
chapter 1 (new places)

I walk to my new school starting fresh. Everyone in the street is staring. Haven't they seen a girl before? well who am i to blame? i do look scary a bit.

I have waist length black hair and flawlessly pale skin in the light heat of the summer. My green eyes sparkle and clash with my hair. I may have a skirt on my knee but still i do look scary with heavy make up on with stripy socks and doc marten boots. So what i'm different to everyone else and i'm proud of it. okay i aye even mentioned my name. Don't laugh at me!! my names Ivy. Wait i can already see chuu laughing...

I am shivering in my skirt as i turn onto a new road. These flats look familiar exactly like the ones ma dada lived in when he was a groupie. He met my mom at one of his gigs and they well i dow wanna say but u get what i mean... He only met ma moma coz she was a teenage runner-way. Yes ma famalam is messed up but who gives a SHIT!!!!

Well i can see my new skool and it looks frigging scary!! Ang-on i'm not usually this scared of something even killers with blood dripping from their knifes. But now i'm literally dragging myself through the gates. People still stare can't they stop it's seriously annoying to be honest i hate attention.I stay where i am i need to keep my promise. I can't go back to moma and dada. There literally EVIL and i mean it. The bell goes finally and i'm glad i can avoid staring eyes. I feel like shouting STOP STARING AT MEH!!!!! U BISHS N BASTARDS!!!

In form i have to wait up front till everyone settled down how embarrassing is dis or what?? When i'm aloud to sit down i feel like exploding at da teacher man what a bish!!! I get a sudden shock when a girl with frizzy brown hair stares at me and speaks,"Ellowh der u must beh Ivy i'm Alice but call me Al how are chuu??"
i stare at her not believing my own eyes but i reply anyway,"I'm kinda freaked out and is it meh or does it skwl get crapper?"
She laughs,"Well now what have u got next?"
"Well sawry buh chuur day just begins wrongly like mine!"she says giving a boy a shmexxi smile behind her shoulder he laughs and blushes. WOW! dis gyal is super women or what!!!
"So where is science?" i ask as she laughs.
"this way sista just follow meh!"she says.
We walk out of form to a dingy corridor and up into a top floor room with flowers blooming everywhere. Something catches my arm and scratchs it.
"ow!!" i yelp.
"Stupid thorns! why don't Kyle move them the dickhead!!"she moans.
"who's kyle??" i ask.
"Oh dis dude i know he's a good mate but he's terrible for remembering things" she sighs.
The classroom is as dark as the form room with creepy things crawling of the selves and glasses smashed on the floor by the stock room. The lesson carries on and i take no notice. I'm worrying if my past will catch up with me and follow me. Hopefully it doesn't.

The bell goes and Alice grabs my arm dragging me to the main doors. There are a group of people at the corner of the gate waving at Alice.She waves back with her smile blazing fourth.
"Hey this is ma new bffl Ivy!!" she says so nicely.
"Hi i'm Lila former know as no.1 boy dater!!" Lila smiles. Her blonde hair flaring out like a super model.
"Yo whatzupp sista i'm Jade!!" Jade runs up to meh and hugs me tightly.
Alice finally finishes," And this is Sam known as the hottest boy in our year!!"
A blonde dude steps out of the shadows. His blue eyes intense and friendly.
"hey" i say to all of them.
Something makes me feel like a part of there circle of friends. I finally feel like i belong somewhere. I start to hum the Linkin park song somewhere i belong and Alice joins in even hotty dude.
"So do you wanna come out with us tonight to the skate part?" Lila asks.
"Wateva at least i have a place to go then stay in ma house," i say.
The bell goes signifiying home time i literally run past towards the gate when Alice shouts, " Be ready at half 3!!"

chapter 2 (mysterious dude no.1)

Alice is at my door bang on time and i let her in. She eyes my knee high socks, suspenders and vans. She herself is wearing purple jeans and doc martin boots hum what a pair we are. I grab a tenna and drag alice out the door.
"Why chuu drag meh out da door??" she asks slightly puzzled.
"Trust meh if ma nan found meh going out i'd literally be talked into staying at home!" i say as alice stares gobsmacked. That was a good convo ender weren't it!

We walk for bout 10 minutes and a vast, green area is in front of us. A tiny bit back from the dazzling greenery is a skate park with hotties (a.n: Yer i love da hot dudes at skate parks man there truly awesome!!) and i mean hotties literally. Alice eyes a dude with blonde hair and green eyes and he gives her a shmexxii smile OMFG!! So frikking shady. But then a shadow catches my eye. A boy older than me maybe 17 is staring into my eyes. His eyes are sparkling grey with a sweep of dark brown hair. He's clearly hot and has perfect abs. Am i staring?

Alice drags me from my flirty smile with the hot dude and drags me to the others. My socks and shorts had been grabbing attention and i was getting wolf whistles and boys eyein me up. DA PERVERTS!!! JOKEZZ!! For once i liked this attention. Alice gave me a smirk and burst out giggling then i knew i wasn't gonna here the end of this. We wandered up to Jade, Lila and Sam. Sam was looking at my legs and blushing but his eyes snapped up when Lila said,"Heya ma bbez how are you like skwl?"
"Nah i dow really like skwl i wish it wuz over already" i pouted. They laughed looking at me as if i was a misbehaving child.
"Well Ivy Davies your sooo gunna ave to put up wid it!" Jade screamed literally i wanted to make contact with her face. I could feel my fingers itching at my side.
"I'm gunna go for a walk so i can get used to da place," I say casually. They nod to me as i walk towards the woods listening to whispers from the hot skater dudes. "Who da hell is da chick in da socks she's frikking fit man i gotta talk to her!" i hear a random person say i smile over my shoulder and he nearly passes out. Is it me or have i mastered Alice's technique.

I carry on walking to find myself in the darkest part of the woods with a tiny bit of light brushing on leaves. I hear twigs snap and i shoot round to find myself grabbing nothing but air. Somethings speeds past me making me shiver. The hair on the back of my neck sticks up making my body come to a halt. I hear breathing behind me i wizz round finding a shadow leaning up against a tree. I keep the scream in my throat from escaping.
It asked,"Still think i'm hot!"

chapter 3 humm

"Erik?!" i ask sounding foolish.
"yer and hey ma friend!!" he says with a smirk as if he loved seeing me scared.
Me and Erik go back to when i was in wales. It was a short, passionate summer romance until it all started to break into pieces. When my family moved Erik's did to but they went opposite ways. It was like...they was trying to split us up. But they should have known better because he vowed he would always protect me and stay with me till he died.

"Yo, Where da hell ave chuu been!!??" I ask running to give him a bear hug.
Suddenly i hear a crack on a twig behind me to see Sam and Lila staring at me gobsmacked!!
well it looks kinda weird me in the middle of a bear hug with Erik (to them a total stranger).

"Ummmm...... heya guys...Kinda awkward??" i say kind of blushing releasing my arm from around Erik waist.
"Erm cheyah? buh see youu at skwl Ivy" Erik says dropping a kiss on my forehead and walks away.

My two Friends are staring at me making me dizzy and sick. Yer so wat i hugged a hotty who give a SHIT!!!!

"You know him Ivy?" asks sam his face...i feel awful now plus his hair is all wet from the rain hiding his tears.
"Kinda we know each other from when i lived in Wales when i stopped with his family for a bit"
Lila who is still gobsmacked find her voice says,"You must be the luckiest girl on earth!!!!"
I look at her and blush faintly then we all fold up laughing except Sam he tries to laugh but i know deep inside of him he's really heartbroken.

Suddenly Alice and Jade come from out of no where shocked like a fire from water.
There was a sudden noise that pierced through me making my heart stop and my spine shake. A scream that made the tree whip wildly in the light breeze. Who was it i dared ask.

Chapter 4 Hostpital

Everyone was running towards the scream but ended up finding themselves lost. Trapped... NO where to run or escape...

Something told me to keep moving and it won't hurt you. I dragged my friends towards an opening when Jade trips over and lands face first into someone's lap. Jade screams. What do i do??

We rush towards her and the victim. The girl is Vickie Suzel my next door neighbors niece. her throat is torn into shreds of crimson, scarlett and ruby. Her pupils dilated and her pulse steady. The image freezes me in my place. This is what my family has been running from now it's found us and haunting us again. Tears prick in my eyes as i put Vickie's jacket compressed against her neck.

"Call an Ambulance QUICK!" I bark while Sam is checking her pulse.
"She might have a chance of living if the ambulance comes in 5 mins but from there who knows she might not live to see tomorrow, Its still there but it's lacking," said Sam as he brushed away a tear hoping she wouldn't die.

The ambulance arrives and Sam and Lila go with them. We have been told to tell her auntie and uncle. They might blame us but then they will know the truth. We trekk from the woods towards a little typical modern English home with roses and other bright flowers lying under the window. I knock the door lightly and a short blonde women with freckles answers the door.

"Hello, who are you??" she asks keeping the door mostly shut.
"Hello and i am Ivy Davies are you Vickie's auntie?" I ask politely.
"Yes i am and why do you ask?" she asks keeping her voice sweet.
"Well Mrs Suzel i am sorry to inform you that your niece has been rushed to hospital with a Huge blood loss, She might not live" I say with tears spilling down my cheeks.

The women's radient face is as dull as a grey sky complete with rain drop.
"Oh,my DAVID we must go quickly!," She shouts as a tall man with dark hair appears,"Thankyou for telling us!!"

That night we sleep round Alice's (me and Jade). I feel so insecure and really unsafe. what ever attacked Vickie was only the start and for some reason i knew that. Why did i know to keep moving? I do not want a answer for that.
Alice's flat has all the latest equipment in to stop robbery, detect smoke and theft. Plus then Alice brought some of the kitchen knives just in case we had to go outside when we heard a noise. We were armed and dangerous and ready to attack. Alice and Jade were softly asleep that's when i hear a noise.

I hold on to the biggest kitchen knife and hold in my scream as finger curve around the door. Who is it? i wonder daring not to breath...

Chapter 5

I look at the door carefully praying and hoping that i'm illusinating. But my hope is not fore-filled. Someone is there and i'm scared to breath.

The finger are pale and thick but also slender? I look over at Jade and Alice hoping that they would wake up. Horror paralyzed me at that moment making my body tremble and shake with fear.

A voice whispers "Ivy?"
At my astonishment it's Erik. My best friend almost scared me to death.
"WTH are you doing here?!!" i whisper shout.
He smiles faintly with a grin that i've fell for to many times before. His eyes blend into grey/blue pool and i drink him in letting him put his arms around me. He surprises me yet again but this time with a kiss full of lust,love and passion.

When reality falls back into place my eyes are wide and my palms are sweaty. I steady myself and begin to move my mouth but nothing comes out. No noise, not a sound.

"Hey, sorry about that he says still watching me like a hawk even though you can tell he was probs bout to faint. Finally i find my voice and speak,"Well that was a erm... weird welcoming?" But i'm secretly thinking this is the best ever awaking i've ever got.
He laughs trying to not wake the others but in the end he can't keep quiet!!

"Shall we go outside?" He asks.
I open the front door and usher him into the lobby. There are loads of different door but the main door is the exit.
"How did you find me?" i ask out of curiosity.
He goes to say something when a massive gush of grey smoke comes from flat number 004. I hear smoke alarms going mental and the door blows off and a little old lady runs out holding a little girl. Then Alice's own door opens and Jade and Alice come stumbling out with two quilts and a hamper of food and drink we made earlier. That was my idea. I knew we would need it somehow and look what's happening. I look round for Erik but he's gone. Jade's hand grabs my arm and pulls me out of the burning building. I cough and splutter. I don't want to talk all i want to do is find Erik. Where was he??

chapter 6 mysterious new guy no.2

Erik was all i could think about, my mind was full of him. Where was he when i needed him (well wanted him)? He never did this back in Wales. Yeah he did disappear a lot but he would always be by my side no matter what. I remember the times he used to wrap his tanned-gold arms around me and how his blonde hair used to crush in my fingers. One night we ran to my room feeling intensity that i ripped off his clothes and begged him to. But then my mom walked in on us. Erm yeah embarrassing! She pretended he wasn't half naked in front of her she just said dinner's ready love. She acted like he was invisible. GAWD! I feel bad now because there's another memory just like that but that was when i was in Cornwall. I have a feeling history likes to repeat itself around me. Will it ever stop?

Just then Alice shakes my shoulder waking me from my day dream. Jade is floating behind us like a lonely ghost haunting it's killer. I feel sorry for her she carrying all the stuff so i grab the hamper and Alice grabs the other quilt. The fire was caused mysteriously. Even the fire service were puzzled. I think it was something different. Not a human but something else but i don't know what. Just then a figure in the darkness is watching us. I can feel it's eyes burning on my skin. Jade is gasping for air and Alice is saying omigod omigod and i'm just hoping it wasn't what my family has been running from for the last 3000 years!

Once ago, a girl called an,ya lived in the city/town Bath. In the town lived a group of holy people and against the holy people were sons and daughters of the sun and hunters of the night(basically Vampire and werewolves). These hunters ruled for many years until the holy side made a weapon. This weapon was a person who hold the powers of witchery and magic. Everyone knew her as an,ya a small girl who was loved by one of each species. One day the werewolf known as Elijah and the Vampire known as Thomas fought against each other for the love of an,ya but both ended up not killing each other but their fighting had made an,ya put a curse on each side before she killed herself the curse read:
Thee who shall love the maiden of the bloodline of Mac Daviy (basically Davies) shall become the beast inside them. Of course this story was told to my parents and there parents you get the idea.

As the figure emerged my heart stopped and did a triple back flip. This person wasn't Erik. Then who the it? However he came closer shocking me and my friends.
"Remember me?"

Chapter 7 werewolf vs vampire vs ???

Who the hell was he and was he trying to give me and my friends a heart-attack?? My friends were huddled around me making me feel stronger than i had a minute ago. I took the advantage and spoke,"Who are you?"

"Ivy how on earth could you forget me? It's Ian Remember??" he said trying to make me remember after he said his name every last memory of him flooded back.
"OMFG, I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to forget!" I said looking at him. Now i know where i last saw him. How could i forget. He was at the skate park. He was the dude with the black hair and grey eyes!
"Pahahaha, I'm sorry i nearly gave you heart failure it's just a quality of mine" he said pulling a cheeky grin and i just burst out laughing.
Jade and Alice were staring as if to say 'Two hot guys in one day she is a Lucky BITCH!!!

Ian had a swept of dark brown hair but in the dim twilight his hair looked black. His grey eyes sparkle whenever the light catches them and his skin is really pale because he's never in one place to long. I met him in Cornwall before i moved to Wales. YER I'VE TRAVELLED ALOT SO FUCKING WHAT?? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I hate it when people ask why have you been to many different places. It makes me scream.

He shifts in his place looking at the floor minding his own buisness.
"Who are chuu?" Alice asks.
"I'm Ian Croft, Me and Ivy met in Cornwall and we became friends. Her family hung around my family when we were at festivals so we hung together".

"More like you needed help so you clinged to me," I laugh as i hugged him,"Long time no see!!"

Alice is looking more shocked than before,"How many hot dudes do you know Ivy?"
I look at my feet in despair and finally answer,"23"

Jades jaw automatically drop and Alice's eyes widen.
Ian scowls,"So i'm not the only one who fell for the Ivy charm?"
I stare hopelessly at my mates and who knew how to get me back to normal was Ian of course.

Chapter 8 The noise

Ian's laughter is just contagious it makes us all giggle but our fun is cut short when a deep noise is heard. It's getting closer making me shiver.

At first it sounds like a dog but now it sounds like something else...more like a wolf? I can see Ian shaking in his boots and that is one thing i've never seen him do if Ian's scared i'm scared to death! Jade and Alice are terrified and hugging each other hanging on for there lives.

The growl deepens and gets closer and closer until i can feel a slight breeze on my left shoulder. The vibrations make me shake and tremble like a rowing boat on a massive wave. I can see grey fog and mist. My vision is blurring and i let the darkness take me willingly. I take on wobbly step before i collapse onto to the floor where an ever-lasting darkness wraps round me. All i hear is screaming.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2011

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