
Chapter 1.

- Katie's POV -

I'd never recall that night again. I lost everything. My dignity; my respect; and my virginity. All of it to some stupid, ignorant popular kid that didn't even know my name. And we were on the same committee together! I couldn't believe I was so stupid.

"Katie, time for school!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

I sighed and checked my outfit in the mirror one more time before going downstairs and leaving. My car drove smoothly down the road and the wind from outside my window swept my hair gently. I pulled into the parking lot I've drove into every day for the last 134 days of this school year and again, no one paid attention to the nerdy girl from gym class. I grabbed my bag and wallet from the car before locking it and walking through the front doors for my day of torture.

Heads turned to me as I walked down the hallway and I got overwhelmed from all of the attention. I've never had so many people looking at me before and I wasn't on stage for drama performances or choral showcases. I got to my locker and Alex's girlfriend, Heather, was standing there with her arms crossed and a tear on her face in rage. I'd never seen her so angry.

"You made Alex break up with me, you whore!" she screamed at me and then a sharp pain came at my cheek that made my head turn quickly.

"Firstly," I started as I turned back to look at her face as another tear rolled, "I can't make anyone's boyfriend break up with them. If I'm the reason you and Alex broke up, it's his fault, not mine. He's obviously got something going that involves me and I have nothing to do with it. Secondly," I said, continuing, "you're nothing but a slut anyways, Heather. I mean, you did sleep with the entire boys' track team."

A bunch of ooohs and ohhh's came from behind us. She was turning red and getting more heated but I just smiled gently at her and grabbed my textbook before stalking off to Chemistry 01. I entered the class and Alex was actually there already. I was the one that was late.

"And your reasoning for being late to my class is?" Mr. Fargo asked me.

"I got into some trouble with someone," I replied and sat in my seat next to my best friend, Kaylin.

She passed a note over to me. What happened with queen bitch?

She was waiting for me to bitch about Alex. I wrote back.

Wow. Must have some nerve. You can really throw punches. She put her little crush face and I burst out laughing.

We finished our Chemistry assignment and I wrote down the homework before leaving the classroom. Someone grabbed me by my sweater's pocket and pulled me down the hallway backwards swiftly. They didn't seem to care about the head-turners paying attention to them kidnapping me and they actually let out a chuckle. A deep chuckle. One I knew very well. He finally stopped and I turned to look at him with a confused face.

"What the hell did you drag me all the way to the teacher's lounge for? We could get in big trouble!" I shouted at him.

"This is the old teacher's lounge and no one comes in here but janitors after school hours. I want to talk about the party," Alex said.

"No. There's nothing to say about that party," I said and reached for the doorknob.

"Yes, there is. There is plenty to say about that party. I fucked you for crying out loud and it was your first time, Katie!"

Chapter 2.

- Katie's POV -

"You really know how to fuck up a girls' day," I said and tried to slip past him.

"Katie," he said and blocked the door. "I can't stop thinking about you since that night. That wasn't just sex we had... I felt like I made love to you, Kathryn. I just-,"

"Don't ever call me that." I was starting to get heated at the sound of my actual name.

"Katie, don't you get it? I love you. I'm possibly in love with you!" He was in my face now and his breath smelled like cigarettes and minty toothpaste.

"You can't love me. You love girls like Heather; with nice boobs and asses and who are dumb enough to even like guys like you," I said harshly and looked down at our bodies barely touching.

His finger touched my chin lightly and lifted it up so I was looking him in the eyes. "Kiss me, Katie," he whispered and leaned forward.

And I did. Hell, who wouldn't kiss Alex? He was hot. But the kiss wasn't what I thought it would be; forced, harsh, and distasteful. No. It was soft, subtle, and it made me melt. His lips and breath and tongue were all I could feel against me. His hands around my waist, being careful of touching me in that way. And it seemed like we were there for days and days; just kissing. When it was over, I still kept my eyes shut. He made me realize we weren't kissing anymore by wiping a tear off of my cheek.

Chapter 3.

- Alex's POV - 

"Man, what were you thinking? Katie's a nerd! She's way below your standards!"

"Well, maybe you're not such a good friend if you can't see that I actually like her, Josh." I was getting frustrated as my boys starting dissing Katie as if she were another slut.

"But she's a NERD!" he shouted and the cafeteria got quiet.

"It's better than your whore of a girlfriend who tried to get me to fuck her last weekend!" I shouted back at him and made his girlfriend Denisa blush. "Stay out of my love life or get the fuck out of my life and my girlfriend's."

"You've changed. And it's because of that thing you're with," Josh said and glared at Katie.

I saw her put her head down and look as if she were about to cry. That was it. My fist connected with Josh's nose and he fell out onto the floor. A sea of gasps exploded in the quiet room and I saw officers coming over towards us. Katie looked up and smiled gently at me before covering her mouth and heading towards the door in a sprint. What the-

 "Mr. Milan, we need to speak with you in the principal's office," one of the cops said to me.

"Look, dude, can I just go and check on my girlfriend?"

"No, sir, we need you to-,"

"Let him go," Josh coughed out to them.

They considered it for a second and then nodded at me. I ran out of the room and down the hall to find Katie quickly. I heard someone puking inside the girls' bathroom and then the flush of a toilet. The stall door creaked open and the girl coughed before running water. The door then swung open and out came Katie, red-faced and miserable.

"I don't feel so well," she whispered.

"I'll take you home," I told her and pulled her into my arms.

When I got her home, no one was there so she asked me to stay with her. And I did. Hell, who wouldn't?

Chapter 4.

- Katie's POV -

"Mom, I need new clothes," I shouted down the hall at her.

"Sweetie, I just bought you new clothes last week and they fit fine!" she yelled back.

"I can't get into this dress mom and this party is huge!"

"Well, wear some shorts and a tank top or something. No cleavage though and make sure the shorts cover your thighs!"

"Mom, I'm starting to gain a little weight."

"Your boobs are also growing a little so you will not be showing anything. Alright?"

"Mom, no. Seriously. I've gained five pounds in these past few weeks..." I started to become a little worried and looked at myself in the mirror. My used to be anorexic body was starting to develope a little curve and excess fat in the stomach but I still looked pretty small. And my butt was getting a little bigger, too.

"Well, why don't we go on a diet?"

"I've been eating nothing but salads and drinking fruit juice and water this whole time. What other kind of diet is there, mother?"

"Well, you could try eating fish, maybe? And drinking more milk and juices instead of water. Water weight can be a killer."

"Whatever," I snapped at her and was confused about my sudden change in mood.

"Kathryn, don't use that tone."

"Ugh," I groaned and closed my door.

Chapter 5.

- Katie's POV -

"Babe, you're starting to get a little big, don't you think?" Alex commented while I kissed him tenderly.

"Well, mom and me started a diet yesterday and it's been a little hefty these past few weeks. With graduation coming up and everything, I don't-,"

"You don't have to help with the senior's graduation," he said quickly and looked at me.

"I want to, though. It's kind of fun running the walk and stuff with them."

"It's stressing you out and I don't like it. You're quitting tomorrow," he said seriously.

"Why are you being such a dick? Gosh, it's one event. I've done plenty others," I said and pushed him away.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he said a little louder.

"I should ask you the same thing!"

He took a deep breath and looked me over. His looked turned sad and then angry. His fists connected with his steering wheel then.

"Fuck," he yelled and then got out of the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked and climbed out then walked to his side.

He put his head in his hands and leaned against the car before starting to sob. I was so confused that I didn't know what to do so I just stood there and put a hand on his shoulder gently.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" he whispered through his sobs.

"What? How could I be pregnant?" I asked him and took a step back.

"We didn't..." His never finished his thought but I caught on pretty quickly.

"This is your fault!" I screamed at him and started to punch his arms.

"Katie, wait-,"

"Don't Katie me, you bastard! You take my virginity and don't even have the decency to use a fucking condom?" I kept screaming and punching him.

"I wasn't thinking! Back then, you were just another fuck toy that satisfied my needs that night. You weren't my world; you are now."

"Bullshit," I screamed. "You're nothing to me but a low, selfish, ignorant bastard. Go find another girl to be your fuck toy because I'm sure as hell not a candidate in this race."

"Katie, you're not-,"

"Fuck you, Alex!" I shouted and then started to walk home.

Chapter 6.

- Katie's POV -

I got home and smelled the fresh fish cooking in the kitchen and stomach instantly growled. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. I followed the smells and found daddy fixing a plate. He smiled at me when he saw me and then frowned.

"Why are there tear stains on your face, baby girl?" he asked in alarm.

"Alex and me just broke up," I told him and sobbed into his arms.

"Oh honey," he said sympathetically and hugged me tightly.

Mom came in and joined the hug. I started to pull away from them both and looked at their concerned faces. I had to tell them. I looked down at my now bulging stomach and sniffled.

"Mom, dad," I started.

"Yes?" they said in unison.

"I'm pregnant," my weak voice said and I heard the sharp intakes of breath they took.

"Katie," my dad started.

"We're not mad, honey," mom added.

"How did this happen?" dad.

"Do you know who?" mom.

They were starting to frustrate me with questions they knew the answers to. "Mom, you technically just called me a whore. Of course Alex is the father! And dad, you know exactly how the hell it happened! Damn, if you don't, how did I happen?" I yelled.

"Sweetie, not like that," he said.

"Then like what, dad?"

"You were always with the whole 'waiting until marriage' thing. I just didn't think you would..."

"Well shows how much you've been in my life these past couple years, daddy. I haven't said a word about sex until marriage since 8th grade when coach Barnes showed us that video of sexual reproduction. You guys are terrible parents," I snapped viciously. "If I even decide to keep my baby, I'd hope to be nothing like you two."

Chapter 7.

- Alex's POV -

"Mr. Miller, is she home?" I asked when Katie's dad answered the door.

"Even if she were, you aren't welcome into our house, Alex. Good day," he said and started to close the door.

I put my foot in the door frame. "I fucked up, I get that, Mr. Miller! But please, please... Let me see her. It's been months. Two whole months and I have no idea where she is or what state she's in with our baby. Please," I started to cry and his sympathy came out.

He sighed and opened the door. "I didn't answer the door for you; Nathan did."

"Who's Nathan?"

"Her nephew. My son has two children," he told me.

"Congratulations," I said and walked upstairs to her room.

I heard Twilight playing behind the bedroom door and smiled. She was always a sucker for Jacob Black. I opened the door gently and she looked up at me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"How are you?" I shot right back.

"I'm managing," she said softly.

"Katie, I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. These past few months I've made hell for you and now we're having a child and I'm not the best father on Earth. I'm trying to be, though," I said sadly.

She looked at me like she was reassuring me that I was off the hook and then looked at the television screen again. I climbed onto the bed with her and pulled her into my chest gently. She didn't push away; she leaned into me and snuggled against my pecs. I smiled and kissed the top of her head softly before noticing her stomach. In two months, it went from a bulge to much rounder; almost a basketball under her shirt.

Chapter 8.

- Katie's POV -

"Do you know what it is yet?" Kaylin asked as me and Alex walked into her room.

"It's a boy," Alex told her proudly and smiled.

She screeched and hugged both of us before they both helped me sit down. "I'm so happy you guys are keeping it."

"Yeah, well," I started. "I didn't really have any other options in mind at the time I decided."

"And I wouldn't have let her choose any other options so," Alex said and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What are you naming him?" Kaylin asked impatiently.

"I was thinking maybe Devin," I said softly and stroked my stomach. "Devin Lucas Milan."

"I think that's so cute!" Kaylin screeched in excitement.

"Please stop the screeching," I said and covered my ears.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you're my best friend and this is my god-son and... I'm just so excited!"

I laughed because she was practically bouncing out of her chair. Alex was staring at his phone and texting someone a serious message;  I knew it was serious because his worry lines were starting to show.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked and leaned over to see what he was typing.

"Nothing," he said a little too quickly and then stood up. "I just need some, uh.. Air."

His phone rang and he looked at it before walking out of the door.

"That was weird."

"Yes, it was," I added to Kaylin's comment before stroking my stomach again. "He's been worried ever since these people have started calling him about scholarships and stuff for football. It's a pain in the ass for him and I've tried to be understanding."

"That didn't seem like a call from a scholar scout," Kaylin said concerned and then looked at me.

Tears started in my eyes. "Well, it might just be something he has going on that he doesn't want me knowing about."

"Katie, don't cry." She pulled me into a tight hug and I hugged her back before smiling at her weakly.

"I'm fine," I assured her and then looked away.

Chapter 9.

- Katie's POV -

"Babe, who were you texting while we were at Kaylin's today?" I asked quietly in the darkness of my room as we lay there.

"My aunt passed a couple days ago and it's been a little hard on me because I haven't seen her in two years and she's my favorite aunt. But I didn't want to worry you or our little one," he paused and rubbed my stomach gently," so I kept it to myself."

"Baby, you know I would have let you go to the funeral. I feel really bad now," I said and turned to him.

"Don't worry about it. The funeral's on Friday."

"Great! You're going."

"No," he said and then turned me back over so my back was against his chest.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not leaving you here while I'm gone to New York," he said.

I kept quiet after that. I heard the ticking of the clocks hands as the minutes passed by. The fall and rise of Alex's chest were all I could feel and I waited until they slowed before sliding out of his arms and going over to my desk and turning on my laptop. I was searching on the internet and then a message popped up on the screen. I noticed that it was Alex's Facebook message but I couldn't help but be curious and opened it.

Hey babe. Why aren't you returning my calls? :) From some girl named Alecia. Oh hell no, I said to myself. I looked back at Alex and saw his peaceful sleeping face. I knew it was wrong but I did it anyways; I sent her one back:

Hi Alecia, this is Alex's girlfriend and the mother of his soon-to-be child. I'd appreciate it if you didn't send anymore messages to my boyfriend from here on out and if you do, I'll have a problem worth fixing with you myself. Good night. (: and hit send.

My adrenaline was pumping as I got back into bed and curled into Alex's body.

"Where'd you go, babe?" he whispered hoarsly.

"I had to pee," I lied and felt him sigh deeply before going back to sleep.

Chapter 10.

- Katie's POV -

"Kathryn!" I heard Alex shout from upstairs.

I stopped eating my french toast and turned to see him red with anger. I'd never seen him this angry before and it frightened me a bit.

"Yes, love?" I asked in the middle of chewing.

"You want to explain the message I read from Alecia this morning?" he shouted at me.

"She called you 'babe,'" I said quietly.

"So that gives you fucking right to-,"

"Don't you dare yell at my daughter like that!" my dad shouted over Alex.

"Sir, I didn't-,"

"Get the hell out of my house," daddy shouted again.

"Dad, it's fine. I was wrong for messaging her back in the first place. Alex, she has no right calling you 'babe.' Why would she even call you that?" I asked.

He didn't say anything and averted his gaze from me quickly. I nodded and took my plate to the sink.

"It's not what you think," he said softly.

And I lost it. "Then what the hell is it!" I shouted and threw the plate at the wall.

It shattered into a million pieces, just like my heart did.

"She's just obsessed with the fact that I'm not hers anymore and she's trying to do everything she can to get me back."

"And so she has the right to call you 'babe,' but then when I go to confront her, I'm wrong? I'm the one carrying your child, Alex! I'm the one you're going to marry someday!"

"She was carrying my kid too, ok?" he yelled back and then sat down.

I stopped yelling and my dad looked at him. I held up a hand to keep him from yelling at Alex next and sighed.

"I found out last week," Alex continued. "She texted me when we were at Kaylin's house. She got an abortion and didn't tell me that she was even pregnant."

"How many months was she?"

"She was 3 months."

"We were together 3 months ago," I shouted.

"Which doesn't make sense because I haven't had sex with her in over a year! And the reason I got upset and worried was because she threatened to call you and tell you all these lies about her fantasies and stuff. You can read the text messages, Katie. She made it all up just so that I'd-,"

"I don't want to hear anymore, Alex." I was done.

"No, Katie, listen to me," he tried.

"I've listened to enough in these past 4 months and I don't think I can listen to any more from you. I'm done with all of this," I whispered and started to walk away.

"Katie!" he called after me.

I stopped in my steps and looked back at him.

"I'm sorry," he cried.

"I'm sorry, too," I said and walked out.

Chapter 11.

- Katie's POV -

"What are you going to do, baby? You can't raise this child on your own," my mom said to me on the verge of tears.

"I'll find a way, mom," I said to her as I zipped my suitcase and turned to her. "I'm going to make a living for my child and that's not going to happen here with all of this drama. I promise, you and dad can come visit every weekend. I'll tell you where the spare key is."

"I love you, baby," she said and hugged me tight.

"Oh, mom... I love you so much. Now don't make me late. My ride is outside waiting and I doubt that grandma is all that patient," I joked and scored a little because mom chuckled.

"Alright. Call me as soon as you get there and don't forget to take the vitamins and floss."

"Mom, I may be a kid still, but I'm having one and eventually have to grow up." Saying that made her start to cry again. "Ugh. Mom."

We hugged and cried together for a few minutes more before she kissed my forehead and rubbed my stomach then sent me off to the car. I put my bags into the trunk with the help of my dad and we shared a quick hug before he released me; stroking my hair and kissing my forehead just like mom had. I smiled gently at him.

"Thank you, daddy," I whispered.

"I'm a terrible father," he replied.

"You're the most amazing daddy in the world. I couldn't imagine having a better one because no one gets better than you. If it did, then they'd be perfect and I don't want a perfect daddy."

He chuckled. "You've always been manipulating."

"I had to get it from someone," I said and poked his chest gently.

A loud roar of thunder came from above us and we shared another smile before I got inside of the car.

"Everything set?" Nana asked me.

"Yep," I told her and buckled my seatbelt.

My parents stood at the door and kept waving as we drove off. I knew they still stood there even after the tail lights disappeared from view.


Chapter 12.

- Katie's POV -

"Yes, I'm taking the vitamins, mom," I told her for the 13th time since we'd been on the phone.

"Baby, I'm just making sure my grandson is healthy," she said.

"Alright mom but he can't be any healthier the way I've been taking these pills. He's going to be fine."

"You can't guarantee that."

"I can guarantee that I'll burst into a million pieces if I take any more of these vitamins," I joked and it made her laugh. "Mom, I have to go. Nana's making soup for me."

"It's good for the feet swelling. Go ahead, darling. I love you," she shouted into the phone and I heard a loud "Love you," from dad.

"I love you guys, too! I'll speak to you real soon," I said before ending the call.

"Are they being parents again?" Nana asked me as she brought me a bowl of soup.

"As always, Nana. But it's fine. I'll have to get used to it, seeing as though it's a parent thing."

"Have you talked to the baby's father?" she asked quietly.

"Alexander Milan cannot and will not be my child's father. He won't be in my son's life either, Nana. I may sound selfish but if he's got an altar ego so big that he gets another girl pregnant while he's with me, then he's not worth it."

"That's no ego, darling; that's the whore in men. He's young and he made one mistake," she said considerately.

"And that mistake hurt me to the core."

"I can imagine."

"I love him so much that it hurts to even let him go like this. I mean, it's been a month since I left that place."

"I know. Do whatever your heart is telling you to do, sweetie."

"What if my mind doesn't agree?" I asked and looked at her.

"Only one way to find out," she said and winked at me.

Chapter 13.

- Katie's POV -

"Congratulations," everyone shouted as I walked into the room.

"All of this for me?" I asked in fake disbelief.

"And for our little one inside of you," Kaylin said and rubbed my stomach gently before hugging me tight.

"Is he coming?"

"We don't know. Kevin and Marcus are trying to get in touch with him," Kaylin's sister, Janice, told me.


- Alex's POV -

As I drove, a million thoughts ran through my head. Three months without seeing Katie was complete hell and now that she was back in town, I could prove that I really was sorry. Well, since today was her baby shower, I didn't do much for the baby but more for her. I stopped by the florist shop and got her a dozen Carnations, then I went to the store and bought her favorite ice cream, and finally I got her the biggest teddy bear that I could find. Then I started towards her house before my cell phone rang.

"It's Marcus," Josh said.

"Answer it," I told him as we turned onto her street. Thankfully no one was outside.

"Marcus, we're coming to her house now. Wait like 10 minutes before bringing everyone outside, man," Josh said into the phone and disconnected the call.

When I stopped the car, Josh helped me unload everything and carry the bear and flowers to the side of the house. I hid behind the bush with everything and smiled in the hope that she'd take me back.


- Katie's POV -

"Alright everyone, I'm going to need you to come outside," Marcus shouted over everyone talking.

"What's going on?" I asked as people started towards the door.

"I don't know, I guess we'll find out soon," Kaylin told me as she grabbed one of my arms and started towards the front door.

We made it outside and I saw a huge teddy bear sitting in the middle of the lawn. I was confused and then all eyes turned and Alex came into view. I couldn't help the tears that came to my eyes when he started singing Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber to me.

On the final line, he started to walk towards me. "There's nothing like us... There's nothing like you and me together through the storm. There's nothing like us... There's nothing like you and me together..." he sang to me and then grabbed my hands.

"Kathryn Miller," he whispered and then got down on one knee.

A bunch of gasps and Awws came from all of our friends and then I let the tears run down my cheeks.

"I am so sorry for every thing I've done. I'm sorry for every excuse I've given you since that night. And I'm sorry that I haven't been the boyfriend that your parents would be proud of. But if you let me, I promise to be the best father," he said and then pulled out a small box from Jared's. "And the best husband that you need in your life. And if you'd only say..."

"Yes," I said softly and kissed him tenderly.

Someone cleared their throat after about five minutes of us kissing and I blushed with embarassment.

"Oh, that's not it," Alex said with a grin and ran to the side of my house.

He came back to me with a bouquet of my favorite flower and a blue gift bag. "These are for you," he handed me the flowers, "and this is for our bouncing baby boy."

"I already have plenty of things for him. His father shouldn't have to-,"

"I wanted to."

I smiled and gave him a kiss before we went back to the baby shower.

Chapter 14.

- Alex's POV -

"Have you thought of any names? You do have two months left," Kaylin asked.

"Well, I was thinking of Kellin..." My thoughts were clouded.

"As in the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens? You'd probably have a million dollar baby for having that name," she joked.

"Yeah well, Katie's making me come up with his first name and right now, I'm thinking about how these next two months are going to go."

"Just take it easy. I'll help you."

"Really?" I was surprised at the fact that my soon-to-be wife's best friend wanted to help me out.

"Of course. We'll be practically family soon and it's never gonna get easy," she said matter-of-factly.

"Well, first; you know who Sleeping With Sirens is?" I joked.

"Of course! My favorite song by them is Alone featuring MGK."


** Sidenote!!: Alone is MY favorite song but I just thought I'd add a little extra into it. PLAY!! (:


"Well, mine happens to be Congratulations featuring Matty Mullins."

"I'm impressed that a guy is into Sleeping with Sirens as much as I am," she commented.

We worked for a couple of hours, spitting out the first name that came to mind while listen to songs from SWS. When it was starting to get late, I told her goodnight.

"Wait, Alex," she called.

I turned around and she kissed me full on the lips. My first reaction was to push her away but she was so warm and soft that my lips acted before my mind did and I kissed her back. With passion.

Chapter 15.

- Katie's POV -

"Mom, I just got to Kaylin's place. I'll be there soon," I told her and then disconnected our call.

It was hard for me getting out of the car but I managed and made my way up her steps. I knocked on the door a few times but no one answered  so I got the spare key out of the plant beside the porch and let myself in. She's not here? I thought to myself and then I heard a thud upstairs. I made my way up there quietly before I heard sounds coming from her room.

"I really need to go," I heard a guy whisper.

"No, don't go," Kaylin pleaded him and then it got quiet.

I knocked on her door even though I knew it was rude. "Hey, Kaylin, it's me. I just came by to get my things and I'll just show myself out. I didn't know you had company, sorry," I told her and then started down the stairs before something broke inside of her room.

"Kaylin?" I yelled and opened her door to find Alex on the floor in nothing but his boxers.

"Katie, it's not what you think," he exclaimed and stood to his feet.

The tears came in my eyes despite the fact that I held them back. "Then what is this, Alex? Kaylin?"

"I'm so tired of you guys walking around all perfect and I thought that if I could get Alex to cheat on you then-,"

"Then I'd break up with him again and leave? And we'd be completely destroyed and our son... Our son!" I yelled at her.

"Stop acting like you're Mrs. Perfect, Katie! You're not even close to being perfect!" she yelled back.

"Well, you sure as hell are because you try and sleep with your best friend's boyfriend!"

"Stop," Alex yelled and his voice boomed and echoed in the hallway. "I'm never going to sleep with you, Kaylin! Tonight was strictly about my son. That's where it should have ended. Yes, I kissed you back but that's only because I'm a guy and you're a girl and we do stupid shit! Katie, don't yell at her because it takes two to sleep together. And I didn't try and stop her until a few minutes before you came."

"Well then be with her, Alex," I told him finally and walked out.

"No," he yelled again and grabbed my arm before I reached the front door.

"Let go of me," I told him.

"Make me. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore, Kathryn."

I turned around and looked at him and saw how sorry he was but that didn't change anything. I looked in his eyes and, "I don't love you anymore."

And that was it. He let me go and I walked out of whatever was to be our life.

Chapter 16.

- Alex's POV -

"Honey, you haven't touched your dinner," mom said to me.

"I'm not hungry. Excuse me," I said and walked to my room.

I couldn't think or eat or sleep or focus on anything from the moment Katie walked out on my a month ago. She was all I could think about. Her and my son. I logged onto my Facebook page and went to read her and my messages from when we were together. I saw that she changed her status from Engaged to Single today and it hurt a lot. I mean, it's Facebook but why let everyone know that we're broken up? I logged off and went to my bed. What were you thinking, idiot? I said to myself.

 I got up from the bed and started to punch my wall in anger at myself. On the last punch, I screamed, "Fuck!"  at the pain that ran through my hand. I looked at my knuckles and they were bleeding. I cursed under my breath before running out of the door. I saw a car parked beside my house and noticed that it was Alecia's. My anger started to build inside of my chest again and then she stepped out of her car, smiling sweetly at me.

"Why are you here?" I snapped at her.

"I just wanted to come see you and-,"

"No. Why the fuck are you here, Alecia? I'm done with you!" I yelled.

"Alex, what's gotten into you?" she asked, making tears come to her eyes.

"What's gotten into me? I'll tell you- I was this close to getting my life back from fucking with you! And now I've lost that again because of your slut friend Kaylin!"

"Kaylin's not my friend," she retorted. "We hung out one time! That doesn't necessarily make us buddies."

"Well it's close enough to plot a reason for me not to be with Katie. And you know what, Alecia? You weren't even pregnant! That pregnancy test was false."

She seemed to be getting the picture and got into her car, slammed the door, and drove off without another word. I started to calm down a little, feeling the blood slide down my fingers slowly and drip onto the pavement. I started to feel weak and unsteady. And before I knew it, I blacked out.

Chapter 17.

- Katie's POV -

"Are you going to eat, sweetie?" mom asked me.

"Yes, mom. After the news is over," I told her.

"You're not even watching it," my big brother, Donny, said to me.

"Well, something interesting will come on," I said and turned up the volume, sticking my tongue out at him.

The reporter was speaking. "In further news, young teen, Alex Milan of Kammela High School, was recently found unconscious in his own driveway. Parents of the 17-year-old teen say that Milan was furiously punching wall, screaming vulgar words to himself and then left the house. The teen is in critical condition at the hospital and if anyone has information on this act of violence, please contact us at-,"

I turned the t.v. off and quickly grabbed my coat.

"Katie, you can't go up there," Donny said.

"Why can't I?" I asked in a hurry and slipped my shoes onto my feet.

"You're 8 months pregnant and it's not the time for you to stress over this. Alex will be fine," my dad said.

"Me being 8 months pregnant has nothing to do with Alex being in the hospital!" I shouted at them both and then grabbed the keys.

"Wait, sweetie, I'll drive you," mom told me and grabbed a jacket before following me.


We got there in 15 minutes tops and asked for Alex's room.

"Are you family of the patient?" the secretary asked us.

"I'm his fiancee," I told her and showed her my ring.

"And I'm his mother-in-law," mom told her.

"Room 1145; take the elevator upstairs and go to the right," she told us.

We walked quickly to the elevator and got impatient as the floors went by slowly. Stopping every-so-often to pick up new passengers. Once we got to his floor, it stopped and we followed the directions that the secretary gave us until we found his room. Balloons and bears were outside of his door. A note was taped on the door. Family Only Enter it said. Wow. That'll keep intruders out, I thought to myself as I twisted the doorknob. A blonde girl with glasses and chewing gum way too loud looked up from paying attention to me and frowned when he smiled at me.

"You came," he whispered hoarsely.

"Are you ok?" I asked as the tears started to spill from my eyes.

"Oh Katie," he said when I went into his arms.

He held me while I sobbed in his arms. I loved the feeling of his arms around me again and couldn't imagine being anywhere else but here. I looked up at him and kissed him deeply on the lips. I could imagine he was shocked by the kiss so I leaned into him more and took his face between my hands. Soon, he started to kiss me back and started to pull me closer. I guess when I said I was his fiancee, it was the truth. He's the only one I'd marry.

Chapter 18.

- Alex's POV -

Suddenly, she pulled away from me quickly and her eyes clouded with tears.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, alarmed.

Her hands flew to her stomach. "I..."

"No. You're not due for another four weeks," I told her.

"My water just broke, Alex," she said and started to panic.

"Someone call a doctor!" I screamed as loud as I could with a weak voice.

In minutes, they had a wheel chair inside of my room and the nurses were talking soothingly to Katie as they wheeled her out of my room. I started to get out of bed but the doctor put a hand on my chest.

"No, son, you have to stay here," he told me.

"No, you don't understand; that's my child!" I said.

"I know how you must feel but in your condition, you shouldn't be around all of the excitement. I'm going to call a nurse to come and sit with you and I will tell her all the feed so she may tell you what's happening with your child."

I didn't like the idea of me not being there with her but I couldn't fight any further and I lay back down respectfully. I just waited for the time...


Hours passed and I wasn't getting anything. "Where the hell is my wife?" I shouted at the nurse.

"She's still in labor, sir," she said politely. "The doctor will notify us when-," Something beeped in her pocket and she took out a small pager. She left the room quickly and ran down the hall.

I got up and ripped off the IV in my arm and took off to the next floor where delivery was. Once I got there, I looked through the glass in the door and saw Katie's body laying on the table unmoving. A baby was crying in the doctors arms. I burst the door open.

"What the-,"

"Sir, I specifically told you-,"

"What happened to my-,"

I was pulled out of the door in a flash.

Chapter 19.

"Today we say goodbye to one of the best people that's impacted our lives. 17 years of life is a lot to ask for from God but he gave it to her and luckily, in those 17 years, she was able to bare another life to this Earth. We say goodbye to Kathryn Elicia Miller."

I wasn't too much in favor of funerals. Seeing her lifeless body one more time broke me, though. All we'd worked for and the day she died was the day she had our baby boy, Devin Lucas Milan. He was five pounds four ounces. He was a handsome young thing. When I held him, I swore I could see so much of her in him than I saw myself. I guess it was him that motivated to keep going on with my life. He was all I had left of her and if I was to end my life to see her again, I'd leave him to nothing. My son. My little baby boy all alone with no one that truly loved him like a father could.

"Alex, it's time to go," Katie's mother told me.

"I think I'm going to stay here with Devin a bit, Mrs. Miller," I told her softly and rocked Devin gently.

"We'll wait in the limo for you," she said and forced a smile before walking away.

I looked down into the hole that her casket lay inside and threw a handful of dirt into it. "He's going to make you proud, baby. I'm going to make you proud," I whispered.

As if on cue, the wind blew right as I said that last word. I breathed in the air and smelled the pine and evergreen smell of the trees. I could still smell the coconut shampoo that she'd used on her hair that morning. It smelled so fresh and lovely.

"Come on, Devin," I said as if he could follow me and carried him back to the family car that everyone was waiting in.

"Are you alright?" my mother asked me when I was staring at Devin.

I thought about the answer for a second. "Yeah, I'm better."

"You're sure?" dad asked.

"I'm positive. I have to be for my son," I said and then we started back home.

I saw the trees we passed and thought about how much Katie loved nature. Then Devin stirred in his sleep and started to whine.

"You want me to-," I stopped Mrs. Miller in her sentence.

"It's fine," I told her with a gentle smile and stuck my pinky finger inside of his mouth.

Reluctantly, he sucked on my finger and settled soon after that. I smiled at his little face and his small, yet still a little rough, tongue tickling my finger. I felt protective like a mother and proud like a father when I looked down at Devin. I'd do anything and everything for this kid. He was mine.

Chapter 20. The End.

- Alex's POV -

Let me just tell you: God gives everyone life for a reason. He gives them a goal that he wants them to accomplish before they die. He wants them to reach the climax of life before moving on to become one of his Guardian Angels. Katie's an angel for me and little Devin now. And when you look up in the sky and see a little twinkling star, she's become your Guardian Angel too.


My name's Alexander. And sure, I made a mistake by taking an innocent girl's virginity and then dropping her at some party. But that mistake soon covered my refridgerator and is now my life. I guess when you take things for granted, then that's when things start to get challenging. I guess I'm ready for the challenge that life's going to give me with this new person I have to care for. And that's my story on how love can be so... Unexpected.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.07.2013

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