
Endless. Wasting away in the cell as streaks of sunlight beak through the bars, keeping in tune to the time of day as it moves along the stone slabs. The creature lay silent, chained in the corner, the sunlight brushing his features long enough to see the smile. The smirk. What arrogance.

Inside his head it's torture. Inside his mind you can see everything that happened, everything he did. Replaying - over and over. Never stopping. And he smiles. Smiles to himself as he reminisces over the past, what hunger, what lust. He never admitted his crimes. Never needed to, he just smiles, as the world around him carries on, unable to sleep, to rest, to be at peace. He smiles, he knows, knows more than we will ever, he knows everything.
He's seen it all. The things we humans force ourselves to ignore. The real pain and horror. The murderous villains who escape unharmed, unpunished. Ripping apart innocent lives limb by limb. Exploring their insides - first hand. Not for money, for the valuables to sell or keep, but for the pleasure and for the thrill. The excitement.

He can take over you head, using powers, to some description. Make you see it too. Right there, right infront of you.
You go insane with the illusion. Your sight blurs as you hear the screams, see the death.
The blood splatters that lace the walls eloquently, the puddles drifted in and out of the stone, creating a crimson pattern. You can touch it, the warmth, feel it on your skin. The scent - so deliciously ripe and raw. And then it's gone. The image fade and you're left, helpless to yet another victim. Everytime it's real, living, and he can sit in his cell smiling, unaided by the world outside him. Feared, you dare not defy him, yet you dare not work with him. He screamed power.

He screamed death. He screamed life. He claimed life.

And he knows it. So he smiles. Alone. Chained. Untrusted. Content. Happy. A typical day in a cell. Alone, with him. Scared for my life, for his? We lived, together, as one. Smiling. Just, smiling.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.07.2009

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