
My name’s Drena. I’m from the planet Ungoia. My dad’s from Earth and was found floating in space twenty years ago on the edge of the Galaxy M104 (NGC 4594). Five years ago, we left my planet; my mother had died two years before.
Four weeks ago, we landed in Nevada. Latitude: 35°06′08″N to 40°21′32″N Longitude: 118°16′58″W to 120°52′3″W. Through the mountains we made our way to a place called Vegas.
Father found a man that provided documents for a few gems from Ungoia. Now I must learn to live on your astounding planet. I think I’ll like this planet.


Texte: Sasha Lee Hollomon Wheeler
Bildmaterialien: NA
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2012

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