
Dear Virginia,

Every time I heard your voice when we were young, I was filled with emotions I didn’t yet recognize. Now I know that emotion is love. Oh Virginia, how much longer must I wait to see you again? It has been so long since you have been to New York. The railroad must have taken you as well. Where is it you went? Did the so-called Homestead Act affect your life? Why did you not tell me? I thought we were friends. It hurt when I went to your old home and you were gone for good. You didn’t even say good-bye. But I’ve wanted to tell you since that day. I felt so empty inside, yet I didn’t know why. The years have gone by and I have never loved anyone as I did you.

With Best Wishes,
Levi Fisher

Levi closed the notebook. How desperately he wanted to send that letter! But the boy did not know where his life’s love had gone. That was 9 years ago, when Virginia and he were but 11. He had been her best friend, and she the same to him. He would find her, as he vowed the day he discovered her gone. She must think of him! She must!

3 days later
Levi was out. He would find Virginia. Even if it took him years, he needed her back by his side. Levi needed his friend back. He had never had a friend like Virginia. She was pretty, and smart, and adventurous. Surely it hadn’t been her choice to leave. But why not protest? Why not come back after all this time? Had she forgotten him?

Dear Virginia,
Where are you? I have set out to find you. Riding horseback on a chestnut stallion. He was Ginger’s child. Surely you remember that mare? She misses you as well. She isn’t quite yet gone; though I fear her time is near. My dear horse, whom I have christened Thunder, will carry me and a few belongings out west to find you, my love. I need you back with me, Virginia.

With Best Wishes,
Levi Fisher.

Levi wrote quickly as Thunder stopped to rest by a silent creek. The boy could only hope for some hospitality as he nears the long, dry desert. Food and drink would be necessary. If only Ned had brought more!

5 days later
Levi let the cool water flow down his dry throat. He had found a home, with a nice family that offered to give him good supplies. Their eldest child, Liza, had cared for Thunder and gave him food and clean water. Levi’s dusty clothes were washed, along with his filthy face. Their youngest daughter had reminded him of the 11-year-old Virginia he had known so long ago. Heaven knows where Virginia was!

Dear Virginia,
I have met a very nice family who is caring for me while I recover from a nasty cough. Their names are the Millers. Their youngest daughter, Mary, looks exactly like you did when you were young. Seeing her makes me long for you even more than I already do. Thunder is doing well, I thought you might wonder. How long will it take for me to find you, Virginia?

With Best Wishes,
Levi Fisher

10 days later
Levi had reached a home that knew something about Virginia! Apparently she and her sister, Alice, had lived there until her parents settled in California. He knew Virginia wouldn’t go far from her family! Unfortunately, these folks only knew they general area of where they lived. He would have to search, but he wouldn’t give up until Virginia was in his arms once more.
Oh, these people had heard of him. “She wept for you so often, Levi. She missed you terribly when she was with us. She wrote these…” The mother had told him, handing him little stories and letters.
Each of them was for him. Some say how much she missed him, some stories about every thing they had ever done together. But the favorite thing that he found was a simple letter, the last one she had written there.

Dearest Levi,
Today I turn twelve years old. I know how you always promised to take me horseback riding for my twelfth birthday. I went alone, thinking of you every moment of the ride. I had named the horse Levi, for you. I’m sorry I never told you I was leaving. I’m sorry I never said good-bye. Now every time I think of you my stomach is put in knots. I couldn’t figure out why for quite some time. After thinking over it for quite some time, I think I discovered what I have been searching for. I love you, Levi.


The letter was tear-stained and crinkled. If only Virginia had sent it. Levi would be sure of what he had so long doubted. Virginia had thought of him. Virginia loved him as well. When I meet her, he promised himself, I will take her horseback riding to make up for all the birthdays I missed.

Dear Virginia,

I found one of the letters you sent me. I found the family that took you in so long ago. They may be the stepping-stone I needed to find you. I promise I will take you for a horse ride when I find you, Virginia. Did you really mean it when you said you loved me? I find it too good to be true. Did that feeling wear away over these long years? Have you forgotten me, Virginia? I hope not.

With Best Wishes,
Levi Fisher
5 days later
Levi had found the town that he had been told to go to. This was where Virginia had gone! Was she still here, awaiting his arrival? Only God himself would know, apart from Virginia. He asked a grocer if the Zooks still lived here (that was Virginia’s last name.)
He smiled and nodded. “Ya they do. Here’s the address, too. Hey, could you deliver these groceries to her parents as well? I was about to out myself, but if you’re heading over…”
“No problem, sir. And thank you.” Levi had responded dreamily. He has found the final clue to finding his love!

Dear Virginia,

I have found your family! They may be the last step to finding you! Oh, I do hope you haven’t changed your feelings about me, Virginia. I still love you after all this time. I never will stop.

With Best Wishes,
Levi Fisher

Levi knocked on the Zooks’ door. This was the moment he dreaded so. Seeing the family. Mrs. Zook answered the door. “Hello. Oh, you brought my groceries!”
This was the same Mrs. Zook. “Hello, Mrs. Zook.”
Mrs. Zook studied him carefully. “You seem familiar, boy. Where do you come from?”
Levi fidgeted nervously. “New York, ma’am.”
Mrs. Zook suddenly looked surprised. “Levi? Levi Fisher.”
Levi nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
Mrs. Zook smiled. “Virginia is down by the creek, out back. I’ll care for the horse.” She nodded toward Thunder.
“Thank you, ma’am.” And Levi went to greet Virginia.

Virginia was sitting in the shade of the weeping willow. Levi didn’t know what to say. He held his breath. He hoped Virginia wouldn’t notice him, but she turned and saw him. She gasped. “Can I help you, sir?”
Levi was suddenly very shy. He looked at his feet and hoped he wasn’t blushing. “Hello, Virginia.” He said softly.
Virginia’s eyes widened. “L-L-Levi?”
Levi nodded slowly. “Yes, Virginia.”
Virginia started crying. Levi hoped they were happy tears. He walked up to her and put his arm around her. She looked at him, her brown eyes sparkling with tears. “I’m sorry, Levi. I shouldn’t have left. I should’ve said farewell.”
Levi nodded. “It’s fine, Virginia. I understand.”
“How did you find me?”
Levi laughed. “It’s a long story.”
“I am glad you did.”
Virginia leaned in close and kissed Levi. “I really love you, Levi.”
“I love you too.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.11.2010

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To the love of my life, even though he doesn't know it.

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