
The New House

Chapter 1
The New House

"Jen dont forget to shut the back door!" mother said. "I wont! You maean ass bitch." i whispered under my breath. Ok well here goes nothing. My name is Jennett Im 17 years old and we just moved to Texas. My mom just got re-re-re-re-re married for the thousanth time! (all the dudes are freaks just fyi)My real dad abused me and my mother so she finaly left him. My mom isnt the nicest parent alive i cook, i clean, i do EVERYTHING and all i get in retern is being yelled at every single night. I sometimes wish my dad knocked some sence into her but nope apparently he knocked it out of her if that makes any sence to you. Im starting High School Friday and im NOT excited. Its in the middle of the year and i havent even gotten any cloths! gosh this place is gonna suck!! I put all my boxes in my small room, rip open the one thats labled "KEEP OUT!" I have all my skater stuff in there. Yes i know a skater chick named 'Jennett' thats why i have people call me Jen, its short, simple, and sweet. After i spent 4hours working on my room i start dinner at 6. My mom and new step dad, John are sitting on the couch. When i walk in they give me the worse go-to-hell look that it would scare Satin! I said "What did i do now?" "You should of started dinner at 4!" screamed my mom. She got up and slaped the hell out of me! As i fell to the floor i could hear her and John laughing at me. I stood up, wiped the tears off my eyes and went to the kitchen. I made hotdogs and i got one and went to my room, sat on my bed, and cried. I guess i feel asleep because when i opened my eyes our simi-cold house was still and quiet. I looked on my side table and saw that it was 3:09am, I got out of bed, put my feet on the cold hardwood floor, and changed into my swets, a sweater, and my tennis shoes. I quietly snuck out my bedroom and peeked into my mom and Johns room, they wernt there! I walked through out the whole house and i still couldnt find them. "There probably off somewhere getting beer." I walked out the front door and couldnt belive what i saw next.

The Man

Chapter 2
The Man

When i walked out of my house there was a shadow on the front porch. I said outloud "Hello? Whos there?" and the shadow jumped up and turned to look at me. I steped back a little not knowing what he was gonna do next. He had a deep but sweet voice he said "Hello Jennett, My name is Clint Hood, I heard from the school that you were starting Friday and i wanted to come and see if i could help you with anything." "At 3:45 in the morning?, dont you think that is a little bit creepy?" i stated. "Yes i guess your right. Well here you will have me for 1st,4th and 8th period." Clint said. "Wait, what about all the rest of my-" before i could finish he gave me a small rectangle peice of paper and then he left. As i skimed through this peice of papper I noticed that he was my English, Art, and Piano Tutoring teacher. "I didnt sign up for any of this shit!" i screamed. I just went back inside, took my shoes off and crawled back into bed, thinking about Clint Hood. I awoke at 8:34am my head was spinning and throbbing, the house was still, still and quiet. Once again i put on my favorite black skinny jeans and my red skimpy little top and boots, i walked out in the hall and peered into my moms room one again they wernt there. Out of the corner of my eye i saw a peice paper on the wall, It said: "Jen, We got a call from James, John's Dad, he is sick and were gonna be driving back to Mississippi Tonight. We'll be back in the summer. We plan on reconnecting with them. There is $1000 in my desk use ONLY for food have a you know a goodschool year. bye!"

I just closed my eyes, i was abanded by my own mother god i hate them!!! So i went into town to a Walmart and spent about $200 in grocerys. I missed the safty of my mom but i was really glad she wasnt here im tired of her hurting and cursing. I arrived home at around 8pm and started dinner which was just a T.V Dinner.

I went to bed at 9:35pm and woke up at 6:00am so i can have a few hours to get ready for school. I decided to wear my black skater jeans and a purple skimpy top and my black and red DC's. I took a quick shower and strightend my black and red hair. (its black all over and red tips)

I left the house at 7:10am a bus pulled up right as i was leaving. "well here goes nothing.' I got on the bus and we started our journy to the Highschool.

The School

Chapter 3
The School

I got off the bus and walked into the cafiteria of my new school. The walls were a normal white color and the floors were the usual tile. I found a small table and sat down listing to "Skillet" an AMAZING rock band. Then about 5 minutes latter this freakishly loud bell rang and scared the shit out of me. So I walked to the front office and asked for my schdule. I had to get my picture takin for an I.D card. Ha my picture was so funny! I stuck my toung out after I ate a purple sucker and the lady laughed and took my pic. I walked to Mr. Hoods class, the moment I walked in there were about 40 eyes on me! Mr. Hood walked over, and showed me an empty desk next to his. I smiled and sat down wishing I could just magicly dissapper. Then the loud bell rang and I slowly found my way to my 2ed period. All day was just really boring and stupid I made friends with 2 emo chicks and 4 emo guys. They were all the friends I needed to surive the 10th grade.(I didnt tell you I was born December 29th)

I was in my 7th peroid and trust me Math isnt my best subject, and the bell rang again. "Ok Jen just 45 more minutes and your home free" I told myself. I walked to my 8th which was at the opposite building so i had to do some walking. I walked into Mr. Hoods room and I was the only student. He walked in smiled and nodded and said "So Jennett-" I cut him off saying "Jen!" and he just muffled a few words and continued "So Jen, your the only one taking this class cause your step dad said he wanted you to learn panio. So insted of taking the bus home I have to take you home after school everyday. Inless something comes up and you leave after 7th like everyone else."
"Wait, so your telling me that everyone goes home after 7th? Then forget you im taking my ass home!" I said with more attutide then I meant.
He grabbed my hand and said "If you dont stay Im forced to fail you for the year and youll be back with me for the summer." I let out the biggest sigh possiable and took a seat next to him on the panio-bench.

It was 6:08pm when I was to hungry and to tired to even move. He said we have till 6:15pm till he takes me home. I flipped! I shouted "Oh HELL TO THE NO! I am tired and hungry and I want to go home right now! I have the biggest headach on earth!" Tears were streaming down my face due to anger and frustration. He got up and walked into his office and brought out a bottle. "I know im not suppost to do this but here," He gave me two small red pills and said it was Advil so I took them. "How about we cut the lesson short today so you can have the weeked to calm down?" I just nodded and we locked up and started walking to his car, It was the only car in the parking lot and I started to feel sleepy. I asked him "What the hell did you give me?" "I told you advil" he said showing me the bottle. "I guess im just really tired and we have a 30 minute drive to my house, do you care if I take a nap on the drive?" he said "Sure what ever makes you happy." So we got into the car and he leaned over and put a white cloth over my face. I kicked and screamed but then everything went black....

The Kidnaping

Chapter 4
The Kidnaping
Clints POV:

I easily got her to the house. I honestly did give her Advil but it was Advil,PM.
When she started screaming and kicking I couldnt hellp but laugh and then she finaly stoped. Chloroform knocked her out easily so I picked her up and moved her to the back set. Im surprised she didnt reconize me. After all I was her boyfriend for 3 years and she left me cause apparently I was too old. Im only 25 and at the time I was 22 I wasnt that old. Then she moved to Texas and I had to follow her. I love her and im not gonna let her get away. I brought her to my summer home in Austin and sense she lives in Galveston its perfect.

Before we got to my home I went to her house and took some of the grocerys and some money and her cloths and her nessaties and left her parents a note saying she ranaway and not to come looking for her and that she hates them. I got back in the car and started driving. When we got there I brought her to the basement and put her carefully on the bed and tied up her ankle to the bed that way she can move around and be confertable. She was so cute when she slept I just hope I can soon trust her to stay with me and then ill let her walk around the house and stay in my room. She woke up shortly after i cooked dinner at about 8pm I walked down with her dinner and a coke and I saw her sitting on the bed crying. When she saw me she started screaming so I put everything down and walked towards her and put my hand over her mouth. "Look you can scream all you want but your under ground no ones going to hear you sweetheart." I said calmly She looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and started to back away. She finaly said "Wh-what do you wa-want?" Her voice a little shakey. Surpised she still hasnt noticed me I said "Baby do you really dont reconize me? Its me Clint Hood your old boyfriend?" She started screaming and yelling at me to get away from her and that she hated me and that just really hurt and made me very mad.

I jumped on her and held her down and sat on her stomach. She spat in my face and when i relsed her hands she smacked me on the face. That just pissed me off so I held her wrists in one hand and smacked her with the other. She started crying again and I just bent down and kissed her and she stopped she looked at me shocked and I think scared but I was always a good boyfriend to her so im sure shell fall back in love with me. I brought her the food and with one last kiss on the cheek I left.

Where am I?

Chapter 5
Where am I?
Jen's POV:


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2011

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