
The Warm and Comforting Snow



The Warm and Comforting Snow


I left my familiar surroundings and headed out into the world.

Not sure why, or even where I intended to go.

Maybe I was looking for some solace, or maybe adventure.

The night was calm with a few lights here and there.

Not a soul, man or beast was in sight.

A blanket of soft snow covered the world, my world.

It was beautiful; almost friendly in a hard sort of way.

An automobile sped by, but I was invisible.

Goose bumps covered my exposed skin.

I'm happy I had my big boots on.

A quiet cat passed by. I should have followed it.

It looked so warm in its fur coat.

The once fun loving wind which lifted my red kite last spring,

now became unfriendly, almost mean.

Plumes of white smoke rose from over roof tops

towards a velvety star-speckled sky.

The stars encouraged me to keep going.

There was no turning back now.

I looked for a quiet place to rest awhile

before planning to resume my journey.

Ah, here was a nice spot, so peaceful, out of the wind.

As I laid down, I heard a soft voice telling me,

“It's time to dream, my young lad.”

Then, as the owner of the voice put its warm,

comforting arms around me, it whispered,

“It's time to sleep my little man, for tomorrow you shall laugh again.”


R.I.P. Elijah Marsh (Oct.24 2011 - Feb.19 2015)






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.03.2015

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