

Mom please tell me dad is not getting drunk with his stupid friends like always, “Hay Nicky I wish I could tell you he wasn’t but he is".

Nooo! Mom I can’t take it anymore when he comes home he`s going to abuse of you and he’s going to rape me again like he did last night. Why don’t we just leave hem yesterday he left me with bruises on my arms and in school they asked me what happened there and guess what I told them...

What I always tell them a lie that I hit myself with something.

“well I’m sorry honey we can’t leave your dad”

“But mom!!!”

“End of discussion Nicky go to your room now!!!”


30 minutes later my dad got home all drunk like always I heard hem scream at my mom and hitting her when she was done with her I heard her cry and I saw my dad then man I wish I didn’t call dad and who I wished never was my dad.

I heard hem scream at me “get on bed now” and I saw hem taking of his belt he unzipped he`s pants and started to take his pants off.

I started screaming “leave me alone and don’t touch me”

But he didn’t listened like always he got in top of me and started touching me, he started taking off my shirt while I was screaming and then he took off my bra and went down to my to take of my panties and seeing me naked he started raping me and I begged hem to stop he was raping me so HARD that I couldn’t take it anymore…

He made me suck on his d*** and he made me do whatever he told me to do…

I couldn’t take it anymore I could hear my mom crying and screaming outside the room trying to unlock the door and saying “Michael leave her alone”

I could see the bed moving and I wanted him to stop but he wouldn’t I could hear hem moaning and me crying.


45 minutes later he stopped…


I couldn’t stop crying but, I knew that I just had to get it over with but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

Then I blackout and fell sleep…

The next day I had to wake up and get ready for school…

I was really depressed all I wanted to do is stay in bed and never wake up… my mom was still asleep so I just drank a cup of milk and walked to school

When I got there I just sat on my first period class which it was Ms. Mena Math class. What I least needed I didn’t do my homework last night and of course she was going to ask me why but of course I always lied to her even though I really wanted to tell her the truth.

I felt like telling someone of what happened last night but if I told they would go tell, I wanted to report Michael “my dad” but my mom told me not too and my dad told us if we told he would kill us…

I was sad all day in school my friends asked me if everything was alright and I was like yea but I lied like always.


When I got home I ignored my mom because she didn’t understand that it could get to the point that he could kill us but she doesn’t understand .
I wish I could make her understand that going to the police and making a report is the best thing we could do.

That night my dad didn’t come home I was relieve he wasn’t and I knew he was with some whore fucking her.

That night I didn’t know if he came back because when I woke up and got ready for school I didn’t see hem.

As I walked towards school I wishes I wasn’t born and I would of never come to this life because life isn’t fair.

I also thought that what did I do to deserve this life. I never did anything wrong.


When I got to school I saw a police man waiting for me outside the door of my classroom. I knew that he knew about my family…

He started asking m questions about my bruises and I tried to lied to hem but he was well trained so he didn’t believe me at all…
He told me if I didn’t tell hem the truth he would send me to this place were they put kids who don’t have parents…

So the police man took me to some place private and I started telling hem about what my dad did to me and my mom and what all the bruises were from…

I took hem home for the police man to talk to my mom but I was surprised because my dad was home and when I got inside the house…
My dad was beating my mom up the police hand cuff my dad and a ambulance had to take my dad to jail.
My mom did a report they took Michael to jail and if he everr came near us he would go to jail again.


1 year later

My mom got a job and bought a house and she got re-married.

6 months after she got married she had a baby.

3 years after that I got pregnant of my husband and we had beautiful twins.
Me and my mother never heard of Michael ever again some people say he got beat to death in jail and some others say he banished but that secret still is a mystery no one knows what happened to hem.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2011

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