


"Mum," I complained in my 'bored, here' voice, "Mum, when are we going to be in America? I want to see the Lady of American Liberty." I was on Northwest, from Lincolnshire to New York City. My mother was with me, and my step-father was moldering away in his grave. He died from overdrinking last month, and now me and Mum decided to start all over.
"Tommy," assured Mum. "We will be in America in half an hour and the Lady is called the Statue of Liberty." She then turned her head toward the window. "There she is, Tommy. Do you see the Big Lady of Liberty?"
I glanced at the window and was immediately star-struck at the sight of the Statue. It was green-blue, the color of the English Channel back home. If I was at home in Lincolnshire, I would be swimming in the clear waters, and Mum would lift me out of it and gently dry my hair....'Don't think like that or you will cry.' I reminded myself. I wouldn't admit to anyone beside myself, but I was scared. Scared to live here and find out what will happen here, the strangest of all places......

First Impressions of America

Chapter One

As I strolled through the narrow aisle on Northwest, I held tight to Mum's hand. I had been brave when I boarded the plane, but it seemed like I left my bravery back in Lincolnshire.
"Tommy," a voice called out, breaking my train of thought. I suddenly and looked at my mum, the beautiful Lisa Daniels. Then I realized that I was standing at the door, blocking everyone else from leaving the plane. I gulped and walked to the baggage claim.
I couldn't stop staring at the airport as me and Mum advanced toward the baggage claim. The airport was sparkling clean. There was a large, bronze statue of, I think Samuel Champlan. I let go of Mum's hand, wandered to the statue, and found a bronze plaque under the feet that read 'Samuel Champlan'.
"So, I was right." I articulated. Then noticing that Mum was proceeding without me, I hurried over to her, not that it was easy. The airport was huge, crowded, and there were too many distractions.
When I bumped into Mum [I literally bumped into her!], she was looking at our passports. Mum had gotten our baggage and it was nestling against an oak bench.
"Tommy," Mum whispered anxiously, "I feel so.....intense. Do you believe that we did right to leave England and live here?"
"Yes, Mum." I spoke, without considering what I was answering. "Mum, we made the right decision to come here."
Did I believe what I was saying? I didn't know the answer to that.

Disaster Strikes

Chapter Two

When we stepped out of doors, I shivered. The crisp, early spring air was chilly and I wore a light jacket, intended for warm fall days in Lincolnshire. I hoped that New York warmed quickly in March.
"Taxi!" Mum exclaimed, whistling as she stuck out her arm. Accordingly, a checkered black, white, and yellow cab came up.
"Hey, lady." called out the pock-marked teenager. "What can I do for you?"
"Sir, please take me and my son to the Fairworth on 128 Maplewood Avenue." Mum asked him politely.
"Sure, lady, but that will cost ya." the teenager commented, popping his red Juicys' gum.
"I have money." Mum stated. "Now, please let us in, or Tommy here will probably die of pneumonia." I smiled at her, grateful for her understanding of my unwillingness to stay outside much longer.
"Of course. Come right in." the teenager declared. "Let me get your bags."
We moved toward the cab. I hesitated for half a second. The reason for that was that if I stepped into the cab, there was no going back. I became afraid, but then I saw an image of my mum's face when we got off that plane. She seemed so happy.....and I didn't want to break her heart. So I took courage and entered the vechicle.
It was very warm, thankfully, but the inside of the cab was filthy. Cups from McDonalds were thrown all around the car, burger wrappers were crumpled up and left on the littered floor, and the air was so bad-smelling.
I opened the window and gagged on the gas fumes. Not to forget that when Pockmarks started the car, it roared so loudly, you couldn't hear the world's largest parade.
"Y'all comfortable?" questioned Pockmarks. "Y'all want some grub?" he continued. "I can get y'all some."
"Oh no no no," Mum hastened to answer. "We are not desiring victuals at the moment. Just hasten to the Fairworth."
"Sure thing, lady." Pockmarks muttered.
As he drove, we were silent. I took the time to observe my new country. We passed a pretzel stand, a peanut stand, and three malls. Then disaster struck.
"No!" Mum exclaimed as Pockmarks turned a lane and immediately found us five seconds from a car crash. Pockmarks wretched the wheel but it was too late. We crashed.

During The Crash

Chapter Three

I couldn't see the crash. I only heard a screeching noise. My head was jerked onto the seat in front of me and I heard a crack. I felt something warm and sticky run down my face. I would have put my hand on it, but it was under my seat. How it got there, I will never know. Anyway, I had to rely on my sense of listening to find out about the crash. I heard gasping and someone whispered "Tommy? Tommy, where are you?"
It was Mum! Dizzy from the loss of blood, I managed to reply back a "Mum, are you okay?" to her. Darkness started to surround me.
"Tommy. I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry for what?" No one answered. "Mum!" I shouted. I heard sirens in the distance but that wasn't important. What was important was Mum! The darkness loomed even closer, threatening to engulf me in it. I struggled, anxious to reach Mum. I gave one final cry of "Mum!", then the black darkness engulfed me. I blacked out.

The Awakening

Chapter Four

When I came to, I was in a strange room in a strange building. Then I remembered the crash and immediately turned my head to look at Mum. Lights immediately exploded in front of my eyes.
"Owww!" I groaned. As I slowly lay back down on the soft warm bed, I realized that I was in a hospital.
A nurse bustled in the white-washed room and found me staring at her. "Oh, good." she commented. "You're awake." She came close and examined me with her pebble eyes.
"Where is my Mum?" I demanded. "Where is she?" My mouth felt like it was filled with sawdust. I studied her closely. She had frizzy black hair, violet pebble eyes, and was overweight. She wore a snow white uniform with a tag that read 'Nurse Nora Burkes'. Ms. Burkes bit her lip so hard, it began to bleed freely.
"What did you do to her?" I cried. I sat up, but was overcome with dizziness again.
"Shush." Ms. Burkes ordered. "You're too weak. Sit down now." I sat. "That's better."
"Where is my Mum?" I wept. I needed Mum as much as I needed air. Without her, I couldn't live or even breathe as well as before.
"In the car crash, you mommy was serious injured. Your mother...died from the injuries she sustained from the wreck."


Chapter Five

For a moment, I was stunned. Here I was, listening to a lunatic telling me that me that Mum was killed. Then a bunch of images erupted in my head. Mum's smile, her perfume, her beautiful face, her dark blue eyes, Mum wiping my mouth, Mum clasping my hand, Mum, Mum, Mum.
"You're lying!" I replied, surprising even myself. "You're lying!" I repeated, gaining strength with each word. I sat up, with success and got out of bed. The room swam before my eyes and I stepped backwards. "My Mum is alive!" I shouted. "You don't know her! You're crazy! Where is she?" I raced out of the room, ignoring the nurses' shouts and exclaims. I had just enough time to grab my bag, which was sitting next to my bed.
Within five minutes, I reached the front door. I pushed it open and blinked in the light that pounced on my eyes. I finally slowed down when I reached a dark alleyway that was ten blocks away. Then I stopped.


Chapter Six

I observed the alleyway. There wasn't a shadow of anyone, any sounds of breathing beside my own, or the sound of footsteps. I deemed it safe.
The alleyway was in between Olive Garden and Walmart. There were huge garbage cans filled with food and junk. The alley had a wall at one end and it was around twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide. It would have to do.
Next came the problem of food and clothes. I had to get them, but I had no money. It was agonizing to think that I was in an alley in between a restaurant and a store, unable to obtain either food or clothes. I would have to scavenge and steal to stay alive.
I began to look through the garbage can next to Walmart. Most people would shrink from poking in the garbage, but it was cold and I was hoping to find clothes and maybe even a blanket. I found two mismatched shoes, both too big, a plaid sweater, and a pink winter hat. I also found a box and put my possessions, before and after the car crash in there. I stood back and quickly checked to make sure my stuff was there. New clothes, old clothes, toothpaste, toothbrush, a comb, a picture of Mum, and some books. The box was then hidden behind the trash can for Olive Garden.
Now I needed to steal some money for food. I didn't want to steal anything, so I just went through the top layer of food. When I ate all the edible items, I slept, a restless sleep.

Job Searching

Chapter Seven

I slept until eight o'clock. I made my mind up that I'd work for Olive Garden. I got up, combed my hair, and brushed my teeth.
I marched into the waiting room. It was roomy, with a desk, several benches, Italian walls, and statues. The walls were a golden colour and there was a man of around eighteen years behind the desk.
"How many?" he asked in a Brooklyn accent.
"Actually," I mumbled. "I'd like to see the manager." He looked startled and froze.
"What did you say?" He stuttered.
"You heard me. I want to see the manager."
The host snorted angrily and beckoned me to follow. I did.
We passed tables piled up with food. My mouth watered and I literally drooled. There were pizzas of all kinds, spaghetti, meatballs, chicken tenders, and my favorite food, macaroni and cheese! All the tidbits from last night weren't enough to quiet the rumbling and now it intensified times ten.
The host led to a white door with the words 'Cast Only'. We went through.


Chapter Eight

The manager was overweight, bald, and sweaty. He was wearing a grey, cashmere business suit with a mustard silk tie.
"What do you want?" he snapped as he wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead. Several more beads appeared. "I'm a busy man and I don't have time for ruffians like you."
"Sir," I uttered defiantly, thrusting out my chin. "This will only take a few minutes."
"Then spit it out already."
I marched up to him, folded my arms, and looked into his fishy violet eyes.
"Can I work here as an errand-boy?" The question slipped right out of my mouth. I watched for the reactions from the adults. After a second, the younger started to shriek with laughter, while the elder still sat, thoughtfully thinking.
"Walter Smith, sir." I answered without blinking an eyelash.
"Date of birth?"
"October 13th, 1996."
"Reason for this request of yours?"
"You see, sir, my family is very poor. We live in a house that shakes with every wind passing by. We have no money for food. That's because in my family, there is Mother, Father, my great-grandparents on my father's side, my great-grandparents on my mother's side, my five aunts, my six uncles, my eleven cousins, my seven siblings, my grand-parents on my dad's side, and my grandparents on my mom's side. That adds up to forty people in an one story house. I'm the oldest of the kids born to Mother and she wants to find a job." I babbled. I even managed a tear, whilst pretending it was for my fictional family, when it was really for Mum.
"You got it kid." the manager boomed out. "If it's something I can't stand, it's a family too big for comforts. Now let's settle the rules..."
The rules were set up ten minutes later. From now on, I had to get up at eight a.m., go to Olive Garden and see what I had to get, get them, and receive my meals around the proper times.
This became regular. Soon, I was waking up at eight a.m. on weekends when they open at ten-thirty. I got the food and spent the few dollars I got on clothes. I was not comfortable, but I was alive.

Four years later...


Chapter Nine

"Don't come back!" the red-faced chef yelled as I was being thrown out by two burly men. I had been fired because I had taken a loaf of hard bread. I was given my last meal of the day and was turned out of doors.
"Now I have to steal for money." I grumbled. I started to look around the street. Should I pickpocket the old lady in front of Kay's Jewelers? Nah, she could wack me with her purse. The man with the wallet dangling out of his jean pocket? Nope, too many kids around. Yes! I would pickpocket the coloured lady with raven-black hair in front of Smiley's Shakes with the blondie and the tough guy. Her purse was hanging on the back of her chair! I started to slink toward them....

Diana's View
"Ahhhhhh," I crooned. "This is the life. Hey Sally, how's your chocolate-mint?" I, Sally, and Mutt were at Smiley's Shakes, relaxing after a long day of college and work. I don't know about the others, but I was grateful for the chance to rest and chat away.
"It's delicious, Diana! Thanks!" Sally stated. She was what you would call a beauty queen. Most boys would throw themselves off a cliff for a hug or a pat from her. Sally looked simply radiant with her blond hair tumbling down, her blue eyes twinkling with laughter, and her milky-white petite form. "Mutt, are you okay?"
"Just great." Mutt groaned as he stuck a finger to the roof of his mouth. "Have a brain freeze though."
"Hey guys," I volunteered. "I'll pay for these shakes. Let's see, three shakes, Make Your Own Shakes combo each, equals....five dollars!" I reached for my regally purple handbag, but something was wrong. After a few moments, I realized what was wrong.
I hadn't felt anything. Only air.
I whirled around in alarm and as I turned my head, I beheld the sight of a pale, long-legged boy around fourteen running down Main Street with my handbag swinging on his ghost-like arm!
At that very instant, the boy turned his head toward us and saw me oogling at him. His gray eyes widened and his strides automatically became longer and more urgent.
"Guys!" I shouted, scrambling in my eagerness to get my handbag. "Stop thief! Guys, help me!" I ran off. Sally and Mutt would have probably followed, but Miles Smiley came up to them, not smiling. As I ran past him, I heard him mutter something about "needing to pay for shakes" and "just because I'm Smiley doesn't mean I can't call the police..." I, however was too busy trying to get to the pale urchin...

The Chase

Chapter Ten

Darn! That coloured girl had seen me! No matter, no matter whatsoever. I was fast.
Feelings of guilt troubled my stomach. I shouldn't have stolen that lady's purse. But I had it and I intended to use it. I stopped in Central Park and opened it.
Disappointing. I could only see lip gloss, a hankerchief, and a cell phone. I opened a pocket and glanced at it. Ah, better. It was a wallet! I quickly dropped the handbag and unlocked the wallet's clasp.
'Whoopee! I had found a ten-dollar bill and an I.D. card and a credit card!' I thought sarcastically. I could at least get a Hot Pocket with the bill and see who I robbed.
Interesting. I had robbed a person named Diana Johnson. Why does that name sound familiar? I heard before. Was it on TV? I hadn't watched TV since Mum died...
That was it! I froze. Mum had mentioned Diana Johnson. She said that she met Diana Johnson on Facebook! We were supposed to meet her in New York before the crash occurred! Trembling, I looked in her wallet some more.
Behind her I.D., were two pictures. One was a printed one of Mum and the other had three younger versions of the trio I had seen. On the back of the trio photo was the sentence; Me, Sally McSmith, and Mutt James. They all appeared to be best buds,
"There you are!"
I whirled around, scared to death. And I had a reason to be scared. There was a policeman with Ms. Johnson and it was Ms. Johnson who had called out!


Chapter Eleven [Sally]

I couldn't catch up to Diana. Although me and Mutt paid the bill as quickly as we could, we still got a three-minute lecture from Smiley. I managed to keep Diana in sight, but was lagging behind.
"Wait up Mutt!" I wailed, hyperventilating. I couldn't see Diana anymore. Then I saw a policeman. An idea struck home. "Police officer!" I cried out, changing course. I could send him to Diana, and henceforth, the thief!
"Yes, miss?" The officer was young and attractive, but I wasn't interested right now.
"There was a pickpocket! He took my friend's purse!"
"Easy, lady. I'll get him. What did he look like?"
"Long, lanky, gray eyes, pale as a ghost. If you can't find him, go for my friend. She's an African American with brown eyes. She was wearing a pale blue sun dress and a big floppy hat!"
"Okay miss! I'll find them. Stay here and recover." The police man ran in the direction I had pointed and disappeared into the distance. I sat down and relaxed. I concentrated to breathing in and out.
I looked up. It was Mutt! He was panting as he ran to me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.12.2010

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To my writing and literature teacher at HSOBX, Mrs. Lydia Netzer

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