
First time when we met

It so hard when your life is like a nightmarre. You don’t have friends and family you just have your self. Sometimes I have thinking standing on the bus stop near to street just one step and everything will over all my problems would be gone for ever with me. Hi. My names is Samanta I’m living alone because my parents have died in the planecrush. I have no where to go I was alone. Lost in this big world. I’m a student I’m studing photography in Birmingham University. I like doing photos. When I look into my camera objectiv I feel free because everything looks so incredible beautiful. I like also studing. I like my group in University. When I study I feel like I’m other person. And when all lessons are over I never go home. I will better read some book in the library. And one sunny day I was doing photos in the park. When something hit me. It was young men with blue eyes, blond hair and face like the angel. 
-Sorry. Are you okay?
-Yeah. I’m fine thanks for asking.
-One more time sorry .

And he run away do not even say his name. He was with his friends playing football. His friends was also cute but not such as he. I have made some photos of him. It was good shots. And when I was leaving someone have call my name. It was strange the voice do not was familiar. I when I turn around I have see that beautiful face. And one question what the hell? How he know my name?
-Are you Samanta Spencer?
-Yes. It ‘s me. Do I know you?
-No. I just have found your student ID.
-Oh, thanks.
-And my name is Robert.
-It was nice to meet you.
And I run away because I was late to my bus. I do not have car but I’m good runner. And thanks Gods I have made it. When I found a set I put my earphones and listen music. I like to listen Rihana, Beyonce, but my favorite singer is Adele. All travel to home I have listen Adele-Hello. I can listen this sing again and again.
When I at last was at home I quickly take a shower and go sleep because tomorrow I must go to the University and then to the job in night club „Crazy Nights”. I like work there when it’s Friday because then I do not feel so alone on weekend. When I was lying on the bed I remembered that men face. And with his face in my middle I fall asleep.

Friday night


Like always I wake up at 8 o‘clock the lessons starts at 10. So I have enough time to get ready. I slowly wake up and go to the bathroom to clean my teeth and face. Have put my make up on and brush my curly brown hair. Grab some sandwich from kitchen and was almost ready just took my camera and battery’s and of course my phone. Then as usual I go to the bus stop and at 9:45 I was at the University ready for study hard. In University I seat with my friend Katy. She is my best friend from middle school. And like always she try to make me go with her to the party. But I’m not fan of this kind of entertainment. I better will listen some music at home drinking coffee and retouch photos.

-Come on Samanta let’s party to night. You never go with any where. I soon will forget how you look.

-If you most often attend to the lessons you will not forget me.

-But study is so boring.

-It’s hard to deal with you. Sorry Katy but on Friday’s I work remember?

-Oh, yeah.

-So will meet next Monday if you will be here.

And every Friday is like this. But I really like my job I have good tips every night. The day goes faster and after study’s I go to my work. Because club opens at 10 pm, but I must clean my place and get ready. When I was cleaning up I turn on song it was Russian song by Byanka and have sing and dance when something have touch my shoulder. I have turn around and my face  have looked scared.

-Sorry I don’t want scared you.

-Ittt’s okay. Can I help you?

-Oh, yes. I’m searching for Tom, where he is?

-Please wait a second. I will call him.

-No problem.

-Tom can you get here? There is a man who is searching for you.

-My name is Robert.

-The Robert is searching for you.

Then have Tom come. It’s looks like there are good friend. And when I go back to my work I understand. That this Robert is the same Robert from park. Shit, Shit Samanta. What he is doing here.


In the same time in the other room Tom and Robert have talk.


-Hey, Tom how are you? You have change from the last time I had saw you.

-Everything is okay as always.

-Who was that girl she looks familiar.

-I don’t think so. Where could you see her. She leaves alone, because her parents have died. She are student. When is day she is studying and at the night she works here.

-I remembered I have saw her at park when I have play football with Simon, Erik, John and Kirk.

-Please do not hurt her. She have only get back to normal life.

-I promise I will not hurt her maybe. You know I can’t promise things like this.

-Little bastard I warned you.

-Okay, okay I will be good boy.


It’s 10 pm and work starts. The club is full by pretty girl, rich boys and drank people. Like always. I have order to 4 table and how you think who sit there. Of course Tom with Robert and other girls. They are very handsome so it’s okay. And someone grab my hand. It was Robert.

-Maybe you would like to sit with us.

-I am sorry, but I’m working.

-Samanta -Tom said- Today you end your work earlier. I still will pay for you for this work day.

-Thank you, but I like my work. And I would like to work.

-Samanta how you see my friend want spent this night in your company.

-Say could I denied this proposition?

-Probably no.

-Okay I will say Carmen to carry on of my tables.

-We will wait for you.

I quickly change my clothes put some make up. And go to their table, but I was stop by Katy.

-You little liar. You said that you work today.

-My boss friend want speed this night in my company. I cant lost my job you understand that.

-Yes, but I will release you only after dance. Remember the height school. We was a good dancers.

-Katy, please no.

-I have heard yes. Hey DJ give my a good rhythm.

The DJ have turn song on of JL –Ain’t your mama. I like this song. When I alone I dance at this song so I was ready for dance battle with Katy. When song starts Katy start dancing and I see that now we standing in the center of stage and everyone are looking at us. Even Tom with Robert have come closer. The Katy ends her performance it’s my turn, but I can’t when everyone are looking at me.

-Samanta show what you got?

-Katy please.

-I’m still waiting.

And form the crowd I heard “Chicken, probably she can’t dance. Oh our Cinderella is shy”. The word Cinderella have kill something in me and I start to dance. It was incredible felling after so long time I have feel totally free. I have know couple styles like dubstep, hit-hop and twerk. When I have end and look at the Katy her mouth was open.

-Samanta you was like devil in good sense of course, but that was just amazing. Don’t know that you could dance like this.

-Thanks Katy, I was learning at the summer.

-Where I want dance like this to.

When I have look at Tom and Robert, they was looking funny with their strange faces.

-What you have said? Do not hurt her. Men she like a fire.

-Yes I see that.

This night was incredible I have met so many people and just spend awesome night with Katy. When everything was over I was going home when some car have stop in front of me. It was Robert.

-Samanta maybe I can took you home.

-No. Thank you I like walking in the night the city at this time looks just amazing.

-Then maybe I can escort you home.

-Yes I think.

-So, what you doing at free time without working.

-I’m student.

-And what you study?


-Yes I have forget about it. I have see you with camera. Do you remember me?

-Yes, we have meet at park. You have found my Student ID.

-So, you remember me.


-Have you a boyfriend?

-No, I don’t have time for it.

-And if you would have time. Would you what have one.

-I don’t know I wasn’t thinking about it. Have you some proposition?

-Maybe… Could you give me your phone number?

-I think you already have. I think Tom give it to you. You ask me phone number that it wouldn’t look strange for me. Because you think I would think how he got my number. It’s okay you could have it. By the way thanks for escort me, this is my house. So, bey.

-Wouldn’t you invite me?

-No, I don’t know you at all. Maybe you are some maniac. Bey Robert. Sweet dreams.

And I have leave Robert with his thoughts. When I heard that someone is talking in front of my window. The Robert was talking with someone by the phone. But I couldn't her anything at all.


The Robert and Tom conversation.


-This girl is amazing and she is first who reject me. It will be interesting. I want know her better. Tom she reject me it’s something new for me.

-Deal with that. I think if you want know her better you must try hard.

-I’m ready for that.

First date


The sun was height when I have wake up and when I go outside to take my newspaper and letters I found big bouquet of roses there was a postcard it was from Robert.


Dear Samanta,

You are very nice and cute person I realy

Want to know you better. If you are free today I will take you at 7 o’clock.

If you agree text me. My number is on the other side of postcard.

With love Robert.


It was so sweet I have already forget that feeling when someone likes you. I was thinking about this proposition about 2 hours. At last I understand that I don’t have what to loose. I have text him.

-Hi, Robert it’s Samanta I am take your invite.

-Hi, nice to hear it from you.

-Can you say where we will go? Because I need know what dress to choose.

-Wear something with what you feel comfortable.

-Okey, then see you at 7. Bey.


All day I was speculating where he will take me. It was so interesting and I couldn’t sit calm at one place. It’s already 6 I must get ready. I have choose black skirt, white pulover and warm jacket,long socks, bright boots and sweet red scarf. I have leave my hair loose curly hair and put some natural make up, but my skin from born are like tanned.

I was 18:55 when some car have drive to my backyard. It was beautiful car, black Lamborghini. I’m in love with this kind for cars. I have go out side the Robert was already waiting for me.

-Hi dear.

-Hi you have just amazing car.

-You like that?

-Yes of course who wouldn’t like lambo…?

-You are first from all girls who I know say about my car lambo only boys say like this.

-Maybe you associate with wrong people.

-Please sit. I want take you to one place. This place is special I have never show it to others.

-You for all girl say it.

-No only for beautiful ones.

-Haha seriously?


-Okey and what we will do there?

-Everything that we what.

-Mhm, it will be interesting.

The road was so long that for the moment I have close my eyes and I have fall asleep. When I was wake up and look around Robert wasn’t in the car only his jacket with have covered me. I have open my eyes widely and then get out of the car. I go straight there was something that looks like house or something like this, but I have hear some strange noise and fast go backward and have hit to something and only after sometime when I have feel harm hands on my chin I understand that it was Robert. I have hugged him and can’t let go even I known I must, but I was so scared.

-Are you okay?

-Where have you been?

-Aww, have you already miss me?

-No, only I I…

-Okay, I understand that you was scared.

-Please don’t leave me here alone It’ s scary place.

-No, it just looks like this. Turn around look.

I have turned around and see that something that have looked like house was a big cottage with lights.

-I have leave you in the car, because you was sleeping and in this time I go to turn on lights.

-It’s so beautiful. Are you living here?

-No, it my special place I came here when I have good mood or I am in love.

-What the reason is this time. Don’t say I know it’s…

And in this moment Robert have kissed me. His lips was so warm and soft. He have hold me hand so gently and with other hand pull me closer to him. I have respond to his kiss, when something cold have touch my face. It was snowing. And at that moment I couldn’t think about better date ever. It was magical.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.06.2016

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