were never meant to have been born'' She shouted at me as she slammed me into the kitchen counter. All I could do was whimper.

''Why can't you just die?!'' She slaps me across the face and pushes me into the wall, instantly pain erupted from my side, causing me to cry out.

''what's wrong?'' My little sister asked who was standing next to my younger and elder brother who looked enraged, I turned towards her with my eyes wide open.

''Eleanor, go back to your room'' I told them but it was to late, that monster had already saw them and was making her way towards her.

Before she could do anything though I jumped onto her back causing her to tumble onto the ground and started throwing punches at her. I didn't stop until she lay limp on the floor, I got up and made my way over to Eleanor and crouched down to her height.

''Honey how would you all like to go on a vacation away from her?'' I ask her

''YES!'' She replies.

That's how we all ended up at the doorstep of my uncle and aunt...

Chapter 1

~~~~ 4 YEARS LATER ~~~~

''Eve wake up'' someone called out

''Shut up and leave me alone'' I mumble

''Fine but you asked for it'' Said another voice but I didn't know what he was talking about until I felt a bucket of freezing cold water from the Atlantic was poured onto me and trust me I'm not talking bullshit when I describe how cold the water was.

I shot up out of bed and screamed ''AHHHHHHHHHHH!'' I heard laughter and saw my brother and cousin laughing their asses off ''You'' I say pointing at them ''ARE. GOING. DIE. A. VERY. SLOW. DEATH!'' they stop laughing and run out of my room.

I run out of my room and down the stairs once I got into the kitchen they were both sitting down by my aunt and uncle eating breakfast as if nothing had happened.

''Honey what happened to you'' My aunt asked when she caught sight of me

''Oh nothing but you see my darling brother and cousin just couldn't wait for me to get out of bed today so they decided that pouring water on me is the best idea'' I say drawing out the word 'darling'.

My aunt turns to them and they both look pretty scared because trust me my aunt is pretty scary when she  wants to be, I smirk at the.

''You two'' she points at them ''Will apologize to Evelyn right now or you will be grounded for life''

''Honey don't you think that's just a bit harsh?'' My uncle asks

''Well why don't you make your precious sons understand that they shouldn't have done that to Evelyn'' My aunt and uncle consider my brothers, my sister and me as their own children so they don't mind calling us their kids or us calling them mom or dad, we found this awkward at first but got over it and my younger brother and sister calls them 'mom' and 'dad' where as me and my older brother and sister call them 'uncle' and 'aunt'.

''I agree with you but really grounded common honey surely you should know that they will easily find a way out of it'' My uncle was finding it hard to stop himself from smiling and I caught my aunt smiling to.

''Your right but you two'' playfully glaring at them '' Will apologize to her now''

They turned towards me ''Sorry'' They both said in unison

''Oh your going to be when I'm done with you'' I  said menacingly. I caught my uncle's eye and smirked knowing what I was thinking.

My aunt turned towards me ''Evie'' she says amused

''What?'' I ask innocently ''They deserve it''

''Well I agree'' she says then whispers so only I can hear ''Teach them a lesson''

I laugh and walk towards the door but turn back ''You two better watch your back because I'm going to get you when you least expect it'' I exit the kitchen and head towards my room.

I head into my bathroom and take a quick shower then get out and wrap a towel around my self. I walk into my closet and but on my undergarments then pick out my outfit for the day, since its a school day I wear something simple; white tank top, bleached denim shirt, black skinny jeans, brown laced combat boots and a grey beanie. I wore a simple locket and my make-up was simple; eyeliner, mascara, concealer and cherry lip-gloss, I let my hair out after blow drying it and combing it.

I grabbed my phone, leather jacket and backpack and left my room and headed towards the kitchen to find only my uncle there reading a newspaper.

''Hey shouldn't you be getting ready for work'' I ask taking a bite out of my apple

''Yeah and shouldn't you be at school right now'' I look at the clock

''Fluggets'' Yeah its a word that has its own place is MY dictionary ''Bye'' I shout before running out of the kitchen and towards my car; white Ferrari California. Our  dad left us a lot of money before he left us so earlier this year me and my brother brought a car each to get to school with.

I race towards school at full speed not caring if there are any police nearby.

Chapter 2

I got to school with only a minute to get to registration before the bell rings.

I run past all the lockers and corridors until suddenly I ended up on my butt.

''Oww'' I looked up and glared to the cause, a smirking Kayden Jacobs ''Watch where your walking next time Jacobs'' I spit at hi,

''You should have just told me you wanted me, Carter, you didn't have to fall at my feet and beg'' He says sarcastically

I get up and narrow my eyes at him ''Conceited as always I see'' I reply and pick up my books that were resting on the floor. Before I can walk away he grabs my arm and pushes me onto the lockers.

''You know you want me so why deny it?'' He whispers, I can feel his breath fan my neck

''Get off'' I struggle against him then something comes into my head ''RAPE! RAPE!'' I shout on the top of my lungs causing him grip to loosen and I take this to push him away from me and run to the end of the hall  before turning back to  face him only to see a strange emotion pass through Kayden's face.

''Not even in your dreams that I would ever want you'' I say before turning around and heading towards my first lesson since registration ended.


''Salah al-Din's fairness and generosity made him popular, respectable figure, even among his enemies because using the time of the crusaders concurred Jerusalem in 1099, they massacred over 70,000 civilians. When Salah al-Din liberated in 1187 , he allowed its entire population to leave freely'' I spaced out after that, Religious studies really isn't really my best subject.

''Miss. Carter would you wait behind class please'' Mrs. Hendrix calls out before I could even leave, Dammit I was really close this time. I mentally curse myself.

I turn around and plaster a fake smile onto my face. ''Yes Mrs?'' I ask politely

''Well looking at your results from the recent test that I gave everyone it seems like you are somewhat failing this subject so I suggest that you should get a tutor to help you since the project that will help you pass this subject'' She explain

''But how do you expect he to find a tutor so quickly'' I ask her shocked

''Don't worry I have already found someone who is willing to do it'' She says smiling.

''Who?'' I whisper, slightly afraid of her answer

''Kayden Jacobs''

''WHAT?!'' I exclaim

I leave the classroom and head towards Kayden's since he and my cousin are best friends they both have the same class for second period. 

I slam the door open and spot Kayden straight away and make my way over to him, ignoring the teacher's protest.

''You'' I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him out of the class.

''Miss. Carter you cannot behave like this to one of my students'' Mr. Black exclaims.

''I don't care'' I say before slamming the door into his face and turn to Kayden who was smirking. I narrow my eyes at him and take a menacing step towards him. ''What is you problem?!''

''What do you mean?'' He asks innocently

''Cut the crap Jacobs, you know exactly what I'm talking about'' I run my hand  through my hair.

''Oh, what can't I just help a friend in need?'' he remarks

''Firstly, I am not your friend and secondly I don't need help, I'm perfectly fine''

He takes a step forward ''Oh really? I think I heard Mrs. Hendrix say something about you needing a lot of help to pass Religious studies, am I right?''

 ''Screw you Jacobs'' I say before turning away from him and walking down the corridor to my next class when I heard him shout

''I know you want to''


I go into the canteen and get my food and drink and turn towards the table that I normally sit at that's filled with my cousin Andrew, his girlfriend Claire, my cousin sister Aimee, my brother Daniel, Kayden, a few of their friends and my best friend Maya. I turn away from them and walk out of the canteen and walk towards my tree. I call it my tree because I usually sit here whenever I'm angry or when I need a break from the others and besides I don't see anybody else sitting be this tree.


I am halfway through my sandwich when I hear lots of pairs of feet heading in my direction, I look up to find Maya, Daniel, Andrew, Aimee and Kayden walking towards me. I get up and throw away my unfinished sandwich poor sandwich I wonder to myself. I sit back down and stare at the five people in front of me.

''What?'' I ask annoyed when they didn't say anything, they all sit down so we're all sitting in a circle.

Dan (Daniel) clears his throat ''Well we were wondering what's wrong with you all of a sudden''

''Nothing, I'm just peachy'' I say sarcastically

''Seriously Eve what's up?'' Maya asks

''what would make you say that?'' I question her back

''Well for starters you didn't sit next to us in the canteen and you always sit out here when your either angry or when something's wrong, so spill'' she replies

I sigh ''Its nothing I swear''

''Was it about what happened morning?'' asks Andy (Andrew) causing me to chuckle a little

''No but thanks for reminding me though'' I smirk evilly

''What happened this morning?'' Both Kayden and Maya ask at the same time.

''Well my precious brother and cousin decided that they couldn't wait for me to wake up so they threw a bucket of cold water onto me.

''But we had reasons'' Andy says

''Really I wonder what those reason are'' I say sarcastically

'' Eve you were screaming in your sleep and talking in different languages'' He says slightly confused

I quickly get up ''What?'' I grab my bags and back up a little causing all of them to look at me weirdly, I take a deep breath ''I'm fine'' looking at their unconvinced faces I try again ''Really all I need is a break so I'm gonna go home and get some rest'' I say turning around and walking to my car.

''I can't believe I did that'' I mutter to myself before starting my car and heading towards the one place I feel safe in.

Chapter 3

''Where have you been?'' Exclaimed my aunt.

''Out'' I whisper, tiredly wiping my eyes

''Out where'' after a minutes pause ''forget I even asked, lets just get you warmed up and refreshed'' She says leading me up to my room and bathroom, switching the hot water on before leaving.

''I let out a shaky sigh, 'Surely they can't have gotten that bad'  I question myself. I strip off my clothes and underwear then step under the hot shower letting it wash away my pain 'If only it could really do that'

Out of nowhere I let out a sob, then another and another and fall to the floor hugging my knees 'They were just nightmare, not reality' ' She can't really be here' I reassure myself 'But what if she is and has come beck to finish what she started' asked my inner voice, ''I don't care and eve if she does come back I won't let her hurt any of the people I love'

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around myself. I stare at myself in the mirror; the once joyful, lively, smiley girl has been replaced but a broke, fragile, breakable girl who keeps a strong composure when in reality she's broken.

I walk into my closet and wear my underwear and pick out something simple and comfortable to wear; grey sweatpants, baggy superman top and blue fluffy slippers before heading down and into the living room.

 I find Aimee, Andrew, Daniel and Kayden sitting on the L- shaped sofa eating pizza and watching a movie. I walk into the kitchen and grab a can of coke before heading back and sitting in-between Aimee and Daniel.

''Hey'' Aimee says, smiling.

''Hey'' returning her smile I look around and frown ''Where's everyone?'' I ask

''Mom and dad have gone out, Derrick's in his room, Eleanor and the twins are in their rooms sleeping'' She replies

''Oh, so anything happen while I was gone?'' I ask

''Not much but dad is annoyed that you skipped'' Andrew replies

I shrug ''I needed a break''

''Where were you anyway?'' Kayden asks out of nowhere

''Out anyway its a secret'' I say, winking.

''Common Eve you always do this and what if something happens?'' Daniel whines

''Nothing will happen and besides I can protect myself'' I say taking a bite out of my pizza

I hear Kayden snort ''You couldn't hurt a fly''

I raise and eyebrow and walk up towards him then look down so we were both eye to eye ''You haven't seen me yet and even if you did you would be scared shitless right now'' I state coldly.

Everybody was taken aback by my cold outburst, they all knew how much I despise Kayden so there isn't much to be surprised about, Daniel awkwardly clears his throat to gain our attention ''Hey there is a par-'' He starts but gets interrupted by my phone.

''Hello'' I said not bothering to check the caller ID

''Am I talking to Evelyn Mercy Carter?'' Asks a very familiar voice sweetly.

''Yes who may I be speaking to?'' I ask, I turn around and find 4 pairs of confused eyes staring at me, I signal that I will tell them later and I'm going to talk in the hall.

''Oh honey you don't remember me?'' She asks, amused

''Um- no and not to sound rude or anything but who are you?'' I ask again.

''Cassandra Sande'' She pauses and drops the amused act ''Your mother''

That causes me to snap ''Why are you calling me? I don't want anything to do with you'' I state coldly.

''Well life's not fair and I'm in town and I'm coming to see you all very soon''

''If you ever, Ever, come near me or my family then I will forget that  I ever knew you or that your my mother'' I threaten, before I hang up I hear a very malicious laugh and two words that sent shiver down my spine

                                                          ''I'm coming'

Chapter 4

I walk back into the kitchen, fuming.

‘’Who wa- Whoa what happened?’’ Aimee asks after seeing my pale face.

‘’Nothing good’’ I reply.

‘’Then why do you look like your about to murder someone right now?’’ She asks ‘Maybe I really am’ I wonder to myself.

I let out a dry laugh ‘’As if’’ I smirk before grabbing my drink and heading towards my room ‘’I’m going to bed, so don’t bother me’’ I inform them before leaving.

‘I’m coming’ I kept on tossing and turning in my sleep. I couldn’t catch a wink of sleep without remembering her parting words.

‘’Urgh’’ I throw off my blanket and leave my room and head towards the kitchen.

I enter the kitchen on to find Kayden sitting on the counter table reading something off his phone, he looks up and puts his phone into his pocket.

‘’What are you doing here?’’ I ask making myself some hot chocolate.

‘’Staying over and I couldn’t sleep’’ He replies, tiredly.

‘’You sure sound tired, want one?’’ I ask indicating to the hot chocolate.

‘’Sure thanks’’

We stay in silence for the next few minutes, the only sound that you could hear were our breathing. I pour the hot chocolate into two cups and hand one to Kayden before sitting down opposite him.

I take a sip before clearing my throat. ‘’Um why couldn’t you sleep?’’

‘’No reason but you didn’t tell me why you’re here either’’ He smirks a little, Damn that looks cute on him- Wait what?

‘’I live here remember and I couldn’t sleep either’’ I reply, mentally cursing myself for being stupid.

‘’Care to share’’ He says taking a sip of his own drink. ‘’Was is related to that call that you had earlier?’’ He asks

I give him a tiny smile. ‘’Yeah’’ I mumble that he wouldn’t be able to hear but he does.

‘’Who was it that called?’’ He asks a little concerned. Whoa who knew that Kayden had a heart.

The light from outside illuminated Kayden’s face showing me a different side to him, he has got golden brown/blonde hair that’s slightly scruffy, piercing blues eyes, his shirt is hugging his muscles and his lips looks so- Shut up Eve!

I realize that I’m checking him out and snap out of it.

‘’nobody’’ I say quietly then again but louder ‘’Nobody’’ causing Kayden to raises an eyebrow.

‘’You don’t sound so sure’’ He leans forward ‘’I wonder why’’ Before I can even process what he had said, he walks over to my side of the counter table and stands in front of me before leaning in slightly. ‘’Who was it Evelyn?’’ He asks, his eyes filled will concern and something eye?

‘’Nobody’’ He leans in a little bit more which causes my heart to race a little, stupid heart, I bet he can hear it.

‘’Really?’’ He asks sarcastically but nevertheless concerned, he leans forward and puts his arms on either side of me, trapping me between him and the counter-table. ‘’Evelyn I’m asking one last time, who was it?’’

‘’My mother’’ I angrily whisper gaining a very confused Kayden.

‘’Then why do you sound so angry?’’ He asks. I open my mouth to say something but close it, what am I thinking? Why am I telling all of this to Kayden? Before I know it I jump up from my seat causing Kayden to fall on the floor but not before pulling me with him.

I hear an awkward cough from my right and open my eyes to find Andrew standing there with his eyebrows raised and eyes filled with amusement. My eyes widen when I realize what he must be thinking; I was on top of Kayden in a you-know position. I scramble to my feet and dust my sweatpants slightly while Kayden got up and did the same.

’’What’s up?’’ Kayden asks, like nothing even happened.

 ‘’Nothing much, just thought that I’d go to the kitchen and grab something to drink but instead I find my cousin lying on top of my best friend, care to explain?’’ He asks glaring playfully at us.

‘’Nothing happened’’ I blurted out.

‘’Really it sure looked like you were very comfortable there’’ I was thankful that it was dark otherwise they would have been able to see the blush that was creeping its was up my neck.

‘’I-uh-gonna-go-urgh-bye!’’ I stutter grabbing my hot chocolate and rushing out of the kitchen but not far enough to hear Andrew and Kayden laughing.

‘’Glad that I could amuse you’’ I mutter before heading into my room.

Chapter 5


I wake up feeling utterly dead! My head feels like it has been stepped on by a giant. ‘’Urgh’’ I stubbed my toe at the edge of my bed. I hear a faint knock at my door. ‘’Who is it?’’ I didn’t hear and answer but instead the door open and close. I sit back onto my bed.

‘’Whoa, you look like hell’’ Derek exclaims. ‘’No wonder you slept for so long’’ He says sarcastically. I take a little glance at the clock on my bedside; 14:59.

‘’What! ’’ I realize that Derek should have been at school; I turn and face him with a quizzical face. ‘’Why are you here? Shouldn’t you bee in school?’’ He grins sheepishly and rubs hick neck.

‘’Well… ’’ He prolongs.

‘’Spill ‘’I demand.

‘’IskippedschoolandIjustcamehomenow’’ then he was gone. Quickly realizing what he said but making no move to take any action just I just went back to bed.


Poke,                                                                                                                                                                    Poke,                                                                                                                                                                    Poke                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Pok-

‘’What the hell! ’’ I rub my eyes to find a grinning Eleanor.

‘’About twime you woke up’’ She says sternly trying to act all mature.

I chuckle. ‘’Why whatever is the problem, your highness?’’ I ask in a British accent.

She huffs in defeat. ‘’Mommy asked me to tell you to get ready for dinner’’ She leaps off me and runs out of my room. I still have to get used to her calling my aunt ‘mommy’.

I glance at the clock; 6:30. Wow I fell asleep for the whole day!

I head into my walk-in closet and pick out grey sweatpants, while crop-top and black converse, I put my hair into a high bun.

‘’Hey’’ I say to everybody whilst taking my seat. Looking over to who’s sitting opposite me I see Kayden smirking. I mentally curse.

‘’Evie honey are you feeling alright?’’ my aunt asks.

I rub my eyes a little and stifle a yawn. ‘’Yeah I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?’’

‘’You look a little pale, that’s all’’

All throughout dinner Kayden tried to get my attention- hell he even kicked my knee for gods’ sake! So I kicked him back, hard. We all ate dinner and talked about our day. I helped my aunt clean up before heading towards the living room; where my uncle is. I spotted him sitting in the armchair reading a newspaper and Derek, Daniel, Andrew and Kayden playing on the X-box. I take a seat in front of my uncle and clear my throat grabbing his attention.

‘’Hey Evie’’ He smile.

‘’Hey uncle can I talk to you for a minute?’’ I stop there causing him to raise his eyes as if to say ‘carry on’  “In private’’ this causes everybody to stop what they are doing and look at me.

‘’Sure’’ He gets up and heads towards his study with me following.

Before I exit I look back and catch Daniel’s eyes, telling me clearly that I’m going to have to tell him what’s wrong, I give him a weak smile before leaving.

I close the study room door and face my uncle, I give him the same smile I gave Daniel ‘’Spill’’.

‘’Shecalledmeyesturdayandsaidthatshewascoming’’ I rush out.

‘’Evelyn what on earth did you just say?’’ Confusion masking his face.

Taking a deep breath. ‘’My mother called me yesterday and told me that she’s in town’’ I growl out the word mother.

I divert my eyes away from him looking everywhere but where he is, hmm the clock looks very interesting.

‘’Did she say anything else?’’

‘’No’’ I lie

He doesn’t look very convinced but lets it pass. ‘’Well she won’t be getting what she want but you will have to train harder’’ He says whilst grabbing his phone. I leave his study and turn right; towards the training room.

I get ready the archery room before grabbing my bow and arrow.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, sudden movement from my left causing me to quickly turn and release the arrow. This carries on until I have one arrow left with three targets in front of me. They all charge towards me, bad move I close my eyes and angle it slightly before releasing it. I shot them all.

I hear clapping from behind me causing me to jump slightly and scowl before turning around. Facing somebody that has become very familiar to me….

Chapter 6

''What do you want?'' I exit the archery room and head towards the daggers and pick one up before assessing my target.

''Just wondering what's wrong with you, that's all'' He shrugs his shoulder and grabs a dagger as well. I raise an eye brow at him.

''Really?'' I asks sarcastically ''It looks like you were some-what stalking me'' I roll my eyes at him, grab a few more daggers and walk away.

I hear him scoff behind me before walking in line with me. ''Don't get your hopes up'' I can see a smirk embedding onto his lips from the corner of my eyes.

''Wasn't going to and besides I have better things to hope for'' I face my targets, completely ignoring him, and pick up one of my daggers. One of the targets move at full speed and I throw my dagger at it; killing it straight away, technically I'm not killing it if it doesn't breath but you get the point.

I hear Kayden start beside me. We continue like this in silence and it only breaks when Kayden swears because he completely missed a target, luckily I had one dagger left and I quickly threw it; right where it's heart would have been - if it had a heart that is.

''Damn girl didn't know you could do that'' He wolf-whistles ''But I could have done it myself and way better''

I snort ''Yeah right, does missing one when it was only three metres away and an easy to get, count?'' I asks sarcastically.

''That wasn't my fault, you saw how that thing moved, I swear I think those things really are alive'' He defends.

''Yeah right keep saying that'' I laugh walking away from him to retrieve mine and his daggers.

''Its true!'' I put the daggers away and head towards the door.

''Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night Kayden'' Before I can take a step out of the door I'm called back.

''Wait Evelyn'' I turn my head only to find contact with a hard, firm wall, wait walls shouldn't be muscly and strong. ''Like what you see, sweet cheeks?'' I didn't have to look up to know that he was smirking. I take a step back but my back hits the door, I mentally curse myself.

''What do you want now?'' I ask impatiently and look into his eyes, bad ideas; they looked so deep - like you could get lost in them forever, his ears held some unreadable emotions, I quickly avert my eyes away from his. 

''You never really told me why you were angry about that phone call yesterday'' He takes a step forward and puts both of his arms up so that I'm caged between him ad the door.

''What- d-do you me-mean?'' I ask, faking innocence.

''You know exactly what I mean, so tell me''

''Why are you so eager to know what's on my mind'' I scowl at him and put my hands on his chest so that I could push him away but he wouldn't budge. ''Urgh what are you made of, rocks?'' I asks, annoyed. I don't notice that my hands are on his hard but firm chest until I feel his heart beat slowly, its like he's taking deep breaths on purpose, I snatch my hands away a drop then to my sides.

''It's not a crime to want to know something, Evelyn'' My name rolls off his tongue like it was made for him to say, I involuntary shiver slightly. ''Do I make you nervous Evelyn? He asks as and takes a step forward. How did talking about what happened yesterday come to this?

''N-no'' I stutter quietly.

He chuckles. ''Not even if I do this?'' His head dips slightly so that its only inches away from mine, my breath hitches a little. ''Your heart beat says otherwise'' His breath fans my lips causing my lips to open a little. His face comes closer ''You sure that I don't make you nervous Evelyn?'' He whispers into my ears.

''Y-yes?'' I questioned. What is happening to m? What is he doing to me?

He chuckles, I could feel his chest move ''Evelyn tell me the truth, what happened yesterday?'' He says, with hurt and concern lacing his words.

''N-nothing'' I curse myself, stupid hormones, yeah its just my hormones causing me to feel like this.

'Keep saying that to yourself, you know you want him' inner me says

No I don't.

'Don't deny it, you've liked him before maybe the feelings are still there'

Yeah but that was before he stepped on girls hearts like they were nothing to him

''You don't seem so sure'' I am pulled out of my thoughts. ''Why's that?'' He asks

I take a deep breath and push his chest, he stumbles back a little not expecting me to do that, I clear my throat. ''Kayden mind your own God damn business and stay the fuck away from me'' I snarl, I flinch slightly when hurt passes through his eyes, I wish that I could take it away - I really do but these unwanted feeling arising need to be kept locked away, I can't hurt anymore people. ''You don't need to know everything that goes on'' With that I opened the door a left him there and walked towards my room and collapsing onto my bed.

Chapter 7

I stayed in my room until my aunt knocked on my door asking me if I'm alright.

''Yes aunt I'm alright''

''Fine but if you don't feel very well then tell me'' She said before leaving my room.

 i huff out loud.

I hate it when they do that, its like I can't handle myself and I'm going to do something stupid! I think to myself.

'At least they care about you' a voice in my head said

'Who are you' Being stupid little me I had to ask

'I'm you, idiot' I replied

'Huh? I must be going crazy'

'Going??' It says incredulously 'Evelyn I think you already are'

'Yeah I think your right' I said automatically 'Wait what?!'

'Anyway you'll soon find out who I am and what you are very soon but be patient and don't give into temptation' It warned before shutting up.

What. The. Heck. Just. Happened??


''Aunt Sarah, Uncle Ezra I think I've gone mental!" I exclaim, shutting the kitchen door behind me.

''What do you mean?'' My Uncle asks, amused. I scowl at him.

''Its not funny Uncle Ezra, I'm serious'' I sit down and it finally dawns that everybody; except Derek and Eleanor, are downstairs eating breakfast without me, including Kayden!

''Fine, but really what do you mean?'' He says.

''What I mean is that there is this annoying voice in my head that won't shut up and is driving crazy, HELP ME!'' I rush out but couldn't help but ending it with a loud, 'HELP ME'.

The amused look on my Uncle's face leaves replaced with a very serious and very scary looking face. I look around and find everybody looking at me.

''What!'' I ask, throwing my hands into the air.

''Evelyn what do you mean and voice in your head won't shut up?'' He asks.

I sigh ''Nothing just leave it, you're all looking at me like I've nuts'' I get up and grab an apple before leaving the kitchen. Before I leave I hear my name being said so I put my ear to the door.

''She's going to find out sooner or later, dad'' Aimee said

''I know that but she has enough on her plate and telling her now will confuse her'' He replies

''Well Evelyn has a right to know and its better if she find out from her family then from a stranger'' My Aunt pipes in.

''Kids just go get ready for whatever your going to do today and let us handle it'' I hear them protest but eventually give up. I quickly move my head from the door and run into my room before they could see me.

I ate the apple and walked into my closet to pick an outfit for the day; black jeans with holes on the knees, white shirt with a navy jumper over it and black combat boots. I left my make-up simple; mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. I pulled my hair into a tight pony tail and left my fringe out.

I grabbed my phone, purse and car keys and went down stair and into the living room. I found Andrew, Aimee, Kayden, Daniel and Derek in the living room watching TV.

''Hey guys'' I put on a fake smile and act like I didn't hear what they were talking about today.

''Hey Eve, where are you going?'' Andrew asks.

''Just out in a bit'' I reply shrugging my shoulders.

''But where exactly?'' Daniel enquires.

I raise and eyebrow. ''Why you guys with or something?'' I ask sarcastically.

''Well since you insist, sure why not'' He jumps up and pats my shoulder, slightly.

What. The. Hell?

''Come on Eve we're going to be late'' Andrew calls out before getting up.

I sigh, giving up ''You don't even know where we're going yet?'' I point out. I look around at Derek who's still sitting down. ''You coming with, bro?''

''Nah just going to chill at home'' He replies.

''Suite yourself'' I turn to the others and glare at them slightly ''I'll meet you guys at the mall outside where we usually meet, Kay?''

''Sure but I'll come with you'' Aimee says dragging me towards my car.

We both get into my car and instantly Aimee turn on my radio, filling my car with 'Find you' by Zedd.

We both arrived at the mall and found the guys waiting at the food court.

''Wow despite leaving before us, you drive like a grandma'' Kayden comments, I glare at him.

''Despite me not wanting you here you still came'' I spit back, snickering when he doesn't respond.

''Whatever'' He turns away.

''Anyway, you guys do what you want and Eve and I are going to do some shopping for the school ball, C yah'' Aimee drags me off for the second time in one hour.

''OMG that dress would look really nice on you Eve, you should try it on!'' Aimee exclaims pushing a black dress into my arms.

We've been to most of the shops in the mall and Aimee has made me try on so many dresses that I've lost count of.

'Umm Aimee I'm don't think it will'' I tell her trying to push the dress back into her arms.

She laughs ''Don't be silly Eve trust me it will'' She pushed me into the changing and closes the door behind me. ''I'm just round the corner, Kay?'' She says through the door.

''Sure'' I mumble, looking down at the dress.

I strip off my clothes and put on the black dress. I stare at the mirror; the dress hugs my curves in all the right places and it falls elegantly to the floor, the sleeves fall off my shoulder and end at my wrists. (Dress on the side --->)

''Eve are you finished yet or do I have to break down the door'' she calls out.

''I'm finished, hang on'' I reply opening the door and stepping out of the changing room.

''WOW'' Aimee's mouth was wide open.

''Aimee honey you might want to close your mouth or you'll catch flies'' I tease, she glares at me playfully.

''Hush now, you have to buy this Eve'' She says eyeing my dress.

''No I don't feel like going to the ball this year'' I say.

''What do you mean?'' Kayden's voice appears out of nowhere making me jump slightly.

''I mean I'm not going to the ball or do you still not understand what I'm saying?'' I say, slowly.

''Shut up Carter'' He huffs, his breath blows my neck a little and causes me to involuntarily shiver.

'Me likely' The voice in my head says out of nowhere.

'Oh dear god not you again!' I grumble.

'Yes its me, so you better get used to it cause I'm going to be here a lot more once you find out' It replies 'P.S please stop calling me it, just give me a name all right'

'What do you mean 'I'm going to be here a lot more when you find out?' find out what?' I ask, but this time she stays silent and doesn't reply.

''Evelyn you in there?'' Aimee asks bringing me back to reality.

''Yea- what?'' I ask defensively when she looks at me funny.

''What happened to you? It looked like you spaced out or something'' She says.

''Nothing'' I mutter ''You got your wish, I'll buy the dress'' I say wanting her to drop the topic and taking the hint she does but still looks suspicious. I walk back into the changing room and get back dressed into my clothes from earlier.

''Hello still here Y'know'' Kayden says faking to look hurt when I walk out of the changing rooms.

''Yeah what are you doing here Kayden?'' I ask him ''And where are the others?''

''Yeah they're waiting for us at the food court so hurry up and pay for your dress so that we can go eat, I'm starving!'' He complains.

''Boys'' I mutter.

''Hey I heard that'' Kayden says, defensively.

''Don't care'' I pay for my dress and walk out of the shop, heading towards the food court with Kayden trailing behind me.

''Hey guys'' I say to them as I walk towards them.


''Aimee where were you?'' I ask

''Ummm the boys wanted to show me something so I went with them, why?'' She asks innocently.

''Well don't leave me with him next time'' I say pointing my finger at Kayden.

''Hey I'm not that bad'' He defends.

''What-'' I start but am replaced with a buzz from my phone, I open it to show I got a message from unknown. I open the text It read but regretted it soon after:

                               ' Oh Evelyn Dear you haven't changed at all, soo strong, soo feisty, too bad cause I'm here and I'll show you what I'm capable of. Be careful Evie sweet because I'm watching and you won't be leaving anytime soon ’       

                                                   - C.S xoxo

''Hey Eve are you okay, who messaged you?'' Andrew asks looking over my shoulder trying to catch a peek at my message.

''Its nothing'' I say stuffing my phone into my pocket. He looks like he isn't convinced but drops it. ''Lets grab something to eat I'm starving'' I say changing the topic. I ignored Kayden when he muttered 'Hypocrite' under his breath.

I don't here what they say because I'm too focused on the text. 'Who was that?'

'How could you not know?' The voice in my head mocks.

'Shut up' I snarl and shut the voice out.

I look around the food court to try and spot who C.S is, nobody looks suspicious.

''You sure you're alright Evelyn? You've been acting funny after you received that text message, who was that anyway?'' Daniel asks.

I smile at him ''Its nothing Daniel, don't worry'' I reassure him.

He was about to reply but was interrupted by my phone ringing.

Without checking caller ID I answered the phone, instantly regretting it because of the voice that replied.

''Oh Evie, Sweet how are you?'' My mother asks through the phone.

''What do you want?'' I growl, yes growl through the phone.

''What makes you think that I want something?'' She asks, fake-sweetly.

I snort. ''When don't you want something?'' I ask sarcastically.

She laughs maliciously through the phone. ''Oh it really is true Evie you haven't changed at all'' She snarls.

I laugh without humor. ''What makes you think I've even changed?''

''You we're never like this with me''

''What? Happy and content or Weak and disgusted?'' I snarl through the phone. Before she could carry on I continue ''By the way I've changed. I'm not that girl any more, if you even think about coming anywhere near the people I love I will oh so make your death painful, more pain then you made me feel, I'm not weak so don't underestimate me MOTHER because you did last time and look where you ended up, oh I don't know because we left you not the other way around. Don't bother calling or texting me again cause trust me you walking on thin ice'' I disconnect the call but not before hearing her say:

'I'm coming and when I do you'll regret what you said, big time

 I put my head in my hand and close my eyes. Taking a deep breath I mutter every swear word that I could think of under my breath.

''Evelyn what happened and were you talking to her?''

OH SHIT! Kill me now!

Chapter 8

''You know exactly what I mean!'' Shit an angry Daniel is not good.

''Dan it's just somebody that mentioned her, nobody else'' I try to reassure him, but it seems like it really is not my day today, hell this whole week!

''Why do I have a feeling that I shouldn't believe you?'' He asks, crossing his arms.

''Really Dan it's nothing to worry about, and I don't really care if you believe me or not its not my problem!'' I snap, Dan might be scary when he's angry but when I'm angry lets just say that its best not to cross paths with me.

''Who are you guys talking about?'' Kayden asks out of nowhere.

''Nobody'' I grit out whilst glaring at my brother. Something or should I say somebody catches my eye, I get up but Dan grabs my hand.

''Where are you going?'' He asks, I pull my hand out of his grasp.

''Home'' I turn to face where I last saw her.

''Wait'' Aimee calls out and I face her, she pulls me away from the others. ''Be careful, I know you were talking to her so don't bother telling me you weren't'' She whispers. ''I know you aren't going home but so tell me where you are really going'' I look at her.

''What do you mean?'' I ask confused.

''Don't play with me Evelyn so just tell me the truth''

''How did you know?'' I ask cautiously

''You had this look on your face and plus you wouldn't stop looking around'' She says like I'm the dumbest person on Earth.

''I'm not lying, I'm just going to go home but I forgot to tell you guys that I'm going to meet up with an old friend'' I say and its true.

She sighs. ''I want you to call me if your in any trouble at all, you promise?'' She holds out her pinkie.

I snort ''Yeah okay'' I join my pinkie with hers.

We walk back to the others and Aimee sits down whilst I just grab my bag ''Where are you going?'' Andrew asks this time.

''Like I said before. Home'' I repeat.

Dan looks at me and I see that some of the anger is still there but most of it has gone. ''We're going to talk about this later Eve whether you like it or not'' I glare at him.

''Whatever, bye'' I look at Aimee and smile, she returns it but hers is more of a sad one.

 I walk away from them and look at where I last saw her but she isn't there anymore, SHIT where the hell can she have gone? I walk to where I last saw her and look around. I spot her walking out of the mall and I run towards her but I make sure to keep myself hidden so that she doesn't see me whenever she turns around. She leaves and gets into her car, I follow suit but get into my own car. She speeds her car out of the car park and I follow her with my car. She parks in  front of an abandoned building, I make sure to park my car somewhere she wouldn't be able to see it. She walks into the building but not before scanning the perimeter, Damn what's up with her?

I check that I have all my weapons, I know you must be thinking why am I carrying weapons with me, right? Well I have a permit my Uncle gave me one because I needed to be able to protect myself when the time comes. Well anyway back to the present, I check that my knives are in hidden in my boots, I have a pair of wrist blades, ones that when I flick my wrists they come out, I grab a gun and stick it into the waistband of my jeans and walk out of my car.

I walk towards the abandoned building, with each step I took my heart beat faster, this place looks familiar. Why? The building looks like it hasn't been used in a very long time, I walk towards the door and just stand there.

'Well are you going to just stand there and stare at the door whilst she gets away?' The in my head taunts.

'Shut up and leave me alone, I need to see her and I want answer!' I say.

'I know you want answers Evelyn but stay patient and don't rush into something that will hurt us' it say concern filling its voice.

'Your right but I need them now and I'm going to get them one way or another' I shut the voice out.

I hadn't realised that the door had opened slightly as if going me a right to enter, I walk inside and instantly the floorboard creaks but not from me, shit! I grab my gun out and point it where the noise was made. Nothing. What! Suddenly a noise comes from my left and I whip my head but not fast enough because I end up flying across the room. ''Urgh!'' I struggle to get up but manage with my gun beck in my hands. ''What the hell is your problem?!'' I sneer.

''My problem, really?'' She asks sarcastically ''Shouldn't I be asking you that instead?'' She states.

''Please you practically wanted me here, I'm here now what do you want?'' I say, taking a few steps forward.

''How did you know that I was back in town?'' She asks.

''A little birdie told me'' She raises an eyebrow.


''Yeah and besides you proved her right when I saw you at the mall earlier, you know that she could have saw you right?'' I say, now I'm just standing a few feet away from her.

''What do you want me to do Evelyn, I had to come back'' She rubs a hand across her face.

''Why?'' I question.

''I don't think its the right place to say it all I know is that something bad is about to happen and I  was needed here'' She replies.

''Um okay out of curiosity. Why here?'' I ask motioning our surrounding. I wasn't lying either I wanted to know why she lead me to an abandoned building. She shuffles on her feet.

''I felt that somebody was following me but I didn't know who, I had to make sure that it wasn't her so I lead you here'' She says eyeing my guys. Ooops I completely forgot about that, I lower it and put it back into the waistband of my jeans.

I was about to open my mouth but I sudden bang gains our attention. I quickly grab my gun again and I look around looking for any danger.

There she stood with five of them behind her. I look at the girl next to me just as she looks at me as well. ''RUN!'' We both run towards the exit.... 

Chapter 9

When we got to the entrance there were more of them.

''Shit'' I curse. ''Have you got anything to defend yourself with?'' I ask Tamara.

''Yeah but I doubt that it will work on them''

''Well just try your best and if you can't I'll cover for you'' I tell her keeping my gun in place as she gets out her dagger/knife.

''You can't get away, so it's useless trying'' That bitch calls from behind us.

We don't listen to her and when one of her followers come running towards me I shoot and the bullet hits its leg, causing it to tumble to the ground. I look to my right and see that most of them have been put down so I grab Tamara's hand I run out of the building and towards my car. I hear a gun shot but don't wait behind to which one of us were hurt.

I slam the driver's door shut and that's when I feel the pain in my left arm. 

''Shit Eve you're hurt'' Tamara panics.

''Stop panicking Tamzy I'll be fine'' I reassure her using my childhood nickname for her.

''Are you sure you can drive'' I don't reply but instead out my foot on the pedal and speed out of there, I can still her gun shots being thrown at us but that doesn't stop me.

''Where are we going'' She asks me.

''My house''

''Won't everybody be worried as to why your bleeding and how you got shot?'' She asks. Shit I never thought of that, oh well  I can't go back now.

''I can't turn around now, were nearly there and I'm loosing blood''

''Why aren't we going to the hospital then?'' She asks

''Its too much work going there and a lot of questions will be asked'' I look at her ''Are you going to answer them'' I park in front of my house and get out. ''And besides I was shot by a gun, the hospital are bound to get the police involved into this and I don't want the to'' I unlock the door and walk inside with Tamara following behind me.

''Is there anybody at home?'' She asks. I motion for her to be quiet and listen carefully, its quiet but I can hear some noise coming from the living room. I walk closer but the pain in my arm starts to hurt even more which causes me to cry out. I prayed that nobody heard but it seems like fate is against me today.

''Eve is that you?'' My brother calls out.

''Yeah'' I rush out, my eyes start to water and I hear some footsteps coming closer towards us, I use my right hand to grab Tamara and run up the stairs with her.

''Where are you?'' He calls out. I don't reply because I can't.

''Where's the First Aid kit?'' Tamara asks me.

''Bathroom, first cabinet under the mirror'' She walks inside as I lock my bedroom door and fall to the floor. She come out of the bathroom with the first aid kit and kneels down beside me. She inspects my wound.

''I'm not sure if I will be able to do this'' She says, I give her a look.

''Just try your best and I'll forever be grateful'' I grit out. She tell me to take my jumper off but I couldn't do it without her help and she grabs a pair of tweezers. She uses the tweezers to try and grab the bullet after a minute of so she manages to get it out. She wipes away the blood and wraps my arm in bandage.

''Does it hurt anymore'' I give her the look again.

''What do you think?'' She huffs.

''I tried my best but I still think that you should go to the hospital to get it checked''

''If it gets and worse then okay but not yet''

''Come on you have blood all over you clothes, get into the shower and I'll find you some clothes'' She pushes me into the shower and turns it on before leaving. 

I shower but it was kind of hard with my left arm being injured and all but I managed, I wrap a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom.

''Here'' Tamara hands me a pair of PJ's and walks into my bathroom as well. I look at the clothes she gave me and sigh. Blue shorts and a blue vest-top that says 'Love is a gift'. I walk into my closet and grab my black bra and knickers and put them on as well as my PJ's. I walk back into my room and find Tamara wearing a pair of PJ's as well. Pink peach three quarter top and a pair of zebra printed shorts.

''Hey why do you get to stay warm while I have to freeze my but off with this'' I complain, she rolls her eyes at me.

''You won't feel very comfortable with one of these so I gave you a vest top instead, now come on I'm hungry'' She starts to pull me towards the door but I pull back.

''Wait what about this'' I tell her pointing to the bandage.

''I don't know, just tell them that you were walking and you brushed along a fence which cut you and you had to wrap it up... well something like that anyway'' She shrugs her shoulder and pulls me downstairs and into the kitchen. My brother, Andres, Aimee, Maya and obviously Kayden are sitting down eating when we walk in. '

'Hey Eve..... Tamara?'' My brother asks, surprised.

''Hey Dan'' She smiles at him, I roll my eyes at her and walk to the fridge and pull out to bottle of juice and toss one to Tamara.

''What are you doing here?'' He asks.

''What can I not visit my to favourite friends in the world?'' She asks sarcastically.

''Well yeah but why all of a sudden? We haven't seen you in four years.... so why now?'' He asks, I know he's happy because when we were younger he had a crush on Tamara but was too scared to admit it and here she is now so yh you get the point.

''Why not, I mean I wanted to visit you guys''

''But how did you know where we lived'' He asks.

''Eve found me and wanted to hang out, so here I am'' She says happily.

''Where are you staying?'' Weird question but it seems like Tamara doesn't mind.

''With my aunt'' She says.

''Danny boy you going to introduce your friend to us or what?'' Andrew asks.

''Oh yeah guys this is Tamara and old friend of mine and Eve and Tamara this is Andrew, Kayden, Maya and Aimee'' 


''Hi'' Tamara sits down next to Dan ,I sit down in the only available which is right next to Kayden. Kayden looks at me, wait let me clarify that. My arm.

''What happened to you? Are you okay?'' He asks picking up my left arm. I snatch it out of his grasp and hold it against me.


''Eve tell me'' He persists, I shoot him a glare.

''I'm fine'' I look at Tamara and see her looking back at me.

''Evelyn what happened to you?'' Dan asks.I sigh

''Nothing'' He looks at Tamara.

''I was hanging out with Eve and we were walking, she accidently feel on some broken glass and cut herself so we came back here and wrapped up her wound'' I'm going to have to praise her for that, she managed to say all of that without blinking.Dan looks at me again.

''Are you okay?''

''Yeah, now if you don't mind I have some Religious studies work to do with my lazy ass of a tutor, unfortunately so excuse me'' I get up pulling Kayden along with me. When I touch him I feel a set of sparks shoot up my arm... huh why's that? Anyway it doesn't matter I just hope that he didn't feel it but when I look at him from the corner I my eye I can tell that he did ''Bye''

Chapter 10

Kayden's POV#

I wonder where Eve went, she disappeared after that phone call earlier. We all went back to Andrew's house pretty much after and played on the X Box for a bit. Maya came round asking if Eve was there soon after and stayed back to talk with Aimee whilst we played on the X Box. I heard a car stop close by but thought that it wouldn't be Eve but somebody else so I carried on playing. We all froze when we heard a cry coming from the foyer. Dan get up.

''Eve is that you'' He asks.

''Yeah''  I could hear pain in her voice and all of a sudden I felt my left arm start to sting.Dan and I walked into the foyer but she wasn't there.

''Where are you?'' He calls out but a reply isn't given. Something grabs my attention I look on the floor and see blood there.

''Dan I think Eve might be hurt, look there's blood there'' I point to where it is.

''I doubt it, it might be some jam or something that Ellie dropped.

''We walk back into the living room but the others aren't there so we go into the kitchen and find them sitting down whilst Aimee and Maya finish off what they are making.We chat for a bit but I can't help but wonder how I felt that sting in my left arm a few minutes ago. Out of nowhere my arm starts to hurt and I clench my teeth because I feels like hell.

''Argh'' Dan and Andy look at me.

''Are you okay'' I don't reply because the pain in my arm is killing me.

''Bro what's wrong? You look like you're going to shit yourself'' Dan says, the pain went a few minutes later.

''I don't know what happened but my left arm wouldn't stop hurting, it felt like something was ripping it off'' I look at Dan ''I don't think that was jam, it might have been blood'' He looks at me funny.

''Why would you say that?''

''You know why'' I reply.

''Yeah but that doesn't entirely mean that Eve has gotten hurt'' I was about to reply when Eve and another girl walked into the kitchen.

''Hey Eve.... Tamara'' So this girl's called Tamara?

''Hey Dan'' She smiles at him and Eve rolls her eyes at Tamara and walks to the fridge, pulls out two bottles of juice and tosses one to Tamara.

''What are you doing here?'' Dan asks her, he's making goo goo eyes at her. Does her have a crush on her?

''What can I not visit my favourite friends in the world?'' So their friends, why didn't Eve nor Dan mention a Tamara before?

''Well yeah but why all of a sudden? We haven't seen you in four years.... so why now?'' He asks. I stop listening to what Dan and Tamara are talking about and take my time to look at her. She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, heart framed face, she looks around 5''5. She wearing a pair of Eve's PJ's or at least I think they are hers. Peach coloured top with her sleeves just ending below her elbows and a zebra printed shorts showing off her legs not that I'm interested in her. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I sense Eve sitting next me, I know that she isn't happy sitting next to me because of the unhappy aura surrounding here.I look at Eve and frown when I see her left arm in a bandage.

''What happened to you? Are you okay?'' I ask her and pick up her left arm. She rips it out of my hand and holds it close live I'm fire and I just burned her. I'm kind of hurt that she doesn't trust me enough and thinks that I could hurt her.

''Nothing'' She says.

''Eve tell me'' She shoot me a glare.

''I'm fine'' She looks at Tamara and I see that she is looking at us as well.

''Evelyn what happened to you'' Dan asks, maybe she'll tell him at least. I hear her sigh and repeat what she told me

''Nothing'' Giving up Dan looks at Tamara.

''I was hanging out with Eve and we were walking, she accidently feel on some broken glass and cut herself so we came back here and wrapped up her wound'' She says without blinking. I can tell that she is lying because I sense that Eve is relieved, its like she is hiding something and I think that the pain in my left arm was because of the same reason as hers but sort of different. Huh? I'm going to have to get the truth out of Eve one way or another. Dan looks at Eve again.

''Are you okay''

''Yeah, now if you don't mind I have some Religious studies work to do with my lazy ass of a tutor, unfortunately so excuse me'' She gets up and pulls me along with her. When she touches me I feel a set of spark ignite and I'm not sure if she felt it too.

Chapter 11

After we both left the kitchen we went into the library, he helped me a little but its not like i actually needed it!

''Hey Eve'' I put down the book i was reading.

''Hmm'' I mumble and pick up another book: 'Angel fury'

''Why did you lie earlier?'' I nearly drop my book but manage to catch it in time.

''W-w-what d-do you me-mean?'' I stutter.

''You and um, Tamzy right?'' I nod my head. ''I saw how you looked at her when she covered for you, so why?'' He asks.

''I don't know what your talking about'' I pretend to skim through the book in my hand. A sudden hand moves it away.

''Evelyn tell me the truth, why were you both lying?'' He asks, hurt filming in his eyes.

'' I-i don't-''

''Don't lie'' The look in his eye told me to tell him the truth, but i can't but why do I feel like spilling my guts to him? I take a deep breath and look him in the eye.

''I'm not lying to you Kayden, I don't know why you would think that'' I hear him sigh and take a step closer. There's hardly any space left between us so i take a step back, he takes one forward causing me to take another back, my back hits the bookshelf. Kayden puts his arms up, caging me in between him and the bookshelf. ''W-what are yo-you doing Kayden'' I say slightly out of breath. Wait.What the hell?? I groan.

''Whoa Eve I didn't know that i could make you groan by caging you between me and a bookshelf'' He smirks. I put my hands on his chest. His firm, hard, Oh God! I stop myself from groaning again. Putting aside my thoughts I push at his chest. ''Nice try'' He smirk widen.... If that's even possible.

He face starts to come closer to mine, his eyes take a quick glinpse at my lips before looking back into my eyes. His face comes even closer, closer, closer. His lips pass my lips and brush my cheeks before landing on my ears.

''How did you get hurt Evelyn and I want the truth''



Chapter 12

''I told you how i hurt myself, so just leave it'' I say and try to walk past him but he blocks my way out.

''Your lying'' He states as he looks into my eyes. i scoff.

''Really? How would you know if i was lying?'' I ask, and luckily i manage to move away a little.

''Your heart beats a little faster when you do'' He says. He can hear my heartbeat? Da fuq?

''How can you even hear my heartbeat?'' I take a step towards the door.

''Because I'm yo-'' He was cut off when Andrew and Aimee run into the room, literally run into the room.

''Kayden we have a problem'' Andrew says.

''What happened?'' Kayden asks, but then realises that I'm still in the room and everything goes quiet. ''Notice the others'' He says and walks out.

''What the fuck just happened?'' I ask. Aimee looks at me, he eyes look a little scary.

''You don't want to even know'' She says before she and Andrew walk out the room.

After getting over what just happened, i follow behind them but am stopped by Tamara.

''What are you doing?'' I ask her, trying to move past but she blocks my path.

''You can't go, and you need to rest your arm Eve, its injured'' She says taking me into my room.

''What's going on? I need to see'' I try to move past again but she doesn't budge. ''Tamara what are you guys hiding?'' I ask. She looks suprised at first but she covers it.


''Then let me go'' I say.

''I can't do that'' She says, sounding a little torn.

''Why not?'' i move towards the window, i know that its pointless tryng to get out because Tamara won't budge.

''I can't tell you'' She says.

''What is everyone hiding?'' I throw my hands in the air.

''Your just going to have to ask Kayden'' I scoff.

''Like he's going to tell me anything?'' I look outside, lately my vision has become a little more sharper. Even in the darkness I can see wolves running in the woods behind my home. WAIT! Since when did we have wolves here? ''Tamara why are there wolves here?'' I look behind me but she isn't there. I walk out of my room and slyly downstairs and out into the back, to where the woods are. I know that I am being crazy and should just go back into my house but I can't, something is telling me to go see what's happening.

'Fool, don't act like the hero' The voice in my head says.

'Shut up' I snarl at it, i hear it whimper and feel a little bad but I don't say anything but walk into the woods with a flashlight in hand.

The moon is the only thing that's in the sky above me. My eyes look for any sign of danger.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all  I say to myself when I'm deep into the woods. The tree's show no comfort and just stand there, relishing the moon's light, i hear howls and freeze.

'You think?' Urgh that voice is back, 'Hey I have feeling you know' All of a sudden I hear a growl from my right. I turn my head and supress a scream.

There was two wolves, looking at me in hunger. They start to come closer, their eyes watching my every movement. I take a deep breathe and make the choice to run for my life, bad idea! Seeing my running they accept the indirect challenge and start to run after me. I whizz past trees and end up by a massive lake. Shit i can't swim! I look around for a place that i might be able to hide, but nothing, there is nothing here, just trees. The two wolves catch up to me and start to slowly circle me. Tears fall slowly down my cheeks, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to fucking die!

'No your not' The voice says.

'How can you be so sure?' I ask.

'Because I'm here now' An unknown but aluring voice says drawing me in a little.

'Who are you?'

'Our mate' The voice in my head says.

I can't ask anything else because one of the wolves lunges at me, i scream from the top of my lungs and close my eyes, waiting for the impact to come but nada, nothing. I open my eyes and find a midnight blue wolf on top of the wolf and growling. The other wolf was being circled by two wolves, one grey and the other a dark brown. They lunge at the lone wolf and everything happens soo fast. I scream when i see the brown wolf and grey wolf tear the lone wolf apart, causing the blue wolf to look at me, giving the one under him the advantage and throw him back. Snapping back into reality the blue wolf growls. With one dead, the other lone wolf realises that it's out numbered and submits to the other three but it seems like it had one last idea on its mind, it attempts to come at me again but this time the blue wolf finishs it off before it can even come close to me.

I stand there frozen, all three wolves look at me and take a step towards me. I take a step back, causing me to step into the lake. They don't make any furrther movement to come closer towards me and kneel on the ground and just look at me with familiar looking eyes. I stare at each of them, knowing that they don't plan to hurt me i take a few steps closer to them. Once I'm close, i kneel so that I'm nearly the same height. I don't know where i got the courage to even do that but i did.

''Thank you'' I whisper, for some reason i kissed the blue wolf on the head. ''If you didn't come I might have been eaten by those other wolves'' I hear them whimper. Somewhere along the way I had lost my flashlight, so how I would get home in the dark, I have no idea. I chuckle a little ''I have no idea how I'm going to get home now'' I sniffle. ''First I get shot and now I get ambushed by two wolves, could my day get any better?'' I ask sarcastically. I hear a growl scaring me a little, so i move back but still stay crouched. ''I need to go home now, but thank you for saving me'' I have no idea why I was talking to them but I couldn't find myself to even care.

I get up from my crouching figure, they all get up with my movement and walk ahead of me. Um, seems like they want me to follow them so I do, soon enough I see my home, I turn around to thank them again but they are no longer there, i look around but I can't see them. I hear rustling from my left and my head snaps in that direction. Andrew, Dan, Aimee, Tamara, Kayden and a few others are standing there looking at me.

''Eve, why are you out here?'' Well hell, maybe it was a bad idea after all!


A/N I'm sooo very sorry for the really late update, I tried to make this chapter as long as possible yet interesting, I hope you guys liked it though

Chapter 13

''Um, uh... shouldn't i be asking you guys the same thing?'' I high five myself mentally for my smart comeback. Kayden roles his eyes at me.

''Just get inside'' I stick my tongue at them but oblige.

Why were they out in the forest? I mean. with wolves out there, shouldn't they have stayed inside?

Lost in my thoughts, i bump into someone.

''Shit, sorry'' I look up and find a guy looking down at me. He helps me to my feet.

''Its okay, just be careful nextime'' He says before walking away.

''Cheers'' I carry on walking.

''Hey Eve, wait up'' I ignore him and walk on. ''Eve wait'' Nearly there. I almost got there until he grabbed my arm.

''Dan, i don't have time for this, I'm tired'' I fake a yawn.

''We have to leave in a few minutes, so get ready and come down'' He leaves before i can ask him where we're going.

I walk into my room, looks like I'm going to have to get ready again. Yeah.... Not going to fucking risk it and hurt myself again.

'Your not hurt anymore' The voice in my head says.

''Shut up, I got shot remember'' I say back.

''Look at it now, and you'll see'' Why the hell am i even talking to myself? But there were no longer any marks of me being shot anymore.

''Huh? That's plain wierd'' I mutter before putting on a pair of brown uggs and a long sweater coat on before wrapping a scarf around my neck. What? Its cold out.

I walk out and I find Dan and Tamara waiting for me.

''Where are the others?'' I ask, looking around.

''They left'' Dan says. ''C'mon, we gotta leave'' I glare at him.

''I'm going in my own car'' I say.

''Now's not the time to be stubborn Eve'' He sighs.

''I'm not being stubborn, not where are we going?'' I ask

''Kayden's house'' Great..... we're going back into the woods.

''Fine.. I'll meet you guys there then'' Before they can even say anything, i walk out of the house and get into my car.

Why is everyone hiding things from me?

''Well.... Your hiding things from them'' The voice is back... urgh. ''Shut up, you retard''

''Your calling yourself an retard as well, dumbass'' I say, bloody hell.. I have to stop talking to myself.

I blast music as i drive because i didn't like the eerie silence surronding me. Everyone was there already when I got there. I knock the door and Kayden's mother greets me.

''Eve, honey come in'' She lets me in.

''Hey Mrs. J'' I smile at her. Kayden gets most of his features from his dad but he has his mom's eyes and her hair. ''Why are we all here?'' I ask as she leads me towards a room that i haven't seen before.

''You'll find out soon honey'' She gives me a sad smile and walks into the room. I follow silently behind her.

I stop in my tracks. Its like a throne/court room, literally... on the outside it may seems like a cosy mansion but i have never seen this part of the house. Mr. and Mrs J are sitting at the front facing everyone with Kayden on the seat next to them with a few people, not a lot sitting in front of them Not sure what to do, i just stand there.

''Eve, come here and sit next to Kayden'' I do what Mr. J asks me, but I accidently brush against Kayden and i feel sparks.

''What's going on?'' I ask as i look around.

''Hasn't she been told yet?'' One of them asks.

''Told what?'' I ask.

''No, she hasn't... She'll find out tonight'' Mr. J says.

''She needs to be, how can she be our Luna queen if she has no idea what she is?'' Another person asks.

''Kayden will tell her, when he needs to'' Mrs. J says.

''What are you all talking about? and what's a Luna? The only thing I know about Luna's are that they are like female alpha's for werewolves'' I'm confused, what are they talking about?

''Kayden, take her and tell her'' Mr. J tells him.

I feel Kayden move and pull me up before walking out the room with me trailing behind him.

''Let go, I can walk myself'' He doen't listen. ''Let go'' I wiggle my wrist. i give up, he won't listen. He pulls me into a room, and closes the door.

Its a bedroom, one of which I'm presuming is his.

''You might want to sit down for this'' He says. I do what he tells me.

''What's going on?''

''Why were you in the woods today Evelyn?'' He asks, completly ignoring my question. I huff and cross my arms.

''Why were you in the woods Kayden?'' I narrow my eyes at him.

''Tell me'' He says. I sigh.

''I saw a bunch of wolves, and I felt a need to go into the woods, I'm not sure myself as to why'' I say. He comes and sits next to me.

''Why do you think that is?'' He asks. I turn myself to look at him.

''What do you mean?''

''Why do you think you felt the need to go into the woods?'' He asks.

''I told you, I dont know myself'' I tell him and its true.. I just felt a deep need to go there.

''Do you believe in mates Evelyn?'' He changes the topic. i tilt my head and ponder and what he just said.

''I believe in friendship yeah'' I say in a 'dhur' tone. He rolls his eyes at me.

''I mean soulmates, do you believe in them?''

''Yes'' I say after a minutes ''I know that out there, God made someone who will complete me and some day I'll find him'' I say with a dreamy smile on my face.

''What would you do if you found him?'' He asks.

''What's with all the questions, hotshot?'' I ask sarcastically.

''Just answer them'' He says. I roll my eyes at him.

''If i found my mate, I'd hug him, kiss him, make sure everyone knows that he's mine'' I smirk at the last bit. I see the corner of Kayden's mouth tilt up a little. I raise my eyebrow at him.

''What about you? Do you believe in mates and what would you do if you do if you found your mate'' I grin at him. He smirks and comes closer to me.

''Well, first I've found my mate Evelyn'' My eyes widen as if to say who? But for some reason, my heart feels hurt and jealousy at the mention of it. ''And if I could I would hug her'' He moves closer  ''Kiss her'' His face is close to my own ''Mark her'' I look at him funny at that one but it soon fades away because his face is only a few centimeters away from mine ''Make every male know that she's mine'' Closer, my eyes flicker to his lips for a second before going back to his eyes. From the corner of my eyes I see his lips tilt into a smirk ''But most of all, I'll cherish her everyday'' He says.

''You said you found her. Who is she?'' I look into his eyes.

''Eager to find out?'' He chuckles. I scowl at him.

''Shut up'' I grumble. I could feel a blush rise. He looks into my eyes.

''Your my mate, Evelyn''

Chapter 14

I burst out laughing.

''Your joking right?'' I ask him and wipe a few stray tears from my face.

''No, I'm not'' He sounds hurt. I immediently stop laughing and look at him shocked.

''B-b-but how can you e-even know?'' I stutter.

''Because I'm a werewolf''

''Okay... what have you been taking Kayden because there is no way in hell that werewolves as real'' I state, shaking him a little.

''I'm not taking anything'' He says, his voice fiiled with amusement ''You really are my mate, when I touch you, don't you feel sparks'' He touches me and I shiver causing him to smirk ''See, you do feel them''

''How can you be a werewolf?'' I ask in a small voice. Strangly I feel like he's right and I'm not scared at all... meaning I can't be sane right now for not doing that.

''Same way as you are, from birth'' He says.

''WTF, I'm not one.... I can't be'' I gawk at him making him laugh.

''You are, and you're the future Luna of this pack'' He says moving closer towards me.

''Hehe... what are you doing?'' I ask nervously.

''Am I making you nervous?'' He smirks.

''N-no'' Fuck you stuttering. His face comes closer to mine.

''And I should believe you because?'' His breath fans my face. The smell of honeycomb and mint hit my senses, I took a deep breathe accidently. ''Are you sniffing me Eve?'' He smirks. All I can do is shake my head with my lips sealed. ''You are'' His smirk widens.

''Hey Alpha, we need you' Someone comes into Kayden's room. He growls at the intruder.

'' What is it?'' He asks. I don't here anything but after a few moments the silence breaks. '' Okay... make sure everyone stays ready''

''What's going on?'' I ask.

''Nothing' He gets up moves towards the guy by the door.

''HEY! Don't leave me without telling me what's going on'' I say angry, because I have a right to know what going on.

''Oh yeah? Says who?'' He challenges me.

''Why me of course'' I cross my arms and state proudly causing him to roll his eyes

''Its nothing that you should concern yourself with'' He leaves the room with me standing their gaping at his back.

''Well, I'll show you'' I say and huff out a breath.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.05.2014

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To the person who inspired me to write

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