
Title Page













Jaci Quintana

Story Blurb

 You never know what doors you open when you explore the unknown...


Veronica had no idea that she would release such horror when she suggested they play a silly high school game to pass the time.


You never know the hell you might unleash...


The everyday lives of teenage girls will forever change within the walls of a group home.


Until it is upon you.


Luckily, Maggie was able to supply the answer needed to defeat the monster with the ultimate sacrifice.








 This story is lightly based on true events that happened in a real group home. All names have been changed to keep the girls anonymous. The name of the group home has also been changed. Any similarities except by the actual girls themselves are coincidental.


Laying on her bed in the privacy of her room, Veronica wrote on a blank sheet of loose leaf paper; ‘YES’ on the top left-hand corner, ‘NO’ on the top right. Underneath, she wrote the numbers from one to ten in one row. Underneath the numbers, she then wrote the alphabet and then ‘good-bye’. It looked like a rough copy of an Ouija board. After silently contemplating her work, Veronica rose and crossed her room to her dresser where she had put her purse after school. Rummaging inside she pulled out a Loonie from her wallet. She was now ready. She checked her watch, 4:52pm.


 Veronica was excited to try this game after she had heard from her friend at school about a party that had used this as the main attraction. Everything, from knowing what boy had a crush on you, to finding out if you were going to be rich and famous was asked and answered.


She walked out of her room, turned and locked her bedroom door, the sheet of paper and coin in one hand. She went downstairs to the ground floor, walking from living room to guestroom, past the office to the kitchen. No one was around. Veronica let out a soft sigh of frustration. Her last hope was the basement.


As she descended the stairs, she heard music playing softly. With a wide smile she greeted the girl sitting on the old plaid couch on the right side of the stairs.

“Hi Layla!” she greeted.


The young girl was doodling in her ever present sketch book while listening to Guns and Roses on the portable CD player at her side. Layla looked up and pushed back her light brown hair. Her brown eyes regarded the girl that threw herself down on the couch beside her.


Veronica had the longest straight black hair she had ever seen. A slim body that stayed slim no matter how much Veronica ate. A small spurt of jealousy went through her as she looked at the lightly tilted Asian eyes. She thought of her own chubby body. A small sigh escaped.

“Hey Vero. How’s it going?” she asked the other girl who was now studying the rough sketch she was doing of a boy in school. Noticing, she quickly closed the book and hid it under her leg.

“Is that Vince you’re drawing?” asked Vero. “Oh my God! You have a crush on Vince!” she squealed.

“No, um. It’s just a drawing. I had a picture in my head and wanted to draw it.” Layla fumbled to answer, unwilling to admit that she indeed had a crush on the boy in her math class.

“So, what’s up?” she asked, trying to change the subject.


Vero, flighty as she was, let herself be led from the subject.

“Oh, yeah. Where is everyone? I have something I want to try out and I want the girls to try this with me.” said Vero.

“They should be back from school soon,” replied Layla. “Except for Maggie. She went to visit her aunt.”


Teen Grace was an all girls group home


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2010
ISBN: 978-3-7396-7038-6

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Loosely based on a true story.

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