
Day when I meet my enemy or friend?

All schools have their own life. The popular one, the bully, nerds, emo etc. But the worst thing is when you are new one in school and you don‘t belong to some of group. When you a long time live alone, because your parents live their own life, mom likes travels and dad always works, but they like their lives. So, how you understand I’m a rich child of rich parents. But never tell about that to someone, I don’t like fake friends. So, everyone thinks that I’m a regular student in regular school.

So, I think it’s time to introduce. My name is Viola Mornings. I’m 17 and I’m new one and it’s my story. Story about life, teenage, party, friends, enemies and love. Maybe you will recognize you in my story. The first my rule is no friends, second one no love. But how we known rules are to brake them.


It’s was first day in new school. This day have change my life. The Monday morning, the alarm clock wake up me. I take shower and start to dress. I don’t dress like I  I have million in my pocket. I dress simple jeans, boots black top, black jacket. I like when my hair a in the pony tail.

I think it’s simple and cute. So I go to the kitchen eat my breakfast and now I ready to school. I took my skateboard and go out side. I can ride with car but no… I like speed so I have black mustang, so better if I ride with skateboard. After 10 min I reach my new school The Grey High School. First what I must to do it took my schedule from director. The director of this school is a nice lady. When I have took my schedule and look over almost all lesson is advance… Yeah, I glad that I got my brains from dad. From mom I have nice face, I have think so at last, but … When I have look in my schedule I have hit into some guy… He look so cute those black eyes, but when he open his mouth I heard :”You jerk face look where are you going.” And I have made my first biggest mistake… I have answer to him :” Oh, sorry if I’m jerk face who you are then. Dear, have you ever look into the mirror? Probably NO.” He has grab my arm and hit me into the wall :”What you did say?”, but the ring to lesson have save my. The first lesson was history. I just love history…

I go into the class number 26 and see him my mistake. And what you think the last free seat is next to him… I have think only:” Why God? It’s a joke , if yes it’s no funny at all”.

I have no solution only seat there. After 5 min to the class enter teacher. He say like all teachers:” Class! In our class are new student Viola Mornings. Dear introduce your self.” I have stand up and :” I think my name and surname it’s enough” and then Mistake have said:

-Oh, all look it’s jerk face.

-Really? All look it’s a guy who don’t have mirror so sad.

-You will pay for that new one.

-What ever.

-You will pray for death.

-Seating next to you is almost like death.

Then teacher stops this dialog. Oh, I forget teacher name is Mr. Tod Lightman. He looks like a smart one. All lesson we have talk about what we have do all summer and I have just listen some music.

When the lesson ends, everyone have fast live class. And when I stand up and go to the doors. I understand that doors are locked. And behind doors I hear:

-So new one, welcome to my school.

-Yeah, you?


-What is your name?

-Why you asking?

-I want to know what words be on your grave.

-It’s funny. And good luck.

-Good luck for what?

-To escape from class and my name is Tom Robertson.

-Tom Robertson you are so dead.

So I have stuck in this class. I was glad that this class is on first floor. Maybe not every girl would do that, but… I have open the window and jump through him. On the grass have relax students and I jumping through window. Nice, now everyone will remember that. After everything the rest part of day was quiet. When all lessons was over I have took my skateboard and ready to go home, but no. Tom want to talk.

-Hey, you. The new one.

I have ignore him and go strength.

-Sorry, that I locked you in the class, but what you have do that was cool. I have not see something like that or even girl doing this.

-Hey, you. Go away.

I go out side jump on my skateboard and ride home. I have beautiful home. Of course I have live alone. But the biggest surprize was when I have road to my yard I see that… Tom my mistake is my neighbour. And he see me…

-So, you live here.

-You think so?

-Why you so angry? I want to become friends.

-Really? Why you then call me jerk face and have locked me into the class. Thanks, but I don’t need friends like you. So goodbye.




Second mistake. And maybe new friend?


The first day was only beginning, because it was only Monday, for me still waiting 4 days of studies. Second day probably must be easy, but not for me.

 The day starts as always. But now for me in my yard waiting my mistake, yeah you know that  was Tom.

-Hey! I was waiting for you.

-And I don’t.

-No. You? Don’t wait for me? How can it be? Everyone always waiting for me. How you can see I’m pretty guy.

-Really? In what place?

-I see you are hot chick.

-Yeah, but oh not your, how sad.

-Maybe we can go out some day.

-With you? I will better die.

-I know you like me.

-Oh, and what you can say more about me?

-I want you.

-You say it to all, but it won’t work with me and you not my type…

I have leave him stand there put my earphones and ride to school. The first lesson was math. I was listen music and I got attention. When the math was end I go to my locker. When something hit me. It was some guy , he was punch by some other. But my rule “No friend”. The boys grab that guy and start punching him. But when he again hit me! It’s was to much. I grab that guy and help him stand up and say to run away. The boys was not very happy about that.

-Hey. You are new one in our school, right?

-Yes, and?

-In this school you will play by our rules. So stay away or …

-Or what? You think I’m afraid of couple boys who punch four one poor guy?

-Shut up if you want stay alive!

-Please, live it to someone else.

In one moment I feel that some one had punch from the back.

-So, you want play hard?

I had grab that someone arm and hit to the wall then punch to the stomach. I can fight hard my dad always told me that in this world I must be ready for everything because he wouldn't always be near to me. So from childchood I was learning fight art. In this moment I was thankful to my dad for that lesson, because other bully have slap my face. And then I become angry. When I have end with them they all was lying on the ground. To watch this come some students. After fight I have realize that I have some scratch on my arm and face. So I wasn't waiting till lessons end. I grab my stuff and go home. I knew that this what I have done was second mistake. When I have reach my home. The first thing that I have made I took some ice for my face. I was lying on the couch and fall asleep. When I wake up it was evening. Someone was ringing at the doorbell. It was Tom.

-Hi, how are you?

-What you want?

-Just, ask. I know what happened today at school.

-I think it know everyone.

-So, how about you? How are you? Omg, your face?

-It’s nothing. It could be worse.

-Maybe I can help you?

I was so upset. I have think that I need company, it’s hard always be alone.

-Want to drink?

-Em, okey why not.

-Come in.

Tom was siting at the couch and I find bottle of brandy. We have drink all bottle. We have talk about movies, music etc. It was pretty goof felling not to be alone. Tom fall asleep, because he was drunk so I let him stay he was sleeping on couch and I of course in my room.

Maybe braking rules isn't so bad


I knew that this day will hard to me. I was lying in my bed when I remember that Tom is sleeping on the couch. I quickly get ready and go down. When I was there Tom was leave. He left a letter.


Thanks for yesterday it was nice

To talk with you like that.




When I read it I go out. I took my skateboard and then I think what point. I have brake all my rules. So I took keys from my car. When I enter to school everyone look at me it was uncomfortable. But still I must go on. When I reach my locker my enemies was waiting for me. For this time I talk to them first.

-What? You what more?

-No! We just want to ask maybe you want go to my party?

-Why you so nice today?

-No reason.

-Em, when and where?

-Friday. Evening at 7. At my place.


The day go fast. I made some friend. Her name was Amelia. She was very nice person. And what was strange he knew who I’m. She knew my parents. So I have nothing to lose. And after school I invite her to visit me. We have ride with my car.  We have drink some tea.

She have told what people speak about me.

-You know most of people like about that what you make with those guys, but most of students think that you are cool. And I heard that you consort with Tom Robertson.

-Yeah, he his my neighbor.

-Really? It’s so cool. He is the most popular guy in the school. But don't be nice to him. He have girlfriend Amanda Pears. She is the captain of cheerleader team. She is total bit…

-Okey, I understand that. You can be calm we are just neighbors. I was invite to the party this Friday maybe we can go there together.

-To Ricky party?


-This Friday at 7?


-He makes the best partys ever. Sorry will talk about it later. It’s late I must go home. My mom will be angry.

-Oh, okey sea ya.

And I was alone again. But now I knew I have friend and I start like this place. I have feel like I’m home and my mood become better too.

Broken rules and life


Today I didn’t go to school I was with Amelia in the shop. Because we want be ready for Friday party. I have buy some short and skinny top. It look nice.


This day was just fantastic. We have talk and just have fun.After shopping I have go home. When I was making some food out of the window I have see how Tom was fighting with his girlfriend Amanda. They have scream so loud. I have heard each word even when I was not listing them. When the Amanda have live Tom house I heard doorbell it was Tom he was very upset so I invite him. He have told that Amanda was cheating on him with Ricky.

To make his mood better I supply to revenge. I told Tom that he can go to the Ricky party with me and Amelia. But he say that he will go with his football team friends. We have talk a little bit and he have leave.

And at last this day come. Friday!!! All people in the world like this day and students the most. I don’t why, but I was waiting for this day. All day it was preparing for Ricky party. But the most I like my hair. 

At 6 I was waiting for Amelia she say that she will took me with her Mercedes. I like this car this car is fast, but not for me. So I was ready and I with Amelia ride to the party. When we open the Ricky house door the party was all ready start. And many of party members was drunk. Amelia meet there her ex- boyfriend Sem. And I was left alone. Because they have go some where. Probably to talk or have fun. You know what I talk about. So I go and took some bear for me. When Ricky have call me to dance. But it’s last long, because Amanda have grab my hair.

-Hey, what do you think you doing?


-With my boyfriend?

-I was think that your boyfriend is Tom.

-Not any more.

-Oh, sorry. I didn’t know that.

-And now you know. So, get lost.

-Chill, okey, okey.

-You will pay for that.

-For what?

-For having fun with my boyfriend.

-What? You even know have looks that thing that you have mention. Amanda just chill you are to drunk.

And then Amanda have slap me. It’s  hurt, but then come Amelia. I truly didn’t expect that what happened next.

-Hey. You know be your friend it the most horrible thing ever. Hey, people you know who is Viola in did? Her dad is Martin Mornings the one of richest people of the world.

-No! Don’t do that to me.

-Amanda you know that slap was just amazing. Maybe one more time.

-Thanks Amelia, but I think it Ricky turn.

-Amelia why you?

Something have punch me from the back and I have fall to my knees. It was Ricky. He was watching with so angry.

-You think that I have forgive you for that what you have done? You are so stupid. Rich but stupid.

Someone have grab my hand I help me to stand it was Tom with his friends.

-People what you doing? You are crazy? Amelia you are her friend , so what the hell is happening here?

-Tom probably you don’t know something about your neighbor. That she is rich kid. Her dad Martin Mornings.

-And? She didn’t deserve for this.

My head was so heavy. I was loss of consciousness. When I wake up I was lying in the bed, but it was not my room. And then I see someone face it was Tom.

-Whaaat happened? I don’t remember.

-Your friend Amelia have made angry plan with Amanda and Ricky. Everyone now know who you are.

-Why? For what?

-She was told that her dad have leave family for your mom, but your mom have say that she don’t love him. And her parents have brake up.

-Shit! Why I didn’t know that.

-It’s okey.

-Omg, what now I must do.

-Keep calm. Everything will be okey.

-Oh, thank you for yesterday. I must go now.


-See ya.

The night when I have feel alive


My life was totally broken. What I must do and go. I know one thing I must forget everything. It’s to late to change something. I need chill. I have call to my friend Dean. He have night club. I need forget everything and just fun. Because all info that I get just burning me.

So I take shower, dress up and ride to the shop to buy new clothes for today evening. I deserve this night. I haven't done anything bad so I need relax. I have bought the sexiest clothes that I have found. But it was cute because I not want look like slut.

I have gone to the beauty salon to make my hair just perfect. I like when my hair is a little bit curl.

When I have ride to my yard. Amanda, Ricky and Amelia have waiting for me.

-What do you want?

-To apologize.

-Leave my place right now. Or I will call police.

-You bitc…


When they had been leave. I have go to my room and get ready for the best night of my life. I have dress my new clothes. Put my make up on. And now I’m ready.

I have took keys from my mustang. And ride to the night club. The Dean have already waiting for me. We have drink some vodka, but he have leave me because he have make some work with bills.

I have drink some vodka and go to the dance floor. I was dancing with Dean girlfriend Mendy. Until some boy have grab my ass. It was rude. I was to drunk to fight with him, but then I have heard someone very similar voice.

- Find some one other for this men.

-Thank you, you you my heroo… Tom?

-You okey?

-What you have doing here?

- The director of this club is my friend.


-Yeah, you know him?

-He is my friend too.

-Cool. Maybe you what to dance.


I was dancing with Tom his chest was so warm I was heard his heart beat. I can’t be, no, no. I’m falling in love with him? No, it can’t. But it’s. The last rule and I have broken it. But I will never say it. Never, never… I don’t want my heart broken again. No more…

-Maybe, you can take me home? I’m to drunk to drive.

-Of course.

We have go to his car. When jerk from club have punch Tom. And Tom lip have bleed. Tom punch him back and before he can stand up. Me with Tom have jump to the car and ride home. When we have been already in front of my home. I ask Tom to visit my home.

-We need take carry of your lip.


-Your lip it’s bleeding.

-Oh, truly.

We have walk in. I took first aid. I said Tom to seat at kitchen chair. I took peroxide and some wool. In the end when I was packing first aid Tom have grab my arm and with other hand grab my waist and bring me closer to him and he have kiss me. It was passionate kiss, his lips was very soft and warm. But what, Viola what are you doing? I have push him away.

-Wait. What you doing?

-Kissing you. I really like you. I like you from our first meet.

-No, I can’t please don’t do that to me.

-I like you Viola. You are nice, cute, beautiful and just amazing. Please give me chance.

-I,I can’t.


I have tell to Tom my sad history how my best friend was cheating my with my boyfriend. I don’t have tell it to anyone. I think I must do that long ago.

-Viola I will never do that to you. You hear me never. I want to ask you, Will you be my girlfriend?

-Yes, I will  love to.

We have kiss again and in Tom embrace I fall asleep. It was the best thing in my alone life. I love you, Tom I love you. It was last think that I remember.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.05.2016

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