
Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 1: Intro

I Alice James am a normal girl who has Black hair, Blue eyes and looks pure and innocent on the outside but on the inside I keep my hatred and opinions to myself. My only family was my mother, She was an ex-military combat instructor, when I was 6 years old my mother had taught me all forms of fighting from ; Fists,swords,guns.She had silky blonde hair,bright blue eyes and was a French women. Then there was my father who is a rich business man and the son of the famous Kenji group in Japan.He had Black hair and Hazelnut eyes.Both of my parents had eloped and then had me but one day my mother had died in a car accident.We where driving in the rain that day to get back home from a picnic in the countryside.Down the highway we went, then out of nowhere a drunk dive popped out and then BAM~! My mother's soul had left her body and went to heaven.The only thing she had left for me was her most valued dog tag that was given to her then she was a combat instructor.

After a year of her death my father had left me on my 8th birthday along side with $20,000 for me to live on when he disappear from my side.Then soon after my presence was keep a secret from everyone in the business industry because i was the secret daughter of Aoi Kenji. The only people who knew about my secret was my father, grandpa and my childhood cousin.

Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 2: New Romance

"Waaa~! Finally it's lunch time" Takumi.

Basically Takumi has been my crush for 2 years now.I first meet him at the school entrance when I was lost. The reasons I like him is because of his smile and cuteness. he is very popular amongest the boys and girls at Sekia High.

Sekia High is private school in Japan,I came to Japan around the time I was 14 now i am 17 second year. People where surprised a lot when they see me because I have blue eyes which I had gotten from my mother.
My real name is actually Alice James but in Japan I go by Misuki Aoi to keep my identity a secret.

"Oii~ Takumi come here!" - Shinon
"Coming~!" - Takumi
"Wanna do a bet?" - Shinon
" Yea sure, what is this about guys?" Looking at all his friends from the soccer team.
" Takumi, I dare you to try and date Aoi-Chan for more than month" - Shinon
'Who is she?, oh wait is she that quiet girl who has 'The' blue eyes?"
"Yeah, we wanna see how wild she is when not in school" - Shinion
Boy's from soccer club " YEAH~! DO IT ~"
" What do I get if I complete this task huh?" - Takumi
" You'll get Momoka-Chan's number " - Shinon
" Fine then "

Sakura Momoka is Sekia high's most popular girl. She is a model for BubblePop.#.Magazine and is Takumi's crush. She is extremely pretty and matches well with Takumi.

As I entered the lunchroom it was silent. Everyone stared at me, it felt very uncomfortable. But then Takumi bumped into me.

" Ah ,sorry " - Aoi
" No it's okay it's my fault, actually I wanted to talk to you." - Takumi
" Huh?~! What is it?" - Aoi
" Let go to the rooftop and talk there." - Takumi.

Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 3: The month of lies.

[At rooftop scene]

Takumi - " I had acttually liked you for quite a while now.
Aoi - " What? Am I hearing this correct?!"
" Yes this is reality not a dream, Aoi will you go out with me?" - Takumi
" Yes !~ " - Aoi

For the past month me and Takumi had a happy time together, we went on dates,hung at each other's home and he was my first kiss. We kissed under the willow tree during sunset on the last day of the dare.It was amazing.During the past month i made many friends and one that I talked the most to was Sakura,the most popular girl at Sekia High. She was very nice and helpful in many was. But all this had ended on the first day of May.

On that very day I had gotten dumped and that when the 'Devil' appeared.
[In the gymnasium]
" Aoi we need to talk,"
"Okay sure, What is it you want to talk about"
" I think we need to break up,"
"Why?~" * on Verge of tears *
" Because this was a dare, I had never liked you, If you want be back you can't I belong to Sakura.If you wanna see for your self, Go to Kaname's Cafe' this Friday."
* leaves *
"It was a dare? *chuckle* I'll show you the real me"


"Yo, Takumi, what did she say!" - Shinon[Takumi's Best Bud]
" She cried, She wasn't wild enough" - Takumi
" She was to pure, but she did kiss pretty good for her first kiss," * Rub's chin *
"Wow, I'm surprise you even got to kiss her."
" Yea so was I, i wonder if she will show up on Friday"

Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 4: Meet Shou.

[Aoi's house - In the hot tub]

"Waaa~ Why can't life be normal,Right Shou-Kun?" * Smirks *
" Right 'Alice',"

Basically Shou Suzuki is my childhood cousin but Shou is just his Japanese name,His real name is actually James Clark,His mother who is my Aunt from my mother's side. He moved into my house yesterday, because he has to take care of me, From what I heard from him; This was Auntie's request. Shou is popular,Handsome,Has a split personality like me and was my first love.Me and Him are going to take revenge on Takumi for hurting me. Takumi may say that he was my first kiss but it wasn't him. It was actually Shou.On the day when Shou had to go to America he ave me a Good-bye kiss and then left. We contact each other everyday and have no secret against each other.

"I told you not to call me by that name, Oh and pass get up out of the tub and get my towel."
"What!~ Why do i have to, *Pout's*"
"Fine i'll get it my self, but cover you eye's"
"What do you mean! I"ve seen you naked many times before~"
"what ever, your transferring tomorrow right?"
"Yea, Should i act like i don't know you to keep up the act?" *grin*
" Yes you do," * giggle, Kisses Shou*

Our relationship is pretty intimate for cousins. We've kissed,Saw each other naked before and many other stuff.But it's fun to be by each other's sides when we are both in need.

[In class]

Sensei: " Okay class today we have a new student, His name is Shou."
Shou: " Good Morning' I'm Shou Suzuki, Please treat me with care this year."
*Glance's Aoi's way and signal Hi!~*
Girl's:" KYAA~!! He's soo cuteeee~!"
Girl 1:" Sakura what do you think of him?~ "
Sakura: " I Guess he's okay, I'll have to make him mine though, even if I still Takumi"

Sensei: "Shou your seat will be next to Aoi."
Shou: " Okay~!" * Slips note on Sakura's desk and heads to seat*
Sakura: " Oh there's a note, and it's from Shou ~ He say's Don't even try to flirt with me ^_^ I have someone I like, - Hint : She's a girl from school - "
Girls: " Woah he said that?~ But whose the girl?, Seem's like Shou and Aoi aren't here, Could they be?!"
Sakura: " No way in hell, Shuddup. What if that did happen, But why her of all people."


Shinon: " Takumi! have you heard that there is some new good looking transfer student? and he's with Aoi on the rooftop, people are saying that they were kissing and almost fooling around. I didn't know that Aoi had that in her."

Takumi: Must be a lie because I was her crush and we barely did anything. Unless she was just toying with me. Smart girl, I can't wait till Friday to show Sakura off to her."

Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 5: Friday

Today is the day where I show my 'wild self' to Takumi. Rock n roll tee,bleached shorts with fishnet stockings, Curly hair and studded Boots.Shou is in his baggy jeans, Messy blonde hair and black leather jacket.

Shou: Alice you ready to go?
Aoi: Yea I'm ready James.

Just you watch Takumi, I'll make you want to have me back.

Takumi: I wonder if she came,
Sakura: Who?
Takumi: Aoi, I told her we where going to meet today to tell her that I was only fooling around with her.
Sakura: Ohh so you do know how to make people feel bad.

* As they where talking a girl in Studded boots and messy curly hair enters *
Mystery girl: 2 Ice coffee's to go please.
Waiter: Please, wait a while.

Sakura: What is with that girl, she reminds me of someone, Aoi?!~
Takumi: Pfft, No way Aoi is not that hot, wait a sec, Blue eyes and Black hair; That has to be her!
Sakura: No way let me get a picture of this.
Takumi: * walks up to Aoi * Hey Aoi how are you I didn't think your this wild.
Aoi: Who are you? *Smirks* I'm not this Aoi you speak of, I'm Alice.
* Shou enter's *
Shou: Oii!~ Aliceee, hurry up I want to go to the beach Naoo. * Pouts *
Aoi: Sure thing James, *Glances Takumi's way and wink"
Sakura: Shou?
Shou: Who are you, I'm James not this Shou.
Waiter: Here's you coffee.
Aoi: Thank you, * Gives a $20 tip* Well I'll see you at school, Takumi,Sakura. Oops. I said the wrong thing. Come on Shou let's go.
Shou: Aww Aoi aren't you gonna let them stay surprised? * Grabs Aoi's waist and giggle *
Aoi: See you tomorrow. * Grab's Shou's hand and get's into a Ferrari* Get home safe won't cha.
Shou: Aoi let's show them something worth watching!
Aoi: What? * Shou grabs her and then kisses her* * Sakura and Takumi's face are shocked*
Fuu,~ you bit my lip, To the beach now?
Shou: YESS~!

* Drives off *
Sakura: What the Hell was that?! Was that really Shou and Aoi?
Takumi: Can't believe she was this wild, it was all an act. * Faceplam* why did i break up with her. She was so cute today.
Sakura: I got a photo of both of them together, shall we share this to the whole school?
Takumi: *Smiles* Go ahead.

Angel to Devil ♥ Chapter 6: Rumors

[At school]

*Aoi and Shou up together hold hands * * Everyone is staring *

Aoi: I think we did a good job last night, Don't Cha think?
Shou: i guess so, but nao were now going to have time alone and you might get hurt by my Fans. *Fidgeting Fingers and Pouts*
Aoi: Don't worry I know how to defend myself, Why don't we go to the bulletin broad to see what every one is saying abut us.
Shou: Okay! * Pick's Aoi up and carries her princess style *
Aoi: Woowww, I didn't know they whole school was gonna see this picture of us kissing in the Ferrari. Surprised by Sakura's timing.
Shou: I Guess so,
*Both of them held hands as they walk into class*
Act like nothing had happened,
Shou: Why ~ I wanted to be lovey dovey.
Aoi: Only during Lunch time.

* Lunch bell rings *
Shou: Aoii~ Got the key?!~ I want to get off campus for a while, I want to get that new sweater. Pleaseee~
Aoi: Finee, Let me change out of this uniform. Got your change of clothes?
Shou: Yeaa, I got them in my bag.

Shinon: Woaah did you see Aoi?~ She was so cutee, but i didn't think she was wild, She gotten me fooled by that innocent personality.
Takumi: I guess so,

[ Girl's Bathroom]
Aoi: Uwaaa ~ I missed these clothes,I'm done with that prissy clothes,Pfft I'm not that innocent. Who do you think i am.
*Shou Fan's enter*
Girl 1: Who do you think you are?! dating Shou like that.
* Grabs collar flick Girl 1's forehead *
Aoi: Think before i mess you up. * Grins *

[Boy's bathroom]
Shou: Oh I hear yelling, I think Aoi already showed her true colors.
* Shinon enters *
Shinon: Woaahhh what are you doing dressed up so fancy,
Shou: Im taking my Ferrai with Aoi off campus.
Shinon: Are you even allowed? and btw, is that chick standing outside of the Boy's bathroom aoi, she looks piss.
Shou: OMG she's gonna kill me, I gotta hurry up, Well I'll see you.
* Shou running out the door and hugs Aoi *
Shou: Im sorry I was late, Oh here's the key's
Aoi: Okay, where is this place where they have the sweater you had wanted.
* As they where walking down the hallway people stared at the Boy and girl who had on jeans and leather jackets.*

People: Woahh isn't that Shou and Aoi? where are they heading.Let's follow them.
* At the front gates with people crowding the door*,
Gym teacher: Where do you think your going?
Aoi; shopping, we'll be back before last period.
Gym teacher: I don't think so, if you want to leave fight me first.
Shou: Sensei don't do it, She'll attack your vital point's!!
Aoi: Shou shut up, didn't you want to go get you sweater?
Shou; * Pouts * Yesss.
* Aoi tapped the back of his neck and he instantly fell asleep *
People: Woahh~! did you see that? What did see do to him.!
Shinon; Woww she's really cool~
Takumi: What was that? o.o Just who is she?~

* Ferrari rumbling *
Aoi: People these day's, Shou ready to go?~
Shou: Yea, * Kisses Aoi* * Giggle *
Aoi: *Smiling softy* Go now I can't stand this Zoo.

[At the mall]

Shou: Didn't you think that you went to hard on the gym teacher?
Aoi: he's gonna be asleep for only 20 more minutes, hurry up and get your sweater i wanna return to school and see how every one reacts.
Shou: You enjoying this aren't you.

[Walking back to class]

*Aoi Yawns and went back to her seat when Shou yelled:*
Shou: Aoiii~ You didn't give me back my card. *Pouts*
* Hold's up Gold card *
Aoi: You mean this one? * Smirks *
Shou: Yea~ Put it in my wallet it's in my bag.
Sensei: What do you think you are doing right now.
Shou: Talking,
Sensei: Your disturbing class
Aoi: Shou give me the ' card '
People: card,what card what does she mean.
* Aoi get's up and show's the teacher a card:It say's

| James Clark[Shou Suzuki] |
| Kenji Group |
| Vice. C.E.O Son |
Aoi: Problem Sensei? speak to anyone about this name again i'll ave to kill you,
* Smile *
Shou: Aoi get back to your seat, Let him start class again.
Aoi: Fine.


* Shou and Aoi got their own table sitting there not caring for anybody *

Shinon: Woahh, What had happened?
Takumi: When they returned back to school, they got into class and where talking loudly and Sensei told them to stop but then Aoi got up and showed Sensei a card, and he finally shut up.
Sakura: Just who are they? I wonder if they belong to a rich family and Aoi is his bodyguard.
Takumi: Bodyguard my ass, they are kissing and fooling around - Would you ever do that to your bodyguard?
Shinon: YES~ if they're hot
Takumi&Sakura: Not helping!

Angel to devil ♥ Chapter 7: Outrage


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2012

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