
Chapter 1: Aniversarry


I woke up to the sound of my classic looking powder blue alarm clock in an abnormally good mood.  I turned it off then smiled thinking about seeing my boyfriend Brett at school ,today being our 1 year anniversary and all.  Just thinking about it gave me butterflies.

I threw off the covers and went to pick out the perfect outfit for the day.  After a while I finally decided on a jean button up shirt, with a white skirt, gold belt, and to top the outfit off I grabbed my white flats with flower patterns on them.  I didn't bother showering because I had done it the night before.  I stripped and put on my matching white bra and panties before putting my perfect outfit on.  

I went and sat at my vanity and took out the braids I had done the night before.  One by one the braids became beautiful white blonde waves that framed my pale flawless face perfectly.  Im not stuck up I just feel it is better to love yourself because well not to sound like a cleeshay but YOLO.  After I was finished with my braids I applied some light make up.  Nothing big just a little mascara and lipgloss.  

“Hurry up Kailey!  Were going to be late!”  my twin Alice hollard from down stairs.  

She might be my twin but we are almost nothing alike.  For starters I take after our mother Elaine and have blonde almost white hair that is naturally straight with a pale but not sickly complexion.  While Alice has Dark chestnut brown hair that waves perfectly a caramel skin tone and takes after my father Johna.  However neither of us takes after our parents when it comes to our eyes though, we both have the same baby blue with a weird lime green ring in the middle instead of the muddy brown my parents both have its a very unlikely occurrence.  but hey!  Were always getting complemented and theres nothing wrong with that!

“Coming!”  I yelled as I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

“finally I was about to leave you.”  My twin stated exhaustively stated.  I looked at what she was wearing and just eeww.

“You're wearing that?”  I asked as nicely as possible but still receive a death stare from her.

“If you don't like it then you can walk.”  She said twirling the keys around her finger.

“Please! Please! Please!  Let me dress you just for today!”  I aske with the puppy dog eyes I know she can't resist.

She furrowed her eyebrows but finally cracked and said, “FINE!  But just this once!”

“Booyah!”  I screamed punching the air.  I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room.  “Now take off that hideous gray sweater and those jeans that make even a stick bug look fat.”  

She opened her mouth but didn't say anything just rolling her eyes.  “Wear this I said throwing her a pair of black skinny jeans a pink t-shirt with black random writing on it pink converse and to top it all off a black beanie.  

“You can't be serious!  Its all .... pink!”

“Exactly now change!”

“uuuggghhh.  Fine.”  She said defeated.  She went and changed while I checked my phone.


“OMG! You look amazing!”

“Thanks.”  She said with a slight smile.  “Now lets go or we will be late!”  I swear sometimes I think she is bipolar.

At school

“Were here!”  My sister sang excitedly parking her light green 1967 mustang.  Its really weird but she absolutely loves that car.

I jumped out of the passenger side only to stop dead in my tracks because of the horrid sight in front of me.  Not 40 feet away was my boyfriend...and the school slut Amy.  Not just talking,  Heck not just kissing, but grinding on each other like theres no tomorrow!  Right in the parking lot!   For EVERYONE to see!

I could feel the tears start to prick in my eyes.  My sister quickly realized what was going on and sat me back down in the passenger side of her car.  I didn't object.  Mostly because I wasn't sure if my voice still worked.  I tried so hard but I barely heard the words my twin was saying to me and just broke down crying my heart out.  I felt the car start but didn't look to see where we were going.



*Hey!  If you like my book so far please comment telling me if you think I should continue! Thanks for reading so far!  Hopefully more soon!*











Chapter 2: Beach Here We Come!

 “Where are we?” I asked as Alice as she opened my door and practically yanked my arm off trying to get me out of the worked.  The whole ride I had been balling my eyes out and didn't even bother to notice where we were going.

“Home,for now.  Go get your swimsuit and meet me down here in ten.” She said sternly.

“What about school?  If we ditch mom and dad will KILL us!”

“Do you really want to go back?  We’d be late anyway.”  She said while giving me a bored look.

“I don't want to die I’m too young.”

“Its fine I got Robie to hack the system so it will show us saying we were in class all day.”

“...fine,”  I said exasperatedly “Where are we going then?”

“You'll see just go get you suit and hurry!”

I rolled my eyes at her and made my way to my room.  Once I finally ,after much contemplation as if I was actually going through with it, arrived at my room I went to my large walk in closet and grabbed my red bikini with white polka - dots, white swim suit cover up, and white gladiator sandals.

“Hurry up!”  I heard Alice shout from downstairs.  I threw my stuff in my white canvas beach bag along with a red and white striped towel and ran down the stairs.

“Okay Okay im coming!”

“Great, I packed us lunch and money now get in the car.”

“Gosh bossy much?”

“You live with me do you really need to ask that?”

“Oh right I forgot what a huge pain in the a-”  I was cut of by her screaming.


“Ugh lets go.”

“Fine,  but were taking your car and i’m driving.”

“O HE-”

“Language.”  Alice hit me on the head, grabbed my keys off the hook by the front door and walked out the house.

“Why do YOU get to drive its MY car!”

“Because I said so.”

“Wow look who sounds like mom.”  

“You know you get kinda mean when you find out your  Lets go.”  with that she got in the car and turned it on.  I hopped in the passenger seat and buckled up.  Safety first, cause even though I would really love to strangle someone I don't want to die if we get in a crash,  and with my sisters driving you never know.

Chapter 3: Not the Beach!

“Were here!”  my sister sang as she hopped out of the car and ran around to my side opening the door before I even realized where we were.

Once I realized were we were I screamed “Why are we here of all places!  I mean really Alice?”  

I stared at this place in disgust.  The reason I say this is because we were at the one the only Clint Thorntons house.  Well I shouldn't call it a house more like ... A giant, humongous, make buckingham palace look small, mansion.  Also get this he lives ALONE as in no supervision.  Besides his many maids of course.  He parents are both rich surgeons who live in london.  And since he lived with them for a while he pick up a nice accent that has all the girls drooling over him at school.  With the exception of my sister and I.  Alice and him are good friends but him and I have never seen eye to eye.  Well more like I see him as a spoiled prick, and he only sees me as Alices annoying twin.  Basically were enemies.

“Yoo-hoo, anyone home?”  Alice asked waving her hand in front of my face.

“Why?  Just why would you do this to me?”

“Well... I have great news!”  She said excitedly “Now before you say anything just know that you have no choice i've already worked everything out with mom dad and Clint...”

“What?” I asked afraid to hear the answer.


“What!”  I screamed at my crazy twin “No, no way am I living with HIM!”

“To bad now come or ill have Clint drag your little batooky in, and don't think it wouldn't happen.”

I didn't doubt what my sister said and was not willing to let that thing people call Clint touch me.  “Fine.” I finally gave in, “But I will NOT share ANYTHING with him that includes anything from toothbrushes, and bathrooms to TV and food.”

“Yes, yes, yes, and sorry but we all share the food no dibsys.”

“ugh fine but he can't take it from my plate.”

“Sounds good to me now lets go.  Since I took a super long route-”

“Yeah like three hours but I slept through most of it.”

“Anyway, all your stuff is organized neatly in the room I pick for you last time I was here.”

“Wait how long have you been planning this?”

“Two weeks, we were going to tell you tonight but..plans changed.”

“Well lets go then.”  I said in a less than enthusiastic tone.

Just then Clint walked out the front door and over to us.  He was shirtless.  Like all the other Jocks at Lupe-Dale High School he was sculpted perfectly.  With an eight pack, and well toned arms it was no wonder all the girls at our school would do anything for him.  He was also naturally hot at around 6’3 with tanned skin, dark brown hair and olive green eyes.

“Hey Alice didn't expect you till later.  Ana came and told me you were here.  Me and some of the guys are skipping so we were just hanging in the pool want to join us?”

“Yes, WE would love to join.”  Alice said while pulling me to her side.

“Hey,” he said as the corners of his lips turned into a smirk “Look who finally decided to have some fun.”

Chapter 4: Fun, and Secrets

“Id be having a lot more fun if you weren't here” I retorted back.

“Ouch that hurts.”  He put his hand on his heart  and acted offended.  “Seriously though, how did she get you to skip?  I mean no offense but you don't usually do that sort of thing.  Won't your precious boyfriend Nate miss you.”  He said Nate like it was the most disgusting word in the world.

“Not anymore, he has Amy now.”  I said with as much if not more disgust than he did.

“So you finally found out how much of a lying cheating douche bag he is huh?”  He said in a mostly monotone voice accent for a slight hint of sympathy.  “Well come on I’m sure the guys would love to add two beautiful girls to this sausage fest.”  he said with a slight chuckle and made me laugh.  Then he put on the most beautiful smile...No ugh just no.

“Come on,” he said tuning and motioning for us to follow.

We walked through the house until we reached a hallway with many doors.

“Okay,” Clint said turning to us. “I have 4 other guys living with me already.  You know them I think Declan, James, Toni, and your boyfriend Jake.”  He said the last part pointing to Alice.

“I know,”  she said jumping up and down “this is going to be great!”

“Well heres my room,”he said “your rooms are on either side of mine.  Kailey you to the right.  An Alice your to the left.  Now lets go swim!”

Suddenly I remembered Alice and I were still in our swimming clothes.

“yay finally!” my sister practically yelled as she grabbed my hand and yanked me to follow Clint.

Once outside in the back yard I looked around.  It was huge with a giant pool and full sized football and basketball field/court things.

“Finally some chicks!  I call first dibs on the brunette!” said a guy I recognized as  Toni from the football team.  The only reason I know this is because I've stayed to watch Nate at practice.  Hes hot with floppy blonde hair and deep green eyes however he is also a total player so hes not my type.

“Thats my girlfriend you idiot.”  said Jake hitting him on the back of the head.

“Fine ill take the blonde then.” Toni said a little less enthusiastically but still with a smirk plastered on his smug little face.

“Sorry, your not my type and i'm not a slut.”  I stated plainly.

“Then why are you here?”  said the boy with dark brown hair a tan and light brown eyes, that I recognized as Declan.

“Because, they living with us,” Clint said walking to the edge of the diving board only to sit at the end with his feet dangling in the water.

“Really!,” Toni said looking kind of mad “If girls are living with us why couldn't you at least invite slutty ones!”

“Because, Alice is a good friend and asked if she and her sister could move in with us so I said yes.”

“Come on lets swim.”  Alice whispered in my ear already taking of the stuff she had on over her light blue bikini.


We had been swimming for a while now so I decided to get out.  It was already dark and everyone was just kind of sitting in a circle in the pool talking.  A couple of girls had showed up earlier and were now practically clinging to Toni and James.  I had no doubt in my mind that they would be staying the night...if you know what I mean.  I just hope Clint’s mansion has soundproof walls.  

“Where are you going?”  I turned to see a very confused looking Alice staring back at me.

“ my room?”  I said but it ,like all the other times I lie, came out sounding like a question.

“Oh, um okay see ya later then?” she asked

“Probably not.  Im kind of..tired?”  I mentally cursed myself for being a terrible liar.  I knew she could tell I was lying but was glad that she decided against saying anything.  I turned around and walked into the house.  

It didn't take long before I noticed I was lost.   

“Lost already?  I thought it would take you at least another day before you got caught up in the maze here.”  Clint said after I basically fell into him while turning a corner and unluckily tripping over my own two feet.

“Yeah, well as usual you were wrong.”  I said trying to get out of his grasp be he was holding me really tightly.  

“You don't know do you?”  he said with big sad eyes that reminded me of a puppy.  I felt myself slowly start to relax and could probable stay like this forever if he hadn't interrupted. “Do you know?” he said with slight hopefulness to is tone.

“Know what?”

“What we are, why you're actually here.”

“Umm we’re human and my sister wants to be with her boyfriend.”

“Actually she wants to be with her mate, just like I want to be with mine”  He said with a smirk growing on his face.

“Mate?  What are we a pack of wolves?”   I said laughing at my own joke.

“Exactly,” he said with a smirk, “and can you guess who my mate is?” he asked pulling me ever so slightly closer to him.  So close that the smell of pine and mint was practically drowning me...but i liked it, I liked the heat he was emanating and the feel of his strong muscular arms wrapping around me, enclosing me in a cage of safety.

Before I could even realize what I was doing my lips were pressed softly against his.  He tasted like mint and I just couldn't pull away I was drawn to him and I never wanted to let go.  I snaked my arms around his neck and our lips started moving together in perfect sink.  The kiss got rougher as we continued and soon I was sitting on a small table with my back pressed against the wall and Clint standing between my legs.  He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I decided to tease him and wouldn't open.  He growled low in his throat and pushed me harder against the wall.  I gasped out of surprise and he took that as his chance to sneak his tongue in.  It felt amazing and I moaned when all the sudden he was gone and I was left longing for his warmth.

“STOP!  Control yourself, think about wat you doing.”  said Jake pushing Clint against the opposite wall which he fought against before slowly relaxing.

“Come on i’m tired what about you?”  said Alice coming up and grabbing my hand dragging me away from Clint...wich very strangely i didn't want to do.

We had not walked far before i recognized the hallway as the one that our rooms were in.  

“Here we go, well i  better get some rest night.”  Alice said turning into one of the doors as i went to another that i recognized as my own.

I walked into one of the two doors that were inside the room only to find that it was a bathroom.  I decided to take a shower and quickly hopped in and washed myself only to hop out and wrap myself up in a plush white towel 5 minutes later.  I walked back into my room and debated on even putting on clothes before finally readjusting the towel around myself and hopping under the warm plush covers quickly drifting off to sleep.

Chapter 5: Waking up in Strange Places


“Mmmmmhhhhhh... Just one more minute..”  I begged whatever the hell was making that annoying buzzing sound.  Eventually I opened my eyes to stop whatever it was that was making that sound and DESTROY it for messing with my beautiful sleep. But all I found was an unfamiliar room and a half naked Clint in my bed...

“AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!”  I screamed waking Clint with a start and causing my sister to run into the room followed by the rest of the idiots I now lived with.

“The real question here is what are YOU doing in MY MY bed!?”Clint said looking completely surprised and still only half awake.

I looked around and noticed that this is most definitely NOT the room I was given..shit.  I looked at Alice for help but all she did was smile at me as if I were a cute little lovesick puppy.  I stood up and remembered I was only in a towel..shit again!  I cant seem to get a break this morning.

“I uhh i'm going to go to my um room.”  I said mortified as I ran to my room.  I closed the door leaning against it as I slowly slid to the ground.

“Fuck me...”  I whispered I can't believe I did that how was I so stupid?!  How did I even end up in his room did I sleep walk?

A sudden knock on the door broke me out of my flurry of thoughts.

“Kailey its Alice..Can I come in?”

I took a deep breath before standing and opening the door just enough for her to slip in then shutting and locking it again.  “I don't know what happened I've never sleep-walked before.”

“I know what happened and ill explain just..put on some clothes.”Alice replied sweetly.

I gladly walked into my closet to pick out some clothes.  After much consideration I finally decided on matching white bra and undies, looses white tank top, salmon skinnies ,and a jean jacket, ending with grey flats.

“Oooh, thats cute” Alice said as I walked out of my closet.

“Thanks, so you said you know what happened.  But really all I think what happened is I’m in a new place under distress and I slept walked nothing big” I replied with a shrug.

“Not see this is going to sound weird and stupid and you probably will think im crazy but..I'm a werewolf. And so are you and everyone else in this house...And Clint is kinda sorta your mate, just like Jake is mine.”

“Your right you are crazy..but suppose, I can't believe i'm saying this, you are telling the truth what does me waking up in Clints bed have to do with it?”

“Two words mate bond.”


*Hey!  If you llike this book please favorite it also if you would like to know when I update just message my saying so.  Last but not least if you havnt already PLEASE check out my other books?!  Thanks for reading!*

Chapter 6: Back stoy...DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNNN


“Ha, sorry sis but you're crazy and if the rest of the people in this house think the same as you then they're crazy too.”

“Its true!  You have to believe me! Have I EVER lied to you before?!”

“Must i remind you of the countless ‘Don't worry Kailey mom and dad will never knows’?”

“Yeah but like have I lied about biggy stuff?”

“Well no....” I trailed off.  My gosh....What if shes right!  My life would be foreverly OVER!!!!

“Hey you okay you look a little...pale.”

“Okay, okay uh um so if what you say is like REALLY true then, then uhm why didn't mom and dad tell me!”

“UHHHHHH we'll see mom and dad...aren't really MOM and DAD.”

“NO.  C’mon!  Are you kidding me!!!! Has my whole life just been some big LIE!!!”  I knew I needed to calm down but I couldn't.  This is just, just uuuuugggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!   WHY ME!!!

“Its actually a pretty funny story see our fake mom and dad are like super criminals and our fake mom couldn't get preggers.  So she befriended a pregnant lady.  A.K.A our real mother.  However our fake mother didn't know that our real mom was a werewolf.  Little back story on our fake mom really quick, she was what we might call today the pack whore, and she got preggers by the alphas son when she was 17 even though the alphas son wasn't her mate.  The alpha sent her away turning her rouge.  However she could only be allowed back into the pack after she got rid of her unborn pup.  Or actually pup’s but they didn't know that at the time.  In case ya didn't get the clues we were the pups.  Anyway our fake mom took her in planning on killing her after she gave birth and keeping us as her own.  But then she found out that our mom wanted to get an abortion, so she tied her up in their basement for nine months till she gave birth, they took us and left our mother to die.  That is the last that was ever seen of our real mom.  I don't know what happened to her after that.”

“How...How do you know all this.  No I-I need to sit down.”  I was full on shaking now this I-I can't.  All the sudden things started to go fuzzy and I blacked out....

Alices P.O.V

Oh no.  I knew this would happen!  It just felt soooooo good to finally tell her!   We were free now away from the monsters we used to call our parents.  I had found out about werewolves when Jake found me about a year ago.  Ever since then I found that I have special powers (due to my alpha blood).  One of my powers is memory reading, thats how I knew about our mother.  Then Jake had helped to track down my father who is currently the beta of Clints fathers pack.  I know what you're thinking ‘But wasn't he the Alphas son not the betas?’  Yes and he was supposed to be the Alpha actually however Clints father was supposed to be the beta of that pack.  But he challenged our father for the Alpha position, and he won.  However he and our father were great friends and Clints father was the only one in the pack who could take our father so our father was only demoted to second in command instead of first.

It is all very confusing.  Poor Kailey,  she is gonna have a hell of a time getting all this straight in her head.  It would be a hell of a lot easier if we had more time but we don't.  Stupid Alpha Thorntons just had to find out about Clint knowing his mate.  Ok so basically Clients father has been wanting to retire for a while now.  However he couldn't do that until Clint had his mate, cause in order for Clint to take over a Alpha he had to have a mate. So as soon as he found out that Clint knew his mate hes has been pushing him to hurry up and claim her.  

This is where Kailey comes into play.  You see Kailey is Clints mate.  So Clint has to make her fall madly in love with him and get her to let him claim her by the end of this week or his father will force him to claim a random pack she wolf.  Clint, being the amazing guy he is, refuses to either A. force Kailey into mating or B. take some other she wolf.  Putting us into super create the romance and make the one who hates him fall in love with him mode.  SEE MY PREDICAMENT!!!!


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2014

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