I’ll probably never forget the day I was taken away from my family, taken away from the world I knew as home. Everything I had learned as being a human being was no longer in effect, but no matter what happened I had to get home. I had to get back to my family.
BANG BANG, I rolled over and checked the clock that was hanging on the wall in my room. 4:30 am, that was the wake up call just now. Loud and nerve recking knocks at each prisoners door, sounding the alarm too get our butts up and be ready in 15 minutes. I stumbled out of bed ready to murder myself for even waking up, washed and dressed in 15 minutes I head out the door. Every morning is the same routine, wake up call at 4:30 in the morning, be ready and standing outside your door within 15 minutes. After that the guards will search you up and down to make, sure you look sharp in you uniform. Which if you ask me, looks nothing like a uniform as much as it looks like an extra layer of skin. Then we head to breakfast, but for those who screw up there even called in by the high boss behind all this mess or their taken to one of the deadliest punishment rooms. In which some dont make it back alive. Than we had class and work that could kill. Lifting heavy toxic containers and stacking them on top of each other, help with growing the food we needed to survive, helping with making the different types of toxic liquids and powders. We were all broken up into group from A to Z, I just happened to be in group A. Each group had to rotate jobs, today my job was toxic lift. I loved this task it allowed me to scope out the area and it allowed me to get better with my quick thinking,it also allowed me to think about a plan to get back to planet earth. Back to my family. As I walk out onto the field, I can sense soomething wasn’t right. We all line up as usaul, ready for the orders on who does what.
A tall gruffy indian guy stood in front of us, walking back and forth laughing to himself. Suddenly the speaker in the area screech to let us know the were turned on. “All right Section A, today and probably for a good long while. Things are going to be a bit different in the working process, from now you have time limit in which you must get all or a certain amount of the toxic containers in a tower stack. If you can not complete this task in time, A: The ones who were supposed to be stacking will get the biggest punishment while the rest will get a minor punishment. B: You’ll all be punished greatly or C:You’ll all get caught up in an explosion from not stacking it correctly.” He waited to see somebody drop their composer for a brief second. Nobody showed any signs of fear so he continued. “The boss has been getting alittle bored lately so he thought he spruce things up a bit. There are sensors on the container, for each person who slacks or is least helpful they will add up to either A B or C. Good luck.” He laughed out loud this time as we were all giving our pistions.I knew things were getting too quiet.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2016
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